- Revision History
- Overview
- Feature Summary
- Compensation
- Compensation
- Individual Compensation
- Workforce Compensation
- Grade Step Progression
- Total Compensation Statement
- Redwood Experience
- Redwood Experience for Market Data Compensation Types
- Redwood Experience for Market Segments
- Redwood Experience for Configure Total Compensation Global Settings
- Redwood Experience for Batch Parameters
- Redwood Experience for Configure Workforce Compensation Global Settings
- Redwood Experience for Configuring Grade Step Progression
- Redwood Experience for Configure Compensation History
- Transactional Business Intelligence Enterprise for Compensation
- Compensation
- IMPORTANT Actions and Considerations for Compensation
This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:
Date | Module | Feature | Notes |
31 MAR 2023 | Compensation / Redwood Experience | Redwood Experience for Batch Parameters | Updated document. Revised feature information. |
03 MAR 2023 | Created initial document. |
HCM Cloud applications have two types of patches you can receive that are documented in this What's New:
- Release Updates (23A, 23B, 23C, and 23D)
- Optional Monthly Maintenance Packs to each update
It is important for you to know what Release Update your environment is on. You can find this in your Cloud Portal.
We’re here and we’re listening. If you have a suggestion on how to make our products better, please let us know. To enter an idea go to the Ideas Lab on Oracle Customer Connect. In this document wherever you see the light bulb icon after the feature name it means we delivered one of your ideas.
- HCM Common What's New - In this What's New you will find feature that are used across applications.
- Human Resources What’s New – In the Global Human Resources section you will find features on the base application in which other application are built upon.
NOTE: Not all Global Human Resource features are available for Talent and Compensation products.
- Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Functional Known Issues and Maintenance Packs (Document ID 1554838.1). These documents identify bug fixes and possible known issues. You will also need to review these documents based in the release update version you are currently on or will be moving to.
- Oracle Help Center – Here you will find guides, videos and searchable help.
- Release Readiness – New Feature Summary, What’s New, Feature Listing Spreadsheet, Spotlights and Release Training
We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at oracle_fusion_applications_help_ww_grp@oracle.com. Indicate you are inquiring or providing feedback regarding the HCM Cloud What’s New in the body or title of the email.
Column Definitions:
Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.
UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.
UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.
Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.
Ready for Use by End Users Reports plus Small Scale UI or Process-Based new features will have minimal user impact after an update. Therefore, customer acceptance testing should focus on the Larger Scale UI or Process-Based* new features. |
Customer Must Take Action before Use by End Users Not disruptive as action is required to make these features ready to use. As you selectively choose to leverage, you set your test and roll out timing. |
Feature |
Report |
UI or |
UI or |
Include Assignments Terminated With Global Transfer In Workforce Compensation Plans |
Redwood Experience for Configure Total Compensation Global Settings |
Redwood Experience for Configure Workforce Compensation Global Settings |
Transactional Business Intelligence Enterprise for Compensation |
Oracle Compensation enables your organization to plan, allocate, and communicate compensation using the most complete solution in the market. Make better business decisions using embedded analytics and a total compensation view of workers, regardless of geographic location or pay package components.
Document Records in Salary History Notification
In Update 23A we enhanced salary proposals to attach document records. As of Update 23B, you can view document record details in Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher (BI) notifications for salary history approvals. Earlier, you could view them only in manage salary and administer salary BI notifications.
With this enhancement you can view complete details of the change to make an informed decision.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
The Document Records attribute and links are visible when the document records section is enabled for display in the Salary History action using Transaction Design Studio.
BI notifications show salary details only when any salary attribute changes. The notification won’t show any details when changes are made in document record section but not in the salary section.
Include Assignments Terminated With Global Transfer In Workforce Compensation Plans
You can now include assignments terminated between plan cycle evaluation period start date and HR data extraction date that are due to a global transfer. Select the option when you start the compensation cycle.
Lets people include assignments terminated with global transfer.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Role-Based Column Access In Assignment Segments
We added the role-based configure option for assignment segment columns similar to other worksheet columns. Previously, this option wasn’t available for assignment segments.
For Numeric, Text, and Date columns the 3 options are Not Enabled, Updateable, and Read Only. For all other columns Not Enabled is the only available configuration option.
This feature expands configuration options for assignment segment columns.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
Inspired by Ideas Lab item: https://community.oracle.com/customerconnect/discussion/630422/role-based-overrides-and-visibility-for-assignment-segments-columns
Key Resources
- For more information, see the following topic in Applications Help: Overview of Assignment Segments in Workforce Compensation Plan Worksheets.
