- Revision History
- Overview
- Feature Summary
- Enterprise Platform
- Customer Requested Features and Enhancements
- Advanced Actions for Commerce Hiding Rules
- BML Search Optimization
- Event Logs Enhancement
- File Attachment Support for Microsoft Mail Messages
- Performance Analysis for Commerce Actions
- Select All Columns Functionality for BMQL Data Table Queries
- Single Select Pick List Processing Enhancement
- User Profile Time Zone List Enhancement
- Web Services Password Expiration
- Pre-Upgrade Considerations
- Post-Upgrade Considerations
This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:
Date | Feature | Notes |
15 FEB 2019 | Created initial document. |
Oracle Configure, Price, and Quote (CPQ) Cloud enables companies to streamline the entire opportunity-to-quote-to-order process, including product selection, configuration, pricing, quoting, ordering, and approval workflows. CPQ Cloud provides a flexible, scalable, enterprise-ready solution ideal for companies of all sizes that sell products and services across direct, indirect, and e-commerce sales channels.
This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in Oracle CPQ Cloud 19A and describes any tasks you might need to perform for the update. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.
Security & New Features
We would like to remind you if your system has modified security structures you may need to advise your security administrator of new features you would like to implement.
Give Us Feedback
We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at cpqcloud_documentation_us_grp@oracle.com.
Action Required to Enable Feature |
Feature |
Automatically Available |
End User Action Required |
Administrator Action Required |
Oracle Service Request Required |
Select All Columns Functionality for BMQL Data Table Queries |
The following CPQ Cloud Update 19A features and enhancements cater to the needs of large, complex enterprises for a robust, integrated, and performant platform:
- Subscription Management Integration
- Generic Integration Service
Subscription Management Integration
Businesses across the industries are looking to adapt the change in buyer behavior and embrace subscription business models. In order to address these needs, Oracle recently launched the Oracle Subscription Management cloud application. By integrating front and back office business processes on one platform, Oracle Subscription Management allows organizations to build predictable, recurring revenue models by providing an end-to-end subscription solution that manages billing and revenue recognition and also informs customer-facing personnel with a complete view of purchasing behavior.
As part of the end-to-end subscription solution Oracle CPQ Cloud 19A provides integration with Oracle Subscription Management application. This allows customers to create and manage products and services they can sell using a subscription model. The subscription model supports the ability to manage a given product or service as a recurring or usage-based price item.
Leveraging this integration customers can enable their sales teams to capture subscription orders and perform subscription management activities throughout the lifecycle of these customer relationships. The integration, enabled by Oracle’s next generation middleware Oracle Autonomous Integration Cloud (OAIC), formerly known as (ICS), comes with a Subscription Management package that includes installable artifacts for both CPQ and OAIC.
IMPORTANT: Oracle Subscription Management (OSS) is a separately licensed product. Please contact your Oracle Sales representative for more details.
The following functionality is available in 19A:
- Create a subscription in OSS by creating and submitting a Transaction in CPQ Cloud.
- Amend a subscription by changing the subscription quantity, duration, or product.
- Renew an existing subscription.
- Terminate an active subscription.
- Use the Rating/Pricing Engine to display subscription charges as line attributes using Transaction array attributes.
- Set up the Subscription Management integration using integration resources.
IMPORTANT: The examples provided in the following procedures are part of the Subscription Management Integration Package. The referenced CPQ attributes, actions, and other artifacts are from CPQ Reference Application for customers provisioned after 2016. Other customers can also configure this integration as per their current implementation's requirements.
Create a Subscription in OSS from CPQ Cloud
OAIC is the middleware used to establish an integration between CPQ Cloud and OSS. Once this integration is established, sales users can use CPQ Cloud to create a Transaction and invoke OAIC to create a subscription in OSS. To access CPQ Cloud to create a Transaction, sales users directly log in CPQ Cloud or gain access through a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) opportunity.
To create a subscription in OSS by creating and submitting a Transaction in CPQ Cloud, perform the following steps in CPQ Cloud:
- Open CPQ Cloud.
- Navigate to Transaction Manager.
- Click New Transaction. The Transaction page opens.
- Select the date the subscription is to take effect from the Default Request Date field, which is used to specify the date when the subscription order should be activated. After approval of the Transaction, the Submit Order button is available on the Transaction page.
Submit Order Button
- When the Subscription Management package is installed, a Subscription Status field and a Subscription Id field are added. Administrators can add these fields to the layout.
- OSS requires the generation of a billing schedule as part of subscription creation. If billing or charge related fields are missing or incorrect in the Create subscription payload, the billing schedule is typically not generated. Administrators can resolve this discrepancy by attempting to activate the subscription in OSS.
- Click Submit Order. Once the subscription is created, the Subscription Id is updated.
- If subscription activation is successful, the Subscription Status field updates to "Success".
- If the billing schedule is not generated, a new Subscription id is created, but the Subscription Status field updates to "Failure".
- When the subscription reaches the Subscription Created state, the Update Asset Timer is triggered. Refreshing the Transaction changes the Fulfillment Status from Created to Fulfilled.
