This image shows the "View All Taxi Data" paragraph. 
This paragraph contains the following two lines of code:
Line 1: %sql
Line 2: select * from taxi

The paragraph's output toolbar contains the following icons: "Table" (Selected), "Bar Chart", "Pie Chart", "Area Chart", "Line Chart", "Scatter Chart", "Download Data", and "gear". 

In the body of the paragraph, the partial result of running the paragraph is displayed in a table format. The following three columns and four rows of data are displayed: 
The "dropoff_geocode_geo_city" column: "The Bronx", "The Bronx", "The Bronx", "Long Island City". 
The "pickup_hour_of_day" column: "18", "8", "13", "10".  
The "dropoff_airport" column: "LGA", "LGA", "LGA", "LGA".