Statement Criteria When Generating On-Demand Statements
Managers can now choose up to 10 people and have statement criteria apply during generation for statements of the Printed and delivered by managers type.
Gives managers more flexibility when generating statements.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
- For more information, see the following topic in Applications Help: Communication Worksheet Actions.
Discrimination Detection Report for Managers
You can now enable the Discrimination Detection report for managers to view as a part of the Workforce Compensation plan. This report lets you analyze classes of people who are protected from pay discrimination. For example, you can compare compensation for men and women who work in the US.
Lets managers view the Discrimination Detection report on the worksheet.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
For more information, see the following topics in Applications Help:
We created a new report you can use to help diagnose issues you have when you use the modeling feature in Workforce Compensation.
This feature helps people easily troubleshoot modeling issues.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Actions in Grade Step Progression
You can now use your own custom actions when setting up your progression grade ladders and when running grade step progression batch processes. Previously you could only use the seeded actions.
On the Progression Grade Ladders page, the existing Assignment Action choice list was updated, and new Salary Action choice lists were added so that you can pick a different action for each type of update.
First, in the Progression Grade Ladder Details section, you use the existing Assignment Action choice list to select the action that the Run Grade Step Progression process uses when it updates the person's grade or step. Previously, you could only select a delivered value. As you see in this image of the Progression Grade Ladder page, the choice list now consists of the delivered Automated Grade Step Progression and two custom actions, Custom GSP Action and Custom GSP Action 2. After you select an action, use the existing Assignment Action Reason choice list to select one of the reasons you associated with the action.
Next, when you move to the Salary Update Details section of the page, you can use the new Salary Action choice list to select the action that appears on the salary record when the Run Grade Step Progression process updates the person's salary. The value defaults based on your assignment selection, so you don't need to change it if you want both assignment and salary to use the same action. The new Salary Action Reason choice list contains the action reasons you associated with your action, and the value also defaults based on your assignment selection.
This image shows the new Salary Action choice list with the delivered Automated Grade Step Progression action and the Custom GSP Action and Custom GSP Action 2 custom actions.
Next, when you move to the Rate Synchronization Details section of the page, you can use the new Salary Action choice list to specify the value for the Synchronize Grade Step Rates process to use. Since this is a different process, the value won't default from selections in previous sections. You can select the delivered Grade Step Rate Synchronization action, or one of your own custom actions, as shown in this image. The new Salary Action Reason choice list contains the action reasons you associated with your action.
The new Salary Action fields aren't required, so you can leave them blank and the processes behave the same as they did before this update. See the Tips & Considerations section for more information about how the process finds the values to use for actions and action reasons.
When you submit either the Run Grade Step Progression or Synchronize Grade Step Rates process, you can override the action and action reason. Previously you could only select a delivered action. Now you can also select from your custom actions.
This image shows the Run Grade Step Progression page with custom actions selected for the Assignment Action and Salary Action parameters.
The image shows the Synchronize Grade Step Rates page and the Salary Action choice list with delivered and custom actions.
With this enhancement you can use actions and action reasons on your assignment and salary updates that are more meaningful to your business.
Steps to Enable
To set up custom actions for grade step progression processes, use the Configure Actions task and the Grade Step Progression action type. The Grade Step Progression action type doesn't use these values, so you can leave them blank: Used in Contract, Country, Role, and Reorganization Related.
Tips And Considerations
The Run Grade Step Progression and Synchronize Grade Step Rates processes follow this hierarchy to get the values for action and action reason:
- If you select an assignment action when you submit the process, the process uses that action and the selected action reason. If you left the action reason blank, assignments won't have an action reason.
- If you select a salary action when you submit the process, the process uses that action and the selected action reason. If you left the action reason blank, salaries won't have an action reason.
- If you don't select an assignment action when you submit the process, the process uses the assignment action and action reason defined on the progression grade ladder.
- If you don't select a salary action during submission, here's what happens:
- Run Grade Step Progression uses the salary action and salary action reason in the Salary Update Details section of the grade ladder, if salary action is defined.
- Synchronize Grade Step Rates uses the salary action and salary action reason in the Rate Synchronization Details section of the grade ladder, if the salary action is defined.
- If action reason is blank, salaries won't have an action reason.
- If you don't select a salary action during submission or on the grade ladder, the salary action and action reason are the assignment action and action reason you defined on the progression grade ladder.
