The window shows an input text field with a Search button. Below this, the results are presented in table form. The table has one row of column titles followed by six rows of employee data. The table has six columns. Row 1 provides the column titles. From left to right, these are #, Name, Last name, Birth date, Role, and Department. Rows 2 through 7 contain employee data. Presented from left to right, top to bottom, the data is as follows: Row 2: 101, John, Smith, 12-12-1980, Manager, Sales, Row 3: 102, Laura, Adams, 02-11-1979, Manager,IT, Row 4: 103, Peter, Williams, 22-10-1966, Coordinator, HR, Row 5: 104, Joana, Sanders, 11-11-1976, Manager, Marketing, Row 6: 105, John, Drake, 18-08-1988, Coordinator, Finance, Row 7: 106, Samuel, Williams, 22-03-1985, Coordinator, Finance,