Update 23D
Revision History
This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:
Date | Module | Feature | Notes |
29 MAR 2024 | Customer Data Management |
View All Opportunities from Duplicate Accounts While Within the Main Sales Account in Redwood | Updated document. Revised feature information. |
11 DEC 2023 | Enterprise Contracts | Configure Contract Approval Notifications | Updated document. Revised feature information. |
24 OCT 2023 | Application Composer |
Dispatcher Service to Override the Destination of Dynamic Choice List Links |
Updated document. Delivered new feature in update 23D. |
24 OCT 2023 |
Application Composer |
Updated document. Delivered new feature in update 23D. |
24 OCT 2023 |
CRM Common Components |
Include Related Record Information as Nested Data for Sales Machine Learning |
Updated document. Delivered new feature in update 23D. |
24 OCT 2023 |
Redwood User Experience |
Updated document. Delivered new feature in update 23D. |
08 SEP 2023 | Created initial document. |
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The information contained in this document may include statements about Oracle’s product development plans. Many factors can materially affect Oracle’s product development plans and the nature and timing of future product releases. Accordingly, this Information is provided to you solely for information only, is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.
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Feature Summary
Column Definitions:
Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.
UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.
UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.
Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.
Ready for Use by End Users Reports plus Small Scale UI or Process-Based new features will have minimal user impact after an update. Therefore, customer acceptance testing should focus on the Larger Scale UI or Process-Based* new features. |
Customer Must Take Action before Use by End Users Not disruptive as action is required to make these features ready to use. As you selectively choose to leverage, you set your test and roll out timing. |
Feature |
Report |
UI or |
UI or |
Include Related Record Information as Nested Data for Sales Machine Learning |
Dispatcher Service to Override the Destination of Dynamic Choice List Links |
Find Items more Easily with Filtered Account and Contact Dynamic Choice Lists |
Capture Emails sent from CX Sales Mobile Using Microsoft Exchange Integration |
Standard Import Management for the Linkage of Sales Accounts to Financials Accounts |
View All Opportunities from Duplicate Accounts While Within the Main Sales Account in Redwood |
Provide a Summary of Calls to Log, Allowing Users to Enter Meeting Notes and Outcome |
Sales Automation Core Common
CRM Common Components
Use Object Functions in Routines
You can now create custom smart actions for use in Routines. With this feature you can perform custom processes in routines, such as API or object function calls.
Smart actions allow you to perform custom processing in routines. For example, you can create routines that call object functions that use smart actions for more complex processes such as closing open activities when a sales lead is closed. You can also use REST-based smart actions for custom actions such as retiring leads when a custom field is updated to a specific value.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
Access Requirements
The following roles can manage routines:
- Sales Administrator
- Application Implementation Consultant
- Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator
Include Related Record Information as Nested Data for Sales Machine Learning
Sales Machine Learning models now supports related record information as nested data. Nested data allows you to represent a collection of values. For example, you can now build models for predicting outcomes for an opportunity and include opportunity products as one of the features.
Nested data support allows you to bring in features based on related records such as opportunity revenue lines, account contacts, opportunity competitors, lead contacts and so on. You can also include data from custom child objects as nested data for your models.
Customers can build and deploy their own models to meet their business or industry specific use cases. With nested data support, customers can build sales machine learning predictions that take into account factors that are represented as series of data in related record. This allows users to build from simple to complex models with support for bringing related record information.
Steps to Enable
- Navigate to Setup and Maintenance > Intelligence in Sales > Configure Sales Machine Learning
- Create a model by either duplicating system generated record or by using create button
- Follow step by step guided flow to build and deploy the model
- Use storage of prediction outcome in custom attribute for models that predict outcomes
- Use REST service endpoint to fetch results for models that identify similar records
- Add the outcomes of machine learning models to end user UI using custom attributes or REST endpoint
Tips And Considerations
- Use nested data when you want to bring related record information as a series or collection of data. For example products sold on opportunity or contact job titles associated with an account.
- Try to use only key attributes from related records to ensure optimum results from machine learning. Using unimportant attributes may result in poor outcomes from machine learning models.