Fulfillment Status - Fulfilled
The Update Asset Timer is configured in the Subscription Created step and monitors the Max Request Date field. The Max Request Date field, which is part of the Subscription Management installation package, defaults to the Default Request Date during the creation of a Transaction.
The Update Asset Timer creates assets only when the Contract Start Date is less than or equal to the Max Request Date. After the Update Asset Timer is executed, the Max Request Date field is updated to the next Contract Start Date. The Update Asset Timer will then execute on this date. CPQ Commerce Timer functionality is leveraged to activate the asset as specified on the request date. For details about Timer functionality, refer to the CPQ Cloud Administration Online Help.
Amend a Subscription
The Subscription Management solution uses Subscription Ordering functionality to support the modification of an existing asset-based subscription. After a subscription is created and fulfilled, sales users can use the Subscription Ordering Modify flow to change the subscription product, quantity, or duration. During the amend flow, OAIC obtains charge information from OSS and adds the charge information to the amended Transaction. Charges, sometimes referred to as Pricing Charges, are a way to model multiple prices for a given subscription product or service. For instance, an internet subscription may include charges like one-time installation fee, monthly recurring fee, overage fee, etc.
To amend a subscription by changing the subscription product, quantity, or duration; perform the following steps:
- Open CPQ Cloud.
- Navigate to Transaction Manager.
- Click the Transaction Number associated with the asset to amend. The Transaction page opens.
- Click the Customer Assets button. The Customer Assets page opens.
- Select the asset to modify. Sales users must know the asset key associated with the asset-based subscription to modify.
Customer Assets Page
- Click Modify. The Model Configuration page opens.
Model Configuration Page
- Modify the subscription service, quantity, or duration.
- Click Update.
Model Configuration Page - Update
- Click Create Transaction. The Transaction page opens
- (Optional) Click Add Line Item to add one or more additional products.
- Click Update.
- Click Add to Transaction. The modified subscription details are shown on the Transaction page.
- Select the date the amended subscription is to take effect from the Default Request Date field.
Select a Change Reason. If the product was modified, select Upgrade or Downgrade as the Change Reason. The Amend Replacement field must be the instance Id of the deleted product.
Transaction Page - Change Reason and Change Code Fields
IMPORTANT: The amendment process requires CPQ to send fields like Change Reason, Change Code, Amendment Replacement, Instance ID, etc. to OSS. Administrators can write Commerce rules to set the values for these fields as part of the amendment flow call to OSS.
- Use the UpdateOldSubscription menu to determine whether to apply the subscription amendments to a new subscription or to the existing subscription. In the following example, the amendments to the subscriptions are applied to a new subscription.
- When the UpdateOldSubscription menu is set to False, the amended product lines are added to a new subscription in OSS.
- When the UpdateOldSubscription menu is set to True, the amended product lines are added the existing subscription in OSS.
Subscriptions Changes Applied to New Subscription
- Submit the transaction to get the required approvals and create the amendment order.
- When a subscription is amended, the status of both the original subscription and the amended subscription is "Active" in OSS.
- Quantity changes are supported at the subscription line level and not at the root model level.
- Sales users cannot amend a subscription with a future-dated termination date. The termination of a subscription is handled by OSS.
- Sales users can use the Update flag with all types of Amend flows to determine whether to apply subscription changes to a new subscription or the existing subscription.
Add Amended Lines to Existing Subscription
Once a subscription is created, sales users can change the subscription and have the amended lines included in the existing subscription. As an example, a sales user subscribes to "Cloud Backup Services" in CPQ Cloud and later decides to upgrade to "Premium Cloud Backup Service". The sales user wants to include the amended lines in the existing subscription instead of creating a new subscription.
To add amended lines to an existing subscription, perform the following steps:
- Open CPQ Cloud.
- Navigate to Transaction Manager.
- Click the Transaction Number associated with the subscription to amend. The Transaction page opens.
- Amend the subscription by adding, updating, or deleting products.
- Set the UpdateOldSubscription checkbox next to the amended products to True. The amended product lines are added to the existing subscription in OSS.
Subscription Changes Applied to Existing Subscription
- Administrators can also automate the process by setting the "Update" flag through the BOM configuration approach.
- The Populate OSS Charge action allows users to call OSS to get and update the charges for the pre-existing subscription lines from the original subscription contract that are getting amended in the current Transaction.
Renew Existing Subscription
Sales users can renew a subscription from OSS. This creates a new Transaction in CPQ Cloud and a new subscription in OSS. When the OSS Renew event is triggered, a new Transaction is created in CPQ Cloud with a Renew state for the Transaction Lines of all products. A new, renewed subscription is created in OSS.
IMPORTANT: If administrators define email notifications for renewals, the subscription owner will receive an email notification informing of the subscription renewal.
Terminate an Active Subscription
Sales users can use the Customer Assets page to terminate subscriptions that are in an active state in OSS. Terminating an active subscription creates a Transaction Line in a new Transaction, where the root line item has an action code of Terminate and all products have an action code of Delete.
To terminate an active subscription, perform the following steps:
- Open CPQ Cloud.
- Navigate to the Customer Assets page.
- Select the asset that corresponds to the subscription to terminate.
Customer Assets Page
- Click Terminate. The Transaction page opens.
