Oracle Database 12c: What's New in Partitioning?
This tutorial covers the Oracle Database 12c enhancements that benefit your work with very large databases (VLDB) from several hundred gigabytes to several terabytes of data.Time to Complete
Approximately 1 hour.
Partitioning addresses key issues in supporting very large tables and indexes by decomposing them into smaller and more manageable pieces called partitions, which are entirely transparent to an application. New in Oracle Database 12c are:
1. Interval Reference Partitioning
2. Cascading TRUNCATE and EXCHANGE Operations
3. Moving Partitions Online
4. Maintaining Multiple Partitions
5. Maintaining Global Indexes Asynchronously
6. Using Partial Indexes
Hardware and Software Requirements
The following is a list of hardware and software requirements:
- Oracle Database 12c
- Linux operating system (especially for topic 3 where you run a Linux script)
Before starting this tutorial, you should:
- Have access to Oracle Database 12c with a sample ORCL database, the SYS user with SYSDBA privilege and OS authentication (so that you can execute the sqlplus / as sysdba command.)
- This example uses the USERS tablespace, included in Oracle Database 12c. The Sample Schemas installation guide is part of the database documentation set, and is also available online at:>
- Have downloaded and unzipped the file (which is in the files subdirectory of this tutorial) into a working directory.
- Navigate to your working directory and execute all files from that location.
- Execute the tutorial setup which creates the PART12c user.
This tutorial assumes that when you begin executing steps for a topic, you complete the entire topic before going to another one. If you wish to restart a topic, you must first execute the cleanup task.
You can also re-execute the Tutorial Setup which drops the PART12C user and its objects and then recreates it.
What You Already Know
Range partitioning is a convenient method for partitioning
historical data. The boundaries of range partitions define the
ordering of the partitions in the tables or indexes.
Interval partitioning is an extension to range partitioning in
which, beyond a point in time, partitions are defined by an
interval. Interval partitions are automatically created by the
database when data is inserted into the partition.
Range or interval partitioning is often used to organize data by
time intervals on a column of type DATE.
Tutorial Setup
Create the PART12C user who executes all other tutorial topics.
First, set your orcl environment variables.
To start a SQL*Plus session, enter: sqlplus / as sysdba.
Optionally, to display the file that you are about to execute, enter !cat setup12c.sql.
- Tip: It is always a good idea to first view a file before executing it. To avoid cluttering this tutorial, this optional step is not repeated.
To create the PART12c user, enter: @setup12c.sql.
Note: All Oracle passwords in this tutorial are: oracle_4U. -
To exit SQL*Plus, enter: exit.
Now, that you created the PART12C user with access to the USERS tablespace, you can begin to explore each of the new partitioning features of Oracle Database 12c.
1. Interval Reference Partitioning
Interval Reference Partitioning enables reference-partitioned
table to use interval partitioning as a top partitioning strategy
which provides better partitioning modeling.
Interval partitioned tables can be used as parent tables for
reference partitioning. Partitions in the reference partitioned
table corresponding to interval partitions in the parent table are
created upon insert into the reference partitioned table. Your
first set of test tables:
- How to create tables that use parent tables for reference partitioning
- How partitions are automatically created when you insert data
- That only the necessary partitions are created
- That a child partition inherits its name from its direct parent
- How to rename a partition
- That renaming a partition does not affect other (dependent) partitions
2. Cascading TRUNCATE and EXCHANGE Operations
You can simplify application development for reference and interval-reference partitioned tables by enabling the inheritance of the partition maintenance operation from the parent to the child tables with the CASCADE option for TRUNCATE PARTITION and EXCHANGE PARTITION operations. The cascade options are off by default so they do not affect compatibility. Your test tables are very similar to the first set:
Ensure that your environment variable are set and log in to SQL*Plus as the PART12C user with the oracle_4U password. (Review the Tutorial Setup, if you are not sure about the commands.)
To create the test tables (as shown in the graphic above), execute the t2create.sql script.
Note: You can execute a SQL script without specifying the extension because .sql is the default.
SQL> @t2create SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> set echo off SQL> SQL> REM Create the INTREF_P parent table SQL> CREATE TABLE intRef_p 2 (pkcol number not null, 3 col2 varchar2(200), 4 CONSTRAINT pk_intref PRIMARY KEY (pkcol)) 5 PARTITION by range (pkcol) interval (10) 6 (PARTITION p1 VALUES less than (10)); Table created. SQL> SQL> REM Create the INTREF_C1 child table SQL> CREATE TABLE intRef_c1 2 (pkcol number not null, 3 col2 varchar2(200), 4 fkcol number not null, 5 CONSTRAINT pk_c1 PRIMARY KEY (pkcol), 6 CONSTRAINT fk_c1 FOREIGN KEY (fkcol) 7 REFERENCES intRef_p(pkcol) ON DELETE CASCADE) 8 PARTITION by reference (fk_c1); Table created. SQL> SQL> REM Create the INTREF_C2 child table SQL> CREATE TABLE intRef_c2 2 (pkcol number PRIMARY KEY not null, 3 col2 varchar2(200), 4 fkcol number not null, 5 CONSTRAINT fk_c2 FOREIGN KEY (fkcol) 6 REFERENCES intRef_p(pkcol) ON DELETE CASCADE) 7 PARTITION by reference (fk_c2); Table created. SQL> SQL> REM Create the INTREF_GC1 grandchild table SQL> CREATE TABLE intRef_gc1 2 (col1 number not null, 3 col2 varchar2(200), 4 fkcol number not null, 5 CONSTRAINT fk_gc1 FOREIGN KEY (fkcol) 6 REFERENCES intRef_c1(pkcol) ON DELETE CASCADE) 7 PARTITION by reference (fk_gc1); Table created. SQL> SQL> REM Create the INTREF_GC2 grandchild table SQL> CREATE TABLE intRef_gc2 2 (col1 number not null, 3 col2 varchar2(200), 4 fkcol number not null, 5 CONSTRAINT fk_gc2 FOREIGN KEY (fkcol) 6 REFERENCES intRef_c2(pkcol) ON DELETE CASCADE) 7 PARTITION by reference (fk_gc2); Table created. SQL> SQL> REM End of file SQL>
Insert data so that you have two sets of partitions. You will drop one of them later. Execute the t2insert.sql script.
To view all data created so far, execute the t2selstar.sql script.
SQL> @t2selstar SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM View all data SQL> col COL2 format a30 SQL> set echo on SQL> SELECT * from intRef_p; PKCOL COL2 ---------- ------------------------------ 333 data for truncate - p 999 data for truncate - p 2 rows selected. SQL> SELECT * from intRef_c1; PKCOL COL2 FKCOL ---------- ------------------------------ ---------- 1333 data for truncate - c1 333 1999 data for truncate - c1 999 2 rows selected. SQL> SELECT * from intRef_c2; PKCOL COL2 FKCOL ---------- ------------------------------ ---------- 2333 data for truncate - c2 333 2999 data for truncate - c2 999 2 rows selected. SQL> SELECT * from intRef_gc1; COL1 COL2 FKCOL ---------- ------------------------------ ---------- 1333 data for truncate - gc1 1333 1999 data for truncate - gc1 1999 2 rows selected. SQL> SELECT * from intRef_gc2; COL1 COL2 FKCOL ---------- ------------------------------ ---------- 2333 data for truncate - gc1 2333 2999 data for truncate - gc2 2999 2 rows selected. SQL> SQL> REM End of file. SQL>
To view the data for primary key 999, joined by parent - child - grandchild, execute the t2select.sql script.
SQL> @t2select SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM View data joined by parent - child - grandchild SQL> col parent format a30 SQL> col child1 format a30 SQL> col child2 format a30 SQL> col grandchild1 format a30 SQL> col grandchild2 format a30 SQL> SQL> SELECT p.pkcol, p.col2 parent, c1.col2 child1, c2.col2 child2, gc1.col2 grandchild1, gc2.col2 grandchild2 2 FROM intRef_p p, intRef_c1 c1, intRef_c2 c2, intRef_gc1 gc1, intRef_gc2 gc2 3 where p.pkcol = c1.fkcol 4 and p.pkcol = c2.fkcol 5 and c1.pkcol = gc1.fkcol 6 and c2.pkcol = gc2.fkcol 7 and p.pkcol=999; PKCOL PARENT CHILD1 CHILD2 GRANDCHILD1 GRANDCHILD2 ---------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ 999 data for truncate - p data for truncate - c1 data for truncate - c2 data for truncate - gc1 data for truncate - gc2 1 row selected. SQL> SQL> REM End of file. SQL>
Use the cascading TRUNCATE functionality by executing:
TRUNCATE PARTITION for (999) cascade update indexes;
SQL> ALTER TABLE intRef_p TRUNCATE PARTITION for (999) cascade update indexes; 2 Table truncated. SQL>
To view all data in the reference partitioned tables, execute the t2selstar.sql script.
Note: All data that were referencing the primary key 999 have been truncated.SQL> @t2selstar SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM View all data SQL> set echo on SQL> SELECT * from intRef_p; PKCOL COL2 ---------- ------------------------------ 333 data for truncate - p 1 row selected. SQL> SELECT * from intRef_c1; PKCOL COL2 FKCOL ---------- ------------------------------ ---------- 1333 data for truncate - c1 333 1 row selected. SQL> SELECT * from intRef_c2; PKCOL COL2 FKCOL ---------- ------------------------------ ---------- 2333 data for truncate - c2 333 1 row selected. SQL> SELECT * from intRef_gc1; COL1 COL2 FKCOL ---------- ------------------------------ ---------- 1333 data for truncate - gc1 1333 1 row selected. SQL> SELECT * from intRef_gc2; COL1 COL2 FKCOL ---------- ------------------------------ ---------- 2333 data for truncate - gc1 2333 1 row selected. SQL> SQL> REM End of file. SQL>
Execute the t2select.sql script again that joins by parent - child - grandchild.
