Cloud Readiness / Oracle Human Resources Cloud
New Feature Summary
Expand All

  1. Revision History
  2. Overview
  3. Human Resources
    1. Human Capital Management for Romania
        1. Additional Field Added to the Romanian HCM Address Format
    2. Human Capital Management for Australia
        1. Workplace Gender Equality Reporting Update
  1. Revision History
  2. Overview
  3. Human Resources
    1. Global Human Resources
        1. Enable Password Verification in Native E-Signature Checklist Task
  1. Revision History
  2. Overview
  3. Human Resources
    1. Global Human Resources
        1. Retain Your Direct Reports in the Source Assignment While Adding a New Assignment
    2. Human Capital Management for South Africa
        1. Enhanced Data Validation
    3. Global Payroll Interface
        1. Global Payroll Interface Supports Seniority Dates V3
        2. Global Payroll Interface Supports Additional Global Attributes
        3. Global Payroll Interface Supports INPS And INAIL Position Code For Italy
  1. Update 21A
  1. Revision History
  2. Overview
  3. Human Resources
    1. Global Human Resources
      1. Person
        1. Update Contact Relationship Start Dates When Hire Date Is Changed
        2. Bypass Approvals for Specific Change Personal Information Sub Processes
      2. Employment
        1. Move Future Assignment Updates During Legal Employer Change
        2. Control Moving of Future Termination During Legal Employer Change
        3. Retain User Changes in Employment Flows While Changing Effective Date
        4. Date Effective Updates Supported in Responsive Employment Contracts
        5. Share Employment Contract When Adding Assignments Using HDL
        6. Improved User Experience for In-Progress Employment Approval Notifications
        7. Request for Information from BIP Employment Notifications
        8. Edit by Approver Action Secured in BIP Employment Notifications
        9. Audit the Transactions Done Using Responsive Employment Pages
        10. Add Worker Identification Information in the Page Header of Employment Flows
        11. Ease of Configuring Reference Regions in Employment Guided Processes
      3. Global HR Replaced or Removed Features
        1. Change Legal Employer to be Replaced with Local and Global Transfer Flow in Update 21D
      4. Checklists
        1. Embark on Journeys
        2. Enhanced Configuration Option to Store Document Records for Task Performer or Checklist Assignee
        3. Control Task Assigned Notification for a Task Performer
        4. Prevent Task Performers from Updating Checklist Task Status Directly from the Notification
        5. Restrict IP Address Display in Native Electronic Signature Checklist Tasks
      5. Document Records
        1. Classify Document Types as Person-Based or Assignment-Based
        2. Route Document Record Approvals Using Current Assignment Hierarchy
        3. Document Records Displayed Based on Assignment Access When Assignment-Level Security Is Configured
        4. Flexibility for Approver to Edit Document Record Submitted for Approval
        5. Specify Publish Date When Adding Document Records
        6. Ability to Include Instructional Attachments for Document Types
        7. Support for Flexfields in Document Types
        8. Additional Segments Added to Document Record Flexfield
        9. Restrict Deletion of Seeded Document Types
        10. Improved Layout of Document Type Setup Page
        11. Updated Return Navigation of Deep Links for Document Records and Document Delivery Preferences
        12. Control Document Records Access in OTBI
      6. Work Structures
        1. Locations: Conversion of Time Zone Code and Geographic Hierarchy Fields to Client Side List of Values
        2. New REST Resource for Geographic Hierarchy
    2. Human Capital Management for Brazil
        1. Attribute Visibility Changes
    3. Human Capital Management for Canada
        1. Attribute Visibility Changes
    4. Human Capital Management for China
        1. Use the Import Management Tool to Import Geographical Values for China
        2. Hide the Contract Legislative Attributes Using Experience Design Studio
    5. Human Capital Management for Germany
        1. Predefined Values and Validations for National Identifier
    6. Human Capital Management for India
        1. Use the Import Management Tool to Import Geography Values for India
    7. Human Capital Management for Kuwait
        1. Contact Lookup Updates
    8. Human Capital Management for Mexico
        1. Attribute Visibility Changes
        2. Days / Hours * Rate Elements Enabled for Payroll Interface
    9. Human Capital Management for Netherlands
        1. Work Relationship Legislative Information Hidden on Termination
    10. Human Capital Management for Qatar
        1. Contact Lookup Updates
    11. Human Capital Management for Saudi Arabia
        1. Work Relationship Legislative Information Hidden on Termination
        2. Contact Lookup Updates
    12. Human Capital Management for Sweden
        1. Enhanced National Identifiers Validation
    13. Human Capital Management for United Arab Emirates
        1. Contact Lookup Updates
    14. Human Capital Management for United Kingdom
        1. Work Relationship Legislative Information Hidden on Termination
    15. Global Payroll Interface
      1. Global Payroll Interface Replaced or Removed Features
        1. Calculation to Gross for Global Payroll Interface Discontinued
  4. Worklife Solutions
    1. Wellness
        1. Create Your Own Wellness Assessments
    2. Health and Safety
        1. Risk Assessment
        2. Two Additional Filters on Incident List View and Related Incidents Pages
    3. Workforce Directory Management
        1. Improvements in My Team Page
        2. Improvements in Directory Organization Chart
    4. Volunteering
        1. Reward Employees Using Oracle CrowdTwist
        2. Send Volunteering Newsletters
        3. Add Personal Project to Volunteering History
  5. HR Optimizations
    1. HCM Transactional Business Intelligence
        1. Attributes Renaming Across HCM OTBI Subject Areas
      1. Human Resources
        1. Additional Attributes to HR Action and HR Action Reason Dimensions
        2. Assignment Level Security Enhancement to Vacancy Real Time Subject Area
      2. Health and Safety
        1. OTBI Reporting of DFF's for Four Incident Events
        2. OTBI Reporting for Questionnaire - Questions and Responses
        3. OTBI Reporting for Case Number
        4. OTBI Reporting for Return to Work Fields in Injury or Illness Event
        5. OTBI Reporting to Source and Mechanism Sub Fields
  6. Controlled Availabilty Features
    1. Controlled Availability Features
        1. Connections New Directory User Experience

