Cloud Readiness / Oracle Financials Cloud
What's New
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  1. Update 19D
  1. Revision History
  2. Overview
  3. Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)
  4. Feature Summary
  5. Common Technology and User Experience
    1. Common Financials Features
        1. REST Services Updates for Financials
        2. Workflow Transaction Console
      1. Intercompany
        1. Improved Intercompany Processing with Support for Multiple Addresses Per Legal Entity
  6. Financials
    1. Assets
        1. Manage Depreciation and Retirement Rules for Statutory Tax Reporting in the Czech Republic
    2. Expenses
        1. Identify Meal and Accommodation Expenses with Policy Validations on Expenses Mobile Application
        2. Review Expense Report Status on Expenses Mobile Application
    3. General Ledger
        1. Design and Maintain Financial Reports Efficiently from the Cloud
        2. Save and Reuse Search Criteria in Account Balance Inquiries
        3. Accounting Automation
    4. Payables
        1. Configurable Payables Workflow Notifications
        2. Disable the Deletion of Attachments for Validated or Approved Invoices
        3. Require Attachments for Invoices Through the Supplier Portal
    5. Payments
        1. Update Payment Requests When Creating or Ending Employee Bank Account
    6. Receivables
        1. Additional Attributes for Deriving Receivables Accounting
        2. Automatically Unapply Receipts When Approved Credit Memo Amount is More Than Invoice Balance
        3. Display Balance Forward Bills in Bill Management
        4. Remove Customer Profile Attribute Values in Bulk Through Customer Import
        5. Search for Customer Using Customer Address
    7. Revenue Management
        1. Allow Override of Currency Conversion Details for Revenue Contract Lines
        2. Business Events for Managing Revenue Contracts
        3. Update Descriptive Attributes on Revenue Contracts Without Invoking Contract Modifications
    8. Tax
        1. Calculate Withholding Tax Based on Payment Amount
        2. Prevent Withholding Tax Amounts Less Than Zero
        3. Validate Tax Configuration and Calculation Results Through Enhanced Tax Simulator
        4. Validate Tax Registration Number for Australia
        5. Validate Tax Registration Number for New Zealand
    9. Transactional Business Intelligence for Financials
        1. Cross-Pillar Reporting Between Receivables and Projects
        2. Enhancements to General Ledger Subject Areas
        3. Enhancements to Receivables Subject Areas
        4. Enhancements to Revenue Management Subject Areas
        5. Financial Category Attribute Available in Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence Subject Areas
  7. Regional and Country-Specific Features
    1. Financials for the Americas
        1. Generate Withholding Certificate Number and Capture Additional Attributes for Argentina XML Payment File
    2. Financials for EMEA
        1. Generate VAT File in 835 Format for Israel
        2. Include Taxable Journals and Transactions in Tax Registers for Italy
    3. Financials for Regional Localizations
        1. Generate Data Extract for Norway SAF-T

Update 19D

Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Feature Notes
04 SEP 2020 Payables: Configurable Payables Workflow Notifications Updated document. Revised opt in information.
04 MAR 2020 Common Financials Features: Workflow Transaction Console Updated document. Revised opt in information.
27 NOV 2019 General Ledger: Design and Maintain Financial Reports Efficiently from the Cloud Updated document. Revised feature availability information. 
06 SEP 2019   Created initial document.


This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in this update, and describes any tasks you might need to perform for the update. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.

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Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)

Oracle Cloud Applications delivers new updates every quarter. This means every three months you'll receive new functionality to help you efficiently and effectively manage your business. Some features are delivered Enabled meaning they are immediately available to end users. Other features are delivered Disabled meaning you have to take action to make available. Features delivered Disabled can be activated for end users in a couple of ways:

Access the Opt In page from the New Features Work Area

  1. Click the Navigator, and then click New Features (under the My Enterprise heading)
  2. On the New Features page, select the offering that includes new features you’d like to review
  3. Click Go to Opt In for any feature you want to opt in
  4. On the Edit Features page, select the Enable option for the feature, and then click Done

or...  Access the Opt In page from the Setup and Maintenance Work Area

  1. Click the Navigator, and then click Setup and Maintenance
  2. On the Setup page, select your offering, and then click Change Feature Opt In
  3. On the Opt In page, click the Edit Features icon for any area that includes features you want to opt in
  4. On the Edit Features page, select the Enable option for any feature you want to opt in to. If the Enable column includes an Edit icon instead of a check box, then click the icon, select your feature options, and click Save and Close
  5. Click Done.

Opt In Expiration

Occasionally, features delivered Disabled via Opt In may be enabled automatically in a future update. This is known as an Opt In Expiration. If your cloud service has any Opt In Expirations in this release, you will see a related tab in this document. Click on that tab to see when the feature was originally delivered Disabled, and when the Opt In will expire, potentially automatically enabling the feature. You can also click here to see features with current Opt In Expirations across all Oracle Cloud Applications. Beyond the current release, the Financials forums on Cloud Customer Connect have details of Opt In Expirations upcoming in future releases.

Feature Summary

Column Definitions:

Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.

UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.

UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.

Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.

New Features Delivered Ready to Use
(Delivered Enabled)

Reports plus Small Scale UI or Process-Based new features will have minimal user impact after an update. Therefore, customer acceptance testing should focus on the Larger Scale UI or Process-Based* new features.

New Features That Customer Must Take Action to Use (Delivered Disabled)

Not disruptive as action is required to make these features ready to use. As you selectively choose to leverage, you set your test and roll out timing.



UI or
Small Scale

UI or
Larger Scale*

Common Technology and User Experience

Common Financials Features

REST Services Updates for Financials

Workflow Transaction Console


Improved Intercompany Processing with Support for Multiple Addresses Per Legal Entity



Manage Depreciation and Retirement Rules for Statutory Tax Reporting in the Czech Republic


Identify Meal and Accommodation Expenses with Policy Validations on Expenses Mobile Application

Review Expense Report Status on Expenses Mobile Application

General Ledger

Design and Maintain Financial Reports Efficiently from the Cloud

Save and Reuse Search Criteria in Account Balance Inquiries

Accounting Automation


Configurable Payables Workflow Notifications

Disable the Deletion of Attachments for Validated or Approved Invoices

Require Attachments for Invoices Through the Supplier Portal


Update Payment Requests When Creating or Ending Employee Bank Account


Additional Attributes for Deriving Receivables Accounting

Automatically Unapply Receipts When Approved Credit Memo Amount is More Than Invoice Balance

Display Balance Forward Bills in Bill Management

Remove Customer Profile Attribute Values in Bulk Through Customer Import

Search for Customer Using Customer Address

Revenue Management

Allow Override of Currency Conversion Details for Revenue Contract Lines

Business Events for Managing Revenue Contracts

Update Descriptive Attributes on Revenue Contracts Without Invoking Contract Modifications


Calculate Withholding Tax Based on Payment Amount

Prevent Withholding Tax Amounts Less Than Zero

Validate Tax Configuration and Calculation Results Through Enhanced Tax Simulator

