This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:
Date | Feature | Notes |
04 SEP 2020 | General Ledger: Configurable Journal Workflow Notifications | Updated document. Revised opt in information. |
28 FEB 2020 | Receivables: Delay Creation of Credit Memo Until Rebill is Processed | Updated document. Delivered feature in update 20A. |
30 JAN 2020 | Tax: View Third-Party Details of Imported External Transactions |
Updated document. Delivered feature in update 20A. |
06 DEC 2019 | Created initial document. |
This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in this update, and describes any tasks you might need to perform for the update. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.
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Please take a moment to join the Cloud Customer Connect forums for Financials Cloud. Oracle Cloud Customer Connect is a community gathering place for members to interact and collaborate on common goals and objectives. This is where you will find the latest release information, upcoming events, or answers to use-case questions. Joining takes just a few minutes. Join now!
Security and New Features
The Role section of each feature identifies the security privilege and job role required to use the feature. If feature setup is required, then the Application Implementation Consultant job role is required to perform the setup, unless otherwise indicated. (If a feature doesn't include a Role section, then no security changes are required to use the feature.)
If you have created job roles, then you can use this information to add new privileges to those roles as needed.
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Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)
Oracle Cloud Applications delivers new updates every quarter. This means every three months you'll receive new functionality to help you efficiently and effectively manage your business. Some features are delivered Enabled meaning they are immediately available to end users. Other features are delivered Disabled meaning you have to take action to make available. Features delivered Disabled can be activated for end users in a couple of ways:
Access the Opt In page from the New Features Work Area
- Click the Navigator, and then click New Features (under the My Enterprise heading)
- On the New Features page, select the offering that includes new features you’d like to review
- Click Go to Opt In for any feature you want to opt in
- On the Edit Features page, select the Enable option for the feature, and then click Done
or... Access the Opt In page from the Setup and Maintenance Work Area
- Click the Navigator, and then click Setup and Maintenance
- On the Setup page, select your offering, and then click Change Feature Opt In
- On the Opt In page, click the Edit Features icon for any area that includes features you want to opt in
- On the Edit Features page, select the Enable option for any feature you want to opt in to. If the Enable column includes an Edit icon instead of a check box, then click the icon, select your feature options, and click Save and Close.
- Click Done.
Opt In Expiration
Occasionally, features delivered Disabled via Opt In may be enabled automatically in a future update. This is known as an Opt In Expiration. If your cloud service has any Opt In Expirations in this release, you will see a related tab in this document. Click on that tab to see when the feature was originally delivered Disabled, and when the Opt In will expire, potentially automatically enabling the feature. You can also click here to see features with current Opt In Expirations across all Oracle Cloud Applications.
Column Definitions:
Features Delivered Enabled
Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.
UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.
UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.
Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.
Exclude Internal Invoices from Collection Activities
Mark as internal Receivables invoice installments that you want to exclude from Collections Scoring, Strategy Assignment, and Dunning.
Use these steps to exclude invoice installments with the value C from the Collections Delinquency Management process and Collections Scoring and Strategy Assignments process:
- Update the installment attribute “Exclude from Collections” to the value C using the Invoice Installments REST service.
- Run the Collections Delinquency Management process.
- Run the Collections Scoring and Strategy Assignments process.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
- For an overview of REST APIs and the technical details, see the REST API for Oracle Financials Cloud guide in the Oracle Help Center.
Skip or Cancel Collections Strategy Tasks Using a REST Service
Skip or cancel strategy tasks using the enhanced Collections Strategies REST service.
Use the Collections Strategies REST service to skip a task or cancel a task. You can perform these activities:
- Retrieve the strategy template task details
- Skip the strategy template task
- Skip the strategy user task
- Cancel the strategy execution task
- Skip pre-execution wait time of a task
- Skip post-execution wait time of a task
Strategy Execution Task: The strategy execution task resource is used to create current and completed tasks for a collection strategy assignment.
Strategy Template Task: The strategy template task resource is used to retrieve all the future (to be performed) tasks which are defined from Strategy template and template tasks that are skipped.
Strategy User Task: The strategy user task resource is used to create user tasks for collection strategy assignments which are not available in a Strategy template.
You can view details about these services in the REST API for Oracle Financials Cloud guide.
