Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse - Tutorials

This tutorial exposes the use of Oracle ADF (Application Development Framework) architecture in Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse (OEPE). It shows how to build a basic application using JPAs, task flow diagrams, JSF pages, page fragments and regions.
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Purpose Duration Application
This tutorial shows you how to work with Eclipse using the ADF environment. To see the complete application you will create, click the Download button to download a zip of the finished application, and unzip it to your OEPE working folder. 45 minutes Download My First Application
Step 1: Launch Eclipse

Now that the environment is set, you can start Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse. To launch the tool, perform the following steps:

  1. Start Eclipse by double-clicking the Eclipse executable eclipse.exe found in the ECLIPSE_HOME directory.

    Programs menu
  2. Eclipse starts loading up and a Workspace Launcher dialog pops up. Specify a Workspace folder for your work.

    Workspace Launcher

    Click OK.

  3. The Eclipse Welcome screen appears.

    Welcome page
  4. Each icon on the Welcome screen drives you to the corresponding topic. Hover your mouse on each icon of the Welcome screen to review the possible options.
    - Overview
    - Samples
    - Tutorials
    - What's New

    Welcome page overriding the options
  5. To start working, click the Workbench icon.

    Welcome page selecting the Workbench
  6. The Eclipse IDE opens up.

    Eclipse IDE
    The term Workbench refers to the desktop development environment.Show more or less Read more...
Step 2: Configure the Working Perspective
To set the Workbench to your development needs, you use one of the predefined perspectives. A perspective defines the initial set and layout of views in the Workbench window. Within the window, each perspective shares the same set of editors.
  1. Click the Open Perspective icon perspective icon to select the appropriate perspective for your development.

    Open Perspective icon
  2. In the list of perspectives, review the possible perspectives, and select the Java EE one.

    Perspective list of values
  3. The selected Java EE perspective shows up.

    Selected Java EE perspective
  4. The IDE updates to a new set of views and editors that are best suited to performing Java EE tasks.

    The IDE for the Java EE perspective
    One or more perspectives can exist in a single Workbench window.Show more or lessRead more...
  5. Review each of the tabs in the bottom section of the IDE. As the tutorial goes on, you get a chance to explore the content of some of the tabs.

    Tabs for the Java EE perspective
  6. From the main menu, selecting Window --> Show View allows you to open or reopen specific views. Select the Other option.

    Show View menu option to add new views

  7. In the Show View dialog, expand the General node. Notice that views or editors already opened are greyed out. Select the Palette view and click OK.

    Selecting the Palette view
  8. In the Log pane, the Palette window is added to your current environment. This is the way to customize your environment.

    The Palette view added as a new tab in the log window
Step 3: Setup WebLogic Server

When developing your application, you need to have an application server defined where you deploy and run your application. Lots of different application servers are usable but this tutorial uses Oracle WebLogic Server. To define Oracle WebLogic Server, perform the following steps:

  1. Click the Servers tab and in the Servers pane, right-click and select New from context. This allows you to define the server used for deployment.

    Creating a new server from within the Servers tab.
  2. In the New Server dialog, expand the Oracle node and select Oracle WebLogic Server 11gR1 (10.3.5). Type localhost as the Server's Host name.

    Selecting Oracle WebLogic Server 11gR1(10.3.5)

    Click Next.

  3. In the New Server dialog step, click the Browse icon Browse Icon next to the WebLogic home field.

    Defining a WebLogic Runtime.
  4. In the Browse For Folder dialog, select wlserver_10.3 corresponding to your WLS 10.3.4 (or higher) home folder.

    Specifying WebLogic home folder.

    Click OK.

  5. If not already installed, click the Install link to start the installation process.

    The defined WebLogic Runtime dialog.

    Click Next.

  6. In the configuration pane, click the Create icon Add icon and select Create Domain from the list.

    Creating a WebLogic domain directory.
  7. In the New WebLogic Domain, type adf_domain as the Name and select the Oracle JRF - extension.

    Specifying a WebLogic domain directory.

    Click Finish. Then click Finish again to complete the install.

