Cloud Readiness / Oracle Sales and B2B Service Cloud
What's New
  1. Update 19C
  1. Revision History
  2. Overview
  3. Update Tasks
  4. Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)
  5. Feature Summary
  6. Engagement Cloud Foundation
    1. CX Foundation
        1. Access In-Context Audit with Change History
        2. Initial Release of Oracle Augmented Reality Accelerator
    2. Accounts, Contacts, and Households
        1. Leverage DataFox Data Enrichment
    3. Resource
        1. Use Role Assignment Validations
  7. Oracle Sales Force Automation
    1. Leads and Opportunities
        1. Configure Opportunity Best Sales Action in a Single UI
    2. Sales Catalog
        1. Use Import Management for Products, Price Books, and Promotions
        2. Leverage PUIDs When Importing Product and Price Book Children and Related Objects
        3. Use PUIDs in REST APIs for Children and Related Objects of Products, Price Books, and Promotions
  8. Adaptive Search
        1. Create Opportunities with Quick Actions on Workspace
        2. Adaptive Search Supports Aggregation Computations in Database
        3. Leverage New Aggregations for Adaptive Search
  9. Sales Performance Management
    1. Territory Management
        1. Enable Active Territory Version Updates
        2. Update Active Territories Using Export and Import Management
  10. Sales Forecasting
        1. Use Advanced Sales Forecasting
    1. Incentive Compensation
        1. Personalize Parts of Variable Compensation Plans
        2. Use Incentive Compensation Rate Table Subject Area
        3. Import Incentive Compensation Transactions Using Import Management
        4. Purge Incentive Compensation Process Audit Logs
  11. Sales Analytics
        1. Use Partner Program Benefits Reporting
        2. View User Login Metrics in User Adoption Reporting
  12. CX Cloud Mobile
        1. Define a Map Radius for Around Me
        2. View Recently Selected Products in Picker
        3. Configure Multi-Select Status for Lead Saved Searches
        4. Mobile App Prompts for User Feedback
        5. Enable Text Entry in Account and Primary Contact Fields
        6. Leverage Enhanced Capabilities in Custom Scripts
  13. Oracle Sales Assistant
        1. Act Directly on Opportunity, Account, and Contact Records
        2. View and Act on Contact Records
        3. Get Briefed on Next and Current Appointments
        4. Show Opportunities Based on Amount, Close Date, and Sales Stage
  14. Partner Relationship Management
        1. Make Partner Contact Optional for Active Partners
        2. Channel Partners Can Access Knowledge Articles
  15. Customer Data Management
        1. REST APIs Available for Duplicate Resolution Links and Non-Duplicates
        2. Import and Export Management Supports Data Quality Links, Non-Duplicates, and Resolution Requests
        3. Customer Data Management Usability Enhancements
        4. Enable Customer Data Quality Match Scoring Service with REST APIs
  16. Enterprise Contracts
        1. Use New Actions in the Contracts Word Add-In
        2. Maintain Consistent Clause Numbering with Microsoft Word
        3. Use the Amendment Effective Date in Contract Terms
        4. Generate Data Model XML
  17. Oracle Policy Automation
        1. Personalize Connector Attachments
        2. Create New Top-Level Records in Engagement Cloud Using Guided Interviews
        3. Load the ID of Records Created by Oracle Policy Automation Interviews
        4. OPA CCA Component for Engagement Cloud Interviews in DCS
  18. Knowledge Management
        1. Expand Knowledge Locales
        2. Display File Attachments in Search Results on Service Request Knowledge Panel and My Knowledge
        3. Application-Striped Content Types
        4. Native FA User Management in Knowledge
        5. Customer-Selected Industry Dictionary
        6. KM Analytics Ratings Likes and Dislikes
        7. KM External Content Search
        8. New Knowledge Analytics Dashboard
        9. Configure Work Starvation Prevention
  19. Service Request Management
        1. Access Installed Base Asset Details from Service
        2. Send Email to Any SMTP Address
        3. Email Handling of Matching Partner, Resource and Customer Contacts
        4. Enhanced Dynamic Tab Support for Opportunities and Leads in Service Request and Adaptive Workspaces
  20. Omnichannel Framework
        1. Use CKEditor Formatting in Chat Live Window
  21. Field Service Integration
        1. Notification Support for Work Orders
  22. Service Analytics
        1. Analyze Service by Install Base Assets
        2. New Cycle Time Metrics
  23. Digital Customer Service
        1. View File Attachments and Web Content in Knowledge Search Results
        2. New Digital Customer Service Components
        3. Automatic Hyperlinks in Chat and Service Request Messages
  24. Engagement Cloud Configuration
    1. Application Composer
        1. Configure Default Sort Field and Order for Company-Defined Subtabs
        2. Enable or Disable Custom Logic for Import
        3. Opt In to Unified Sandboxes
    2. Integrations
        1. Import Hierarchies and Hierarchy Members
        2. Re-Activate Inactive Origin Systems
        3. Disable Agreement Object in "Classic" File Import/File Export
  25. Post-Update
    1. Post-Update Tasks

Update 19C

Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Feature Notes
25 OCT 2019 Email Documents for Opportunity Active Quotes Updated document. Removed feature from update 19C.
30 AUG 2019 Act Directly on Opportunity, Account, and Contact Records Updated document. Revised feature information.
30 AUG 2019 Get Briefed on Next and Current Appointments Updated document. Revised feature information.
30 AUG 2019 Show Opportunities Based on Amount, Close Date, and Sales Stage Updated document. Revised feature information.
30 AUG 2019 View and Act on Contact Records Updated document. Revised feature information.
30 AUG 2019 Send Email to Any SMTP Address Updated document. Revised feature information.
30 AUG 2019 Leverage DataFox Data Enrichment Updated document. Delivered feature in update 19C.
26 JUL 2019 Use Advanced Sales Forecasting Updated document. Delivered feature in update 19C.
21 JUN 2019   Created initial document.


This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in this update, and describes any tasks you might need to perform for the update. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.


We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at

Update Tasks

This section gives you information to help you plan, deploy, and validate your update. We make frequent additions to this document, so don’t forget to check back and get the latest information before your update starts.

Use the following resource to prepare for, deploy, and validate your Oracle Sales Cloud upgrade to Release 13:

Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)

Oracle Cloud Applications delivers new updates every quarter. This means every three months you'll receive new functionality to help you efficiently and effectively manage your business. Some features are delivered Enabled meaning they are immediately available to end users. Other features are delivered Disabled meaning you have to take action to make available. Features delivered Disabled can be activated for end users in a couple of ways:

Access the Opt In page from the New Features Work Area

  1. Click the Navigator, and then click New Features (under the My Enterprise heading)
  2. On the New Features page, select the offering that includes new features you’d like to review
  3. Click Go to Opt In for any feature you want to opt in
  4. On the Edit Features page, select the Enable option for the feature, and then click Done

or...  Access the Opt In page from the Setup and Maintenance Work Area

  1. Click the Navigator, and then click Setup and Maintenance
  2. On the Setup page, select your offering, and then click Change Feature Opt In
  3. On the Opt In page, click the Edit Features icon for any area that includes features you want to opt in
  4. On the Edit Features page, select the Enable option for any feature you want to opt in to. If the Enable column includes an Edit icon instead of a check box, then click the icon, select your feature options, and click Save and Close
  5. Click Done.

Opt In Expiration

Occasionally, features delivered Disabled via Opt In may auto enable in a future update. This is known as an Opt In Expiration. If your cloud service has any Opt In Expirations you will see a related tab in this document. Click on that tab to see when the feature was originally delivered Disabled, and when the Opt In will expire, potentially auto enabling the feature. You can also click here to see features with Opt In Expirations across all Oracle Cloud Applications.

Feature Summary

Column Definitions:

Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.

UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.

UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.

Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.

Ready for Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Enabled)

Reports plus Small Scale UI or Process-Based new features will have minimal user impact after an update. Therefore, customer acceptance testing should focus on the Larger Scale UI or Process-Based* new features.

Customer Must Take Action before Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Disabled)

Not disruptive as action is required to make these features ready to use. As you selectively choose to leverage, you set your test and roll out timing.



UI or
Small Scale

UI or
Larger Scale*

Engagement Cloud Foundation

CX Foundation

Access In-Context Audit with Change History

Initial Release of Oracle Augmented Reality Accelerator

Accounts, Contacts, and Households

Leverage DataFox Data Enrichment


Use Role Assignment Validations

Oracle Sales Force Automation

Leads and Opportunities

Configure Opportunity Best Sales Action in a Single UI

Sales Catalog

Use Import Management for Products, Price Books, and Promotions

Leverage PUIDs When Importing Product and Price Book Children and Related Objects

Use PUIDs in REST APIs for Children and Related Objects of Products, Price Books, and Promotions

Adaptive Search

Create Opportunities with Quick Actions on Workspace

Adaptive Search Supports Aggregation Computations in Database

Leverage New Aggregations for Adaptive Search

Sales Performance Management

Territory Management

Enable Active Territory Version Updates

Update Active Territories Using Export and Import Management

Sales Forecasting

Use Advanced Sales Forecasting

Incentive Compensation

Personalize Parts of Variable Compensation Plans

Use Incentive Compensation Rate Table Subject Area

Import Incentive Compensation Transactions Using Import Management

Purge Incentive Compensation Process Audit Logs

Sales Analytics

Use Partner Program Benefits Reporting

View User Login Metrics in User Adoption Reporting

CX Cloud Mobile

Define a Map Radius for Around Me

View Recently Selected Products in Picker

Configure Multi-Select Status for Lead Saved Searches

Mobile App Prompts for User Feedback

Enable Text Entry in Account and Primary Contact Fields

Leverage Enhanced Capabilities in Custom Scripts

Oracle Sales Assistant

Act Directly on Opportunity, Account, and Contact Records

View and Act on Contact Records

Get Briefed on Next and Current Appointments

Show Opportunities Based on Amount, Close Date, and Sales Stage

Partner Relationship Management

Make Partner Contact Optional for Active Partners

Channel Partners Can Access Knowledge Articles

Customer Data Management

REST APIs Available for Duplicate Resolution Links and Non-Duplicates

Import and Export Management Supports Data Quality Links, Non-Duplicates, and Resolution Requests

Customer Data Management Usability Enhancements

Enable Customer Data Quality Match Scoring Service with REST APIs

Enterprise Contracts

Use New Actions in the Contracts Word Add-In

Maintain Consistent Clause Numbering with Microsoft Word

Use the Amendment Effective Date in Contract Terms

Generate Data Model XML

Oracle Policy Automation

Personalize Connector Attachments

Create New Top-Level Records in Engagement Cloud Using Guided Interviews

Load the ID of Records Created by Oracle Policy Automation Interviews

OPA CCA Component for Engagement Cloud Interviews in DCS

Knowledge Management

Expand Knowledge Locales

Display File Attachments in Search Results on Service Request Knowledge Panel and My Knowledge

Application-Striped Content Types

Native FA User Management in Knowledge

Customer-Selected Industry Dictionary

KM Analytics Ratings Likes and Dislikes

KM External Content Search

New Knowledge Analytics Dashboard

Configure Work Starvation Prevention

Service Request Management

Access Installed Base Asset Details from Service

Send Email to Any SMTP Address

Email Handling of Matching Partner, Resource and Customer Contacts

Enhanced Dynamic Tab Support for Opportunities and Leads in Service Request and Adaptive Workspaces

Omnichannel Framework

Use CKEditor Formatting in Chat Live Window

Field Service Integration

Notification Support for Work Orders

Service Analytics

Analyze Service by Install Base Assets

New Cycle Time Metrics

Digital Customer Service

View File Attachments and Web Content in Knowledge Search Results

New Digital Customer Service Components

Automatic Hyperlinks in Chat and Service Request Messages

Engagement Cloud Configuration

Application Composer

Configure Default Sort Field and Order for Company-Defined Subtabs

Enable or Disable Custom Logic for Import

Opt In to Unified Sandboxes


Import Hierarchies and Hierarchy Members

Re-Activate Inactive Origin Systems

Disable Agreement Object in "Classic" File Import/File Export


Post-Update Tasks

Engagement Cloud Foundation

CX Foundation

Access In-Context Audit with Change History

Access the change history of business objects in the context of the business transactions themselves. You can configure the Change History subtab for each supported business object, allowing for consistent, readable, and easy-to-understand change audit for the object. The application shows the change history in the context of the current object record. Users also can easily perform targeted searches on changes to the business object.