- If you need to bring related record summary information, utilise Rollups instead of nested data. For example, if you want to consider number of completed activities, time since last activity or number of active contacts, it is better to utilise Rollups for the purpose.
Access Requirements
You require following privilege to build and deploy sales machine learning models. There is no additional access requirement for using nested data as part of the models
- Manage Sales Machine Learning
Get Near Real-Time Access to Custom Object Data
This feature enables sales users to get access in near real-time (NRT) for custom object records, where access is secured as part of team member, team hierarchy, territory, or territory hierarchy. Before this feature enhancement, sales users needed to wait until the next scheduled access group assignment job to run, or they had to run the job on demand, to get the access.
NOTE: This enhancement applies to customers who are using the Access Groups security framework to define their data security.
This feature:
- Reduces the need to run Access Group assignment jobs on demand.
- You can schedule the Access Group assignment jobs for custom objects with less frequency. This reduces the number of jobs running and in turn improves performance.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
If you're using access groups and have already enabled team-based or territory-based access for custom objects, then there are no additional steps required to enable this feature. This feature is automatically applied when you upgrade to Update 23D.
If you're new to access groups and want to enable team-based or territory-based access for custom objects, then you need to perform few configuration steps to enable this feature. You can find the details in the Securing Sales and Fusion Service guide in the Access Groups chapter, in the section, Custom Objects and Access Group Security.
High-Level Steps to Enable the Territory-Based Access for Custom Objects
The team-based steps are in the guide, in the topic, Enable Team-Based Access to Custom Objects. Here are the high-level steps for territory-based access for custom objects:
- Create a dynamic choice list (DCL) field on your custom object using Sales Territory as the Related Object and Territory Name as the Display Value.
- Expose the DCL field create in step 1 in the UI on the pages you want it to appear on.
- Click the Security node and:
- Enable Access Group Security.
- Check the 'Configure Territory for Access Group Security' and select the DCL you created in step 1.
- Configure functional security, i.e., mention the roles that you want to give access to for the custom object.
- Publish the sandbox.
- Navigate to Sales and Service Access Management (SAM) work area under Navigator > Tools.
- In the SAM UI, click on Object Rules in the Configure Groups tab.
- Under Actions, select the option Synchronize Custom Objects and Fields and run the job so that your custom object can be displayed in the objects LOV.
- Sign out of the application and sign in.
- Upon job completion, navigate to Configure Groups > Object rules in the SAM UI. Select the custom object from the objects list and activate the territory rules in it according to your business need.
- Associate the activated rules in step 8 with the access group (associate the rules with the group corresponding to the same role you added in step 3c).
- Click Actions > Publish.
CX Foundation
Ability to Log Interactions from an Activity Record
Enables the users to log interactions for appointments and tasks in Redwood Sales. Users can capture the meeting minutes / meeting details for an appointment that occurs in offline channels outside the application such as in-person meetings, or non-integrated web conference calls, and directly store them in the application linking the interaction with the appointment or task.
Helps the users to centrally track all communications from both Integrated and non-integrated channels and associate them with activities in Redwood Sales i.e., interactions can be mapped with the corresponding appointments
Steps to Enable
This functionality is available in Redwood Sales only.
Enabling the smart action:
The 'Log an Interaction' smart action for activities is hidden by default but you can make it available to your users through Application Composer.
Here's how to enable the 'Log an Interaction' smart action
- Sign in as a Sales Administrator or as a setup user.
- Activate a sandbox.
- Navigate to Application Composer, in the Configuration category.
- In the navigation tree, expand 'Common Setup' and click on 'Smart actions'
- Enable 'Log an Interaction' smart action for Activity object.
- If the action needs to be available from the Activity list page, Click on the duplicate smart action button.
- Once the smart action is duplicated
- Test the changes: Navigate to Redwood Sales > Account/Lead/Contact/Opportunity and select the action list of an activity and click on 'Log an Interaction'. The form will be displayed in the drawer.
- To test is Activity list page, navigate to Redwood Sales > Activity List page and select the action list of an activity and click on 'Log an Interaction'. The form will be displayed in the drawer.
- Publish the sandbox
Tips And Considerations
The functionality is only available in the Redwood Sales.