  8. WebLogic Server status is displayed in the Servers pane. (Stopped at this point.)

    The Servers log window.
Step 4: Define a Database Connection

This tutorial uses a database with the standard Oracle HR schema. To create a connection to an Oracle Database, perform the following steps:

  1. Click the Data Source Explorer tab.

    Clicking the Data Source Explorer tab.
  2. Right-click the Database Connection node and select New from context.

    Right-click the Database Connection node to create a new database.
  3. In the New Connection Profile dialog, select Oracle Database Connection and type HRConn as the name for this connection.

     the New Connection Profile dialog. Choosing a connection type and specifying a name

    Click Next.

  4. In the New Connection Profile, type the following values:

    Property Value
    SID XE, orcl ...
    Host localhost
    Port Number 1521
    User name hr
    Password hr
    Save password Checked

     Connection details.

    Click Test Connection to validate the connection.

  5. Click OK then Next.

     Successful connection test.

    If the connection is unsuccessful, review the connection parameters and make sure the database is up and running.

  6. Review the connection summary and click Finish.

     Summary of the Connection profile
  7. In the Data Source Explorer, expand the HRConn | orcl | Schemas | HR | Tables nodes. The expected tables should be displayed.

     Exploring the database objects.
  8. Right-click the Tables node and select Show in Schema Viewer from context.

     Choosing to Show the database tables in Schema Viewer
  9. A HR diagram is displayed exposing table names, column names, column types, keys and relationships between tables.

     The Schema Viewer.
  10. In the Outline pane, move the blue transparent window to display other areas of your diagram.

      The Schema Viewer and the Outline window.
  11. Close the Diagram pane.

     Closing the diagram.
Step 5: Create an Oracle ADF Application

An enterprise application project ties together one or more Java EE modules, including application client modules, JPA modules, Connector modules, or Web modules. To create a new Oracle ADF Application, perform the following steps:

  1. Right-click within the Project Explorer pane and select New --> Oracle ADF Application. (Alternatively you can select File | New | Oracle ADF Application)

     Selecting the Oracle ADF Application menu option.
  2. In the New Oracle ADF Application, type TaskFlowApp as the Application name. Notice the generated name for the Dynamic web project name defaulted to TaskFlowAppWeb. Next to the JPA Project field, click the New JPA Project button.

    Defining the New Oracle ADF Application
  3. In the New JPA Project wizard, type TaskFlowAppModel as the project name and from the list, select Oracle WebLogic Server 11gR1(10.3.5) as the Target Runtime. Select 1.0 as JPA version if necessary. Then in the Configuration section, click Modify.

     Specifying the JPA Project.
    You can use JPA 1.0 or 2.0, but you need to apply a patch to WebLogic Server to add 2.0 support. Show more or less Read more...
  4. In the Project Facets check the following project facets to add to your current project:
    - EJB Module,
    - Java,
    - JPA,
    - Oracle WebLogic EJB Extensions.

     Adding Facets to the current project.

    Click OK, then Next.

  5. Click Next again to skip the Java dialog.

     The Java step for the JPA Project.
  6. In the JPA Facet, select EclipseLink 1.2.x as the Platform. WebLogic System Library (Oracle Toplink 11gR1) as the type, then select the HRConn connection.

     Configuring JPA Facet.

    Click Next, then Finish.

  7. Click No on the prompted message to not open the perspective.

     Open Associated Perspective dialog.

    Then click Finish.

  8. The Project Explorer pane should look like the following:

     The Project Explorer pane.
  9. In the Project Explorer you review the generated artifacts. Expand the TaskFlowApp node to open the Enterprise Application Project (EAR project in Eclipse). All the basic components for deployment have been created.

     Expanding the TaskFlowApp node
  10. Double-click the adf-config.xml file to open it in the editor with the Source view.

     the adf-config.xml file
  11. In the Project Explorer, notice that the adf library adf-loc.jar has been added to your project. Open and examine the configuration file application.xml.

     The configuration file application.xml.
  12. Open the weblogic-application.xml. Notice the shared libraries (

    The weblogic-application.xml.
  13. Click the Source tab, and notice the declared components such as listeners and libraries.

     The source of the weblogic-application.xml.
  14. Expand the TaskFlowAppModel to review what basic structure has been created for the model part.

    Expanding the TaskFlowAppModel.
  15. Expand the TaskFlowAppWeb to review what basic structure has been created for the view controller part.