You can optionally reuse the action occurrence identifier of the assignment whenever a matching action and reason exists for the salary start date. If you use this feature, make sure that the Run Grade Step Progression process uses the same action and reason for the assignment and salary record.
- To do this, use the same values for Assignment Action, Assignment Action Reason and the corresponding action and action reason values in the Salary Update Details section of your progression grade ladder definition.
- If you override the action and reason when submitting Run Grade Step Progression, make sure to select the same values for assignment and salary.
- The values you select for Synchronize Grade Step Rates don't matter, since this process only updates salary and not assignment.
There are three delivered actions for the Grade Step Progression action type. There are some limitations on the use of these actions, to preserve compatibility with prior releases:
- Automated Grade Step Progression
- Delivered action for the Run Grade Step Progression process
- You can't use this action for the Synchronize Grade Step Rates process
- Grade Step Rate Synchronization
- Delivered action for the Synchronize Grade Step Rates process
- You can't use this action for the Run Grade Step Progression process
- Grade Step Change
- Used in prior releases for salary default from grade ladder rates in classic pages. The feature is decommissioned, but the action remains for use in historical data.
- You can't use this action for Run Grade Step Progression or Synchronize Grade Step Rates processes
Key Resources
- For more information about actions and action reasons see the topic: Action Framework in the Employment chapter of the Implementing Global Human Resources guide.
- For information about reusing the action occurrence identifier see the topic: ORA_CMP_SAL_REUSE_ASGN_ACTION_OCCURRENCE Profile Option in the Profile Options for Salary Actions chapter of the Implementing Compensation guide. You can also see the 22D What's New: Reuse Action Occurrence Identifier.
- For information about Grade Step Progression see these chapters in the Implementing Compensation guide:
- Basic Process to Manage Grade Step Progression
- Grade Step Progression Processing
Total Compensation Statement: Calculated Item
Now you can use a new Compensation Item source type called Calculated Item. This feature allows you to define the value of a compensation item as a calculation amount and displays it in descriptive text. For this new source type, first you select an existing item. Then, select from Item Value, either Sum, Most Recent, or Oldest. Next, you can perform a mathematical operation on this item such as Plus, Minus, Multiply, or Divide. The second operand can be either a fixed value or another compensation item. You will only be able to select Monetary or Non-monetary items to perform mathematical operations, not dates or text. You can't use calculated Items in another calculated item. As with other source types, an Item Tester is available to verify results prior to generating statements. Finally you can add this into descriptive text on a Category or Welcome Message.
Let's imagine that the employee contribution of life insurance coverage is 30% of the employer contribution. Start with creating the item as below.
Extend your ability to use Total Compensation with a new Compensation Item source type called Calculated Item.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
Inspired by Idea Lab: https://community.oracle.com/customerconnect/discussion/comment/235797
Redwood Experience for Market Data Compensation Types
Check out the new Compensation Types page that has been recreated in the Redwood tool set Visual Builder Studio (VBS). The page is turned on by default, but you can disable it using a profile option.
The new Compensation Types page developed using the Redwood tool set lets you experience Redwood’s high-fidelity interactions.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to perform any actions to enable the page. The profile option is set to Y out of the box. However, you can change the value of the profile option if you want to disable it. Here's how you configure a profile option in the Setup and Maintenance work area:
- Search for and click the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
- Search for and select the profile option: ORA_CMP_MARKET_DATA_REDWOOD_ENABLED
- In the Level list, select Site.
- In the Profile Value field, select Y to enable the Redwood page and N to disable it.
- Click Save and Close.
Key Resources
- For a listing of all profile options for the recreated pages across applications, see the following document in My Oracle Support: HCM Redwood Pages with Profile Options - Document ID 2922407.1
Redwood Experience for Market Segments
Check out the new Market Segments page that has been recreated in the Redwood tool set Visual Builder Studio (VBS). The page is turned on by default, but you can disable it using a profile option.
The new Market Segments page developed using the Redwood tool set lets you experience Redwood’s high-fidelity interactions.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to perform any actions to enable the page. The profile option is set to Y out of the box. However, you can change the value of the profile option if you want to disable it. Here's how you configure a profile option in the Setup and Maintenance work area:
- Search for and click the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
- Search for and select the profile option: ORA_CMP_MARKET_DATA_REDWOOD_ENABLED
- In the Level list, select Site.
- In the Profile Value field, select Y to enable the Redwood page and N to disable it.