Note the same result: All data that were referencing the primary key 999 have been truncated.SQL> @t2select SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM View data joined by parent - child - grandchild SQL> col parent format a30 SQL> col child1 format a30 SQL> col child2 format a30 SQL> col grandchild1 format a30 SQL> col grandchild2 format a30 SQL> SQL> SELECT p.pkcol, p.col2 parent, c1.col2 child1, c2.col2 child2, gc1.col2 grandchild1, gc2.col2 grandchild2 2 FROM intRef_p p, intRef_c1 c1, intRef_c2 c2, intRef_gc1 gc1, intRef_gc2 gc2 3 where p.pkcol = c1.fkcol 4 and p.pkcol = c2.fkcol 5 and c1.pkcol = gc1.fkcol 6 and c2.pkcol = gc2.fkcol 7 and p.pkcol=999; no rows selected SQL> SQL> REM End of file. SQL>
To drop your test tables, execute the t2drop.sql script.
SQL> @t2drop SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> set echo on SQL> SQL> REM To cleanup and to allow for re-execution of this topic, SQL> REM tables must be dropped. SQL> SQL> DROP TABLE intRef_gc1 PURGE; Table dropped. SQL> DROP TABLE intRef_gc2 PURGE; Table dropped. SQL> DROP TABLE intRef_c1 PURGE; Table dropped. SQL> DROP TABLE intRef_c2 PURGE; Table dropped. SQL> DROP TABLE intRef_p PURGE; Table dropped. SQL> SQL> PROMPT End of file. End of file. SQL>
To create new test tables (a parent with one child and one grandchild), execute the t2create1.sql script.
SQL> @t2create1 SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> set echo off SQL> SQL> REM Create the INTREF_P parent table SQL> CREATE TABLE intRef_p 2 (pkcol number not null, 3 col2 varchar2(200), 4 CONSTRAINT pk_intref PRIMARY KEY (pkcol)) 5 PARTITION by range (pkcol) interval (10) 6 (PARTITION p1 VALUES less than (10)); Table created. SQL> SQL> REM Create the INTREF_C1 child table SQL> CREATE TABLE intRef_c1 2 (pkcol number not null, 3 col2 varchar2(200), 4 fkcol number not null, 5 CONSTRAINT pk_c1 PRIMARY KEY (pkcol), 6 CONSTRAINT fk_c1 FOREIGN KEY (fkcol) 7 REFERENCES intRef_p(pkcol) ON DELETE CASCADE) 8 PARTITION by reference (fk_c1); Table created. SQL> SQL> REM Create the INTREF_GC1 grandchild table SQL> CREATE TABLE intRef_gc1 2 (col1 number not null, 3 col2 varchar2(200), 4 fkcol number not null, 5 CONSTRAINT fk_gc1 FOREIGN KEY (fkcol) 6 REFERENCES intRef_c1(pkcol) ON DELETE CASCADE) 7 PARTITION by reference (fk_gc1); Table created. SQL>
To insert data into your new test tables, execute the t2insbefore.sql script.
SQL> @t2insbefore SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM Prepare two sets of partitions with data SQL> set echo on SQL> INSERT INTO intRef_p 2 VALUES (999,' p999 - partitioned data BEFORE exchange - p'); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO intRef_c1 2 VALUES (1999,' p999 - partitioned data BEFORE exchange - c1',999); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO intRef_gc1 2 VALUES (1999,' p999 - partitioned data BEFORE exchange - gc1',1999); 1 row created. SQL> SQL> INSERT INTO intRef_p 2 VALUES (333,' p333 - partitioned data BEFORE exchange - p'); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO intRef_c1 2 VALUES (1333,' p333 - partitioned data BEFORE exchange - c1',333); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO intRef_gc1 2 VALUES (1333,' p333 - partitioned data BEFORE exchange - gc1',1333); 1 row created. SQL> commit; Commit complete. SQL> SQL> REM End of file. SQL>
To view all data for one branch of parent, child, and grandchild, execute the t2selstar1.sql script.
SQL> @t2selstar1 SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> col col2 format a48 SQL> REM View all data for one branch of parent, child, and grandchild SQL> set echo on SQL> SELECT * from intRef_p; PKCOL COL2 ---------- ------------------------------------------------ 333 p333 - partitioned data BEFORE exchange - p 999 p999 - partitioned data BEFORE exchange - p 2 rows selected. SQL> SELECT * from intRef_c1; PKCOL COL2 FKCOL ---------- ------------------------------------------------ ---------- 1333 p333 - partitioned data BEFORE exchange - c1 333 1999 p999 - partitioned data BEFORE exchange - c1 999 2 rows selected. SQL> SELECT * from intRef_gc1; COL1 COL2 FKCOL ---------- ------------------------------------------------ ---------- 1333 p333 - partitioned data BEFORE exchange - gc1 1333 1999 p999 - partitioned data BEFORE exchange - gc1 1999 2 rows selected. SQL> SQL> REM End of file. SQL>
To test the EXCHANGE functionality you need to create standalone nonpartitioned tables with the same PK-FK equivalent table construct than the reference partitioned table. Execute the t2createX.sql script to create these tables.
SQL> @t2createX SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM Create standalone nonpartitioned tables with SQL> REM the same PK-FK equivalent table construct SQL> REM than the reference partitioned table for EXCHANGE SQL> SQL> set echo on SQL> CREATE TABLE XintRef_p 2 (pkcol number not null, 3 col2 varchar2(200), 4 CONSTRAINT xpk_intref PRIMARY KEY (pkcol)); Table created. SQL> SQL> CREATE TABLE XintRef_c1 2 (pkcol number not null, 3 col2 varchar2(200), 4 fkcol number not null, 5 CONSTRAINT xpk_c1 PRIMARY KEY (pkcol), 6 CONSTRAINT xfk_c1 FOREIGN KEY (fkcol) 7 REFERENCES XintRef_p(pkcol) ON DELETE CASCADE); Table created. SQL> SQL> CREATE TABLE XintRef_gc1 2 (col1 number not null, 3 col2 varchar2(200), 4 fkcol number not null, 5 CONSTRAINT xfk_gc1 FOREIGN KEY (fkcol) 6 REFERENCES XintRef_c1(pkcol) ON DELETE CASCADE); Table created. SQL> SQL> REM End of file. SQL>
To insert data into your new test tables, execute the t2insertX.sql script.
SQL> @t2insertX SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM Create data for EXCHANGE SQL> set echo on SQL> INSERT INTO XintRef_p 2 VALUES (333,' p333 - nonpartitioned data - p'); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO XintRef_c1 2 VALUES (1333,' p333 - nonpartitioned data - c1',333); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO XintRef_gc1 2 VALUES (1333,' p333 - nonpartitioned data - gc1',1333); 1 row created. SQL> commit; Commit complete. SQL> SQL> REM End of file. SQL>
To view your new test data, execute the t2selstarX.sql script.
SQL> @t2selstarX SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM View data in standalone tables before exchange SQL> SQL> set echo on SQL> SELECT * from XintRef_p; PKCOL COL2 ---------- ------------------------------------------------ 333 p333 - nonpartitioned data - p 1 row selected. SQL> SELECT * from XintRef_c1; PKCOL COL2 FKCOL ---------- ------------------------------------------------ ---------- 1333 p333 - nonpartitioned data - c1 333 1 row selected. SQL> SELECT * from XintRef_gc1; COL1 COL2 FKCOL ---------- ------------------------------------------------ ---------- 1333 p333 - nonpartitioned data - gc1 1333 1 row selected. SQL> SQL> PROMPT End of file. End of file. SQL>
Execute a cascading EXCHANGE for the data that reference the primary key 333.
EXCHANGE PARTITION for (333) with table XintRef_p
CASCADE UPDATE indexes;SQL> ALTER TABLE intRef_p EXCHANGE PARTITION for (333) with table XintRef_p CASCADE UPDATE indexes; 2 3 Table altered. SQL>
View the standalone tables after the cascading exchange to confirm that the whole dependent table tree has been exchanged. Execute the t2selstarX.sql script.
To confirm the exchange, compare this output with the output in step 15. You see the difference in data.SQL> @t2selstarX SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM View data in standalone tables before exchange SQL> SQL> set echo on SQL> SELECT * from XintRef_p; PKCOL COL2 ---------- ------------------------------------------------ 333 p333 - partitioned data BEFORE exchange - p 1 row selected. SQL> SELECT * from XintRef_c1; PKCOL COL2 FKCOL ---------- ------------------------------------------------ ---------- 1333 p333 - partitioned data BEFORE exchange - c1 333 1 row selected. SQL> SELECT * from XintRef_gc1; COL1 COL2 FKCOL ---------- ------------------------------------------------ ---------- 1333 p333 - partitioned data BEFORE exchange - gc1 1333 1 row selected. SQL> SQL> PROMPT End of file. End of file. SQL>
To view the reference-partitioned tables after the cascading exchange, execute the t2selstar1.sql script.