Steps to Enable
Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides, available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API. If you're new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.
Key Resources
- For an overview of REST APIs and the technical details, see the REST API for Oracle Financials Cloud guide in the Oracle Help Center.
Calculate Monthly Lease Interest for Nonmonthly Asset Lease Payments
Calculate monthly accrued interest for leases with quarterly, semi-annual, or annual frequency. The application calculates the present value based on the lease payment frequency, and then allocates the calculated interest evenly to each month.
The Create Lease page includes a new option, Calculate monthly accrued interest. Normally, for a lease with a nonmonthly payment frequency, for example, a quarterly payment frequency, the application accounts for interest on lease liability at the end of each quarter as and when the payment occurs. As a result, there is no interest expense in other accounting periods. When you enable the Calculate monthly accrued interest option, the application accounts for interest on lease liability monthly instead of quarterly.
For example, you create a lease with a lease start date of 01-Jan-2019 and a payment frequency of quarterly. The lessee makes lease payments for 2019 on 31 March 2019, 30 June 2019, 30 September 2019, and 31 December 2019. The application calculates the present value for quarterly frequency and generates either a quarterly or monthly amortization schedule, depending on whether you enabled the Calculate monthly accrued interest option.
- Enabled: The application divides the interest amount for the first quarter by three and accounts for it on 31 January, 28 February, and 31 March.
- Not enabled: The application accounts for interest on finance lease liability on these dates and there is no interest expense in other accounting periods.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- Interest on Lease Liability: The application accounts for interest on lease liability in the amortization schedule in the period in which interest due date falls.
- Operating Lease Expense: For operating leases, the application also accounts for the operating lease expense on each interest due date on the amortization schedule.
- Converting Existing Leases: You may have many leases with quarterly, semi-annual, or annual frequency that were created before this release, and you want to convert them to use a monthly accrued interest amortization schedule. You can perform a Change Financial Term or Reassessment transaction on the Change Financial Terms page or using the Fixed Asset Lease Import file-based data import template to enable this option.
- When you enable the option by performing a reassessment transaction, the amortization schedule starts from the current lease quarter. For example, if you perform a reassessment transaction in May 2019, the amortization schedule starts in April and the Calculate Lease Expenses process accounts for catchup interest expense for April. When you run the Calculate Lease Expenses process for a period, the process begins calculating monthly interest from May.
NOTE: You must enable only the Calculate monthly accrued interest check box in Change Financial Terms page and you can’t modify any other lease attribute. Once you enable this option, it can’t be disabled.
When you enable the Calculate monthly accrued interest option:
- The Generate Schedules process calculates the present value based on the lease payment frequency, and then allocates the calculated interest evenly for each month in the quarter, half year, or year. The amortization schedule includes the interest amount and liability for each month.
- The calculated quarterly interest needs to be divided equally among the months in the quarter and accounted for in the respective month.
- You can enable or disable this option on the Edit Lease page only in the period the lease is added.
In a reassessment transaction, you can only enable the Calculate monthly accrued interest option and you can’t disable if it is already enabled.
Review Balance Forward Bill Details Using Bill Management
Use Bill Management to view opening balance, payments, current charges, and credits and adjustments on balance forward bills.
The Account Overview page contains a new Balance Forward Bills infotile with the customer’s balance forward bills. Click the Due Amount value of a balance forward bill to view the bill details.
The details of a balance forward bill include:
- Opening Balance: Displays the beginning balance of the balance forward bill.
- Payments: Displays the payments received in the current billing cycle.
- Current Charges: Displays the sum of current charges and late charges in the current billing cycle.
- Credits and Adjustments: Displays the sum of credits and adjustments in the current billing cycle.
The Transaction History includes two new columns: Billing Number and Billing Date. These columns identify the balance forward bill number and billing date of each transaction included in a bill.
Steps to Enable
- The feature is available for users of Bill Management who receive balance forward bills.
- In the Manage Bill Management System Options page, enter in the Transaction History in Months field the number of months to display for past balance forward bills.
Role Information
You don't need any new role or privilege access to use this feature.
Reconcile Journal Lines for Multiple Cash Account Combinations
Reconcile journal lines of multiple cash account combinations matching the same natural account and other specified segment values. Previously, only journal lines created for the complete cash account combination were available for reconciliation.
