This image shows the "Process the Data" paragraph. This image shows the following partial lines of code: Line 1:import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.col Line 2: /* Line 3: * Class representing a graph edge - a connection between two users. Line 4: * Each record in the CSV file corresponds to an instance of this class. Line 5: */ Line 6: case class Edge( Line 7: idStart: Integer, Line 8: idEnd: Integer Line 9: ) Line 10: /* Parse the CSV file into a DataFrame consisting of instances of the Edge class */ Line 11: val edges = graphText Line 12: .map(s => s.split(",")) Line 13: .filter(s => s.size == 2) The paragraph's status is "FINISHED". The paragraph's toolbar contains the following icons: "Run this paragraph (Shift+Enter)", "Hide editor (Ctrl+Alt+E)", "Hide output (Ctrl+Alt+O)", and the "Menu" (gear icon).