Cloud Readiness / Oracle Fusion Cloud Sales Force Automation
What's New
Expand All

  1. Update 23B
  1. Revision History
  2. Overview
  3. Update Tasks
  4. Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)
  5. Feature Summary
  6. Sales Automation Core Common
    1. CRM Common Components
        1. Update Opportunity Status Based on Quote Status
        2. Identify Sales Restricted Users Using Privileges
        3. Manage Message Templates
        4. Create Routines for Event Triggers and Select Child Objects
        5. Orchestration Guidance Foldout Panel for displaying orchestration guidance steps , actions and current objectives.
        6. Support Search Functionality on Foldout Subviews
    2. Search
        1. Use Dynamic Dates in Workspace Date Filters
    3. Customer Center
        1. Empower Users to Interactively Drill Into and Explore Sales Account Relationships and Hierarchies
        2. Enable users to inspect and interact with a new extensible hierarchy viewer
    4. CX Foundation
        1. Compose emails using Email templates
        2. Store sensitive data with Private Notes
  7. Sales Automation Foundation Common
    1. CX Sales Mobile
        1. Allow Access to CX Sales from Managed Mobile Devices Only
        2. Recommend Contacts to Add to Leads and Opportunities from Meeting Notes
        3. Identify potential duplicates when creating new Contacts and Accounts
    2. Sales Analytics
        1. Multi-Select Filters in Application Usage Insights
  8. Sales Force Automation
    1. Enterprise Contracts
        1. Upload Your Contract Document in the Background
        2. Display Content Control in Downloaded Word Document
    2. Customer Data Management
        1. Use Enhanced Interface for Defining Configurable Scoring Logic for Calculating Profile Quality Score
    3. Next Gen Sales User Experience
        1. Create Orchestration Processes Using a Diagram Tool
        2. Capture Competitor Details in Leads
        3. Use Faceted Filters in a New Intuitive Search Bar
        4. Automatically send follow up emails to customers on behalf of the sales rep using Orchestration Process
        5. Use a Sales Guide in Orchestration
        6. Use a Sales Guide during a call or web conference
    4. Sales Assistant
        1. Oracle Sales Assistant Welcome Message in CX Sales Mobile

Update 23B

Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Module Feature Notes
24 AUG 2023 Enterprise Contracts Collaborate on Contract Negotiations Using Oracle Content Management Removed feature from update 23B.

04 MAY 2023

CRM Common Components

Create Routines for Event Triggers and Select Child Objects

Updated document. Delivered new feature in update 23B.

04 MAY 2023

CRM Common Components

Orchestration Guidance Foldout Panel for displaying orchestration guidance steps , actions and current objectives.

Updated document. Delivered new feature in update 23B.

04 MAY 2023

CRM Common Components

Support Search Functionality on Foldout Subviews

Updated document. Delivered new feature in update 23B.

04 MAY 2023

CX Foundation

Compose emails using Email templates

Updated document. Delivered new feature in update 23B.

04 MAY 2023

CX Foundation

Store sensitive data with Private Notes

Updated document. Delivered new feature in update 23B.

04 MAY 2023

Next Gen Sales User Experience

Capture Competitor Details in Leads

Updated document. Delivered new feature in update 23B.

04 MAY 2023

Next Gen Sales User Experience

Use a Sales Guide during a call or web conference

Updated document. Delivered new feature in update 23B.

04 MAY 2023

Next Gen Sales User Experience

Use a Sales Guide in Orchestration

Updated document. Delivered new feature in update 23B.

15 MAR 2023 Enterprise Contracts Collaborate on Contract Negotiations Using Oracle Content Management Updated document. Revised feature information.
03 MAR 2023     Created initial document.


This guide summarizes all features that have been delivered for this Release including new features available as a part of our continuous feature delivery process.


We’re here and we’re listening. If you have a suggestion on how to make our cloud services even better then go ahead and tell us. There are several ways to submit your ideas, for example, through the Ideas Lab on Oracle Customer Connect. Wherever you see this icon after the feature name it means we delivered one of your ideas.


We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at


The information contained in this document may include statements about Oracle’s product development plans. Many factors can materially affect Oracle’s product development plans and the nature and timing of future product releases. Accordingly, this Information is provided to you solely for information only, is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.

