Importing Data and Metadata from Interface Tables into Oracle® Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management Architect, Fusion Edition 11.1.2


This tutorial covers creating interface tables and importing data and metadata from interface tables.

Time to Complete

Approximately 1 hour.


Performance Management Architect interface tables are database tables used to import data and metadata from external systems into the Dimension Library. They represent an alternative to flat files.


Your company wants to import data and metadata from an external source (Excel file or GL file) into a Financial Management application and a dimension library, respectively. To do this, you create an interface table data source. You then use a SQL program to extract the required data and metadata from the external source into the interface table. Next, you create an interface table definition and synchronization to import data from the interface table into the Financial Management application. Finally, you create and execute a profile to import metadata into the dimension library.


Before starting this tutorial, you should:


Have access to or have installed Oracle® Hyperion Financial Management, Fusion Edition 11.1.2


Have access to or have installed Hyperion® Foundation Services 11.1.2

3 .

Have installed and configured Hyperion® Shared Services 11.1.2

4 .

Have created a Financial Management application (The Reports application is used for this tutorial.)

5 .

Have functional knowledge of a data transfer application or SQL load program

Creating Interface Tables

In this part of the tutorial, you create and configure an interface table in Hyperion EPM System Configurator You configure the interface table by creating data source links that are used during data synchronization and profile creation.


Navigate to Start > Programs > Oracle EPM System > Foundation Services > EPM System Configurator, and check Uncheck All.

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Expand Hyperion Foundation > Performance Management Architect and, in the expanded list, select Interface Datasource Configuration.

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Click Next.


Select Create a New Datasource Link.

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Click Next.



Select Oracle.

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Click Next.



Perform the following actions:

a) Enter the following property values for the interface data source:

Property Value
Datasource Name FM Datasource
Server <servername> (<servername> is the name of your Shared Services server.)
Port 1521
SID hyperion
User EPM
Password hyperion

b. Select Create Interface tables.

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c. Click Next.



Confirm that the Configure Interface Data Source task is selected.

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Click Next.



Verify that the interface data source configuration is completed.

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Click Finish.

You can now use any SQL load program or data transfer tool to extract data from the external source into the interface table.


Importing Data from Interface Tables

After extracting data from the external source to the interface table, you create synchronizations to import data from the interface table into the Financial Management application. Before creating synchronizations, you create an interface area that defines the data interface table. You create the interface area and synchronization in the Data Synchronization module of Performance Management Architect.

Creating an Interface Area


On your desktop, double-click the Workspace icon, enter user name trnadmin and password hyperion, and click Log On to log on to Workspace.

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In Workspace, select Navigate > Administer> Data Synchronization.

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Select File > New > Data Interface Table Definition.

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The Data Interface Area Mapping Wizard is displayed.



Select the following values for the interface area, and click Next.

Property Value
Interface Area FM Datasource
Database Table HS_Data_Consolidation
Column Data

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5 .

On the Dimensions page, map the following dimensions of your application to the appropriate column, and click Next.

Column Dimension Name
Entity HFM_Reports_Entity
Period HFM_Reports_Period
Value HFM_Reports_Value
ViewDimension HFM_Reports_View
Year HFM_Reports_Year
Account HFM_Reports_Account
Custom4 HFM_Reports_Units&Flows
Custom3 HFM_Reports_Grades
Custom1 HFM_Reports_LineOfBusiness
Custom2 HFM_Reports_Markets
Scenario HFM_Reports_Scenario

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On the Properties page, enter the following properties for the interface table:

  • Name: ReportsLoad
  • Description: Load data from the interface tables for the Reports application

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Click Finish.



Select View > Refresh.

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The ReportsLoad interface area is displayed in the Data Synchronization window.


Creating Synchronizations


Select File > New > Synchronization.

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Select Hyperion Data Interface Area, and click Next.

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On the Select Source page, select ReportsLoad, and click Next.

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On the Select Destination page, select Reports, and click Finish.

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If required, manually map the dimensions of the interface area (Source) and Reports application (Destination).

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Note: Dimensions are automatically mapped if their names are the same. You can manually map dimensions when the names are different.


Click Save, save the synchronization with the following information:

  • Name: Reports
  • Description: Data load from ReportsLoad interface table

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Click OK.


Select the Data Synchronizer tab.

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The Reports synchronization is displayed in the Data Synchronizer window.


Right-click the Reports synchronization, and select Validate Synchronization.

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Click OK.

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Click Close.

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Right-click the Reports synchronization, and select Execute Synchronization.

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Click OK.

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Click Close.

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Select Navigate > Administer > Library Job Console, and select the job whose description is Executing synchronization: Reports.

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Verify that the synchronization was successfully completed and that the data is imported from the interface table into the Training application.

Importing Metadata from Interface Tables

You can also import metadata from the interface tables into the Performance Management Architect dimension library.


Select Navigate > Administer > Dimension Library.

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Select File > Import > Create Profile.

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Enter the following information for the new profile, and click OK.

Property Value
Profile Name LoadMetadata1
Import Type Interface Tables
Description Load metadata for Reports application from interface tables
Application Shared Library
Data Source FM Datasource

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The dimensions defined in the interface tables are displayed.


Enter the following details to map the dimensions:

a) For each dimension in the Interface area, enter the following dimensions in the Shared Library column:

Interface Area Shared Library

b. In the Merge/Replace column, verify that Merge is selected.

c. Click Next.

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Click Finish.

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Click Yes.

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7 .

Click the Click here to navigate to jobs link.

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Perform the following actions:

a. Verify that the import was successfully completed.

b. Click Import Results to review the results.

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Select the Dimension Library tab, and then select View > Refresh.

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The imported dimensions are displayed in Shared Library.


In this tutorial, you learned how to:


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