SQL> @t2selstar1 SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> col col2 format a48 SQL> REM View all data for one branch of parent, child, and grandchild SQL> set echo on SQL> SELECT * from intRef_p; PKCOL COL2 ---------- ------------------------------------------------ 333 p333 - nonpartitioned data - p 999 p999 - partitioned data BEFORE exchange - p 2 rows selected. SQL> SELECT * from intRef_c1; PKCOL COL2 FKCOL ---------- ------------------------------------------------ ---------- 1333 p333 - nonpartitioned data - c1 333 1999 p999 - partitioned data BEFORE exchange - c1 999 2 rows selected. SQL> SELECT * from intRef_gc1; COL1 COL2 FKCOL ---------- ------------------------------------------------ ---------- 1333 p333 - nonpartitioned data - gc1 1333 1999 p999 - partitioned data BEFORE exchange - gc1 1999 2 rows selected. SQL> SQL> REM End of file. SQL>
To remove all test data, execute the t2drop2.sql script.
SQL> @t2drop2 SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM Drop tables used to show the exchange command SQL> SQL> set echo on SQL> DROP TABLE intRef_gc1 PURGE; Table dropped. SQL> DROP TABLE intRef_c1 PURGE; Table dropped. SQL> DROP TABLE intRef_p PURGE; Table dropped. SQL> DROP TABLE XintRef_gc1 purge; Table dropped. SQL> DROP TABLE XintRef_c1 purge; Table dropped. SQL> DROP TABLE XintRef_p purge; Table dropped. SQL> SQL> PROMPT End of file. End of file. SQL>
SQL> @t2insert
SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is
SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support.
SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended.
SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially
SQL> -- on a test instance.
SQL> REM Prepare two sets of partitions with data
SQL> REM ... we want to drop one set of them later.
SQL> set echo on
2 VALUES (999,' data for truncate - p');
1 row created.
SQL> commit;
Commit complete.
2 VALUES (1999,' data for truncate - c1',999);
1 row created.
2 VALUES (2999,' data for truncate - c2',999);
1 row created.
SQL> commit;
Commit complete.
2 VALUES (1999,' data for truncate - gc1',1999);
1 row created.
2 VALUES (2999,' data for truncate - gc2',2999);
1 row created.
SQL> commit;
Commit complete.
2 VALUES (333,' data for truncate - p');
1 row created.
SQL> commit;
Commit complete.
2 VALUES (1333,' data for truncate - c1',333);
1 row created.
2 VALUES (2333,' data for truncate - c2',333);
1 row created.
SQL> commit;
Commit complete.
2 VALUES (1333,' data for truncate - gc1',1333);
1 row created.
2 VALUES (2333,' data for truncate - gc1',2333);
1 row created.
SQL> commit;
Commit complete.
SQL> REM End of file.
In this tutorial section, you learned about reference and interval-reference partitioned tables:
- How to simplify application development by enabling the inheritance of the partition maintenance operations from the parent to the child tables
- How to use the CASCADE option for TRUNCATE PARTITION and EXCHANGE PARTITION operations.
- That the cascade options are off by default so they do not affect compatibility.
3. Moving Partitions Online
Starting with Oracle Database 12c, the ALTER TABLE ... MOVE
PARTITION operation functions as a non-blocking online DDL
command, while DML operations continue to execute uninterrupted on
the partition that is being moved.
Additionally, global indexes are maintained when a partition is
moved, so that a manual index rebuild is no longer required. The
online partitioning movement removes the read-only state for the
actual MOVE PARTITION command.
To explore interval reference partitioning:
Ensure that your environment variable are set and log in to SQL*Plus as the PART12C user with the oracle_4U password. (Review the Tutorial Setup, if you are not sure about the commands.)
- To create a test table with a global and a local index,
execute the t3create.sql script.
Note: You can execute a SQL script without specifying the extension because .sql is the default.
Review the output and press ENTER or RETURN when prompted.
SQL> @t3create SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM Create a fairly large test table. SQL> set pause off SQL> set echo on SQL> CREATE TABLE pt (col1, col2, col3, col4) 2 PARTITION by range (col1) interval (150000) 3 (PARTITION pdml values less than (500000), 4 PARTITION px values less than (600000), 5 PARTITION py values less than (700000)) 6 as 7 SELECT rownum, rownum*mod(rownum,10), 1, 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa' FROM dual connect by level < 1000000; Table created. SQL> PAUSE Press RETURN ... Press RETURN ... SQL> SQL> REM Create a global and a local index on the table. SQL> CREATE INDEX i1_pt_global on pt (col2); Index created. SQL> CREATE INDEX i1_pt_local on pt (col1) local; Index created. SQL> SQL> set pause off SQL> REM End of file. SQL>
To gain an overview over your just created data, count the rows in the PT table and the partition for 5000. Execute the t3count.sql script.
As you see, there are almost one million rows in the PT table and half a million in the partition.SQL> @t3count SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM Count the rows of the table and the partition to be moved. SQL> SQL> set echo on SQL> SELECT count(*) from pt; COUNT(*) ---------- 999999 1 row selected. SQL> SELECT count(*) from pt PARTITION for (5000); COUNT(*) ---------- 499999 1 row selected. SQL> SQL> REM End of file. SQL>
To view the status of the global and local indexes execute the t3ind.sql script.
As expected, the global index is VALID and the local ones USABLE.SQL> @t3ind SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM Display status for global and local index SQL> set lines 400 pages 1000 SQL> set feedback 1 SQL> col index_name format a30 SQL> set echo on SQL> SELECT index_name, status 2 FROM user_indexes 3 WHERE index_name like 'I1_PT_G%'; INDEX_NAME STATUS ------------------------------ -------- I1_PT_GLOBAL VALID 1 row selected. SQL> SELECT index_name, status 2 FROM user_ind_partitions 3 WHERE index_name like 'I1_PT_L%'; INDEX_NAME STATUS ------------------------------ -------- I1_PT_LOCAL USABLE I1_PT_LOCAL USABLE I1_PT_LOCAL USABLE I1_PT_LOCAL USABLE I1_PT_LOCAL USABLE 5 rows selected. SQL> SQL> REM End of file. SQL>
Execute the t3col3.sql script to display and count the values in the COL3 column.
Note: The only column value is "1."SQL> @t3col3 SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM Query COL3 SQL> set lines 400 pages 1000 SQL> set feedback 1 SQL> set echo on SQL> SELECT col3, count(*) 2 FROM pt group by col3; COL3 COUNT(*) ---------- ---------- 1 999999 1 row selected. SQL> SQL> REM End of file.
In a different terminal window, execute the tail t3list.log command.
$ tail t3list.log -- DISCLAIMER: -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. -- You should always run new scripts initially -- on a test instance. REM This is a sample output log for the demonstration of REM MOVING PARTITIONS ONLINE $
Optionally in your SQL*Plus session, review the script that you will execute with the following command:
Note: The script uses the variables j and x. You can adjust the value of x, if the execution of the script is too fast or too slow in your environment.SQL> !cat #!/bin/sh # -- DISCLAIMER: # -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is # -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. # -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. # -- You should always run new scripts on a test instance initially. # j=1 x=444 do_dml() { sqlplus /nolog << EOF connect part12c/oracle_4U REM select 'Update starts at '|| to_char(sysdate,'hh24:mi:ss') from dual; UPDATE pt set col3=2 where col1= $j; REM select 'Updated record '||$j from dual; commit; end; / select 'Update ends at ' ||to_char(sysdate,'hh24:mi:ss') from dual; exit; EOF } do_online_move() { sqlplus /nolog << EOF connect part12c/oracle_4U set echo on SELECT 'Online move starts at ' ||to_char(sysdate,'hh24:mi:ss') from dual; ALTER TABLE pt move partition for (1000) online update indexes; SELECT 'Online move ends at ' ||to_char(sysdate,'hh24:mi:ss') from dual; set echo off exit; EOF } # main echo "Let the fun start" >> t3list.log echo "Will update " $x "records, starting date and time: " date while [ $j -le $x ] do do_dml $j > /dev/null echo "Updated record " $j "at: " date >> t3list.log ((j++)) done & sleep 2 do_online_move wait SQL>
The variable j is updated in a loop.
While the value of j is less than x, DML operations are performed and a row is written to the t3list.log file.
In your SQL*Plus session execute this script. (As you know, Linux is very case-sensitive, so you must execute the command exactly as indicated.)
! ./
Note the time of the online move, in this example, from 9 minutes 40 seconds to 9 minutes 43 seconds.SQL> ! ./ Will update 444 records, starting date and time: Thu Sep 12 20:09:37 UTC 2013 SQL*Plus: Release Production on Thu Sep 12 20:09:39 2013 Copyright (c) 1982, 2013, Oracle. All rights reserved. SQL> Connected. SQL> SQL> 'ONLINEMOVESTARTSAT'||TO_CHAR( ------------------------------ Online move starts at 20:09:40 SQL> Table altered. SQL> 'ONLINEMOVEENDSAT'||TO_CHAR( ---------------------------- Online move ends at 20:09:43 SQL> SQL> Disconnected from Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Advanced Analytics and Real Application Testing options SQL>
At any time in the second terminal window, you can re-excute the tail t3list.log command. You see the values changing as long as the script is executing. Below is a sample output. (Hundreds of rows have been removed to avoid cluttering this tutorial.) You can also use any editor in your environment to see the entire file.