This information may not be incorporated into any contractual agreement with Oracle or its subsidiaries or affiliates. Oracle specifically disclaims any liability with respect to this information. Refer to the Legal Notices and Terms of Use for further information.

Update Tasks

This section gives you information to help you plan, deploy, and validate your update. We make frequent additions to this document, so don’t forget to check back and get the latest information before your update starts.

Use the following resources to prepare for, deploy, and validate your update:

Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)

Oracle Cloud Applications delivers new updates every quarter. This means every three months you'll receive new functionality to help you efficiently and effectively manage your business. Some features are delivered Enabled meaning they are immediately available to end users. Other features are delivered Disabled meaning you have to take action to make available. Features delivered Disabled can be activated for end users by stepping through the following instructions using the following privileges:

  • Configure Oracle Fusion Applications Offering (ASM_CONFIGURE_OFFERING_PRIV)

Here’s how you opt in to new features:

  1. Click Navigator > My Enterprise > New Features.
  2. On the Features Overview page, select your offering to review new features specific to it. Or, you can leave the default selection All Enabled Offerings to review new features for all offerings.
  3. On the New Features tab, review the new features and check the opt-in status of the feature in the Enabled column. If a feature has already been enabled, you will see a check mark. Otherwise, you will see an icon to enable the feature.
  4. Click the icon in the Enabled column and complete the steps to enable the feature.

For more information and detailed instructions on opting in to new features for your offering, see Offering Configuration.


Occasionally, features delivered Disabled via Opt In may be enabled automatically in a future update. This is known as an Opt In Expiration. If your cloud service has any Opt In Expirations you will see a related tab in this document. Click on that tab to see when the feature was originally delivered Disabled, and when the Opt In will expire, potentially automatically enabling the feature. You can also click here to see features with Opt In Expirations across all Oracle Cloud Applications.

Feature Summary

Column Definitions:

Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.

UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.

UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.

Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.

Ready for Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Enabled)

Reports plus Small Scale UI or Process-Based new features will have minimal user impact after an update. Therefore, customer acceptance testing should focus on the Larger Scale UI or Process-Based* new features.

Customer Must Take Action before Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Disabled)

Not disruptive as action is required to make these features ready to use. As you selectively choose to leverage, you set your test and roll out timing.



UI or
Small Scale

UI or
Larger Scale*

Sales Automation Core Common

CRM Common Components

Update Opportunity Status Based on Quote Status

Identify Sales Restricted Users Using Privileges

Manage Message Templates

Create Routines for Event Triggers and Select Child Objects

Orchestration Guidance Foldout Panel for displaying orchestration guidance steps , actions and current objectives.

Support Search Functionality on Foldout Subviews


Use Dynamic Dates in Workspace Date Filters

Customer Center

Empower Users to Interactively Drill Into and Explore Sales Account Relationships and Hierarchies

Enable users to inspect and interact with a new extensible hierarchy viewer

CX Foundation

Compose emails using Email templates

Store sensitive data with Private Notes

Sales Automation Foundation Common

CX Sales Mobile

Allow Access to CX Sales from Managed Mobile Devices Only

Recommend Contacts to Add to Leads and Opportunities from Meeting Notes

Identify potential duplicates when creating new Contacts and Accounts

Sales Analytics

Multi-Select Filters in Application Usage Insights

Sales Force Automation

Enterprise Contracts

Upload Your Contract Document in the Background

Display Content Control in Downloaded Word Document

Customer Data Management

Use Enhanced Interface for Defining Configurable Scoring Logic for Calculating Profile Quality Score

Next Gen Sales User Experience

Create Orchestration Processes Using a Diagram Tool

Capture Competitor Details in Leads

Use Faceted Filters in a New Intuitive Search Bar

Automatically send follow up emails to customers on behalf of the sales rep using Orchestration Process

Use a Sales Guide in Orchestration

Use a Sales Guide during a call or web conference

Sales Assistant

Oracle Sales Assistant Welcome Message in CX Sales Mobile

Sales Automation Core Common

CRM Common Components

Update Opportunity Status Based on Quote Status

The status of an opportunity can now be updated automatically based on changes to the status of the active quote in Oracle CPQ associated with the opportunity.