    Expanding the TaskFlowAppWeb.
  16. Right-click any tab and select Close All to close all the tabs in the editor pane.

     Closing all the opened tabs.
  17. Click the Save All icon Save All icon to save the changes.

Step 6: Define the Model Components

The Java Persistence API, sometimes referred to as JPA, is a Java programming language framework managing relational data in applications using Java. OEPE allows you to generate JPA entities using entity generation tools and wizards. To create Java classes, mapping your database table definitions, using JPA (Java Persistence API) perform the following steps:

  1. Collapse all the nodes and expand the TaskFlowAppModel. Right-click the TaskFlowAppModel node and select JPA Tools --> Generate Entities from Tables from context.

     select JPA Tools --> Generate Entities from Tables menu option.
  2. In the Generate Custom Entities dialog, select HRConn as the connection, HR as the schema. This will populate the Tables list. The data model for this application is based on the Employees table in the HR Schema, select the Employees table in the Select Tables dialog.

    selecting the Employees table in the Select Tables dialog.

    Click Next.

  3. In the Table Associations diagram, click the Employees table to bring up the recursive association on the table to generate this association.

     Selecting the table associations.

    Click Next.

  4. In the Customize Default Entity Generation step, modify the collection properties type to java.util.List and type model as the package name. The new entity will be added to the TaskFlowAppModel project under the model package.

     Customizing Default Entity Generation step

    Click Next.

  5. In the table and columns, expand EMPLOYEES. The default proposed class name is Employee.

     Table and columns, for EMPLOYEES
  6. Select any column to display the column properties. Notice that you could change the properties to be generated.

     Column selection.

    Click Finish.

  7. Upon the completion of the OEPE JPA Entity Generation Wizard, the generated JPA entity classes are automatically added to your project's persistence.xml file. Open the Managed Classes accordion to view the Employee class.

     The persistence.xml file.
  8. In the Project Explorer, expand TaskFlowAppModel | src | model, this is the location where the class is created.

     The class in the Project Navigator.
  9. Double-click the node to edit the class. Review the code created.

     The class code.
    Notice the metadata annotations used: @Entity, @Table...Show more or less Read more...
  10. Using the Java Persistence Query Language (JPQL), add an annotation, to the class, that retrieves all the rows of the Employees table. Start typing @NamedQu and clicking the red x in the margin, select @NamedQuery from the proposed list.

     Adding an annotation statement to the code.
  11. Complete your statement with the following code:
    @NamedQuery (name="Employee.findAll", query="select e from Employee e").Your new Java code should be:

     The new code in the java class.

    When defining the JPQL query string, OEPE provides content assist and validation against the live database connection.

  12. Right-click TaskFlowAppModel in the Project navigator and select New --> Session Bean from JPA entities to launch the Session Bean wizard.

     Creating a Session Bean from JPA entities
  13. In the Create Session Bean from JPA Entities, the source folder should be already defaulted to src. Type model.service as the Java package and EmployeeService as the class name.

     The Create Session Bean from JPA Entities dialog

    Click Next.

  14. In the Select Entities step, shuttle model.Employee in the Selected entities pane.

     Selecting Entities.

    This Session Façade will provide CRUD operations for the Employee JPA Entity so add the Employee Entity to the Selected entities list. Click Finish.

  15. New entries are created in the Project Explorer. Expand the TaskFlowAppModel | src | model.service nodes. Three new classes exist now. EmployeeService, EmployeeServiceLocal and EmployeeServiceRemote.

    Three new classes in the Navigator.
  16. Open the EmployeeService one. Notice that a Stateless Session Bean was created.

     Code of the EmployeeService class.
  17. The outline displays the available methods. Beside the standard queryByRange, persist, merge and remove methods, notice the getEmployeeFindAll one resulting from the metadata annotation you added.

     The outline for the class.
    OEPE’s data model tools support iterative development.Show more or lessRead more...
  18. The Session Bean is now ready to use. Create a new Managed Bean which will surface the data access to the ADF Faces UI. Right-click and select Data Model Components --> Generate JSF ManagedBean.

     Creating a  Managed Bean
  19. In the Create Managed Bean dialog, type controller as the Java package and EmployeeServiceBean as the class name. Notice that the other values are defaulted.

     The Create Managed Bean dialog.

    Click Finish.This creates the managed bean in the web project.

  20. Expand the TaskFlowAppWeb | Java Resources | src | controller folder. The has been added to the Web project.

     Java code with no errors.
  21. The Employees web interface uses and ADF Faces Table component to display the list of Employees. Add additional helper methods to the EmployeeServiceBean managed bean in order to get the ADF RichTable instance and selected row information. The code below should be added under the private Employee selectedEmployee statement. 

    private RichTable employeesTable;
    public RichTable getEmployeesTable() {
    return employeesTable;
    public void setEmployeesTable(RichTable employeesTable) {
    this.employeesTable = employeesTable;
    public void selectTable(SelectionEvent p0) {
    private void selectCurrentEmployee() {
    Employee emp = (Employee) getEmployeesTable()
    if (emp != null)

     Java code with errors for the EmployeeServiceBean class
  22. Add Imports statements for the and org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.event.SelectionEvent components.

    import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.event.SelectionEvent;

     Imported statements in the Java code.
  23. The managed bean is ready for use.You can start building the UI.

  24. Click the Save All icon Save All icon to save the changes.

Step 7: Create a Task Flow Diagram
In this section, you create a bounded task flow diagram for your JSF pages.
  1. In the Project Navigator, right-click the TaskFlowAppWeb project and select New --> ADF Task Flow from context.

    ADF Task Flow menu option.
  2. In the Create ADF Task Flow, type employee-flow.xml as the file name.

    Creating an ADF Task Flow.

    Click Next.

  3. In the Task Flow Options, check the check-boxes to create a bounded task flow, using page fragments.

    Task Flow options dialog.

    Click Finish.

  4. A diagram view opens for the employee-flow.

    The task flow diagram editor.
    The Task Flow editor provides multiple views to simplify the creation of ADF Task Flows.Show more or less Read more...
  5. Click the Source tab to visualize the content of the file.

     The task flow source editor
  6. Click the Overview tab and explore the various properties you can specify for the task flow. Notice the reported error mentioning that no default activity exists so far.

     The task flow overview editor
  7. Click the Diagram tab, then right-click within the diagram surface and select Show Grid from context.

     Selecting the Show Grid menu option.
  8. Notice that the Properties pane displays the content of the Overview. Grab the Palette tab down in the log window and move it over the Outline tab.

     Selecting the View component from the Palette.
  9. From the Palette pane, drag and drop the View activity icon onto the diagram.

     Dropping a View activity onto the diagram.
  10. Type emp-list as the view name.

     The emp-list view

    Notice the Green circle above the View. It identifies the entry point of a bounded task flow and it is given by default to the first view created.

  11. Add a second view next to the first one and type emp-edit as the name..

     The tasf flow diagram with 2 views.
  12. From the Palette pane, select the Control Flow Case icon. Click within the emp-list view and drag and drop the control flow in the emp-edit view.

     Adding a control flow case between the views.
  13. Name the flow edit.

     Naming a control flow case.
  14. Repeat the last operation to create two additional flows from emp-edit to emp-list. Name these flows commit and rollback.

    Adding two control flow cases between the views.
  15. Your task flow diagram should look like the following:

     The final diagram.

    Notice the two warning icons on the views. Indicating that at this point the views are graphical components but haven't been created as pages yet.

  16. Click the Select icon to unpin the Control Flow case selection.

    Selecting the Select option
  17. Click the Save All icon Save All icon to save the changes.

Step 8: Define the JSP Pages

With the view activities and navigation defined. Create the JSP pages which are associated to the View activities.

  1. Double click emp-list to launch the New JSP File wizard.

    The emp-list activity on the diagram.
  2. In the New JSP File dialog, provide the File name emp-list.jsff.

     The New JSP File dialog.

    Click Finish.

  3. Click the employee-flow tab to display the task flow diagram and double-click the emp-edit view and create a new JSP called emp-edit.jsff.

     The emp-edit view activity in the task flow diagram.
  4. Re-display the employee-flow diagram once both pages are created. The Task Flow Editor should look like the image below with no warnings or errors.

     The Task Flow diagram.
  5. Click the Save All icon Save All icon to save the changes.