In this example, when performing bank account reconciliation, Cash Managers will be able to manually or automatically reconcile all journal lines entered on different account code combinations matching the same natural account ‘1110’ and sub-account ‘0000’.
The Cash to General Ledger Reconciliation Report is also enhanced to display journal lines and closing balances of such cash account combinations.
Steps to Enable
To enable this feature, perform the following steps:
- Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.
- Select the Financials offering.
- Search for and select the Manage Bank Accounts task.
- Create or Edit the bank account.
- Select Enable multiple cash account combinations for reconciliation option.
- Select the GL Cash Account Segments you want to derive the corresponding segment values from the bank account's cash account to retrieve multiple cash account combinations.
- Save and close the page.
Tips And Considerations
- You must have the Journal Reconciliation Enabled profile option (CE_GL_RECON_ENABLED) set to 'Yes' to perform manual and automatic reconciliation of bank statement lines directly from GL Journal Lines.
- Consider using the GL Recon Start Date as a beginning date of journal reconciliation for the bank account.
- The natural account segment is required and always selected as GL Cash Account Segment. Review and select additional segments that qualify the bank account and you want to consider for retrieving multiple cash account combinations.
- The closing book balance displayed in the Cash to General Ledger Reconciliation Report takes into consideration multiple cash account combinations when this option is enabled for a bank account.
Key Resources
For more information on Bank Statement and Reconciliation solution, refer to Oracle Financials Cloud Using Payables Invoice to Pay, or Oracle Financials Cloud Using Receivables Credit to Cash.
Role Information
You don't need any new role or privilege to set up and use this feature.
Configurable Journal Workflow Notifications
Use enhanced workflow notifications for journal approval. You can use Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher templates to generate email and in-application notifications. Modify templates to meet business requirements and policies. Choose from a comprehensive list of attributes to modify the notifications according to your requirements. You can change both layout and content – add images, change colors and styling, add or remove attributes or modify text.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Financials No Longer Optional From: Update 21A
Tips And Considerations
- The templates used for the generation of the workflow notifications are located in the Reports and Analytics > Shared Folders > Financials > Workflow Notifications folders.
- A single template is used to generate both the email and in-app notifications for a particular workflow. If you have chosen to use configurable notifications for both in-app and email notifications for a workflow, any modifications that you make to the predefined template, will be reflected in both types of notifications.
Key Resources
- Overview of Financials Configurable Workflow Notifications on the Oracle Help Center.
- Configuring Journal Email and In-App Notifications
Prevent General Ledger Period Closure When Open Subledger Periods Exist
Prevent the closure of a General Ledger accounting period if the accounting period for any of the corresponding subledgers is still open, or if incomplete accounting entries or transactions exist for the period. This ensures an effective period close process by validating all transactions are complete and aren't held up during the close.
You can enforce the enhanced period close process on a primary ledger. When you enable this feature, the period close process prevents the corresponding General Ledger accounting period from being closed if any of the following exceptions exist:
- Subledger accounting periods are not closed
- Unprocessed and untransferred subledger transactions
- Intercompany exceptions
- Pending transactions in the General Ledger interface
- Unposted transactions in General Ledger
You can exclude one or more of the following subledgers so the General Ledger period close process skips any exceptions encountered within the context of the excluded subledgers:
- Payables
- Receivables
- Revenue Management
- Project Foundation
This feature provides the following business benefits:
- Brings the General Ledger period close process in line with your corporate-wide business policy, if any.
Comply with the general business practice of not allowing a closed General Ledger period to be reopened, unless there are material changes. In general, companies follow this practice unless there are strong justifications and related approvals. By using this feature, you might not need to reopen a closed accounting period, because you already ensured all unprocessed transactions and exceptions were duly resolved before the General Ledger period was closed.
- Provides more meaningful and accurate financial reporting, because all exceptions would have been duly resolved and accounted for, before reporting.
- Helps comply with audit requirements, if any.
Steps to Enable
To enable this feature for a primary ledger, perform the following steps:
- Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.
- Select the Financials offering and General Ledger functional area.
- Set the ledger scope for the Specify Ledger Options task and then select the task.
- On the Specify Ledger Options page, select the Prevent General Ledger Period Closure When Open Subledger Periods Exist option in the Period Close section.
- Save and close the page.
To exclude one or more subledgers so the General Ledger period close process skips exceptions encountered in those subledgers, perform the following steps:
- Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.
- Select the Financials offering.
- Search for and select the Manage General Ledger Lookup Values task.
- Enter ORA_GL_INCLD_STRICT_PRD_CLOSE in the Lookup Type field and click Search.
- For each subledger that you want to exclude, click in the Enabled field to deselect it.
- Save and close the page.
Tips And Considerations
- You are allowed to revert back to the pre-existing functionality by deselecting the Prevent General Ledger Period Closure When Open Subledger Periods Exist option under the Period Close section on the Specify Ledger Options page of a primary ledger.
- By default, the General Ledger accounting period close process considers exceptions, if any, within the context of all subledgers. You can optionally exclude one or more subledgers. Subledger inclusions and exclusions apply to every primary ledger for which the Prevent General Ledger Period Closure When Open Subledger Periods Exist option is enabled.
Key Resources
Watch Prevent General Ledger Period Closure When Open Subledger Periods Exist Readiness Training
Related Help:
- Period Close chapter in the Implementing Enterprise Structures and General Ledger guide
- Accounting Period Close chapter in the Using General Ledger guide
Role Information
You don't need any new role or privilege access to set up and use this feature.
Receive and Process Electronic Invoices Compliant with the European Standard EN 16931
Receive and process electronic invoices compliant with the European electronic invoicing standard EN 16931 using UBL 2.1 XML format.
The European electronic invoicing standard EN 16931 is being adopted by governments and businesses globally in order to streamline their procurement process.
A message definition for EN 16931 is available in the Collaboration Messaging Framework. The electronic invoices sent by suppliers are received by Collaboration Messaging Framework and saved in the Payables interface tables. You can then import the invoices by running the Import Payables Invoices process.
Steps to Enable
- Navigate to the applicable supplier site and select Collaboration Messaging Framework in the B2B Communication Method field.
B2B Communication Method
- In Associated Collaboration Documents, click Manage Trading Partners. Create a Trading Partner and assign the predefined Message Definition "UBL_2.1_EN_16931_INVOICE_IN".
- In Associated Collaboration Documents, click the Edit button.
- Add the trading partner created in step 2 and add PROCESS_INVOICE_IN under Associated Collaboration Documents.
Key Resources
Role Information
Users with the Accounts Payable Manager or Accounts Payable Supervisor role can configure trading partners and service providers, and view message history from the Collaboration Messaging Framework work area.
Capability to View Up to Six Digits of the Bank Account Number
Enables you to view the last six digits of the external bank account number. Currently you can view only the last four digits. You need to change the masking settings in the Manage System Security Options to achieve this.
Steps to Enable
- Login with a user having administrative privilege.
- Search for the task Manage System Security Options.
- Select the hyper link to the Manage System Security Options.
- Under Payment Instrument Masking, select 'Edit Masking' button against Bank Account Numbers.
- The Edit Bank Account Masking pop up window will display. Select Masking Type as 'Display last digits'.
- Enter Number of Digits to Display as 6.
- Select 'Save and Close' button.
Reevaluate Routing Rules During Receipt Remittance
Reevaluate routing rules for direct debit transactions during receipt remittance. Receipts can be routed using different routing rules if the remittance bank account on the receipt has been changed by user during remittance.
A new option 'Reevaluate routing rules' is available in the Create and Edit Funds Capture Process Profile pages. When you enable this option, the routing rules are reevaluated during the remittance process. If the remittance bank account on the remittance batch is different from the remittance bank account on the receipts, then the receipts can be routed using different routing rules, if defined.
Steps to Enable
Enable the option 'Reevaluate routing rules' in the Create or Edit Funds Capture Process Profile page for the applicable profile.
Tips And Considerations
It is recommended to enable this option when following two conditions are met:
- You have the remittance bank account selected on the remittance batch and it is different from the one on the receipts.
- You use the remittance bank account as a criterion to configure routing rules.
Use Two-Factor Authentication for Inbound File Transmission
Secure inbound transmission of acknowledgment file and bank statement using two-factor authentication. You can configure authentication based on a security key in addition to user credentials in the transmission configuration setup.
