This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:
Date | Product | Feature | Notes |
25 NOV 2020 | General Ledger | Updated document. Revised opt in information. | |
25 NOV 2020 | Payables | Configurable Payables Workflow Notifications | Updated document. Revised opt in information. |
30 OCT 2020 | General Ledger | Encumbrance Type to Track Invoice Encumbrances | Updated document. Delivered feature in update 20C. |
30 OCT 2020 | Receivables | View Multifund Accounting on the Aging and General Ledger Reconciliation Reports | Updated document. Revised Tips and Considerations. |
03 SEP 2020 | Payables | Updated document. Added opt in information. |
03 SEP 2020 | General Ledger | Updated document. Added opt in information. |
28 AUG 2020 | Subledger Accounting | Updated document. Revised Tips and Considerations. | |
17 JUL 2020 | Subledger Accounting | Updated document. Revised opt in expiration. | |
08 JUL 2020 | Budgetary Control | Synchronize Hierarchy Maintenance Across Budgetary Control and General Ledger |
Updated document. Revised Tips and Considerations. |
05 JUN 2020 | Created initial document. |
This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in this update, and describes any tasks you might need to perform for the update. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.
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Please take a moment to join the Cloud Customer Connect forums for Financials Cloud. Oracle Cloud Customer Connect is a community gathering place for members to interact and collaborate on common goals and objectives. This is where you will find the latest release information, upcoming events, or answers to use-case questions. Joining takes just a few minutes. Join now!
Security and New Features
The Role section of each feature identifies the security privilege and job role required to use the feature. If feature setup is required, then the Application Implementation Consultant job role is required to perform the setup, unless otherwise indicated. (If a feature doesn't include a Role section, then no security changes are required to use the feature.)
If you have created job roles, then you can use this information to add new privileges to those roles as needed.
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We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at
Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)
Oracle Cloud Applications delivers new updates every quarter. This means every three months you'll receive new functionality to help you efficiently and effectively manage your business. Some features are delivered Enabled meaning they are immediately available to end users. Other features are delivered Disabled meaning you have to take action to make available. Features delivered Disabled can be activated for end users by stepping through the following instructions using the following privileges:
- Configure Oracle Fusion Applications Offering (ASM_CONFIGURE_OFFERING_PRIV)
Here’s how you opt in to new features:
- Click Navigator > My Enterprise > New Features.
- On the Features Overview page, select your offering to review new features specific to it. Or, you can leave the default selection All Enabled Offerings to review new features for all offerings.
- On the New Features tab, review the new features and check the opt-in status of the feature in the Enabled column. If a feature has already been enabled, you will see a check mark. Otherwise, you will see an icon to enable the feature.
- Click the icon in the Enabled column and complete the steps to enable the feature.
For more information and detailed instructions on opting in to new features for your offering, see Offering Configuration.
Opt In Expiration
Occasionally, features delivered Disabled via Opt In may be enabled automatically in a future update. This is known as an Opt In Expiration. If your cloud service has any Opt In Expirations in this update, you will see a related tab in this document. Click on that tab to see when the feature was originally delivered Disabled, and when the Opt In will expire, potentially automatically enabling the feature. You can also click here to see features with current Opt In Expirations across all Oracle Cloud Applications. Beyond the current update, the Financials forums on Cloud Customer Connect have details of Opt In Expirations upcoming in future updates.
Column Definitions:
Features Delivered Enabled
Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.
UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.
UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.
Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.
Common Technology and User Experience
Refined User Experience for Key Lists of Values Search
Experience improved performance and enhanced type ahead suggestions for select lists of values in Financials. These lists of values facilitate faster manual data entry for the corresponding attributes.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Delete Invalid Customer Assignments for Intercompany Organization
Intercompany accountants can delete customer assignments at the intercompany organization level that are no longer required, by using the delete option in the Manage Intercompany Customer and Supplier Assignments page. This option is available only for deleting customer assignments at the intercompany organization level and cannot be used to delete an assignment at the legal entity level.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Create, Update and View Supplier Invoices with Project Information Using a REST API
Create, update, and view supplier invoices with project information using the Invoices REST API. You can capture key project information such as Project Number, Task Number, Expenditure Item Date, Expenditure Type, and Expenditure Organization on invoice lines and distributions.
Steps to Enable
Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides, available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API. If you're new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.
This feature is automatically opted in through the release update.
Key Resources
- For an overview of REST APIs and the technical details, see the REST API for Oracle Financials Cloud guide in the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
You don't need a new role or privilege to use this feature.
Configurable Collections Bankruptcy Workflow Notification
Use enhanced workflow notifications for Collections bankruptcy approval. You can use Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher templates to generate modern and unified look and feel email and in-application notifications. Modify templates to meet business requirements and policies. You can access the Collections Bankruptcy Notification template and modify it to add new fields into the template. You can also modify the predefined template to display information based on your business requirements and policies. Choose from a comprehensive list of attributes to modify the notifications according to your requirements. You can change both layout and content – add images, change colors and styling, add or remove attributes or modify text.
Screenshot of the default Bankruptcy Approval Notification is shown below:
Screenshot of the Bankruptcy Notification Data Model is shown below:
Select the fields that you want from the data model to add to the .rtf template for your report.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Financials No Longer Optional From: Update 21A
Tips And Considerations
- The predefined template is used by default to present the workflow notification. You can copy and modify this template according to your business requirements and set the modified template as the new default.
- Navigation for accessing the default template: Reports and Analytics - Shared Folders - Financials - Workflow Notifications - Collections - Bankruptcy
A single template is used to generate both the email and in-app notifications for a particular workflow. Any modifications that you make to the seeded template will be reflected in both in-app and email notifications.
- The opt-in for this feature will expire in update 21A. Once the opt-in is expired, Configurable Collections Bankruptcy Workflow Notifications will be enabled by default and you can no longer opt out of using this feature.
- We recommend that you use the time between now and update 21A to prepare for the uptake of this feature.
Key Resources
- Overview of Financials Configurable Workflow Notifications on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
You don't need any new role or privilege access to use this feature. BI Administrator Role and BI Consumer Role have default permissions to access the report and modify the predefined template.
Configurable Expenses Workflow Notifications
Use enhanced workflow notifications for expenses workflows. You can use Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher templates to generate a modern and unified look and feel for email and in-application notifications. Modify templates to meet business requirements and policies.
When opted in, the Expenses application displays in-application notifications in the same format as email notifications based on BI Publisher templates, thereby providing a consistent view of the notification details.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Financials No Longer Optional From: Update 21A
Role Information
To enable the Configurable Expenses Workflow Notifications, you need the Application Implementation Consultant role.
Configure Notification Recipients for Audit, Reimbursement, and Corporate Card Transactions for Inactive Employee Notifications
Allow administrators to configure recipients for audit and reimbursement notifications and notifications for corporate card charges for inactive employees. This enables designated employees to receive audit and reimbursement notifications on behalf of the expense owners and receive inactive employee notifications in addition to their managers.
Administrators can modify the predefined notification tasks in BPM Worklist to add additional notification recipients. The additional recipients can be individual users or roles. The following notifications allow additional recipients:
Notification Type |
Name of the Notification |
Reimbursement Notifications |
Audit Notifications |
Receipt Notifications |
Inactive Employee Notifications |
Steps to Enable
You can modify the following notification tasks to configure additional participants:
Notification Type | Notification Task |
Reimbursement Notifications |
Audit Notifications |
Receipt Notifications |
Inactive Employee Notifications |
To configure additional recipients, perform the following steps:
- From the Setup and Maintenance work area, navigate to the Manage Expense Approval Rules task.
- In the BPM Worklist page, search for the task that you want to modify and click the Edit icon.
- Select the Assignees tab and select the participant.
- In the Assignees section of the definition of the participant, add additional recipients by clicking the Plus sign. You can select a user, group, or an application role,
- Use the Assignees based on field dropdown list to change the assignee selection criteria.
- Save and commit the changes.
- Alternately, edit the participant by clicking the pencil icon. Add a new participant and assign the additional participants. Save and Commit changes.
Adding Additional Recipients
Role Information
To configure additional recipients for audit and reimbursement notifications, you need one of these roles:
- Expense Manager
- Application Implementation Consultant
- Financials Administrator
Simplified Workflow Rules Configuration
With the Simplified Workflow Rules Configuration feature, you can now create rules for Payables Invoice Approval and General Ledger Journal Approval workflows using spreadsheets. Download the spreadsheet template, enter data, and upload it using the Manage Workflow Rules in Spreadsheet task to create and manage workflow rules as per your approval policies.
When defining rules for the Payables Invoice Approval workflow using this feature, if the approver for a transaction varies depending on certain transaction attributes, you can use Data Sets while defining the approval rule. Using Data Sets, you can define a mapping between the approver and relevant transaction attributes.
From release 20C, you can now use datasets to specify the starting approver for Payables Invoice Approval workflow rules created using Supervisory or Job level hierarchy approval routing. Choose the start approver in the dataset from the list of values or specify the user who should be the starting approver for such rules. This helps you create rules where the starting approver varies based on varying attributes specified in the dataset.
To use datasets to specify starting approvers, choose the value 'Use Dataset' from the Start Approver list of values.
Start Approver List of Values in Invoice Approval Rules Sheet
In the Data Sets sheet, click 'Add Start Approver'.
Add Start Approver button in Data Sets sheet
Choose the start approver from the list of values or enter the user who should be the start approver for the rule.
Start Approver Attribute in Data Sets Sheet
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- This feature is available only for Payables Invoice Approval rule templates.
- You can download any of the available templates for the Invoice Approval workflow to use this feature. If you have created rules using the templates prior to update 20C, refer to the 'Updating the Rule File' section on the Instructions sheet to copy your rules into the latest version of the template.
- You can specify start approvers in data sets only for rules using Supervisory Hierarchy or Job Level Hierarchy approval routing.
- Remember to specify the data set name (prefixed by '$') in the rule definition in the 'Approval Level' or 'Job Level Range' column as applicable. For example, $Supervisoryset.
Key Resources
- For additional information, refer to the 'Create Workflow Rules Using a Spreadsheet' topic in the Oracle Help Center.
Assign Predelinquent Strategies to Transactions
Assign predelinquent strategy tasks to applicable transactions. This feature extends the capability of assigning delinquent strategies to transactions to include predelinquent strategies. The predelinquent strategy assignment improves the collections process by focusing both predelinquent and delinquent tasks for specific customers and transactions.
You can define and run strategies and strategy tasks for individual predelinquent transactions. Use the Manage Strategy Tasks page to specify the conditions when the strategy task is applicable to a transaction. For example, you can define one strategy task, Send Soft Dunning Letter, to run for transactions that are 20 days to become due, and another task, Send Medium Dunning Letter, to run for transactions 10 days to become due. The strategy processing background process evaluates if a transaction meets the conditions defined in the strategy task definition and runs the strategy tasks for the transaction accordingly. If a transaction is disputed, the number of days that it is in dispute will be subtracted from the number of days late when the condition is evaluated.
Steps to Enable
The feature is enabled by default. To use the feature, do the following optional setups
Offering: Financials
I. Enable Feature
- Click Navigator > My Enterprise > Offerings.
- On the Offerings page, select Financials.
- Click the Opt In Features button.
- On the Opt In: Financials page, click the Features icon for Collections. A list of Collections features is displayed.
- Select the Enable check box for the Collections Strategies for Individual Transactions feature and save the changes.
NOTE: The following Collections features need to be enabled as prerequisite:
- Collections Scoring and Strategy Assignments by Segment
- Automatically Initiate or Fulfill Collections Tasks in Third Party Systems
II. Define Transaction Level Strategy Task
- From the Setup and Maintenance work area, access the Manage Collections Strategy Tasks task.
- Use the Create Task page to create a strategy task. Specify the condition when the strategy task should run for a transaction.
III. Define Transaction Level Strategy Group
- From the Setup and Maintenance work area, access the Manage Collections Strategies task.
- Use the Create or Edit Strategy Group page to create a strategy group with transaction level tasks.
Tips And Considerations
Only enable this feature when you have a business need to run collections strategies for individual predelinquent transactions. Collections strategies can continue to be run at customer, account, and site levels.
Configurable Collections Bankruptcy Workflow Notification
Use enhanced workflow notifications for Collections bankruptcy approval. You can use Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher templates to generate modern and unified look and feel email and in-application notifications. Modify templates to meet business requirements and policies. You can access the Collections Bankruptcy Notification template and modify it to add new fields into the template. You can also modify the predefined template to display information based on your business requirements and policies. Choose from a comprehensive list of attributes to modify the notifications according to your requirements. You can change both layout and content – add images, change colors and styling, add or remove attributes or modify text.
Screenshot of the default Bankruptcy Approval Notification is shown below:
Screenshot of the Bankruptcy Notification Data Model is shown below:
Select the fields that you want from the data model to add to the .rtf template for your report.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Financials No Longer Optional From: Update 21A
Tips And Considerations
- The predefined template is used by default to present the workflow notification. You can copy and modify this template according to your business requirements and set the modified template as the new default.
- Navigation for accessing the default template: Reports and Analytics - Shared Folders - Financials - Workflow Notifications - Collections - Bankruptcy
A single template is used to generate both the email and in-app notifications for a particular workflow. Any modifications that you make to the seeded template will be reflected in both in-app and email notifications.
- The opt-in for this feature will expire in update 21A. Once the opt-in is expired, Configurable Collections Bankruptcy Workflow Notifications will be enabled by default and you can no longer opt out of using this feature.
- We recommend that you use the time between now and update 21A to prepare for the uptake of this feature.
Key Resources
- Overview of Financials Configurable Workflow Notifications on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
You don't need any new role or privilege access to use this feature. BI Administrator Role and BI Consumer Role have default permissions to access the report and modify the predefined template.
Asset Revaluation for UK Government
You can revalue assets in line with government issued price indexes .You’re required to revalue some fixed assets professionally every few years.
Use this feature to:
- Separately account and track:
- Historical cost and revalued cost.
- Depreciation reserve and backlog depreciation reserve.
- Revalue assets by price index, percent, amount, or fair value.
- Revalue the current cost of the asset, and the prior year total depreciation reserve.
- Revalue YTD depreciation and YTD revalue reserve amortization.
- Amortize revaluation reserve over the asset life.
- Retire the revaluation reserve balance when an asset is retired.
- Revalue fully reserved or depreciated assets without extending the asset’s life.
- Inquire and report on the asset cost, depreciation reserve and revaluation reserve balances.
Enable the Allow UK government revaluation option:
This feature requires a specific set of revaluation rules, which are populated by default in the Create or Edit Book page. When you enable the Allow UK Government Revaluation option in the asset book certain default options are set and new accounts are required to be populated as explained below:
- You can enable this feature only for a new asset book that doesn’t have any assets. (You can migrate asset data into the new asset book from your existing legacy system or from another asset book).
- Assets applies the relevant revaluation rules by default.
- You can use only STL depreciation methods to support modified historical cost accounting requirements for fixed asset revaluations.
Two new accounts track cost revaluations and depreciation backlog reserve:
- Revalued cost account: Enables you to separately account for the change in cost due to upward or downward revaluation of an asset. When you enable the Revalue YTD depreciation and UK government revaluation options, the application revalues the current cost of the asset. The increase or decrease in cost due to a revaluation transaction can be either a positive or negative amount.
- Backlog Depreciation Reserve account: Enables you to separately account for the change in the prior year accumulated depreciation amount due to revaluation.
You can revalue the asset cost, accumulated depreciation, and year-to-date depreciation.,
- Upward Revaluation:If the revaluation results in an increase, the application credits the increase in net book value to the Revaluation Reserve account. If the asset has any prior downward revaluation transactions and the application previously debited the decrease of net book value to the Profit and Loss account, then the application credits that amount to the Profit and Loss account and the remaining balance, if any, to the Revaluation Reserve account.
- Downward Revaluation If the revaluation results in a decrease, the application debits the decrease in the net book value to the Revaluation Loss Expense account. If the asset has any prior upward revaluation transactions and the application previously credited the increase in net book value to the Revaluation Reserve account, then the application debits that amount to the Revaluation Reserve account and the remaining balance, if any, to the Revaluation Loss Expense account."
If an asset was already revalued in a legacy system, then upload the revalued cost as a separate amount along with revaluation reserve balance, backlog depreciation reserve balance, revaluation loss, and last used price index. You can make changes to the revaluation balances as financial adjustments in the period of addition before revaluing asset in the application.
When you transfer an asset from one category to another or from one cost center to another, the historical and revalued balances of the asset are transferred from the old category accounts to the new category accounts.
You can view revalued cost, backlog depreciation reserve, and revaluation reserve changes in these reports:
- Cost Summary
- Cost Detail
- Depreciation Reserve Summary
- Depreciation Reserve Detail
- Revaluation Reserve Summary
- Revaluation Reserve Detail
For more information on migrating asset data and processing revaluations with an explanation of the expected accounting outcome, refer to the white paper for Fixed Assets Revaluations for UK Government, which will be published on My Oracle Support when the feature becomes generally available.
Steps to Enable
- Set up a new corporate asset book for the primary ledger with GBP as the currency.
- Enable revaluation for the asset book.
- In Setup and Maintenance, go to the task Manage Fixed Assets Lookups.
- Search for the lookup type ORA_FA_ALLOW_REVAL.
- Enter your asset book name as the lookup code. The asset book name must be an exact match to the asset book name you just configured in the previous step.
- Define the revaluation accounts in your asset categories.
- You can view financial information in the Asset Inquiry page, such as the balances for the Revalued Cost, Backlog Depreciation Reserve, Revaluation Reserve , General Fund (YTD and LTD Revaluation Reserve Amortization).
Generate Lease Payment Invoices for a Date Range
The Generate Lease Payment Invoices process now includes two new fields to enable you to generate lease payment invoices for a date range: From Invoice Date and To Invoice Date
The To Invoice Date field populates the last day of the period by default. To run it on a different day, you need to update the invoice date to today's date.
Steps to Enable
- Click Generate Invoices in the Manage Leases page.
- Select the period: The From Invoice date and To Invoice date default to the first and last day of the month.
Revalue Fully Reserved Assets Without Extending the Assets Life
You can now revalue assets that are fully reserved without extending assets life. Revalue assets using the value type as either the Price Index or Percent and the life extension factor of 1.
Steps to Enable
- Check the Revalue fully reserved assets option in the Edit Book page and enter 1 for the Life Extension factor.
- In the Create Revaluation page, select the value type and enter the life extension factor.
Ensure All Transactions Are Applied to a Control Budget
Budgetary control validation fails when a transaction does not apply to a control budget. The validation ensures that you cannot continue with transactions when no control budget is impacted.
Data entry errors, such as incorrect budget date, can lead to an expense that does not consume the budget. The new validation ensures that transactions are applied against a budget, and budgetary control validation will fail with a No chart of accounts control budget status.
If you take no action, the current functionality applies and the transaction will pass budgetary control validation with a No chart of accounts control budget status.
View Results with Validation Failure
Steps to Enable
This feature is available by default.
If your ledger’s Control Budget Filter setting is either “Project” or “Ledger or project” and you want to turn on this validation, follow these steps:
- In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Budgetary Control task.
- Query your ledger and click on the ledger name to open the Edit Budgetary Control and Encumbrance Accounting page.
- In the Ledger section, click this check box to turn on the Budgetary Control Validation Failure: Transactions without project attributes don’t have a matching chart of account based control budget.