- Click Save and Close.
Tips And Considerations
The new page doesn’t yet support the ability to use HSDL to load segments from the page. You can still load segments via HDL and HSDL in My Client Groups > Data Exchange.
Key Resources
- For a listing of all profile options for the recreated pages across applications, see the following document in My Oracle Support: HCM Redwood Pages with Profile Options - Document ID 2922407.1
Redwood Experience for Configure Total Compensation Global Settings
Check out the new Configure Total Compensation Global Settings page that has been recreated in the Redwood tool set Visual Builder Studio (VBS). The page is turned on by default, but you can disable it using a profile option.
The new Configure Total Compensation Global Settings page developed using the Redwood tool set lets you experience Redwood’s high-fidelity interactions.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to perform any actions to enable the page. The profile option is set to Y out of the box. However, you can change the value of the profile option if you want to disable it. Here's how you configure a profile option in the Setup and Maintenance work area:
- Search for and click the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
- Search for and select the ORA_CMS_TOTAL_COMPENSATION_STATEMENTS_REDWOOD_ENABLED profile option.
- In the Level list, select Site.
- In the Profile Value field, select Y to enable the Redwood page and N to disable it.
- Click Save and Close.
Key Resources
- For a listing of all profile options for the recreated pages across applications, see the following document in My Oracle Support: HCM Redwood Pages with Profile Options - Document ID 2922407.1
Redwood Experience for Batch Parameters
Check out the new Batch Parameters page that was re-created in the Redwood tool set Visual Builder Studio. The page is turned on by default, but you can disable it using a profile option.
Continue your journey into Oracle Redwood solutions.
Steps to Enable
The profile option ORA_CMP_BATCH_PARAMETERS_REDWOOD_ENABLED is enabled out of the box.
To configure the profile option, complete these steps in the Setup and Maintenance work area:
- Search for and click the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
- Search for and select the profile option, in this case ORA_CMP_BATCH_PARAMETERS_REDWOOD_ENABLED
- Set the Level to Site.
- In the Profile Value field, select Y to enable the Redwood page and N to disable it.
Key Resources
- For a listing of all profile options for the recreated pages across applications, see HCM Redwood Pages with Profile Options - Document ID 2922407.1 on My Oracle Support.
Redwood Experience for Configure Workforce Compensation Global Settings
Check out the new Configure Workforce Compensation Global Settings page that was re-created in the Redwood tool set Visual Builder Studio. The page is turned on by default, but you can disable it using a profile option.
Allows for an updated look of the Global Settings page.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to perform any actions to enable the page. The profile option is set to Y out of the box. However, you can change the value of the profile option if you want to disable it. Here's how you configure a profile option in the Setup and Maintenance work area:
- Search for and click the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
- Search for and select the ORA_CMP_WORKFORCE_COMPENSATION_REDWOOD_ENABLED profile option.
- Set the Level to Site.
- In the Profile Value field, select Y to enable the Redwood page and N to disable it.
- Click Save and Close.
Key Resources
- For a listing of all profile options for the recreated pages across applications, see HCM Redwood Pages with Profile Options - Document ID 2922407.1 on My Oracle Support.
Redwood Experience for Configuring Grade Step Progression
We created a dedicated page for grade step progression settings using Redwood principles and components to help create cohesiveness throughout the application.
The page is available by clicking the Grade Step Progression Settings quick action, which appears based on the value of a profile option that's enabled by default.
By using this new page, you can take advantage of the cohesive Redwood experience expanding throughout the application.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
Go here to manage grade step progression settings:
- If you enable the profile option, you manage grade step progression settings using the Grade Step Progression Settings quick action under My Client Groups, in the Compensation section.
- If you disable the profile option, you manage grade step progression settings using the Configure Global Settings quick action under My Client Groups, in the Compensation section.
- Regardless of the profile option value, you can manage the grade step progression settings using the Configure Global Compensation Settings task in Setup and Maintenance.
To disable the new page, use the ORA_CMP_WORKFORCE_COMPENSATION_REDWOOD_ENABLED profile option.
IMPORTANT: This profile option controls the Configure Global Settings page too.
To update the profile option, in the Setup and Maintenance work area:
- Search for and click the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
- Search for and select the profile option: ORA_CMP_WORKFORCE_COMPENSATION_REDWOOD_ENABLED
- Select the Level as Site.
- Select No to disable it.
- Click Save and Close.
Key Resources
For information about grade step progression settings, see these topics in the Implementing Compensation guide.
