This illustration shows the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Cluster Details page, with the Access Cluster, Edit Cluster, Delete Cluster (with a red box around it), and Upgrade Available buttons visible. Details for the Tutorial Cluster are displayed:
* the Cluster Status field shows Active
* the Kubernetes Version field shows v1.18.10
* the Node Pools field shows 1
* the Pod Security Policies field shows Not Enforced
* the Cluster ID field shows a string
* the Encryption Key field shows Not Enabled
* the Compartment field shows the compartment to which the cluster belongs
* the VCN Name field shows oke-vcn-quick-Tutorial-Cluster, followed by a timestamp
* the VCN Id field shows a string
* the Kubernetes API Endpoint Subnet field shows the name of a subnet
* the Kubernetes API Private Endpoint field shows an endpoint address
* the Compartment field shows the compartment to which the VCN belongs