This feature improves sales rep efficiency by eliminating their need to manually update an opportunity’s status to reflect the active quote’s status. In the past sales reps had to manually update the opportunity status to “Won” or “Lost” after the active quote associated with the opportunity was won or lost. This feature will automate this step once the required setup steps are completed. This feature also better keeps the opportunity status and active quote status synchronized.

Steps to Enable

This feature is useful for customers who have both the Oracle CX Sales Opportunity and Oracle CPQ. Both these applications are required for the feature to work. Additionally the profile options that require a mandatory win or loss reason to close the opportunity and to specify the competitor the deal was lost to, must both be disabled.

1. Disable profile option MOO_CLOSE_WINLOSS_REQD by setting the value to N

2. Disable profile option MOO_CLOSE_COMP_REQD by setting the value to N

3. Enable profile option ORA_MOO_AUTO_UPDATE_OPPTY_STATUS by setting the value to Y

4. The Display Sequence across all status codes in Manage Sales Status FSM task must be unique.  This display sequence is used to select the right Opportunity status as part of automatic update.

Tips And Considerations

1. We use the status of "Won", "Lost" and "In Progress" of Oracle CPQ as defined in the Lookup ORA_ZCA_WIN_STATUS. All other statuses are not considered as part of the auto update.

2. If additional custom fields are required to update the sales stage when an opportunity is closed, then we cannot update the opportunity automatically and an error message will be logged.

Key Resources

1. Integrating CX Sales with Oracle CPQ

Access Requirements

The feature can be enabled by users with Sales Administrator privileges.

Identify Sales Restricted Users Using Privileges

New privileges are introduced to identify users of the Sales Restricted User job role for usage reporting purposes. The new privileges are:

  • Identify User As Sales Restricted User Limited (ZBS_IDENTIFY_USER_AS_SALES_RESTRICTED_USER_LIMITED_PRIV)
  • Identify User As Sales Restricted User Essential (ZBS_IDENTIFY_USER_AS_SALES_RESTRICTED_USER_ESSENTIAL_PRIV)

The privilege required depends on whether you have purchased the Oracle Fusion Sales and Service Limited Cloud Service or Oracle Sales Cloud Essential User Cloud Service license. These privileges are automatically included in the standard Sales Restricted User job role using the upgrade process. However, if you have cloned this role or created a custom role, you will need to manually add the correct new privilege to the role.

Introducing these privileges improves the management, access, and counting of Oracle Fusion Sales and Service Limited Cloud Service and Oracle Sales Cloud Essential User Cloud Service license users.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • Users of the Oracle Fusion Sales and Service Limited Cloud Service or Oracle Sales Cloud Essential User Cloud Service license should uptake the relevant privilege to facilitate usage counting. The privileges are automatically added to the Sales Restricted User role. However, you must manually add the correct privilege to custom roles or roles cloned from the Sales Restricted User job role.
  • Oracle Fusion Sales and Service Limited Cloud Service license users will add the ZBS_IDENTIFY_USER_AS_SALES_RESTRICTED_USER_LIMITED_PRIV privilege

  • Oracle Sales Cloud Essential User Cloud Service license will add the ZBS_IDENTIFY_USER_AS_SALES_RESTRICTED_USER_ESSENTIAL_PRIV privilege

Key Resources

Security Reference for Sales and Fusion Service guide. See the Sales Restricted User (Job Role) section.

Access Requirements

Sales Administrator

Manage Message Templates

Use message templates to provide teams with standard content they can customize and send to leads, opportunities and account contacts. Message templates are available for use in Next Gen Sales.

Message templates save time by providing teams with curated content, and provide consistency across the Sales.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Message templates can be used with Orchestration steps and the Send Email action. Both are available with Next Gen Sales.

Access Requirements

Manage Message Templates privilege is provided with the following roles:

  • Sales Administrator
  • Application Implementation Consultant
  • Customer Relationship Management Application Adminstrator

Create Routines for Event Triggers and Select Child Objects

You can now create routines for the lead contact, opportunity contact, opportunity revenue and interaction references and include parent attributes in the rules. Delete is also available as a quick action to delete routines that are no longer needed. When a routine is deleted, the routine definition and history are permanently deleted. In addition, if you're using Next Gen Sales you can trigger a routine to run when an event occurs, such as when a record is created, updated, or deleted.