  6. Click the emp-list.jsff tab and open the Design view for emp-list.jsff.

    The design view for emp-list.jsff page.
  7. Scroll to the bottom of the Palette view and expand the Data Palette. This is a list of all variables and objects currently defined and available to emp-list.jsff.

    The Data Palette.
  8. Add a new line in the Design editor, then drag the employeeFindAll method from employeeServiceBean in between the open and closing jsp:root tags.

     Droping employeeFindAll from the Data Palette into the page design.
  9. The employeeFindAll method returns a collection Employees. In the tag drop editor, select the ADF Table component to display the collection and click Next.

     Choose Generator dialog.
  10. For the Iteration Variable step, provide a variable name called row and confirm that the model.Employee entity is the selected Type.

     Ieration Variable dialog.

    Click Next.

  11. The Choose Fields screen allows selection of the Employee entity fields to display as columns in the ADF Table. Restrict the selection of the displayed fields to match the screenshot below.

     Choose fields dialog

    Click Next.

  12. Finally, using the up/down arrows on the right, update the order of the fields as they will be represented in the ADF Table component and click Finish.

     Other Fields dialog.
  13. After the closing af:table tag, drag an ADF Faces | Button from the component Palette into the emp-list.jsff.

     Droping an ADF Faces Button in the Design editor.
  14. Enter cb1 as the Id and Edit as the Text label for the ADF Faces Button. To define the resulting action after clicking the Edit button, click the Select a Value Select a Value icon button next to the Action field.

     New Command Button dialog.
  15. Select the edit action outcome and click OK. This will call the emp-edit page.

     Selecting  edit as the action outcome.

    Click Finish.

  16. In order to implement the row selection facility to the ADF Faces Table component, additional properties must be added. In the Source view for emp-list.jsff, update the <af:table .....employeeFindAll}"> statement with the following one:

    <af:table id="tablerow" var="row"
    displayRow="selected" width="600">

    The new af:table tag code.

  17. Click the Save All icon Save All icon to save the changes.

  18. To add editing fields for the selected employee, open emp-edit.jsff. Drag an ADF Faces | Panel Form Layout component from the Palette into the emp-edit.jsff above the closing </jsp:root> tag.

    Droping a Panel Form Layout onto the page Design.
  19. A tag drop editor to configure the Panel Form Layout component appears. Select the Generate a panelFormLayout tag and content from data option. Click the Select a variable button next to the Bean property field.

    The New Panel Form Layout dialog.
  20. Bind the Panel Form Layout bean property to employeeServiceBean.selectedEmployee.

     Choose Bean Property dialog.

    Click OK. Then click Next back in the Panel Form Layout Type screen.

  21. In the Property Selection step, restrict the columns selection to the following list:

     Choose the Properties for the panel form.

    Click Next.

  22. The Configure Content screen provides additional configuration options for the generated ADF Faces components including ordering of the components and component types. In this screen, reorder and change the default rendering of components as seen below. The Employee ID field will be represented as an uneditable Output Text component while the rest of the fields will be editable Text Field.

     Configure content dialog

    Click Finish.

  23. After the closing panelFormLayout tag, add a new ADF Faces | Button by dragging from the Palette at the bottom of the emp-edit.jsff page.

     Droping a Button onto the page source.
  24. Name the Button text as Commit and select the Bind to a dynamic value button Bind to a dynamic value icon.

     Command Button dialog
  25. Bind the Commit button action to the updateEmployee() method in order to merge the form edits back into the Employee entity and click OK.

     Choose Method dialog.
  26. Back to the New Command dialog, click Finish.

     New Command Button dialog.
  27. Add one more ADF Faces | Button to emp-edit.jsff to represent the rollback control flow case.

     Droping a Button onto the page source code
  28. Type Cancel as the text and then click the Select Value button to bind directly to the control flow case.

     New Command Button dialog.
  29. In the Select Action Outcome screen, select the rollback Control Flow Case which is defined in the employee-btf.xml Task Flow.

     Select Action Outcome dialog.

    Click OK. Then click Finish to create the button.

  30. Click the Save All icon Save All icon to save the changes.

Step 9: Create a JSP Page Including a TaskFlow as Region

The TaskFlow you created can be used as region in a JSP page. The employee-flow task flow pages will be surfaced as an ADF Region in a main page.