Points to consider:
- Only channels that are created with purpose 'Sales' & 'All' will be displayed in the channel drop-down of the 'Log an Interaction' form
- If the channel type is email, then the channel will not be available in the form
Access Requirements
Sales Representative
Application Composer
Dispatcher Service to Override the Destination of Dynamic Choice List Links
You can override the destination of a dynamic choice list (DCL) field using the dispatcher service. The override can be global or conditional based on the logged-in user's role.
The override can be configured to take effect anywhere the DCL field is displayed or only on certain application pages. In addition, this service will also allow you to override the destination when you drill down from a list page to a details page.
Suppose you are creating a simple custom object with only an edit page. In that case, you can create a dispatcher rule to navigate the user to the custom object edit page every time a user clicks on a DCL link of the custom object.
Or lets say you find out that your sales representatives always go to the opportunity activity page when they drill down on an opportunity. You can create a dispatcher rule to do just that for your sales representatives.
Steps to Enable
Leverage Application Composer to expose and adjust page layout and attributes. To learn more about extending your application using Application Composer, visit Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Configuration and Extension.
Enable Dispatcher
- Navigate to Functional Setup Manager
- Search and Navigate to Manage Profile Options task
- Create a new profile option with the following values
- Profile Display Name = Any value you would like, such as Enable Dispatcher Rules
- Application = CX Fragments
- Module = CX Fragments
- Save and Close.
- In the subsequent page make sure that you select the Enabled and Updatable check box for the Site level. Click Save and Close.
Create Profile Option
- Next, search and navigate to the Manage Administrator Profile Values task
- Search for the CXF_ENABLE_DISPATCHER_RULES Profile Option
- Set the profile option value to Yes and Save.
- Now, Navigate to Application Composer
- Make sure that you are not in a sandbox
- Under Common Setup you should see a link to Dispatcher.
- You can create dispatcher navigation rules by clicking on this link.
Access Requirements
You can use any user that has one of the following roles: Application Implementation Consultant, Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator or Sales Administrator
If your user has a custom role, then make sure the users role has Manage Dispatcher Rules (ZCA_MANAGE_DISPATCHER_RULES_PRIV) privilege.
Generate Custom Object pages for Redwood UI using fragments
Generate Custom Object pages for Redwood UI using fragments. List, create, detail, and edit pages are generated. Panel and sub view for a child object can be added.
Admin can create default pages for custom object.
Steps to Enable
Leverage Application Composer to expose and adjust page layout and attributes. To learn more about extending your application using Application Composer, visit Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Configuration and Extension.
Customer Center
23D Redwood Sales Upgrade Steps for Contact Foldout
As an improvement to the consistency and layout of the Contacts landing page (the Foldout), the 23D release will be changing which object is displaying in the panel and subview for Campaigns.
This change ensures structural consistency across the application, which gives users a better experience in current and future revisions.
Steps to Enable
Leverage the Visual Builder Studio to expose your applications. To learn more about extending your application using Visual Builder, visit Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Configuration and Extension.
In contacts-detail-page-x.json:
- Replace "campaignMembersPanel" with "campaignsPanel"
- Replace campaignMembersPanelTemplate with campaignsPanelTemplate
- Replace "campaignMembers" with "campaigns"
- Replace campaignMembersSubviewTemplate with campaignsSubviewTemplate
Key Resources
More details about this change are available on our Customer Connect article.
Sales Automation Foundation Common
CX Sales Mobile
Find Items more Easily with Filtered Account and Contact Dynamic Choice Lists
In CX Sales Mobile, Dynamic Choice List fields that are added to Accounts or Contacts objects now honor simple and non-conditional advanced filter criteria. In addition, these kinds filter criteria are honored for Dynamic Choice Lists that reference Account and Contact as a related object.
Configuration and Mobile Experience Demo
Improve data integrity by governing Account and Contact field value choices.
Increase productivity in the field by allowing sales users to quickly update items that reference limited sets of Accounts and Contacts.
Steps to Enable
Leverage Application Composer to expose and adjust page layout and attributes. To learn more about extending your application using Application Composer, visit Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Configuration and Extension.