Validate Tax Registration Number for Australia

Validate Tax Registration Number for New Zealand

Transactional Business Intelligence for Financials

Cross-Pillar Reporting Between Receivables and Projects

Enhancements to General Ledger Subject Areas

Enhancements to Receivables Subject Areas

Enhancements to Revenue Management Subject Areas

Financial Category Attribute Available in Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence Subject Areas

Regional and Country-Specific Features

Financials for the Americas

Generate Withholding Certificate Number and Capture Additional Attributes for Argentina XML Payment File

Financials for EMEA

Generate VAT File in 835 Format for Israel

Include Taxable Journals and Transactions in Tax Registers for Italy

Financials for Regional Localizations

Generate Data Extract for Norway SAF-T

Common Technology and User Experience

Common Financials Features

REST Services Updates for Financials

The following REST resources provide new or enhanced integration capabilities:

  1. External Bank Accounts - Create, update, and view bank accounts assigned to suppliers, customers, and external parties using the External Payee, External Bank Account, and Payment Instrument Assignment REST services. With these services, you can:
  • Create and manage external payees for suppliers, customers, and external parties.
  • Retrieve external payee information.
  • Create and manage payment methods assigned to suppliers and external parties.
  • Retrieve external payment method assigned information.
  • Create and manage external bank accounts.
  • Create and manage external bank account owners.
  • Retrieve external bank account and bank account owner information.
  • Create and manage assignments of external bank accounts to external payees.
  • Retrieve payment instrument assignment information.
  1. External Payees - Assign payment methods to suppliers.
  1. Bill Management Users - Enroll users to provide customer accounts payable specialists access to Bill Management. With this service, you can:
  • Enroll Bill Management users by associating an Oracle Applications user with a customer account or site.
  • Enroll multiple Bill Management users for one customer.
  • Enroll one Bill Management user for multiple customers.
  • Retrieve the details of Bill Management users of a given customer account or site.

You can view details about these services in the REST API for Oracle Financials Cloud guide.

Steps to Enable

Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides, available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API. If you're new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.

Key Resources

  • For an overview of REST APIs and the technical details, see the REST API for Oracle Financials Cloud guide in the Oracle Help Center.

Workflow Transaction Console

Using a single dashboard, administrators can proactively monitor all workflow tasks and resolve the exceptions for Invoice, Expenses, and Journal Approval workflows.

The Workflow Transaction Console lets you monitor workflow tasks, resolve exceptions, and search using your specific criteria.

Use the Workflow Transaction Console to:

  • View the latest status of all the tasks in the system.


View Latest Status of the Tasks

  • Review the issue description and resolution for failed tasks.

Select a Failed Task

View Issue Description and Resolution

  • Take appropriate actions based on the issue description and resolution. For example, you can recover a failed task after correcting the rule or withdraw a task in progress.

Recover a Failed Task After Correcting the Rule


               Withdraw a Task in Progress

  • Search based on the user-defined criteria.

Search Transactions

  • Download the search results to a spreadsheet in the CSV format.

Download Search Results

Steps to Enable

Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

Offering: Financials

Tips And Considerations

To display only financial-related tasks in the Workflow Transaction Console, enable the transaction security feature by using these steps:

  1. Go to Navigator > Setup and Maintenance > Manage Enterprise HCM Information.
  2. Click Edit > Correct.
  3. In the Transaction Console Information section, select Enable Transaction Security.

Role Information

  • Financial Application Administrator


Improved Intercompany Processing with Support for Multiple Addresses Per Legal Entity

The Manage Intercompany Customer Supplier Association setup previously restricted you to one customer account assignment per legal entity. All invoices generated for a legal entity used the same bill-to site for a given receivables business unit. You can now assign different customer accounts to each intercompany organization within a legal entity. This lets you create intercompany invoices with different bill-to addresses for a legal entity, giving you greater control over the taxes applied to the invoice.

Steps to Enable

  • From the Manage Intercompany Customer Supplier Association setup page , create customer supplier assignments for each intercompany organization within a legal entity.
  • While creating intercompany transactions, select the intercompany organization with the appropriate customer account, so that your receivables invoice is created with the correct bill-to address.

Tips And Considerations

Create a customer supplier assignment at the legal entity level which can be used as the default when there are no assignments at the intercompany organization level.



Manage Depreciation and Retirement Rules for Statutory Tax Reporting in the Czech Republic

Comply with the statutory asset tax reporting requirements:

  • Round up depreciation amounts.
  • Change the depreciation method in the tax book after a technical appraisal.
  • Extend the life of an intangible asset after a technical appraisal.
  • Ensure that depreciation is half of the annual amount when the asset is fully retired.

To use this feature, you must enable the Global Descriptive flexfields at the book level.


Tax reporting in the Czech Republic requires that depreciation amounts must be rounded up to the nearest koruna (CZK). Depreciation totals are rounded up to the nearest whole number in the corporate and tax books. The rounding difference is posted to the depreciation amount. For backdated transactions, the rounding difference is added to the adjustment depreciation account.


For tangible assets in the Czech Republic, you must change the depreciation method after a technical appraisal. You upload the depreciation method for tangible assets in a spreadsheet. The application calculates tax depreciation on an asset-by-asset basis, applying the straight-line or accelerated basis methods of depreciation at statutory rates. Under both methods, the depreciation amount in the first year is lower than for subsequent years.

The application changes depreciation methods for the tax book automatically when you copy assets to the tax book using the Perform Initial Mass Copy or Perform Periodic Mass Copy process.


The application extends the asset life based on the technical appraisal for intangible assets. The technical appraisal impact is reflected in the next period.


For assets that are fully retired, the application calculates only half of the total depreciation if the assets are not retired in the last period of the asset's life. For assets that are partially retired, the application doesn't calculate half of the annual depreciation.

You can change the depreciation methods in your tax book automatically for subsequent years when you copy assets from the corporate book to the tax book. When the Global Descriptive Flexfield is enabled at the book level, half of the annual depreciation for retired assets is calculated. For assets that are partially retired, half of the annual depreciation is not calculated.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Create an asset book and select "Roundup to whole number" in the Annual Depreciation Rounding list.

Enable Depreciation Rounding

Enabling Flexfields in the Regional Information to Enable Flexfields in the Regional Information.

  • Enable Deprecation Method Change
  • Enable Half of Annual Depreciation
  • Enable Asset Life Extension

Enabling Flexfields in the Regional Information

Use Regional information to specify the change of method.

Technical Assessment with Regional Information Details

Using Regional information to specify the change of method

Depreciation Method Regional Information


Identify Meal and Accommodation Expenses with Policy Validations on Expenses Mobile Application

Enforce the same meal and accommodation policies on the Expenses mobile application that your company has enabled for the Expenses online application. The mobile application validates meal and accommodation expenses for policy violations and displays the warning and error messages on the View screen if the expenses exceed these rate limits and applicable warning tolerances.

  • Single instance limit and daily sum limit for meals
  • Daily limit for accommodations

Based on your expense policy configuration, the mobile application may require you to enter a justification.

