This image shows the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Compute Service page. At the top of the page is the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure product name. To its immediate right are two fields: Tenancy, underneath which is the tenancy that the user is logged into; and Region, underneath which is the region that the user is connected to. On the top of the right side of the console, the user's account ID is displayed with a pull-down menu area to its right. Beside that are two links that are labelled Support and Documentation, respectively. Underneath the Account ID is a line of links, labelled Home, Identity, Compute, Database, Networking, Storage, and Audit. The main body of the page contains the title "Instances in oraclestore (root) Compartment". Underneath this is a "Launch Instance" button, followed by a listing for an instance that already exists in the oraclestore (root) compartment. The listing of the instance shows a square green icon with the letter "I" in the center, underneath which is written "RUNNING". The other details of the instance are written beside the icon, including the instance's name, which is QATestServer, OCID: ...canjnva (with Show and Copy links beside the ID), Shape: VM.Standard.1.4, Region: phx, Availability Domain: scul:PHX-AD-1, Launched: Thu, 24 Aug 2017 20:12:27 GMT. An options menu icon is on the right side of the listing. Under Compute, there are two items: Instances and Images. The Compartment section lists one compartment: oraclestore (root), which is surrounded by a red rectangle to show that it's being selected.