April Maintenance Pack for 21A

Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Product Feature Notes
26 MAR 2021     Created initial document.


HCM Cloud applications have two types of patches you can receive that are documented in this New Feature Summary:

  • Release Updates (21A, 21B, 21C, and 21D)
  • Optional Monthly Maintenance Packs to each update

It is important for you to know what Release Update your environment is on. You can find this in your Cloud Portal.

Oracle HCM Cloud release documents are delivered in five functional groupings:

Suggested Reading for all HCM Products:

  • HCM Cloud Common Features (This document pertains to all HCM applications. It is the base human resource information for all products and HCM Tools.)
  • Global Human Resources Cloud (Global Human Resources contains the base application in which other application use for common data such as workforce structures and person information. Regardless of what products you have implemented you may want to see the new features for Global Human Resources that could impact your products.)

NOTE: Not all Global Human Resource features are available for the base Talent and Compensation stand alone applications.

Optional Reading for HCM Products (Depending on what products are in your cloud service):

  • Talent Management Cloud (All Talent applications)
  • Workforce Rewards Cloud (Compensation, Benefits, Payroll and Global Payroll Interface)
  • Workforce Management Cloud (Absence Management and Time and Labor)

Additional Optional Reading:

  • Common Technologies and User Experience (This documents the common features across all Cloud applications and is not specific to HCM)

NOTE: All of these documents can be found in Release Readiness under Human Capital Management or via the Oracle Help Center under Cloud Applications > Human Capital Management.


The information contained in this document may include statements about Oracle’s product development plans. Many factors can materially affect Oracle’s product development plans and the nature and timing of future product releases. Accordingly, this Information is provided to you solely for information only, is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.

This information may not be incorporated into any contractual agreement with Oracle or its subsidiaries or affiliates. Oracle specifically disclaims any liability with respect to this information. Refer to the Legal Notices and Terms of Use for further information.

Human Resources

Human Capital Management for Romania

Oracle Fusion HRMS (Romania) supports country specific features and functions for Romania. It enables users to follow Romania’s business practices and comply with its statutory requirements.

Additional Field Added to the Romanian HCM Address Format

Use the new optional attribute 'Town or Commune' that's been added to the Romanian Supplemental Taxation and Reporting Address Style. The display order of the address attributes is also slightly changed to ensure a more intuitive mapping to Loqate geography data.

Human Capital Management for Australia

Oracle HRMS (Australia) supports country specific features and functions for Australia. It enables users to follow Australia’s business practices and comply with its statutory requirements.

Workplace Gender Equality Reporting Update

Enhance your data capture for Workplace Gender Reporting using the additional fields for Industry, Industry Classification, and Operational Category. Additionally, the updated Workplace Gender Report enables you to complete your Workplace Profile Template and submit it to the Workplace Gender Equality Agency.

March Maintenance Pack for 21A

Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Product Feature Notes
26 FEB 2021     Created initial document.


HCM Cloud applications have two types of patches you can receive that are documented in this New Feature Summary:

  • Release Updates (21A, 21B, 21C, and 21D)
  • Optional Monthly Maintenance Packs to each update

It is important for you to know what Release Update your environment is on. You can find this in your Cloud Portal.

Oracle HCM Cloud release documents are delivered in five functional groupings:

Suggested Reading for all HCM Products:

  • HCM Cloud Common Features (This document pertains to all HCM applications. It is the base human resource information for all products and HCM Tools.)
  • Global Human Resources Cloud (Global Human Resources contains the base application in which other application use for common data such as workforce structures and person information. Regardless of what products you have implemented you may want to see the new features for Global Human Resources that could impact your products.)

NOTE: Not all Global Human Resource features are available for the base Talent and Compensation stand alone applications.

