true (May not apply to all OS Revisions. Please refer to 'General Notes')
General Notes:
1. Do not select a graphical install.
This may leave the monitor in an unviewable mode to continue with the installation.
2. The support for onboard network interfaces BCM5709 are not integrated in Solaris 10 10/08. Before rebooting the system after the installation, the existing BRCMbnx driver must be removed and the Broadcom bnx driver version 4.4.3 must be applied.
Before reboot root file system is mounted on /a. To remove the existing bnx driver use:
# pkgrm -R /a BRCMbnx
To add the Broadcom bnx driver version 4.4.3 :
# cd
# pkgadd -R /a -d BRCMbnx.pkg
# reboot
3.On Solaris 10 10/08, system which have Intel Xeon processor(MP 7400 Series) will have reduced performance. As an workaround, following parameter need to be added to /etc/system file and then reboot the system.
set idle_cpu_prefer_mwait=0