Event triggers allow administrators to inform stakeholders of key changes so they can react in a relevant time period. For example, inform owners when the owner is changed for a lead, opportunity or task. Routines for child objects allow updates to child records based on the parent and child condition.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

When a routine is deleted, the routine definition and history are permanently deleted.

Key Resources

See the "Routines" chapter in the Implementing Sales guide.

Access Requirements

Event triggers are available in Next Gen Sales for users with the Manage Routines privilege.

The following roles have the Manage Routines privilege:

  • Sales Administrator
  • Application Implementation Consultant
  • Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator

Orchestration Guidance Foldout Panel for displaying orchestration guidance steps , actions and current objectives.

This feature will use the Orchestration Foldout Panel to display orchestration guidance steps, the Orchestration Action, and the Objectives corresponding to the Current stage of the opportunity. This feature will also allow Sales reps to see next steps automatically without having to manually refresh the Page

This feature improves usability for the users hence would improves their productivity

Steps to Enable

Provide the required access before using the feature. Details are in the Access #Requirements section.

You must enable the orchestration feature by setting the profile option Enable Orchestration (ORA_ZCA_ENABLE_ORCHESTRATION) to Yes at the site level, and for lead and opportunity management.

  1. Open the Manage Administrator Profile Values task from the Setup and Maintenance work area:

    • Offering: Sales

    • Functional Area: Sales Foundation

    • Task: Manage Administrator Profile Values

  2. On the Manage Administrator Profile Values page, search for the profile option by entering 

    Enable Orchestration

     in the Profile Display Name.
  3. Select Yes as the Profile Value for Site, Lead Management, and Opportunity management.

  4. Click Save and Close.

Access Requirements

A user must have the "View Sales Orchestration"  Functional Privilege,   ZCA_VIEW_SALES_ORCHESTRATION to access orchestration runtime functionality. 

Support Search Functionality on Foldout Subviews

This feature will allow reps to search for information in the context of a Subview for the Main object like Account, Contact Opportunity, Lead.

This feature will improve the ability of reps to find information in the subview which would boost their productivity, which would improve sales. 

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  1. Fields that are not Queryable cannot be searched using this feature
  2. Not all fields available in the object can be searched using this feature supported fields would be displayed for selection in the dropdown for searching.


Use Dynamic Dates in Workspace Date Filters

Now you can add date filters using dynamic dates in Workspace. For example, you can add a filter on opportunities where close date is in the next 7 days. This helps in creating more useful saved searches based on rolling dates.

Helps in creating more useful saved searches based on rolling dates.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Access Requirements

Available for all users.

Customer Center

Empower Users to Interactively Drill Into and Explore Sales Account Relationships and Hierarchies

As a Sales representative, you can now select an Account relationship context from the Accounts list view to browse child and parent accounts in a tabular format. This new capability helps you to quickly view, compare, and consume knowledge for all related Accounts.

This new feature provides an interactive way for sellers to inspect the parent and child relationships to their account. It gives sellers a better, more productive working list view that enables new opportunities and more selling into the account structures

Steps to Enable

  1. Under Navigation -> Tools ->  Schedule Processes -> Schedule New Processes, you need to search the following scheduled process name
  2. Scheduled Process Name: Refresh Denormalized Data for Account Hierarchy
  3. Description: Refreshes the denormalized data for the account hierarchy.
  4. Click Ok.
  5. Process Details dialog box opens. Click Advanced button.
  6. Under Advanced Options, you need to expose a parameter for Full Refresh under Parameters tab which is by default selected as No.
  7. Go to Schedule tab under Advanced Options and select the frequency of refresh as per your requirement. For example, if the hierarchy is changed frequently, you need to select the frequency to be either Daily, Weekly or Monthly as per your requirement.
  8. Click Submit.

After an upgrade, a full refresh should only be performed once. Rerun requests should only be made when data has been added to or deleted from the hierarchy. Depending on how frequently the hierarchy is altered, you must schedule this job and choose the frequency. A job will behave as a Full Refresh if it is run in this mode for the first time; otherwise, the job will sync only impacted nodes.

Key Resources

This feature is being released in May 2023. See the Accounts and Contacts chapter of the Implementing Sales guide in the May update.

Access Requirements


Enable users to inspect and interact with a new extensible hierarchy viewer

The new Account hierarchy sub-view page enables salespersons to browse and interact with parent and child Accounts to learn more about the Accounts structure and parent-child relationship.

