Replacing Text Function Parameters with the Current Keyword


In this tutorial, you learn how to replace parameters in text functions with the Current keyword to make the functions more dynamic, more useful, and less redundant.

Time to Complete

Approximately 40 minutes.


In Oracle® Hyperion Financial Reporting, Fusion Edition, you use text functions to display and retrieve information in reports. For example, you can display the member name and member alias (description) from the Point of View or from a grid dimension, or you can retrieve the currency ID for entities in Oracle® Hyperion Financial Management, Fusion Edition applications.

Most text functions require parameters that specify the grid, row, column, and page in the report.

The following is a list of some common text functions that require similar syntax:

Instead of hard coding text function parameters, you can use the Current keyword to make text functions more dynamic. Hard-coded parameters produce the same values, whereas the Current keyword produces dynamic values.

The Current keyword is supported for text functions that you enter in text cells or heading cells of a grid. It is supported in text boxes only when you repeat the text box for multiple pages of a grid. Refer to the Oracle® Hyperion Financial Reporting Studio, Fusion Edition Release User's Guide for a complete list of text functions that support the Current keyword.


In this tutorial, you create two reports in Oracle® Hyperion Financial Reporting Studio, Fusion Edition (Reporting Studio).

The first report retrieves data from an Oracle® Essbase data source. In a text cell of the report, you add a text function with hard-coded parameters to display the member alias of products. The second report retrieves data from a Financial Management data source. In a text cell of the report, you add a text function with hard-coded parameters to display the currency ID of entities. In both reports, the hard-coded parameters reference the same row value and produce incorrect results. You replace the hard-coded parameters with the Current keyword to make the reports more dynamic and to produce the expected output.

You continue with the second report to add a member name and description to the page headings. You first add the text functions with hard-coded parameters which reference the same page value and produce incorrect results. You replace the hard-coded parameters with the Current keyword to produce the expected output.


Before starting this tutorial, you should:

Replacing Parameters with the Current Keyword (Essbase example)

In this topic, you create a report to display products and their aliases. You first define a text function with hard-coded parameters that produce the wrong results. You then modify the text function with the Current keyword to make the report more dynamic, and to produce the expected output.

To replace text function parameters with the Current keyword in text cells, perform the following steps:

1 .

In Reporting Studio, create a report and insert a grid for an Essbase database.

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In this example, you use the Sample:Basic database, add the Product dimension to the rows, and the Year dimension to the columns.


2 .

For the Year dimension in column A, select the Children of Qtr1.

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Column A is an expanded data segment that expands to display the Jan, Feb, and Mar periods.


3 .

For the Product dimension in row 1, select the Children of Product.

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Row 1 is an expanded data segment that displays five products in this order: 100, 200, 300, 400, and Diet.

The following table lists the products and their aliases from the Essbase database:

Product Alias
100 Colas
200 Root Beer
300 Cream Soda
400 Fruit Soda
Diet Diet Drinks


4 .

Select column A, and select Insert, then Column, and then Text to add a text column before column A.

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5 .

Select cell [1,A], which is in row 1, column A. On the Cell Properties sheet, enter or select the MemberAlias function to display the alias for Grid1, row 1, and the Product dimension.

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When you run the report, the text function displays the aliases for the expanded products from row 1.


6 .

Set the user POV to the selections in the following table, and select File, and then Print Preview to preview the report.

Dimension Member
Measures Profit
Market East
Scenario Actual

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The report displays incorrect aliases for the expanded products from row 1. When you hard code the row number in a text function for an expanded row, the text function retrieves the information for the top row. For expanded row 1, the MemberAlias function displays Colas for all products because Colas is the alias for the top row member, 100.


7 .

In cell [1,A], change the text function to <<MemberAlias(cur, cur, "Product")>> to display the alias for the current grid, current row, and Product dimension.

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The Current keyword is not case-sensitive, and you can enter it in an argument as current or cur.


8 .

Preview the report.

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When you use the Current keyword in rows that expand, the results are relative to the expanded row. As row 1 expands, the MemberAlias function retrieves the correct alias for each expanded segment of row 1.


Replacing Parameters with the Current Keyword (Financial Management example)

In this topic, you create a report to display entities and their currency IDs. You first define a text function with hard-coded parameters that produce the wrong results. You then modify the text function with the Current keyword to make the report more dynamic and produce the expected output.

To replace text function parameters with the Current keyword in text cells, perform the following steps:

1 .