- Click Save.
- Click Submit Order. Use OSS to verify the termination of the subscription. The product status of the subscription displays as "closed" in OSS.
Display Subscription Charges in the Rating/Pricing Engine
The Subscription Management integration supports the ability to model subscription products to hold different prices at any given point. Customers can model the prices of their subscription products, known as charge lines, through child line items and add them to a Transaction through Configuration. The Rating/Pricing Engine was enhanced in 19A to support Transaction arrays. The Subscription Management solution displays subscription charges as line attributes using Transaction arrays.
Set up the Subscription Management Integration
The Oracle CPQ Cloud Subscription Management Installation Guide contains integration details for Subscription Management and is published as a separate document for 19A.
The CPQ Cloud Subscription Management Integration Package contains the following artifacts:
- Oracle CPQ Cloud Subscription Management Installation Guide: A document containing detailed instructions on setting up the integration.
- CPQ Cloud Subscription Management Package: A granular migration package containing new Commerce attributes, actions, and rules supporting Subscription Management.
- OAIC Integration for End-to-End Flow: An OAIC flow package for creating, amending, terminating, and renewing subscriptions.
- OAIC Flow for the OSS Renew Event: An OAIC flow package that listens to the OSS Renew Event and creates a Transaction in CPQ Cloud for the OSS Renew Event.
- OAIC Usage Rating Flow: The OAIC flow for rating usage charges for OSS by invoking the CPQ Cloud Pricing API.
- Populate Amend Charge Flow: This flow populates charge information from the original subscription into the amended Transaction.
IMPORTANT: The required prerequisites for the Subscription Management integration to work include the Oracle CPQ Cloud Subscription Management Installation Guide (available with 19A), Oracle Customer Data Management for customer account information, Oracle Product Information Management (PIM) with parts synced between CPQ Cloud and OSS, and the Oracle Subscription Ordering flow with BOM Mapping and Asset-Based Ordering (ABO) setup.
Steps to Enable
Refer to the Oracle CPQ Cloud Subscription Management Installation Guide.
Tips And Considerations
Consider the following tips when using the Subscription Management integration:
- Bill of Materials (BOM) and Subscription Ordering (often referred to as "Asset Based Ordering") are required for the Subscription Management Integration to work.
- Subscription lines in the Subscription Management integration are only created from BOM child parts. This excludes recommended parts, parts added ad hoc, and also the root model line and child model lines in a system.
Key Resources
Refer to CPQ Cloud Administration Online Help for additional information.
In CPQ Cloud 19A, the Integration Center contains a new generic type integration. In prior updates, the Commerce BML Integration type was only available for integrating CPQ Cloud with Microsoft Dynamics 365. The generic type integration leverages the Commerce BML integration to communicate with any external system.
Create a Generic Integration
To create a generic integration, perform the following steps:
- Open the Admin Home page.
- Select Integration Center under Integration Platform.
- Click Create Integration.
- From the Type drop-down, select Generic Integration.
- In the Name field, enter a name that describes the integration.
- In the Request URL field, enter the URL of the third-party system.
- In the Username and Password fields, enter the login credentials for the third-party system.
- Select the Enable Integration check box to enable the integration.
- Click Save.
Sample Generic Integration
Add a BML Integration to a Commerce Process
To add a Generic Integration to a Commerce Process, perform the following steps:
- Navigate to the Admin Home.
- Click Process Definition in the Commerce and Documents section. The Processes page opens.
- For the applicable process, select Integrations in the Navigation column.
- Click List. The Integrations page opens.
- Click Add. The Select Integration Type page opens.
Select Integration Types
- Select BML, then click Next. The Edit Integration page opens.
Edit Integration Page
- Enter the Name and Variable Name of the integration.
- If required, enter a Description.
- Select the Interface Type.
- Click Define to open the BML Editor. Using the BML Editor, administrators can set up the BML for the integration.
- Click Add.
Steps to Enable
The generic type integration is available on CPQ Cloud 19A sites.
Key Resources
Refer to CPQ Cloud Administration Online Help for additional information.
Customer Requested Features and Enhancements
The CPQ Cloud Update 19A introduces the following customer requested features and enhancements:
- Advanced Actions for Commerce Hiding Rules
- BML Search Optimization
- Event Logs Enhancement
- File Attachment Support for Microsoft Mail Messages
- Performance Analysis for Commerce Actions
- Select All Columns Functionality for BMQL Data Table Queries
- Single Select Pick List Processing Enhancement
- User Profile Time Zone List Enhancement
- Web Services Password Expiration
Advanced Actions for Commerce Hiding Rules
As in prior updates, customers can use hiding rules in Commerce to hide select actions and attributes when a predefined condition is satisfied. CPQ Cloud 19A extends this functionality by providing advanced actions that allow administrators to use BML to define dynamic hiding rule actions. With this feature, administrators can decrease the number of hiding rules.
Add Advanced Actions to a Commerce Hiding Rule
To add advanced actions to a Commerce Hiding rule, perform the following steps:
Navigate to the Rules List page. Admin > Commerce and Documents > Process Definition > Documents > Rules
- Select Hiding from the Add drop-down to create a new Hiding rule. The Hiding Rule Definition page opens.
