Cloud Readiness / Oracle Fusion Cloud Sales Force Automation
What's New
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  1. Update 23C
  1. Revision History
  2. Overview
  3. Feature Summary
  4. Sales Automation Core Common
    1. CRM Common Components
        1. Hide the Snippet Field from the Edit Columns list in Workspace
        2. Enable User Context for Service Request
        3. Transfer Message Templates to Production
        4. Assign Functional Privileges to Users of Sales Intelligence
        5. Migrate Saved Searches between environments using Saved Search Number
        6. Navigation Pattern enhancement to support drilling down to the Activity Stream from other parts of the sales application.
        7. Create Routines for Additional Objects and Select from Expanded List of Email Recipients
    2. Security
        1. Use Orchestration to Optimize Access Group Assignment
  5. Sales Automation Foundation Common
    1. Sales Analytics
        1. Application Usage Analyses Displayed by Default in Application Usage Insights
  6. Sales Force Automation
    1. Enterprise Contracts
        1. Display Header and Footer on Downloaded Word Document
    2. Next Gen Sales User Experience
        1. Use custom verbs and synonyms for object and field names in action bar suggestions
        2. Expanded Access to Next Gen Sales User Experience
        3. Common Product Administration, Product Bundling and Product Launch
        4. Forecast in Next Gen Sales User Experience
    3. Customer Data Management
        1. Microsoft 365 Integration for Oracle Sales Redwood User Experience

Update 23C

Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Module Feature Notes
24 AUG 2023 Enterprise Contracts Improved Usability for Oracle Content Management Collaboration Removed feature from update 23C.

01 AUG 2023

CRM Common Components

Create Routines for Additional Objects and Select from Expanded List of Email Recipients

Updated document. Delivered new feature in an update for 23C.

01 AUG 2023

Next Gen Sales User Experience

Forecast in Next Gen Sales User Experience

Updated document. Delivered new feature in an update for 23C.

01 AUG 2023

Sales for Microsoft 365

Oracle Sales Redwood User Experience for Microsoft 365 Integration

Updated document. Delivered new feature in an update for 23C.

02 JUN 2023     Created initial document.



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The information contained in this document may include statements about Oracle’s product development plans. Many factors can materially affect Oracle’s product development plans and the nature and timing of future product releases. Accordingly, this Information is provided to you solely for information only, is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.

This information may not be incorporated into any contractual agreement with Oracle or its subsidiaries or affiliates. Oracle specifically disclaims any liability with respect to this information. Refer to the Legal Notices and Terms of Use for further information.

Feature Summary

Column Definitions:

Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.

UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.

UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.

Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.

Ready for Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Enabled)

Reports plus Small Scale UI or Process-Based new features will have minimal user impact after an update. Therefore, customer acceptance testing should focus on the Larger Scale UI or Process-Based* new features.

Customer Must Take Action before Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Disabled)

Not disruptive as action is required to make these features ready to use. As you selectively choose to leverage, you set your test and roll out timing.



UI or
Small Scale

UI or
Larger Scale*

Sales Automation Core Common

CRM Common Components

Hide the Snippet Field from the Edit Columns list in Workspace

Enable User Context for Service Request

Transfer Message Templates to Production

Assign Functional Privileges to Users of Sales Intelligence

Migrate Saved Searches between environments using Saved Search Number

Navigation Pattern enhancement to support drilling down to the Activity Stream from other parts of the sales application.

Create Routines for Additional Objects and Select from Expanded List of Email Recipients


Use Orchestration to Optimize Access Group Assignment

Sales Automation Foundation Common

Sales Analytics

Application Usage Analyses Displayed by Default in Application Usage Insights

Sales Force Automation

Enterprise Contracts

Display Header and Footer on Downloaded Word Document

Next Gen Sales User Experience

Use custom verbs and synonyms for object and field names in action bar suggestions

Expanded Access to Next Gen Sales User Experience

Common Product Administration, Product Bundling and Product Launch

Forecast in Next Gen Sales User Experience

Customer Data Management

Microsoft 365 Integration for Oracle Sales Redwood User Experience

Sales Automation Core Common

CRM Common Components

Hide the Snippet Field from the Edit Columns list in Workspace

The Snippet field displays part of the record that shows up as matched as a result of your search query. Often users don't require or use this field so you can now hide it so that it doesn't appear in the Edit Columns list in Workspace.