The mobile application prevents you from submitting expenses that exceed error tolerances. To submit an expense with a limit violation, you must correct the receipt amount. Additionally, the mobile application limits reimbursement of the specified amount if the expense policy enforces an upper limit.

Policy Violation Message on View Expenses Screen

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

To use this feature, ensure that you have downloaded the latest Expenses mobile application.

Role Information

To use this feature, you need the Employee role.

Review Expense Report Status on Expenses Mobile Application

Review expense report status and comments for rejected expense reports directly on the Expenses mobile application. To review report status and comments, navigate to the History page from the springboard. On the Submitted Reports tab, the expense report status is displayed. To view approval comments, drill down to expense report details and tap the Approval Comments field. To refresh the Submitted Reports screen with the latest status, swipe down the screen.


List of Submitted Expense Reports

Rejected Expense Report with Approval Comments

Approval Comments

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

To use this feature, ensure that you have downloaded the latest Expenses mobile application.

Role Information

To use this feature, you need the Employee role.

General Ledger

Design and Maintain Financial Reports Efficiently from the Cloud

Reporting Web Studio is a web-based report authoring solution that has a similar look and feel to the current Windows-based Financial Reporting Studio.

Reporting Web Studio is available to customers who subscribed to Oracle ERP Cloud after May 2018. For customers who subscribed prior to May 2018, this feature will be available beginning in February 2020.

The existing Windows Financial Reporting Studio will still be available. Report definitions remain the same in both features, therefore you can edit existing reports using the Windows or web version of the Financial Reporting Studio.

To open Reporting Web Studio:

Reporting Web Studio is opened from a link in Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Workspace. Report designers will be able to select the link to open the Reporting Web Studio.

To access the workspace link:

  1. Sign in to Oracle Applications Cloud.
  2. Open the Financial Reporting Center.
  3. Click the Tasks panel tab.
  4. Select the Open Workspace for Financial Reports task.

Financial Reporting Center with Open Workspace for Financial Reports Task

  1. On the Workspace Tools menu, select Launch Reporting Web Studio.

Workspace Tools Menu

Steps to Enable

Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

Offering: Financials

Tips And Considerations

  • Design reports by adding report objects to the Report tab using the Insert menu, the report object icons in the toolbar, or the Add Report Object buttons in the Header, Body, and Footer sections.

  • Edit the report objects using the Header, Body, and Footer sections under the Report tab. You can add, edit, or delete report objects within each section.

Insert Menu, Toolbar Icons, Report Tab with Header, Body, and Footer Sections

  • If you choose to use Financial Reporting Desktop Studio, you must still reinstall the client when Oracle releases an update to the Financial Reporting Server.
  • Reporting Web Studio supports Single Sign-On (SSO).

Save and Reuse Search Criteria in Account Balance Inquiries

Save and reuse search criteria on the Inquire on Detail Balances page to retrieve account balances quickly and efficiently. Saved searches accelerate account balance inquiries and provide an enhanced user experience.

  • You can create saved searches based on frequently used search criteria. To create a saved search:   
  1. Enter the search criteria on the Inquire on Detail Balances page.
  2. Click Save.
  3. Enter the name for the saved search.
  4. Click OK.


 Sample Search Criteria with Save Button on Inquire on Detail Balances Page


 Create Saved Search Window                                       

  • You can optionally set a saved search as the default search. When you land on the Inquire on Detail Balances page, the default saved search criteria is populated automatically.                   
  • You can personalize a saved search and perform the following actions:  
  1. Delete a saved search.
  2. Mark a saved search as the default.        
  3. Rename a saved search.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

Role Information

The feature does not require any additional role to be granted to the user.

Accounting Automation

Accounting Automation streamlines and automates your end-to-end accounting and transaction processes, including Import Daily Rates, Create Accounting, Import Journals and Posting, greatly reducing manual effort and time lag in the accounting function. The data flows through all of the required processing steps with no user intervention, while making it easy to involve the right people at the right time to resolve exceptions. This facilitates continuous availability of accurate and up-to-date financial information.

Accounting Automation notifies selected users or roles of any exceptions encountered and provides guidance on how to resolve them.

Main Components of the Accounting Automation Feature:

  • Email notification and report for the default user or role: Summary of processed data, errors and pending approvals to the specified default user or role.
  • Email notification and report for the other specified users or roles: Summary of errors and pending approvals to the specified users or roles.
  • Exclusion of specified sources from accounting automation processing.

Steps to Enable

Navigate to Manage Accounting Automation setup page from Setup and Maintenance task to enable accounting automation.

Manage Accounting Automation Setup Page with Notification Preference of Role

Manage Accounting Automation Setup Page with Notification Preference of User

  1. Enable Automation.
  2. Specify the Scheduled Submission Time.
  3. Select your notification preference and specify the Default User or Role to Notify.
  4. Optionally specify additional users or roles to be notified of the errors found while processing accounting transactions, based on the ledger or ledger set, the category that an error falls under, and the journal source.
  5. Optionally specify any journal sources to exclude from accounting automation.

Tips And Considerations

  1. When you enable Accounting Automation, transaction data for all of the ledgers (primary, secondary, and journal and subledger-level reporting currencies) in the application are processed.
  1. Accounting Automation should not be enabled if you're using or plan to use any form of coexistence.
  1. Accounting is only generated for events with an accounting date of system date or earlier. Future-dated accounting is not generated automatically.
  1. Incomplete journal batches aren't picked up by Accounting Automation for posting.
  1. Accounting Automation doesn't pick up transactions that were created on a date before Automation was enabled, unless the transaction has an accounting date the same as, or later than, the date that Automation was enabled.
  1. If you use Oracle Receivables and plan to enable Accounting Automation, you must schedule the Create Receivables Accounting process to run daily, before the Accounting Automation scheduled time.

Role Information

The Accounting Automation feature is secured by the Manage Accounting Automation Setup and Run Accounting Automation Program privileges. The new accounting automation privileges are assigned to the General Accounting Functional Administration Duty, which rolls up to the Financial Application Administrator and Application Implementation Consultant job roles.


Configurable Payables Workflow Notifications

Configurable workflow notifications for Payables workflows are available for use. You can use and configure the Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher templates to generate the email and in-app notifications for Payables workflows. The predefined template can be modified by you to display information based on your business requirements and policies. 

Configurable in-app and email notifications are available for use for the following Payables workflows:

  • Invoice Approval
  • Payment Approval
  • Holds Resolution
  • Invoice Account Coding

You can use and configure the Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher templates to generate the in-app notifications. You can also modify the predefined template to display information based on your business requirements and policies. Choose from a comprehensive list of attributes to modify the notifications according to your requirements. You can change both layout and content – add images, change colors and styling, add or remove attributes or modify text.

Steps to Enable

Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

Offering: FinancialsNo Longer Optional From: Update 21A

Tips And Considerations

  • The templates used for the generation of the workflow notifications are located in the Reports and Analytics > Shared Folders > Financials > Workflow Notifications folders.
  • A single template is used to generate both the email and in-app notifications for a particular workflow.  If you have chosen to use configurable notifications for both in-app and email notifications for a workflow, any modifications that you make to the seeded template, will be reflected in both types of notifications.