Hiding Rule Definition Page
- Select Advanced for the Action Type.
- Click Define Function.
- Select the applicable variables and functions, then click Next.
- Enter the BML function, then click Save and Close.
- Click Save.
IMPORTANT: For more information about creating Hiding rules, refer to the CPQ Cloud Administration Online Help - Commerce Rules topic.
Steps to Enable
Advanced Actions for Commerce Hiding Rules are automatically available on CPQ Cloud 19A sites.
Key Resources
Refer to CPQ Cloud Administration Online Help for additional information.
Beginning in CPQ Cloud 19A, BML operations like "find" and "equals" will perform a strict comparison of characters by default. This enhancement provides more precise behavior and improved performance for long BML scripts. When locale search/comparison in BML functions is disabled, character variations are not normalized. For example: A search for a lower case "a" only returns the "a" character, and a search for a lower case "a" with an acute accent (á) only returns the (á) character. Use Locale search/comparison in BML functions is disabled by default.
If required, administrators can enable locale search/comparison in BML functions. When enabled, all character variations are normalized to their basic version. For example: A search for a lower case "a" returns the following characters: a, à, á, â, ã, ä, and å. Likewise, a search for a lower case "a" with an acute accent (á) also returns the following characters: a, à, á, â, ã, ä, and å.
Enable Local Search/Comparison in BML Functions
To enable locale search/comparison in BML functions, perform the following steps:
- Navigate to the Admin Home page.
- In the General section, select General Site Options. The Options – General page opens.
Use Locale Search/Comparison in BML Functions Option
- Set Use Locale search/comparison in BML functions option to Yes.
- Click Apply.
Steps to Enable
The BML Search Optimization feature is automatically available on CPQ Cloud 19A sites.
Tips And Considerations
IMPORTANT: BML search operations will take longer when Use Locale search/comparison in BML functions is enabled. This behavior will be most noticeable on sites with long strings or a large number of strings. Customers should only enable Use Locale search/comparison in BML functions if locale search/comparison is required.
Key Resources
Refer to CPQ Cloud Administration Online Help for additional information.
In CPQ Cloud 19A, the application events, response time, and system statistics log tables have been optimized to better manage maintenance operations, such as background cleanup. This enhancement eliminates the event logging issues previously experienced during the deletion of out-of-date log entries.
Steps to Enable
The Event Logs enhancement is automatically available on CPQ Cloud 19A sites.
File Attachment Support for Microsoft Mail Messages
CPQ Cloud 19A provides support for Microsoft Outlook and Exchange mail message files (.msg) in Commerce. Customers can now attach .msg files in Commerce File Attachment attributes and use REST API and SOAP web services to update and retrieve associated .msg file attachments.
Steps to Enable
File Attachment support for .msg files is automatically available on CPQ Cloud 19A sites.
Key Resources
Refer to CPQ Cloud Administration Online Help for additional information.
Performance Analysis for Commerce Actions
CPQ Cloud 19A introduces performance analysis functionality for Commerce actions to enable customers to detect potential BML issues. The performance analysis operation scans BML functions in Advanced Modify Before and After Formulas, Advanced Validation, Modify options, Destination options, and BML integrations. Upon execution, the new Commerce action Performance tab displays all associated BML loops, BMQL, URL data calls, library calls, and JSON parsing. This allows administrators to see the flow of BML associated with a Commerce action and identify performance hindrances, such as nested loops.
The performance analysis results indent nested functions below their parent function. For example: The following image displays a BML function with multiple nested loops, BMQL within nested loops, and urldataby calls within loops.
Performance Analysis with Nested Functions
Generate a Commerce Action performance Analysis
To generate a Commerce action performance analysis, perform the following steps:
- Navigate to the Action List page. Admin > Commerce and Documents > Process Definition > Documents > Actions
- Click on the name of the applicable action. The Admin Action page opens.
- Click on the Performance tab. The tab displays the number of BML Functions to Analyze.
Admin Action Performance Tab (Before Analysis)
- Click Generate. The Performance Analysis is displayed.
Performance Analysis
Steps to Enable
Performance Analysis for Commerce Actions is automatically available on CPQ Cloud 19A sites.
Key Resources
Refer to CPQ Cloud Administration Online Help for additional information.
Select All Columns Functionality for BMQL Data Table Queries
Beginning in 19A, CPQ Cloud allows the Select * function for columns in BMQL Data Table queries. For Data Tables with a large number of columns, this greatly simplifies BMQL statements and reduces the risk of missing columns in queries. It also eliminates the need for updates if the table schema changes.
The following example shows a SELECT statement for all columns in the "customer" Data Table.
By using SELECT *, this statement can be greatly simplified as shown in the following example.
Steps to Enable
Select all columns functionality for BMQL Data Table queries is automatically available on CPQ Cloud 19A sites.
Tips And Considerations
BMQL JOIN clauses do not support Select All columns functionality.
Key Resources
Refer to CPQ Cloud Administration Online Help for additional information.
Single Select Pick List Processing Enhancement
Beginning in 19A, CPQ Cloud improves the responsiveness of user-side Single Select Pick Lists (SSPLs), also referred to as Dynamic Menus, by streamlining menu processing calls.
