Installation and Configuration instructions

1. Unzip the COAMGMT.7Z file.
2. Copy the COAMGMT.DMP file to a directory on the database server file system that is associated with a database directory object.
3. Invoke Data Pump Import utility using the following command:

impdp un/pw DIRECTORY=data_pump_dir DUMPFILE=coamgmt.dmp LOGFILE=coamgmt.log

	un/pw 		- a database account with DBA privileges;
        data_pump_dir 	- a database directory object that refers to the physical directory with the COAMGMT.DMP file.

4. Launch SQL*Plus and verify that the import created a database schema coamgmt with the password Welcome!.

5. Launch Oracle Data Relationship Management Console and perform the following actions:

5.1. Add a new application with the following data:

Application Name: COAMGMT
Database provider: Oracle
Service Connection: [//][your_host_name[:port]/]service_name
Repository User ID: coamgmt
Password: Welcome!

5.2. Save configuration
5.3. Restart Data Relationship Services
5.4. Start the COAMGMT application