Key Resources

  • Overview of Financials Configurable Workflow Notifications on the Oracle Help Center.
  • Configuring Payables Email and In-App Notifications

Disable the Deletion of Attachments for Validated or Approved Invoices

An additional option is available in the Manage Invoice Options page, to prevent deletion of attachments for validated or approved invoices.

Steps to Enable

  1. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.
  2. Select Financials from the choice list at the top of the page.
  3. Search for the task of Manage Invoice Options
  4. Open the task for the business for which this feature needs to be enabled
  5. Select the checkbox of Prevent Deletion of Invoice Attachments

Tips And Considerations

  1. If approval is enabled then the attachments will not be allowed to deleted once the invoice is approved, regardless of the validation status.
  2. If approval is not enabled then the attachment cannot be deleted once the invoice is validated.
  3. You can add additional attachments at any point in time and only deleting them is controlled by this option.

Require Attachments for Invoices Through the Supplier Portal

An additional option is available in the Manage Invoice Options page, to enforce suppliers to provide attachments for  invoices created from the supplier portal.

Steps to Enable

  1. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.
  2. Select Financials from the choice list at the top of the page.
  3. Search for the task of Manage Invoice Options
  4. Open the task for the business for which this feature needs to be enabled
  5. Select the checkbox of Require Attachment

Tips And Considerations

Require attachment applies to both PO matched and unmatched invoices created in the supplier portal.


Update Payment Requests When Creating or Ending Employee Bank Account

When you create a new bank account in the Expenses work area, you can now automatically apply the new account to any payment requests that aren't already associated with a bank account. Similarly, when you inactivate a bank account, you can automatically replace the account with an alternative.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.


Additional Attributes for Deriving Receivables Accounting

This enhancement includes additional attributes related to the origin and history of Receivables transactions as sources to drive Subledger accounting and reporting.

The additional attributes for each event class are as follows:

  • Invoice, Credit Memo and Debit Memo event class : Product Type, Transaction Creation Date, Transaction Created By, Transaction Last Updated Date and Transaction Last Updated By.
  • Adjustments event class : Transaction Creation Date, Transaction Created By, Transaction Last Updated Date and Transaction Last Updated By.
  • Receipts event class : Receipt Bill To Site Receivable Account, Receipt Bill To Site Clearing Account, Receipt Bill To Site Freight Account, Receipt Bill To Site Revenue Account, Receipt Bill To Site Tax Account, Receipt Bill To Site Unbilled Receivable, Receipt Bill To Site Unearned Account, Transaction Creation Date, Transaction Created By, Transaction Last Updated Date and Transaction Last Updated By. 

Steps to Enable

Offering: Financials


To update the Subledger Accounting Method and associate it with the Ledger, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Navigator, and then Setup and Maintenance.
  2. Search for the predefined Accounting Method for the ledger and duplicate it.
  3. In the section for Journal Entry Rule Set Assignments for Receivables, update the existing rule sets with additional attributes for Adjustment, Debit Memo, Credit Memo, Invoice, Miscellaneous Receipt and Receipt.
  4. Re-create these event class records using the following predefined Rule Sets for Subledger Accounting mapping required attributes in Mapping sets, Account Rules, Descriptions Rule:
    • Adjustments: 'Adjustments - Accounting Method'
    • Debit Memo: 'Debit Memos - Accounting Method'
    • Credit Memo: 'Credit Memos - Accounting Method'
    • Invoice: 'Invoices - Accounting Method'
    • Receipt: 'Receipts - Accounting  Method'
  5. Activate the Accounting Method from Menu Actions > Change Status.
  6. Associate this custom Accounting Method to the Ledger for which Accounting is enabled (through the corresponding business unit).

NOTE: The predefined Journal Entry Rule Sets associated with the Accounting Method will have the default status as ‘Incomplete’.  On activating the Accounting Method (as stated in step-5), the corresponding Journal Entry Rule Sets will also receive the status ‘Active’.

Tips And Considerations

The processes to account and to view distributions in the Subledger and general ledger remain the same.

Role Information

You don't need any new role or privilege access to use this feature.

Automatically Unapply Receipts When Approved Credit Memo Amount is More Than Invoice Balance

Use this feature to automatically reverse receipt applications during the credit memo approval process. If the approved credit memo amount is greater than the invoice balance, one or more receipt applications are fully or partially unapplied to close the open balance after adjusting the credit amount.

You will see the unapplication of a receipt from the invoice as two independent activities:

  1. Unapplication for the full receipt amount.
  2. Reapplication on the invoice for the balance amount.

In the following example, the first activity unapplies the $650 receipt against the $1000 invoice. The second activity applies the $400 credit memo created by the dispute against the open balance, and the remaining $50 becomes an On Account receipt, available for application against other invoices belonging to the same customer.


This feature is already available on Import Autoinvoice process for Credit Memos.  This capability is now extended to the Credit Memo Request Approval process.

Steps to Enable

You can enable this feature on the transaction source through the attribute 'Receipt Handling for Credits'.  The value for this attribute should be set as 'On account'.

You should enable this option on the transaction source associated with the credit memo.  The disputed invoice transaction source value for 'Credit Transaction Source' is used by the credit memo request approval process for this purpose.  If it is not available, then the predefined transaction source 'Credit Memo' is used.

Tips And Considerations

  • You should enable this feature only when natural application is allowed on the invoice.
  • This feature reverses one or more receipts to the extent of accommodating the credit memo within the invoice amount.  If the application of the credit memo after reversing all the available receipts still makes the invoice balance negative, especially due to adjustments or credit memos, then this process fails with an error.
  • If you choose the option 'Reverse Applications and Credit Open Balance' while creating a dispute/credit request, then that model for handling the disputed invoices takes precedence and this feature doesn't apply.
  • The automatic unapplication and reapplication of a receipt on an invoice, along with the references of the credit request details, can be tracked on a receipt through its history.

Role Information

You don't need any new role or privilege access to use this feature.

Display Balance Forward Bills in Bill Management

Review balance forward bills using Bill Management. You can view the balance forward bills generated for a customer account or site in the Balance Forward Bills infotile.

Here are the key attributes displayed in the Balance Forward Bills infotile detail table:

  • Billing Number
  • Billing Date
  • Due Date
  • Amount Due on the Bill

The detail table only displays final balance forward bills delivered to customers by print or email.

Steps to Enable

  • The feature is available for users of Bill Management who receive balance forward bills.
  • In the Manage Bill Management System Options, enter the number of months in the Transaction History In Months to display all the past bills of those months.

Tips And Considerations

  • For additional processing, click on the Export to Excel icon to export the bill and related attributes.
  • You can view all column values of the Account Overview page in full length with maximum screen resolution.
  • You can also view the feature solution in the standard 1280 X 1024 display resolution.

Role Information

You don't need any new role or privilege access to use this feature. 