Note the updates in the middle section that occured while the partitions are moving online.$ tail t3list.log -- DISCLAIMER: -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. -- You should always run new scripts initially -- on a test instance. REM This is a sample output log for the demonstration of REM MOVING PARTITIONS ONLINE Let the fun start Updated record 1 at: Thu Sep 12 20:09:38 UTC 2013 Updated record 2 at: Thu Sep 12 20:09:38 UTC 2013 . . . Updated record 64 at: Thu Sep 12 20:09:41 UTC 2013 Updated record 65 at: Thu Sep 12 20:09:41 UTC 2013 . . . Updated record 443 at: Thu Sep 12 20:10:00 UTC 2013 Updated record 444 at: Thu Sep 12 20:10:00 UTC 2013
Execute the t3col3.sql script to display and count the values in the COL3 column.
Note that the COL3 column has been updated as often as specified by the value x, that is, 444 times in this example.SQL> @t3col3 SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM Query COL3 SQL> set lines 400 pages 1000 SQL> set feedback 1 SQL> set echo on SQL> SELECT col3, count(*) 2 FROM pt group by col3; COL3 COUNT(*) ---------- ---------- 1 999555 2 444 2 rows selected. SQL> SQL> REM End of file.
To view the status of the global and local indexes execute the t3ind.sql script.
As expected, the global index is VALID and the local ones USABLE.SQL> @t3ind SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM Display status for global and local index SQL> set lines 400 pages 1000 SQL> set feedback 1 SQL> col index_name format a30 SQL> set echo on SQL> SELECT index_name, status 2 FROM user_indexes 3 WHERE index_name like 'I1_PT_G%'; INDEX_NAME STATUS ------------------------------ -------- I1_PT_GLOBAL VALID 1 row selected. SQL> SELECT index_name, status 2 FROM user_ind_partitions 3 WHERE index_name like 'I1_PT_L%'; INDEX_NAME STATUS ------------------------------ -------- I1_PT_LOCAL USABLE I1_PT_LOCAL USABLE I1_PT_LOCAL USABLE I1_PT_LOCAL USABLE I1_PT_LOCAL USABLE 5 rows selected. SQL> SQL> REM End of file. SQL>
To remove your test data, execute the t3drop.sql script.
SQL> @t3drop SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM Drop test table. SQL> SQL> set echo on SQL> DROP TABLE pt purge; Table dropped. SQL> SQL> REM End of file. SQL>
For demonstration purposes, the COL3 column contains only the digit 1. You will update this column while the online move partition operation occurs.
- How to move a partition online and simultaneously updating the same rows
- That the online move is a non-blocking online DDL command, that is, the DML operations continue to execute uninterrupted on the partition that is being moved
- That global indexes are maintained when a partition is moved, so that a manual index rebuild is no longer required
4. Maintaining Multiple Partitions
Multipartition maintenance operations enable adding multiple partitions to a table, dropping multiple partitions, merging multiple partitions into one partition, splitting of a single partition into multiple partitions, and truncating multiple partitions using a single SQL data definition language (DDL) statement. For a summary of valid maintenance operations on partitions, subpartitions, and indexes, see the Oracle Database VLDB and Partitioning Guide.
Ensure that your environment variable are set and log in to SQL*Plus as the PART12C user with the oracle_4U password. (Review the Tutorial Setup, if you are not sure about the commands.)
To create a test table with multiple partitions, execute the t4create.sql script.
SQL> @t4create SQL> CREATE TABLE pt (c1, c2, c3) 2 PARTITION by range (c1) interval (10) 3 (PARTITION p1 values less than (11)) 4 as 5 SELECT rownum, rownum*mod(rownum,10), 'aaaa' 6 FROM dual connect by level < 95; Table created. SQL> SQL> REM End of file. SQL>
To view the existing number of rows for some of the partitions, execute the t4selstar.sql script.
SQL> @t4selstar SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM Count the rows in several partitions. SQL> SQL> set echo on SQL> SELECT count(*) FROM pt PARTITION for (5); COUNT(*) ---------- 10 1 row selected. SQL> SELECT count(*) FROM pt PARTITION for (55); COUNT(*) ---------- 10 1 row selected. SQL> SELECT count(*) FROM pt PARTITION for (95); COUNT(*) ---------- 4 1 row selected. SQL> SELECT count(*) FROM pt PARTITION for (105); COUNT(*) ---------- 0 1 row selected. SQL> REM End of file. SQL>
To view the partitions of the PT table, execute the t4show.sql script.
SQL> @t4show SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM Show the partitions of the PT table. SQL> set lines 400 pages 1000 SQL> set feedback 1 SQL> col partitioned format a12 SQL> col table_name format a10 SQL> col partition_name format a20 SQL> col high_value format a12 SQL> col index_name format a20 SQL> set pause off SQL> SQL> set echo on SQL> SELECT table_name, partition_name, high_value 2 FROM user_tab_partitions 3 WHERE table_name = 'PT' 4 ORDER BY table_name, partition_position; TABLE_NAME PARTITION_NAME HIGH_VALUE ---------- -------------------- ------------ PT P1 11 PT SYS_P618 21 PT SYS_P619 31 PT SYS_P620 41 PT SYS_P621 51 PT SYS_P622 61 PT SYS_P623 71 PT SYS_P624 81 PT SYS_P625 91 PT SYS_P626 101 10 rows selected. SQL>
Merge the partitions for 5, 15, and 25 into p30 in one operation. List the partitions to be merged explicitly and in the correct order.
Remember, a range partitioned table has its partitions in sequential order. The upper bound of one partition defines the lower bound of the following partition.
MERGE PARTITIONS for (5), for (15), for (25)
INTO PARTITION p30;SQL> ALTER TABLE pt MERGE PARTITIONS for (5), for (15), for (25) INTO PARTITION p30; 2 3 Table altered. SQL>
To verify that you merged multiple partitions, execute the t4show.sql script.
Success. If you compare this output with that of step 4, you see that three partitions are merged into one.SQL> @t4show SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM Show the partitions of the PT table. SQL> set lines 400 pages 1000 SQL> set feedback 1 SQL> col partitioned format a12 SQL> col table_name format a10 SQL> col partition_name format a20 SQL> col high_value format a12 SQL> col index_name format a20 SQL> set pause off SQL> SQL> set echo on SQL> SELECT table_name, partition_name, high_value 2 FROM user_tab_partitions 3 WHERE table_name = 'PT' 4 ORDER BY table_name, partition_position; TABLE_NAME PARTITION_NAME HIGH_VALUE ---------- -------------------- ------------ PT P30 31 PT SYS_P620 41 PT SYS_P621 51 PT SYS_P622 61 PT SYS_P623 71 PT SYS_P624 81 PT SYS_P625 91 PT SYS_P626 101 8 rows selected. SQL>
Split the me@t4showrged partition again into the same partitions you had originally. Use P10, P20, and P30 as partition names.
(PARTITION p10 values less than (10),
PARTITION p20 values less than (20),
PARTITION p30);SQL> ALTER TABLE pt SPLIT PARTITION p30 INTO (PARTITION p10 values less than (10), PARTITION p20 values less than (20), PARTITION p30); 2 3 4 Table altered. SQL>
To verify your operation, execute the t4show.sql script.
SQL> @t4show SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM Show the partitions of the PT table. SQL> set lines 400 pages 1000 SQL> set feedback 1 SQL> col partitioned format a12 SQL> col table_name format a10 SQL> col partition_name format a20 SQL> col high_value format a12 SQL> col index_name format a20 SQL> set pause off SQL> SQL> set echo on SQL> SELECT table_name, partition_name, high_value 2 FROM user_tab_partitions 3 WHERE table_name = 'PT' 4 ORDER BY table_name, partition_position; TABLE_NAME PARTITION_NAME HIGH_VALUE ---------- -------------------- ------------ PT P10 10 PT P20 20 PT P30 31 PT SYS_P620 41 PT SYS_P621 51 PT SYS_P622 61 PT SYS_P623 71 PT SYS_P624 81 PT SYS_P625 91 PT SYS_P626 101 10 rows selected. SQL>
To rename all partitions for readability, execute the t4rename.sql script.
SQL> @t4rename SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM Rename all partitions for pt, just for your ease of reading SQL> SQL> set echo on SQL> ALTER TABLE pt rename PARTITION for (5) to part10; Table altered. SQL> ALTER TABLE pt rename PARTITION for (15) to part20; Table altered. SQL> ALTER TABLE pt rename PARTITION for (25) to part30; Table altered. SQL> ALTER TABLE pt rename PARTITION for (35) to part40; Table altered. SQL> ALTER TABLE pt rename PARTITION for (45) to part50; Table altered. SQL> ALTER TABLE pt rename PARTITION for (55) to part60; Table altered. SQL> ALTER TABLE pt rename PARTITION for (65) to part70; Table altered. SQL> ALTER TABLE pt rename PARTITION for (75) to part80; Table altered. SQL> ALTER TABLE pt rename PARTITION for (85) to part90; Table altered. SQL> ALTER TABLE pt rename PARTITION for (95) to part100; Table altered. SQL> REM End of file. SQL>
To review the new partition names, execute the t4show.sql script.