By default, the Change History subtab displays the changes on a business object and any child objects for the last 30 days. The changes are displayed in reverse chronological order.

You can expose the Change History subtab on six standard business objects: Accounts, Contacts, Opportunities, Leads, Activities, and Deal Registration. You can also use it on company-defined objects.

Change History Subtab

Watch a Demo

Steps to Enable

By default, the Change History subtab is not enabled. You use Application Composer to add the Change History subtab.

Here's how to add the Change History subtab to the edit page of an object:

  1. Navigate to Application Composer.
  2. Under the Objects navigation tree, expand Standard Objects or Custom Objects, and then expand the object you want to add the change history to.
  3. Click the Pages node.
  4. Ensure that the Simplified Pages tab is selected.
  5. Scroll down to the Details Page Layouts region and select a layout. You can either select the standard layout and click the Duplicate Layout icon to duplicate it, or select another layout. Click the layout name to edit the layout.
  6. On the Details Layout page, scroll down through the subtabs region and, at the end of the subtabs, click the Add Subtab icon.
  7. On the next page, select the Common component subtab type and click Next.

  1. Click the Change History check box in the Add common components as subtabs to an object's details page.
  2. Click Save and Close to save the changes.

Key Resources

Watch In Context Audit Readiness Training

To learn more about extending your applications using Application Composer, see the Oracle Engagement Cloud Extending Sales and Service guide on Oracle Help Center.

Role Information

  • Sales Administrator or setup user

Initial Release of Oracle Augmented Reality Accelerator

Oracle envisions a future where the existing paradigms of self-service, assisted service, and field service are enhanced or replaced by tools and content that enable faster resolution across a broad set of skills. Spatial computing is a fundamental user interface shift where computing and data visualization are seamlessly blended with the real world. Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are two aspects of spatial computing and both are quickly entering our personal and business lives. Augmented reality, coupled with Oracle’s cloud products, gives today’s modern, mobile-enabled users new contextual insights. AR-enabled owners, technicians, and service organizations will glean insights from Connected Data hosted in Oracle’s Cloud, opening the door to new levels of productivity gains. AR-connected experiences deliver the ability to contextually engage with the physical world to learn, understand, and resolve items. The telemetry data generated by smart-connected devices supports the ability to virtually peer inside physical devices and interact with their “digital twins”. Processes like operation, modification, diagnosis, maintenance, and repair will be delivered through AR-guided interactions that overlay the physical world. Education and training will happen on-demand, enriching even novice personas’ skills to quickly familiarize them with device configuration, operation, and repair.

Oracle is excited to deliver an AR accelerator to the market that demonstrates software development paradigms and concepts that merge spatial computing with the rich Oracle Cloud software capabilities and data. The Oracle AR Accelerator demonstrates how service interactions, knowledge content, interactive procedures, integrated channels, and 3D animations are enabled by Oracle cloud technologies. The accelerator is comprised of example open-source code, documentation, and integration examples that enable organizations to jumpstart their development of AR experiences. AR-driven workflows support business-to-business and business-to-consumer self-service, field service, and assisted service use cases and can be tailored to an organization’s unique requirements. AR experiences delivered on modern mobile platforms will place Oracle customers on the forefront of capturing productivity gains and delivering the rich user experiences customers expect.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

There is no need to enable a product feature to access or use the accelerator. The accelerator documentation on Oracle Technical Resources (OTN) outlines how to configure integrations and custom fields used by the example source code.

The following resources comprise the components of the Oracle AR Accelerator in its initial release:

  • Technical and implementation documentation (hosted on Oracle Technical Resources)
  • iOS source code (hosted on GitHub)
  • Oracle Integration Cloud Service (ICS) integration flows (hosted on GitHub)

You can access the Oracle AR Accelerator at

Key Resources

Follow the documentation on Oracle Technical Resources to get started cloning the source code repository from GitHub and beginning your development process.

Role Information

System integrators, software developers, and Oracle customers interested in implementing augmented reality solutions coupled with Oracle Customer Experience (CX) applications.

Accounts, Contacts, and Households

Leverage DataFox Data Enrichment

Enrich your accounts and learn more about your customers with firmographic data from Oracle DataFox. Use the data available on your Account and Opportunity pages to sell to companies that are a good fit.

Here’s how you can benefit from Oracle DataFox:

  • Get access to enriched companies, with over 30 firmographic data points and 68 types of signals
  • Prioritize your prospects using account scoring
  • Use up-to-date and contextual account data to sell to companies that are a good fit
  • Identify all the companies in your Total Addressable Market (TAM)
  • Focus on selling by reducing time spent on researching accounts

This screenshot shows accounts listed in the order of their score on the Accounts page.

Accounts List Displaying Account Score

When you click an account in the list, and then click Profile, you see the account score, revenue, and number of employees.

Edit Account Page Displaying Account Score

Here’s an example screenshot of the Account Intelligence tab. You can view the account score and news signals.

Account Intelligence Tab

Steps to Enable

You must complete the integration steps described in the Integrate with Oracle CX Sales topic.

Tips And Considerations

You must subscribe to Oracle DataFox and get your administrator to integrate with Oracle DataFox to get started. Contact your Oracle Account Manager to learn how to subscribe to Oracle DataFox.

You can enrich your accounts in Oracle CX Sales from two data sources: Dun and Bradstreet (D&B) or Oracle DataFox. It’s important that you identify which data source you want to use because CX Sales only supports account enrichment from one data source at a time.

In this release, if you license data enrichment from Oracle DataFox and set up the data enrichment integration with CX Sales, accounts in CX Sales will always be updated and enriched with data from Oracle DataFox.

NOTE: Oracle DataFox only provides account enrichment capabilities. Dun and Bradstreet provides both account and contact enrichment capabilities.

Key Resources

Role Information

This feature is included with the Sales Administrator predefined job role.


Use Role Assignment Validations

Use the child object Resource Role Assignment, available in the Resource object. Create a custom solution by adding validations in Application Composer with Groovy scripting. For example, if you don't want your sales administrator to assign any specific roles to themselves or other resources, then you can add a validation in Application Composer for the Resource Role Assignment.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

See these guides available on Oracle Help Center:

  • Oracle Engagement Cloud Extending Sales and Service
  • Oracle Applications Cloud Groovy Scripting Reference

Oracle Sales Force Automation

Leads and Opportunities

Configure Opportunity Best Sales Action in a Single UI

Configure the Oracle Adaptive Intelligence Best Sales Action feature for opportunities in a single UI. You access the UI using the Configure Best Sales Action task in the Sales Adaptive Intelligence functional area in Setup and Maintenance.

Here are some configuration options:

  • Specify when the application should send an alert, depending on how large the difference is between predicted win probability and salesperson-provided win probability.
  • Determine which types of recommended actions to enable, and refine the text of each action and related explanation. This configuration lets you show your organization’s business policies with added precision.

Best Sales Action Configuration UI

Watch a Demo

Steps to Enable

Access the UI using the Configure Best Sales Action task in the Sales Adaptive Intelligence functional area in Setup and Maintenance.

Tips And Considerations

You must install Oracle Adaptive Intelligence to use Best Sales Action features.

Key Resources

Watch Best Sales Action Configuration Readiness Training

See the Oracle Engagement Cloud Implementing Sales guide available on Oracle Help Center.

Role Information

  • Roles: Sales Administrator, Application Implementation Consultant
  • Securing privilege: Configure Adaptive Intelligence for Sales

Sales Catalog

Use Import Management for Products, Price Books, and Promotions

Use Import Management to import products, price books, and promotions data.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

See the Oracle Engagement Cloud Understanding Import and Export Management guide available on Oracle Help Center.

Leverage PUIDs When Importing Product and Price Book Children and Related Objects

Leverage public unique ID (PUID) values when importing Product and Price Book child and related objects.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

See these guides available on Oracle Help Center:

  • APIs: REST API for Oracle Engagement Cloud
  • PUID support in Engagement Cloud: Oracle Engagement Cloud Implementing Sales (Common Components chapter)

Use PUIDs in REST APIs for Children and Related Objects of Products, Price Books, and Promotions

Leverage public unique ID (PUID) support in REST APIs for the child and related objects of Products, Price Books, and Promotions.

Steps to Enable

Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides to leverage (available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API). If you are new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.

Key Resources

See these guides available on Oracle Help Center:

  • APIs: REST API for Oracle Engagement Cloud
  • PUID support in Engagement Cloud: Oracle Engagement Cloud Implementing Sales (Common Components chapter)

Adaptive Search

IMPORTANT: Adaptive Search is available only to an initial set of early adopters. If you are interested in becoming an early adopter, apply for access on the Engagement Cloud - Search and Workspace User Experience forum on Oracle Cloud Customer Connect.

Create Opportunities with Quick Actions on Workspace

Create an opportunity on an account and contact from the quick actions menu in Workspace, without having to drill into the respective record. This feature improves productivity by eliminating additional clicks to access the details pages.

Create Opportunity Using Quick Actions in Workspace

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

See the Oracle Engagement Cloud Implementing Sales guide available on Oracle Help Center.

Adaptive Search Supports Aggregation Computations in Database

Adaptive Search supports relevant aggregated fields for objects that are aggregated over their child or related objects, for example, the last interaction on an account or the number of completed interactions.

Aggregated Computations for Objects with Adaptive Search

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

See the Oracle Engagement Cloud Implementing Sales guide available on Oracle Help Center.

Leverage New Aggregations for Adaptive Search

The application supports three new aggregations for Adaptive Search and Workspace. These are:

  • Number of products for an opportunity
  • Number of contacts for an opportunity
  • Number of contacts for an account

All three of these follow the pattern that the application computes them using data available on the object itself, providing real-time updated values.

Access the aggregations in the list of available attributes on the corresponding object. You can add an aggregation to the filter or expose it as a column on Workspace.

Similarly, you can add the Number of Products and the Number of Accounts on the Opportunities list.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

See the Oracle Engagement Cloud Implementing Sales guide available on Oracle Help Center.

Sales Performance Management

Territory Management

Enable Active Territory Version Updates

After you enable active territory version updates, the system updates the current territory with any proposed changes in a consistent manner, regardless of whether you make the change using the classic or simple UI, or using import or REST API or SOAP services.

This feature improves the overall performance of the system by avoiding the creation of new territory versions each time you activate a territory proposal. Any changes to the territory header, such as changing the territory owner, automatically changes the transactions users can see, without the need to run assignment. Any changes to the territory header, such as changing the territory name, are also automatically reflected in any custom territory lookups. If you have enabled audit for territories, the audit shows any changes made during the proposal activation.

Steps to Enable

Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

Offering: SalesNo Longer Optional From: Update 20A

Tips And Considerations

When enabling this feature, ensure that you don't have any groovy logic or web service logic that expects a new territory version to be created each time a proposal is activated. If you're already using the simplified user interface to make changes to territories, this is unlikely to be a concern, as only updates made through the classic territory proposals or some web services will create a new territory version.

This opt-in feature will no longer be optional from 20A onwards.

Key Resources

See the Oracle Engagement Cloud Implementing Sales guide available on Oracle Help Center.

Update Active Territories Using Export and Import Management

Make mass updates directly to active territories, their team members, and territory coverages using Import Management and Export Management. There is no need to import these updates within a proposal. This approach is ideal if you want to add or remove specific team members or swap one dimension member for another, such as changing Product A to Product B. You simply export the territory or team or coverage records in a single file, make the necessary updates, and then use import management to create and monitor the import activity.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

You can still use the existing territory export and import feature in the Territories classic UI. In fact, Oracle recommends that you use the existing territory export and import feature for high-volume and major realignments, as well as Test to Production export and import.

Key Resources

See the Oracle Engagement Cloud Understanding Import and Export Management guide available on Oracle Help Center.

Sales Forecasting

Use Advanced Sales Forecasting

Advanced Sales Forecasting provides a robust platform for the sales forecasting process, allowing multidimensional sales forecasting across territories, products, accounts, channels, or other custom dimensions. It offers sales teams connected sales planning with integration between Quota Planning, compensation planning, and sales forecasts. With Advanced Sales Forecasting, you can plan at the weekly or monthly level, and use a rolling forecast if your business requires it. It offers these key features:

  • Delivered best-practice content for sales forecasting and analysis, including metrics, KPIs, and measures to help data-driven sales forecasting across the Sales hierarchy
  • Extensibility using the Planning Cloud platform, allowing additional configurations such as custom forms and dashboards, measures, dimensions, navigation flows, and Groovy rules for custom calculations
  • Ability to adjust forecast commitment at the territory level or detailed level (by product or account, for example) to facilitate collaborative data-driven forecast commitment
  • Predictive Planning to take the guess-work out of your forecasting
  • Smart View, which provides a common Microsoft Office interface designed specifically for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud services, including Oracle Sales Planning Cloud
  • Instantaneous aggregations and reporting using the supplied reporting cube

Advanced Sales Forecasting ensures greater reliability in your forecasts, and accountability and collaboration between sales management and sales reps.

Advanced Sales Forecasting Overview Dashboard

Steps to Enable

  1. Advanced Sales Forecasting is licensed and provisioned separately under the Sales Planning add-on
  2. From the Home page within Sales Planning, click Application, and then click Configure.
  3. From the Configure list, click Advanced Sales Forecasting.
  4. On the Configure page, click Enable Features.

Incentive Compensation

Personalize Parts of Variable Compensation Plans

Individualize either rates or targets for your participants. This option reduces the administrative workload for short-term incentive plans, such as contests, by allowing your plan administrator to update the non-individualized component for all participants, in one place.

Steps to Enable

To enable this feature, set the Individualize attribute on the plan component to either None, All, Rates, or Goals.

Tips And Considerations

The Individualize drop-down list options change over time, so you must periodically update any custom reports you build using this attribute in Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence. The specific changes will be: Yes changes to All and No changes to None.

Key Resources

See the Oracle Engagement Cloud Using Incentive Compensation guide available on Oracle Help Center.

Use Incentive Compensation Rate Table Subject Area

Use the Incentive Compensation - Rate Table Real Time subject area to build Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence reports that help participants understand the rates used in the calculation of their bonuses, commissions, and earning payouts. Oracle supplies a downloadable sample report on Customer Connect here.

Rate Table Subject Area

Steps to Enable

Leverage new subject area(s) by adding to existing reports or using in new reports. For details about creating and editing reports, see the Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports book (available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Administration).

Key Resources

On Oracle Help Center, go to the Engagement - Sales and Service library. Under tasks in the left navigation pane, click Analyze and Report.

Import Incentive Compensation Transactions Using Import Management

Import Incentive Compensation transactions using Import Management.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

You can find documentation for Import Management on Oracle Help Center. From the Help Center, click the Engagement - Sales and Service link. Then navigate to the Tasks > Administer page.

Role Information

You need one of these job roles to access the Import Management functionality:

  • Incentive Compensation Manager
  • Incentive Compensation Plan Administrator
  • Incentive Compensation Analyst
  • Incentive Compensation Application Administrator

Purge Incentive Compensation Process Audit Logs

Purge old incentive compensation process audit logs using the Purge Incentive Compensation Process Audit Logs process. Old logs can slow down application behavior in the View Process Logs UI.

The application creates process audit logs if you have enabled the Enable Debug Mode (CN_DEBUG) profile option. The app is then in debug mode, meaning each Incentive Compensation process records detailed logs. You can use these logs to troubleshoot your configuration and transactional activities.

The Purge Incentive Compensation Process Audit Logs process deletes audit logs that are older than 45 days. Note that the process runs for a limited time and may need to be submitted more than once to fully purge the old logs.

The process also evaluates the how long debug mode has been enabled -- if it's been enabled for more than seven days, the process automatically updates the profile option value from Yes to No. You set the profile option using the Setup and Maintenance, Manage Incentive Profile Values task.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

The process runs for a limited time and may need to be submitted more than once to fully purge the old logs. If you need the debug mode for longer than seven days, you can enable it again for another seven days.

Key Resources

See the Oracle Engagement Cloud Implementing Incentive Compensation guide available on Oracle Help Center.

Role Information

Functional users with access to the View Process Logs UI can also submit the Purge Incentive Compensation Process Audit Logs process using the Manage Scheduled Processes page.

Sales Analytics

Use Partner Program Benefits Reporting

Use the subject area Partners - CRM Partner Program Benefits to report on partner program benefits, including:

  • Benefit details
  • Benefit value
  • Assignments

Partner Program Benefits Subject Area

Steps to Enable

Leverage new subject area(s) by adding to existing reports or using in new reports. For details about creating and editing reports, see the Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports book (available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Administration).

Key Resources

Watch Sales Analytics Readiness Training

On Oracle Help Center, go to the Engagement - Sales and Service library. Then navigate to Tasks > Analyze and Report.

View User Login Metrics in User Adoption Reporting

Report the number of logins and the total session duration when users login using web applications and Office 365.

User Login Metrics

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

Watch Sales Analytics Readiness Training

See the Oracle Engagement Cloud Creating and Administering Analytics guide on Oracle Help Center.

CX Cloud Mobile

Define a Map Radius for Around Me

All users of the mobile app can customize and set a preferred map radius within which to view accounts, contacts, leads, etc., in the Around Me view.

Steps to Enable

  1. Sign in to the app.
  2. From the landing page, open the shuttle menu and tap on Settings.
  3. On the Setting screen, scroll down to Map Settings.
  4. Change the radius to a preferred value from 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, or 100 miles.
  5. After you select a value, the radius is set to that value, and it applies to all Around Me map views.

Configure Map Radius

Tips And Considerations

The user-defined radius is not retained if you reinstall the app. Automatic updates to the app, however, do not affect the radius you have set up.

Key Resources

See the Oracle Engagement Cloud Using Sales guide available on Oracle Help Center.

View Recently Selected Products in Picker

When selecting products, view a list of recently selected products, rather than having to navigate to the catalog. When you select products in the CX Cloud Mobile app while managing leads, opportunities, deals, and so on, the app automatically maintains a list of the top five recently selected products. You can still select products from the list or navigate the product catalog to make selections.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

The mobile app automatically maintains and displays a list of the top five recently selected products. The apps shows these products when you launch the product picker while managing opportunities, leads, or deals.

Key Resources

See the Oracle Engagement Cloud Implementing Sales guide available on Oracle Help Center.

Role Information

This feature is enabled for all roles that have access to Oracle Engagement Cloud from CX Cloud Mobile.

Configure Multi-Select Status for Lead Saved Searches

Configure and create saved searches for leads, with the ability to map multiple statuses within every saved search criterion.

Steps to Enable

To map multiple status values to each saved search criterion for leads:

  1. Set up a sandbox and navigate to Application Composer.
  2. Navigate to Mobile Application Setup and, within the Composer tab, click the CX Cloud Mobile icon.
  3. Click Sales Leads within Application Features.
  4. Click Saved-Search within Sales Leads and create a custom saved search.
  5. If Status is already part of the saved search criterion, skip to the next step. Otherwise, add Status to the saved search by dragging and dropping it into the Available Fields window.
  6. After you add the Status criterion, click it and go the Criteria box.
  7. in the Criteria window, to the Equals condition, click and add more than one status from Unqualified, Qualified, Converted, and Retired to the saved search criterion.
  8. Save this saved search.
  9. Download the sandbox and test and verify the records using the newly created saved search.
  10. Publish the sandbox.

Configure Multi-Select Status for Lead Saved Searches

Key Resources

See the Oracle Engagement Cloud Implementing Sales guide available on Oracle Help Center.

Mobile App Prompts for User Feedback

When you use the CX Mobile app, you'll start seeing a prompt after finishing a save action. The prompt asks you for your feedback on the app. You can give feedback in the form of a "Like" scale star rating. The feedback range is from 1-5, with 1 indicating a low score and 5 for a high score.

Tapping on Rate saves the rating and never shows the prompt again.

You can dismiss the prompt using the Not Now button. Clicking Not Now causes the prompt to appear again after a few days have passed. 

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

See the Oracle Engagement Cloud Using Sales guide available on Oracle Help Center.

Enable Text Entry in Account and Primary Contact Fields

You can enable or disable the entry of free-form text in the Account and Primary Contact fields in the create and edit pages of Leads and Deal Registrations.

Steps to Enable

Enable or Disable Free-Form Text

  1. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance.
  2. Expand the Tasks menu on the right and click Search.
  3. On the search page, search for and select the Manage Profile Options task.
  4. On the Manage Profile Options page, start creating a new profile option by clicking the add icon in the search results Profile Options section.
  5. Enter the following values in the Create Profile Option page:
  • Profile Option Code: ZEM_DISABLE_FREEFORM.
  • Profile Display Name: ZEM_DISABLE_FREEFORM.
  • Application: Mobile Sales
  • Module: Mobile Sales
  1. Set the start date.
  2. Set the level to Site.
  3. Save the profile option.
  4. Set it to be enabled at site level.
  5. Save the changes.

Manage the Profile Option

  1. Return to the search page for Setup and Maintenance tasks.
  2. Search for the Manage Administrator Profile Values task and select it.
  3. On the Manage Administrator Profile Values page, search for the newly created profile option, ZEM_DISABLE_FREEFORM. You see a search result with a section to enter the values.
  4. Select a value from the following four choices:
  • NONE: Enables free-form text entry.
  • LEAD: Disables free-form text entry for the Account and Primary Contact attributes for the Leads object.
  • DEAL: Disables free-form text entry for the Account and Primary Contact attributes for the Deal Registrations object.
  • BOTH: Disables the free-form text entry for both the Leads and Deal Registrations objects.
  1. Save and close the page after setting a value.
  2. After your sales users sign in again to the CX Cloud Mobile app, they'll only see the picker for the Account and Primary Contact attributes in the Lead and Deal Registration create and edit pages (based on your setting above).

Key Resources

See the Oracle Engagement Cloud Implementing Sales guide on Oracle Help Center.

Leverage Enhanced Capabilities in Custom Scripts

Leverage the following new capabilities in the CX Cloud Mobile custom scripts framework:

  • Use getUserProfileOptions(userProfile) to read a subset of profile options that are available in CX Cloud Mobile.
  • Check for a user's role within a script using isRoleAssigned("<role name>") API. Use this API to make role-specific customization changes.
  • The application has better checks for scripts which can run forever (infinite loop) or may have nested functional calls that may result in a infinite loop.

Steps to Enable

In Application Composer, navigate to Mobile Application Setup and click the Scripts tab to author custom scripts.

Tips And Considerations

For managing any role-specific custom scripting requirements, use isRoleAssigned("<role name>") API to test if a user has a specific role or not.

Key Resources

See these guides on Oracle Help Center:

  • Oracle Engagement Clout Extending Sales and Service
  • Oracle Applications Cloud Groovy Scripting Reference

These guides are on the Engagement - Sales and Service books page.

Role Information

Any role that can set a sandbox and have access to Application Composer, such as a setup user or Sales Administrator.

Oracle Sales Assistant

Act Directly on Opportunity, Account, and Contact Records

Users now have the ability to directly perform an action on an opportunity, account, or contact record. For example, they can add a note, update an opportunity, close an opportunity, view recommended actions, or view quotes without having to first see details of the record.

This direct update ability improves interactions between users and the Sales Assistant, since it allows them to quickly and efficiently do what they need to on their opportunity, account, and contact records. Taking direct actions will become more and more useful as users become familiar with the actions supported by the Sales Assistant.

Sample utterances includes:

  • Add a note to opportunity <name>
  • Update opportunity <name>
  • Close opportunity <name>
  • View recommendations for opportunity <name>
  • View quote of opportunity <name>
  • View account for opportunity <name>
  • Add a note to account <name>
  • View opportunities for account <name>
  • Add a note to contact <name>
  • View account of contact <name>
  • View opportunities of contact <name>

Add a Note Directly to an Account

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • While you don't need to do anything to enable this feature, there are provisioning and setup steps required to enable Oracle Sales Assistant. If you're interested, apply for access on the Oracle Engagement Cloud – Oracle Sales Assistant forum on Oracle Cloud Customer Connect.

  • Users should send the phrase with the object preceding the name of the record for the assistant to understand which record to action on.

  • When giving utterances to the assistant, if the user doesn't provide the object or record name, then the assistant prompts the user with questions until it understands which record to perform the action on.

Key Resources

See these guides available on Oracle Help Center:

  • Oracle Engagement Cloud Implementing Sales
  • Oracle Engagement Cloud Using Sales

View and Act on Contact Records

Salespeople can ask the Oracle Sales Assistant for details about a contact. The Sales Assistant responds with contact details, such as name, email, phone number, affinity, etc.

Salespeople can also add a note to the contact record, view the account associated with the contact, as well as view the open opportunities that the contact is a part of.

Sample phrases:

  • Get contact <name>
  • Show me details for contact <name>

View Contact Details

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • While you don't need to do anything to enable this feature, there are provisioning and setup steps required to enable Oracle Sales Assistant. If you're interested, apply for access on the Oracle Engagement Cloud – Oracle Sales Assistant forum on Oracle Cloud Customer Connect.

Key Resources

See these guides available on Oracle Help Center:

  • Oracle Engagement Cloud Implementing Sales
  • Oracle Engagement Cloud Using Sales

Get Briefed on Next and Current Appointments

Late for an appointment? Oracle Sales Assistant takes into consideration that salespeople may be late to their next appointment and want a quick briefing on it. The assistant shows the briefing for the appointment which has just begun, with the option to view the briefing of their next appointment that has not started, if that is of interest.

Sample phrases:

  • Next appointment
  • Show me a briefing of my next appointment

View Briefing of Next Appointment

During an appointment, salespeople can also ask for a briefing of their current appointment, so they can get a quick re-cap of the current appointment and the objectives of the current appointment.

View Briefing of In-Progress Appointment

Sample phrases:

  • Current appointment
  • Show me a briefing of my current appointment

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • While you don't need to do anything to enable this feature, there are provisioning and setup steps required to enable Oracle Sales Assistant. If you're interested, apply for access on the Oracle Engagement Cloud – Oracle Sales Assistant forum on Oracle Cloud Customer Connect.

Key Resources

See these guides available on Oracle Help Center:

  • Oracle Engagement Cloud Implementing Sales
  • Oracle Engagement Cloud Using Sales

Show Opportunities Based on Amount, Close Date, and Sales Stage

Prior to this release, salespeople could ask Oracle Sales Assistant to show their open opportunities in their pipeline for a specific closed period, such as the current fiscal quarter or current quarter. Now they can ask the Sales Assistant to show opportunities in their pipeline based on other criteria.

Salespeople can ask for opportunities less than, less than or equal to, equal to, greater than, greater than or equal to, not equal to and between specific values for the amount and close date on the opportunities.

Sample phrases:

  • Get opportunities greater than $100K
  • Get opportunities closing July 1, 2019

Steps to Enable

Adaptive Search is available only to an initial set of early adopters. If you're interested in becoming an early adopter, apply for access on the Oracle Engagement Cloud - Search and Workspace User Experience forum on Oracle Cloud Customer Connect.

Prerequisite: Adaptive Search is already configured in Engagement Cloud.

After you configure Adaptive Search, you don't need to do any other steps to enable this feature in Oracle Sales Assistant.

Tips And Considerations

  • In additional to the steps to enable Adaptive Search for the feature, there are provisioning and setup steps required to enable Oracle Sales Assistant. If you're interested, apply for access on the Oracle Engagement Cloud – Oracle Sales Assistant forum on Oracle Cloud Customer Connect.

Key Resources

See these guides available on Oracle Help Center:

  • Oracle Engagement Cloud Implementing Sales
  • Oracle Engagement Cloud Using Sales

Partner Relationship Management

Make Partner Contact Optional for Active Partners

Create and maintain active partners without a partner contact. You can also delete a partner contact who is the head of the partner organization, after all other partner contacts have been deleted.

Create Partner in Active Status Without Partner Contact

Watch a Demo

Steps to Enable

Set the Partner Contact Required for Active Partners profile option (ZPM_PARTNER_CONTACT_MANDATORY) to No at the site level.

Partner Contact Required for Active Partners Profile Option Setup

Key Resources

Watch Partner Relationship Management Enhancements Readiness Training

See the Oracle Engagement Cloud Getting Started with Your Partner Relationship Management Implementation guide available on Oracle Help Center.

Role Information

This feature is relevant for the existing roles who already have access to manage the partner information. Below are the out of the box roles who manage the partner information including activation:

  • Channel Account Manager
  • Channel Sales Manager
  • Channel Operations Manager

Channel Partners Can Access Knowledge Articles

Channel partners can access external support and service knowledge articles that the brand owner has provided. Partners can go into the app find the latest product content, knowledge articles, and how-to guides using My Knowledge menu item.

Partners and channel managers can access only External articles, that are categorized under Service.

Access Knowledge Articles

Watch a Demo

Steps to Enable

Access to My Knowledge is enabled by default for these roles:

  • Partner Sales Representative
  • Partner Sales Manager
  • Partner Administrator
  • Channel Account Manager
  • Channel Sales Manager
  • Channel Operations Manager

The same access can be provided to custom roles by granting the Knowledge Home for Service duty role. No additional data security grants are needed. If you are rolling out Oracle Knowledge functionality for the first time, you need to set up Knowledge before you enable this feature.

Key Resources

Watch Partner Relationship Management Enhancements Readiness Training

See these guides available on Oracle Help Center:

  • Oracle Engagement Cloud Getting Started with Your Partner Relationship Management Implementation
  • Oracle Engagement Cloud Using Knowledge

Role Information

Access to external support and service knowledge articles is enabled out of the box for Partner and Channel roles mentioned above.

Customer Data Management

REST APIs Available for Duplicate Resolution Links and Non-Duplicates

Use REST APIs to query, create, and update data quality links and nonduplicates. You can use the APIs to add, inactive, and set the master Duplicate Resolution Link member, and to define the members of a non-duplicate set.

Duplicate Resolution Link and Non-Duplicates REST Resource Paths

Steps to Enable

Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides to leverage (available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API). If you are new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.

Key Resources

See the REST API for Oracle Engagement Cloud guide available on Oracle Help Center.

Role Information

These job roles can use the APIs:

  • Customer Data Steward
  • Customer Data Steward Manager
  • Master Data Management Application Administrator

Import and Export Management Supports Data Quality Links, Non-Duplicates, and Resolution Requests

Import Management supports:

  • Duplicate Resolution Links
  • Non-Duplicates

Export Management supports:

  • Duplicate Resolution Links
  • Non-Duplicates
  • Resolution Requests

You can import:

  • Duplicate Resolution Link headers
  • Duplicate Resolution Link members
  • Non-Duplicate sets

You can export:

  • Duplicate Resolution Link headers
  • Duplicate Resolution Link members
  • Non-Duplicate sets
  • Complete information on Resolution Requests, including the request header, the duplicate parties, the party source system references, and the full resolution details that describe the disposition of each customer data entity record processed by the request.

Resolution Request Export Object

Watch a Demo

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

Watch Data Quality Management Readiness Training

See the Oracle Engagement Cloud Understanding Import and Export Management guide available on Oracle Help Center.

Role Information

The following job roles grant access to these duplicate resolution Import and Export Management objects:

  • Customer Data Steward
  • Customer Data Steward Manager
  • Master Data Management Application Administrator

Customer Data Management Usability Enhancements

This release includes a number of general usability and consistency improvements in the Customer Data Management screens, including:

  • Allowing the explicit selection of the master record when manually creating a duplicate resolution request. If you select the master record, the selected value overrides the configured logic for master record selection. If the master record is left blank, the configured logic is to programmatically determine the master record.
  • Displaying the duplicate identification match score for each party within the duplicate resolution override flow. This information can help data stewards decide whether to override the programmatically determined handling of the duplicate set parties.
  • Displaying the notes link on completed duplicate resolution requests. This notes access supports tracking, follow-up, and other data governance activities.
  • Displaying the parties' additional identifiers in the duplicate resolution screen. This information may help data stewards more accurately adjudicate a duplicate resolution request.
  • Allowing the re-submission of rejected duplicated resolution requests. This enhancement reduces the steps required to resubmit a resolution request once the underlying reasons for the request having been rejected are resolved.

Specify Master Record During Manual Submission of Resolution Request

Watch a Demo

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

No specific steps are required to enable these enhancements. However, you may want to manage column layouts to hide, show, and re-order new attributes.

Key Resources

Watch Data Quality Management Readiness Training

See the Customer Data Management guides on Oracle Help Center.

Role Information

These enhancements are available to job roles that can access Customer Data Management Duplicate Resolution screens:

  • Customer Data Steward
  • Customer Data Steward Manager
  • Master Data Management Application Administrator

Enable Customer Data Quality Match Scoring Service with REST APIs

This feature enhances the Account and Contact REST APIs to enable data quality match scoring for accounts, contacts, and addresses. The feature allows you to submit match data via the REST API and receive a list of scored duplicate account or contact records. The feature also allows you to search for duplicate addresses or duplicate contacts within a specific account.

Data Quality Matching REST Resource Path

Steps to Enable

This feature uses the match function configured with the Manage Enterprise Data Quality Matching Configuration setup task.

Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides to leverage (available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API). If you are new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.

Tips And Considerations

This feature is part of the Fusion Data Quality add-on service for Engagement Cloud.

Key Resources

See the REST API for Oracle Engagement Cloud guide available on Oracle Help Center.

Role Information

  • Any job role that can access the Account and Contact REST resources can access this feature.
  • The Master Data Management Application Administrator job role can configure this feature.

Enterprise Contracts

Use New Actions in the Contracts Word Add-In

Use the Oracle Contracts Add-in for Microsoft Word to add approved clause text from the Terms Library into your downloaded contract, regardless of the contract source type.

You can also download, edit, and upload your changes directly from the Microsoft Word Add-in on a contract document created using a simplified terms template.

Steps to Enable

To access the new actions in the Oracle Contracts Add-in:

  1. Navigate to the Contract Terms tab of your contract.
  2. From the Actions menu, select Download Add-in for Microsoft Word.
  3. The application downloads a ZIP file to your default browser download location.
  4. Open and extract the ZIP file to a local folder.
  5. From the extracted files, run the setup.exe application file to install the add-in.

Tips And Considerations

When working with contract terms as an attached document, you can only use the Oracle Contracts Add-in with document formats supported by Microsoft Word, for example, XML, DOCX, or DOC.

You must enter values in your contract document if the clause text from the Terms Library contains variables, and your contract uses attached contract terms. These values are displayed as a series of underscores, so you can easily identify where they need to be filled in the document.

Key Resources

See the Oracle Engagement Cloud Using Customer Contracts guide available on Oracle Help Center.

Maintain Consistent Clause Numbering with Microsoft Word

Maintain consistent numbering for clauses and sections in a contract regardless of whether you edit a contract in the application or in Microsoft Word. You can now keep your contract numbering in sync across the Contracts application UI, the PDF document preview, and in Microsoft Word, even if you skip numbering or suppress section names or clause titles.

Steps to Enable

To number the contract terms in the application UI in the same way as numbered bullets in a Microsoft Word document:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
  2. On the Manage Administrator Profile Values page, search for and select the Consistent Microsoft Numbering for Contract Terms Enabled profile option.
  3. Set the profile option to Yes.
  4. Click Save and Close.

Tips And Considerations

The numbering in your downloaded contract follows the Microsoft Word numbering format. To see the same numbering style on existing contracts in the application UI or contract preview, you must set the profile to Yes, and then change your contract terms, for example, you can reapply the same numbering scheme using the Change Numbering Scheme action.

If the profile Consistent Microsoft Word Numbering for Contract Terms Enabled is set as No, your clause numbering will not change on any new or existing contracts. You may see inconsistent numbering if you skip numbering or suppress section names or clause titles and download the contract terms to Microsoft Word.

Key Resources

See the Oracle Engagement Cloud Implementing Enterprise Contracts guide available on Oracle Help Center.

Use the Amendment Effective Date in Contract Terms

When amending a contract, the amendment effective date is required when you validate and submit your contract changes. For contracts with billing integration, an amendment effective date in the past may unintentionally initiate reprocessing of billing transactions and generate credit memos. To handle this situation, a warning has been added when this date is in the past.

A contract variable is now available for the amendment effective date, which you can embed in your contract terms. This variable value is only printed when the contract has completed the amendment process.

The BI Publisher field for the amendment effective date has been added to the Amendment Summary in the standard contract layout templates. It's in the introductory text, prior to the list of amendments:

Amendment Effective Date BI Field

Steps to Enable

  • To use the Amendment Effective Date variable, insert it into your clause text either in the Terms Library or into your contract clause.
  • If you use customized layout templates, add the amendment effective date BI Publisher field to your amendment summary.

Tips And Considerations

Consider where you may want to use the Amendment Effective Date variable, because a value is only printed on a contract when it goes through the amendment process.

The application still displays the Amendment Effective Date after the contract has completed the amendment and has returned to an active state.

Key Resources

See the Oracle Engagement Cloud Using Customer Contracts guide available on Oracle Help Center.

Generate Data Model XML

Download the latest contract data model fields in an XML file. You can use this downloaded file to select the standard and custom fields you want to publish when previewing or printing your contracts.

This XML file includes all standard and custom contract attributes, as well as descriptive flexfields. The file includes all standard child entities, such as contract parties, lines, and contacts. It also includes custom child entities created for the contract through Application Composer.

Data Model XML

Steps to Enable

  1. Use the Generate Data Model XML setup task to download the XML file referencing the standard and custom fields for your contract.
  2. Use this XML file to insert fields and tables in your contract layout templates using the BI Publisher Word Add-in.

Tips And Considerations

If you have not yet edited your layout template, you must download the BI Publisher Word Add-in.

Key Resources

See the Oracle Engagement Cloud Implementing Enterprise Contracts guide available on Oracle Help Center.

Oracle Policy Automation

Personalize Connector Attachments

Two enhancements have been made to support attachments in Policy Automation interviews saving to Engagement Cloud. 


When creating personalized documents (for example, letters, claim forms, advice summaries, checklists, etc.) from Policy Automation interviews, information from the interview can be used in the document name, for example, a document could be called "2019_10_01 John Smith Home Loan Application.pdf".


Attach uploaded and generated documents to the primary mapped object and its children. The Policy Automation interview can be configured to control which object to attach the document to. For example, when creating a Service Request with associated Activities, information collected in the interview can be used to determine which activities are created and ensure that each document is attached to the specific activity it relates to. 

Example Document Created by Policy Automation and Saved to Engagement Cloud

Steps to Enable

Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

Offering: Multiple Offerings

Key Resources

For more information on using these features, review the following topics in the Oracle Policy Automation Documentation Library:

To learn more about Oracle Policy Automation capabilities generally, see the Oracle Policy Automation Quick Start Guide.

Create New Top-Level Records in Engagement Cloud Using Guided Interviews

Use Oracle Policy Automation interviews to collect information and create new records in Engagement Cloud, without needing to first load a parent record. This functionality can be useful for: 

  • Blended Agents: Agents may straddle both a Sales and Service role. In this case, they can use Oracle Policy Automation to log an opportunity directly from a service request workspace, or vice versa.

Use Guided Interview to Create Service Request in Engagement Cloud Where No Data Is Loaded.

  • Targeted Interview Flows:  Some interview flows may not be associated with a specific record or workspace. In this case, for example, an authenticated agent can launch an Policy Automation interview to log a health and safety incident directly from any agent landing page. 
  • Multi-Channel Agent Interviews: For example, a Policy Automation interview accessed via agent chat can now create a new record in Engagement Cloud without first loading a contact or other parent record. 

Steps to Enable

Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

Offering: Multiple Offerings

Key Resources

To author Policy Automation interviews that create records in Engagement Cloud, see Engagement Cloud Interviews in the Oracle Policy Automation Documentation Library.

To learn more about Oracle Policy Automation capabilities generally, see the Oracle Policy Automation Quick Start Guide.

Load the ID of Records Created by Oracle Policy Automation Interviews

When using Oracle Policy Automation interviews to create new records in Engagement Cloud, the record ID can be returned and displayed to the end user. This allows agents to more easily find the newly created records, and end users to quote the record ID in subsequent interactions. 

OPA Interview Showing ID of Record Created

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

To use this feature, see Load data after submitting an interview in the Oracle Policy Automation Documentation Library. 

To learn more about Oracle Policy Automation capabilities generally, see the Oracle Policy Automation Quick Start Guide.

OPA CCA Component for Engagement Cloud Interviews in DCS

You can now add an Oracle Policy Automation (OPA) interview for logged-in users in Oracle Digital Customer Service (DCS) using an Oracle Visual Builder Cloud Service (VBCS) web application. This enables authenticated users to update their records and/or create child records in Oracle Engagement Cloud using an OPA interview.

OPA Component in VBCS

Steps to Enable

Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

Offering: Multiple Offerings

Whenever you create or update a custom object, you must regenerate and republish the object. To regenerate and republish custom objects:

  1. Sign in as a setup user and navigate to Application Composer.
  2. Right-click Common Setup > Generate Integration Events.

NOTE: This process currently works only in classic (non-united sandbox mode).

You must also set the profile option, ZCX_CUSTOM_OBJECT_EVENTS, which is used to enable and register custom object events. The profile option is disabled by default. If the profile option is not enabled then the Generate Integration Event function is not present under the Common setup in Application Composer. 

  • When the profile option is enabled, custom object events are published and registered in CustomEventCatalog.xml. After custom objects are published and registered, users in Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC) can subscribe to the custom object events. 
  • If the profile option is turned set to No, then OIC users will see nothing, even though they've subscribed the events.
  • The custom objects business events in OIC must be enabled in the OIC instances.   Please follow the instructions to request the flag enabled in OIC instance in the Enabling the Future Today - Feature Flags in Oracle Integration Cloud link in About -> Learn More in OIC.

NOTE: This feature is available to customers participating in a Preview Access Program.

To set the profile option:

  1. Sign in as a setup user or as the sales administrator.
  2. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance > Offering: Sales > Functional Area: Sales Foundation > Task: Manage Administrator Profile Values.
  3. Add the required application and set the profile option to Yes.
  4. Save your changes.

Key Resources

For more information see topic: How to add an authenticated interview to a VBCS application.

Knowledge Management

Expand Knowledge Locales

Use Knowledge in 38 additional locales. Oracle Engagement Cloud Knowledge now supports 79 locales, based on 26 languages, in which authors, agents, and self-service users can create and use knowledge. The new locales include:

  • Seven new English-language locales, such as English-Hong Kong, English-India, English-Indonesia, English-Israel, English-Singapore
  • 13 new Spanish-language locales, such as Spanish-Argentina, Spanish-United States, Spanish-Chile

Knowledge managers control which knowledge locales are active for their organizations.

Watch a Demo

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Knowledge managers can activate Knowledge locales by following these steps:

  1. Click Setup and Maintenance in the springboard menu.
  2. Select the Service offering.
  3. Select the Knowledge Management functional area.
  4. Select the Manage Knowledge Locales task.
  5. Click Change to change the industry dictionary.

Key Resources

Watch Additional Knowledge Locales Readiness Training

See the Using Knowledge in Engagement Cloud guide (available from Oracle Help Center > Cloud > SaaS > Engagement – Sales and Service > Books > User).

Role Information

Users must have the Knowledge Manager role to enable locales in FSM.

Display File Attachments in Search Results on Service Request Knowledge Panel and My Knowledge

Knowledge search now returns file attachments in search results. Knowledge now searches within attachments to match their contents with users' searches. The service request knowledge panel and the My Knowledge page have been enhanced to display file attachments as search results. Only a limited set of actions, for example, inserting the attachment URL to a service request message, are available for attachment search results.

Watch a Demo

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Only some actions, such as inserting the attachment URL into a service request message by agents, are available for attachment search results. Other actions, such as inserting the contents of an attachment into an SR message, are not available.

Key Resources

Watch Article File Attachment Index for Search - Deep Search Readiness Training

See Inserting Knowledge into SR Messages: Explained in the Using Knowledge with Service Requests section, and Searching for Knowledge in the Using My Knowledge section of the Using Knowledge in Engagement Cloud guide.

Role Information

These enhancements are available to all the users who can access the service request knowledge panel and My Knowledge page.

Application-Striped Content Types

Knowledge managers can now associate customer-defined knowledge content types to an application, such as Service or HCM. This association determines which products and categories can be assigned to articles in the content type, and which users can access the articles. For example, if a customer-defined content type "Manual" is associated to the Service application, authors can assign only Service products and categories to these articles, and only Service users will be able to access them.

This feature simplifies knowledge authoring, as knowledge managers no longer need to manually assign products and categories to content types. This feature ensures that articles are assigned only products and categories of the correct application. Multi-application knowledge articles and content types will be deprecated; this feature ensures that all articles in a content type pertain to a single application.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

For existing content types, Knowledge Managers must assign an application to each content type during the upgrade process. For new content types, Knowledge Managers can associate a content type to an application in Manage Content Types by selecting an application in the Applications dropdown menu.

Knowledge Managers can assign only new content types to an application. Existing content types will be associated with an application during the upgrade process.

The 19B to 19C upgrade process will automatically assign an existing content types to an application if the content type contains articles belonging to only one application.

For example, if the Manuals content type contains only articles that belong to the Service application, the upgrade process will assign the content type to Service. If the News content type contains some articles that belong to the Service application and some that belong to the HCM application, the upgrade process will not assign the content type to an application, and will prevent articles in the content type from being edited until the Knowledge Manager manually assigns an application.

Knowledge managers can use the following process to assign applications to content types that contain articles for more than one application:

  1. Assign an application to the existing content type.
  2. Create a duplicate content type for each additional application that articles are assigned to.
  3. Use the Authoring advanced find function to locate all articles that should be moved into one of the duplicate content types.
  4. Copy the articles into the appropriate duplicate content type, and delete them from the original content type.

Key Resources

See the Using Knowledge in Engagement Cloud guide (available from Oracle Help Center > Cloud > SaaS > Engagement – Sales and Service > Books > User).

Role Information

Users must have the Knowledge Manager role to assign an application to a content type.

Native FA User Management in Knowledge

Administrators can now configure Knowledge Management functional security privileges and data security policies in job roles. This feature increases your control over Knowledge Management by enabling you to define roles that best meet your organization's security requirements.

Steps to Enable

You can add the new knowledge privileges and security policies to new or modified roles.

To access knowledge privileges when creating or modifying a role:

  1. Go to Tools > Security Console > Roles to create or modify a role.
  2. In the Function Security step, click Add Security Function Privilege and search for CSO to see the knowledge privileges.
  3. Select and add the desired knowledge privilege to the role.

To access knowledge security policies when creating or modifying a role:

  1. In the Data Security Policy step, click Create Data Security Policy.
  2. Name the policy as usual.
  3. In Database Resource, search for CSO to view the knowledge policies.
  4. Select the desired policy to the role.

Tips And Considerations

Oracle's role-based access control is designed to meet a wide range of security requirements. As a result, most organizations can use the standard security settings without changing them. However, you can define your own roles and role hierarchies to meet specific business requirements.

IMPORTANT: If you have removed any knowledge privileges from seeded roles in a previous release, note that the update process will automatically restore those privileges.

You should consider the following before you change the default security implementation:

  • Define the required changes and review them with Oracle Support.
  • Make sure you understand how the various security components work together, and the effects that your proposed changes will have on user access.
  • Document your changes.

Configuring job roles can be complicated. For example, in order for an author to create articles of a particular content type, the following conditions must be true:

  • The author must have a role that contains the Knowledge Authoring functional privilege.
  • The author must have a role that contains a data security policy that grants access to the HCM or Service department.
  • The author must have a role that contains the data security policy to update articles of that content type.
  • The author must be assigned at least one authoring locale.

If any of these conditions are not met, then the author will not be able to create knowledge articles.

Key Resources

See the Using Knowledge in Engagement Cloud guide (available from Oracle Help Center > Cloud > SaaS > Engagement – Sales and Service > Books > User).

Role Information

The initial user, or a setup user with the IT Security Manager job role, can configure these security preferences.

Customer-Selected Industry Dictionary

Knowledge managers can now select an industry-specific dictionary to enable more relevant knowledge search results. The industry dictionaries are translated into all supported languages.

Industry dictionaries contain concepts, synonyms, and other features that optimize search results for applications in specific industries. For example, the Finance industry dictionary contains pre-defined concepts, and synonyms that are most relevant to financial applications, which enables search to interpret users' questions and match them to the most relevant answers in the context of the finance industry.

You can select one of the following industry dictionaries: Computer, Finance, Insurance, Telecom, Travel. The default dictionary is Customer Help.

  • Customer Help is the default, and contains concepts like Service Request, Customer Satisfaction and Purchase Order. Customer Help is included in all of the industry dictionaries.
  • Computer contains concepts like JDBC Connector, Public Key Certificate, and Read Only.
  • Finance contains concepts like Vesting Schedule, Variable Interest Loan and Slush Fund.
  • Insurance contains concepts like Dwelling Fire Policy, Claim Adjusting and Optional Coverage.
  • Telecom contains concepts like Android, Family Plan and Internet Traffic.
  • Travel contains concepts like Booking Code, Advance Seat Reservation and Twin Cabin. It also includes airport concepts and IATA airport codes, such as Frankfurt Airport (FRA) and New York John F Kennedy Airport (JFK), and contextual recognition of ambiguous IATA airport codes.

Knowledge Managers can select an industry dictionary using the Industry option in Manage Search Dictionary:

  1. In Setup and Maintenance, select the Service offering.
  2. Select the Knowledge Management functional area.
  3. Select the Manage Knowledge Search Dictionary task.
  4. Select the industry dictionary from the Industry menu.

Watch a Demo

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • Select the industry dictionary that best matches the purpose of the knowledge base. If the available dictionaries are not applicable, chose the default Customer Help dictionary.
  • You should thoroughly test the industry dictionary's effect on search results in a test environment before changing a production environment.
  • The default Customer Help dictionary is included in all industry dictionaries, so changing from customer help to an industry dictionary does not remove any concepts.
  • Changing an industry dictionary does not affect product concepts and any customer-defined concepts that you added or modified prior to the change.
  • Changing the dictionary takes effect immediately in Manage Search Dictionary, and after content processing completes for search results in the application.
  • Contextual recognition of ambiguous airport codes of the Travel industry dictionary is available in 5 languages: English, Spanish, German, French, Italian. For example, the IATA airport code WAS (Washington Airports) is the same string as the verb was in English. Contextual recognition looks at the context of the user's question to determine whether the string is the verb or an airport code.

Key Resources

Watch Customer Selected Industry Dictionaries Readiness Training

See the Using Knowledge in Engagement Cloud guide (available from Oracle Help Center > Cloud > SaaS > Engagement – Sales and Service > Books > User).

Role Information

Users must have the Knowledge Manager role to select an industry dictionary.

KM Analytics Ratings Likes and Dislikes

You can now report on the knowledge article rating type Likes and Dislikes using the Knowledge Management Analytics Ratings subject area.

Watch a Demo

Steps to Enable

Leverage new subject area(s) by adding to existing reports or using in new reports. For details about creating and editing reports, see the Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports book (available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Administration).

Tips And Considerations

The Like and Dislike metrics are available in the Article Ratings Real Time subject area. Administrators can report on Like and Dislike ratings by creating new OTBI reports using the standard OTBI analytics interface.

There are no packaged reports included with this feature. Reporting on Likes and Dislikes is available only in the KM Analytics Ratings Subject area. It is not yet available in the KM Historical Metrics subject area. Reporting on Likes and Dislikes is available only if this rating type is enabled in Knowledge Management.

Key Resources

Watch KM Analytics Ratings Likes and Dislikes Readiness Training

See Article Ratings Real Time Subject Area: Explained in the Analyzing Knowledge section of the Using Knowledge in Engagement Cloud guide (available from Oracle Help Center > Cloud > SaaS > Engagement – Sales and Service > Books > User).

Role Information

Users must have the Knowledge Management Transaction Analysis role to access to the Analytics feature.

KM External Content Search

Agents, employees and end-customers can now access web content along with the native knowledge articles when searching for answers to users' questions. Knowledge Managers can add web sites or document repositories, such as a directory of PDF files, as content collections that will be included in the knowledge base and accessible from search.

Watch a Demo

Steps to Enable

Knowledge Managers must create one or more external collections and enable them for content processing and search indexing. To define a content collection, you need to have the following:

  • A sitemap.xml URL for the web site to be indexed.
  • Details of security access required to authenticate to the site, if the site is secured.

To create a content collection:

  1. In Setup and Maintenance, select the Service offering.
  2. Select the Knowledge Management functional area.
  3. Open the Manage Knowledge Search Dictionary task and show the Collection Management tab.
  4. Enter the collection name, description, sitemap URL, and security information
  5. Enter any authentication details, if required, and any other optional information

Content processing automatically includes the collection in the next cycle and indexes all of its contents.

Tips And Considerations

A sitemap.xml file containing the list of URLs to index is required. You can use any sitemap generator.

For best processing and search results, Oracle strongly recommends that you annotate all URLs in the sitemap with the <lastmod> tag, which indicates the date the file was last modified.

Key Resources

Watch External Content Search Readiness Training

See the Using Knowledge in Engagement Cloud guide (available from Oracle Help Center > Cloud > SaaS > Engagement – Sales and Service > Books > User).

Role Information

Users must have the Knowledge Manager role to create external content collections.

New Knowledge Analytics Dashboard

This feature introduces a new knowledge management dashboard, Article View Insights. Knowledge Managers and Knowledge Analysts can use this dashboard to access reporting on article views and compare that data with other metrics, such as updated articles. Analytics users can quickly see which articles are used most frequently, along with the most popular products and categories.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

The new Article View Insights dashboard is available at Shared Folders > Service > Embedded Content > Knowledge Analytics > Dashboards.


  • Article View Insights shows knowledge article views and enables knowledge managers and analysts to understand the impact of changes in article views compared with other key metrics.
  • Users can choose the date range and time periods that they want to report on.
  • This dashboard leverages the Knowledge Management Historical Metrics subject area. The subject area data is refreshed approximately every hour by an existing ESS batch job.

Key Resources

See the Using Knowledge in Engagement Cloud guide (available from Oracle Help Center > Cloud > SaaS > Engagement – Sales and Service > Books > User).

Role Information

Knowledge analysts and knowledge managers have automatic access to the new dashboard.

Configure Work Starvation Prevention

Configure the Omnichannel functionality to prevent the starvation of low-priority work requests.

Because Omnichannel always assigns work requests according to the corresponding priorities, you could have a situation where a burst of high-priority requests keeps lower-priority requests from being assigned for an extended amount of time. With the starvation management feature, customer service managers or supervisors can configure the application to raise the priority of those low-priority requests, dynamically, so that they're assigned in the appropriate amount of time.

Customer service managers or supervisors can configure Omnichannel to raise priority by certain number -- separately, for real-time and non-real-time work -- based on the age of the work request, for example, depending on how long the request has been waiting to be assigned.

For example, customer service managers or supervisors can configure Omnichannel to raise the priority of a given service request (for example, a non-real-time request) by 1, if that service request has been waiting for agent assignment for more than three hours.

Steps to Enable

  1. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area and select the Service offering.
  2. Click on the Communication Channels functional area.
  3. Select Manage Work Starvation Profile Options from the tasks list
  4. Set appropriate values for these profile options:
  • SVC_ENABLE_STARVATION_PREVENTION: Enables the work starvation feature
  • SVC_STARVATION_PREVENTION_NRT_INTERVAL: Wait time for non-real-time (NRT) interactions in minutes, after which the application increases the priority
  • SVC_STARVATION_PREVENTION_NRT_STEP: Increment step (a number) for priority increase of NRT interactions
  • SVC_STARVATION_PREVENTION_RT_INTERVAL: Wait time for real-time (RT) interactions in minutes, after which the application increases the priority
  • SVC_STARVATION_PREVENTION_RT_STEP: Increment step (a number) for priority increases of RT interactions

Key Resources

For more details on the Omnichannel framework, see the Oracle Engagement Cloud Implementing Service guide. The guide is available on Oracle Help Center.

Service Request Management

Access Installed Base Asset Details from Service

Installed Base Assets represent customer assets and utilize the common asset model in Oracle Fusion Applications. If you're an Oracle Cloud customer that uses Installed Base Assets for other processes such as Supply Chain, Service Logistics, Service Contracts, or IOT, you may want to use the same asset model for your service request and work order process.

If you have enabled the option to associate Service Requests and Work Orders with Installed Base Assets, with this release the asset number includes a hyperlink in the layout of the Service Request details page and Work Order details page that navigates to the Installed Base Asset details page. This provides service agents with a more detailed understanding of the asset composition, configuration, and maintenance history.

Steps to Enable

  • Use of Installed Based Assets is enabled through an opt-in feature on the Service offering in Setup & Maintenance. 
  • Page layouts of the Service Request and Work Order pages is controlled through Application Composer.

Leverage the Applications Composer to expose / adjust page layout and attributes. To learn more about extending your application using Applications Composer visit Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Configuration and Extension.

Send Email to Any SMTP Address

When working through a service request, many organizations find that they have a need to send an update to someone who is not formally saved as a contact in the system. For example, while a service request is opened for a primary contact within an organization, an email update on that service request may also need to be sent to a contractor, or even a manager, who is not stored as a contact within the system.

With this release, by including an existing system contact in the email recipient list, you can let agents add an SMTP addess in the same message recipients' list, even if that email address isn't associated with a contact record. If a system contact isn't included in the recipient list, the user won't be allowed to add an SMTP address. At least one system contact is required.

Here's the flow:

  1. From the email recipients' list, the agents click the plus (+) icon. 
  2. The application shows a field where they enter the SMTP address.
  3. After they send the email, the agents can see the SMTP address along with the system contact recipient in the "view recipients" list.

Adding SMTP Address to Response Email

Steps to Enable

This capability is controlled by a new system-level profile option. Set the profile option, SVC_ENABLE_ADDITIONAL_EMAIL_RECIPIENTS, to Yes for the agents to send email to any SMTP address.

Tips And Considerations

Note that the system can only track bounced emails that are considered a "soft bounce". That is to say, if the email sent to an SMTP address runs into an error before it goes past the email handler, an audit message is recorded. If the SMTP address entered is an invalid address, the email bounce isn't recorded in SR Messages.

Key Resources

For additional information, see the service request documentation on Oracle Help Center.

Role Information

This functionality is available to any role with the permission to send an outbound email from a service request, assuming the profile option has been set at the site level.

Email Handling of Matching Partner, Resource and Customer Contacts

In some industries, there are situations where a person, who is an employee of an organization, sends an email to the service organization of their employer for assistance with an issue. For example, one division of a company might purchase products from another division of that company and therefore acts like a "customer". In this case, there is an expectation that a service request be created as per the standard inbound email use case.

Prior to 19C, when a resource (internal or partner) sends an inbound email to a CRM-striped service mailbox, a service request was created without a primary contact and account populated. Starting in this release, the system now performs additional lookups when an email is received to determine if the email address matches an internal resource or partner resource.

When an internal resource or partner sends an inbound email requesting assistance, and their email address matches that of an internal resource, the newly created service request is prepopulated with the primary contact information. If the email address matches both a contact record and an internal resource record,  the contact relationship takes precedence (the service request is populated with the contact ID). 

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Consult the documentation for an explanation of how the service request primary contact field is populated in various scenarios, particularly if you have contacts, partner contacts, and resources sharing the same email addresses. The general guidelines are:

  1. A match with a contact record takes precedence over a match with a resource record.
  2. A match with a partner contact takes precedence over a match with an internal resource record.
  3. If more than one match is found for the same party type (such as multiple contacts with the same email), then the service request primary contact field is left blank and an acknowledgement message is sent to the sender informing her that the email address matches another record.

Key Resources

For more information, see the Oracle Engagement Cloud Implementing Service guide on Oracle Help Center. Click the Engagement - Sales and Service link and navigate to the Books page.

Enhanced Dynamic Tab Support for Opportunities and Leads in Service Request and Adaptive Workspaces

The Service Request work area and the Adaptive Workspace user experience enable agents to interact with multiple records simultaneously through top-level dynamic tabs in order to save time accessing related information about a service interaction. With this release, top level dynamic tabs can be opened for opportunities and leads, with each supporting nested dynamic tabs.

As an example, when an agent opens an opportunity or lead record as a top-level dynamic tab and then drills into other linked objects associated with that opportunity or lead, such as the account or contact, the agent sees these objects open in a nested dynamic tab. When agents open a new nested tab, the application brings the tab into immediate focus and becomes the active tab. The agent can easily keep the work area organized while handling multiple interactions, seamlessly switching contexts between interactions.

Here are some additional notes regarding nested dynamic tabs:

  • The nested dynamic tabs that are opened will display three buttons:
    • Save button: When clicked, saves any data changes and the agent stays on the same page.
    • Save and Close button: When clicked, saves any data changes and closes the tab. This button displays on the first nested tab only if there are no other nested tabs open. As soon as the agent open another nested tab, this button will be hidden.
    • Cancel button: When clicked, discards any data changes and closes the tab. For the Service Request details page, if there are unsaved changes, the application notifies the agent that about the unsaved changes.
  • The user can click the X icon on the top level tab to close the top level tab and any open nested dynamic tabs. The user will get a warning if there are unsaved data in any of the nested dynamic tabs. Tabs that have unsaved data will be highlighted by a blue dot in the tab label.

NOTE: Adaptive Workspace is available to customers participating in a preview access program. Apply for preview access on the “Search and Workspace User Experience” forum within the Engagement Cloud section of Oracle Cloud Customer Connect.

Opportunity Record Opened in Dynamic Tab in Adaptive Workspace

Steps to Enable

  • The Service Request work area is automatically enabled for all users.
  • Adaptive Search is available only to an initial set of early adopters. If you're interested in becoming an early adopter, apply for access on the Engagement Cloud - Search and Workspace User Experience forum on Oracle Cloud Customer Connect.

Tips And Considerations

  • Agents can open up to 10 top-level dynamic tabs at one time. The application notifies agents that they must close one of the existing tabs if they attempt to open the eleventh tab.
  • Agents can open up to five nested dynamic tabs under each top-level dynamic tab. The application notifies agents that they must close one of the existing tabs if they attempt to open the sixth tab.
  • Any unsaved changes are highlighted with a blue dot next to the nested dynamic tab.
  • In order to close a top-level dynamic tab, the tab must be in focus by selecting the tab and then clicking the x icon or clicking the Save and Close or Cancel buttons.
  • The application notifies agents if they try to close a tab that has any unsaved changes.

Key Resources

See the Oracle Engagement Cloud Implementing Service guide available on Oracle Help Center.

Role Information

  • Dynamic and nested tabs are automatically enabled for all users in the Service Request work area.
  • Specific functional privileges must be granted to your sales users in order to open dynamic tabs in the Adaptive Workspace.

Privileges Granted to Supplied Service Roles

  • These functional privileges are automatically granted to the supplied Customer Service Representative and Customer Service Manager job roles.

Omnichannel Framework

Use CKEditor Formatting in Chat Live Window

CKEditor V4 has features found in desktop word processors such as; style formatting including bold, italic, and underline; image inserting; paste rich text; and other common HTML formatting tools. These features are now offered as part of the Live Window Chat panel. Chat users may:

  • Input bold text
  • Input italic text
  • Input underlined text
  • Input colored text
  • Insert active URLs 
  • Paste content and retain the original formatting (for example Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, or online content)

All formatting input during chat sessions are retained during chat transfers and also within the chat transcripts.

Steps to Enable

To enable the CK Editor feature, set the profile option, SVC_CHAT_CKEDITOR_ENABLED.

Tips And Considerations

For copy and paste, use the following hot keys: Shift +C to copy and Shift +V to paste.

Key Resources

Oracle Virtual Assistant also uses CKEditor. Thus, for information about using CKEditor, you can refer to the guidelines for creating good responses in the Oracle Virtual Assistant Using Virtual Assistant guide available on Oracle Help Center (in the Service Cloud area).

Field Service Integration

Notification Support for Work Orders

Notification Preferences provide a simplified method for administrators to define notification rules that raise push notifications to Service users. Using Notification Preferences, you can now configure notification rules based on updates to the Work Order object.

This functionality lets agents and other users get real-time visibility when important updates occur, such as when the work order scheduled time is confirmed or when the work order is completed by the field technician. Notifications can be received through the desktop bell icon or a browser popup notification.

This enhancement provides the following capabilities:

  • Define notifications in Application Composer based on configurable Work Order events (triggers).
  • Define the message format, including variable substitutions to tailor the notification text.
  • Select recipients designated to receive notifications for each trigger. Recipients can include the assigned Field Service resource, the agent who submitted the request, the Created By user, or the Last Updated By user.

Steps to Enable

As an administrator, you enable notifications in the Service offering in Setup and Maintenance.

To enable the notifications:

  1. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance.
  2. Select the Service offering.
  3. In the Functional Areas section, select Productivity Tools > Change Feature Selection.
  4. Select Notifications to enable notifications for Service.

You define notification triggers in Application Composer as Groovy expressions containing the conditions that must be met for each notification. For example, a trigger can be defined to send a notification when the work order status field changes.

Key Resources

For details about how to configure notifications, see the Notifications and Interactions chapter in the Oracle Engagement Cloud Using Service guide available on Oracle Help Center.

Role Information

You need administrator privileges to set up Notification Preferences. Users with the supplied ORA_SVC_SR_ADMINISTRATOR ORA_SVC_SR_POWER_USER duty role can access the Notification Preference Manager feature (located in the Tools menu in the Navigator).

Service Analytics

Analyze Service by Install Base Assets

Reporting subject areas for Service in Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence have been augmented with the Installed Base Asset dimension in all applicable subject areas. The inclusion of the IB Asset dimension lets you analyze and report on service activities and performance related to customers' assets.

You can analyze all applicable metrics in the context of this new dimension by including it in custom reports. For example, you can analyze work order compliance for specific IB Assets using the CRM - CRM Work Orders Real Time subject area.

You can find the IB Asset dimension in these subject areas:

  • CRM - CRM Service Request Summary
  • CRM - CRM Work Orders Real Time
  • Service - CRM Service Request Action Plan Actions Real Time
  • Service - CRM Service Request Milestones Real Time
  • Service - CRM Service Request Tags Real Time
  • Service - CRM Service Requests Real Time

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

The new Installed Base Asset dimension appears alongside the existing Asset (CRM Asset) dimension to support deployments that may or may not choose to associate IB Assets with Service Requests.

Note that the IB Asset dimension only provides the predefined IB Asset attributes as part of this release.

Key Resources

See the Service Analytics chapter in the Oracle Engagement Cloud Using Service guide available on Oracle Help Center.

New Cycle Time Metrics

A customer's “mental” service-level agreement (SLA) clock starts ticking from the minute he reports a service request. Delays in service request assignment can adversely affect response times, which may lead to SLA violations, penalties, and customer dissatisfaction. If that service request stays in a queue (unassigned to any resource) for a significant amount of time, this does not give the eventual service request assignee any extra time to meet the customer expectation.

Prior to this enhancement, it was not discernible if a missed SLA was the result of a service request sitting in queue too long or whether the agent's work time exceeded the milestone. It could be that an agent is quite efficient in resolution, but they receive the service request after considerable delay since its creation.

In this release, the system now captures a timestamp in the data model to track the time when the service request is assigned to the queue versus when the service request is assigned to the agent. This enables calculation of new Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI) metrics that determine the time spent in each stage of the life cycle.

New, supplied metrics help you understand the delays in queue and resource assignment of service requests, since their creation. In addition, a new timestamp in the data model tracks the time when the service request is assigned to the queue vs assigned to the agent. This allows the calculation of new OTBI metrics that determine the time spent in each stage of the life cycle (created time to queue assignment, queue assignment to agent assignment, or the total time from creation to agent assignment).

Here are additional deetails:

  • New metrics in OTBI added in the Service - CRM Service Requests Real Time subject area:
    • Total Time to Assign to Resource (in Days, Minutes, Hours)
    • Total Time to Assign to Queue (in Days, Minutes, Hours)
    • Average Time to Assign to Resource (Days)
  • New attributes in the Service Request dimension in OTBI:
    • Initial Resource Assigned Date
    • Last Resource Assigned Date
    • Initial Queue Assigned Date
    • Last Queue Assigned Date

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Only the first or initial assignment is considered for the computation of all metrics -- both resources and queues. Subsequent assignments, if any, are not considered in the computation.

Key Resources

See the Service Analytics chapter in the Oracle Engagement Cloud Using Service guide available on Oracle Help Center.

Digital Customer Service

View File Attachments and Web Content in Knowledge Search Results

Users can now see knowledge file attachments and web content in the knowledge search results when searching for answers to questions.

  • When a user's search query is executed, the full text of file attachments is searched.
  • Knowledge Managers can add web sites or document repositories, such as a directory of PDF files, as content collections that are included in the knowledge base and available in the search results.

Steps to Enable

Knowledge Managers must create one or more external collections and enable them for content processing and search indexing. To define a content collection, you need to have the following:

  • A sitemap.xml URL for the web site that you want to index.
  • Details of security access required to authenticate to the site, if the site is secured.

For more information, see the feature, KM External Content Search, under the Knowledge Management topic in this document.

Key Resources

For more information, refer to the Using Knowledge in Engagement Cloud guide.

Role Information

Users must have the Knowledge Manager role to create external content collections.

New Digital Customer Service Components

To make it easier for developers to add pre-wired functionality to applications, the following new components have been added:  

  • Knowledge search
  • Knowledge article list
  • Service Request Data
  • Sign Up
  • User Registration Requests List
  • User Roles List
  • User Role Management
  • Cobrowse

These components are available in the Oracle Digital Customer Service reference implementation template and on the Oracle Component Exchange.

Steps to Enable

These components are available, by default, in the Oracle Digital Customer Service reference implementation template. To add these components to your own pages, follow these steps:

  1. Open your application in the Oracle Visual Builder designer.
  2. In the Components list, locate the component you want to add to your application.
  3. Drag the component from the Components list, and drop it on the appropriate page in your application.

Tips And Considerations

Some components may require additional configuration when dropped on a page in your application.

Key Resources

For more information, refer to the Oracle Engagement Cloud Implementing Digital Customer Service guide.

Automatic Hyperlinks in Chat and Service Request Messages

Get automatic hyperlinking in chat and service request messages when URLs are specified with the following schemes:

  • HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
  • HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS)
  • File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
  • File Transfer Protocol Secure (FTPS)
  • Electronic Mail (Mailto)

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Engagement Cloud Configuration

Application Composer

Configure Default Sort Field and Order for Company-Defined Subtabs

Configure the default sorting field and the order of custom subtabs. You can choose a specific field to be the default sorting field of a custom subtab whenever you navigate to the subtab. You can also choose the default sorting order of the field. This feature is available for custom subtabs of standard and custom objects.

Configure sorting field and order at design time:

Configure Sorting Field and Order at Design Time

Configure sorting field and order at runtime:

Configure Sorting Field and Order at Runtime

Steps to Enable

Leverage the Applications Composer to expose / adjust page layout and attributes. To learn more about extending your application using Applications Composer visit Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Configuration and Extension.

Key Resources

To learn more about extending your application using Application Composer visit Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Configuration and Extension.

Role Information

  • Setup user or Sales Administrator

Enable or Disable Custom Logic for Import

When using Import Management, you can disable custom logic like triggers and validators written in Application Composer. Disabling custom logic improves import performance, but take caution to make sure the data is clean and there is no impact to data if custom validators and triggers are not executed. Only disable custom logic if the data is clean and triggers and validators are not needed.

Steps to Enable

Configure the profile option, Custom Business Logic for File Import Enabled, at site level. Custom logic also can be enabled or disabled from the UI, or from REST API import and the Data Loader.

Enable or Disable Custom Logic for Import

Tips And Considerations

Note that object workflows are not triggered during import.

Key Resources

See the Oracle Engagement Cloud Understanding Import and Export Management guide on Oracle Help Center.

Opt In to Unified Sandboxes

The Unified Sandbox feature is available as an Opt In feature. When enabled it replaces the classic sandbox functionality. Unified Sandboxes deliver significant benefits, notably parallel development and agility. Merging long-lived sandboxes into the mainline has been problematic in the past because sandboxes became incompatible with the mainline after changes were made to the mainline. Unified Sandboxes can be refreshed from the mainline when they become out of sync with it. Refreshing sandboxes maintains sandbox viability so that work can continue in them and they can be published.

Object Locking

Object locking is a feature embedded Unified Sandboxes. It ensures that sandboxes don’t publish incompatible changes to the same object. As you use Application Composer and create or make changes to objects in a unified sandbox, the application locks the object after the first change is saved (in most circumstances) or after the object is created. The lock is scoped to the active sandbox and is released when the sandbox is deleted or published. After the lock is applied, it's enforced across all publishable sandboxes. Any user in the sandbox that holds the lock can continue to enhance the object, but a user in any other sandbox is not allowed to save changes to the object.

The Unified Sandbox feature delivers the capability to build solutions quicker and deliver value more often. Because merge conflicts are prevented, multiple teams can work in multiple sandboxes and merge all sandboxes to the mainline. This significantly improves the organization’s ability to respond to change and deliver solutions faster, directly improving developer velocity through parallel development and improved organizational agility.

Watch a Demo

Steps to Enable

Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

Offering: Sales

Key Resources

Watch Unified Sandboxes Readiness Training

See the Oracle Engagement Cloud Extending Sales and Service guide available on Oracle Help Center.

Role Information

Unified Sandbox access modes are Edit, Preview, and Publish. These shipped job roles have full access (Edit, Preview, Publish) to Unified Sandboxes:

  • Application Administrator
  • Sales Administrator
  • Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator
  • Application Implementation Consultant

A more finely grained security structure can be mapped to custom roles. A role granted the functional privilege FND_MANAGE_SANDBOX_PRIV has Edit and Preview access. A role granted FND_VIEW_SANDBOX_PRIV has Preview access. A role granted FND_ADMINISTER_SANDBOX_PRIV has full access.


Import Hierarchies and Hierarchy Members

Import hierarchies and hierarchy members using Import Management. This enhancement supports the creation and management of the these types of hierarchies:

  • Customer hierarchy
  • Dun and Bradstreet hierarchy
  • Trading Community Party hierarchy

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

See the Oracle Engagement Cloud Understanding Import and Export Management guide on Oracle Help Center.

Re-Activate Inactive Origin Systems

Use the restore option to re-activate origin systems that were inactivated using the delete option in a setup task. You access the restore option after you search for inactive origin systems. After you restore them, the application displays the inactive origin systems in the active status search. Once restored, they're available to use in transactional flows.

Re-Activate Source System

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Disable Agreement Object in "Classic" File Import/File Export

As of the 19C release, the Agreement object is disabled for the "classic" File Import and File Export framework. Oracle isn't considering any backports to previous releases at this time.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.


Post-Update Tasks


In R13.19A OTBI direct database query has been disabled by default in BI Answers. To prevent reports generating system errors, BI Administrator can modify BI privileges to revert this change. For more details related to this change, please refer to the announcement on Cloud Customer Connect -


During your upgrade, most existing customizations made in Application Composer are automatically updated to the latest enhanced behavior in the new release. However, there are a few exceptions, which require you to manually initiate the upgrade script for each of those customizations.


You must sign in as a user with an administrator role to perform these steps.

IMPORTANT: Do not perform these steps when there are pending changes in an active sandbox. Be sure to save and publish sandboxes with any changes you want to keep before proceeding and delete any sandboxes that you do not intend to publish.

  1. In Oracle Sales Cloud, open the drop-down menu next to your user name, and select Manage Sandbox.

  1. Create a new sandbox, and set it as the active sandbox. The current active sandbox displays at the top of the application.

  1. Go to: Navigator > Application Composer (under Tools).
  2. From the Application, drop-down list, select the first application whose metadata you want to upgrade, such as Common or Sales.

NOTE: You need to upgrade the existing customization metadata for each application separately.

  1. From the navigation tree on the left, under Common Setup, click Metadata Manager.

  1. Click Metadata Upgrade.

  1. By default, the list displays the "Not Started" upgrade items that you need to manually upgrade. Highlight the first row in the list, and then click the Upgrade button.

  1. Click OK in the confirmation dialog box. This process may take a couple of minutes. When the upgrade is done, the dialog box will close and the Upgrade Completed column will be checked.

NOTE: Currently, the upgrade item Custom objects and fields are not available for global search does not show a checkmark in the Upgrade Completed column even after the metadata upgrade is complete. You can proceed with the metadata upgrade process without concern.

  1. Repeat steps 7-8 for each row in the list.
  2. Repeat steps 4-8 for each application in the Application drop-down list in Application Composer.
  3. Publish the sandbox. 

After the processes have completed, the application is ready to use.


Read Prepare for Your Quarterly Update (Doc ID 2445338.1) on My Oracle Support to learn how to prepare for and validate your quarterly update