Remove Customer Profile Attribute Values in Bulk Through Customer Import

The Customer Import upload spreadsheet can remove existing values for Credit Limit, Order Credit Limit, Credit Review Cycle, Last Review Date, and Next Review Date when #NULL is populated for those attributes.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Populate the Credit Limit, Order Credit Limit, Credit Review Cycle, Last Review Date, and Next Review Date with #NULL value to remove the values from the fields.

Role Information

You don't need any new role or privilege access to use this feature.

Search for Customer Using Customer Address

Use this feature to search for a customer using the new site number search attribute on Manage Customers page.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Role Information

You don't need any new role or privilege access to use this feature.

Revenue Management

Allow Override of Currency Conversion Details for Revenue Contract Lines

Optionally provide currency conversion details in the new columns added to the Revenue Basis Data Import file. Currency conversion for entered selling amount and extended SSP from a non-ledger currency to the ledger currency uses the conversion rate type setup at the Revenue Management System Options. This is an existing feature and the default functionality.  It is encouraged that you continue to use the system option setup to ensure consistent conversion on assets and liabilities across subledgers in compliance with FASB 52, ASC 830 or IAS 21.  In Revenue Management, the ledger currency amounts are used in revenue allocation and revenue recognition calculation.  However, when you are required to use the conversion rate type specified at the source document, you can provide the currency conversion rate type, date and rate on the corresponding columns on the VRM_SOURCE_DOCUMENTS worksheet of the Revenue Basis Data Import file.  When the conversion rate type information is available on the source document worksheet, the entered selling amount and the extended SSP are converted using the source document information instead of the system option setup.  Make sure that you use the same conversion details for the invoice to offset the revenue clearing account.


There are three new attributes available on the VRM_SOURCE_DOCUMENTS worksheet:

  • Conversion Rate Type
    • Used to convert the entered selling amount and the extended standalone selling price to the ledger currency.
    • The default value is blank, which means that when converting currency, the application uses the conversion rate type specified on the Manage System Options for Revenue Management page with the accounting contract date as the conversion date.
  • Conversion Date
    • The application uses the conversion date and the conversion rate type to convert the entered selling amount and the extended standalone selling price to the ledger currency.
    • The default value is blank, which means the application sets the conversion date to the source document date.  When no conversion rate type is specified on the source document, the application sets the conversion date to the accounting contract date.
  • Conversion Rate
    • Used to convert the entered selling amount and the extended standalone selling price to the ledger currency.
    • Applies only when the Conversion Rate Type is User. For other conversion rate types, the application ignores the conversion rate.

New columns Added to Revenue Basis Data Import File


The Correct Contract Document Errors in Spreadsheet task launches a spreadsheet that shows the source document headers, lines, and sublines that fail validation, along with the relevant error messages.  You can correct the errors and upload the corrected lines for further processing. The spreadsheet now includes the following three attributes in the Document Errors worksheet to facilitate error correction:

  • Conversion Rate Type
  • Conversion Date
  • Conversion Rate

New columns Added to the Correct Contract Document Errors in Spreadsheet


  • Revenue Management supports one currency per accounting contract. In one accounting contract, the source lines must be in one ledger currency or in one foreign currency.  At this time, there is no support for an accounting contract consisting of source lines denominated in various currencies.

  • Currency conversion applies at the performance obligation level.  All components within one performance obligation use the same conversion rate type, date, and rate.  The performance obligations within one contract can have varying currency conversion details.

  • The implied performance obligation, based on policy or business practice, uses the same currency conversion rate type, date, and rate as the source or parent performance obligation.  An implied performance obligation must have the same currency as its parent; you need to ensure the correct setup on the implied performance obligation template.

  • The same functionality applies for contract revisions: 
    • When adding promises to an existing performance obligation, the added source lines must have the same currency conversion rate type, date, and rate as the modified performance obligation.  When the conversion details vary, the application creates one or more new performance obligations.
    • When adding performance obligations to an existing accounting contract, the application creates the new performance obligations with the currency conversion details as specified on the source document or default system option setup.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • On the Edit Customer Contract page:
    • Entered Selling Amount: the total selling amount in the entered currency.
    • Selling Amount: the total selling amount in the ledger currency.
    • Entered Extended SSP: the extended standalone selling price in the entered currency.
    • Extended SSP: the extended standalone selling price in the ledger currency.
    • The Obligation Amount, Promised Detail Amount and Revenue Recognized are in the ledger currency.
  • There is no currency conversion on unit amounts such as unit list price, unit selling price, and unit standalone selling price, as well as other amounts such as the base price and cost.

Key Resources

Refer to the Revenue Management documentation for further information on how to import revenue basis data from third party sources and to download the new Revenue Basis Data Import file-based data import template.

Role Information

No new role access is needed to use this feature.

Business Events for Managing Revenue Contracts

Subscribe to business events for managing Revenue Contracts. These business events signal when contracts are created, updated or deleted in bulk.

A business event is a definable logical occurrence in a business scenario.  It can be a high-level occurrence such as a contract creation or a specialized event such as a status change.

Use business events to perform operations in other systems based on public events in the application. Your application administrator must enable business events before you can use them.

After you enable the business events feature, the application sends a signal, along with a payload containing information about the business event, whenever an event occurs.

Integration developers and administrators can subscribe to business events from the Oracle Integration Cloud using the Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter. Then, they can use the information in the payload to configure event handlers that perform business operations. For more information, refer to Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter Capabilities and Developing Integrations with Oracle Integration Cloud Service.

The business event payload contains specific information pertaining to the event. You can use callback services to retrieve additional information from the application.

This table describes the business event supported by Revenue Management in this release.

Supported Business Event Description Enable by Default Call Back Service
Revenue Contract Batch Created Signals when revenue contracts were created in bulk. No

REST Service: Revenue Contracts

Method: Get all revenue contracts

If you want the application to notify you whenever it creates a contract, then enable the Generate Public Events on Revenue Contract Batch Created feature.

For example, if you want to send an email notification whenever the application creates a contract:

  • You, as a project application administrator, must enable this feature.
  • Integration developers must create event handlers that subscribe to these signals and send an email notification whenever the status of a deliverable changes to completed.


This table lists and describes the attributes in the payload.

Attribute Description
Request ID The unique identifier of the request.
Job Name Name of the process. 
Business Context Business condition for the event.

This table lists and describes the business contexts available for this business event’s payload.

Business Context Description
ContractCreation The revenue contracts that are created by the Identify Customer Contracts process.
RecurringContractRenewal The recurring source document lines that are created by the Create Revenue Source Data process.

Steps to Enable

See Enable Business Events in the Use Cases section in the REST API for Oracle Financials Cloud guide on the Oracle Help Center.

Key Resources

Update Descriptive Attributes on Revenue Contracts Without Invoking Contract Modifications

Update descriptive attributes on revenue contracts using the Revenue Basis Data Import template. Use a record type of U to indicate that a data row is meant for update. To remove existing values from attributes, enter the value #NULL.