Disabling snippet field removes it for users who do not use it and cleans up the Manage Columns list.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Access Requirements

Available for administrators. 

Enable User Context for Service Request

Administrators can now perform relevancy scoring calculation for Service Request. This allows for having relevancy based saved searches in Adaptive Search, which helps to view the list of most relevant items from Service Request object in Workspace, NextGen List and Mobile.

Users can view the list of most relevant items from Service Request object in Workspace, NextGen List and Mobile.

Steps to Enable

Register new object through REST API - {{url}}/crmRestApi/resources/latest/userContextObjectTypes. 

For sample payload and detailed steps, please refer to documentation. 

Tips And Considerations

Refer to the documentation for detailed steps to enable User Context for Service Request. 

Access Requirements

This is available for application administrators.

Transfer Message Templates to Production

Message templates can now be transferred to production so they can be used with supported processes, such as Orchestration.

Message templates created in stage to work with Orchestration flows, can now be transferred to production without the need to recreate the message templates in production and reattach to Orchestration.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Access Requirements

The following roles can manage message templates:

  • Sales Administrator
  • Application Implementation Consultant
  • Customer Relationship Management Application Adminstrator

Assign Functional Privileges to Users of Sales Intelligence

You can assign new functional privileges to users who need to view sales intelligence features. You can use the new privileges to secure user access to:

  • Sales recommendations
  • Sales insights
  • Similar accounts and
  • Similar records as outcome of sales machine learning models

Sales administrators can now control access to sales intelligence features and assign required privileges to select users who need to use these features.

Steps to Enable

  1. Sales administrators can access task 'Enable Sales Intelligence' from Setup and Maintenance.
  2. Follow the guided process on self service onboarding to enable required sales intelligence features
  3. Ensure that you provide required privileges to any custom user roles who need to view sales intelligence features.

Access Requirements

Assign below functional privileges to users who need to view sales intelligence features

1. View Sales Recommendation privilege - for viewing sales recommendations

2. View Sales Insights privilege - for viewing sales insights

3. View Similar records privilege - for viewing similar accounts and any similar records resulting from custom sales machine learning models

Migrate Saved Searches between environments using Saved Search Number

You can now migrate saved searches between your test and production pods using REST services. REST uses the saved search number to migrate a saved search from one environment to another without losing the reference to the saved search. Keeping the reference the same across environments allows other areas of your sales application such as the Sales Dashboard to be migrated without any reference changes.

Allows migration of saved searches between test and production pods using REST services. 

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Refer to documentation to find detailed steps to perform the export and import of the saved searches 

Navigation Pattern enhancement to support drilling down to the Activity Stream from other parts of the sales application.

This feature will provide the framework support to allow sales reps to drill down into activities and communication in the activity stream from different parts of the sales application for example the My Activities List or from the bell Notifications. Sales reps will be able to drill down to the relevant activity in the activities stream from the Activity Foldout Panel using this feature.

This feature would improve the usability hence it would boost the productivity of the sales person

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  1. The Activity Feed Feature must be enabled in the NextGen Sales and the Activity feed subview must be available for the drill-down to be successful. 
  2. Users cannot drill-down to any custom Activities Subview for an Object using this feature. 

Create Routines for Additional Objects and Select from Expanded List of Email Recipients

You can now create routines for custom child objects and conversation messages. Also, for routines that send emails, you now have the option of selecting from an expanded list of recipients to add to your email messages. For example, in addition to those names listed on the record, you might want to email the owner manager, account owner and all team members, or include team members by function.