The new Account hierarchy sub-view page provides an opportunity for the salesperson to inspect other, related Accounts within the same organization structure to sell into other branches.

Steps to Enable

  1. Under Navigation -> Tools ->  Schedule Processes -> Schedule New Processes, you need to search the following scheduled process name
  2. Scheduled Process Name: Refresh Denormalized Data for Account Hierarchy
  3. Description: Refreshes the denormalized data for the account hierarchy.
  4. Click Ok.
  5. Process Details dialog box will open. Click Advanced button.
  6. Under Advanced Options, you need to expose a parameter for Full Refresh under Parameters tab which is by default selected as No.
  7. Go to Schedule tab under Advanced Options and select the frequency of refresh as per your requirement. For example, if the hierarchy is changed frequently, you need to select the frequency to be either Daily, Weekly or Monthly as per your requirement.
  8. Click Submit.

After an upgrade, a full refresh should only be performed once. Rerun requests should only be made when data has been added to or deleted from the hierarchy. Depending on how frequently the hierarchy is altered, you must schedule this job and choose the frequency. A job will behave as a Full Refresh if it is run in this mode for the first time; otherwise, the job will sync only impacted nodes.

Key Resources

This feature is being released in May 2023. See the Accounts and Contacts chapter of the Implementing Sales guide in the May update.

Access Requirements


CX Foundation

Compose emails using Email templates

Users can compose and send emails with pre-defined email templates.

  1. Enable users to compose emails with predefined email messages templates readily available to use
  2. Increases productivity and saves time for users by eliminating manually typing repetitive content
  3. Creates brand consistency as consistent messaging is communicated across to customers

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Email Templates with Oracle Email


To enable email templates in Oracle Email, for the profile option ORA_ZCA_DS_EMAIL_OPTIONS, the profile value should be set to Oracle mail (This option is enabled by default).

Steps to select an email template:

  1. Upon clicking on the 'Send Email' action from the assistant, the email compose form opens up in the Sales Cloud application
  2. To select an email template, the 'Email Template' icon with drop-down is available at the bottom of the form
  3. Upon clicking the icon, a drop-down displays the list of email templates that are enabled by the admin with pre-defined messages
  4. Select the desired template, and the message will be loaded in the email compose form

Email Templates with MS Exchange Redwood Compose UX


To enable email templates in Oracle Email, for the profile option ORA_ZCA_DS_EMAIL_OPTIONS, the profile value should be set to MS Exchange Redwood Compose UX.

Steps to select an email template:

  1. Upon clicking on the 'Send Email' action from the assistant, the email compose form opens up in the Sales Cloud application
  2. To select an email template, the 'Email Template' icon with drop-down is available at the bottom of the form
  3. Upon clicking the icon, a drop-down displays the list of email templates that are enabled by the admin with pre-defined messages
  4. Select the desired template, and the message will be loaded in the email compose form

Email Templates with MS Exchange Office 365:


For email templates to be enabled with MS Exchange, for the profile option ORA_ZCA_DS_EMAIL_OPTIONS, the profile value should be set to MS Exchange Office365 UI.

MS exchange should be configured in the application before this functionality can be invoked.

Steps to select an email template:

  1. Upon clicking on the 'Send Email' action from the assistant, a pop up opens in the application prompting the user to select an email template
  2. If the user does not wish to select any email template, they can select the 'Skip' option
  3. If the user wishes to use a template, they can search for a template using the search drop-down.
  4. Select the desired template, and the message will be loaded in the MS exchange email compose form

Email Templates with Native Client:


For email templates to be enabled with a native client, for the profile option ORA_ZCA_DS_EMAIL_OPTIONS, the profile value should be set to OS Native UI.

A native email client should be configured in the user's desktop/laptop i.e Outlook, Apple mail etc.,

Steps to select an email template:

  1. Upon clicking on the 'Send Email' action from the assistant, a pop up opens in the application prompting the user to select an email template
  2. If the user does not wish to select any email template, they can select the 'Skip' option
  3. If the user wishes to use a template, they can search for a template using the search drop-down.
  4. Select the desired template, and the message will be loaded in the email compose form on the native email application

Access Requirements

Sales Representatives

Store sensitive data with Private Notes

Sales users can create private notes to log sensitive updates and other sensitive information on a record.