- In Application Composer, Create a filtered Dynamic Choice List (DCL) field that meets one of the following criteria:
- References the Account or Contact object and uses a supported field as the Search Field.
- Is created on the Account or Contact object and uses a supported field as a Bind Variable.
- In Mobile Application Setup, select the object to which the DCL was created under Application Features.
- Choose the Edit view and either clone the Standard Layout or choose a custom layout that has already been created.
- Under the edit page preview, select Add Field and choose the newly created DCL field.
- Select the pencil icon in the upper left corner of the field box.
- Ensure Use Filter Criteria and Show List by Default are both enabled, then select Ok
- Optionally add the DCL to other object views and layouts.
- Publish the sandbox.
Tips And Considerations
- CX Sales Mobile Dynamic Choice Lists support Simple Filters and Advanced Filters that use simple Bind Variables.
- Supported Search Fields and Bind Variables for this feature include all custom fields and select pre-built fields.
Key Resources
Sales Administrator
Sales Representative
Capture Emails sent from CX Sales Mobile Using Microsoft Exchange Integration
Enable automatic capture of emails initiated from the CX Sales mobile app and any responses from the email recipients by using Microsoft Exchange integration. Salespeople can view the email sent from the app and all responses to the email as a conversation thread in the activity stream of related sales records.
- Save time by automatically capturing Email interactions
- Easily track the context of previous conversations and help account teams stay informed.
Steps to Enable
Leverage Application Composer to expose and adjust page layout and attributes. To learn more about extending your application using Application Composer, visit Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Configuration and Extension.
- Navigate to Application Composer and click Mobile Application Setup.
- Click Settings in the Application Features pane and expand the Email Settings menu.
- Enable Capture Emails using Exchange Integrations
Tips And Considerations
Ensure Exchange email integration for Digital Sales setup is completed properly before enabling this feature
Key Resources
- See the "CX Sales Mobile" section in the "Mobile Applications" chapter in the Implementing Sales guide,
- Also refer to the Exchange email integration for Digital Sales chapter in the Implementing Sales guide,
Sales Force Automation
Enterprise Contracts
Configure Contract Approval Notifications
You can configure contract approval notifications to set the content and layout according to your business needs. You can modify the Oracle Business Intelligence (BI) Publisher report using RTF templates for layout changes, and the BI data model for content changes. Here's the list of some of the components that can be configured in the default report:
- Logo: Modify the brand logo in the email notification.
- Body: Add or remove existing attributes or add new tables. This includes standard attributes from any table, Descriptive Flexfields and Application Composer attributes.
- Action buttons: Change the text of the buttons.
- Footer Links: Hide link to the transaction page or workflow notification.
- Style: Change the formatting including font size, color, table borders and so on.
Depending on how you choose to configure your approval notification, you may need to make changes to one or more of the following components: the contract approval RTF template, subtemplate and data model.
Email Notification
You can customize the notification to include additional information relevant to your business which will enable better decision making. You can add logo, modify the format, font, style and color of the attributes to be consistent with the notifications in other Fusion applications.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Enterprise Contracts No Longer Optional From: Update 24D
Tips And Considerations
From 24D onwards the feature is not opt-in controlled and this will be the default functionality available.
Key Resources
- Refer the play book How do I configure contract approval notifications?
- Implementing Enterprise Contracts Guide
Attach Documents When Emailing Contract 
When you use the Email action to send a contract, you can use the Attachments section to attach other documents and send them along with the contract.
Email Contract
You can add attachments by either dragging files to this window or by browsing for the files you'd like to attach.
Attach Documents to Email
Attachments can be of several different file types such as .DOCX, .PDF, .JPG, .PPT, .CSV, .HTML.
You can preview the contract before you send the email using the Preview button. This opens the PDF of the contract in the same way as the Preview action from the Edit Contract page but doesn't include a preview of the documents you've attached to the email.
Sending everything together in a single email helps the recipient get the full context they need to review the contract plus its associated documents, and respond to your email.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Display Approval History from Contract Search 
You can check the approval progress of contracts in Pending approval status directly from the contract search results. From the contracts landing page, Search Contracts by Text, or from the Manage Contracts task, any contracts in Pending approval status will contain a link in the status column.
Pending Approval Link from Search Results
Clicking the Pending approval link opens the Review Approvers page where you can see the approval hierarchy for the contract.
Review Approvers from Pending Approval Link
Using this feature, you can enter search criteria to focus on the right contracts and see where they're stuck and help move them forward.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
You can also monitor approval progress from the Review Approvers column on the Pending Approvals tab on the contracts landing page.
Sales for Microsoft 365
Enable Email Notifications to Users whose Sync Stopped due to Oracle Sales or Microsoft Tokens Expiry
Sales administrators can now enable email notifications to Microsoft 365 for Oracle Sales Redwood UX integration users whose sync stopped due to their Oracle Sales or Microsoft Tokens expiry. The email will notify the user to sign in to the Oracle Sales for Outlook add-in so that sync can resume on its next scheduled run.
This will improve users awareness so that users will know when to re-authenticate into the add-in for sync between Microsoft Exchange and Oracle Sales to resume.
Steps to Enable
- Sign in to the Sales application as a setup user.
Outside of a sandbox, navigate to Configuration > Application Composer.
Navigate to Productivity Applications Setup > Oracle Sales for Outlook.
Click the Sync Configuration step (step 2 in the train) to get to the Sync Configuration page.
- For the User Notification Frequency for Tokens Expiration setting, select an option other than "None".
- If you are using Microsoft Exchange (configured via the Digital Sales Email Options Enabled profile option), then you must enter a from email address in the Email Notification From Address setting. Otherwise, this setting is read-only and the default from email address is used.
Tips And Considerations
- The User Notification Frequency for Tokens Expiration options are:
- None = No email notifications will be sent
- Only Once = An email notification will be sent to the user only when sync first encounters the user's Microsoft or Oracle Sales Token expiry
- Daily = An email notification is sent once a day until the user signs into the add-in
- Weekly = An email notification is sent once every week until the user signs into the add-in
- The email notification is sent to the user's Microsoft email address that is used to sign into the Oracle Sales for Outlook add-in. If the user's Microsoft email address has changed after the last successful log-in to the add-in, then the user will not get the email notification and the user's Microsoft email address needs to be manually updated by the sales administrator via Update User Credentials action in the Microsoft 365 Monitor.
Key Resources
- See the Email Integration chapter in the Implementing Sales Guide for more information about the Email integration feature in Oracle Sales
Access Requirements
- Sales Administrator
Customer Data Management
Provide Context-Driven Object Sub-Views by Including Opportunities from Other Accounts in the Hierarchy Branch
Currently, salespeople can see the list of opportunities that are linked to a single account. With this new feature, users will also be able to overlay and view opportunities for descendant accounts, as well as opportunities from accounts that have been marked as duplicates.
This feature improves the seller experience through increased visibility and efficiency. By allowing salespeople to see not only the opportunities associated directly with a single account, but also those linked to related or child accounts, and even potential duplicate accounts, salespeople can gain a more comprehensive understanding of their sales landscape. This expanded view enables them to identify cross-selling or up-selling opportunities more effectively and make informed decisions about resource allocation. Ultimately, it streamlines their sales process, enhances customer engagement, and increases the potential for revenue growth.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
Use the Refresh Denormalized Data for Account Hierarchy scheduled process to refreshes the denormalized data for the account hierarchy.
Key Resources
- See scheduled process guide: https://docs.oracle.com/en/cloud/saas/sales/fauss/refresh-denormalized-data-for-account-hierarchy.html#u30242023
Standard Import Management for the Linkage of Sales Accounts to Financials Accounts
A customer can now manage the linkage of a sales account to one or more financials accounts through bulk import using the standard import framework.
Customers using account linkage to associate disparate sales and financial accounts can quickly and easily prepare and load high volumes of account links into the application.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Uptake Back-Office/Front-Office Linkset Resolution for Subscription Objects Being Rendered Into the Redwood Account
This feature improves the logic that finds and renders customer subscription products into the sales account. Today, showing subscription products on the sales account relies on a single organization party account with dual usages in CRM and ERP. The change now means that subscription products can surface from preconfigured links that exist between the sales account and any financial accounts.
Customers using account linkage to associate disparate sales and financial accounts can now use a link to a financial account to request a load subscription product data into the seller view of a customer account. This exposure enables salespeople to build additional revenue through reacting to changes in monthly and annual recurring revenue, and optimizing renewals.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
Customers must license and use the Oracle Subscription Management product for this feature to render data to the sales account.
View All Opportunities from Duplicate Accounts While Within the Main Sales Account in Redwood
This feature will let you see the collective set of opportunities for accounts that are linked together as duplicates while viewing the main Sales account in Redwood.
With the new capability to link duplicate sales accounts together without the need for a hard merge, you will be able to see the entire set of opportunities, regardless of whether the opportunity was created for main account or a duplicate account. This enables you to have better awareness of the various sales activities for the sales account.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Sales for Outlook
Provide a Summary of Calls to Log, Allowing Users to Enter Meeting Notes and Outcome
Remind the users to follow up on the day's meetings with a summary of the calls to log in the Insights page. Users can capture notes for the meeting outcome, or create follow-up activities. Users have the option to dismiss if no follow up activity is needed. In addition, users get proactive notification when a meeting starts. Clicking on the notification opens a page allowing the user to take notes on the currently running meeting.
- Improve sales follow up accuracy by logging timely meeting notes and track meeting outcomes consistently across all sales interfaces
Proactively remind sales reps to take notes at the time of the meeting to ensure that nothing falls through the cracks.
Steps to Enable
To enable calls to Log in the add-in, make sure that the profile options "ORA_ZCA_ENABLE_INTERACTIONS_CALL_WRAP_UPS" and "ORA_ZCA_ENABLE_TRACKING_INTERACTIONS" are both set to "Yes".
- Click Navigator > My Enterprise > Setup and Maintenance work area
- Click the Tasks and click Search. Search for Manage Administrator Profile Values task and open it.
- Search the profile option code as “ORA_ZCA_ENABLE_INTERACTIONS_CALL_WRAP_UPS”
- Change the profile value to “Yes”.
- Search the profile option code as “ORA_ZCA_ENABLE_TRACKING_INTERACTIONS”
- Change the profile value to “Yes”.
- Click Save
Redwood User Experience
Enhance Sales Manager Forecast Adjustments
Enhancements to the Redwood Sales Forecasting user experience allow you to swiftly apply your judgement to improve forecast accuracy in a modern and intuitive user interface. For example, sales managers can now identify and adjust a forecast item (an opportunity amount or forecast category) to align with their managerial judgment. The relevant adjustment metrics are reflected accordingly and are immediately visible to the sales manager and their management chain.
Redwood Sales Forecasting also supports forecasting for complex matrix sales organizations and improved forecasting accuracy by allowing sales managers to review and adjust revenue sales credit forecasts independently of overlay sales credit forecasts. Forecast amounts roll up through the territory hierarchy based on the revenue or overlay team members' split percentages.
Sales Forecast Overview Highlighting Sales VP, Manager and Sales Rep Judgement
Sales Forecast Opportunity Adjustments
Redwood Sales Forecasting gives sales managers a complete picture of their team and individual pipeline, and allows them to swiftly apply adjustments to align the forecast with managerial judgement.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
The Refresh Sales Forecast Dimensions process job helps to ensure that periodic updates to sales resources, territories, and products are reflected in a timely manner in the sales forecast. This is crucial for accurate sales planning and performance tracking. Typically, you schedule the Refresh Sales Forecast Dimensions process to run at regular intervals based on updates to resources (for forecasting by opportunity owner) or territories and products (for forecasting by revenue). For example, run daily to refresh the sales forecast information when there’s a large number of resource, resource hierarchy, territory, territory hierarchy or product changes. The process doesn’t take any input parameters.
Note: If more than 10% of the resource, territory, or product dimension values change, then the Refresh Sales Forecast Dimensions process will complete with an error. When there are significant sales organization or product realignments, it is recommended you run the Generate Sales Forecast Metrics process to regenerate the sales forecast metrics for the latest sales resources or territories and products for each of the active forecast periods.
Access Requirements
This feature is available to sales managers who have the Manage Sales Forecast from Digital Sales privilege and the View Sales Forecast from Digital Sales privilege.