Optional Reading for HCM Products (Depending on what products are in your cloud service):

  • Talent Management Cloud (All Talent applications)
  • Workforce Rewards Cloud (Compensation, Benefits, Payroll and Global Payroll Interface)
  • Workforce Management Cloud (Absence Management and Time and Labor)

Additional Optional Reading:

  • Common Technologies and User Experience (This documents the common features across all Cloud applications and is not specific to HCM)

NOTE: All of these documents can be found in Release Readiness under Human Capital Management or via the Oracle Help Center under Cloud Applications > Human Capital Management.


The information contained in this document may include statements about Oracle’s product development plans. Many factors can materially affect Oracle’s product development plans and the nature and timing of future product releases. Accordingly, this Information is provided to you solely for information only, is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.

This information may not be incorporated into any contractual agreement with Oracle or its subsidiaries or affiliates. Oracle specifically disclaims any liability with respect to this information. Refer to the Legal Notices and Terms of Use for further information.

Human Resources

Global Human Resources

Oracle Global Human Resources enables your organization to plan, manage and optimize all workforce segments using flexible and extensible best practices to realize extraordinary gains while insuring compliance and increasing total workforce engagement.

Enable Password Verification in Native E-Signature Checklist Task

Leverage the enhanced capability in the native electronic signature checklist task which now includes password verification that can be configured as per the business requirements.

February Maintenance Pack for 21A

Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Product Feature Notes
29 JAN 2021     Created initial document.


HCM Cloud applications have two types of patches you can receive that are documented in this New Feature Summary:

  • Release Updates (21A, 21B, 21C, and 21D)
  • Optional Monthly Maintenance Packs to each update

It is important for you to know what Release Update your environment is on. You can find this in your Cloud Portal.

Oracle HCM Cloud release documents are delivered in five functional groupings:

Suggested Reading for all HCM Products:

  • HCM Cloud Common Features (This document pertains to all HCM applications. It is the base human resource information for all products and HCM Tools.)
  • Global Human Resources Cloud (Global Human Resources contains the base application in which other application use for common data such as workforce structures and person information. Regardless of what products you have implemented you may want to see the new features for Global Human Resources that could impact your products.)

NOTE: Not all Global Human Resource features are available for the base Talent and Compensation stand alone applications.

Optional Reading for HCM Products (Depending on what products are in your cloud service):

  • Talent Management Cloud (All Talent applications)
  • Workforce Rewards Cloud (Compensation, Benefits, Payroll and Global Payroll Interface)
  • Workforce Management Cloud (Absence Management and Time and Labor)

Additional Optional Reading:

  • Common Technologies and User Experience (This documents the common features across all Cloud applications and is not specific to HCM)

NOTE: All of these documents can be found in Release Readiness under Human Capital Management or via the Oracle Help Center under Cloud Applications > Human Capital Management.


The information contained in this document may include statements about Oracle’s product development plans. Many factors can materially affect Oracle’s product development plans and the nature and timing of future product releases. Accordingly, this Information is provided to you solely for information only, is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.

This information may not be incorporated into any contractual agreement with Oracle or its subsidiaries or affiliates. Oracle specifically disclaims any liability with respect to this information. Refer to the Legal Notices and Terms of Use for further information.

Human Resources

Global Human Resources

Oracle Global Human Resources enables your organization to plan, manage and optimize all workforce segments using flexible and extensible best practices to realize extraordinary gains while insuring compliance and increasing total workforce engagement.

Retain Your Direct Reports in the Source Assignment While Adding a New Assignment

Enhance the add assignment process by allowing users to retain the direct reports in the source assignment. When you add a new assignment, the direct reports from the source assignment will now be populated in the Add Direct Reports section. Therefore, the user has the option to remove the directs which they don't want to move to the newly created assignment.

Human Capital Management for South Africa

Oracle HRMS (South Africa) supports country specific features and functions for South Africa. It enables users to follow South Africa's business practices and comply with its statutory requirements.

Enhanced Data Validation

Make data capture better aligned with local legislative requirements by leveraging the enhanced data validations for South Africa:

  • Validation of the length of each address attribute: an error message is displayed if the data captured in the Supplemental Taxation and Reporting Address style doesn’t meet the format definition. 
  • Validation of the First Name: an error message is displayed if the First Name field contains numeric characters. 
  • The Worker Data Validation Report now shows a warning related to the postal code length in non-South African addresses. 

Global Payroll Interface

Oracle Global Payroll Interface supports features to send personal payroll information to third-party payroll providers and then to import processed payroll data into Oracle Fusion Global HR. You can copy and modify predefined extract definitions to meet the requirements of your third-party payroll provider. Before extracting data, payroll coordinators can optionally run the Calculate Gross Earnings process to calculate periodic values to validate gross earnings calculations. If you import processed payroll data or payslips from your third-party payroll provider, the data is available for further reporting and analysis.

Global Payroll Interface Supports Seniority Dates V3

Use the SeniorityDetails section in Global Payroll Interface to report Seniority Dates version 3. If you’re already reporting it to a third-party payroll application and want to report only the changes in the next incremental run, do a baseline extraction after you apply this patch. Perform regular data changes and extractions after this baseline extraction is complete.