Enables users to store personal or sensitive information about a contact, account, or opportunity in the Oracle Sales application where the notes are visible only to the creator.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  1. To mark a note as private, a checkbox is available in the ‘Create Note’ form to make a note as private

  2. Using the action 'Show Private Notes' from the action bar, users can view the private notes created by them 

  3. If the users wish to share the note, the private option can be unchecked in the note form which will make the note as public. Once made public, the note will be visible to all in the activity feed

Access Requirements

Sales Representative

Sales Automation Foundation Common

CX Sales Mobile

Allow Access to CX Sales from Managed Mobile Devices Only

Use your corporate device management software to allow access to CX Sales from only managed devices. Using this approach, you can additionally restrict access from a specific platform, including iOS and Android.

improve sales data security by restricting access to managed devices and specific platforms.

Steps to Enable

Leverage Application Composer to expose and adjust page layout and attributes. To learn more about extending your application using Application Composer, visit Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Configuration and Extension.

  1. Inside a sandbox, navigate to Application Composer
  2. Click Mobile Application Setup.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. Click Security Settings.
  5. Turn on setting to Restrict Access from Managed Devices Only/
  6. Copy the Client Access key by clicking on the copy icon.
  7. Save the changes.
  8. Use MDM software and set CXM_ACCESS_KEY value to to the Client Access key you copied.
  9. Deploy the App to managed devices using the MDM software.
  10. Test and then publish sandbox.

    Restrict Access from managed mobile devices only

Tips And Considerations

If you need to change the key, use the option under security settings to generate a new key. If you regenerate and save a new key, all existing apps will need to be updated with the new key using the MDM software.

Access Requirements

Sales Administrators

Recommend Contacts to Add to Leads and Opportunities from Meeting Notes

The application analyzes the text of meeting notes and recommends the addition of any missing contacts mentioned in the notes. For example, a  salesperson working a lead gets the recommendation when they mention the name of an account contact that isn’t yet added as a lead contact.

Salespeople get reminded to add contacts to the leads and opportunities they may otherwise overlook.

Steps to Enable

Leverage Application Composer to expose and adjust page layout and attributes. To learn more about extending your application using Application Composer, visit Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Configuration and Extension.

  1. Within a sandbox, navigate to Application Composer
  2. Navigate to Oracle Sales Assistant Setup
  3. Click on Configure Text Analysis tab
  4. Click on link to configure recommendations
  5. Enable/Disable Add Contact Recommendation per your business needs

Add Contact Recommendation

Identify potential duplicates when creating new Contacts and Accounts

Maintain a clean book of business with duplicate matching for CX Sales Mobile. When creating a new contact or account, Enterprise Data Quality checks for potential matches based on your organization's duplicate matching criteria. If a similar account or contact exists, users can select an existing record or proceed with creating the new record.

Video Demonstration: Identify potential duplicates when creating new Contacts and Accounts

Improve trust in customer insights and decision making by maintaining Account and Contact data cleanliness. 

Steps to Enable

Leverage Application Composer to expose and adjust page layout and attributes. To learn more about extending your application using Application Composer, visit Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Configuration and Extension.

Prerequisites: Duplicate Checking must be enabled and Enterprise Data Quality Matching Configurations should be active in your environment. More information available here: Enable Duplicate Checking and Manage Enterprise Data Quality Matching Configurations in Oracle Help Center.

Steps to Enable Duplicate Checking in CX Sales Mobile:

  1. Create and enter a publishable sandbox where Application Composer is enabled
  2. Navigate to Application Composer > Mobile Application Setup > CX Sales Mobile Composer > Settings
  3. In the list of settings, expand "Check for Duplicates"
  4. Flip on the "Enable for Accounts" switch to enable Account Duplicate Checking
  5. Flip on the "Enable for Contacts" switch to enable Contact Duplicate Checking
  6. Click Save in the upper right hand corner of the screen
  7. Validate that duplicate checking works in CX Sales Mobile
  8. Publish the sandbox

Video Demonstration: Enable Duplicate Checking in CX Sales Mobile

Tips And Considerations

When enabled, the duplicate check is done synchronously. After tapping Save on the create page, the user has to wait for the duplicate check to complete before progressing to the next step.

