Match review overview screen

The match review overview screen allows the user to browse through all the reviews assigned to them:



All the reviews assigned to the user are presented in a list down the left hand side of the screen.  Clicking on a review brings up an overview of the review status in the main panel of the screen, as shown above.

The banner across the top of the main panel shows the name of the process that the review belongs to, and the percentage of matches requiring review that have been reviewed to date.  It also provides a link to launch the review application for this review.

Below the banner, three frames provide an overview of the relationships in the review, broken down by match status, review status and match rule.  The review application can be launched for any of the relationship subsets listed in these frames, simply by clicking on the orange link text naming the category you wish to review.  In this way, it is simple for the user to tighten the focus of their work to, for example, any relationships in their review which have been marked as pending, or for a developer of a process to examine the relationships which are being created by a given match rule.

Oracle ® Enterprise Data Quality Help version 9.0
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