true (May not apply to all OS Revisions. Please refer to 'General Notes')
Test Results:
The Certification Passed!
System Configuration Information:
Hostname: rx4770m6
HCTS VERSION=5.8,REV=2016.12.26
Oracle Solaris 11.4 X86
Copyright (c) 1983, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
Assembled 09 April 2021
Entire package Information:
Name: entire
Summary: entire incorporation including Support Repository Update
(Oracle Solaris
Description: This package constrains system package versions to the same
build. WARNING: Proper system update and correct package
selection depend on the presence of this incorporation.
Removing this package will result in an unsupported system.
For more information see:
Category: Meta Packages/Incorporations
State: Installed
Publisher: solaris
Version: 11.4 (Oracle Solaris
Packaging Date: Fri Apr 9 23:15:56 2021
Last Install Time: Mon Apr 12 16:29:01 2021
Size: 2.52 kB
FMRI: pkg://solaris/entire@11.4-