SQL> @t4show SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM Show the partitions of the PT table. SQL> set lines 400 pages 1000 SQL> set feedback 1 SQL> col partitioned format a12 SQL> col table_name format a10 SQL> col partition_name format a20 SQL> col high_value format a12 SQL> col index_name format a20 SQL> set pause off SQL> SQL> set echo on SQL> SELECT table_name, partition_name, high_value 2 FROM user_tab_partitions 3 WHERE table_name = 'PT' 4 ORDER BY table_name, partition_position; TABLE_NAME PARTITION_NAME HIGH_VALUE ---------- -------------------- ------------ PT PART10 10 PT PART20 20 PT PART30 31 PT PART40 41 PT PART50 51 PT PART60 61 PT PART70 71 PT PART80 81 PT PART90 91 PT PART100 101 10 rows selected. SQL>
As mentioned above, the merging of multiple partitions by explicitly specifying them requires a sorted order for range and interval.
To produce a merge error, execute the t4merge_error.sql script.
Note that the PART30 partition is not in the correct sequential order and produces the ORA-14274 error.SQL> @t4merge_error SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM Attempt merging partitions, expect an error. SQL> SQL> set echo on SQL> ALTER TABLE pt MERGE PARTITIONS part10, part30, part20 2 INTO PARTITION p30; ALTER TABLE pt MERGE PARTITIONS part10, part30, part20 * ERROR at line 1: ORA-14274: partitions being merged are not adjacent SQL> REM End of file. SQL>
With the syntax new to Oracle Database 12c, perform a multi-partition merge operation. Either execute the t4merge_ok.sql script or enter the following command:
MERGE PARTITIONS part10 to part30
INTO PARTITION part30;SQL> @t4merge_ok SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM Correctly merge partitions. SQL> SQL> set echo on SQL> ALTER TABLE pt 2 MERGE PARTITIONS part10 to part30 3 INTO PARTITION part30; Table altered. SQL> REM End of file. SQL>
To view your current partitions, execute the t4show.sql script.
SQL> @t4show SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM Show the partitions of the PT table. SQL> set lines 400 pages 1000 SQL> set feedback 1 SQL> col partitioned format a12 SQL> col table_name format a10 SQL> col partition_name format a20 SQL> col high_value format a12 SQL> col index_name format a20 SQL> set pause off SQL> SQL> set echo on SQL> SELECT table_name, partition_name, high_value 2 FROM user_tab_partitions 3 WHERE table_name = 'PT' 4 ORDER BY table_name, partition_position; TABLE_NAME PARTITION_NAME HIGH_VALUE ---------- -------------------- ------------ PT PART30 31 PT PART40 41 PT PART50 51 PT PART60 61 PT PART70 71 PT PART80 81 PT PART90 91 PT PART100 101 8 rows selected. SQL>
To perform a multi-spit operation, execute the t4split.sql script. With this step your prepare partitions to be dropped.
SQL> @t4split SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM Split partitions. SQL> SQL> set echo on SQL> ALTER TABLE pt 2 SPLIT PARTITION for (5) INTO 3 (PARTITION pa values less than (1), 4 PARTITION pb values less than (2), 5 PARTITION pc values less than (3), 6 PARTITION pd values less than (4), 7 PARTITION pe); Table altered. SQL> REM End of file.
To view your current partitions, execute the t4show.sql script.
SQL> @t4show SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM Show the partitions of the PT table. SQL> set lines 400 pages 1000 SQL> set feedback 1 SQL> col partitioned format a12 SQL> col table_name format a10 SQL> col partition_name format a20 SQL> col high_value format a12 SQL> col index_name format a20 SQL> set pause off SQL> SQL> set echo on SQL> SELECT table_name, partition_name, high_value 2 FROM user_tab_partitions 3 WHERE table_name = 'PT' 4 ORDER BY table_name, partition_position; TABLE_NAME PARTITION_NAME HIGH_VALUE ---------- -------------------- ------------ PT PA 1 PT PB 2 PT PC 3 PT PD 4 PT PE 31 PT PART40 41 PT PART50 51 PT PART60 61 PT PART70 71 PT PART80 81 PT PART90 91 PT PART100 101 12 rows selected. SQL>
To drop multiple partitions in one operation, execute the following command.
Note that partitions do not have to be specified in sequential order.ALTER TABLE pt
DROP partitions for (0), for (2), for (1);
FAQ Notes:SQL> ALTER TABLE pt DROP partitions for (0), for (2), for (1); 2 Table altered. SQL>
- Dropped partitions are NOT in the recycle bin.
- Dropped tables are in the recycle bin depending on your recycle bin settings.
- Purged tables are never in the recycle bin.
To verify the operation and view your current partitions, execute the t4show.sql script.
Note: The PART100 partition has the high value of 101.SQL> @t4show SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM Show the partitions of the PT table. SQL> set lines 400 pages 1000 SQL> set feedback 1 SQL> col partitioned format a12 SQL> col table_name format a10 SQL> col partition_name format a20 SQL> col high_value format a12 SQL> col index_name format a20 SQL> set pause off SQL> SQL> set echo on SQL> SELECT table_name, partition_name, high_value 2 FROM user_tab_partitions 3 WHERE table_name = 'PT' 4 ORDER BY table_name, partition_position; TABLE_NAME PARTITION_NAME HIGH_VALUE ---------- -------------------- ------------ PT PD 4 PT PE 31 PT PART40 41 PT PART50 51 PT PART60 61 PT PART70 71 PT PART80 81 PT PART90 91 PT PART100 101 9 rows selected. SQL>
To understand the fast-split operation, first review the header file and header block for the PART100 partition. To view information in DBA_SEGMENTS, execute the t4seg100.sql script.
SQL> @t4seg100 SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM View header_file and Header_block number in DBA_SEGMENTS. SQL> col segment_name format a15 SQL> col partition_name format a15 SQL> col header_file format 9999999999 SQL> col header_block format 9999999999 SQL> set echo on SQL> SELECT segment_name, partition_name, header_file, header_block 2 FROM dba_segments 3 WHERE segment_name='PT' and partition_name='PART100'; SEGMENT_NAME PARTITION_NAME HEADER_FILE HEADER_BLOCK --------------- --------------- ----------- ------------ PT PART100 6 9489 1 row selected. SQL>
To perform the fast-split operation and create the PART95, PART96, PART97, and PART 101 partitions, execute the t4fastsplit.sql script.
SQL> @t4fastsplit SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM Perform fast split. SQL> SQL> set echo on SQL> ALTER TABLE pt 2 SPLIT PARTITION part100 INTO 3 (PARTITION part95 values less than (95), 4 PARTITION part96 values less than (96), 5 PARTITION part97 values less than (97), 6 PARTITION part101); Table altered. SQL> REM End of file SQL>
To view the segment information, for example for the PART95 partion, execute the t4seg95.sql script.
SQL> @t4seg95 SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM View header_file and Header_block number in DBA_SEGMENTS. SQL> col segment_name format a15 SQL> col partition_name format a15 SQL> col header_file format 9999999999 SQL> col header_block format 9999999999 SQL> set echo on SQL> SELECT segment_name, partition_name, header_file, header_block 2 FROM dba_segments 3 WHERE segment_name='PT' and partition_name='PART95'; SEGMENT_NAME PARTITION_NAME HEADER_FILE HEADER_BLOCK --------------- --------------- ----------- ------------ PT PART95 6 9489 1 row selected. SQL> SQL>
When you compare this output with the one from step 17, you see
that the location of the partition has not changed.
To verify the split and view your current partitions, execute the t4show.sql script.
SQL> @t4show SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM Show the partitions of the PT table. SQL> set lines 400 pages 1000 SQL> set feedback 1 SQL> col partitioned format a12 SQL> col table_name format a10 SQL> col partition_name format a20 SQL> col high_value format a12 SQL> col index_name format a20 SQL> set pause off SQL> SQL> set echo on SQL> SELECT table_name, partition_name, high_value 2 FROM user_tab_partitions 3 WHERE table_name = 'PT' 4 ORDER BY table_name, partition_position; TABLE_NAME PARTITION_NAME HIGH_VALUE ---------- -------------------- ------------ PT PD 4 PT PE 31 PT PART40 41 PT PART50 51 PT PART60 61 PT PART70 71 PT PART80 81 PT PART90 91 PT PART95 95 PT PART96 96 PT PART97 97 PT PART101 101 12 rows selected. SQL>
Because you cannot explicitly add partitions to an interval-partitioned table, alter the table to be partionted by range. To modify the PT table, execute the following command:
ALTER TABLE pt set interval();
SQL> ALTER TABLE pt set interval(); Table altered. SQL>
Alter the table and add three partitions: PN1, PN2, and PN3. To modify the PT table, execute the t4alter.sql script.
SQL> @t4alter SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM Add multiple partitions to your altered table. SQL> SQL> set echo on SQL> ALTER TABLE pt ADD 2 PARTITION pn1 values less than (102), 3 PARTITION pn2 values less than (104), 4 PARTITION pn3 values less than (200) compress for oltp; Table altered. SQL> REM End of file SQL>
To view your current partitions, execute the t4show.sql script.
SQL> @t4show SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM Show the partitions of the PT table. SQL> set lines 400 pages 1000 SQL> set feedback 1 SQL> col partitioned format a12 SQL> col table_name format a10 SQL> col partition_name format a20 SQL> col high_value format a12 SQL> col index_name format a20 SQL> set pause off SQL> SQL> set echo on SQL> SELECT table_name, partition_name, high_value 2 FROM user_tab_partitions 3 WHERE table_name = 'PT' 4 ORDER BY table_name, partition_position; TABLE_NAME PARTITION_NAME HIGH_VALUE ---------- -------------------- ------------ PT PD 4 PT PE 31 PT PART40 41 PT PART50 51 PT PART60 61 PT PART70 71 PT PART80 81 PT PART90 91 PT PART95 95 PT PART96 96 PT PART97 97 PT PART101 101 PT PN1 102 PT PN2 104 PT PN3 200 15 rows selected. SQL>
To cleanup the test data for this topic, execute the t4drop.sql script.