Update or delete descriptive attributes that are stored in the extensible attributes for contract lines by processing a record type of U for a contract line's corresponding source document line. Update or delete descriptive attributes that are stored in the extensible attributes for source documents by processing a record type of V for the contract's source document.


There are two new record types available in the Revenue Basis Data Import template:

  • Use record type U to update the descriptive attributes on source document lines. This record type applies to the following attributes on the VRM_SOURCE_DOC_LINES worksheet:
    • Extensible Line Character Attribute 1 to 60
    • Extensible Line Number Attribute 1 to 20
    • Extensible Line Number Date 1 to 10
  • Use record type V to update the descriptive attributes on source documents. This record type applies to the following attributes on the VRM_SOURCE_DOCUMENTS worksheet:
    • Extensible Header Character Attribute 1 to 60
    • Extensible Header Number Attribute 1 to 20
    • Extensible Header Number Date 1 to 10


To update or delete the descriptive attributes using the Revenue Basis Data Import file:

  • Use record type V and provide the unique identifiers to identify the source document for which you intend to update the descriptive attributes in the VRM_SOURCE_DOCUMENTS worksheet.
  • Use record type U and provide the unique identifiers to identify the source document line for which you intend to update the descriptive attributes in the VRM_SOURCE_DOC_LINES worksheet.
  • Populate the descriptive attribute with the value #NULL to delete an existing value.

Record Type V in VRM_SOURCE_DOCUMENTS of Revenue Basis Data Import File

Record Type U in VRM_SOURCE_DOC_LINES of Revenue Basis Data Import file


The Validate Customer Contract Data process performs these key validations for lines with record types U and V:

  • The update record returns an error in these circumstances:
    • The unique identifiers provided are invalid
    • The unique source document or unique source document line doesn't exist
    • The extensible attributes to be updated belong to a contract that was automatically renewed
  • You can update the extensible attribute columns only when you use the record types U and V.


The Validate Customer Contract Source Data Execution Report now displays the summary of the records that aren't updated due to validation errors.  It also lists the records that aren't updated along with the error messages.  You can correct the errors and import the revised lines using the Revenue Basis Data Import file for further processing.

Validate Customer Contract Source Data Execution Report

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • The unique identifiers that identify a source document are:
    • Source document type code
    • Source document unique identifier number 1 to 5
    • Source document unique identifier character 1 to 5
    • Source system code
  • The unique identifiers that identify a source document line are:
    • Source document type code
    • Source document line unique identifier number 1 to 5
    • Source document line unique identifier character 1 to 5
    • Source system code
  • The application processes multiple update records for a single set of unique identifiers in a single run in the ascending order of the records that are imported into the Revenue Management tables.
  • There is no impact on existing contracts or obligations when you revise descriptive attributes used by the contract identification rules. The application uses the revised attributes only if the existing contract is discarded and reprocessed.
  • When you use descriptive attributes to derive account segment values, descriptive attribute revisions are applied only from that point forward and are not retroactive. Any final accounted entries remain as is.

Key Resources

Refer to the Revenue Management documentation for further information on how to import revenue basis data from third party sources and to download the new Revenue Basis Data Import file-based data import template.

Role Information

No new role access is needed to use this feature.


Calculate Withholding Tax Based on Payment Amount

Calculate withholding taxes based on the total payment amount to a supplier, optionally considering minimum taxable and tax amount thresholds.

Oracle Tax lets you configure taxable and tax amount thresholds to consider the total amount for each payment made to a supplier. To configure taxable and tax amount thresholds by payment amount, select the option Payment from the Threshold Basis list in the Threshold Controls tabbed region of the Withholding Tax page.

Steps to Enable

To enable this feature, use the following steps:

  1. Go to Navigator > Setup and Maintenance > Manage Taxes.
  2. Select the Withholding Tax option.
  3. In the Search Results: Withholding Taxes section, click + to create a new record or click Edit to update an existing record.
  4. In the Tax Information section > Threshold Controls tab > Threshold Basis drop-down list > select Payment.

Payment Threshold

Tips And Considerations

  • You can select Taxable Amount or Tax Amount as the Threshold Type as per your requirement.
  • In addition to Payment, existing options of Document and Period are still available to set the Threshold Basis.

Prevent Withholding Tax Amounts Less Than Zero

Prevent creation of negative withholding tax lines for a payment consisting of invoices and credit memos.

You can prevent creation of negative withholding tax lines for a payment. Negative tax lines can occur if the payment consists of invoices and credit memos for withholding taxes that have the calculation point set as Payment. To prevent the creation of negative withholding tax lines, enable the “Disallow withholding tax amounts lower than zero for a payment” option, available from the Controls and Defaults tabbed region of the Withholding Tax page.

Steps to Enable

To enable this feature, use the following steps:

  1. Go to Navigator > Setup and Maintenance > Manage Taxes.
  2. Select the Withholding Tax option.
  3. In the Search Results: Withholding Taxes section, click + to create a new record or click Edit to update an existing record.
  4. In the Tax Information section > Controls and Defaults tab > select Disallow withholding tax amounts lower than zero for a payment.

Validate Tax Configuration and Calculation Results Through Enhanced Tax Simulator

Review tax determinants and defaulting levels, and get more insight into calculated taxes, using the enhanced tax simulator. You access the tax simulator using the Manage Simulator Transactions action. The tax simulator now shows the tax classification code defaulting hierarchy and default values at each level, provides additional in-field and static help, and displays more tax configuration, transactional and tax line attributes. This enables you to get insight into how taxes were determine. You can also view the taxable basis formula details to ascertain how the taxable amount was calculated for a tax.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Validate Tax Registration Number for Australia

Validate tax registration numbers as per Australian business number validation rules.

Oracle Fusion Tax now lets you capture, maintain, and validate the tax information for enterprises, suppliers, customers, and other parties based in Australia. All businesses in Australia are assigned an 11-digit global unique identifier called Australian Business Number (ABN). Use ABN as the tax registration number on the Manage Tax Registrations page for third-party tax profiles and third-party site tax profiles.

Australian Taxation Office, fiscal authorities, and other government agencies in Australia validate ABN for uniqueness, format, and check digits. ABN validation doesn't take place for foreign entities since their ABN is country-specific and can include alphanumeric characters. Ensure that the following details are correct for ABN:

  • Validation Type: ORA_AU_ABN
  • Description: Australian Business Number
  • No. of digits: 11
  • Format: Only numbers
  • Check digits: Yes (first 2 digits)

Here’s how ABN is validated:

  1. Subtract 1 from the first digit of the ABN to get a new 11-digit number.
  2. Multiply each digit of this new number by a weighting factor as per its position (Coefficient: 10, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19).
  3. Add the resulting 11 products.
  4. Divide the total by 89 and note the remainder.
  5. If the remainder is 0, your ABN is valid.


  • Good ABN: 11223491505
  • Bad ABN: AR123554567 (invalid format)

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Validate Tax Registration Number for New Zealand

Validate tax registration numbers as per New Zealand's business number and GST registration number validation rules.