  1. Right click the TaskFlowAppWeb project and select New > JSP File.

     JSP File menu option.
  2. Provide the name main.jspx for the file and click Next.

     JSP definition dialog.
  3. OEPE provides a number of templates for ADF Faces pages, select the ADF Rich Faces Page – Basic (xhtml, xml syntax) template and click Finish.

     Menu item View Tasks
  4. To represent the Bounded Task Flow on the main.jspx, add new empty lines between the <af:form and </af:form> tags, then drag employee-flow.xml to the main.jspx page and select the component type as a Region.

     Region menu option.
  5. The <af:region> tag is created on main.jspx

     The region tag in the source code.
  6. Additional ADF Binding files will be created in the adfmsrc source. Review the generated ADF Binding information.

    mainPageDef source code.
  7. Click the Save All icon Save All iconto save your work.

Step 10: Configure a Transaction Manager

To implement the Commit functionality, you need to define a Transaction Manager handling the database saving action.

  1. Click the TaskFlowAppModel | JPA Content | persistence.xml file to edit it.

  2.  Persistence.xml file.

    Click the Connection tab at the bottom and for the Transaction type, select JTA from the list, and type HRConn as the JTA data source.

     Connection tab of the persistence file.
  3. Click the Source tab and remove the 4 lines related to javax from the source.

     Source code of the persistence file.
  4. The file should look like the following:

    Source code of the persistence file.
  5. Click the Servers Manager tab, then right-click Oracle WebLogic Server and select Start from context.

     Start menu option
  6. Wait for WebLogic Server to be started, then right-click Oracle WebLogic Server and select Go To --> Admin Console.

     Go To --> Admin Console menu option.
  7. The WebLogic Admin Console opens in the embedded browser window. Wait for deployment operation to proceed.

     Console loading in the browser.
  8. Once loaded, in the Weblogic Console, login using weblogic/welcome1 credentials (these are the default values unless you've changed them).

    Login in the Admin console.

    Click Login.

  9. In the WebLogic Administration Console, expand the Services node in the Domain Structure pane and click Data Sources.

     Clicking Date Sources link.
  10. In the Data Sources, click the New button and select Generic Data Source from the list.

    Creating a New Generic Data Source
  11. In the JDBC Date Source Properties, type HRConn as the name, and Oracle as the Database Type.

     Defining the JDBS Data Source properties.

    Click Next.

  12. In the following step, select the Oracle's Driver (Thin XA)....

     Selecting the database driver.

    Click Next.

  13. Click Next on the following step.

     Transaction options
  14. Type orcl for the Database Name and localhost for the Host Name and hr/hr for database username and passwords.

     Specifying the database connections information.

    Click Next.

  15. Click the Test Configuration button.

     Testing the database connection.
  16. Make sure it returns a succeeded status. Click Finish.

     Succeed of the connection to the database.
  17. In the Select Targets step click the AdminServer checkbox.

     Selecting the Admin Server option.

    Click Finish.

  18. The new data source appears in the Summary pane.

     JDBC Summary.
  19. Click the Save All icon Save All icon to save the changes.

Step 11: Run and Test the Pages

You're now ready to run and test your pages. To proceed, perform the following actions:

  1. In the Servers view, right-click Oracle WebLogic Server and select Add and Remove from context.

     Add and Remove menu option.
  2. In the Add and Remove screen, add the TaskFlowApp project and click Finish.

     Shuttling the TaskFlowApp in the configured pane.
  3. To run the main page, right click main.jspx and select Run As > Run on Server.

    Running main.jspx on the server.
  4. Select the Oracle WebLogic Server target and click Finish.

     Run On Server dialog.
  5. The main page will launch in the integrated Eclipse browser. Select amy row from the Employee list, and click Edit.

     The emp-list page with a selected employee.
  6. Employee details are now displayed.

     An Employee details.
  7. Modify the Employee data and click Commit.

     Updated employee details.
  8. The Employee list displays the updated employee value.

     Employee list with the employee value updated
  9. You can experiment redoing a new update operation with the Cancel action.

  10. You've successfully completed this OEPE tutorial.


In this tutorial you learned how to build an Oracle ADF Application using OEPE. You learned how to:

To learn more about the Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse, refer to:

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