This image shows the "Group Trips By Duration" paragraph. 

This code section of the paragraph contains the following lines of code:

select count(*) as `number of trips`, Trip_duration_minutes as `trip duration [minutes]` 
from taxi 
group by Trip_duration_minutes

The result section of the paragraph shows the output of the code section in a Bar Chart format. The bars in the chart represent the number of trips.

The paragraph's status shows as "FINISHED". 

The paragraph's output toolbar contains the following icons and link: "Table", "Bar Chart" (Selected), "Pie Chart", "Area Chart", "Line Chart", "Scatter Chart", "Download Data", and the "Settings" link. 

Below the toolbar, there are two option buttons: "Grouped" (Selected) and "Stacked" (Not selected). 

The x-axis of the Bar Chart shows the following values: "19", "38", "57", 76", and "101". 

The y-axis of the Bar Chart shows the following values: "50", "100", "150", "200", "250", and "278".