SQL> @t4drop SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM Cleanup test data. SQL> SQL> set echo on SQL> DROP TABLE pt purge; Table dropped. SQL> REM End of file SQL>
- How to perform multipartition maintenance operations by using a single SQL command
- How to merge multiple partitions into one partition
- How to split a single partition into multiple partitions
- That merging multiple partitions of range and interval-partitioned tables requires the partitions to be specified in sequential order
- How to drop mulitple partions from a table
- How to add multiple partitions to a range-partitioned table
5. Maintaining Global Indexes Asynchronously
The maintenance of global indexes can be decoupled from the DROP and TRUNCATE PARTITION operation and delayed to off-peak time without making the global index unusable. The advantage is that the original DROP and TRUNCATE PARTITION operation can proceed faster because the index maintenance occurs later.
Ensure that your environment variable are set and log in to SQL*Plus as the PART12C user with the oracle_4U password. (Review the Tutorial Setup, if you are not sure about the commands.)
To create the PT test table which will be used to demonstrate Oracle Database 12c funtionality, execute the t5create12.sql script. (Note: SQL*Plus uses the default .sql suffix for executing a script file.)
SQL> @t5create12 SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM For ASYNCHRONOUS GLOBAL INDEX MAINTENANCE SQL> REM Create test table SQL> SQL> set echo on SQL> CREATE TABLE pt (col1, col2, col3) 2 PARTITION by range (col1) interval (100000) 3 (PARTITION p0 values less than (1), 4 PARTITION p1 values less than (10), 5 PARTITION px values less than (99000), 6 PARTITION py values less than (100000)) 7 as 8 SELECT rownum, rownum*mod(rownum,10), 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa' 9 FROM dual connect by level < 100000; Table created. SQL> REM End of file SQL>
To insert rows into the PT table, execute the t5ins12.sql script.
SQL> @t5ins12 SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM For ASYNCHRONOUS GLOBAL INDEX MAINTENANCE SQL> REM Insert rows into test table SQL> set echo on SQL> INSERT /*+ append nologging */ into pt SELECT * FROM pt; 99999 rows created. SQL> COMMIT; Commit complete. SQL> INSERT /*+ append nologging */ into pt SELECT * FROM pt; 199998 rows created. SQL> COMMIT; Commit complete. SQL> INSERT /*+ append nologging */ into pt SELECT * FROM pt; 399996 rows created. SQL> COMMIT; Commit complete. SQL> INSERT /*+ append nologging */ into pt SELECT * FROM pt; 799992 rows created. SQL> COMMIT; Commit complete. SQL> REM End of file SQL>
To create a global index on the COL2 column of the PT table, execute the following command:
CREATE INDEX i1_pt on pt (col2);
SQL> CREATE INDEX i1_pt on pt (col2); Index created. SQL>
For comparison purpose create and use the PT_11G table which has the same structure and volume. To create the 11g-style test table, execute the t5create11.sql script.
SQL> @t5create11 SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM For ASYNCHRONOUS GLOBAL INDEX MAINTENANCE SQL> REM Create 11g-style test table SQL> set echo on SQL> CREATE TABLE pt_11g (col1, col2, col3) 2 PARTITION by range (col1) interval (100000) 3 (PARTITION p0 values less than (1), 4 PARTITION p1 values less than (10), 5 PARTITION px values less than (99000), 6 PARTITION py values less than (100000)) 7 as 8 SELECT * FROM pt; Table created. SQL> REM End of file SQL>
To create an index on the PT_11G table, execute the t5index11.sql script.
SQL> @t5index11 SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM For ASYNCHRONOUS GLOBAL INDEX MAINTENANCE SQL> REM Create index on 11g-style test table SQL> set echo on SQL> CREATE INDEX i1_pt_11g on pt_11g (col2); Index created. SQL> REM End of file SQL>
To count the number of rows in your test tables and partitions, execute the t5selstar.sql script.
Note: Both test partitions to be dropped have about one and a half million rows.The test tables have slightly more.SQL> @t5selstar SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM For ASYNCHRONOUS GLOBAL INDEX MAINTENANCE SQL> REM Count test tables and partitions SQL> set echo on SQL> SELECT count(*) FROM pt; COUNT(*) ---------- 1599984 1 row selected. SQL> SELECT count(*) FROM pt_11g; COUNT(*) ---------- 1599984 1 row selected. SQL> SELECT count(*) FROM pt PARTITION for (9999); COUNT(*) ---------- 1583840 1 row selected. SQL> SELECT count(*) FROM pt_11g PARTITION for (9999); COUNT(*) ---------- 1583840 1 row selected. SQL> REM End of file SQL>
To display the index status, execute the t5orphan.sql script.
Note: There are currently no orphaned entries.SQL> @t5orphan SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM For ASYNCHRONOUS GLOBAL INDEX MAINTENANCE SQL> REM Show index status SQL> set echo on SQL> SELECT index_name, status, orphaned_entries 2 FROM user_indexes 3 WHERE index_name like 'I1_PT%'; INDEX_NAME STATUS ORPHANED_ENTRIES ------------------------------ -------- -------------------- I1_PT_11G VALID NO I1_PT VALID NO 2 rows selected. SQL> REM End of file SQL>
To demonstrate the 11g behavior of dropping a partition, execute the t5alter11.sql script.
SQL> @t5alter11 SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM For ASYNCHRONOUS GLOBAL INDEX MAINTENANCE SQL> REM Change to 11g-style behavior SQL> set echo off Session altered. SQL> REM End of file SQL>
Time and compare the DROP PARTITION operation for both the 11g and the 12c operations. To drop an 11g-style partition, execute the t5drop11.sql script.
SQL> @t5drop11 SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM For ASYNCHRONOUS GLOBAL INDEX MAINTENANCE SQL> REM SQL> set timing on SQL> set echo on SQL> ALTER TABLE pt_11g 2 DROP PARTITION for (9999) update indexes; Table altered. Elapsed: 00:00:04.91 SQL> set timing off SQL>
To count the remaining rows in the PT_11G table, execute the t5sel11.sql script.
SQL> @t5sel11 SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM For ASYNCHRONOUS GLOBAL INDEX MAINTENANCE SQL> REM SQL> set echo on SQL> SELECT count(*) FROM pt_11g; COUNT(*) ---------- 16144 1 row selected. SQL>
To demonstrate the 12c behavior of dropping a partition, first execute the t5alter12.sql script.
SQL> @t5alter12 SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM For ASYNCHRONOUS GLOBAL INDEX MAINTENANCE SQL> REM Change to 12c-style behavior SQL> set echo off Session altered. SQL> REM End of file SQL>
To drop an 12c-style partition, execute the t5drop12.sql script.
Compare the timing of this step with the output of step 10. Although your own values may be different, they should show that the dropping a partition in Oracle Database 12c is notably faster than in an 11g-style operation. The DROP operation is faster because it is a metadata-only operation.SQL> @t5drop12 SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM For ASYNCHRONOUS GLOBAL INDEX MAINTENANCE SQL> SQL> set timing on SQL> set echo on SQL> ALTER TABLE pt 2 DROP PARTITION for (9999) update indexes; Table altered. Elapsed: 00:00:00.02 SQL> set timing off SQL>
To count the remaining rows in the PT table, execute the t5sel12.sql script.
SQL> @t5sel12 SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM For ASYNCHRONOUS GLOBAL INDEX MAINTENANCE SQL> SQL> set echo on SQL> SELECT count(*) FROM pt; COUNT(*) ---------- 16144 1 row selected. SQL>
To display the index status, execute the t5orphan.sql script.
Note that the I1_PT index has orphaned entries. This is normal for an 12c-style index. In the next step you verify that this index is really usable.SQL> @t5orphan SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM For ASYNCHRONOUS GLOBAL INDEX MAINTENANCE SQL> REM Show index status SQL> set echo on SQL> SELECT index_name, status, orphaned_entries 2 FROM user_indexes 3 WHERE index_name like 'I1_PT%'; INDEX_NAME STATUS ORPHANED_ENTRIES ------------------------------ -------- -------------------- I1_PT_11G VALID NO I1_PT VALID YES 2 rows selected. SQL> REM End of file SQL>
To verify that both indexes are usable, execute the t5use.sql script.
SQL> @t5use SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM For ASYNCHRONOUS GLOBAL INDEX MAINTENANCE SQL> SQL> set echo on SQL> PROMPT Demonstrate that 11g index can be used Demonstrate that 11g index can be used SQL> SELECT count(*) FROM pt_11g WHERE col2=5; COUNT(*) ---------- 0 1 row selected. SQL> SELECT * FROM table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor); PLAN_TABLE_OUTPUT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SQL_ID dgks77hgns2ra, child number 0 ------------------------------------- SELECT count(*) FROM pt_11g WHERE col2=5 Plan hash value: 1826084569 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | | | 3 (100)| | | 1 | SORT AGGREGATE | | 1 | 5 | | | |* 2 | INDEX RANGE SCAN| I1_PT_11G | 19 | 95 | 3 (0)| 00:00:01 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Predicate Information (identified by operation id): --------------------------------------------------- 2 - access("COL2"=5) 19 rows selected. SQL> SQL> PROMPT Demonstrate that 12c index can be used Demonstrate that 12c index can be used SQL> SELECT count(*) FROM pt WHERE col2=5; COUNT(*) ---------- 0 1 row selected. SQL> SELECT * FROM table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor); PLAN_TABLE_OUTPUT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SQL_ID 4x9wgf6m2m139, child number 0 ------------------------------------- SELECT count(*) FROM pt WHERE col2=5 Plan hash value: 3227303916 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | | | 3 (100)| | | 1 | SORT AGGREGATE | | 1 | 5 | | | |* 2 | INDEX RANGE SCAN| I1_PT | 1 | 5 | 3 (0)| 00:00:01 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Predicate Information (identified by operation id): --------------------------------------------------- 2 - access("COL2"=5) filter(TBL$OR$IDX$PART$NUM(<?>,0,8,0,"PT".ROWID)=1) 20 rows selected. SQL> set timing on SQL>
Note: By using the indexed COL2 column in a WHERE clause, you can
verify the usage of its index.
Indexes are automatically maintained by a background scheduler job in non-peak times because it can be a time-consuming operation. So this step is not part of a regular DBA task. You learn about it in this tutorial just in case you need to perform manual index maintenance.
By executing step 13, you created an artificially high percentage of orphaned entries. If you have a high number of orphaned entries, you could use the INDEX ONLINE REBUILD functionality (which should be faster for your test case).
But for your learning purposes, you will cleanup the orphaned entries with the following command:ALTER INDEX I1_PT COALESCE CLEANUP;
As an alternative, you could useSQL> ALTER INDEX I1_PT COALESCE CLEANUP; Index altered. Elapsed: 00:00:20.70 SQL>
exec dbms_part.cleanup_gidx()
. This package uses the same code path as theALTER INDEX...COALESCE CLEANUP
command, so you can expect that it will take the same amount of time. -
To drop your test tables, execute the t5drop.sql script.
SQL> @t5drop SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM For ASYNCHRONOUS GLOBAL INDEX MAINTENANCE SQL> REM Drop test tables SQL> set timing off SQL> set echo on SQL> DROP TABLE pt_11g purge; Table dropped. SQL> DROP TABLE pt purge; Table dropped. SQL> SQL> REM End of file SQL>
- That with Oracle Database 12c the maintenance of global indexes is decoupled and delayed from the DROP and TRUNCATE PARTITION operations
- That these operations are faster because they are metadata-only operations
- That a scheduler job automatically maintains indexes during non-peak times
- How to manually perform an index cleanup operation, if needed.
6. Using Partial Indexes
To provide more flexibility with index creation, you can create local and global indexes on a subset of the table partitions. This operation is supported by using a default table indexing property. When a table is created or altered, a default indexing property can be specified for the table or its partitions.
Ensure that your environment variable are set and log in to SQL*Plus as the PART12C user with the oracle_4U password. (Review the Tutorial Setup, if you are not sure about the commands.)
Create a test table with partial indexing for some partitions and not for others. To create the PT test table, execute the t6create.sql script. (Note: SQL*Plus uses the default .sql suffix for executing a script file.)
The table and partiton metadata will be applied to all indexes that will be defined as partial indexes (this is not the default).SQL> @t6create SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> set timing off SQL> set lines 400 pages 1000 SQL> set echo on SQL> SQL> REM For PARTIAL INDEXING SQL> SQL> CREATE TABLE pt (col1, col2, col3, col4) 2 INDEXING OFF 3 PARTITION by range (col1) 4 interval (1000) 5 (PARTITION p100 values less than (101) indexing on, 6 PARTITION p200 values less than (201) indexing on, 7 PARTITION p300 values less than (301) indexing on) 8 as 9 SELECT round(rownum/100), 10 dbms_random.value(1,1000), 11 'aaaaaa', 12 'bbb'||rownum 13 FROM dual connect by level < 55000; Table created. SQL> REM End of file SQL>
Create a local index on the COL4 column. This will be the default full index. Create also a local index on the COL1 column as a partial index. For learning purposes, it is recommended to enter the following commands:
CREATE INDEX i_l_pt on pt(col4) LOCAL;But because this is not a typing exercise, you could alternatively use the t6create_ind.sql file to create these indexes.
SQL> @t6create_ind SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM For PARTIAL INDEXING SQL> SQL> CREATE INDEX i_l_partpt on pt(col1) LOCAL INDEXING PARTIAL; Index created. SQL> CREATE INDEX i_l_pt on pt(col4) LOCAL; Index created. SQL> SQL> REM End of file SQL>
Create a full global index on the COL3 column and a partial global index on the COL2 column. To create these indexes, execute the t6create_g.sql script.
SQL> @t6create_g SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM For PARTIAL INDEXING SQL> SQL> CREATE INDEX i_g_partpt on pt(col2) INDEXING PARTIAL; Index created. SQL> CREATE INDEX i_g_pt on pt(col3); Index created. SQL> SQL> REM End of file SQL>
To view the partitions and their INDEXING attributes, execute the t6show_parti.sql script.
SQL> @t6show_parti SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM For PARTIAL INDEXING SQL> SQL> set lines 400 pages 1000 SQL> set feedback 1 SQL> col partition_name format a15 SQL> col high_value format a15 SQL> col indexing format a10 SQL> set echo on SQL> SQL> SELECT partition_name, high_value, indexing 2 FROM user_tab_partitions 3 WHERE table_name='PT' 4 ORDER BY partition_position; PARTITION_NAME HIGH_VALUE INDEXING --------------- --------------- ---------- P100 101 ON P200 201 ON P300 301 ON SYS_P685 1301 OFF 4 rows selected. SQL> SQL> REM End of file SQL>
To view the index status and to confirm that there are currently no orphaned entires, execute the t6show_ind.sql script.
SQL> @t6show_ind SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM For PARTIAL INDEXING SQL> SQL> set lines 400 pages 1000 SQL> set feedback 1 SQL> col index_name format a15 SQL> col status format a10 SQL> col indexing format a10 SQL> set echo on SQL> SQL> SELECT index_name, indexing, status, orphaned_entries 2 FROM user_indexes 3 WHERE index_name in 4 ('I_G_PARTPT','I_G_PT','I_L_PARTPT','I_L_PT'); INDEX_NAME INDEXING STATUS ORPHANED_ENTRIES --------------- ---------- ---------- -------------------- I_G_PARTPT PARTIAL VALID NO I_G_PT FULL VALID NO I_L_PARTPT PARTIAL N/A NO I_L_PT FULL N/A NO 4 rows selected. SQL> SQL> REM End of file SQL>
Partial indexing for local indexes is implemented through the UNUSABLE state of a partition, more precisely: by using the UNUSABLE value as displayed in the STATUS column of the USER_IND_PARTITIONS view.
Note that you can explicitly set an index partition to this state, but unlike the partial indexing state (as defined on the partition level), the UNUSABLE state by itself is not preserved for the partition-index maintenance operations.
To view the status of the index partitions, execute the t6show_ind_parti.sql script.SQL> @t6show_ind_parti SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM For PARTIAL INDEXING SQL> SQL> set lines 400 pages 1000 SQL> set feedback 1 SQL> col index_name format a15 SQL> col partition_name format a15 SQL> col status format a10 SQL> col indexing format a10 SQL> set echo on SQL> SQL> SELECT index_name, partition_name, status, null 2 FROM user_ind_partitions 3 WHERE index_name in ('I_L_PARTPT','I_L_PT'); INDEX_NAME PARTITION_NAME STATUS N --------------- --------------- ---------- - I_L_PT SYS_P687 USABLE I_L_PT P300 USABLE I_L_PT P200 USABLE I_L_PT P100 USABLE I_L_PARTPT SYS_P686 UNUSABLE I_L_PARTPT P300 USABLE I_L_PARTPT P200 USABLE I_L_PARTPT P100 USABLE 8 rows selected. SQL> SQL> REM End of file SQL>
To create statistics for the optimizer, execute the t6stats.sql script.
SQL> @t6stats SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM For PARTIAL INDEXING SQL> SQL> set lines 400 pages 1000 SQL> set feedback 1 SQL> set echo on SQL> SQL> exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats('PART12C','PT'); PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> SQL> REM End of file SQL>
Modify the table to be a range-partitioned table. (For background info, see MyOracle Support note 14558315.) To alter the table, execute the t6alter.sql script.
SQL> @t6alter SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM For PARTIAL INDEXING SQL> SQL> ALTER TABLE pt set interval (); Table altered. SQL> SQL> REM End of file SQL>
Demonstrate a query that benefits from the partial global index and only uses a scan for the missing information, touching the partitions which are not part of the partial global index.To show the execution plan (the COL2 column is used in a WHERE clause), execute the t6xplan1.sql script.
SQL> @t6xplan1 SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM For PARTIAL INDEXING SQL> SQL> set lines 400 pages 1000 SQL> set feedback 1 SQL> set echo on SQL> EXPLAIN PLAN for SELECT count(*) FROM pt WHERE col2 = 3; Explained. SQL> SELECT * FROM table(dbms_xplan.display); PLAN_TABLE_OUTPUT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Plan hash value: 3689440839 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time | Pstart| Pstop | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 1 | 22 | 54 (0)| 00:00:01 | | | | 1 | SORT AGGREGATE | | 1 | 22 | | | | | | 2 | VIEW | VW_TE_2 | 2 | | 54 (0)| 00:00:01 | | | | 3 | UNION-ALL | | | | | | | | |* 4 | TABLE ACCESS BY GLOBAL INDEX ROWID BATCHED| PT | 1 | 26 | 3 (0)| 00:00:01 | ROWID | ROWID | |* 5 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | I_G_PARTPT | 1 | | 1 (0)| 00:00:01 | | | | 6 | PARTITION RANGE SINGLE | | 1 | 26 | 51 (0)| 00:00:01 | 4 | 4 | |* 7 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | PT | 1 | 26 | 51 (0)| 00:00:01 | 4 | 4 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Predicate Information (identified by operation id): --------------------------------------------------- 4 - filter("PT"."COL1"<301) 5 - access("COL2"=3) 7 - filter("COL2"=3) 21 rows selected. SQL> SQL> REM End of file SQL>
Demonstrate a query that uses the partial local index. To show the execution plan (the COL1 column is used in a WHERE clause), execute the t6xplan2.sql script.
This simple example does not need to access any partitions which are not indexed.SQL> @t6xplan2 SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM For PARTIAL INDEXING SQL> SQL> set lines 400 pages 1000 SQL> set feedback 1 SQL> set echo on SQL> EXPLAIN PLAN for SELECT count(*) FROM pt WHERE col1 <50; Explained. SQL> SELECT * FROM table(dbms_xplan.display); PLAN_TABLE_OUTPUT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Plan hash value: 1756007265 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time | Pstart| Pstop | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 1 | 3 | 7 (0)| 00:00:01 | | | | 1 | SORT AGGREGATE | | 1 | 3 | | | | | | 2 | PARTITION RANGE SINGLE| | 5025 | 15075 | 7 (0)| 00:00:01 | 1 | 1 | |* 3 | INDEX FAST FULL SCAN | I_L_PARTPT | 5025 | 15075 | 7 (0)| 00:00:01 | 1 | 1 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Predicate Information (identified by operation id): --------------------------------------------------- 3 - filter("COL1"<50) 15 rows selected. SQL> SQL> REM End of file SQL>
To view the index status for the P300 partition, execute the t6union300.sql script.
Note the local index status is USABLE, the global one is VALID.SQL> @t6union300 SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM For PARTIAL INDEXING SQL> col index_name format a15 SQL> col partitiom_name format a15 SQL> col indexing format a15 SQL> col status format a10 SQL> set lines 400 pages 1000 SQL> set feedback 1 SQL> set echo on SQL> SQL> SELECT index_name, partition_name, status, null as "ORPHANS" 2 FROM user_ind_partitions 3 WHERE index_name in ('I_L_PARTPT','I_L_PT') 4 and partition_name='P300' 5 UNION ALL 6 SELECT index_name, indexing, status, orphaned_entries 7 FROM user_indexes 8 WHERE index_name in ('I_G_PARTPT','I_G_PT'); INDEX_NAME PARTITION_NAME STATUS ORP --------------- --------------- ---------- --- I_L_PARTPT P300 USABLE I_L_PT P300 USABLE I_G_PT FULL VALID NO I_G_PARTPT PARTIAL VALID NO 4 rows selected. SQL> REM End of file SQL>
For your learning purposes, create orphaned entries (by disabling indexing for a partition) and then check the index status. To modify the partition, execute the t6off.sql script.
SQL> @t6off SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM For PARTIAL INDEXING SQL> SQL> ALTER TABLE pt modify partition p300 INDEXING OFF; Table altered. SQL> SQL> REM End of file SQL>
To view the current index status for the P300 partition, execute the t6union300.sql script again.
Note the index status for relevant indexes and partitions shows:SQL> @t6union300 SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM For PARTIAL INDEXING SQL> col index_name format a15 SQL> col partitiom_name format a15 SQL> col indexing format a15 SQL> col status format a10 SQL> set lines 400 pages 1000 SQL> set feedback 1 SQL> set echo on SQL> SQL> SELECT index_name, partition_name, status, null as "ORPHANS" 2 FROM user_ind_partitions 3 WHERE index_name in ('I_L_PARTPT','I_L_PT') 4 and partition_name='P300' 5 UNION ALL 6 SELECT index_name, indexing, status, orphaned_entries 7 FROM user_indexes 8 WHERE index_name in ('I_G_PARTPT','I_G_PT'); INDEX_NAME PARTITION_NAME STATUS ORP --------------- --------------- ---------- --- I_L_PARTPT P300 UNUSABLE I_L_PT P300 USABLE I_G_PT FULL VALID NO I_G_PARTPT PARTIAL VALID YES 4 rows selected. SQL> REM End of file SQL>
- There is no change for full indexes.
- The local partition for the partial index is now UNUSABLE.
- The partial global index has orphaned entries.
- The orphaned entries do not have any impact on the validity of an index.
To cleanup orphaned entries, execute the t6ind_cleanup.sql script.
SQL> @t6ind_cleanup SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM For PARTIAL INDEXING SQL> SQL> ALTER INDEX i_g_partpt coalesce cleanup; Index altered. SQL> REM End of file SQL>
To verify the result of this command, execute the t6union300.sql script again.
Note: There are no longer orphaned entries.SQL> @t6union300 SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM For PARTIAL INDEXING SQL> col index_name format a15 SQL> col partitiom_name format a15 SQL> col indexing format a15 SQL> col status format a10 SQL> set lines 400 pages 1000 SQL> set feedback 1 SQL> set echo on SQL> SQL> SELECT index_name, partition_name, status, null as "ORPHANS" 2 FROM user_ind_partitions 3 WHERE index_name in ('I_L_PARTPT','I_L_PT') 4 and partition_name='P300' 5 UNION ALL 6 SELECT index_name, indexing, status, orphaned_entries 7 FROM user_indexes 8 WHERE index_name in ('I_G_PARTPT','I_G_PT'); INDEX_NAME PARTITION_NAME STATUS ORP --------------- --------------- ---------- --- I_L_PARTPT P300 UNUSABLE I_L_PT P300 USABLE I_G_PT FULL VALID NO I_G_PARTPT PARTIAL VALID NO 4 rows selected. SQL> REM End of file SQL>
To cleanup your test data, execute the t6drop.sql script.
SQL> @t6drop SQL> -- DISCLAIMER: SQL> -- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is SQL> -- NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. SQL> -- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. SQL> -- You should always run new scripts initially SQL> -- on a test instance. SQL> SQL> REM For PARTIAL INDEXING SQL> SQL> set echo on SQL> DROP TABLE pt purge; Table dropped. SQL> SQL> REM End of file SQL>
- How to create local and global indexes on a subset of the table partitions
- That this operation is supported by using a default table indexing property
- That a default indexing property can be specified for the table or its partitions
- How to 'artificially' create orphaned entries for your learning purpose.
- That orphaned entries do not have any impact on the validity of an index
In this tutorial, you learned about what is new in Oracle Database 12c partitioning:
1. Interval Reference Partitioning
- How to create tables that use parent tables for reference partitioning
- How partitions are automatically created when you insert data
- That only the necessary partitions are created
- That a child partition inherits its name from its direct parent
- How to rename a partition
- That renaming a partition does not affect other (dependent) partitions
2. Cascading TRUNCATE and EXCHANGE Operations
- How to simplify application development by enabling the inheritance of the partition maintenance operations from the parent to the child tables
- How to use the CASCADE option for TRUNCATE PARTITION and EXCHANGE PARTITION operations.
- That the cascade options are off by default so they do not affect compatibility
3. Moving Partitions Online
- How to move a partition online and simultaneously updating the same rows
- That the online move is a non-blocking online DDL command, that is, the DML operations continue to execute uninterrupted on the partition that is being moved
- That global indexes are maintained when a partition is moved, so that a manual index rebuild is no longer required
4. Maintaining Multiple Partitions
- How to perform multipartition maintenance operations by using a single SQL command
- How to merge multiple partitions into one partition
- How to split a single partition into multiple partitions
- That merging multiple partitions of range and interval-partitioned tables requires the partitions to be specified in sequential order
- How to drop mulitple partions from a table
- How to add multiple partitions to a range-partitioned table
5. Maintaining Global Indexes Asynchronously
- That with Oracle Database 12c the maintenance of global indexes is decoupled and delayed from the DROP and TRUNCATE PARTITION operations
- That these operations are faster because they are metadata-only operations
- That a scheduler job automatically maintains indexes during non-peak times
- How to manually perform an index cleanup operation, if needed.
6. Using Partial Indexes
- How to create local and global indexes on a subset of the table partitions
- That this operation is supported by using a default table indexing property
- That a default indexing property can be specified for the table or its partitions
- How to 'artificially' create orphaned entries for your learning purposes
- That orphaned entries do not have any impact on the validity of an index
- For an overview over Oracle Partitioning, start on this product page. (OTN login needed)
- To review this information presented in this tutorial in a different format (with strategic background information), see the OTN white paper: Partitioning with Oracle Database 12c.
- For more details, see the Oracle Database VLDB and Partitioning Guide in the product documentation:
- To learn more about partitioning and Oracle Database 12c new features view in the Oracle Learning Library.
- Lead Curriculum Developer: Maria Billings
- Other Contributors: Hermann Baer, Klaus Thielen
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