This image shows the partial "Load Data from Oracle Database Table" paragraph in the "HDFS and Oracle Database Data Analysis" note. This paragraph is displayed at the top of the note. It contains the following lines of code: Line 1: val jdbcDF = Line 2: .format("jdbc") Line 3: .options( Line 4: Map( Line 5: "url" -> "jdbc:oracle:thin:@//blurred", Note: The "url" field value that is displayed on Line 5 is partially blurred to hide the host name and port # for security reasons. Line 6: "dbtable" -> "BDM_DEMO.USERS", Line 7"user" -> "blurred", Line 8: "password" -> "blurred" Note: The "user" and "password" values that are displayed on lines 7 and 8 are blurred for security reasons. Line 9: ) Line 10: ) Line 11: .load() Line 12: jdbcDF.registerTempTable("USERS")