Global Payroll Interface Supports Additional Global Attributes

Use the additional attributes in the Global Data section to enhance your payroll interface. If you’re already reporting these attributes to a third-party payroll application and want to report only the changes in the next incremental run, do a baseline extraction after you apply this patch. Perform regular data changes and extractions after this baseline extraction is complete.

Global Payroll Interface Supports INPS And INAIL Position Code For Italy

Use the INPS Position and INAIL Position Code attributes in the Italy Legislative Data section to enhance your payroll interface for Italy. If you’re already reporting these to a third-party payroll application and want to report only the changes in the next incremental run, do a baseline extraction after you apply this patch. Perform regular data changes and extractions after this baseline extraction is complete.

Update 21A

Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Product Feature Notes
30 APR 2021 Global Payroll Interface / Replaced or Removed Features Calculation to Gross for Global Payroll Interface Discontinued

Updated document. Delivered feature in update 21A.

30 APR 2021

Global Human Resources/Checklists

Embark on Journeys

Updated document. Revised feature information.

26 FEB 2021

Global Human Resources/Work Structures

Oracle Search Support for Position List of Values

Removed features that we not delivered in 21A.

26 FEB 2021

Global Human Resources/Work Structures

Oracle Search Support for Department List of Values

Removed features that we not delivered in 21A.

29 JAN 2021

Global Human Resources/Employment/Replaced or Removed Features

Change Legal Employer to be Replaced with Local and Global Transfer Flow in Update 21D

Updated document. Revised feature information.

29 JAN 2021

Controlled Availability Features Controlled Availability Features

Updated document. Delivered feature in update 21A.

18 DEC 2020 Global Human Resources/Employment/Replaced or Removed Features Change Legal Employer to be Replaced with Local and Global Transfer Flow in Update 21C

Updated document. Delivered feature in update 21A.

18 DEC 2020

Global Human Resources/Employment

Ease of Configuring Reference Regions in Employment Guided Processes

Updated document. Delivered feature in update 21A.

18 DEC 2020

Global Human Resources/Checklists

Restrict IP Address Display in Native Electronic Signature Checklist Tasks

Updated document. Delivered feature in update 21A.

18 DEC 2020

Global Human Resources/Document Records

Updated Return Navigation of Deep Links for Document Records and Document Delivery Preferences

Updated document. Delivered feature in update 21A.

04 DEC 2020     Created initial document.


HCM Cloud applications have two types of patches you can receive that are documented in this New Feature Summary:

  • Release Updates (21A, 21B, 21C, and 21D)
  • Optional Monthly Maintenance Packs to each update

It is important for you to know what Release Update your environment is on. You can find this in your Cloud Portal.

Oracle HCM Cloud release documents are delivered in five functional groupings:

Suggested Reading for all HCM Products:

  • HCM Cloud Common Features (This document pertains to all HCM applications. It is the base human resource information for all products and HCM Tools.)
  • Global Human Resources Cloud (Global Human Resources contains the base application in which other application use for common data such as workforce structures and person information. Regardless of what products you have implemented you may want to see the new features for Global Human Resources that could impact your products.)

NOTE: Not all Global Human Resource features are available for the base Talent and Compensation stand alone applications.

Optional Reading for HCM Products (Depending on what products are in your cloud service):

  • Talent Management Cloud (All Talent applications)
  • Workforce Rewards Cloud (Compensation, Benefits, Payroll and Global Payroll Interface)
  • Workforce Management Cloud (Absence Management and Time and Labor)

Additional Optional Reading:

  • Common Technologies and User Experience (This documents the common features across all Cloud applications and is not specific to HCM)

NOTE: All of these documents can be found in Release Readiness under Human Capital Management or via the Oracle Help Center under Cloud Applications > Human Capital Management.


The information contained in this document may include statements about Oracle’s product development plans. Many factors can materially affect Oracle’s product development plans and the nature and timing of future product releases. Accordingly, this Information is provided to you solely for information only, is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.

This information may not be incorporated into any contractual agreement with Oracle or its subsidiaries or affiliates. Oracle specifically disclaims any liability with respect to this information. Refer to the Legal Notices and Terms of Use for further information.

Human Resources

Global Human Resources

Oracle Global Human Resources enables your organization to plan, manage and optimize all workforce segments using flexible and extensible best practices to realize extraordinary gains while insuring compliance and increasing total workforce engagement.


Update Contact Relationship Start Dates When Hire Date Is Changed

Enhance your user experience when a worker's hire date is updated, the worker's contact's start dates are also updated to reflect the new hire date when appropriate.

Bypass Approvals for Specific Change Personal Information Sub Processes

Configure your Change Personal Information approval rule so that specific change personal information sub processes bypass the approval process. This change improves your employee experience and simplifies your approval definition.


Move Future Assignment Updates During Legal Employer Change

Avoid duplication of effort by now moving future assignment updates during a legal employer change. This feature is available in the responsive Local and Global Transfer and responsive Mass Legal Employer Change flows.

Control Moving of Future Termination During Legal Employer Change

Control, using the new profile option, if future dated termination of the worker should be moved to the new work relationship created as part of a legal employer change.

Retain User Changes in Employment Flows While Changing Effective Date

Retain your changes now in these employment flows even though you change the effective date:

  • Local and Global Transfer
  • Create Work Relationship
  • Change Location
  • Promote
  • Transfer
  • Convert Pending Worker
  • Add Assignment
  • Change Assignment

Date Effective Updates Supported in Responsive Employment Contracts

Enhance your data capture by using effective dated updates in the responsive employment contracts page.

Share Employment Contract When Adding Assignments Using HDL

Share the employment contract when using HCM Data Loader (HDL) and HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader (HSDL) while adding a new assignment.

Improved User Experience for In-Progress Employment Approval Notifications

Improve employment approval notifications experience for in-progress transactions by providing consistent patterns, banners, and messages.

Request for Information from BIP Employment Notifications

Request information from the initiator, other approvers, or any worker outside of the approval chain by using Request for Information action under the Actions menu in the online BIP notification.

For email BIP notification, you can now request information by sending email only to the initiator. The initiator will get a BIP notification where they can provide the information.

Edit by Approver Action Secured in BIP Employment Notifications

Secure editing of transactions by approvers by not allowing them to edit the transaction if they don’t have relevant functional privilege or data access for the employee. This change is applicable for all employment processes.

Audit the Transactions Done Using Responsive Employment Pages

Track your employment changes made using responsive pages by leveraging the audit capability.

Add Worker Identification Information in the Page Header of Employment Flows

Enhance usability of the page header of employment flows by enabling worker identification information, such as person number, assignment number, and business title in the page header.

Ease of Configuring Reference Regions in Employment Guided Processes

Streamline the user experience by now including read-only regions, such as Seniority Dates and Need Help? Contact Us in the newly added region named Reference Info Regions. You can select Reference Info Regions from the Page Attributes section in HCM Experience Design Studio for employment guided processes.

Global HR Replaced or Removed Features

From time to time, Oracle replaces existing features with new features, or removes existing features.

Replaced features may be put on a path of removal, the features below will let you know what update you will have to have moved to the newer feature. As a best practice, you should move to the newer feature as soon as possible for full support and to stay up with the latest updates that the product offers.

Any feature that is removed, will have an Update in which that feature is no longer available. Please make necessary plans to move off the feature by the Update indicated, as it will no longer be available.

Change Legal Employer to be Replaced with Local and Global Transfer Flow in Update 21D

Notice you need to start using the responsive Local and Global Transfer flow introduced in Update 19A. Some of the key features you are missing out on are only available in the Local and Global Transfer flow:

  • Managing assignment extensible flexfields
  • Managing enhanced payroll information and copy options
  • Managing performance goals and documents copy options

NOTE: This is an update to the announcement made in the Update 20B What's New that the Change Legal Employer feature will be replaced in Update 20D.


Embark on Journeys

Enrich the user experience and help employees deepen their relationship with your organization by guiding them through personal and professional transitions with ease, using Journeys. Irrespective of the checklist category, Journeys provides a consistent user experience and enables completion of key tasks effectively.

Enhanced Configuration Option to Store Document Records for Task Performer or Checklist Assignee

Store data accurately and provide a consistent experience by configuring the option which enables you to store attachments, electronically signed documents, and reports either for the task performer or checklist assignee.

Control Task Assigned Notification for a Task Performer

Control the notification that is sent to the task performer when a task is assigned, by modifying the configuration of the task.

Prevent Task Performers from Updating Checklist Task Status Directly from the Notification

Prevent task performers from updating the checklist task status directly from the task notification.

Restrict IP Address Display in Native Electronic Signature Checklist Tasks

Protect the confidentiality of electronically signed documents, as the display of the IP address is restricted both in the responsive and Journeys task pages.

Document Records

Classify Document Types as Person-Based or Assignment-Based

Specify for each document type if document records created for that document type are applicable for a person or an individual assignment of the person.

Route Document Record Approvals Using Current Assignment Hierarchy

Configure your approval rules and route approvals using the current assignment hierarchy. The default routing uses the primary assignment hierarchy, but now you can route approvals to nonprimary assignment managers.

Document Records Displayed Based on Assignment Access When Assignment-Level Security Is Configured

Ensure compliance with assignment-level security by now having document records displayed based on assignment access.

When assignment-level security is enabled, then only those assignment-level document records that the user has access to based on the worker's assignment will display.

Person level document records will continue to be displayed to the user regardless of whether assignment-level security is enabled or disabled.

Flexibility for Approver to Edit Document Record Submitted for Approval

Provide the approver of a document record transaction the flexibility to edit the submitted document record from the approval notification instead of rejecting it.

Specify Publish Date When Adding Document Records

Determine when you want a document record to be available on the user interface by specifying a publish date when you add a new document record.

Ability to Include Instructional Attachments for Document Types

Make use of the ability to add attachments on the Document Types setup page. These are displayed to users when they create document record of that document type on the Add Document Records page.

Support for Flexfields in Document Types

Take advantage of enhanced flexfield support added to the document types configuration to record custom attributes for document types.

Additional Segments Added to Document Record Flexfield

Make use of the enhanced document records flexfields that have been improved with additional attributes to support large text fields and timestamp fields.

Restrict Deletion of Seeded Document Types

Restrict deletion of seeded document types even if there are no document records created for that document type. Additionally, leading and trailing spaces are automatically removed when creating or editing a new document type.

Improved Layout of Document Type Setup Page

Make use of the new layout of the document types setup page which is better organized into tabs for easier configuration. Moreover, the System Document Type is now displayed on the setup page for easy reference.

Updated Return Navigation of Deep Links for Document Records and Document Delivery Preferences

Simplify the return navigation in the document records and document delivery preferences deep links. These links when launched from Me, My Team, or My Client Groups now return to Personal Info, My Team, and Directory respectively.

Control Document Records Access in OTBI

Control access to person and document records data in OTBI reports using the new secured HR_DOR_REPORTING_LIST_V view implemented in the Document of Records Realtime subject area.

Work Structures

Locations: Conversion of Time Zone Code and Geographic Hierarchy Fields to Client Side List of Values

Enhance the user experience in the Location Details responsive pages using client-side list of values (LOVs). The Time Zone and Geographic Hierarchy fields are now converted to client-side list of values (LOVs.).

You can now enter a search term in these LOVs to easily find the matching results.

New REST Resource for Geographic Hierarchy

Use the newly added read-only REST resource, geographicHierarchiesLOV within the Oracle HCM Cloud.

Human Capital Management for Brazil

Oracle HRMS (Brazil) supports country specific features and functions for Brazil. It enables users to follow Brazil’s business practices and comply with its statutory requirements.

Attribute Visibility Changes

Create a better user experience by leveraging changes to the display of the following attributes. These changes are delivered as Transaction Design Studio rules and make the data capture better aligned with local cultural expectations and legislative requirements.

Actions: Add Contingent Worker, Add Pending Worker, Add a Nonworker, Create Work Relationship, Edit Pending Worker, Hire an Employee

  • Show Person Legislative Information Developer Attributes (Labor and Social Welfare Portfolio or CTPS details)
  • Show Ethnicity
  • Show Highest Education Level
  • Show Driver's Licenses Place of Issue
  • Show Driver's Licenses To Date
  • Show Person Drivers License Legislative Attributes (First Issue Date)

Action: Add Contingent Worker

  • Hide Work Relationship Legislative Information

Action: Resignation

  • Hide Work Relationship Legislative Information (in the Resignation Info region)

Action: Termination

  • Show Work Relationship Legislative Information

Human Capital Management for Canada

Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management for Canada supports country-specific features and functions for Canada. It enables users to follow Canada's business practices and comply with statutory requirements.

Attribute Visibility Changes

Create a better user experience by leveraging changes to the display of these attributes.

  • Reporting Establishment
  • Work Relationship Legislative Information (in Resignation Info region)

These changes are delivered as Transaction Design Studio rules and make the data capture better aligned with local cultural expectations and legislative requirements.

Human Capital Management for China

Oracle Fusion HRMS (China) supports country specific features and functions for China. It enables users to follow the Chinese business practices and comply with its statutory requirements.

Use the Import Management Tool to Import Geographical Values for China

Use the Import Management tool to import the country geography structure and values for China. This tool works in a similar way as the Load Geographies for China task, but it’s easier to use and includes a new user interface for monitoring the processing status. The Load Geographies for China task has been decommissioned in this release.

Hide the Contract Legislative Attributes Using Experience Design Studio

Simplify the contract data capture process by hiding the legislative attributes that are not used by your organization using Experience Design Studio.

Human Capital Management for Germany

Oracle Fusion HRMS (Germany) supports country specific features and functions for Germany. It enables users to follow Germany’s business practices and comply with its statutory requirements.

Predefined Values and Validations for National Identifier

Enhance your data capture and reporting for employees in Germany by entering the Social Insurance Number and Tax Identifier. The data is validated at the data entry level, and also in the Worker Data Validation Report.

Human Capital Management for India

Oracle HRMS (India) supports country specific features and functions for India. It enables users to follow India’s business practices and comply with its statutory requirements.

Use the Import Management Tool to Import Geography Values for India

Use the Import Management tool to import the country geography structure and values for India. This tool works in a similar way as the Load Geographies for India task, but it’s easier to use and includes a new user interface for monitoring the processing status. The Load Geographies for India task has been decommissioned in this release.

Human Capital Management for Kuwait

Oracle Fusion HRMS (Kuwait) supports country specific features and functions for Kuwait. It enables users to follow Kuwait’s business practices and comply with its statutory requirements.

Contact Lookup Updates

See the consistent values for contact type across GCC countries. The lookup types ORA_PER_CONTACT and CONTACT now show the same values for Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates.

Human Capital Management for Mexico

Oracle HRMS (Mexico) supports country specific features and functions for Mexico. It enables users to follow Mexico’s business practices and comply with its statutory requirements.

Attribute Visibility Changes

Create a better user experience by leveraging changes to the display of the attributes below. These changes are delivered as Transaction Design Studio rules and make the data capture better aligned with local cultural expectations and legislative requirements.

Actions: Add Assignment, Add Contingent Worker, Add Pending Worker, Add a Nonworker, Create Work Relationship, Edit Pending Worker, Hire an Employee

  • Show Overtime Period for Payroll
  • Show Time Card Required for Payroll

Action: Add Assignment, Change Assignment

  • Show Reporting Establishment

Action: Resignation

  • Hide Work Relationship Legislative Information (in the Resignation Info region)

Days / Hours * Rate Elements Enabled for Payroll Interface

Take advantage of the newly enabled Days*Rate and Hours*Rate calculation rule for Mexico Standard Earnings elements with a category of Standard. This has been made available for Payroll Interface license customers that do not wish to create time card elements.

Days/Hours based elements for Payroll license customers must be created with a category of Time Card.

Human Capital Management for Netherlands

Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management for the Netherlands supports country specific features and functions for the Netherlands. It enables users to follow the Netherland’s business practices and comply with its statutory requirements.

Work Relationship Legislative Information Hidden on Termination

See that the work relationship legislative information is hidden by default on the termination flow, however you can show this information, if required by using Transaction Design Studio.

Human Capital Management for Qatar

Oracle Fusion HRMS (Qatar) supports country specific features and functions for Qatar. It enables users to follow Qatar's business practices and comply with its statutory requirements.

Contact Lookup Updates

See the consistent values for contact type across GCC countries. The lookup types ORA_PER_CONTACT and CONTACT now show the same values for Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates.

Human Capital Management for Saudi Arabia

Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management for Saudi Arabia supports country specific features and functions for Saudi Arabia. It enables users to follow Saudi Arabia’s business practices and comply with its statutory requirements.

Work Relationship Legislative Information Hidden on Termination

Streamline the view of termination flows. The work relationship legislative information is hidden by default on termination flows, however you can show the legislative information, if required, using Transaction Design Studio.

Contact Lookup Updates

See the consistent values for contact type across GCC countries. The lookup types ORA_PER_CONTACT and CONTACT now show the same values for Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates.

Human Capital Management for Sweden

Oracle HRMS (Sweden) supports country specific features and functions for Sweden. It enables users to follow Sweden’s business practices and comply with its statutory requirements.

Enhanced National Identifiers Validation

See that Sweden’s national identifiers validation has been enhanced for personal identification number and coordination number to now also accept the 12-digit format.

Human Capital Management for United Arab Emirates

Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management for the United Arab Emirates supports country specific features and functions for the United Arab Emirates. It enables users to follow the United Arab Emirates business practices and comply with its statutory requirements.

Contact Lookup Updates

Use consistent values for contact type across GCC countries. The lookup types ORA_PER_CONTACT and CONTACT now show the same values for Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates.

Human Capital Management for United Kingdom

Oracle Fusion HRMS (UK) supports country specific features and functions for the United Kingdom. It enables users to follow the UK’s business practices and comply with its statutory requirements.

Work Relationship Legislative Information Hidden on Termination

Take advantage of the hidden work relationship legislative information that's hidden on the termination flow, by default. However, you can use the Transaction Design Studio to display the legislative information, if required.

Global Payroll Interface

Oracle Global Payroll Interface supports features to send personal payroll information to third-party payroll providers and then to import processed payroll data into Oracle Fusion Global HR. You can copy and modify predefined extract definitions to meet the requirements of your third-party payroll provider. Before extracting data, payroll coordinators can optionally run the Calculate Gross Earnings process to calculate periodic values to validate gross earnings calculations. If you import processed payroll data or payslips from your third-party payroll provider, the data is available for further reporting and analysis.

Global Payroll Interface Replaced or Removed Features

From time to time, Oracle replaces existing features with new features, or removes existing features.

Replaced features may be put on a path of removal, the features below will let you know what update you will have to have moved to the newer feature. As a best practice, you should move to the newer feature as soon as possible for full support and to stay up with the latest updates that the product offers.

Any feature that is removed, will have an Update in which that feature is no longer available. Please make necessary plans to move off the feature by the Update indicated, as it will no longer be available.

Calculation to Gross for Global Payroll Interface Discontinued

Take note that the Calculation to Gross for the Global Payroll Interface has been discontinued. The complexity of the setup outweighed the necessity of providing a calculation to gross. You generally don't need to do a calculation on the HR application when you have already outsourced this part to a payroll provider. You can use additional features in Oracle HCM Cloud to achieve the same goals as the Calculation to Gross without running a separate process.

Worklife Solutions


Oracle Wellness supports corporate initiatives to improve employee fitness and health through the use of opt-in wellness features. This application integrates with popular fitness tracking services to simplify and automate the acquisition of exercise data from a wide range of devices.

Create Your Own Wellness Assessments

Create your own wellness assessments using the enhanced Setup and Maintenance page. All of the wellness assessments you create as an administrator are available for people to take from the Assessments tab of the Wellness application.

Health and Safety

Oracle Health and Safety supports corporate initiatives to track and improve health and safety in the workplace.

Risk Assessment

Perform risk assessments on your incident.

Two Additional Filters on Incident List View and Related Incidents Pages

Check out the two new filters that are available on the Incident and Related Incident list view pages. You can now filter by when the incident was reported (for example, previous 24 hours or previous 7 days) and the target completion date (for example, due in 24 hours or overdue by 7 days).

Workforce Directory Management

Oracle Workforce Directory Management allows you to find colleagues and view organization charts.

Improvements in My Team Page

Improve vacancy creation in My Team with a more streamlined process. Managers can now use the top action menu to create vacancies. Directs and totals values will reflect the users security settings and any filters set in My Team page. The page will load independently of the totals value, so they may only appear after the page has loaded. You can now configure the sort order in My Team page.

Improvements in Directory Organization Chart

Improve the user experience in the organization chart. The values for directs and totals displayed in an employee card now reflects the users security settings and any filters set in the organization chart. The page will load independently of the total values, so the total values may only appear after the page has loaded. You can now configure the sort order in the organization chart.

The organization chart print is also enhanced to only print workers based on the user's security settings and the filters set in the organization chart. You can configure the list of attributes and the print file formats. Finally, it's now possible for users with PER_PRINT_ORG_CHART_NO_ROW_LIMIT profile option to print a complete organization chart, regardless of the number of workers reported.


Oracle Volunteering enables organizations to promote corporate social responsibility initiatives by creating service opportunities for employees to engage and get involved in causes that are most important to each individual.

Reward Employees Using Oracle CrowdTwist

Engage and motivate volunteers with a reward program using Oracle CrowdTwist. A one-time configuration with CrowdTwist is required after which you can create and manage the reward program for volunteering projects. Volunteers can complete the projects, earn points, and redeem them for rewards.

Send Volunteering Newsletters

Communicate regularly on volunteering projects, campaigns, and other updates by creating and sending newsletters to volunteers. Campaign and project details can be easily populated with a single click.

Add Personal Project to Volunteering History

Track and record your personal volunteering projects after you complete them. You can add details of a personal volunteering project in the Completed section on the My Projects page so that it’s available in your volunteering history.

HR Optimizations

HCM Transactional Business Intelligence

Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence is a real time, self service reporting solution offered to all Oracle® Cloud application users to create ad hoc reports and analyze them for daily decision-making. Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence provides human resources managers and specialists, business executives, and line managers the critical workforce information to analyze workforce costs, staffing, compensation, performance management, talent management, succession planning, and employee benefits.

Don’t want to start from scratch building a report or analytics? Check out the library of sample reports for all products on Customer Connect on the Report Sharing Center.

Attributes Renaming Across HCM OTBI Subject Areas

Streamline your reporting on HCM OTBI subject areas with more meaningful attribute names across multiple subject areas.

Human Resources

Additional Attributes to HR Action and HR Action Reason Dimensions

Improve your reporting on HR Actions and HR Action Reasons with the inclusion of new attributes.

Assignment Level Security Enhancement to Vacancy Real Time Subject Area

Improve your reporting on the Vacancy Real Time subject area with the ability to report on assignment level security.

Health and Safety

OTBI Reporting of DFF's for Four Incident Events

Use OTBI to report on DFF's with the following added events:

  • Ergonomic
  • Fire or Explosion
  • Issue
  • Near MIss

OTBI Reporting for Questionnaire - Questions and Responses

Use OTBI to report on your investigation questionnaire questions and responses.

OTBI Reporting for Case Number

Use OTBI to report the Case Number for an injured or ill person.

OTBI Reporting for Return to Work Fields in Injury or Illness Event

Check out that OTBI reporting is now available for the return to work fields for the injured or ill person, in the injury or illness event.

OTBI Reporting to Source and Mechanism Sub Fields

Use OTBI to report on the source and mechanism fields which now drill down to 4 levels.

Controlled Availabilty Features

Controlled Availability Features

Features under this heading are under the Controlled Availability Program. The Controlled Availability Program is a program for early testing and feedback of features, before they are included into the product line. You must request and be accepted into the Controlled Availability Programs to use these features. Please see the What's New for more information on being part of these programs.

NOTE: These features are not generally available to customers, customers must be approved to use these features. When these features are generally available to all customers they will be announced under their product area headings.

Connections New Directory User Experience

Check out Connections it is an invaluable resource for your workers to build and maintain relationships within your company. You get the latest, compelling, consumer grade, animated user experience that workers have come to expect. Connections leverages Oracle Search so your workers can quickly and easily find and connect with people. A person’s profile opens using visually engaging animation, like unfolding a multi-panel brochure. Connections includes an organization chart to help your workers understand and navigate your organization structure and identify relationships between coworkers.