This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:
Date | Feature | Notes |
28 AUG 2020 | Retrieve Funds Capture Acknowledgment Files Using a Wildcard Search |
Updated document. Added opt in expiry for this feature. |
27 NOV 2019 | Enable Descriptive Flexfields Update on Existing Payments | Updated document. Changed opt in expiry date to 20B. |
30 AUG 2019 | Updated document. Changed opt in expiry date to 20A. | |
07 JUN 2019 | Created initial document. |
This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in this update, and describes any tasks you might need to perform for the update. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.
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Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)
Oracle Cloud Applications delivers new updates every quarter. This means every three months you'll receive new functionality to help you efficiently and effectively manage your business. Some features are delivered Enabled meaning they are immediately available to end users. Other features are delivered Disabled meaning you have to take action to make available. Features delivered Disabled can be activated for end users in a couple of ways:
Access the Opt In page from the New Features Work Area
- Click the Navigator, and then click New Features (under the My Enterprise heading)
- On the New Features page, select the offering that includes new features you’d like to review
- Click Go to Opt In for any feature you want to opt in
- On the Edit Features page, select the Enable option for the feature, and then click Done
or... Access the Opt In page from the Setup and Maintenance Work Area
- Click the Navigator, and then click Setup and Maintenance
- On the Setup page, select your offering, and then click Change Feature Opt In
- On the Opt In page, click the Edit Features icon for any area that includes features you want to opt in
- On the Edit Features page, select the Enable option for any feature you want to opt in to. If the Enable column includes an Edit icon instead of a check box, then click the icon, select your feature options, and click Save and Close.
- Click Done.
Opt In Expiration
Occasionally, features delivered Disabled via Opt In may be enabled automatically in a future update. This is known as an Opt In Expiration. If your cloud service has any Opt In Expirations you will see a related tab in this document. Click on that tab to see when the feature was originally delivered Disabled, and when the Opt In will expire, potentially automatically enabling the feature. You can also click here to see features with Opt In Expirations across all Oracle Cloud Applications.
Column Definitions:
Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.
UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.
UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.
Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.
Common Technology and User Experience
Enhanced List of Values User Experience
Enjoy a faster and more consistent user experience when selecting an item from a list of values. Select from a short list of suggestions via a quick auto-suggest search, or search by a single character across multiple attributes. The updated business objects include Business Unit, Ledger, Legal Entity, Currency Conversion Type, and Currency.
Ledger List of Values in Create Journal page
Product | User Interface | Fields with Enhanced List of Values |
Budgetary Control | Carry Forward Purchase Order Budgetary Control Balances |
Ledger |
Create Control Budgets |
Ledger | |
Edit Control Budgets |
Ledger | |
Financials Common Module |
Create Intercompany Batch |
Conversion Rate Type, Currency, Provider Organization, Transaction Type |
Edit Intercompany Batch |
Conversion Rate Type, Currency, Provider Organization, Transaction Type |
Financials for EMEA |
Manage Netting Settlements |
Conversion Rate Type |
General Ledger |
Create Journal |
Accounting Period, Category, Conversion Type, Currency, Ledger, Legal Entity, Reversal Period |
Edit Journal |
Accounting Period, Category, Conversion Type, Currency, Ledger, Legal Entity, Reversal Period |
General Accounting Dashboard |
Accounting Period, Ledger |
Period Close |
Accounting Period, Ledger |
Receivables |
Create Transaction: Credit Memo |
Business Unit |
Create Transaction: Invoice |
Business Unit |
Subledger Accounting |
Create Adjustment Journal |
Legal Entity |
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Manage Personally Identifiable Information in Financials
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a data protection and privacy law that regulates the collection and use of personal data of all individuals within the EU and the European Economic Area.
Use this feature to remove the personally identifiable information (PII) of an individual no longer employed by your organization on request. This feature helps your organization to comply with the GDPR.
To remove the PII of an individual, perform the following steps:
- Go to Navigator>Tools>Scheduled Processes.
- On the Scheduled Processes page, click Schedule New Process.
- Search and select Remove Personally Identifiable Information in Financials.
- From the dropdown list associated with the Party field, select the individual’s name.
- Click Submit.
Screenshot of the Remove Personally Identifiable Information in Financials Process
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
- AP User Guide:
- AR User's Guide:
Role Information
- Financial Application Administrator
Workflow Transactions Listing Report
Use the Workflow Transactions Listing report to view transactions that are pending and rejected in the Invoice Approval and Invoice Account Coding workflow. The Pending Transactions report displays the invoice and current assignee details initiated for the workflow. The Rejected Transactions report displays the invoice details and the user who rejected the invoice.
Steps to submit report:
- Navigate to Schedule Processes page.
- Click Schedule New Process.
- Search and select Workflow Transactions Listing.
- Select the workflow type as Invoice Approval or Invoice Account Coding.
- Select the report type as Pending Transactions or Rejected Transactions.
- Click Submit.
Workflow Transactions Listing
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Role Information
You can access the Workflow Transactions Listing Report only if you have the Initiate Payables Invoice Approval Task Flow privilege.
Assign Conversion Rate Types to Each Intercompany Transaction Type
Default the conversion rate type for each intercompany transaction type to control the currency rate that will be used by transaction type.
- On the Manage Intercompany Transaction Types setup page, for each transaction type, select a conversion rate type. If you don’t assign a conversion rate type to an intercompany transaction type, the default conversion rate type from the Manage System Options setup will be used when a new intercompany batch is created.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Financials No Longer Optional From: Update 19D
Feature: Assign Conversion Rate Types to Each Intercompany Transaction Type
Use the Journals REST API resource to mark journals for reversal. When the AutoReverse process runs, it will reverse all journals that are marked for reversal using the Journals REST API.
Steps to Enable
Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides (available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API). If you are new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.
Key Resources
For an overview of REST APIs and the technical details, see the REST API for Oracle Financials Cloud guide in the Oracle Help Center.
Use the Ledger Balances rest service to:
- return account balances by ledger set in both summary and detail mode
- return account balances in detail mode
- return budget and encumbrance balances in both summary and detail mode
Use the Account Group Balance rest service to:
- to return account groups that are budget based
- to return account combination details and amount type
Steps to Enable
Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides to leverage (available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API) . If you are new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.
Key Resources
For an overview of REST APIs and the technical details, see the REST API for Oracle Financials Cloud guide in the Oracle Help Center (
REST APIs for Supplier Invoices
View and update scanned supplier invoice information. For example, add or delete invoice lines, add or delete attachments, delete an invoice. You can also calculate taxes or create distributions for invoices.
Steps to Enable
Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides to leverage (available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API) . If you are new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.
Tips And Considerations
You can build integrations to:
- Achieve your PaaS application requirements such as retainage, reverse factoring arrangements, or placing invoices on hold.
- Create and manage purchase orders, receipt and consumption advice matched supplier invoices, and unmatched supplier invoices.
- Create and manage cross-currency and multi-period accounting related supplier invoices.
- Capture additional localizations information for the invoice header, lines, distributions, and installments using global descriptive flexfields.
- Capture tax determinants such as intended use and transaction business category for tax calculation purposes.
- Add lines to existing manually entered invoices. Perform operations on budgetary control enabled invoices.
- If you are creating invoices for Americas localizations, then you will have to pass the values for global descriptive flexfields, as currently the values do not default for this region.
- If you are updating an invoice, then you can only update certain attributes and the update applies only to those attributes. Related fields do not automatically get populated. For example, when you update the invoice date in the Create or Edit Invoice pages, related fields, such as the terms date or due date, may be automatically populated based on the invoice date you enter. Using REST API, the invoice date is updated, but the related fields are not automatically populated. Before updating a key attribute, consider the impact on the related attributes.
Key Resources
For an overview of REST APIs and the technical details, see the REST API for Oracle Financials Cloud guide in the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
You do not need a new role or privilege to use this feature.
REST APIs for External Bank Accounts
Use the External Payee, External Bank Account, and Payment Instrument Assignment REST API to manage details about external bank accounts. With this service, you can:
- Create and manage external payees for employees and customers.
- Retrieve external payee information.
- Create and manage external bank accounts.
- Create and manage external bank account owners.
- Retrieve external bank account and bank account owner information.
- Create and manage assignments of external bank accounts to external payees.
- Retrieve payment instrument assignment information.
Steps to Enable
Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides, available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API. If you're new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.
REST APIs for Receivables Invoices
Create and query customer invoice distributions through the enhanced customer invoice REST service. Use the Invoice Distributions REST API resource as part of invoice creation to create and find invoice distributions associated to an invoice. You can:
- Create invoice distributions for an invoice.
- Find an invoice distribution.
- Get invoice distributions for an invoice.
Steps to Enable
Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides, available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API. If you're new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.
Streamline Copy of Fixed Asset Adjustments and Transfers to Tax Book
Select the transaction convention at the asset category level for adjustment to allow transfer transactions to be defaulted into the tax book. For backdated addition and adjustment transactions, choose the first day of the current tax book period as the transaction date when these transactions are copied from the corporate book to the tax book.
Use the Adjustment Convention and Transfer Convention fields on the Default Rules tab in the Edit Category page to enable the transaction convention at the book level for Russia and Poland books. Transactions are entered in the corporate book with any transaction convention. The Perform Periodic Mass Copy process defaults the transaction convention from the category setup, while copying these transactions from the corporate book.
Steps to Enable
- In the Advanced Rules tab of the Create or Edit Book page, enable the "Allow convention for adjustment and transfer" option.
Allow Convention for Adjustment and Transfer
- In the Tax tab, enable the “Copy backdated additions and adjustments with current date” option.
Copy Backdated Additions and Adjustments with Current Date
- In the Default Rules tab in the Edit Category page, select “Transfer Convention” and “Adjustment Convention”.
Transfer Convention and Adjustment Convention
Additional Budgetary Control Liquidation Validation
Add additional validation to ensure a commitment or obligation is liquidated in the same control budget as originally reserved. This feature will fail budgetary control validation with the funds status of ‘Budget period does not exist in the control budget’ when the liquidation of the commitment or obligation impacts a different control budget than the original reservation.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Financials
Feature: Additional Budgetary Control Liquidation Validation
New Customer Installations:
- This feature defaults with Opt-In enabled. Budgetary control validation will fail if a liquidation budget period doesn’t exist in the same control budget as the original reservation.
- There are no additional setup steps required to use this feature.
Upgraded Customer Installations:
- This feature defaults with Opt-In disabled. Budgetary control validation will pass if a liquidation budget period doesn’t exist in the same control budget as the original reservation.
- To Opt-In, select the Enable option for the feature on the Edit Features page.
- There are no additional setup steps required to use this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- Careful consideration should be given to using this new feature validation, as the additional validation may change the transaction lifecycle if your organization:
- Doesn’t carry forward open purchase orders
- Doesn’t surplus funds at the end of your budget cycle
- Creates annual budgets
- The liquidation date is determined by the Default Date Rule setting on the Manage Budgetary Control page. The default date rule can be set to the system date, current transaction budget date, or prior related transaction budget date. This feature is only applicable when you have chosen system date or current transaction budget date for the default date rule. Prior related transaction budget date will use the same budget date as the original transaction.
The following example shows how the feature will impact the budgetary control results depending on the default date rule setting.
Control Budget |
Start Budget Period |
End Budget Period |
Office Supplies FY2019 |
JAN-19 |
DEC-19 |
Office Supplies FY2020 |
JAN-20 |
DEC-20 |
I have a purchase order for office chairs with a budget date 24-DEC-2019 that reserves against the Office Supplies FY2019 control budget. The payables invoice comes in the following year and has a budget date of 19-JAN-2020 and is entered into the system in 08-FEB-2020
Transaction |
Budget Date |
System Date |
Impacted Control Budget |
Purchase order |
24-Dec-2019 |
24-Dec-2019 |
Office Supplies FY2019 |
Invoice matched to purchase order |
19-Jan-2020 |
08-Feb-2020 |
See table below for PO liquidation result based on the default date rule setting. |
- Assuming there are sufficient funds in all budget periods and the periods are open.
Default Date Rule |
PO Liquidation |
OPTin Enabled |
OPTIn Disabled |
Current Transaction Budget Date Liquidation Budget Date 19-JAN-2020 |
Fail - not liquidating in the same control budget as the PO was originally reserved, Office Supplies FY2019. |
Liquidation is not created because the liquidation budget period isn’t in Office Supplies FY2019. |
System Date Liquidation Budget Date 08-FEB-2020 |
Prior Transaction Budget Date Liquidation Budget Date 24-DEC-2019 |
(-) Obligation 24-DEC-2019 Office Supplies FY2019 |
Key Resources
Oracle ERP Cloud Budgetary Control and Encumbrance Accounting Implementation Guide (Doc Id 2131138.1)
Role Information
- Budget Manager role is needed to setup Budgetary Control.
Enable Control Budget Definition Security
Enable the control budget definition data security feature to limit users who can update control budget definitions on the Manage Control Budget page. If you don’t enable this feature, all users with access to the Manage Control Budget page, can update all control budgets. After you enable this feature, only users that either created the control budget, are the budget manager for the control budget or explicitly granted control budget data access will be able to update.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Financials
Feature: Enable Control Budget Definition Security
The feature defaults with Opt-In disabled.
To grant access to the additional users on the Manage Control Budget page, assign the user access to the control budgets they need to manage.
In the Setup and Maintenance work area, search and select the Manage Control Budget Data Access for Users task.
On the Manage Data Access for Users page, click Action > Create or Create (+ icon).
In the Create Data Access for Users page, assign:
- User name
- Role = Budget Manager
- Security context = “Control budget”
- Security context value = Name of the control budget you want to grant access
Assign Users Data Access
- Click Save and Close.
Tips And Considerations
In addition to the creator of the control budget and the assigned budget manager, users must also have access to the Manage Control Budget page which is included in the budget manager job role.
Key Resources
Refer to support document for more information: How to Add Control Budget Access for Users – Release 12 and Later (Doc ID 2187450.1)
Role Information
Application Implementation Consultant role is needed to assign users to control budgets in Manage Data Access for Users in Setup and Maintenance.
Assign User Exchange Rate for Cash External Transactions
The Assign User Conversion Rates for External Transactions feature allows users to enter conversion rates and rate types for external transactions that override the conversion rates that are set at the bank account level. Previously external transactions could only use the conversion rates setup at the bank account level but once the user enables this feature the can set the conversion rate and rate types at the external transaction level.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Financials No Longer Optional From: Update 20A
Tips And Considerations
- Conversion Rate Type, Conversion Rate & Conversion Date are displayed on the external transactions UI when external transactions are created for a foreign currency bank account.
- Conversion Rate Type and Conversion Rate defaults from the Rate Type selected on the bank account.The rate can be overridden.
- The Conversion Rate Type and Conversion Rate on the UI are used for accounting the External Transaction.
- The Conversion Rate Type is included in Create External Transactions Spreadsheet.
Automatic Reconciliation of Rejected Payments
Use the Automatic Reconciliation of Rejected Payments feature to automatically reconcile the payment rejections reported in the bank statements. The rejections in bank statements are identified by the bank transaction code and the reversal indicator. The original statement line is identified with the reconciliation reference available on the rejected bank statement line. The automatic reconciliation process automatically unreconciles the original statement line and reconciles the rejected statement line with the original line.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Financials No Longer Optional From: Update 20A
Tips And Considerations
- Select the transaction type as Reversal in the bank transaction code.
- The application identifies the rejections on the bank statement lines with this transaction code and reversal indicator.
- The auto-reconciliation process identifies the rejection and unreconciles the original settled payment and reconciles the original statement line with the rejected statement line.
Key Resources
For more information on Automatically Reconciling Rejected Payments solution, refer to Oracle Financials Cloud Using Payables Invoice to Pay or Oracle Financials Cloud Using Receivables Credit to Cash
Role Information
You do not need a new role or privilege to use this feature.
Security Improvements in Bank Account Transfers and Ad Hoc Payments
The following changes have been done to ensure the Bank Account Transfers and Ad Hoc Payments are secured properly:
In the Cash Balances work area and the Cash Position page, you must have a role with the assigned privilege Maintain Bank Account Transfer to display the 'Transfer Funds' button. Otherwise, you won't be able to create bank account transfers.
In the Cash Balances work area and the Cash Position page, you must have a role with the assigned privilege Maintain Ad Hoc Payments to display the 'Make a Payment' button. Otherwise, you won't be able to create ad hoc payments.
Cash Balances Work Area
Cash Position Page
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
For more information on Bank Account Transfers and Ad Hoc Payments, refer to Oracle Financials Cloud Using Payables Invoice to Pay or Oracle Financials Cloud Using Receivables Credit to Cash on the Oracle Help Center (
Role Information
You have added functionality that is secured for the Cash Manager job role for the following:
- The Bank Account Transfers functionality is secured by the Maintain Bank Account Transfer and View Bank Account Transfers privileges. These privileges are associated with the Cash Positioning and Forecasting Management Duty, that is assigned to the Cash Manager job role.
- The Ad Hoc Payments functionality is secured by the Maintain Ad Hoc Payments and View Ad Hoc Payments privileges. These privilege are associated with the Cash Positioning and Forecasting Management Duty, that is assigned to the Cash Manager job role.
Segregate the Privilege to Manage Bank Account Security
Use the Segregate the Privilege to Manage Bank Account Security feature to restrict the users who can modify the bank account security.
The Security tab of the Bank Accounts page allows you to further secure the bank account so that it can only be used by certain users and roles.
This tab is now secured by the new privilege 'Manage Bank Account Security', allowing you to segregate the security administration of bank accounts.
- If you have a role with the assigned Manage Bank Account Security privilege, you will be able to modify the bank account security access, and manage the users and roles that can access the bank account.
- If you don't have a role with the assigned Manage Bank Account Security privilege, you will only be able to review the users and roles that can access the bank account.
Bank Accounts Page
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Financials No Longer Optional From: Update 20A
Tips And Considerations
- The Manage Bank Account or View Bank Account privilege is required to gain access to the Manage Bank Accounts task under the Setup and Maintenance work area.
- To modify the information on the bank account security tab, and manage the users and roles that can access the bank account, you must access Bank Accounts page and have a role with the assigned privilege Manage Bank Account Security.
- Users who don't have the Manage Bank Account Security privilege assigned to their role can only review the bank account security access.
- The new privilege Manage Bank Account Security is only applicable when the feature is enabled.
Key Resources
- For more information on Bank Accounts, refer to Oracle Financials Cloud Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay or Oracle Financials Cloud Implementing Receivables Credit to Cash on the Oracle Help Center (
- For more information Security Reference Implementation, refer to Security Reference for Oracle Financials Cloud on the Oracle Help Center (
Role Information
The new privilege Manage Bank Account Security (CE_MANAGE_BANK_ACCOUNT_SECURITY_PRIV) is added by default to the delivered Cash Management Administration Duty role, that rolls up to the Cash Manager job role.
Reimbursable Amount Entry for Foreign Currency Receipts in Expenses Mobile Application
Using the Expenses mobile application, you can enter an expense for a foreign currency receipt and modify the reimbursable amount if the conversion rate that is automatically populated by the application is different from what you incurred. First, you enter a receipt amount and select the currency. Then the application displays the amount in the reimbursable currency and the conversion rate it applied. If you change the reimbursable amount, then the application recalculates the conversion rate.
Additionally, the mobile application enforces conversion rate policies. If you exceed the allowed conversion rate, the application may require you to enter a justification. If your company policy prevents submission when the conversion rate exceeds the allowed limit, then you’ll receive an error.
Foreign Receipt Entry - iPhone
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
Ensure you have downloaded the latest Expenses mobile application to use this feature.
Simplified Configuration for MasterCard CDF3 File Upload
Company number, Interbank Card Association (ICA) number, and processor identification number are no longer required to configure a MasterCard company account. Your company can set up company accounts by business unit to receive all transactions across business units under a single company number. The same setup is also available for Visa card programs.
For added convenience, the application can match employees across business units when the transaction matches the company account, but the business unit on the company account is different from the employee’s business unit. The matching across business units occurs when the company account definition includes the company number, the Interbank Card Association (ICA) number, and the processor identification number and you select the Perform employee matching across all business units check box.
Employee Matching Across Business Units
Simplified Configuration
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Role Information
To use this feature, you need the Corporate Card Administrator role.
Allocation Rule Name as Reconciliation Reference
Reconcile all journal lines generated from an allocation rule as a group based on the allocation rule name, available as the reconciliation reference attribute.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Financials
Date Effectivity for Allocation Rules and Rule Sets
Prevent recurring journals from being erroneously created outside of specific dates by entering effective start and end dates on allocation rules and rule sets. The effective dates are enforced based on the accounting period for which the recurring journals are generated.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Financials
Tips And Considerations
Specify the Start Date and/or End Date for the Allocation Rules and Rule Sets in Calculation Manager.
Performance Enhancements in Period Close Work Area
Experience faster performance in the Period Close work area by selecting a source subledger application when viewing outstanding subledger transactions. Also, submit some of the subledger accounting processes directly from the Outstanding Subledger Transactions section.
When you navigate to General Accounting > Period Close, you will see the following updated UI for the Outstanding Subledger Transactions section:
Outstanding Subledger Transactions Section
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Financials No Longer Optional From: Update 19D
Performance Improvements in General Accounting Dashboard and Journals Work Area
View approval tasks more quickly by accessing the Manage Approval task from the general ledger dashboard and work area to review the "Requiring My Approval" and "Pending Approval from Others" details.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Financials No Longer Optional From: Update 20A
Retain Batch Creator as Approval Submitter in AutoPost Journals Process
Retain the journal batch creator as the submitter during the approval process of AutoPost journals, by selecting the Use Batch Creator as Approval Submitter option on the Create AutoPost Criteria Set page. This helps identify the journal creator in case the approver needs to contact them for additional information during the approval process.
The new option in the Create AutoPost Criteria Set page is available in newly created AutoPost Criteria Sets. The option is deselected by default.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Financials No Longer Optional From: Update 19D
Tips And Considerations
- If the opt in feature is not enabled, the feature will be available in new AutoPost Criteria Sets but not selected by default.
- This feature will be selected by default in new AutoPost Criteria Sets from Release 19D.
Spreadsheet-Based Clearing Accounts Reconciliation
Use a spreadsheet to efficiently reconcile clearing accounts and reversals by utilizing the spreadsheet's native sort, filter, and search capabilities. Mark related lines as reviewed but not yet reconciled, and include more journal lines in the reviewed set to quickly complete the reconciliation.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Financials No Longer Optional From: Update 19D
Key Resources
For more information on reconciling clearing accounts, see the Implementing Enterprise Structures and General Ledger and Using General Ledger guides in the Oracle Help Center (
Synchronize Journal Reversal Approvals Between Primary and Secondary Ledgers
Automatically approve reversal journals in a secondary ledger when the corresponding reversal journal in the primary ledger is approved, by configuring both ledgers to require journal approval and enable the synchronization option.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Financials No Longer Optional From: Update 20A
Tips And Considerations
- This feature applies if the Synchronize Reversals Between Primary and Secondary Ledgers option is enabled for a primary ledger, and reversals in the primary journal automatically reverses the corresponding journal in its secondary ledger.
- If journal approval is enabled for a primary and its secondary ledger, with synchronized journal approvals between the two related ledgers, the reversal journal for the secondary ledger that is generated from its primary ledger will not require separate approval.
- To ensure the synchronization of the approval status of reversal journals, the secondary ledger reversal journal cannot be posted until its originating primary ledger reversal journal is already approved and posted.
Key Resources
For more information about the synchronized approvals between the reversal journals of related primary and secondary ledgers, refer to the Oracle Financials Cloud Using General Ledger guide in the Oracle Help Center (
Role Information
The General Accounting Manager and General Accountant can reverse journals and journal batches, and perform other journal processing actions like entering and posting journals. Only the General Accounting Manager can approve journals.
Enable Descriptive Flexfields Update on Existing Payments
Users with the Create Payment privilege can now edit descriptive and global descriptive flexfields on saved payments. For example, you can add or modify external bank transaction reference information after the payment has been saved. Previously, you were allowed to enter descriptive and global descriptive flexfields information only while creating the payment.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Financials No Longer Optional From: Update 20B
Role Information
Access to this feature is controlled through the Create Payment privilege.
Enhanced Delivery Option for Separate Remittance Advice and Payer Notification
Deliver separate remittance advice and payer notification reports as PDF attachments to email delivery. Select the delivery method option "Email with .pdf attachment" at the suppliers and customers site level.
Steps to Enable
- On the Create or Edit Supplier page, click the applicable Site link.
- Click the Payments tab, the Payment Attributes tab, and the Separate Remittance Advice Delivery tab.
- From the Remittance Advice Delivery Method choice list, select Email with .pdf attachment.
- In the Remittance Advice Delivery Email ID field, enter your supplier’s email ID.
For the customer site, you can take similar steps for the payer notification report.
Supplier - SRA Delivery Method Page
Positive Pay File Enhancements
The Create Positive Pay File process has been enhanced to transmit positive pay files using the transmission configuration setup at the payment process profile. A new parameter ‘Transmit File’ has been added to the Create Positive Pay File process. To transmit the positive pay file, you must have a valid payment system account and transmission configuration attached to the payment process profile.
Create Positive Pay File Scheduled Process
Additionally, you can use dynamic attributes to name the positive pay files that are transmitted. The transmitted files use the dynamic attributes specified in the transmission configuration that is attached to the payment process profile.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- There is no change to the existing process of automatically transmitting positive pay files when processing payment process requests.
- To transmit positive pay files generated using the Create Positive Pay File process, you must have a valid payment system account and transmission configuration specified in the Payment System tab of the payment process profile. The positive pay file is only transmitted when the Transmit File choice list in the Create Positive Pay File process is set to Yes.
- The dynamic naming attributes specified in the Transmission Configuration are only used to name the transmitted positive pay files.
- The dynamic attributes available for use are REQUEST ID, DATE, and TIME. Request ID refers to the process ID of the Create Positive Pay file process. Date is displayed in YYYYMMDD format and time is displayed in HHMMSS format. For example, if you specify dynamic naming for the transmitted file as &REQUESTID_&DATE_&TIME, then for a process ID of 123456 run on January 20, 2019 at 09:10:45, the file name of the transmitted file is 123456_20190120_091045.
- The static naming attributes specified in the Reporting tab of the payment process profile continue to be used to name the generated positive pay files.
Role Information
You don’t need a new role to use this feature.
Retrieve Funds Capture Acknowledgment Files Using a Wildcard Search
Retrieve multiple funds capture acknowledgment files at the same time using a wildcard search. Create a transmission configuration with the Secure File Transmission Retrieval Protocol for Static File Names and enter a wildcard in the Remote File Name parameter. This will both retrieve and process multiple acknowledgment files from your bank.
This feature will allow retrieval and processing of multiple acknowledgment files from your bank at the same time.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Financials No Longer Optional From: Update 20D
Tips And Considerations
- This feature supports both static file names and file names with tokens. After enabling this feature, you can connect with banks that support static file names and dynamic file names.
- Use an asterisk as the wildcard character. For example, if there are two acknowledgment files with names PAY_ACK_01012019.xml and PAY_ACK_02012019.xml, you can enter PAY_ACK_*.xml in the Value field of the Remote File Name parameter to retrieve both files.
Deliver Balance Forward Bills Using Email
Deliver balance forward bills by email as PDF attachments to customer account or site level contacts.
Once you opt-in:
- The existing Create Balance Forward Bills process can deliver bills by email, in addition to the current option of printing balance forward bills.
- The new Deliver Balance Forward Bills process allows you to re-deliver previously delivered balance forward bills to customers using the delivery method (Paper or Email) enabled in the customer profile. This new process replaces the existing Print Detailed Balance Forward Bills or Print Summary Balance Forward Bills processes.
The feature enables you to:
- Deliver balance forward bills using email with the balance forward bill output attached in PDF format.
- Email balance forward bills to either customer account or site level contacts, according to the respective profile setting.
- Run the Create Balance Forward Bills process in Draft mode by providing a draft email ID to review the output before the final run.
If you don’t opt in to this feature, then your Balance Forward Bills delivery works as before:
- Set the Balance Forward Bills delivery method to Paper in your customer profiles to print and deliver paper balance forward bills:
- Run the Create Balance Forward Bills process to deliver new bills.
- Run the Print Detailed Balance Forward Bills or Print Summary Balance Forward Bills process to deliver existing bills.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Financials
Tips And Considerations
To deliver balance forward bills using email, you must complete these setups:
- Receivables System Options (for the applicable business units): In the Transaction Delivery Using E-Mail section of the Billing and Revenue tabbed region of the Create or Edit System Options page, complete the Email fields for your organization.
- Profile Setting: Preferred Delivery Method: Set the Preferred Delivery Method field to Email at the customer site or customer account level, depending upon whether you want to deliver using email for specific customer sites or all sites belonging to a customer account.
- Communication: Customer contacts and Contact Points: Assign at least one customer contact at the account or site level both an email address and the Bill-to business purpose.
If you use a custom report or custom data model, you must also complete these setups:
- Delete the custom data model and recreate a modified data model from the predefined data model.
- Enable bursting of the modified report:
- Click Properties on the Balance Forward Bills detail or summary modified report.
- Enable the Enable Bursting option and select BFBDelivery.
- Save the report.
Role Information
You do not need a new role access to use this feature.
Export and Import Subledger Accounting Setup Data in Batches
Export and import high volume Subledger Accounting setup data with improved scalability and performance.
The setup export and import services automatically group setup data in batches and generate multiple data files to facilitate migration of high volume setup data. You can export setup data as a configuration package or a csv file. Export and import in batches is enabled for the following services:
- Journal Entry Rule Sets Service
- Mapping Sets Service
- Account Rules Service
- Description Rules Service
For exporting, a single zip file is generated to include all the setup data. Then you can download the zip file and import it into the target instance.
If a subledger accounting rule is in both the source and target instance, the rule in the target instance is replaced with the same rule exported from the source instance. However, when a mapping set is imported to a target instance, the mappings that are already in target instance but not in the source instance remain in the target instance.
The task order for the following task lists are also modified to facilitate export and import in batches.
- Manage Accounting Rules
- Define Subledger Accounting Methods
- Define Accounting Rules for Rapid Implementation
- Define Transaction Accounts
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
The configuration package exported from a source instance prior to 19C may not be imported to a 19C instance. Hence, you must first upgrade the source instance to 19C and then export the setup data. Finally, import the setup data to target instance with same release.
If you are planning to migrate subledger accounting rule setup from one instance to another instance after upgrading to 19C, it is recommended to perform the following steps:
- To migrate setup using configuration package:
- Create a new implementation project, which includes subledger accounting rule set up tasks and set scope to the subledger for which you wish to export the setup.
- Create a new configuration package with the new implementation project.
- Export setup for the configuration package.
- Download the configuration package zip file.
- Upload the configuration package zip file to the target 19C instance and import the setup.
- To migrate setup using csv export:
- Export setup component in csv format from the source instance.
- Download the csv file.
- Upload the setup csv file to the target instance that is also on same release and import the setup data.
Use a Formula in Another User-Defined Formula in Accounting Setup
Define a formula by using an existing user-defined formula to derive a value for a subledger accounting entry. Define the commonly used formulas and reuse them in other formulas for consistency and ease of maintenance.
For example, to defer revenue recognition for loan origination fee over the life of the loan, you need a formula to prorate the fee amount by number of days in each period.
You must take the total fee amount and divide it by the number of days in the loan life to determine a daily fee amount. You then multiply the daily fee amount by the number of days since loan origination to generate the prorate fee amount to be recognized by the current period.
Prorated fee = Fee / Loan duration * Days since origination |
First, you need to calculate loan duration and days since origination from the available source.
Loan duration = Maturity date - Origination date + 1 |
Days since origination = Last day of current accounting period - Origination date +1 |
Where, maturity date and origination date are transaction data from source system, last day of current accounting period is a system source.
Instead of defining one complex formula like this:
Prorated fee = Fee / (Maturity date - Origination date + 1) * (Last day of current accounting period - Origination date + 1) |
You can define simple formula to calculate loan duration and days since origination. Then, use them in the prorated fee formula definition.
- Create a user-defined formula to calculate loan duration.
- Create another user-defined formula to calculate days since origination.
- Now, let's create a formula to calculate the prorated fee amount using the above formulas.
a. In the Expression section of the prorated fee formula, click the Source button..
b. Search and select the formula defined in previous steps to define the prorated fee formula.
You can now use the prorated fee formula to derive the entered amount on the fee revenue recognition multiperiod journal line.
The Create Multiperiod Accounting process calculates entered amount for the multiperiod entries as:
Entered amount = Prorated fee - Multiperiod recognized entered amount |
Where, multiperiod recognized entered amount is calculated and stored in the Accounting Hub data model as the total amount recognized for the transaction in prior periods.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
In your formula definition, you can’t use a formula that uses another formula.
For example, the following formula is invalid because the formula 'Prorated Fee' already uses another formula 'Loan Duration'.
Prorated Fee * 10 / 100 |
Transactional Business Intelligence for Financials
Drill Down from OTBI Receivables Reports to Transaction, Receipt and Collection Details
Use the action link framework in Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) to click on an object and navigate directly to the source application. You can drill down from an OTBI ad hoc report, based on a Receivables OTBI subject area, to the Transaction, Receipt, and Collection Details in Oracle Receivables Cloud.
You can configure hyperlinks in the ad hoc Receivables OTBI reports to drill down to the following:
- Create Receipt
- Edit or Manage Receipt
- Credit Transactions
- Apply Credit Memo
- Manage Payments
- Promise to Pay
Steps to Enable
Leverage new subject area(s) by adding to existing reports or using in new reports. For details about creating and editing reports, see the Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports book (available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Administration).
The high level steps to configure a drill down from OTBI ad hoc reports to Invoice transaction details are:
- Create an ad hoc report using the appropriate Receivables Transactions subject area.
- Select the column for which you wish to configure the drill down to transaction details.
- In Column Properties, set up an Action hyperlink to drill down to the required transaction details.
Key Resources
For details on specific drill downs and examples, search for 'How to drill down from OTBI ad hoc reports to transaction details in Oracle Fusion Applications' white paper, soon to be available on Customer Connect at the URL below:
Drill Down from OTBI Subledger Accounting Reports to Subledger Journal Entry Details
The action link framework in Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) allows you to click on an object and navigate directly to the source application. Using this framework, OTBI Financials provides you the capability to drill from an OTBI ad hoc report, which is based on a Subledger Accounting subject area, to subledger journal entry details.
You can configure links in the ad hoc Subledger Accounting OTBI reports to drill down to the Journal Entry page.
Steps to Enable
Leverage new subject area(s) by adding to existing reports or using in new reports. For details about creating and editing reports, see the Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports book (available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Administration).
The high level steps to configure a drill down from OTBI ad hoc reports to subledger journal entry details are:
- Create an ad hoc report using the appropriate Subledger Accounting subject area
- Select the column for which you wish to configure the drill down to transaction details.
- In Column Properties, set up an Action hyperlink to drill down to the required subledger journal entries.
Key Resources
For details on specific drill downs and examples, search for 'How to drill down from OTBI ad hoc reports to transaction details in Oracle Fusion Applications' white paper, soon to be available on Customer Connect at the following URL:
Role Information
No new role access is needed to use this feature.
Enhancements to General Ledger Journals Real Time Subject Area
To help you identify replicated secondary ledger entries versus entries created directly in the secondary ledger, the General Ledger - Journals Real Time subject area now includes the Parent Journal Header ID column. The Reconciliation Type column was also added to help you with reconciliation.
Steps to Enable
Leverage new subject area(s) by adding to existing reports or using in new reports. For details about creating and editing reports, see the Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports book (available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Administration).
Enhancements to Payables Subject Areas
The following Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence Payables subject areas have been enhanced to include folder Supplier Site Address, with its subfolders Supplier Site Location Details and Supplier Site Contact Details, and corresponding attributes.
- Payables Invoices - Transactions Real Time
- Payables Invoices - Installments Real Time
- Payables Invoices - Prepayment Applications Real Time
- Payables Invoices - Trial Balance Real Time
- Payables Payments - Disbursements Real Time
- Payables Payments - Payment History Real Time
Since the entities Site and Address are distinct entities, a new common dimension was created to include both entities. This new common dimension is named "Supplier Site Address" and the folder contains the following subfolders and attributes:
- Supplier Site Location Details: Address Line1, Address Line2, Address Line3, Address Line4, Postal Code, City, State, Country, Province, County, Address Effective Date, Address Expiration Date
- Supplier Site Contact Details: Phone Country Code, Phone Area Code, Phone Extension, Phone, Fax, Email
Steps to Enable
Leverage new subject area(s) by adding to existing reports or using in new reports. For details about creating and editing reports, see the Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports book (available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Administration).
Enhancements to Receivables Subject Areas
Subject Area Receivables - Customer Real Time has been enhanced as following:
- New subfolders and corresponding reporting attributes were added:
- Customer Accounts folder, Customer Account Bank Account Details subfolder, Customer Account Debit Authorizations subfolder: bank account primary, bank account version number, bank account signing date, bank account cancellation date, bank account effective start date, bank account effective end date, bank account transaction type, bank account debit authorization method, bank account reason for amendment, bank account creditor identifier, bank account debtor, bank account debit authorization status
- Customer Account Site folder, Customer Account Site Debit Authorizations subfolder: site account primary, site account version number, site account reference number, site account signing date, site account cancellation date, site account effective start date, site account effective end date, site account transaction type, site account debit authorization method, site account reason for amendment, site account creditor identifier, site account creditor, site account debtor, site account debit authorization status
- Subfolders extended to include new attributes:
- Customer Accounts folder, Profile Credit and Collections subfolder: account profile credit analyst, order amount limit
- Customer Account Site folder, Customer Account Site Payment Details subfolder: site payment channel, site payment channel code
The following subject areas have been enhanced with new attributes:
- Receivables - Miscellaneous Receipts Real Time: existing folder Miscellaneous Receipt Details: payment channel, payment channel code
- Receivables - Standard Receipts Application Details Real Time: existing folder Standard Receipt Details: batch identifier, batch status
- Receivables - Transactions Real Time: existing folder Transaction Details > Payment: payment channel, payment channel code
Steps to Enable
Leverage new subject area(s) by adding to existing reports or using in new reports. For details about creating and editing reports, see the Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports book (available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Administration).
Regional and Country-Specific Features
Enable 2018 Legislative Updates for Document Sequencing for Argentina
Enable 2018 legislative mandate for Argentina for document sequencing with five-digit point of sale number support for Receivables transaction numbers.
Create or import Receivables transactions. On completion, the transaction number generated will have a five-digit point of sale number with left side padding.
- Imported transactions
- Manually entered transactions
- Support for import of four-digit point of sale number as part of the transaction number with left side padding continues.
- Existing Receivables transactions which already have the transaction number generated with a four-digit point of sale number as part of the transaction number will not get changed or updated to five-digit even if they are incompleted and completed again after the 2018 legislative changes are introduced.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Financials
Key Resources
- Oracle® Applications Financials Implementation Guide, Release 13
Copy Tax Compliance Attributes to Payables Invoices for India
Use the Copy Tax Compliance Attributes to Payables Invoices for India feature to experience improved accuracy and efficient processing in claiming the input tax credit for India GST. The feature automatically populates the tax determinants from the purchase order or the receipt lines to the matched Payables invoices. This ensures that the tax determinants are available when the recoverable taxes are processed and accounted.
Here’s what you can do with this feature:
- When you create a receipt or a purchase order matched Payables invoice, the first-party tax registration number and third-party tax registration number are automatically populated to the invoice’s India Regional information line GDFs from the purchase order or receipt lines. This, in turns allows you to comply with the India GST transactional requirements and process recoverable taxes based on the first-party tax registration number.
- When you create a receipt matched Payables invoice, the tax invoice number and tax invoice date are automatically populated to the invoice’s India Regional information line GDFs from the receipt lines based on the tax fiscal document provided by supplier of inbound transactions.
Steps to Enable
Before you apply this feature, ensure that the Regional Localization for India checkbox is enabled in the Functional Setup Manager.
Tips And Considerations
- When you create a transaction, ensure that the taxation country is India.
- When you create a receipt matched payables invoice, ensure that all matched receipt lines have the same first-party tax registration number.
Default First-Party Tax Registration Number for India
Use the Default First-Party Tax Registration Number for India feature to set a default value for the first-party tax registration number of the receiving or purchase trade organization on requisitions and purchase orders. You can now experience improved accuracy in tax calculation and efficient processing in claiming input tax credits for India GST, which are based on the first-party tax registration number.
Here’s what you can do with the Default First-Party Tax Registration Number for India feature:
- Use the first-party tax registration number as a transaction tax determinant in tax rules to calculate the applicable taxes and process the recoverable taxes.
- Avoid manual intervention in deriving the first-party tax registration number of the receiving or purchase trade organization on requisitions and purchase orders.
Steps to Enable
Before applying the feature, ensure that Regional Localization for India checkbox is enabled in the Functional Setup Manager.
To apply this feature, associate the legal reporting unit of the applicable first-party tax registration number to the receiving or purchase trade organization. To associate the legal reporting unit:
- Sign in with a role similar to that of an Application Implementation Consultant.
- In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Associated Business Entities task:
Offering: Financials
Functional area: Legal Structures
Task: Manage Associated Business Entities
- Select the applicable legal entity and legal reporting unit.
- Click Add.
- Select the applicable type.
NOTE: The Type represents a receiving organization, which can be a Ship-to location, inventory organization, or business unit based on your organization structure and the applicable India GST place of supply rules.
- Select the applicable name.
- Enter the start date.
- Click Save and Close.
Task: Manage Associated Business Entities
Tips And Considerations
- To default the first-party tax registration number, ensure that the taxation country for transaction is India.
- By default, the First-Party Tax Registration Number field is not displayed on requisitions and purchase orders pages. You can use page customization to show this field.
- To avoid inaccurate tax calculation and input tax credit recovery, ensure that all receiving organizations on purchase order lines or schedules are associated to the legal reporting units with the same first-party tax registration number.
Deferred Tax Recovery for India
Use the Deferred Tax Recovery for India feature to defer recognition of recoverable taxes on Payables invoices and accounts as provisional or interim recoverable tax. You can recover the deferred recoverable taxes only if:
- The tax invoice is GST-compliant.
- The events specified by the GST authority of India to claim the input tax credit have occurred.
- The following required tax invoice compliance attributes exist:
- Supplier tax invoice number.
- Supplier tax invoice date on the India Regional information GDFs of the Payables invoice line.
- Supplier tax invoice date.
- Original tax invoice number.
- Original tax invoice date on the India Regional information GDFs Payables debit and credit memo line GDF.
Here’s what you can do with the Deferred Tax Recovery for India feature:
- Comply with India GST’s input tax credit rules to avail recoverable taxes on regular supplies, reverse charge supplies, internal material transfers, and import of goods.
- Defer the recovery of recoverable taxes until the events specified by the GST authority of India have occurred.
- Process the deferred recoverable taxes from a provisional or an interim recoverable tax account to the final recoverable tax account per first-party tax registration number.
- Account tax liability instead of the reversal of input tax credit for transactions on which the input tax credit has already been claimed.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Financials
To enable the feature:
- Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.
- Select the offering as Financials.
- Click Change Feature Opt In.
- On the Opt In: Financials page, click the Features icon for financials.
- On the Edit Features: Financials page, select the Enable check box for the Deferred Tax Recovery for India feature.
- Click Done.
Opt-In Deferred Tax Recovery for India
To apply this feature:
- In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the Manage Taxes task.
Offering: Financials Functional area: Transaction Tax Tax: Manage Taxes
- Search for the required transaction tax.
- Go to the Control and Defaults tab.
- In the Tax Recovery Controls and Defaults section, enable the Defer recovery for specialized handling checkbox.
- Click Save and Close.
Enable Defer Recovery for Specialized Handling
Tips And Considerations
- To use this feature, you must opt into the feature and enable the Defer recovery for specialized handling checkbox.
- To account the provisional or interim recoverable tax on the Payables invoice, ensure that the interim tax account is defined at the Tax or Tax Rate level.
Integrate with E-Way Bill Framework for India
Eliminate manual steps to process and record E-Way bills by leveraging the integration of India GST E-Way Bill systems with ERP Cloud.
For some business processes, the Indian GST legislation mandates that registered suppliers generate an E-Way Bill. The GST authority of India provides a list of GST Suvidha Providers (GSP) who facilitate taxpayer integration with the E-Way Bill system.
Here’s what you can do with the feature:
- Register a GSP as a tax partner and create partner tax profile.
- Capture the GSP credentials such as, client ID and password.
- Capture taxpayer’s NIC portal credentials such as, GST registration number and password.
- Invoke GSP REST API to generate E-Way bill number and capture its response.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Financials
Tips And Considerations
After you enable the feature, you can see the following additions on the page:
Page |
What’s New |
India Fiscal Document Generation |
Manage Tax Registrations |
Generate Customer Balance Reconciliation Report for Russia
Generate the Customer Balance Reconciliation Report for Russia to periodically reconcile settlements with customers. In the Customer Balance Reconciliation Report for Russia the following receivables documents are shown
- Invoices
- Debit Memos and Credit Memos
- Receipts from customers
Steps to Enable
Make the feature accessible by assigning or updating privileges and/or job roles. Details are provided in the Role section below.
Key Resources
- Customer Balance Reconciliation Report for Russia Topical Essay
Role Information
The feature is available after adding the Review Customer Balance Reconciliation Report for Russia privilege, JE_CUSTOMER_BALANCE_RECONCILIATION_REPORT_FOR_RUSSIA_PRIV, to any duty or job role.
Generate Receivables and Payables Audit Report for Russia
Use the Receivables and Payables Audit Report for Russia to review the audit results of settlements with suppliers and customers.
The Report shows
- First Party Organization details and document details
- Aggregated debt information on the customer and receivables account balances, and supplier and payables account balances
- Aggregated liability information on the customer and receivables account balances, and supplier and payables account balances
- Addendum section showing the list of source documents for the payables and receivables transactions, including amounts, the start dates of debts and the supporting document details
Steps to Enable
Make the feature accessible by assigning or updating privileges and/or job roles. Details are provided in the Role section below.
Key Resources
- Receivables and Payables Audit Report for Russia Topical Essay.
Role Information
The feature is available after adding the Review Customer Balance Reconciliation Report for Russia privilege, JE_CUSTOMER_BALANCE_RECONCILIATION_REPORT_FOR_RUSSIA_PRIV, to any duty or job role.
Generate VAT Reports for Russia
Generate purchase and sales ledger report with additional sheet for adjustments, and a tax invoice register report containing invoices issued and received.
The legal requirement in Russia is to report tax related information quarterly. This feature enables you to meet this requirement by providing extracts that contain data needed to report:
- Purchase Ledger
- Purchase Ledger Adjustment Sheets
- Sales Ledger
- Sales Ledger Adjustment Sheets and
- Invoice VAT Register – Received Invoices Register and Issued Invoices Register
The data are provided at transaction line level of detail and need to be grouped and formatted before reporting to Russian Tax Authorities.
The Select Transactions for Tax Reporting process and Tax Allocation process must be run before submitting VAT Reports for Russia process that creates output files for Russia specific reporting.
Steps to Enable
Make the feature accessible by assigning or updating privileges and/or job roles. Details are provided in the Role section below.
VAT Reports for Russia Topical Essay contains detail steps how to enable the feature.
Tips And Considerations
This feature groups data in the appropriate output files based on the tax boxes assigned to the transaction lines. You must set up Tax Box Allocation Rules and related components to have this feature working correctly.
The recommended setup:
- Document Fiscal Classification Codes
- Transaction Business Category Codes
- User-Defined Fiscal Classification Codes
- Intended Use Fiscal Classification Codes
- Tax Reporting Types and Codes
- Tax Determining Factor Set
- Tax Condition Sets
- Tax Box Allocation Rules
Regional Information – Invoices for Russia section on the transaction level and transaction line level provides additional fields that need to be populated to capture Russian specific transaction details.
Key Resources
- VAT Reporting for Russia Topical Essay
Role Information
The feature is secured by EMEA Financials Reporting duty role. This duty role is an orphan role. You must assign it to another role or user to get access to the feature.
Prepare VAT on Export Report for Russia
Generate a listing of export sales invoices and the status of the related confirmation documentation. Any related VAT invoices and VAT refunds are also reported.
Use the VAT on Export Report for Russia to monitor the status of your export sales transactions. Using this report you can do the following tasks:
- Identify export sales transactions for which the export documentation is not fully confirmed.
- Track the export sales transactions that have passed the grace period and the ones for which the grace period will expire soon.
- See the related VAT on Export invoices.
- See the VAT Refund invoices which have been created.
Steps to Enable
The VAT on Export Report for Russia is automatically available after completing the security setup.
- Define Receivables transaction types for Export Sales invoices - Depending on the customs regulations related to the grace period, you may need different export sales transaction types. Enter the grace period number of days in the Regional Information for Russia when creating your export sales transaction types.
- Define Receivables transaction types for VAT on Export invoices
- Define Receivables transaction types for VAT on Export Refund invoices
Tips And Considerations
- When entering export sales transactions, record the export date and the total amount confirmed by the customs authorities in the regional information of the transaction header.
- For the unconfirmed amount of an export sales transaction when the grace period has expired, enter a VAT on Export invoice and link it to the export sales invoice.
- After the grace period is over, enter a VAT on Export refund invoice for the amount confirmed after the date. This allows you to offset the previously recorded VAT on Export amount. Link your VAT on Export Refund invoice to the original export sales invoice.
Key Resources
- Oracle® Applications Financials Implementation Guide, Release 13
- VAT on Export Report for Russia Topical Essay
Russia Asset Reporting for Asset Repair and Maintenance
Comply with Russia Asset Reporting requirements by recording your asset repair, modernization, and reconstruction expense details.
Use the Maintenance Order spreadsheet to capture the work and job order details (including freight) for each asset under repair or modernization and its expected return to production date after the repair or modernization. Leverage the generic reporting extract for your compliance reports.
The following screenshots illustrate the feature and its benefits:
Access the Asset Repair and Maintenance Task for Your Russia Book
Supply the Work Order and Job Details
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Financials
Role Information
- The Asset Accounting Manager and Asset Accountant job roles are automatically updated.
Select supplier payments to create tax agent invoices for Russia using a spreadsheet.
VAT law in Russian Federation requires separate VAT invoice to be issued by company acting as Tax Agent for selected foreign or non-taxable purchases with place of supply under Russian jurisdiction. The Tax Agent invoice includes the self assessed tax that must be paid to the Russian Tax Authority before the original, supplier invoice payment is reconciled. The related output VAT can be recovered only after payment confirmation of the Tax Agent invoice.
The Tax Agent Invoice for Russia feature creates tax agent invoices for selected supplier payments.
- Launch the Tax Agent Invoice for Russia spreadsheet and search for supplier payments that are candidates to issue the Tax Agent Invoice.
- Mark the payments for which you want to create a tax agent invoice and provide the additional information.
- Upload the spreadsheet to create the tax agent invoices.
- Validate and pay the tax agent invoices, and print a copy of the invoice.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Financials
Tips And Considerations
- Following the recommended setup approach, the tax reporting lines for purchase ledger and sales ledger reports are available on the tax agent invoice.
- The tax reporting of unconfirmed tax agent invoice payments for purchase ledger tax lines can be deferred to the next tax period using the tax point date adjustment feature.
Key Resources
- Oracle® Applications Financials Implementation Guide
- Tax Agent Invoice for Russia Topical Essay
- Tax Point Date Adjustment Topical Essay