Oracle Fusion Tax now lets you capture, maintain, and validate the business number and GST registration number for enterprise, suppliers, customers, and other parties based in New Zealand. Use this information as the tax registration number on the Manage Tax Registrations page for third-party tax profiles and third-party site tax profiles for New Zealand.

New Zealand Business Number (NZBN) is a 13-digit global unique identifier assigned to a registered business entity in New Zealand. Mentioning NZBN on business documents provides some distinct advantages, even though it isn’t legally required. On the other hand, GST registration number (GSTN) is an 8 or 9-digit number issued by Inland Revenue Department (IRD) to business entities. In New Zealand, GSTN and NZBN aren’t the same.

IRD, fiscal authorities, and other government agencies validate NZBN and GSTN for uniqueness, format, and check digit requirements. Foreign entities are exempt from this validation as they have their own country-specific numbers, which may include alphanumeric characters.

NZBN Validation

  • Validation Type: ORA_NZ_BN
  • Description: New Zealand Business Number
  • No. of digits: 13
  • Format: Only numbers
  • Check digit: Yes (13th digit)

Here’s how NZBN is validated:

  1. Multiply each of the 12 digits from left to right by a weighing factor as per its position (Coefficient: 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3).
  2. Add the resulting 12 products.
  3. Subtract the sum from nearest equal or higher multiple of ten.
  4. If the result matches the check digit, NZBN is valid.


  • Good NZBN: 9429039501974
  • Bad NZBN: AR123554567AD (invalid format)

GST Registration Number Validation

  • Validation Type: ORA_NZ_GST
  • Description: New Zealand Goods and Services Tax Registration Number
  • No. of digits: 8 or 9 digits
    • If the GST number is < 10-000-000 or > 150-000-000, then the number is invalid. This check ensures that the GST number is in the already issued range or is in the range expected to be issued in the next 10 years.
  • Format: Only numbers
  • Check digit: Yes (Last digit)

Here’s how GSTN is validated:

  1. Remove the last digit (the check digit).
  2. If the resulting number is 7-digit long, add a leading zero to get an 8-digit number.
  3. Multiply each digit of this new number by a weighting factor as per its position (Coefficient:  3, 2, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2).
  4. Add the resulting 8 products.
  5. Divide the sum by 11.

Use the following cases to get the calculated check digit:

  • Case 1: If the remainder is 0, then the calculated check digit is 0.
  • Case 2: If the remainder is not 0, then subtract the remainder from 11 to get the calculated check digit.
  • Case 2.1: If the calculated check digit is in the range 0 to 9, then that digit is the check digit.
  • Case 2.2: If the calculated check digit is 10, then use the following steps.
    1. Multiply each digit by a weighting factor as per its position (Coefficient: 7, 4, 3, 2, 5, 2, 7, 6).
    2. Add the products of the weight factors and their associated digits.
    3. Divide the sum by 11.
    4. Use the following cases to get the calculated check digit:
    • Case 1: If the remainder is 0, then the calculated check digit is 0.
    • Case 2: If the remainder is not 0, then subtract the remainder from 11 to get the 00 calculated check digit.
    • Case 2.1: If the calculated check digit is in the range 0 to 9, then that digit is the check digit.


  • Good GSTN: 49091850
  • Bad GSTN: AR1235545 (invalid format)

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Transactional Business Intelligence for Financials

Cross-Pillar Reporting Between Receivables and Projects

The Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence AR subject area Receivables - Transactions Real Time has been enhanced to allow intergration with Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence Projects for cross-pillar reporting. The enhancement includes the additional subfolders Project Contract Line Details, Associated Task, and Associated Task Hierarchy. These subfolders are located under the Transaction Line Details folder.

  • Project Contract Line Details     
    • Contract Line Date
    • Contract Line Tax Details
    • Contract Line Billing Details
    • Contract Line Record Information
  • Associated Task
    • Associated Task Indicator Attributes
    • Associated Task Record Information
    • Associated Task Codes
  • Associated Task Hierarchy

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Role Information

You don't need any new role or privilege access to use this feature.

Enhancements to General Ledger Subject Areas

Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence subject area General Ledger - Period Status Real Time has been enhanced with the following 3 columns:

  • Period Status Last Updated By
  • Period Status Last Updated By User Name
  • Period Status Last Updated Date

Steps to Enable

Leverage new subject area(s) by adding to existing reports or using in new reports. For details about creating and editing reports, see the Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports book (available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Administration).

Role Information

No new role access is needed to use this feature.

Enhancements to Receivables Subject Areas

The Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence subject area Receivables - Transactions Real Time has been enhanced with the additional reporting attribute Email Recipients. This additional attribute is located in the Transaction Details folder, Miscellaneous subfolder.

Steps to Enable

Leverage new subject area(s) by adding to existing reports or using in new reports. For details about creating and editing reports, see the Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports book (available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Administration).

Role Information

You don't need any new role or privilege access to use this feature.

Enhancements to Revenue Management Subject Areas

Report on devolved performance obligations and immaterial contract modifications in the Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence subject area Revenue Management - Customer Contracts Real Time. The subject area is enhanced with the following new subfolders: 

  • Within the Performance Obligations folder: 
    • Devolved Series, Series Details and Series Amounts subfolders
    • Performance Obligation Contract Revisions, Performance Obligation Contract Revision Details and Performance Obligation Contract Revision Amounts subfolders
  • Within the Promised Details folder:
    • Promised Detail Contract Revision Details subfolder
    • Promised Detail Contract Revision Amounts subfolder

Additionally, the following existing folders and subfolders are enhanced with new attributes:

  • Customer Contracts folder, Contract Details and Contract Amounts subfolders
  • Performance Obligations folder, Implied Performance Obligation Template subfolder and its Implied Performance Obligation Template Details subfolder

Steps to Enable

Leverage new subject area(s) by adding to existing reports or using in new reports. For details about creating and editing reports, see the Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports book (available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Administration).

Role Information

You don't need any new role or privilege access to use this feature.

Financial Category Attribute Available in Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence Subject Areas

The following Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence subject areas—with the folders Account, GL Account, Overriden Account, GL Overriden Account, Liability Account, Distribution Combination, Asset Depreciation Expense Account— have been enhanced with the additional reporting attribute Financial Category:

  • General Ledgers - Journals Real Time
  • General Ledgers -  Transactional Balances Real Time
  • Payables Invoices - Prepayment Applications Real Time
  • Payables Invoices - Transactions Real Time
  • Payables Invoices - Trial Balance Real Time
  • Payables Invoices - Disbursements Real Time
  • Receivables - Adjustments Real Time
  • Receivables - Bills Receivable Real Time
  • Receivables - Credit Memo Applications Real Time
  • Receivables - Miscellaneous Receipts Real Time
  • Receivables - Receipt Details Real Time
  • Receivables - Revenue Adjustments Real Time
  • Receivables - Standard Receipts Application Details Real Time
  • Receivables - Transactions Real Time
  • Expenses - Expense Transactions Real Time
  • Financials Common Module - Intercompany Transactions Real Time
  • Fixed Assets - Asset Balances Real Time
  • Fixed Assets - Asset Depreciation Real Time
  • Fixed Assets - Asset Transactions Real Time
  • Cash Management - External Cash Transactions Real Time
  • Subledger Accounting - Journals Real Time
  • Subledger Accounting - Payables Summary Reconciliation Real Time
  • Subledger Accounting - Receivables Summary Reconciliation Real Time
  • Subledger Accounting - Supporting References Real Time
  • Revenue Management - Customer Contracts Real Time

Steps to Enable

Leverage new subject area(s) by adding to existing reports or using in new reports. For details about creating and editing reports, see the Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports book (available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Administration).

Role Information

You don't need any new role or privilege access to use this feature.

Regional and Country-Specific Features

Financials for the Americas

Generate Withholding Certificate Number and Capture Additional Attributes for Argentina XML Payment File

Generate withholding certificate number during payment creation to include it in the Argentina disbursement XML payment file, along with additional attributes.

You can now generate withholding certificate numbers while creating payments. The certificate number will be included in the disbursement XML payment file, along with additional information required by banks in Argentina.

Steps to Enable

To enable this feature, configure sequences for certificate numbering and then assign them to a context of legal entity, withholding tax regime, and withholding tax.

To configure sequences for certificate numbering, use these steps:

  1. Go to Navigator > Setup and Maintenance > Tasks panel tab > Search.
  2. Search for Manage Document Sequence Categories.
  3. Select Manage Document Sequence Categories from the results.  
  4. On the Manage Document Sequence Categories page, click + to define a new category.
  5. Click Save and Close.
  6. Next, search for Manage Document Sequences.
  7. Select Manage Document Sequences from the results.
  8. On the Manage Document Sequences page, click + to define a new sequence.  
  9. Assign the new sequence to the document category in the Assignment section.
  10. Click Save and Close.

To assign sequences to the required context, use these steps:

  1. Go to Navigator > Setup and Maintenance > Tasks panel tab > Search.
  2. Search for Manage Localization Document Numbering.
  3. Select Manage Localization Document Numbering from the results.
  4. On the Manage Localization Document Numbering page > Search for drop-down list > select Argentina.
  5. In the Create Document Numbering in Spreadsheet dialog box, select the Business Unit and set Configuration For as Setup for withholding certificate numbering.
  6. Click OK to download the file.
  7. Add the required context as a new row and upload the file.

Tips And Considerations

This feature uses sequences to generate certificate numbers for withholding certificates.

You must ensure that sequences are defined and then assigned to the correct context for all the withholding taxes.

Once this feature is enabled, you can’t disable it. If you don’t wish to enable this feature, you can continue using the existing Generate Purchase Withholding Certificate for Argentina process to generate the certificate numbers.

Financials for EMEA

Generate VAT File in 835 Format for Israel

Generate a detailed statement of VAT in the 835 format, for uploading to the Israel Tax Authority website. The VAT report is part of the tax reporting process. To generate this report, follow these steps:

  1. Run the Select Transactions for Tax Reporting process for your tax reporting entity and tax period.
  2. Submit the Generate VAT Report for Israel process.

After the report is generated, upload the output file to the Israel Tax Authority website.

Steps to Enable

You must assign the Tax Reporting Codes to your tax rates. While creating the VAT file, the Tax Reporting Codes determine the VAT file line type to which the tax lines should be assigned.

Tips And Considerations

  • When you enter Payables and Receivables transactions, you can enter the additional information for VAT reporting in the Regional Information on the header and lines.
    • Payables invoice header - Tax Authority Reference Group
    • Payables invoice line - Import Document Number, Import Document Date
    • Receivables invoice header - Tax Authority Reference Group
    • Receivables invoice line - Export Document Number, Export Document Date
  • If the Israel Tax Authority changes the VAT Aggregation amount limit, you can change the value of the profile option ORA_JEIL_835_LIMIT.
  • To check if an associated VAT file line type is missing from a transaction, republish the output file in CSV format and apply filters. You can also see detailed information about each transaction in the CSV output.

Key Resources

Related Help:

  • Oracle® Fusion Applications Financials Implementation Guide, Release 13
  • VAT File in 835 Format for Israel Topical Essay

Role Information

To use this feature, you need the following role:

  • Duty Role Name and Code:
    • EMEA Financial Reporting duty role (ORA_JE_EMEA_FINANCIAL_REPORTING_DUTY_CRM)

Include Taxable Journals and Transactions in Tax Registers for Italy

The following VAT reports for Italy will include Tax Entry Repository transactions and journals, uploaded with an FBDI spreadsheet, having a valid Document Sequence Name and Value:

  • Purchase VAT Register for Italy
  • Payables Sales VAT Register (Self Invoices, Inter-EU VAT) for Italy
  • Receivables Sales VAT Register for Italy
  • Declarable Input VAT Register for Italy
  • Declarable Output VAT Register for Italy
  • VAT Liquidation Report for Italy

Steps to Enable

Create and enable the lookup type JE_IT_TER_JRNL_TXN_TYPE with the lookup code JE_IT_TER_JRNL_TXN_CODE.

Tips And Considerations

The following steps enable you to report on manual purchase/sales transactions and journals:

  • Create document sequences for all required purchase/sales transactions and journals using the Manage Document Sequences setup page. These are sequences with no Document Sequence Categories assigned. Configure these sequences with Application and Module set to Tax.

  • Associate the document sequences to Tax Registers using the Tax Reporting Configuration tab of the Create/Edit Legal Reporting Unit Tax Registration page. You can use the Tax Registers created for documents originating from Payables or Receivables, or create separate specific Tax Registers for manual tax transactions/journals only.

  • Use FBDI spreadsheets to upload manual purchase/sales transactions and journals. Enter the document sequence in the Document Sequence Name and sequence number in the Document Sequence Value columns of the Transaction Headers worksheet. The Document Sequence Name and Document Sequence Value columns must be populated for each transaction/journal to be reported. Only FBDI spreadsheets are currently supported.

Key Resources

Related Help:

  • Oracle® Fusion Applications Financials Implementation Guide, Release 13
  • VAT Reporting for Italy Topical Essay

Financials for Regional Localizations

Generate Data Extract for Norway SAF-T

You can use the Generate SAF-T Data Extract for the preparation of the Norway specific audit report, based on General Ledger transactions. Using this extract you can perform the following tasks:

  • Extract the Master Files section information for the Natural Accounts.
  • Extract the Master Files section information for the Third Parties with transactions during the reporting period, or with non-zero balances for the same period.
  • Extract the General Ledger and Subledger Accounting journal information for the reporting period, or for a range of days within a period.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • A specific hierarchy structure needs to be in place for the Natural Account segment. The hierarchy structure should have a single top level account. This top level account value will be used in the Generate SAF-T Data Extract parameters.

Key Resources

Related Help:

  • Oracle® Fusion Applications Financials Implementation Guide, Release 13
  • Generate Data Extract for SAF-T Topical Essay

Role Information

To use this feature, you need the following role:

  • Duty Role Name and Code: