This tutorial covers how to create cubes and cube-to-cube maps.
Approximately 45 minutes.
A cube is a subset of data organized in a multidimensional structure. Cubes are defined by a set of dimensions. A cube has at least two dimensions, one of which is a measure dimension. Other dimensions provide indexes to identify measure values in the cube.
Cube dimensions are based on categories of business data. Common dimensions are Fiscal, Manufacturing, Geography, Product, and Customer. Each dimension consists of members that can be organized into hierarchies with levels. For example, hierarchy levels in the FiscalCalendar dimension include Months, Quarters, and Years.
After creating cubes, you can map them to allow data values in one cube to flow to data values in another cube. Because cubes have different structures, the mapping defines how to flow the data. The mapping is like a table join in the relational world—it defines the common dimensions and how to map or join them.
In this example, create the PlanActual cube and map it to the PlanDemand cube.
The following is a list of software requirements:
Before starting this tutorial, you should:
. | Load the Integrated Operational Planning model. |
. | Start the Integrated Operational Planning server. |
. | Define Integrated Operational Planning dimensions, row sources, and cubes. |
To create a cube, perform the following steps:
1. |
Log on to Integrated Operational Planning as the administrator.
2. |
From Planning Workbench, click the Administration Workbench link.
3. |
In the Object Browser section, from the View drop-down list, select Cubes.
4. |
From the Actions drop-down list, select Add to display Cube Wizard.
5. |
In the Name box, enter the cube identifier. In this example, enter PlanActual.
6. |
Select the Dimensions tab and click Add to display the Add Dimensions dialog box.
7. |
Select dimensions and click OK. In this example, select the FiscalCalendar and Product dimensions.
8. |
Select the Measures tab.
9. |
Click Create to add a measure line item.
10. |
In the Name box, enter the measure name. In this example, enter Actual Demand
11. |
From the Type drop-down list, select Loaded.
12. |
Click the 1. link to display the Measure Details section.
13. |
From the Rowsource drop-down list, select ActualDemand_RS.
14. |
From the Rowsource Column drop-down list, select DEMAND.
15. |
Click OK.
16. |
Enter additional measures and click Save. In this example, create the Actual Demand Dollars and Actual Production measures.
To map one cube to another cube, perform the following steps:
1. |
Log on to Integrated Operational Planning as the administrator.
2. |
From Planning Workbench, click the Administration Workbench link.
3. |
In the Object Browser section, from the View drop-down list, select Cubes.
4. |
In the Object Browser section, click PlanDemand. The PlanDemand cube is selected.
5. |
In the Object Details section, and on the Graph tab, click the PlanDemand cube icon, and select Map to Cube.
6. |
From the Source Cube drop-down list, select the cube to which you are mapping. In this example, select the PlanActual cube.
7. |
Select the Cube Scope tab.
8. |
In the Source Scope section, select source cube members. In this example, select All to specify that all source cube members participate in cube mapping.
9. |
In the Target Scope section, select target cube members. In this example, select All to specify that all target cube members participate in cube mapping.
10. |
Click the Dimension Maps tab.
11. |
In the Source Dimension Maps section, click the FiscalCalendar not mapped link.
12. |
Click Edit.
13. |
From the Mapping drop-down list, select Exact.
14. |
From the Dimension drop-down list, select FiscalCalendar.
15. |
Click OK.
16. |
Repeat steps 11 through 15 to map the remaining source and target dimensions, and click Save. The cubes are now mapped. Note: Be sure to republish the model before allowing your end users to work with it.
In this tutorial, you learned how to create cube-to-cube maps.