When you configure a transmission configuration using the Secure File Transfer Retrieval Protocol for Static File Names protocol, you can attach the Client Private Key File and Client Private Key Password with the transmission configuration. The private key file and password allow authentication based on a security key, in addition to verifying user credentials.
Steps to Enable
In the Create or Edit Transmission Configuration page:
- Create a configuration using the Secure File Transfer Retrieval Protocol for Static File Names protocol.
- In the Parameters section, configure the Client Private Key File and Client Private Key Password.
Tips And Considerations
- The imported key file is only visible in the Client Private Key File field if the file type is .ssh. An example of a valid key file name is 110819_081326_fuscdrmsmc34.ssh.
- You must provide a value for the Client Private Key Password attribute.
Configurable Credit Memo Request Approval Workflow Notifications
Use enhanced workflow notifications for credit memo request approval. You can use Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher templates to generate email and in-application notifications. Modify templates to meet business requirements and policies.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Financials No Longer Optional From: Update 20B
Tips And Considerations
- The predefined template is used by default to present the workflow notification. You can copy and modify this template according to your business requirements and set the modified template as the new default.
- Navigation for accessing the default template: Reports and Analytics - Shared Folders - Financials - Workflow Notifications - Receivables - Billing
Role Information
- You don't need any new role or privilege access to use this feature.
- BI Administrator Role and BI Consumer Role have default permissions to access the report and modify the predefined template.
Delay Creation of Credit Memo Until Rebill is Processed
Configure credit memo approval workflow to delay the creation of a credit memo until the rebill is processed.
An invoice raised on a customer should be closed and a new invoice created in its place. This activity should be tracked and approved through the dispute process, without causing any gap between the existing invoice closure and the new invoice creation.
- Process the rebill as part of the dispute process, rather than as a separate activity after the first invoice is closed. Through the Business Process Management (BPM) task configuration, mark the billing user as a (notional) final approver to the dispute. After the rebill request is approved by all managers, the workflow notification reaches the billing user. Upon creating the revised invoice and completing the workflow, the credit memo to close the earlier invoice is automatically generated, without causing any time gap between the related invoices.
- The workflow notification can be managed in the Business Intelligence Publisher (BIP), by opting in the feature 'Configurable Credit Memo Request Approval Workflow Notifications'. Configure the notification text for the Billing User so that all details and instructions to create the rebill are available.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Role Information
You don't need any new role or privilege access to use this feature.
Disallow Future Dated Invoices Created Manually When Chronological Document Sequence Enabled
Disallow creation of invoices manually with future transaction and accounting dates when chronological document sequencing is enabled on the ledger.
Steps to Enable
You enable this feature on the transaction type assigned to the invoice, by enabling the option 'No future dates with chronological document sequencing'.
Tips And Considerations
- This feature only applies to transactions created in a ledger that has chronological document sequencing enabled. Additionally, the transaction types assigned to invoices must have the option 'No future dates with chronological document sequencing' enabled.
- Invoices created through the Import AutoInvoice process also use this feature to prevent the creation of invoices with future dates.
Role Information
You don't need any new role or privilege access to use this feature.
Override Default Scoring Models on Credit Case Folders
Change the default scoring model during credit review according to the requirements of your enterprise and the customer. Case folder templates with scoring models are assigned based on credit classification and review type. Changing the scoring model updates the credit score associated with the review.
You can update the scoring model in the Scoring Details page, based on the revised credit profile of the customer:
Steps to Enable
This feature is automatically opted in through the release update. To configure the feature on the Scoring Details page, you must add the new privilege for the required duty roles.
Tips And Considerations
The feature is available to users of Receivables Credit Management. The processes to manage the Credit Case folder and derive the Credit Score remain the same.
Role Information
A new privilege is available in the context of the Scoring Details page and needs to be added for the required duty roles based on the update authorizations given to specific users:
- Update Credit Scoring Model in Case Folder (AR_MANAGE_CREDIT_SCORE) - to allow an update to the Scoring Model attribute
Recognize Scheduled In-Arrears Revenue After Payment is Received
Recognize revenue on transactions that use the In Arrears invoicing rule after you receive payment. The In Arrears rule normally recognizes revenue based on the predetermined revenue recognition schedule. You can assign the transaction or transaction line a payment-based revenue contingency to temporarily defer revenue recognition until payment is received.
