Timesheets Module Improvements
The Timesheets module in EnterpriseTrack 8.7 features enhanced integration with ERP and financial system applications. Timesheet administrators can close timesheet periods and freeze timesheets from further modifications. When necessary, timesheet administrators can also allow controlled corrections to the timesheets in the closed periods and extract just the timesheet data for the corrections.
A new API for the Timesheet Detail Report provides timesheet correction support and improved data extraction for ERP integration. Timesheet administrators can now set timesheet close periods, reopen periods for correction, and view a summary breakdown of timesheet reporting statuses via a new Verify Timesheet Reporting Status report. The Verify Timesheet Reporting Status report lists the number of timesheets not created, pending submission, pending approval, approved, and the total number of timesheets created during the close period. The report helps administrators resolve missing or incomplete timesheets before closing a timesheet period.
On the user side, the Timesheets module displays a new interface with non-working days highlighted on the resource calendar and keyboard navigation shortcuts.
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