- Global Compensation Settings for Defaulting Salary from Grade Ladder Rates
- Batch Settings for Grade Step Progression Processing
- Batch Error Conditions for Assignment Date in Grade Step Progression Processing
- Batch Error Conditions for Salary Date in Grade Step Progression Processing
For a listing of all profile options for the recreated pages across applications, see the following document in My Oracle Support:
HCM Redwood Pages with Profile Options - Document ID -2922407.1
Role And Privileges
The new page is secured by the CMP_MANAGE_COMPENSATION_PLAN_GLOBAL_OPTIONS_FOR_GROUP_COMPENSATION_PRIV privilege and is included with the delivered Compensation Administrator role.
This is the same privilege that secures the existing Configure Global Settings page, so you shouldn’t need to update security for roles that can already access that page.
Redwood Experience for Configure Compensation History
You can now let people use the Configure Compensation History page re-created with the Redwood toolkit, when you enabled the Redwood experience.
Continue your journey into Oracle Redwood solutions.
Steps to Enable
When you enable the Redwood experience using this profile option, you also automatically enable the Redwood Configure Compensation History page.
Profile Option Code | Profile Option Description | Default Value |
Enable VBCS Progressive Web Application User Interface |
No |
To revert to the non-Redwood page, set the site-level profile value to No for this profile option:
Profile Option Code | Profile Option Description | Default Value |
Redwood Compensation History Enabled |
Yes |
To configure a profile option, complete these steps in the Setup and Maintenance work area:
- Search for and click the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
- Search for and select the profile option.
- Set the Level to Site.
- In the Profile Value field, select a value.
Key Resources
- For a listing of all profile options for the recreated pages across applications, see HCM Redwood Pages with Profile Options.
Role And Privileges
To access the element and input value choice lists on the Redwood Configure Compensation History page, any custom roles that you created for compensation administrators need to inherit this aggregate privilege:
Aggregate Privilege Name |
Code |
Use REST Service - Payroll Reference Data Lists of Values |
Transactional Business Intelligence Enterprise for Compensation
Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence is a real time, self-service reporting solution offered to all Oracle Cloud application users to create ad hoc reports and analyze them for daily decision-making. Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence provides human resources managers and specialists, business executives, and line managers the critical workforce information to analyze workforce costs, staffing, compensation, performance management, talent management, succession planning, and employee benefits.
Don’t want to start from scratch building a report or analytics? Check out the library of sample reports for all products on Customer Connect on the Report Sharing Center.
Manager Status Attribute in Compensation Subject Areas
We introduced logic for manager status that is sensitive to cycle in OTBI to match the application. We made the following changes to the manager status attribute across multiple subject areas and their respective folders, as listed here:
Subject Area(s) | Folder | Sub Folder | Modified Attribute |
Compensation Manager |
Compensation Person Worksheet Details |
Manager Status |
Compensation Worksheet Manager |
Compensation Person Worksheet Details for Worksheet Manager |
Enhance your reporting on compensation worksheet details by displaying the correct value under the manager status attribute for the compensation plan cycle.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Indirect Association of Worker Job with the Survey Job
The assignment job of the worker is connected to the market survey job indirectly when the assignment job is a child of or a parent to the internal benchmark job. With this enhancement, you can report if:
- Internal Job is Parent, Child, Neither
- Survey Data has direct or indirect association with employee
- Assignment and Survey Job are connected by some parent-job, child-job, or neither category job
These attributes were added to the Compensation - Market Data Real Time, for reporting:
Folder | Attributes |
Market Survey Data Details |
Market Survey Job |
Enhance your reporting on market survey job data that are associated with the worker's assignment jobs indirectly.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
IMPORTANT Actions and Considerations for Compensation
From time to time, Oracle replaces existing Cloud service features with new features or removes existing features. When a feature is replaced the older version may be removed immediately or at a future time. As a best practice, you should use the newer version of a replaced feature as soon as the newer version is available.
Product |
Removed Feature |
Target Removal |
Replacement Feature |
Replaced In |
Additional Information |
Nothing at this time. |
Oracle publishes a Known Issues document for every Update to make customers are aware of potential problems they could run into and the document provides workarounds if they are available.
Oracle also publishes Maintenance Pack and Statutory Maintenance Pack documentation of bugs that are fixed in the monthly or statutory patching.
To review these documents you must have access to My Oracle Support:
Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Functional Known Issues and Maintenance Packs (Document ID 1554838.1)