Before You Begin
This tutorial demonstrates how to load request items from a source file and submit the request for enrichment and approvals by other users in Oracle Data Relationship Governance.
Time to Complete
Approximately 30 min.
Requests are used to initiate changes for a specific set of data to be performed after the request is validated, approved, and committed. Each request uses a single workflow model to control which users participate in the request, when they participate, and their type of participation.
A request may consist of one or more request items which may be added during initial submission or later enrichment of the request. Request items can be added manually or loaded from a source file. The order of request items is important because it controls the order in the changes applied to the target version for validation and commitment purposes.
Governance users or data managers who are assigned to the initial Submit stage of a workflow model can create requests.
In this tutorial, you create a multi-item change request using the New Financial Account - Conditional workflow model to add two financial accounts for compensation expenses. You load the request items from a source file for the Add Financial Account workflow task, the first stage of the workflow model. You also review the task and the file to ensure that the file fields correspond to the task properties.
What Do You Need?
Before starting this tutorial, you should:
- Have access to or have installed Oracle Data Relationship Management
- Have access to or have installed the COAMGMT Data Relationship Management application. You can download the application here and use these instructions to install and configure the application.
- Have built workflow tasks and a workflow model by completing the Building A Workflow Model With Conditional Stages tutorial.
Reviewing the Workflow Task for Loading Request Items
Launch Data Relationship Management Web Client.
The logon page for Oracle Data Relationship Management is displayed.
Log on to the COAMGMT application as user admin with a password of Welcome!.
The Browse page is displayed.
Click Administer, expand Workflow Tasks, and click Add Financial Account to open the task. This task is used in the New Financial Accounts - Conditional workflow model to define new financial accounts.
The Add Financial Account tab is displayed. Notice the task property labels that the source file column headers should match.
Log out as user admin.
Reviewing the Source File
Download the NewFinancialAccounts.txt source file from here and save it on your local drive.
Open the saved source file in Notepad. This file is in a tabular, delimited format and contains four rows; a file description, column headers, and two financial accounts that need to be added to the COAMGMT Data Relationship Management application.
The file description row starts with a hash symbol (#) indicating that this row should be skipped during the load. You can have as many of these at the beginning of the file as you want. The first row that does not have the hash symbol is considered the column header row.
#New Compensation Accounts
The column header row identifies the request item properties.
Name,Parent,Description,Account Type
The remaining rows identify the request item property values for each new financial account. Notice that the first row contains an overridden value, Expense, in the Account Type column while the value for the Account Type column for the second row gets calculated.
6220,6000,Employee Benefits,Expense
6230,6000,Sick Pay, -
Close the file.
Creating a Multi-Item Request
Log on to the COAMGMT application as user Operations with a password of Welcome!.
The Worklist page is displayed with a list of requests that are assigned to the user and available for review.
Select New Request and then New Financial Account - Conditional.
In the Version drop-down list, select Vision Jan 2013.
The Load Version dialog box is displayed.
Click Load Version.
Click the Load Request Items icon (
) to load request items from a source file.
In the Source section, click the Browse button to select a source file. Navigate to the location on your file system where you saved the NewFInAccounts.txt file and select it from there.
In the Items section, notice that the Add Financial Account is pre-selected for the Task drop-down list. This is the workflow task that is used for loading the request items from the file. The fields in the file correspond to the properties configured for the task. In the Hierarchy drop-down list, select Parent Total.
Leave the other field values unchanged and click OK.
Click OK to close the confirmation dialog box.
Two request items are added to the request and the loaded property values are displayed in the Items Details section on the request page.
Click the Submit icon (
) to save and submit the request. In the Save Request dialog box, enter Compensation Expenses to describe the request.
Click OK.
The request is submitted and assigned to the General Ledger Setup workflow stage.
Log out as user Operations.
Optional. Proceed with processing the request by completing the Processing a Change Request With Conditional Stages tutorial.
The New Request tab is displayed.