Steps to Enable
To enable this feature, define a lookup AR_CONT_INV_INARREARS_RULE under the lookup type AR_FEATURES.
Tips And Considerations
The configured contingency setup does not apply to Invoice lines with the revenue scheduling rules Deferred Revenue option enabled. In this case, the invoice line amount is assigned to the Unearned Revenue account by default. Because there is no contingency removal event, you must schedule revenue manually using the Manage Revenue Adjustments page.
For partial receipt applications against an invoice, the amount allocated to the invoice line according to the active Application Rule Set is considered for relieving the contingency. This applied amount is further prorated across the revenue scheduling periods proportionate to the amounts deferred.
If any period is closed while creating the reversal entries, the amount is recognized in the next available open period. Using the above example, if the January period were closed, then the amount would be designated in the February period.
Activities against an invoice after the creation of revenue contingencies, such as credit memo applications and adjustments, are treated as reductions against unearned revenue. The corresponding amount is reversed from the unearned revenue account as part of the activity accounting.
Role Information
You don't need any new role or privilege access to use this feature.
Allocate Revenue to Promised Details Based on Extended Standalone Selling Prices
Select the extended standalone selling price amount to allocate revenue within a performance obligation using the new Performance Obligation template attribute, Allocation Basis. Control how performance obligation revenue is distributed and recognized across the individual lines of the performance obligation.
Performance Obligation Template
When you select the Derive pricing dimension combination option in the performance obligation template, you can now select the allocation basis:
- Extended SSP amount: When the allocation basis is set to Extended SSP amount, the performance obligation level allocated revenue is distributed to the underlying promised detail lines for the obligation using the ratio of the promised detail line’s standalone selling prices.
- Selling amount: When you set the allocation basis to Selling amount or leave it blank, the Identify Customer Contract process distributes the performance obligation level allocated revenue to the underlying promised detail lines for the obligation using the ratio of the promised detail line’s selling (line) amount.
Create Standalone Selling Prices Worksheet
To use the Extended SSP amount as the allocated basis, the Create Standalone Selling Prices worksheet is modified to capture component selling prices for performance obligation templates.
You upload the component selling prices for a performance obligation template and item combination for a given pricing dimension, effective period, and currency. The component selling price represents the selling price of the item or service when it is sold as part of a bundle.
Alternatively, you can define the component selling price in the Unit SSP column on the source document lines representing the bundle offering.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
When you use this feature:
- You can modify the Allocation Basis option. The default value is blank.
- The Allocation Basis option changes take effect from the time the changes are saved, and are applied to all processing from that point forward.
- The Allocation Basis option changes are not retrospectively applied.
- When you change the Allocation Basis option from blank or Selling amount to Extended SSP amount:
- The Identify Customer Contracts process applies the new logic from that point forward.
- Changes apply only to new performance obligations created for the template.
- The Identify Customer Contracts process distributes performance obligation level allocated revenue to its underlying promised detail lines based on the ratio of the promised detail line component selling prices.
- For source document lines associated with a bundle, the standalone selling price populated in the Unit SSP column represents the component selling price and not the item or services standalone selling price.
- For performance obligations with promised detail lines in which the component SSP can’t be assigned or is missing, the Identify Customer Contracts process marks the promised detail line as missing SSP and sets the Contract Allocation Status to Not Allocated with an Allocation Pending Reason of SSP Not Available.
- When you change the Allocation Basis option from Extended SSP amount to Selling amount or blank:
- The Identify Customer Contracts process applies the new logic from that point forward.
- Changes apply only to new performance obligations created for the template.
- The Identify Customer Contracts process ignores the component selling prices on the promised detail lines.
- The Identify Customer Contracts process distributes performance obligation level allocated revenue to its underlying promised detail lines based on the ratio of the promised detail line selling (line) amount.
Key Resources
Refer to the Revenue Management documentation for further information on how to use performance obligation templates and create standalone selling prices.
Role Information
No new role access is needed to use this feature.
Troubleshoot Missing Taxes on Transactions Using the Enhanced Tax Simulator
Improve tax compliance by using the enhanced Tax Simulator to analyze why a particular tax was not automatically calculated. Accurately identify the tax configuration errors and apply the corrective fix.
