Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates are logged below, with the most recent updates at the top.

The new functionality referenced in this document may not be immediately available to you if your organization has chosen not to receive optional monthly updates. Rest assured you will receive the new functionality in the next quarterly update which is required and cumulative. Quarterly updates are applied in February, May, August, and November.



What's Changed


01 SEP 2017

Oracle HCM Cloud HCM Data Loader: Calculate FTE Values Automatically

New feature delivered in Update 16 (April).

05 MAY 2017

Oracle HCM Cloud HCM Data Loader: New Source Key Object to Enable Update of Source Keys

New feature delivered in Update 17 the May Quarterly update.

07 APR 2017

Oracle HCM Security- Data Roles and Security Profiles: Access to the Assignments of Transferred Workers

New feature delivered in Update 16 (April), which will also be included in the May Quarterly update.

The following features were included in the February Quarterly update.

06 JAN 2017

Oracle HCM Cloud HCM Extracts: Troubleshoot Extract Runs Further

New feature delivered in Update 13 (January), which will also be included in the February Quarterly update.

The following features were delivered via monthly updates.

02 SEP 2016

Oracle HCM Cloud HCM Data Loader: Enhanced Management of User Accounts Using HCM Data Loader

Added new feature information delivered in Update 8 (August).

02 SEP 2016

Oracle HCM Cloud HCM Extracts: Compress Extracted Output

Added new feature information delivered in Update 1 (January).

02 SEP 2016

Oracle HCM Cloud HCM Extracts: View User Entity Details

Added new feature information delivered in Update 1 (January).

02 SEP 2016

Oracle HCM Cloud HCM Extracts: Create HCM Extracts Quickly

Added new feature information delivered in Update 1 (January).

05 AUG 2016

Oracle HCM Security- Data Roles and Security Profiles: Revoking Security Profiles from Job and Abstract Roles

Added new feature information delivered in Update 8 (August).

05 AUG 2016

Oracle HCM Data Loader: HCM Data Loader Web-Service Method to Monitor Data-Set Status

Added new feature information delivered in Update 8 (August).

05 AUG 2016

Oracle HCM Data Loader: User-Key Support for Multirow Extensible Key Flexfields

Added new feature information delivered in Update 8 (August).

01 JUL 2016

Oracle HCM Data Loader: Upload of Assignment Records with Effective Dates that are Later Than the Termination Date

Added new feature information delivered in Update 5 (May).

01 JUL 2016

Oracle HCM Data Loader: Simplify Global Transfers Performed by Data Upload

Added new feature information delivered in Update 7 (July).

01 JUL 2016

Oracle HCM Data Loader: Enhanced Validation of Worker Records by HCM Data Loader

Added new feature information delivered in Update 6 (June).

03 JUN 2016

Oracle HDM Common: Role Information

Added section on Role Information for Release 11.

03 JUN 2016

Oracle HCM Data Loader: Purge Person Data

Added new feature information delivered in Update 5 (May).

01 APR 2016

Oracle Fusion HCM Mobile: Custom Mobile Menus

Added new feature information delivered in Update 4 (April).

01 APR 2016

Oracle Fusion HCM Mobile: Mobile - Themes

Added new feature information delivered in Update 4 (April).

01 APR 2016

Oracle Fusion HCM Mobile: Android Enhancements

Added new feature information delivered in Update 4 (April).

04 MAR 2016

Initial Document Creation


This document outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in Oracle HCM Release 11. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.

Oracle HCM Cloud release documents are delivered in five functional groupings:

Suggested Reading for all HCM Products:

NOTE: Not all Global Human Resource features are available for the base Talent and Compensation stand alone applications.

Optional Reading for HCM Products (Depending on what products are in your cloud service):

Additional Optional Reading:

NOTE: All of these documents can be found on the Oracle Help Center at: under Human Capital Management Release Readiness.

Give Us Feedback

We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at Please indicate you are inquiring or providing feedback regarding the Global HR Cloud What’s New for Release 11 in the body or title of the email.

Release Feature Summary   

Some of the new Release 11 features are automatically available to users after the upgrade and some require action from the user, the company administrator, or Oracle.

The table below offers a quick view of the actions required to enable each of the Release 11 features.

Action Required to Enable Feature


Automatically Available

End User Action Required

Administrator Action Required

Oracle Service Request Required

HCM Security

HCM Data Roles and Security Profiles – Desktop User Interfaces Converted to Simplified Style

HCM Data Roles and Security Profiles –Revoking Security Profiles from Job and Abstract Roles

HCM Data Roles and Security Profiles –Access to the Assignments of Transferred Workers

User and Role Provisioning – Desktop User Interface Converted to Simplified Style

User and Role Provisioning – User Account Updates for Multiple Users Using HCM Data Loader

User and Role Provisioning – Enhanced Autoprovision Roles for All Users Process

User and Role Provisioning – Enforcement of Single-Instance Running for Security Processes

HCM Data Loader

HCM Data Loader Multi-threaded Import

Purge Person Data

Upload of Assignment Records with Effective Dates that are Later Than the Termination Date

Simplify Global Transfers Performed by Data Upload

Enhanced Validation of Worker Records by HCM Data Loader

HCM Data Loader Web-Service Method to Monitor Data-Set Status

User-Key Support for Multirow Extensible Key Flexfields

Enhanced Management of User Accounts Using HCM Data Loader

New Source Key Object to Enable Update of Source Keys

Calculate FTE Values Automatically

HCM Extracts

Disable Extracts

Troubleshoot Extract Runs

Validate Extract Design and Delivery

Compress Extracted Output

View User Entity Details

Create HCM Extracts Quickly

Troubleshoot Extract Runs Further

Payroll Common

Support for Values Defined by Criteria

Fast Formula Support for Expression and Text Editors

HCM Mobile

Custom Mobile Menus

Mobile - Themes

Android Enhancements

HCM Common Features

HCM Security

HCM Security - HCM Data Roles and Security Profiles

HCM Data Roles and Security Profiles - Desktop User Interfaces Converted to Simplified Style

Simplify the management of HCM data roles and security profiles using the simplified Manage Data Roles and Security Profiles interface.

Manage Data Roles and Security Profiles Interface

The Manage Person Security Profiles Interface

Steps to Enable

There are no steps necessary to enable this feature.

Revoking Security Profiles from Job and Abstract Roles

If you have both assigned security profiles directly to a job role and included the job role in a data role, then users may have greater access to data than you intended. Similarly, you may have assigned to an abstract role security profiles that you now want to remove. From this release, you can easily remove security profiles that you assigned directly to job or abstract roles.

A new button, Revoke Security Profiles, appears on the Manage Data Roles and Security Profiles page. This button is enabled when security profiles are assigned directly to a selected job or abstract role. Click the button to remove all assigned security profiles from the role.

Revoke Security Profiles Button

Steps to Enable

There are no steps necessary to enable this feature.

Tips and Considerations

You cannot use the Revoke Security Profiles button to remove security profiles from HCM data roles. Instead, you edit the data role in the usual way to replace the currently assigned security profiles.

Access to the Assignments of Transferred Workers

Until now, a user with access to a worker’s person record could access all of that worker’s current and past assignments. With this enhancement, you can restrict the worker assignments that a user can access when you secure access to person records by workforce structures. In the Workforce Structures section of a person security profile, you can set the new Assignments to Evaluate option to one of these values:

Assignments to Evaluate in the Person Security Profile

If you set this option to Active, suspended, or most recently terminated, then:

By specifying assignments to evaluate, you can allow access to assignments that are relevant to your current organizational structure and exclude any that that were relevant in the worker’s previous organization, for example.

Steps to Enable

There are no steps necessary to enable this feature.

Tips and Considerations

The current behavior is not changed with the addition of this option, so all assignments continue to be considered. You must secure access to person records by workforce structures and set Assignments to Evaluate to change the behavior. If you update an existing person security profile to set Assignments to Evaluate, then you must regenerate any data roles that include the security profile.

HCM Security - User and Role - Provisioning Enhancements

Desktop User Interfaces Converted to Simplified Style

Simplify the management of user and role-related information with these new, simplified user interfaces:

Steps to Enable

There are no steps necessary to enable this feature.

User Account Updates for Multiple Users Using HCM Data Loader

You can now change user names, suspend and activate user accounts, and create requests to add or remove roles when you update person records using HCM Data Loader. You can also reset a users credentials-sent indicator so that the user sign-in details can be resent.

Steps to Enable

There are no steps necessary to enable this feature.

Key Resources

For more information, go to My Oracle Support for the following guide:

Enhanced Autoprovision Roles for All Users Process

A new parameter, Process Generated Role Requests, is added to the Autoprovision Roles for All Users process. This parameter lets you specify whether to process the generated role requests immediately or defer them as a batch to the next run of the Send Pending LDAP Requests process.

Process Details Dialog Box Showing the New Parameter

Steps to Enable

There are no steps necessary to enable this feature.

Enforcement of Single-Instance Running for Security Processes

From this release, you can no longer run more than one instance of each of these processes at once:

Any attempt to submit additional instances of any of these processes while a previous instance is running is now blocked.

Steps to Enable

There are no steps necessary to enable this feature.

Role Information

For some Release 11 functions, new aggregate privileges, function security privileges, and transaction analysis duty roles have been added to predefined roles, such as Employee and Human Resource Specialist.

If you are not using the predefined roles, then you need to add the new security privileges to your custom roles. Details of this step are provided for each function.

If you are using the predefined roles and plan to use the new functions, then you must regenerate the relevant predefined roles to update their data security policies. You need to perform this step for:

Key Resources

For instructions on regenerating roles, see Chapter 16 Customizing Security of the Securing Oracle HCM Cloud guide on the Oracle Help Center.

HCM Data Loader

Oracle Fusion HCM Data Loader provides a flexible and efficient method of bulk loading business object data for data-migration and ongoing incremental updates to Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud.

HCM Data Loader MultiThreaded Import

When loading large volumes of data, HCM Data Loader initiates multiple concurrent processes to stream your file data and import it into stage tables ready for loading. This multithreading is controlled by a new parameter, Maximum Concurrent Threads for Import, which you can review when submitting your file. You set this parameter to the maximum number of available concurrent threads.

Maximum Concurrent Threads for Import Parameter

Steps to Enable

There are no steps necessary to enable this feature.

Key Resources

For more information, review the HCM Data Loader User’s Guide in My Oracle Support (MOS) (Document ID: 1664133.1)

Purge Person Data

The Purge Person process, available from the Diagnostic Framework, purges the following person-related data from your stage and test environments:

The Purge Person process does not purge data that was created using HCM File-Based Loader, nor does it purge predefined person data.

You can specify which records to purge by supplying comma-delimited person numbers or person IDs. Alternatively, supply a SQL query to return the person IDs for all person records that you want to purge.

Steps to Enable

Raise a service request through My Oracle Support (MOS) to request enablement of the Purge Person process on your stage and test pods.

This process cannot be enabled in production environments.

Tips and Considerations

You can run the Purge Person process without committing the purge so that you can review the results before you delete the data permanently.

Key Resources

For more information on purging person data, refer to My Oracle Support (MOS) for the following document:

Upload of Assignment Records with Effective Dates That are Later Than the Termination Date

New validation is introduced to prevent the upload of invalid assignment records using HCM Data Loader. Prior to this enhancement, it was possible to load an assignment record for a terminated work relationship where:

You can continue to load assignment records for a terminated work relationship where the effective dates are later than the work relationship termination date, provided that the assignment status is INACTIVE. No other assignment status is valid.

Steps to Enable

There are no steps necessary to enable this feature.

Simplify Global Transfers Performed by Data Upload

A global transfer involves the termination of an existing work relationship with one legal employer and the creation a new work relationship with a different legal employer. The addition of the GlobalTransferFlag attribute enables you to perform global transfers efficiently in uploaded work relationship records.

To perform a global transfer when the source work relationship is the worker’s primary work relationship, you load:

HCM Data Loader automatically terminates the existing primary work relationship and sets the termination date to the day before the start date of the new work relationship.

You can perform a global transfer of the primary work relationship only when no active secondary work relationships exist.

To perform a global transfer when the source work relationship is a nonprimary work relationship, you load:

HCM Data Loader automatically terminates the existing nonprimary work relationship and sets the termination date to the day before the start date of the new work relationship.

Steps to Enable

There are no steps necessary to enable this feature.

Enhanced Validation of Worker Records by HCM Data Loader

When you create workers or update existing workers, you can now include only one row for each worker in the data file. As no date-effective attributes are exposed on the worker component, there is no functional reason for storing date-effective history in the PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F table. To correct any attribute of an existing worker record, you must perform a correction.

For new worker records created using HCM Data Loader, the Start Date and Effective Start Date attributes of the worker component must equal the start date of the worker’s earliest work relationship. Any mismatch in these dates now causes an error to be raised.

Steps to Enable

There are no steps necessary to enable this feature.

HCM Data Loader Web-Service Method to Monitor Data-Set Status

When automating HCM Data Loader to load data to Oracle HCM Cloud, you can now retrieve the current status of your data set using the getDataSetStatus method.

The getDataSetStatus method accepts one of these values:

It returns the current status, percentage complete, and record counts for your data file.

Steps to Enable

There are no steps necessary to enable this feature.

Key Resources

For more information, go to My Oracle Support (MOS) for the following guide:

User-Key Support for Multirow Extensible Key Flexfields

When you configure a multirow extensible key flexfield, you can configure one or more segments as the key that uniquely identifies a single row of the multirow context. HCM Data Loader treats these segments as user-key attributes, which ensures that you can reference a single flexfield record using only user keys.

Steps to Enable

There are no steps necessary to enable this feature.

Key Resources

For more information, go to My Oracle Support (MOS) for the following guide:

Enhanced Management of User Accounts Using HCM Data Loader

The User object allows you to upload requests to manage user accounts using HCM Data Loader. Two enhancements are made to the User object in this release.

A User Role component is added to the User object to enable you to add and remove multiple roles for a user. To add or remove a single role, you continue to use the User object rather than its User Role child component.

You can also use the User object to create a user account for an existing person record. In the User.dat file, you identify the person record by its person number. Creating a user account is a two-step process:

You upload a User.dat file to create a request for the user account. Once the account exists, it is immediately suspended as it has no roles.

You upload a second User.dat file to activate the user account and add roles so that the account remains active. To add more than one role to the new account, you use the new User Role component of the User object.

Steps to Enable

There are no steps necessary to enable this feature.

Key Resources

For more information, go to My Oracle Support for the document:

New Source Key Object to Enable Update of Source Keys

A new Source Key object is available with HCM Data Loader. Use this object to update existing source key values, including default source keys. In the SourceKey.dat file, you supply just a reference to the record that you want to update and the new source key value.

Steps to Enable

There are no steps necessary to enable this feature.

Tips and Considerations

You can generate a template for the new Source Key business object and review its attributes on the Initiate Data Load page in the Data Exchange work area.

Key Resources

For more information, go to Applications Help for the following topics:

You can also find these topics in the Release 12 Integrating with Oracle HCM Cloud guide.

Calculate FTE Values Automatically

The full-time equivalent (FTE) value is the result of dividing assignment working hours by standard working hours. When you load assignment records using HCM Data Loader, you can now request that FTE values be calculated automatically.

To request automatic calculation of FTE values for all assignments in a Worker.dat file, you include the following SET instruction in the file: SET CALCULATE_FTE Y.

You may find automatic calculation of FTE values helpful if:

Steps to Enable

There are no steps necessary to enable this feature.

Key Resources

For more information, go to Applications Help for the following topic:

HCM Extracts

HCM Extracts provide a method for extracting data from your HCM applications that can be used for interfacing data to another source or extracting data to integrate reporting across systems.

Disable Extracts

Focus on the extracts you use frequently by hiding the extracts you no longer use or that have become obsolete. Disabling an extract removes it from the search results; therefore you can search for and view the extracts you work on currently. If required, you can search for disabled extracts.

Manage HCM Extract Definition User Interface with the Status Field

Steps to Enable

There are no steps necessary to enable this feature.

Troubleshoot Extract Runs

Use the new View Extract Run Details UI to troubleshoot extract runs that are not successful or have not produced the expected data.

View Extract Run Details User Interface

Review the parameters, the number of records archived and the information for each child process the extract definition executed.

Parameters Region for the Selected Extract

Use the View Extract Run Details UI to trace the exact failed step or process and review the process log to identify the issue. Find the record that did not retrieve the expected amount of data, and identify the most time-consuming process to explore the possibilities for improving performance.

Archive Details Region for the Selected Extract

Process Details Region for the Selected Extract

Steps to Enable

There are no steps necessary to enable this feature.

Validate Extract Design and Delivery

Ensure extract design and delivery options are set up correctly using the additional validate features. For example, you can check that all the necessary steps, actions, and connections are performed and that the validity of the configuration is accurate.

Manage HCM Extract Definition User Interface with the Valid Field

Steps to Enable

There are no steps necessary to enable this feature.

Compress Extracted Output

Use the compress option with the HCM Connect delivery option to extract a compressed output that is more manageable. This option helps to speed up transfers for large files and compressing the output uses less disk space. Using this feature also improves the overall integration with Fusion HCM.

Extracts Delivery Options

Steps to Enable

There are no steps necessary to enable this feature.

View User Entity Details

Use the new View User Entity Details UI to discover the data model, the user entities and DBIs you require to create an extract definition. Using the new UI, you can:

Extracts Using User Entity Tab Region in the View User Entity Details

Steps to Enable

There are no steps necessary to enable this feature.

Create HCM Extracts Quickly

Use the predefined Work Structure and Worker extract definitions to quickly set up downstream extracts that generate work structure and worker details. The work structure extract generates details of business units, legal entities, departments, grades, jobs, locations, and positions. The worker extract generates details of person names, phones, emails, national identifiers, address, legislative data, accruals, absences, work relation, work term, assignment, work measure, supervisor, and salary.

Perform minimum configurations to adjust these seeded extracts to meet your requirements and you are ready to start extracting the data from Fusion Applications.

Predefined Extracts in the Search Results

Steps to Enable

There are no steps necessary to enable this feature.

Key Resources

For more information, go to My Oracle Support (MOS) for the following document:

Troubleshoot Extract Runs Further

Use the Extract Delivery Options tab on the View Extract Results UI to further troubleshoot extract runs that are not successful or have not produced the expected data.

Access the Extract Delivery Options tab if using the HCM Connect or Inbound Interface delivery options, and if successful, download the output file.

Steps to Enable

There are no steps necessary to enable this feature.

Payroll Common Features

This section describes new features that are relevant if you use features such as elements, formulas, payroll definitions, and database items, even if you don't use Global Payroll.

Support for Values Defined by Criteria

Use the Manage Values Defined by Criteria task to generate rates or values that are based on one or more criteria. For example, you can calculate:

Each calculation value definition requires you to specify one or more evaluation conditions. These conditions are evaluated in the order in which they appear in the tree structure that you define.

You can have multiple evaluation conditions in each branch of the tree. You can also set up default criteria that are used in cases where no evaluation conditions are met.

Create Criteria Page Showing the Conditions that Must Be Met to Receive a Bonus

Criteria and Values Section Showing the Flat Rate Bonus Defined for 5 or More Years’ Service

Steps to Enable

There are no steps necessary to enable this feature.

Tips and Considerations

In most calculation value definitions there should be at least one default criteria definition to cover all conditions.

If you specify a unique value identifier for each value, you can enter multiple values for a single criterion. The tree structure shows this identifier instead of the value definition name.

Key Resources

For more information about values defined by criteria, go to Applications Help for the following topics:

Fast Formula Support for Expression and Text Editors

Switch to the text editor when you need to build more complex formulas for formula types previously restricted to the expression editor easily. For example, you can use the text editor for the payroll relationship group formula type to write rules for validations or building criteria to define the group. The Create Formula window provides an option to switch formula editor types. If you select a formula type that uses the text editor there is no change. If you select a formula type where the expression editor is used, the Type of Editor field provides you with the option to select the Text editor.

Create Fast Formula Pop-Up Window Showing the Formula Editor Options

IMPORTANT: Once the formula is saved, you cannot change the editor type.

Steps to Enable

There are no steps necessary to enable this feature.

Key Resources

For more information about the Fast Formula editors, go to Applications Help for the following topics:

HCM Mobile Common Features

This section describes new features that are available across the applications with mobile technology. Mobile technology allows users to access and perform task from any smart device such as a phone or tablet.

Custom Mobile Menus

Custom Mobile Menus give customers the ability to add menu items for self-service functions that are not natively built within Mobile. For example, if you want users to navigate to an internal travel site or launch other mobile apps, you can create a custom menu to navigate to these different systems or apps.

Highlights of the Custom Mobile Menus feature include:

Ability to create a custom Mobile menu category where one or more mobile menu items point to a URL.

Each menu item is secured using named functional privileges so access to the menu can be controlled.

Ability to configure each menu item to:

Steps to Enable

Your Administrator can create a custom Mobile menu category and define how menu items under this category will behave. Use these instructions to configure custom menus to enable you to:

Mobile - Themes

Oracle Tap supports six out-of-the-box color themes that you can define within the settings area of the mobile application. You can also set the mobile logo and watermark that appears in the application by configuring this within Fusion.

Steps to Enable

To enable delivered themes in Mobile, the administrator needs to go into the Fusion tools appearance area and select the appropriate company logo and watermark background image. The user can select from a list of themes in the Mobile settings page that will set the theme on Mobile. 

Key Resources

For more information about enabling delivered themes, go to the Mobile Capabilities Guide

Android Enhancements

To expand our support for more Mobile security requirements, we have added two new features to the Android client, a security archive using an Android APK and 2-way SSL. Although we already support a security archive and 2-way SSL on iOS, we wanted to offer parity for these same features on Android.

Steps to Enable

Security Archive using an Android APK

These are the general requirements that must be met to deploy this security archive:

You must separately deploy client SSL certificates to mobile devices using customer- provided tooling.

Only supports specific server 2-way SSL.

Key Resources

For detailed instructions on how to enable Two-Way SSL for Android, please refer to Oracle HCM Cloud Mobile: How to Prepare App for 2-Way Authentication.


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