Steps to Enable
The Single Select Pick List enhancement is automatically available on CPQ Cloud 19A sites.
User Profile Time Zone List Enhancement
This enhancement adds new time zone definitions to further extend CPQ's support for global operations. Beginning in CPQ Cloud 19A, the following Times are available for User Profiles.
- Time Zones are displayed in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and use the following format: (<standard time> <daylight saving time>) <city>
- Time Zone IDs use the following format: <continent>/<city>
Time Zone |
Time Zone ID |
(GMT+1:00 GMT+1:00) Algiers |
Africa/Algiers |
(GMT+2:00 GMT+2:00) Cairo |
Africa/Cairo |
(GMT+0:00 GMT+1:00) Casablanca |
Africa/Casablanca |
(GMT+2:00 GMT+2:00) Johannesburg |
Africa/Johannesburg |
(GMT+3:00 GMT+3:00) Nairobi |
Africa/Nairobi |
(GMT+2:00 GMT+2:00) Tripoli |
Africa/Tripoli |
(GMT+1:00 GMT+1:00) Tunis |
Africa/Tunis |
(GMT+1:00 GMT+1:00) Tunis |
Africa/Tunis |
(GMT-10:00 GMT-9:00) Adak |
America/Adak |
(GMT-9:00 GMT-8:00) Anchorage |
America/Anchorage |
(GMT-5:00 GMT-5:00) Bogota |
America/Bogota |
(GMT-3:00 GMT-3:00) Buenos Aires |
America/Buenos Aires |
(GMT-4:00 GMT-4:00) Caracas |
America/Caracas |
(GMT-6:00 GMT-5:00) Chicago |
America/Chicago |
(GMT-7:00 GMT-6:00) Denver |
America/Denver |
(GMT-6:00 GMT-6:00) El Salvador |
America/El_Salvador |
(GMT-3:00 GMT-2:00) Godthab |
America/Godthab |
(GMT-4:00 GMT-3:00) Halifax |
America/Halifax |
(GMT-5:00 GMT-4:00) Indianapolis |
America/Indianapolis |
(GMT-5:00 GMT-5:00) Lima |
America/Lima |
(GMT-8:00 GMT-7:00) Los Angeles |
America/Los_Angeles |
(GMT-7:00 GMT-6:00) Mazatlan |
America/Mazatlan |
(GMT-6:00 GMT-5:00) Mexico City |
America/Mexico_City |
(GMT-5:00 GMT-4:00) New York |
America/New_York |
(GMT-2:00 GMT-2:00) Noronha |
America/Noronha |
(GMT-5:00 GMT-5:00) Panama |
America/Panama |
(GMT-7:00 GMT-7:00) Phoenix |
America/Phoenix |
(GMT-4:00 GMT-4:00) Puerto Rico |
America/Puerto_Rico |
(GMT-6:00 GMT-6:00) Regina |
America/Regina |
(GMT-4:00 GMT-3:00) Santiago |
America/Santiago |
(GMT-3:00 GMT-2:00) Sao Paulo |
America/Sao_Paulo |
(GMT-1:00 GMT+0:00) Scoresbysund |
America/Scoresbysund |
(GMT-3:30 GMT-2:30) St Johns |
America/St_Johns |
(GMT-8:00 GMT-7:00) Tijuana |
America/Tijuana |
(GMT+6:00 GMT+6:00) Almaty |
Asia/Almaty |
(GMT+2:00 GMT+3:00) Amman |
Asia/Amman |
(GMT+3:00 GMT+3:00) Baghdad |
Asia/Baghdad |
(GMT+4:00 GMT+4:00) Baku |
Asia/Baku |
(GMT+7:00 GMT+7:00) Bangkok |
Asia/Bangkok |
(GMT+2:00 GMT+3:00) Beirut |
Asia/Beirut |
(GMT+5:30 GMT+5:30) Kolkata |
Asia/Calcutta |
(GMT+5:30 GMT+5:30) Colombo |
Asia/Colombo |
(GMT+2:00 GMT+3:00) Damascus |
Asia/Damascus |
(GMT+6:00 GMT+6:00) Dhaka |
Asia/Dhaka |
(GMT+4:00 GMT+4:00) Dubai |
Asia/Dubai |
(GMT+7:00 GMT+7:00) Ho Chi Minh |
Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh |
(GMT+8:00 GMT+8:00) Hong Kong |
Asia/Hong_Kong |
(GMT+8:00 GMT+8:00) Irkutsk |
Asia/Irkutsk |
(GMT+7:00 GMT+7:00) Jakarta |
Asia/Jakarta |
(GMT+2:00 GMT+3:00) Jerusalem |
Asia/Jerusalem |
(GMT+4:30 GMT+4:30) Kabul |
Asia/Kabul |
(GMT+12:00 GMT+12:00) Kamchatka |
Asia/Kamchatka |
(GMT+5:00 GMT+5:00) Karachi |
Asia/Karachi |
(GMT+5:45 GMT+5:45) Katmandu |
Asia/Katmandu |
(GMT+7:00 GMT+7:00) Krasnoyarsk |
Asia/Krasnoyarsk |
(GMT+8:00 GMT+8:00) Kuala Lumpur |
Asia/Kuala_Lumpur |