To troubleshoot taxes that were not calculated on a transaction:
- Navigate to the Manage Simulator Transactions task.
- In the Edit Simulator Transaction page, click the Create Tax Line button and enter the expected tax line manually.
- Navigate to the Tax Lines Details page to review the details of how tax calculation failed, including tax applicability rules, direct rate rules, place of supply rules, and the rule conditions and transaction line values for the tax line you entered manually.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Role Information
You don't require any new role or privilege access to use this feature.
Use Default Values When Tax Calculation Finds Inconsistent Tax Configuration
Minimize run-time errors during transaction processing by allowing the tax engine to use predefined default values for tax status, tax rate, and other tax line attributes when the process encounters an inconsistent tax configuration. This helps improve auditability and allows tax specialists to correct the tax configuration.
In the following examples, the tax calculation process would normally end in error:
- The tax rule specifies a tax rate with an end date prior to the tax determination date.
- A quantity-based tax calculation cannot find a quantity-based tax rate for the unit of measure on a transaction line.
After enabling this feature, tax calculation can continue using the predefined default tax rate for the tax that resulted in the error.
Similarly, if tax processing leads to a tax status, recovery rate, taxable basis formula or tax calculation formula that is not active on the tax determination date, the predefined default values would be used on the calculated tax line or tax distribution.
If you provide a transaction header level tax control amount or transaction line level tax control amount, but no applicable tax is found during tax processing, Oracle Tax creates a tax line using predefined default values for the default tax regime and tax that you configured in the Manage Country Default Controls task.
Instead of using the values predefined by Oracle Tax, you can choose to specify the default values for tax rate, tax status, tax recovery rate, taxable basis formulas, and tax calculation formulas to use in place of any corresponding values that fail during tax processing.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Financials
- Use the Feature Opt-In user interface to enable this feature.
- Enable the ‘Use application defaults’ option for your tax regime.
- Enable the ‘Use application defaults’ option for your business unit or legal entity, depending on your tax configuration subscription.
Tips And Considerations
- Upgrading customers need to opt-in to enable the feature.
- For new customers, this feature will be automatically enabled.
- Once the feature is enabled, turn on the use of application defaults at both of the following levels:
- Party Tax Profile for the BU (or LE) that is a Configuration Owner in the Manage Party Tax Profiles page.
- Tax regime in the Mange Tax Regimes page.
- For Configuration Owners and tax regimes for which the feature is enabled, the application default configuration is created:
- When a new tax is enabled for processing or simulation.
- For all existing taxes that are enabled for processing or simulation by a system-scheduled process.
Role Information
You don't require any new role or privilege access to use this feature.
View Third-Party Details of Imported External Transactions
View third-party details of external transactions on the Review Subledger Journals page after you import them using the Tax Entry Repository Data Upload process.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
To view the third-party details of imported external transactions, here’s what you do:
- Run Create and Assign Subledger Sources process.
- Go to Navigator > Setup and Maintenance > Manage Accounting Attributes.
- Check the third-party assignment at event class level for errors.
- Update and check the accounting attributes on all journal line rules.
- Go to Navigator > Setup and Maintenance > Manage Journal Line Rules.
- Search for the required event class and select the appropriate result.
- Go to the Accounting Attributes Assignments tab and select Third Party as the Accounting Attribute Group.
- Go to Navigator > Setup and Maintenance > Activate Subledger Journal Entry Rule Set Assignments.
- Select the required attributes for Accounting Method and Subledger Application.
- Go to Navigator > Setup and Maintenance > Manage Accounting Methods.
- Select the accounting method assigned on the Activate Subledger Journal Entry Rule Set Assignments page and activate it.
After performing these steps, import the transactions using the Tax Entry Repository process and verify that the third-party details of the newly imported transactions are shown on the Review Subledger Journals page.
NOTE: You can see the Activate button only for accounting methods that are inactive.
Key Resources
Transactional Business Intelligence for Financials
Enhancements to Receivables Subject Areas
Report on customer account descriptive flexfields in the Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence Receivables - Transactions Real Time subject area. Customer account descriptive flexfields have been added to the new subfolder Bill-to Customer Descriptive Flexfields, under the Bill-to Customer Account folder.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Role Information
No new role access is needed to use this feature.
Report on Active and Inactive Requestors in Payables Subject Areas
Report on both active and inactive requestors in the Payables Invoices - Transactions Real Time and Payables Invoices - Prepayment Applications Real Time subject areas. You report on requestors using the Purchase Requestor columns:
- Purchase Requestor Name
- Purchase Requestor Last Name
- Purchase Requestor First Name
- Purchase Requestor Email Address
- Purchase Requestor Display Name
in the Invoice Distribution Details - Purchase Order subfolder, under the Distributions folder, in the following subject areas:
- Payables Invoices - Transactions Real Time
- Payables Invoices - Prepayment Applications Real Time.
Previous to this change, only active requestors were included for reporting.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Role Information
No additional roles required.
Regional and Country-Specific Features
Enable Electronic Filing of GST Annexure-1 Per Revised GST Reporting Structure for India
Enable filing of GST Annexure-1 electronically as required by revised GST reporting structure for India. The extract contains details of all outward supplies, inward supplies liable to reverse charge, and imported goods and services required for the annexure.
Filing Annexure-1(ANX-1) is mandatory for every GST registered taxpayer other than composite dealers, and those organizations which are registered as Input service distributors (ISD). GST Annexure-1 is used to report suppliers GST liability on outbound taxable supplies and inward supplies where recipient is required to self-assess/pay the GST (e.g. Inward supplies that attract GST on Reverse charge basis, inward supply of goods imported to India etc.).
The Taxpayers can configure the BIP report based on the Tax Reporting Ledger tables' fields and can create the report in the pre-described format so that it can be imported into the GSTN provided offline utility tool. User can use it to retrieve the outward supplies tax and integrate the outward supplies tax to GSTN system.
The feature enables you to:
- Run the GST Annexure-1 process which will extract the required dataset required for filing GST Annexure-1 report from both Receivable and Payables modules.
- Leverage the Global Tax Reporting Ledger (TRL) to create the India GST Outward supply Repository.
- On this basis which, the ANX-1 report can be created in the GSTN prescribed format.
- Create BIP report based on Tax Reporting Ledger tables’ data in the GSTN provided format of ANX-1 report.
- Change only the BIP report data model logic in case of any future changes to the GST reporting format of ANX-1 and not have any product dependency.
- Effectively handle any Error, if notified by GST portal upon filing of ANX-1 report.
Steps to Enable
Setups required to enable this feature, associate the Taxes defined in the FSM into India Taxes Types so that these taxes are separated out from the Non GST taxes and relevant information against each tax type can be extracted while filing the monthly GST reports.
- Application Implementation Consultant. role/privilege is required to do the setup
- In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Taxes task:
Offering: Financials Functional area: Transaction Tax: Manage Taxes
- Search for the required Transaction tax.
- Go to Tax Reporting Codes and Click on Add Row
- Enter any of the following values to classify the Tax
6. Click Save and Close
Process Steps:
- Tax Manager role/privilege is required to run the Process.
- In the Navigator work area, Go to Tools à Scheduled Processes à Schedule New Process
Search for the Job: Report Tax Liability Electronically for India Output Tax. Run the Process.
3. Tax Reporting Ledger Tables:
- zx_rep_context_t
- zx_rep_trx_detail_t
- zx_rep_trx_jx_ext_t
More details can be found in the below link:
ZX_REP_CONTEXT_T: With each run of ANX-1 Process, one record will be populated in this table against the Request_Id of the job.
ZX_REP_TRX_DETAIL_T contains tax information for tax reporting purposes from Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable, and Tax repository.
ZX_REP_TRX_JX_EXT_T: Summary Table for GST ANX-1 Report. It contains the ANX-1 Section information against the transactions inserted into the table zx_rep_trx_detail_t
Tips And Considerations
- To create the GST ANX-1 BIP report data model, you will have to do a SQL join on the 3 Tax Repository Ledger tables and Group the data based Table requirements of GST ANX-1 report format.
- The minimum eligibility criteria of the Transactions to get picked by the Process are that Receivables transactions should be in COMPLETE status and the Payables Invoices in ACCOUNTED status.
- You are expected to write the logic of the BIP report data model such that it will fetch any Transaction line having the Maximum Version Number for the ANX-1 reporting.