  • Expanded support for objects so sales administrations can create routines to update custom child objects and close activities associated to conversation messages.
  • Expanded email support so sales administrators can include recipients beyond those listed directly on the record. For example, account owner, team members and managers.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Access Requirements

The following roles can manage routines:

  • Sales Administrator
  • Application Implementation Consultant
  • Customer Relationship Management Application Adminstrator


Use Orchestration to Optimize Access Group Assignment

The Perform Object Sharing Rule Assignment Processing scheduled process now runs based on Oracle’s Sales Orchestration intelligence, in the form of an automatic scheduled process that runs every hour.

Orchestration triggers the assignment process based on some logical conditions. Here are the conditions that trigger the assignment process:

The object:

  • Is enabled to use access groups
  • Has at least 1 record in the transactional table
  • Doesn’t have the assignment process currently running for it
  • Doesn’t have a manual schedule set up for the assignment process that was created in the past 24 hours

The Orchestration process, named Evaluate Access Group Orchestration, only triggers the Perform Object Sharing Rule Assignment Processing scheduled process automatically if it meets these conditions.

If needed, you can still run the process on demand for specific objects. If you want to run the process more frequently -- such as in less than one-hour intervals -- then you can update the default frequency to meet your needs rather than creating a manual schedule.

This enhancement:

  • Prevents the flooding of processes in the system and avoids stuck processes.
  • Provides an easy way for you to update the default frequency for each object according to your business needs.
  • Optimizes the scheduled processes in the system, thereby saving server resources.
  • Empowers security managers to quickly migrate to access groups.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • In previous releases, the assignment process ran automatically every 6 hours for an object if it's supported by near real-time access. (Near real-time is available for objects that support signals.) For objects that didn’t support near real-time access, the assignment process automatically ran every hour.
  • For objects that use near real-time access, users get access in near real-time. For objects that don’t have near real-time access, users need to wait until the next automatic schedule process runs to get access Or you can run the process on demand to get access quickly

Steps to update the default frequency

While this feature is enabled by default, if you want to update the default frequency of 1 hour for any object, you can. Here’s how:

  1. Navigate to Tools > Sales and Service Access Management > Access Groups > Monitor.
  2. In the Perform Object Sharing Assignment subtab, in the Process Scheduling section:
  • In the Object field, select the object you want to update the frequency for.
  • In the Frequency field, in minutes, set how often you want the assignment process to run. Note that the frequency needs to be in at least 15-minute increments.
  • Click Update to update the next scheduled run and all further schedules according to the latest frequency that was set.

If you want to run the process on demand or immediately:

  1. To run the process immediately, select the object and click Start Process.
  2. To view the log file, navigate to the list of scheduled processes and click the log file link. There you can see the object that you scheduled to refresh, as well as the process ID.

IMPORTANT: If you schedule the process manually to run for an object, then the Orchestration involvement ends for that object. Instead, the manual schedule that you have introduced will always be used in the future. We recommend using the Orchestration framework for performance benefits and as much possible avoid the manual schedule. Reach out to Oracle Support to enable the Orchestration involvement again.

Additional Tips and Considerations

  • With this update, all existing default schedules submitted by the system automatically via the Publish process are cancelled.
  • This change applies to both new and existing customers using access groups. Note: For existing customers, any custom schedules will continue as is and the Orchestration job does not apply to those objects.
  • Near real-time processing is now enabled by default for objects on access groups.
  • The automatic assignment process updates all records since the process was last run.
  • If the automatic process errors out, it reruns during the next scheduled run.
  • The profile option, Real-Time Transaction Tracking Enabled (ORA_ZCA_TRANSACTION_TRACKING_ENABLED), to enable real-time processing no longer applies.

Sales Automation Foundation Common

Sales Analytics

Application Usage Analyses Displayed by Default in Application Usage Insights

Analyses embedded within the Application Usage dashboard tab in Application Usage Insights now display by default regardless of the ORA_ZCA_CH_DISABLE profile option value. If the ORA_ZCA_CH_DISABLE profile option is set to Yes then only the analyses embedded within the Page Views dashboard tab are not displayed. Note the Applications Usage dashboard tab was formerly named Objects, and the Page Views tab was formerly named Sessions.

The ORA_ZCA_CH_DISABLE profile option value impacts only the processing of data underlying analyses on the Page Views tab. It does not impact data underlying analyses on the Application Usage tab. Therefore users automatically have access to analyses on the Application Usage tabs regardless of the profile option setting.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

To see analyses on the Page Views tab, set the ORA_ZCA_CH_DISABLE profile option to No.

Access Requirements

Sales Manager

Sales Administrator

Sales Force Automation

Enterprise Contracts

Display Header and Footer on Downloaded Word Document

You can add images, logos, and contract attributes such as the contract number, contract type, party name and so on, to the header or footer of your layout template. Content you've added to the header and footer is displayed when you download the contract to Microsoft Word in DOCX format.

Display Header and Footer on Downloaded Word Document

Here are some examples of content you can add to the header or footer:

  • Attributes such as the contract number, contract type, party name
  • Descriptive flexfield values
  • Logos or images, in PNG or JPEG format
  • Tables

This improves the consistency of the contract when viewed across different formats such as RTF, Word, or PDF, and provides contextual information to easily identify to which contract the document relates.

Steps to Enable

Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

Offering: Enterprise Contracts

Tips And Considerations

This feature aims to improve consistency across the contract formats, so bear in mind that any new content that you choose to add to the header or footer layout to be displayed in the downloaded Word document will also be reflected in the PDF preview since they use the same layout template.

Next Gen Sales User Experience

Use custom verbs and synonyms for object and field names in action bar suggestions

Enhanced API to support adding custom verbs, nouns and corresponding synonyms. With this, customers can define custom verbs or synonyms that action bar uses to provide more precise suggestions.

With the ability to manage synonyms for verbs and object names, action bar can better match keywords the user types when working with Next Generation Sales application object overview pages. 

Steps to Enable

Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides to leverage (available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > APIs & Schema). If you are new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.

  1. Use any REST Client like postman or curl
  2. use the api as described
  3. Use Post for adding a new keyword root and it's synonym. Patch for updating an existing keyword root and synonyms
  4. Set the body of the payload as follows


"KeywordRoot":"Service Request",






Here Keyword Root is a new root keyword for which you would like to set synonyms.

TokenString are the synonyms you would like to set for the keyword root. 

In the example above, there's a new keyword root created for "Service Request" with it's synonyms as "SR" or "Ticket"

Tips And Considerations

  1. Use the API to Get all synonyms if you would like to review custom or out of box keyword roots and their synonyms
  2. If you would like to set synonyms in different languages, set Accept-Language header when invoking the api for specific language with the values in the body set to strings in that language.

Expanded Access to Next Gen Sales User Experience

The Next Gen Sales User Experience is automatically exposed and available to new customers beginning with the 23C release. Existing customers not already using the Next Gen Sales User Experience can opt-in to expose it. Existing customers already using the Next Gen Sales User Experience will access it the same manner they already are, with no change.

All customers are now able to access and benefit from the Next Gen Sales User Experience.

Steps to Enable

For customers who are not on Next Gen Sales, the following steps need to be followed to enable this feature

Steps to enable Next Gen Sales:

  1. Click on the user profile icon (while in the homepage) and navigate to 'Setup and Maintenance' in the Administration section
  2. Choose the offering 'Sales' in the set up option and select 'Change Feature Opt-in'
  3. For the Sales root node, click on the pencil icon
  4. For the feature Digital Sales Next Gen UI, select the Enable checkbox and click 'Done'
  5. Once changes are applied, the Digital Sales menu item should be available from the application menu

For customers who are already using Next Gen Sales and new customers starting their subscription from 23C onwards, no set up is required. Next Gen Sales can be accessed directly from the application menu.

Tips And Considerations

In the past, a special code was required to access Next Gen Sales. This requirement is now removed in the 23C release.

Common Product Administration, Product Bundling and Product Launch

Comprehensive product administration and product pricing capabilities are supported in Redwood Sales, including a the ability to create, price, manage and launch standard products and product bundles with a unified user experience using Oracle Sales and Oracle CPQ capabilities. This feature introduces support for product bundles, including hierarchical bundle structures with components such as one-time product purchases, related services such as training or installation, related subscriptions such as service level agreements or maintenance, extended warranties, and more. Pricing for each bundle component is supported leveraging Oracle CPQ’s advanced pricing capabilities to support the most competitive overall product bundle price.

This feature enables organizations to offer both standard products and sophisticated product bundles to market which are easy to create, administer and launch with the advanced user experience. Administrators can easily bundle hierarchically-related product components together into competitively priced solution bundles, empowering sales users to sell product packages as turnkey solutions aligned with the complete solutions customers want to buy.

Steps to Enable

Follow the prerequisite setups and configuration steps below to enable product administration and product launch.

  1. Product admin user must be a part of Sales Admin or Sales Product Manager security access, and should have View Products, Launch Products and Retire Products privileges.
  2. Product admin user must have access to Create, Edit, Copy, Add Predefined Templates actions in PIM using Setup and Maintenance Task Manage Item classes > Root Item Class > Templates and Formats > Item Templates.
  3. Product admin user must have privilege to View Item Structure and Manage Item Structure actions in PIM using Setup and Maintenance Task Manage Item classes > Root Item Class > Security > Principal (Group) > Sales Administrator Actions
  4. Setup profile option ORA_QSC_SELECT_PIM_TEMPLATES: Site=No using Manage Administrator Profile Values or Manage Product Group Profile Option Values Setup and Maintenance Task to enable Product Template mapping from Application Composer.
  5. To make the selected list of product templates available, setup Product Template from Application Composer and map the required Item Templates from PIM with user-friendly names (e.g. Finished Goods > Standard Product, PTO > Bundle, PTO Options > Bundle Options) for the product admin to create sales products.
  6. Configure Adaptive Search for product object to make "Sales Product Type Code", "Launch Status" and "Structure Item Type" fields checked for "Display in UI" and "Enable for Group By".
  7. This step is required for customers using the Oracle CPQ integration. Set up CPQ CX In: Parameter Name ( i.e. Define Product price) and Value using Manage Oracle CX Sales to Oracle CPQ Cloud Integration Setup and Maintenance Task to enable product pricing with in the common product administration UI. To learn more about this integration, visit Overview of the Oracle CX Sales and Oracle CPQ Integration.

Note: This feature is designed to be used with the Oracle CPQ integration. The feature may be used without the Oracle CPQ integration in a more limited manner however, use of the Oracle CPQ integration provides the greatest benefits.

  • If the Oracle CPQ integration is used, then products can be priced and launched in addition to being created and managed. Once launched, they are available for sales team to leverage in deals, including pricing information.
  • If the Oracle CPQ integration is not used, then products cannot be priced or launched. However, they can be priced using Oracle Sales Price Book and made available in Oracle Sales by setting "Eligible to Sell" attribute to “Yes” in the product definition. CPQ pricing information will not appear however.

Tips And Considerations

This feature allows you to price your product competitively within Oracle Sales leveraging CPQ pricing capabilities in a single, unified administration flow, offering a streamlined user experience.

Example hybrid product bundle scenario:

Product administrator receives details from a product strategy group to launch a Supremo Power Generation Package product bundle offering for High-tech Industry. The new bundle needs to be launched speedily to enable Sales rep start selling the competitively priced bundle items as turnkey solution inline to what customer want to buy.

  • Power generation Package (bundle)  
    • Hybrid Fuel Generator (goods)
    • PowerCare Commercial Power Monitoring Service (subscription)
    • Generator Controller Panel - Standard (goods option)
      • Controller Panel - Basic (goods)
      • Controller Panel - Advanced (goods)

Steps to Create Product, Price and Launch :

  • Product admin uses common product menu under Digital Sales as entry point.
  • Product admin can personalize product list view using for better management of the product definition, pricing and launch activity. Saved Search, Group By and Adaptive search features are enabled to configure personalize product list view and deliver unified experience for product administration.
  • Create Product action to define product.
  • You need to have the component products created and available before you start defining a product bundle.
  • Choose pre-configured product template to create either Standard Product, Bundle or a Bundle Option.
  • Specify Sales Product type as Goods, Subscription or Extended Warranty to support respective business functions is Sales flow.
  • Newly defined product is saved in draft status for admin to resume editing anytime.
  • Design the example product bundle in draft status, so that that the design can be reviewed and committed i.e.created status.
  • On finalization of the example product bundle, price action gets enabled for the product to perform product pricing (requires CX Sales to CPQ Integration setup).
  • On completion of pricing the launch status becomes priced and launch action gets enabled to review product pricing and launch the product.
  • Once launched, the launch status becomes launched and the product need to be added to the respective product group in Sales catalog.
  • Once the product is added in Sales Catalog it will be available for Sales users to include in the Sales flow.

Note:Opportunity Line Items

  • A product bundle added to opportunity will appear as a single Opportunity line item, however the related component pricing breakdown for the bundle will not be exposed. One Opportunity line item will appear per product bundle.
  • Each individual component of the product bundle will not appear as a separate Opportunity line item. One Opportunity line item will be displayed for the entire product bundle.

Key Resources

See the "Products" chapter in the Implementing Sales guide.

Access Requirements

Sales Administrator or Sales Product Manager persona users or anyone who are assigned a custom role that contains these privileges can access this feature:

  • Manage Products (QSC_MANAGE_PRODUCTS_PRIV)
    • View Products (QSC_VIEW_PRODUCTS_PRIV)
    • Launch Products (QSC_LAUNCH_PRODUCTS_PRIV)
    • Retire Products (QSC_RETIRE_PRODUCTS_PRIV)
  • Manage Product Groups (QSC_MANAGE_PRODUCT_GROUPS_PRIV)

Forecast in Next Gen Sales User Experience

Next Gen Sales modern and intuitive user experience offers sales managers real-time visibility into forecasts and the ability to make summary and line-item adjustments, fostering effective collaboration and communication within sales teams. A key feature is the highly interactive drag-and-drop functionality, which allows managers to swiftly apply executive judgment and improve forecast accuracy.

Sales Manager Forecast Summary

Sales Manager Forecast Adjustment for Sales Representative

Sales Manager Forecast Adjustment for Sales Representative

As a sales manager, you can work with your sales representatives on your team to:

  • View the Best Case opportunities or the ones they have already Committed to close
    • This allows you to forecast and evaluate the coaching team members may need to ensure the opportunities progress and ultimately are won.
  • View the expected revenue, and view and adjust the sales quota.
    • Depending on factors such as historical date or the experience of your sales members, you can adjust expected revenue figures accordingly to ensure that they represent a realistic view of the sales pipeline.
  • Easily make line-item adjustments using the drag and drop feature to move opportunity records between Committed or Best Case, or vise versa. Alternatively, sales managers can adjust the forecast category within the opportunity summary. The relevant adjustment metrics are reflected accordingly, and are visible to the sales manager and their management chain.

Steps to Enable

You can enable Next Gen Sales Forecasting by scheduling the process: Generate Sales Forecast Metrics. Submit the process to run as soon as possible and do not enter any parameter values. The process calculates the sales forecasting metrics for the current active and next period.

Privileges Required

Verify that you have the following privilege associated with a custom job role to be able to setup this feature:

  • Setup Sales Forecasting from Digital Sales (ZSF_SETUP_DIGITAL_SALES_FORECAST)

This will setup sales forecasting based on opportunity owner and rolling up the reporting hierarchy. Contact Oracle Support if you wish to setup sales forecasting based on revenue lines and rolling up the territory hierarchy. 

Tips And Considerations

The following forecasting parameters are available by default for Digital Sales users:

Forecast Period Type: Indicates the type of period for which forecasting is performed. This also drives the periods for which metrics are generated.

  • Parameter Name = FORECAST_PERIOD_TYPE
  • Valid values include:
    • Quarter (Default)
    • Year
    • Fiscal

Use the salesForecastParameters REST service to change the default value.

Active Periods: Identifies the number of active periods. These are the periods displayed in the period drop down in the forecasting pages. The default value is 2.

  • Parameter Name = ACTIVE_PERIODS
  • Valid values include:
    • Minimum: 1
    • Maximum: Any

Use the salesForecastParameters REST service to change the default value.

Forecast Type: This is the type of forecast and determines the default data sources for the forecast.

  • Parameter Name = ACTIVE_METRIC_SOURCE
  • Valid values include:
    • Forecast by Opportunity Owner (Default)

Sales Forecast Metrics: The following sales forecasting metrics are calculated based on available opportunities:

  • Best Case - Opportunities with an Open Status and Win Probability between 40 and 59
  • Commit - Opportunities with an Open Status and Win Probability between  60 and 99
  • Expected Revenue - Sum of the Commit and Won forecasted opportunities
  • Unforecasted - Opportunities with an Open Status and Win Probability between 0 and 39
  • Won - Opportunity with a Won Status

Forecast Measurement: The single measurement option used for forecast items and summaries. The default value is Amount.

Fields shown for each Opportunity in the forecast:

  • Account Name (City, Country)
  • Opportunity Name
  • Amount (sum of all opportunity revenue line amounts)
  • Close Date

Key Resources

  • "Forecasting" chapter in the Implementing Sales guide
  • "Opportunities" chapter in the Using Digital Sales guide

Access Requirements

Users who are assigned a custom role that contains these privileges can access this feature:

  • View Sales Forecast Metrics from Digital Sales (ZSF_VIEW_DIGITAL_SALES_FORECAST_METRICS_PRIV)
  • Manage Sales Forecast Quotas from Digital Sales (ZSF_MANAGE_DIGITAL_SALES_FORECAST_QUOTAS_PRIV)

Customer Data Management

Microsoft 365 Integration for Oracle Sales Redwood User Experience

The Microsoft 365 integration for Oracle Sales Redwood User Experience (Redwood UX) is now generally available in 23C.

Microsoft 365 integration for Oracle Sales Redwood UX consists of the next generation Oracle Sales for Outlook add-in and sync capabilities.

The Oracle Sales for Outlook add-in is redesigned for a prescriptive approach to cater and focus on what is relevant for the Microsoft Outlook channel:

  • Provides complete sales information relevant to sales reps' Outlook meetings and emails
  • Actionable summary and insights allows sales reps to prepare for their day
  • New task-oriented flows adds value for the sales reps as they go about their daily activities, such as following up on an appointment
  • Guided first run experience and tooltips helps sales reps with using the add-in
  • Utilizes OAuth for users to stay signed in longer based on the company's policy

Video Demonstration: Introduction to the Oracle Sales for Outlook add-in

The Redwood UX sync has enhancements to improve the sync experience while continuing to support the existing sync capabilities such as bi-directional appointments, contacts, and tasks sync between Sales and Exchange, as well as auto sync of business relevant appointments:

  • Utilizes Workspace saved searches or sync of appointments, tasks, and contacts from Sales to Exchange
  • Set default Workspace saved searches across the organization
  • Allow sales reps to set their preferred saved searches for sync
  • Allow sales reps to set the ‘Shared with Oracle’ category in Outlook to share an email to Sales. Emails are shared as conversation messages and any responses can also be automatically shared

Setup and administration is easy whether you are new to the Microsoft 365 integration for Oracle Sales Redwood UX or if you are already using the existing CX Sales for Microsoft 365 integration. With Microsoft 365 integration for Oracle Sales Redwood UX, we provide:

  • A new guided Oracle Sales for Outlook tool in Application Composer to help you with setup and sync settings
  • Simplified sync configurations, and if you are already using the existing integration, some settings will be automatically set for you based on your existing sync configurations
  • Out of the box predefined layouts for you to get started for the Oracle Sales for Outlook add-in,
  • Ability to tailor the layouts for your add-in with the Oracle Sales Outlook Composer in application composer, including an import feature to migrate customizations from existing CX Sales for Microsoft 365 add-in or from CX Sales Mobile app

Video Demonstration: Overview of the setup and configurations for the Microsoft 365 integration for Oracle Sales Redwood UX

The Microsoft 365 integration for Oracle Sales Redwood UX provides improved user experience and functionality. The Microsoft Outlook add-in focuses on what is relevant to Microsoft Outlook and provides insights for success, as well as a new modernize user experience. Synchronization between Microsoft Exchange and Oracle Sales allows interactions and activities to be captured into Sales and Sales data to be available in Outlook.

Steps to Enable

  1. Set up an application in Microsoft Azure.
  2. Set up the Microsoft application information in Oracle Sales and generate the Microsoft 365 manifest file to deploy in Microsoft.
  3. Deploy the add-in in Microsoft.
  4. Review and update synchronization settings, if needed.
  5. Schedule the synchronization processes: Microsoft 365 Standard Sync Job, Microsoft 365 Instant Sync Job, and Microsoft 365 Token Refresh Job.

To improve end users experience, we recommend to set up the following:

  1. Enable Application Permissions so sync can continue without users re-authenticating to the add-in every 90 days.
  2. Let users stay signed in to the add-in by enabling OAuth Authorization Tokens for the integration.

Tips And Considerations

  • Customers who are newly deploying this integration:

    • Follow the setup steps above, and note the following:

      • The sync settings are defaulted for you in the new sync configuration page. You can review the settings by going to the Application Composer > Productivity Applications Configurations > Oracle Sales for Outlook tool's sync configuration page and update as necessary

      • Don't connect a single Microsoft email account to two instances of the Sales application. This can cause data to get cross-synchronized between the two Sales application instances

      • Check the best practices for the integration in the Implementing Sales guide

  • Customers who have already deployed the current CX Sales for Microsoft 365 integration:

    • Follow the setup steps above, and note the following:

      • The sync settings from the existing Manage Microsoft 365 setup task will be copied over to the new sync configuration page. You can review the settings by going to the Application Composer > Productivity Applications Configurations > Oracle Sales for Outlook tool's sync configuration page and update as necessary

      • Sync settings have been simplified for improved sync experience. Certain sync settings from the existing integration are no longer relevant and will not appear in the new sync configuration page

      • You do not need to reschedule the Microsoft 365 synchronization processes

    • For your UAT or pilot testing, you can deploy the Oracle Sales for Outlook add-in along side the current CX Sales for Microsoft 365 add-in, however, we recommend you do not enable both add-ins for your end-users
  • If you have already configured layouts in CX Sales Mobile, or previously for the current CX Sales for Microsoft 365 add-in, you can simply import the layouts to this integration

Key Resources

See the Microsoft 365 for Redwood UX chapter in the Implementing Sales guide.

Access Requirements

  • Sales Administrator