(GMT+11:00 GMT+11:00) Magadan |
Asia/Magadan |
(GMT+8:00 GMT+8:00) Manila |
Asia/Manila |
(GMT+7:00 GMT+7:00) Novosibirsk |
Asia/Novosibirsk |
(GMT+5:00 GMT+5:00) Oral |
Asia/Oral |
(GMT+6:30 GMT+6:30) Yangon |
Asia/Rangoon |
(GMT+3:00 GMT+3:00) Kuwait |
Asia/Riyadh |
(GMT+3:00 GMT+3:00) Riyadh |
Asia/Riyadh |
(GMT+9:00 GMT+9:00) Seoul |
Asia/Seoul |
(GMT+8:00 GMT+8:00) Shanghai |
Asia/Shanghai |
(GMT+8:00 GMT+8:00) Singapore |
Asia/Singapore |
(GMT+8:00 GMT+8:00) Taipei |
Asia/Taipei |
(GMT+5:00 GMT+5:00) Tashkent |
Asia/Tashkent |
(GMT+4:00 GMT+4:00) Tbilisi |
Asia/Tbilisi |
(GMT+3:30 GMT+4:30) Tehran |
Asia/Tehran |
(GMT+9:00 GMT+9:00) Tokyo |
Asia/Tokyo |
(GMT+10:00 GMT+10:00) Vladivostok |
Asia/Vladivostok |
(GMT+9:00 GMT+9:00) Yakutsk |
Asia/Yakutsk |
(GMT+5:00 GMT+5:00) Yekaterinburg |
Asia/Yekaterinburg |
(GMT+4:00 GMT+4:00) Yerevan |
Asia/Yerevan |
(GMT-1:00 GMT+0:00) Azores |
Atlantic/Azores |
(GMT-4:00 GMT-3:00) Bermuda |
Atlantic/Bermuda |
(GMT-1:00 GMT-1:00) Cape Verde |
Atlantic/Cape_Verde |
(GMT-2:00 GMT-2:00) South Georgia |
Atlantic/South_Georgia |
(GMT+9:30 GMT+10:30) Adelaide |
Australia/Adelaide |
(GMT+10:00 GMT+10:00) Brisbane |
Australia/Brisbane |
(GMT+9:30 GMT+9:30) Darwin |
Australia/Darwin |
(GMT+10:00 GMT+11:00) Hobart |
Australia/Hobart |
(GMT+10:30 GMT+11:00) Lord Howe |
Australia/Lord_Howe |
(GMT+10:00 GMT+11:00) Melbourne |
Australia/Melbourne |
(GMT+8:00 GMT+8:00) Perth |
Australia/Perth |
(GMT+10:00 GMT+11:00) Sydney |
Australia/Sydney |
(GMT-12:00 GMT-12:00) |
Etc/GMT+12 |
(GMT+1:00 GMT+2:00) Amsterdam |
Europe/Amsterdam |
(GMT+2:00 GMT+3:00) Athens |
Europe/Athens |
(GMT+1:00 GMT+2:00) Belgrade |
Europe/Belgrade |
(GMT+1:00 GMT+2:00) Berlin |
Europe/Berlin |
(GMT+1:00 GMT+2:00) Brussels |
Europe/Brussels |
(GMT+2:00 GMT+3:00) Bucharest |
Europe/Bucharest |
(GMT+0:00 GMT+1:00) Dublin |
Europe/Dublin |
(GMT+2:00 GMT+3:00) Helsinki |
Europe/Helsinki |
(GMT+3:00 GMT+3:00) Istanbul |
Europe/Istanbul |
(GMT+0:00 GMT+1:00) Lisbon |
Europe/Lisbon |
(GMT+0:00 GMT+1:00) London |
Europe/London |
(GMT+3:00 GMT+3:00) Minsk |
Europe/Minsk |
(GMT+3:00 GMT+3:00) Moscow |
Europe/Moscow |
(GMT+1:00 GMT+2:00) Paris |
Europe/Paris |
(GMT+1:00 GMT+2:00) Prague |
Europe/Prague |
(GMT+1:00 GMT+2:00) Rome |
Europe/Rome |
(GMT+1:00 GMT+2:00) Warsaw |
Europe/Warsaw |
(GMT+0:00 GMT+0:00) GMT |
(GMT+12:00 GMT+13:00) Auckland |
Pacific/Auckland |
(GMT+12:45 GMT+13:45) Chatham |
Pacific/Chatham |
(GMT+13:00 GMT+13:00) Enderbury |
Pacific/Enderbury |
(GMT+12:00 GMT+13:00) Fiji |
Pacific/Fiji |
(GMT-9:00 GMT-9:00) Gambier |
Pacific/Gambier |
(GMT+11:00 GMT+11:00) Guadalcanal |
Pacific/Guadalcanal |
(GMT-10:00 GMT-10:00) Honolulu |
Pacific/Honolulu |
(GMT+14:00 GMT+14:00) Kiritimati |
Pacific/Kiritimati |
(GMT-9:30 GMT-9:30) Marquesas |
Pacific/Marquesas |
(GMT-11:00 GMT-11:00) Niue |
Pacific/Niue |
(GMT+11:00 GMT+11:00) Norfolk Island |
Pacific/Norfolk |
(GMT-11:00 GMT-11:00) Pago Pago |
Pacific/Pago_Pago |
(GMT-8:00 GMT-8:00) Pitcairn |
Pacific/Pitcairn |
(GMT+11:00 GMT+11:00) Pohnpei |
Pacific/Ponape |
(GMT+13:00 GMT+14:00) Tongatapu |
Pacific/Tongatapu |
Deprecated Time Zone IDs
Beginning in 19A, numerous Time Zone IDs have been updated. The following table shows the Time Zone IDs that were deprecated, each followed with its corresponding replacement.
Deprecated Time Zone ID |
Replacement Time Zone ID |
America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires |
America/Buenos_Aries |
America/Beunos_Aires |
America/Buenos_Aries |
America/Indiana/Indianapolis |
America/Indianapolis |
America/Mexico |
America/Mexico_City |
Asia/Calcutta |
Asia/Kolkata |
Asia/Kathmandu |
Asia/Katmandu |
Asia/Rangoon |
Asia/Yangon |
Australia/Canberra |
Australia/Sydney |
Australia/Queensland |
Australia/Brisbane |
Brazil/DeNoronha |
America/Noronha |
Canada/Atlantic |
America/Halifax |
Canada/Newfoundland |
America/St_Johns |
Canada/Saskatchewan |
America/Regina |
Chile/Continental |
America/Santiago |
Israel |
Asia/Jerusalem |
NZ |
Pacific/Auckland |
US/Alaska |
America/Anchorage |
US/Aleutian |
America/Adak |
US/Arizona |
America/Phoenix |
US/Central |
America/Chicago |
US/Eastern |
America/New_York |
US/Hawaii |
Pacific/Honolulu |
US/Mountain |
America/Denver |
US/Pacific |
America/Los_Angeles |
US/Samoa |
Pacific/Pago_Pago |
Deprecated Time Zones
Beginning in 19A, numerous Time Zones have been updated. The following table shows the Time Zones that were deprecated, each followed with its corresponding replacement.
Deprecated Time Zone |
Replacement Time Zone |
(GMT+10:00 GMT+11:00) Vladivostok |
(GMT+10:00 GMT+10:00) Vladivostok |
(GMT+10:30 GMT+9:30) Adelaide |
(GMT+9:30 GMT+10:30) Adelaide |
(GMT+11:00 GMT+10:00) Melbourne |
(GMT+10:00 GMT+11:00) Melbourne |
(GMT+11:00 GMT+10:00) Sydney |
(GMT+10:00 GMT+11:00) Sydney |
(GMT+11:00 GMT+10:30) Lord Howe |
(GMT+10:30 GMT+11:00) Lord Howe |
(GMT+11:00 GMT+11:00) Ponape |
(GMT+11:00 GMT+11:00) Pohnpei |
(GMT+11:00 GMT+12:00) Magadan |
(GMT+11:00 GMT+11:00) Magadan |
(GMT+11:30 GMT+11:30) Norfolk |
(GMT+11:00 GMT+11:00) Norfolk Island |
(GMT+12:00 GMT+12:00) Fiji |
(GMT+12:00 GMT+13:00) Fiji |
(GMT+12:00 GMT+13:00) Kamchatka |
(GMT+12:00 GMT+12:00) Kamchatka |
(GMT+13:45 GMT+12:45) Chatham |
(GMT+12:45 GMT+13:45) Chatham |
(GMT+2:00 GMT+1:00) Windhoek |
(GMT+2:00 GMT+2:00) Windhoek |
(GMT+3:00 GMT+4:00) Moscow |
(GMT+3:00 GMT+3:00) Moscow |
(GMT+4:00 GMT+5:00) Oral |
(GMT+5:00 GMT+5:00) Oral |
(GMT+5:00 GMT+6:00) Yekaterinburg |
(GMT+5:00 GMT+5:00) Yekaterinburg |
(GMT+6:00 GMT+7:00) Novosibirsk |
(GMT+7:00 GMT+7:00) Novosibirsk |
(GMT+7:00 GMT+8:00) Krasnoyarsk |
(GMT+7:00 GMT+7:00) Krasnoyarsk |
(GMT+8:00 GMT+9:00) Irkutsk |
(GMT+8:00 GMT+8:00) Irkutsk |
(GMT+9:00 GMT+10:00) Yakutsk |
(GMT+9:00 GMT+9:00) Yakutsk |
(GMT-2:00 GMT-3:00) Sao Paulo |
(GMT-3:00 GMT-2:00) Sao Paulo |
Steps to Enable
The User Profile Time Zone enhancement is automatically available on CPQ Cloud 19A sites.
Tips And Considerations
IMPORTANT: If time zone values are used in BML functions, administrators should update any deprecated time zone values. For example, (GMT+5:30 GMT+5:30) Calcutta is now (GMT+5:30GMT+5:30) Kolkata. For a complete list of deprecated values, refer to Deprecated Time Zone IDs and Deprecated Time Zones sections.
Key Resources
Refer to CPQ Cloud Administration Online Help for additional information.
Web Services Password Expiration
In CPQ Cloud 19A, administrators have the option to not expire passwords for Web Services Only users. Unless this new option is enabled, SOAP and REST API Web Services user passwords follow the password options set for all users on the site. The default setting for this option is No.
Enable Web Services Password Expiry Override
To enable the web services password expiry override option, perform the following steps:
- Navigate to the Admin Home page.
- Under General, click General Site Options. The Options – General page opens.
Password Expiry Override for Web Services Only User Option
- Within the Options – Password section, set the Password Expiry Override For Web Services Only User option to Yes.
- Click Apply. The user password expiry policy is not applied to Web Services Only users.
Steps to Enable
The Web Services Password Expiration enhancement is automatically available on CPQ Cloud 19A sites.
Key Resources
Refer to CPQ Cloud Administration Online Help for additional information.
Known Functionality
In 19A, CPQ added new time zone definitions to further extend CPQ's support for global operations. If time zone values are used in BML functions, administrators should update any deprecated time zone values. For example, (GMT+5:30 GMT+5:30) Calcutta is now (GMT+5:30GMT+5:30) Kolkata. For a complete list of deprecated values, refer to Deprecated Time Zone IDs and Deprecated Time Zones sections.
When migrating from one site to another using the Migration Center, both sites must use the same major release. Content may only be migrated across minor releases within the same major release. Migration across major releases cannot occur.
"Major release" = A major product release, e.g. Update 19A
"Minor release" = A release update, e.g. Release 19A Patch 1
Resolved Known Issues
For information on bugs fixed in Update 19A, refer to the CPQ Cloud 19A Resolved Known Issues document available on My Oracle Support and the CPQ Cloud Online Help.
For some system-defined messages and components, strings were removed and others added in CPQ Cloud 19A. If you have created your own implementation-specific translations of system-defined strings, some of these strings may no longer appear. Other strings may appear in English. The strings appearing in English are new and require translation.
Most of these messages and components are on the Administration side of CPQ Cloud, but you should review both your end user and administration pages before deploying your updated installation to confirm that all strings appear in the desired language.
Translation Status
CPQ Cloud supports the consumption of both single and multi-byte character sets. Submit a service request on My Oracle Support to enable your site for a new language.
For the following languages, a translation of the CPQ Cloud user interface is available for both the platform and the reference application:
- Chinese (Simplified) [China]
- Chinese (Traditional) [Taiwan]
- Czech [Czech Republic]
- Danish [Denmark]
- Dutch [Netherlands]
- English
- Finnish [Finland]
- French
- French [Canada]
- German
- Hungarian [Hungary]
- Italian
- Japanese [Japan]
- Korean [South Korea]
- Norwegian (Bokmål) [Norway]
- Polish [Poland]
- Portuguese [Brazil]
- Romanian [Romania]
- Russian [Russia]
- Spanish (Worldwide)
- Swedish [Sweden]
- Turkish [Turkey]
Upgrade and test all test instances on Oracle CPQ Cloud 19A before upgrading to production.
Browser Support
CPQ Cloud supports all browser versions that meet the criteria of the Oracle Software Web Browser Support Policy.
If you experience issues using a supported browser version, open a ticket on My Oracle Support to resolve the issue. If an issue arises when using a supported browser, use a certified browser version until the delivery of a fix. Certified browsers are selected based on current market share and thoroughly tested to work with the current version's standard functionality.
Certified Browsers
- Google Chrome 71.x
- Mozilla Firefox 62.x
- Internet Explorer 11.x
IMPORTANT: Compatibility issues with the selected browsers may exist when sites contain additional JavaScript, alternate CSS, or other custom functionality. Customizations may require add-on work. Contact My Oracle Support to determine the availability of workarounds and minor fixes.
Salesforce Integration Support
Oracle officially supports the Summer 18 Update (also known as managed package version 8) of the Oracle CPQ Connector for Salesforce (formerly the Oracle Adapter for Salesforce Lightning) and version 7.2 (also known as managed package version 7) of the Oracle CPQ Commerce Integration. Version 5 and later of these packages are expected to continue to function; however, Oracle will not address new issues that arise. We strongly encourage customers to upgrade to a supported version.
Please refer to the release documentation for all versions between your current version and the version to which you are upgrading to see all new functionality, resolved known issues, and functional known issues.
Refer to the CPQ Cloud Online Help to become familiar with the new features introduced in Oracle CPQ Cloud 19A. For additional help, see My Oracle Support.
Verify any information not explicitly mentioned in this document as supported by the software against the product help for Oracle CPQ Cloud 19A or the Oracle CPQ Cloud Consulting team.
Additional Information
For more information on Oracle CPQ Cloud, visit the Oracle CPQ Cloud documentation site.
The details in this document are provided for high-level informational purposes only and are not intended to function as a specification or to replace the Online Help. Upgrading to a subsequent release may require the re-deployment of Commerce Processes, Configuration, or global function settings. Modifications to integration XSL files or APIs may also be required.