In Reporting Studio, create a report and insert a grid for a Financial Management application.

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In this example, you use the Comma sample application, add the Entity dimension to the rows, the Period dimension to the columns, and the Scenario and Account dimensions to the page area.


2 .

For the Scenario dimension in the Pages list, select Actual and Budget.
For the Account dimension in the Pages list, select Children of OperatingExpenses (Inclusive).

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3 .

For the Period dimension in column A, select the Children of Quarter1.

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Column A is an expanded data segment that expands to display the January, February, and March periods.


4 .

For the Entity dimension in row 1, select Children of Geographical.UnitedStates and Children of Geographical.Europe.

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Row 1 is an expanded data segment that displays four entities in this order: EastRegion, WestRegion, Italy, and UK.

In the Financial Management application, the entities are assigned the following currencies:

Entity Currency ID
EastRegion USD
WestRegion USD
Italy EUR


5 .

Select row 1, and select Insert, then Row, and then Data to add a data row. For the Entity dimension in row 2, select Children Of Geographical.Europe and Children of Geographical.UnitedStates.

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Row 2 is an expanded data segment that displays four entities in this order: Italy, UK, EastRegion, and WestRegion.


6 .

Select row 2, and select Insert, then Row, and then Text to add a text row above row 2.

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7 .

Select column A, and select Insert, then Column, and then Text to add a text column before column A.

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8 .

Select cell [1,A], which is in row 1, column A. On the Cell Properties sheet, enter or select the HFMCurrency function to display the currency for Grid1, row 1, column B, and page 1.

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When you run the report, the text function displays the currencies for the expanded entities from row 1.


9 .

Select cell [3,A]. On the Cell Properties sheet, enter or select the HFMCurrency function to display the currency for Grid1, row 3, column B, and page 1.

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When you run the report, the text function displays the currencies for the expanded entities from row 3.


10 .

Set the user POV to these selections, and select File, and then Print Preview to preview the report.

Dimension Member
Year 2006
View Periodic
Value <Entity Currency>
ICP [ICP None]
Product TotalProducts
Customers TotalCustomers
Channel [None]
UnitsFlows [None]

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The report displays incorrect currencies for the expanded entities from rows 1 and 3. When you hard code the row number in a text function for an expanded row, the text function retrieves the information for the top row. For expanded row 1, the HFMCurrency function displays USD for all entities because USD is the currency ID for the top row member, EastRegion. For expanded row 3, the HFMCurrency function displays EUR for all entities because EUR is the currency ID for the top row member, Italy.


11 .

Delete row 3. In cell [1,A], change the text function to <<HFMCurrency(cur, cur, cur, cur)>> to display the currency for the current grid, row, column, and page.

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The Current keyword is not case-sensitive, and you can enter it in an argument as current or cur.


12 .

Preview the report.

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When you use the Current keyword in a row that expands, the results are relative to the expanded row. As row 1 expands, the HFMCurrency function retrieves the correct currency for each expanded segment of row 1.

Replacing Parameters with the Current Keyword in Page Headings

In this topic, you customize the page headings. You first define text functions with hard-coded parameters that produce the wrong results. You then modify the text functions with the Current keyword to make the report more dynamic and produce the expected output.

To replace text function parameters with the Current keyword in page headings, perform the following steps.

1 .

In Reporting Studio, continue to work with the same report.

Increase the height of row 2.

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2 .

From the Pages drop-down list, select Actual, Budget to display the Page Properties sheet. From the Page Printing Positioning area of the Page Properties sheet, select Same Page.

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3 .

Preview the report.

The following figure displays a portion of the report:

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By default, the page headings display the scenario and account member names.


4 .

Modify the page heading to display the scenario member name and the account member description.

From the Pages drop-down list, select Actual, Budget to display the Page Properties sheet. For the Scenario heading on the Page Properties sheet, select Custom Heading. Insert the following functions to display the scenario member name and the account member description.

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In these text functions, you reference Grid1, page 1, and the dimension names.


5 .

From the Page Properties sheet, select Account and select Custom Heading. Leave the custom heading text box blank. Format the page headings with a larger font and color.

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6 .

Preview the report.

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When you hard code page 1 in the text functions, all page headings display the scenario and account members from page 1, Actual and Direct Costs.


7 .

In the page headings, replace the reference to page 1 with the Current keyword.

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8 .

Preview the report.

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When you use the Current keyword for the page parameter in text functions, the functions display the correct scenario and account members for each page.



In this tutorial, you should have learned how to:


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