Searching Models in Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler 4.0
- Have the latest Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler installed. Download it here.
- Access to the HR sample schema.
- Understand Oracle Database 12c concepts. More information is available in the Oracle Database 12c Documentation and on the Oracle Technology Network.
This tutorial shows you how to perform searching in Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler 4.0.
Time to Complete
Approximately 15 minutes
In this tutorial, you learn how to use the search features in SQL Developer Data Modeler 4.0 (Data Modeler) to search for all occurrences of a text pattern across all models in a design (global search) or all occurrences of a text pattern within the active model only.
Before starting this tutorial, you should:
Setting Up the Environment
For this section, you will open the HR Relational Model by importing the HR schema from the data dictionary.
Double click on the SQL Developer Data Modeler desktop icon or the datamodeler.exe in the installed Data Modeler folder.

The Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler window is displayed.

Click File > Import > Data Dictionary.

In the Data Dictionary Import Wizard, click Add.

In the New / Select Database Connection dialog box, enter or select the following values, then click Connect.
Name: HR
Username: HR
Password: Enter the password for HR
Save Password: Select this check box
Connection Type: Basic
Role: default
Hostname: localhost
Port: 1521
SID or Service Name: Enter SID or Service Name
Your screen should look similar to this.

The new connection will appear. Click on the HR connection name and click Next.

Select HR schema to import. Click Next.

Click Select All icon to import all the Tables. Click Next.

Click Finish.

The View Log will be displayed showing all objects have been imported successfully. Click Close.

The HR Relational Model will open.

Searching Models
Data Modeler 4.0 enables searching across all models in a design as well as searching within the active model.
Searching Across All Models
First, create a Logical model from the Relational model.
Click Engineer to Logical Model.

The Engineer to Logical Model dialog box is displayed.

Click Engineer.

To search across all models in the design, you can perform a global search. Locate the Search box.

In the Search box, enter the text pattern "job"
(without the quotes) and press Enter.

Results are displayed.

Scroll through the report to locate the row corresponding to the following column values:
Design / Model: Untitled_1 / Relational_1
Property: Comment in RDBMS
Type: Table

The Content column is truncated to enable display on a single line. To see more details for an entry, hover your mouse over it.

Double-click the row to view general properties for the entry.

The properties are displayed and can be modified if necessary.

Click Cancel to close the properties dialog box (no changes required).

Close the Results window.

Click on the Relational model tab.

Searching Within the Active Model
SQL Developer provides simple and advanced searching capabilities inside the model. To
sample these capabilities, complete the following steps to search the active
model for all occurrences of the text pattern "job"
that are contained in database comments:
Select View > Find.

The Search dialog box is displayed.

Note: In some of the figures that follow, the Search box is resized for better readability.
The Simple Mode Search is automatically selected.

Deselect Stop On First.

In the search box, enter "job"
the quotes).

Press Enter.
All occurrences of "job" in HR_Relational Model are displayed (not case sensitive).

Save your search. In the Saved searches text box, enter S01-job.

Click More and select Save.

Click More > Clear to clear search results.

The Results tab is cleared.

Select S01-job from the Saved searches dropdown list.

The text pattern from the saved search is displayed in the search box.

Click inside the search box and press Enter.

The Results tab is refreshed.

You can filter on the results. Go to Filter field and view the filter object types. Select Column.

The results are filtered by Column.

When a Search is Filtered, notice that the Report button is enabled. Generating reports is integrated in the Search. Click on Report.

A Reports dialog will appear. Select from various output formats. Select HTML.

Enter Report Title as 'Job Search' and select option Show Filter in Report. Click on Generate Report.

Click on OK.

The generated report will automatically open in a web browser. The Filter pattern is displayed on the report. You can use the Content field to do a search within the report or click on the list of columns to go directly to the column.

Go back to the Search Results tab and close the Reports dialog. Click More > Clear to clear search results.

Select Advanced Mode to enable filtering by property.

The search box is cleared, and the Options tab is displayed. Leave the default Object Type as Column and Click on Add Property.

View the list of Searchable Properties. Select the property Comment in RDBMS.

In the Search Text field of the same row, enter "job"
quotes) and click on Find.

Comments in RDBMS containing the text "job" are displayed on the Results tab.

Note: Although not demonstrated here, you can search on multiple properties and make your search selections case sensitive and use OR and AND to perform complex logical operations amongst the search terms in the Search dialog box.

Congratulations! You have finished the tutorial.
- Search across all models - Logical and Relational models
- Using the Simple Search and generating a Report
- Using the Advanced Search to search by Properties
- To learn more about Oracle database technologies, visit
- To view Oracle Database 11g and 12c documentation, see Oracle Database Documentation on the Oracle Technology Network.
- To look for more OBEs related to Oracle Database, visit the Oracle Learning Library.
- Lead Curriculum Developer: Pete DeHaan
- Other Contributors: Ashley Chen
In this tutorial, you learned how to use SQL Developer Data Modeler 4.0 to search within and across models.
Additional information about Oracle and Oracle technologies is available at the following sites: