This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:
Date | Module | Feature | Notes |
22 SEP 2022 | Payables | Intelligent Account Combination Defaulting for Invoices | Updated document. Delivered new feature in update 22D. |
02 SEP 2022 | Created initial document. |
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Service Excellence Continuing Investments
In this update, our ongoing investment in service excellence includes improvements in performance and usability. Refer to the What's New for more information.
Workflow Transactions Reassignments and Delegations Report
Use this report to review the workflow transactions reassigned or delegated by the designated employee or user to another employee or user. Auditors and administrators can use this report to ensure that delegation or reassignment of workflow tasks adheres to the organization's approval policy.
Budgetary Control Invoice Payments for Cash Budgets in Quick Pay and Pay in Full
Provide Budgetary Control validation in Quick Pay and Pay in Full. This validation allows payment of invoices only when funds are available in the cash control budget.
Journal Line Description and Accounting Date Display on Inquire on Journal Lines and Inquire Detailed Balances Drilldown Pages
The Inquire Detailed Balances Drilldown and Inquire on Journal Lines pages include Journal Line Description and Accounting Date fields, providing a more detailed context of journal lines as part of General Ledger balance analysis.
Range-Based Hierarchy Creation Using File-Based Data Import
Use the existing Import Segment Values and Hierarchies file-based data import template to upload range-based hierarchies. When you create new child segment values within an account range, these values are automatically assigned to the hierarchy. This improves usability while creating and maintaining segment values and hierarchies.
Simplified Cross-Validation Rules Using Combination Sets
Define cross-validations based on combinations of segment values, along with cross-validation rules based on condition and validation filters. A cross-validation combination set is a maximum of five segments. When a new account combination is created, it is validated against both cross-validation rules and cross-validation combination sets, to determine whether to dynamically create full account combinations.
Intercompany Multiple Supplier Assignment by Intercompany Organization
Associate multiple suppliers with the intercompany organization defined under the legal entity. Previously suppliers could only be associated at the legal entity level. This allows better representation of intercompany structures, for example when the intercompany organization owns the intercompany transactions, and legal title of transactions is with the legal entity.
Bypass Processing for Distribution Only Transactions
Automatically set "Distribution only" distributions to a status of “Process complete”. "Distribution only" distributions can’t be processed further. They are generated for reporting purposes only and can’t be billed to stakeholders.
Eligibility criteria:
- Distributions created from ‘Distribution Only’ transactions.
- Distributions that are set as distribution only based on the ownership definition used to distribute the transaction.
This feature minimizes manual intervention to save time and avoid errors.
Classification of a Stakeholder As an Operator or Non-Operator
Classify joint venture stakeholders as an Operator or Non-operator. This attribute enables you to identify the stakeholder’s role in a joint venture. This information is useful for reporting and auditing purposes.
Default Accounting for Joint Venture Credit Memos
Default the receivable code combination for the Receivables credit memo created from Joint Venture Management based on the originally posted Receivables invoice. The default value ensures accurate accounting when reversing a previously processed distribution. It also improves productivity by eliminating the need to create manual adjusting journal entries.
Exclude Transactions from Joint Venture Processing
Configure Joint Venture Management to exclude transactions from the Joint Venture Identify Transactions process when the project information for the transaction is not identified as distributable for the joint venture. Set the configuration to exclude transactions based on Joint Venture audit requirements.
Joint Interest Billing Report for Joint Venture Management
Use the Joint Interest Billing Report for the managing partner to communicate with other partners regarding the financial transactions for a period. It provides the partners with the details of their share of expenses, revenue, assets, and liabilities for the period. It also gives information on the status of their partner contributions. The report provides flexibility to sort and summarize by attributes of the joint venture, stakeholder, account, distributions, and source transaction. Use BI Publisher and the provided templates to create reports that satisfy the joint operating agreement requirements of each joint venture.
Joint Venture Revenue Distributions to Partners Through Payables Invoices
Create Payables invoices for joint venture revenue distributions to pay the partners their share of the joint venture revenue. This enables managing partners to automatically create Payables invoices for revenue generated by joint ventures. This saves time and reduces errors that might occur if processed manually.
Partner Contribution Management Using a Spreadsheet
Add, update, delete, and report on partner contributions using a spreadsheet. Spreadsheets make management of partner contributions easier for the accountants.
Sliding Scale Option for Rates Based on Operational Measures Overhead Method
Calculate overhead costs using a sliding scale of rates. Use the existing "Rate based" overhead method with a basis source of operational measures and optionally provide a sliding scale to specify the rates to apply in accordance with the joint operating agreement.
Allocation for Itemized Expenses
Allocate specific percentages or amounts to a project or expense account during the itemization of expenses. The application calculates the percentage of allocation to the project or account using the amounts entered.
Detailed View of Audit Reasons by Expense in Expense Audit
View the audit reason for each expense item on the Audit Expense Report page. This helps auditors easily identify noncompliant expenses.
Enforcement of Daily Sum Limit for Entertainment Policies
Define daily sum limits for entertainment and gift expenses governed by entertainment policies. Specify rates for employee and nonemployee attendees to enforce daily limits per attendee for these expenses.
Enhancements to Create Report from Trips Process
Allow expense report creation from trip reservations before corporate card charges appear in Expenses. Enable expense creation for prepaid trip reservations that are not associated with a corporate card.
Improved Address Selection for Commute Mileage
View enhanced search results when using maps to search for address locations during creation of mileage expenses.
Notification to Employees When New Corporate Card Charges Arrive
Send email notifications to employees when new corporate card charges arrive in their Expenses work area. These notifications remind employees to review and submit corporate card charges in a timely manner.
Primary Receipt as Attachment for Expenses Created from Emailed Receipts
Create expenses directly from emails that a user forwards with receipt attachments. Configure the application to attach the primary receipt or invoice only, instead of the complete email, as the supporting document for the expense item. The process can also convert the email to PDF and attach the PDF document to the expense when the receipt is embedded in the email and no additional attachments accompany the email.
Receipt Missing Indicator in Expenses Mobile Application
Provide employees with a Receipt missing indicator for expense items in the Expenses mobile application, for companies that permit submission of expenses with missing receipts.
Additional Attributes for Rule Configuration for Payables Workflows
Use purchase order additional attributes and descriptive flexfields for supplier and supplier site to configure invoice approval rules and route workflow notifications to approvers.
Campaign Management for Early Payment Discount Offers
Onboard suppliers into an early payment discounts program via email-based campaigns. Suppliers can respond directly from the email. The responses are automatically processed and applied in payment process requests. Suppliers can either accept a one-time offer, enroll into a standing offer, decline the offer, or unsubscribe from the campaign.
Intelligent Account Combination Defaulting for Invoices
Improve user experience and reduce the time to enter account combinations by using AI to default segment values for no-PO invoice lines.
Routing Number and Sort Code Search for US and UK Employee Bank Account Creation
Provide US and UK employees improved bank account creation. An employee can search for a bank by routing number (in US) and sort code (in UK) and create a bank account without knowing the bank and branch details.
Balance Forward Bill View and Download in Bill Management
View and download customer balance forward bills in Bill Management. Users can download the balance forward bills for review and delivery.
Legal Entity-Based Data Access for Bank Account Setup
Secure internal bank account setup by legal entity. This allows cash managers to add, review, or modify only the bank accounts associated with the legal entities that the user has access to.
Claim Creation Management of Positive Invalid Remittance References in Lockbox
Control the creation of claim investigations for invalid positive remittance references in a lockbox file. This provides flexibility in the creation of claims according to a customer's business needs.
Management of Negative Invoice Line Amounts and Transaction Completion with User Interface Enhancements
Improve the management of negative invoice line amounts and transaction completion with two user interface enhancements. Search invoices and credit memos that require review in the Billing work area and the Manage Transactions page. Update the transaction type on an incomplete transaction to Void using the Edit Transaction page.
Receivables Activity Display in Receipt Applications
Display the receivables activity name associated with an application in the Application tab of the Edit Receipt page. This provides users with the name of the receivables activity that was used during the application process.
Automatic Asset Numbering Enhancement
Provide a configuration option in the Manage System Controls page to prevent users from manually entering an asset number. This helps ensure sequential asset numbering and prevent accidental entry of asset numbers.
The lease administrator can cancel any lease in draft status. Last-minute negotiations, issues with lease assets, and delivery issues may lead to the cancellation of a lease. The lease status moves to canceled, and the lease becomes read-only.
The lease amendment supports the impairment of leases through the user interface and FBDI. The value of the assets associated with a lease may fall below their fair value or recoverable amount. If this happens, the lease administrator performs a full or partial impairment on the lease assets. The impairment transaction writes down the ROU balance. The history of impairments and amounts is available on the Assets tab of the lease.
Use the Lease Import utility to simplify the capture of rights and obligations. Leases contain many terms and conditions, and the lease administrator needs to know the rights and obligations of the lease. Including rights and obligations in the Lease Import utility reduces the need for manual intervention during the lease booking process.
Region and Country-Specific Features
Output Options for Z4 and Z5A Reports for Germany
Provide CSV output options for Z4 and Z5A reports for Germany, as specified by the German Federal Bank. Users can submit the output of these reports directly to the tax authorities without editing or reformatting.
JPK Invoice Listing for Poland with April 2022 Legislative Update
Generate the JPK Invoice Listing for Poland with the April 2022 legislative updates to comply with latest reporting requirements.