This illustration shows the Registry page, with:
* the Region field showing us-pheonix-1
* the Repository List field containing the tenancy namespace (ansh81vru1zp), the repository name of helloworld, and the image version tag of latest (with a red box drawn around it)
* the Image Version Details section containing information about the image version in the following fields:
  + the Full Path field, displaying ansh81vru1zp/helloworld:latest
  + the Repository field, displaying helloworld
  + the Size field, displaying 99.68MB
  + the Pushed By field, displaying
  + the Date Created field, displaying when the image was pushed
  + the Total Pulls field, displaying 0
  + the Digest field, displaying an alphanumeric string, followed by Show and Copy links
  + the Last Pull field, displaying Never
  + the Layers tab, containing three columns and four rows:
    - the Digest column, containing four alphanumeric strings, followed by Show and Copy links
    - the Size column, containing four values (29.52MB, 841B, 412B, 849B)
    - the Date column, containing the dates and times when the four layers were pushed