If there are more than 5 potential matches for a new account or contact, the 5 highest scoring potential matches will be displayed to the user as determined by scoring criteria established in Enterprise Data Quality Matching Configurations

Key Resources

Access Requirements

Sales Administrator

Sales Manager

Sales Representative

Sales Analytics

Multi-Select Filters in Application Usage Insights

Users can select multiple filter values for a filter in Application Usage Insights. The insights rendered in visualizations, charts and dashboard pages will reflect the filter values selected.

Filtering a dashboard page, visualization or chart with multiple filter values delivers more complete and more relevant insights for a sales manager with improved productivity. This eliminates the need to run separate queries with single filter values.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

See the "Application Usage Insights" section in the "Application Adoption and Usage Reporting" chapter in the Creating and Administering Analytics guide.

Access Requirements

Sales Administrator

Sales Manager

Sales Force Automation

Enterprise Contracts

Upload Your Contract Document in the Background

You can upload your contract document from the Contract Terms page or Oracle Contracts Word add-in using an automated scheduled background process. You can continue to perform limited actions from the Contract Terms page or work on other contracts while the upload is in progress. You can override this option if you want to upload your document in real time.

Upload in Background

While the upload is in progress, the process status is displayed as a banner.

Upload Status Banner in Contract

You are notified by email when the contract document is uploaded and you can also view the notification in the application.

This is useful when uploading large documents that may take additional time.

Steps to Enable

Use the Allow background upload check box in the Edit Terms Template page

Allow Background Upload in Terms Template

Display Content Control in Downloaded Word Document

If you're using structured terms, you can choose to display content control boxes in Microsoft Word when the contract is downloaded.

When the contract is downloaded to Microsoft Word, you'll be able to see content control boxes when you click on each clause, clause title, or section title.

Content Control in Downloaded Contract

Hit the End key on your keyboard to exit the content control box and add a new section or clause. You can manually add new content using Word styles to mark new sections and clauses. Internal application users can also use the Oracle Contracts add-in.

Displaying content control boxes around existing sections and clauses make it easier to see where to add new content to the downloaded contract. This helps you quickly locate and view what changes were made to the contract when uploaded to the application.

Steps to Enable

Check the option Display content control in downloaded contract in the terms template to see content control boxes in Microsoft Word when any contract using that template is downloaded.

Edit Terms Template

Tips And Considerations

If you've chosen to display content control boxes, they'll only be displayed around existing content downloaded from the application. They won't be displayed around any new sections or clauses you've added.

Customer Data Management

Use Enhanced Interface for Defining Configurable Scoring Logic for Calculating Profile Quality Score

Configure a score based on the completeness and attribute values of a customer profile using additional attribute operator.

This enhancement allows more flexibility in defining how to determine a customer profile score.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Next Gen Sales User Experience

Create Orchestration Processes Using a Diagram Tool

Sales administrators can create orchestration processes as a diagram.  Additional enhancements include the ability to test the process as a simulation before making it live. This release also makes it possible to add a grace period for steps, and to automatically complete steps depending on the interactions salespeople have with customers.

The Diagram Tool and other enhancements simplify the orchestration process setup and make the resulting processes more powerful.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Capture Competitor Details in Leads

This feature lets you track competitors for a lead and identify one of them as a primary competitor. When you convert a lead to an opportunity, the mapped competitor information is automatically carried over to the opportunity

Tracking competitor data provides you with useful insights for your leads and prospects. For example, you can plan appropriate sales strategies to help close deals more effectively.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

There are not Steps needed to Enable this Feature however there must be Competitor record in the system that could be used for selection.  Please refer to this document link for details on how to create and manage competitors in the system.

Key Resources

  • "Competitors" chapter in the Implementing Sales guide
  • "Leads" chapter in the Using Sales guide
  • Verify if the Sales Competitor object is enabled in the Configure Adaptive Search page.

    • IF this is not Enabled Please enable it using the steps below. 

    • In Setup and Maintenance, navigate to:Offering: SalesFunctional Area: Sales FoundationTask: Configure Adaptive Search

    • On the Configure Adaptive Search page, select the Setup tab.

    • In the Sales section, click the check box to enable either the 'Sales Competitor' object

    • Select Publish from the Actions menu.

    • Select the Monitor tab.6. Click Start Process to start the Elastic Search indexing.

    • Note: This job will continue to run in the background. It is initially very common for there to be errors. Start the process again until you see a Wait status. Once the job completes successfully, sign out and sign in back to the applications.

Use Faceted Filters in a New Intuitive Search Bar

Experience an enhanced and intuitive design of Search Bar on the list page where you can now see and use filter chips and clicking on them brings up filter facets. This makes the searching and filtering data much easier.

Makes searching and filtering easier.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Access Requirements

This is available to all users.

Automatically send follow up emails to customers on behalf of the sales rep using Orchestration Process

Sales administrators can set up emails to be sent automatically when a customer fails to reply to an email. For example, If a sales rep requests availability for a discovery call and the customer fails to reply, the Orchestration process can automatically send a follow up email to the customer on behalf of the sales rep.

This email automation feature will save time of the sales reps by automatically following up with their prospects and customers based on predefined orchestrations. 

Steps to Enable

Leverage Application Composer to expose and adjust page layout and attributes. To learn more about extending your application using Application Composer, visit Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Configuration and Extension.

From the application composer, click on Orchestration Setup icon to view a list of Orchestration.

Either Edit and Existing Orchestration by clicking on the Orchestration Name or Create a new Orchestration flow using the Create Orchestration Button

While setting up an orchestration choose a step type Email Automation where ever its is appropriate and then choose a suitable email template for the step using the step properties.

Once the orchestration is created activate the orchestration. 

Access Requirements

The Administrator configuring the orchestration must have the roles and privileges below.

SNo Func Priv Name Func Priv Code Comments
1 View Sales Orchestration ZCA_VIEW_SALES_ORCHESTRATION To view the List of Sales Orchestrations or a particular Sales Orchestration
2 Create Sales Orchestration ZCA_CREATE_SALES_ORCHESTRATION To create a new Sales Orchestration

To update an existing Sales Orchestration

4 Delete Sales Orchestration ZCA_DELETE_SALES_ORCHESTRATION To delete the Sales Orchestration
5 Run Sales Orchestration Scheduled Jobs


To be able to run, schedule and monitor Sales Orchestration related scheduled jobs

Use a Sales Guide in Orchestration

Administrators can now add a Sales Guide to a step in the Orchestration process. Sales representatives can then use the Sales Guide to help in completing the step.

Companies can drive their sales people to collect the right information at the right time in the selling process, and automatically capture that information for their users.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Access Requirements

Sales Administrators can add Sales Guides to steps in the Orchestration

Sales Representatives or others working on the record can complete these Sales Guides when prompted by the step

Use a Sales Guide during a call or web conference

Sales representatives can use Sales Guides during an active call or web conference, to help with their customer meeting.

Sales reps will be able to collect the right information while on calls or web conference meetings with their customers. This will drive better conversations and more fruitful customer interactions.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Access Requirements

Sales representatives or anyone communicating with customers

Sales Assistant

Oracle Sales Assistant Welcome Message in CX Sales Mobile

Present sales representatives a welcome message with suggestions as to what they can ask the Sales Assistant in CX Sales mobile to do. The welcome message can be tailored to your company's business needs.

Welcome Message for Oracle Sales Assistant in CX Sales Mobile

This feature will help sales representatives have useful examples to start using the Oracle Sales Assistant.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Ensure that the suggestions included out of the box are relevant to your organization's unique business process. You can add, remove or update the phrases to suit your business needs via the Oracle Sales Assistant Common Configuration tool.

To customize the welcome message:

  1. Create and enter a publishable sandbox where Application Composer is enabled.
  2. Navigate to Application Composer.
  3. Click Oracle Sales Assistant Setup.
  4. Click the Common Configurations tab to open the Oracle Sales Assistant Common Configurations tool.
  5. Click on the Response Text section.
  6. In the Select String drop down list, search for "welcome".
  7. Select the welcome message string and make your changes in the Edit String field.
  8. Click Save. The Select Sales Assistant Skill dialog is displayed.
  9. From the Select Sales Assistant Skill dialog, select the Sales Assistant skill that you want the updated string to transfer to.
  10. Click Save.

Edit the Welcome Message in Oracle Sales Assistant Common Configuration Tool

Access Requirements

  • Sales Representatives