New Validation Failure
Tips And Considerations
- These changes have been made to the Edit Budgetary Control and Encumbrance Accounting page:
- The Fail budgetary control for budget dates not in valid budget date range checkbox is changed to this: Transaction budget date falls outside of date range across all control budgets.
- This new checkbox has been added: Transactions without project attributes don’t have a matching chart of account based control budget.
- This new heading has been added to group the checkboxes: Budgetary Control Validation Failures.
Changes to Edit Budgetary Control and Encumbrance Accounting Page
- This new validation, Transactions without project attributes don’t have a matching chart of account based control budget, applies to ledgers defined with a Control Budget Filter setting of “Project” or “Ledger or project” in Manage Budgetary Control.
- This new validation doesn't apply when:
- Transaction is associated to a project. For example, a purchase order distribution has project attributes defined.
- When control level is set to none and no other control budgets are applicable, the user will see the message, "Budgetary control validation is successful and there are no control budgets requiring funds reservation."
- If your Control Budget Filter setting is “Ledger only”, use the existing validation Transaction budget date falls outside of date range across all control budgets to prevent data entry errors of incorrect budget date.
This is an example of how Budgetary Control Validation Failures work together:
A chart of accounts based control budget is defined for the fiscal year 2019 and a Project Portfolio Management control budget is defined for fiscal year 2020. The budget date range for all control budgets is 2019 through 2020.
Control Budget | Budget Date |
Chart of Accounts Based | Fiscal Year 2019 |
Project Portfolio Management | Fiscal Year 2020 |
Budget Date Range Across Control Budgets 2019 to 2020 |
This table shows the budgetary control results for a transaction distribution line without project attributes for budget dates in fiscal year 2020 and fiscal year 2021 with the various budgetary control validation setup combinations:
Budgetary Control Failure Setting | Budget Date for a Distribution Line Without Project Attributes | ||
Transaction budget date falls outside of date range across all control budgets |
Transactions without project attributes don’t have a matching chart of account based control budget |
2020 | 2021 |
On | Off | Pass: No control budget ** |
Failure: Budget date outside of valid budget date range for ledger |
Off | On | Failure: No chart of account control budget |
Failure: No chart of account control budget |
On | On | Failure: No chart of account control budget |
Failure: Both validations would cause failure, but Budget date outside of valid budget date range for ledger is displayed |
** Project Portfolio Management control budget isn’t applicable because there aren’t project attributes on the distribution line.
Key Resources
- Refer to the Using Financials for the Public Sector guide, Setup chapter.
Role Information
Budget Manager role is needed to set up Budgetary Control.
Synchronize Hierarchy Maintenance Across Budgetary Control and General Ledger
Maintain account hierarchies used in both General Ledger and Budgetary Control with a single process to streamline hierarchy maintenance.
The Process Account Hierarchies program has been enhanced to simultaneously process General Ledger and Budgetary Control account hierarchies and to support summary account budgeting in General Ledger balances cube.
Reduce maintenance of account hierarchies between General Ledger and Budgetary Control to report on balances in General Ledger and Budgetary Control with consistent hierarchies. Opt in to this feature to automate the maintenance of the account hierarchies and ensure the hierarchies are concurrent after account hierarchies are updated without running a separate program.
You can now budget to the same level in General Ledger as in Budgetary Control. Summary accounts that are used for budgetary control will now also be available in General Ledger. Opt in to this feature to automatically generate values in General Ledger balances cube to represent the summary account.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Financials
Tips And Considerations
There is no change to the Process Account Hierarchies when budgetary control is not enabled.
The control budget status must be either Closed or Redefining, as the budgetary control hierarchy processes will run automatically as part of the new Process Account Hierarchies program.
After the Process Account Hierarchies program is complete, set the control budget status to In Use.
- You no longer need to run the following budgetary control process hierarchy separately:
- Refresh Tree for Budgetary Control
- Add Reporting Tree to Budgetary Control Balances Cube
- New errors added in the Process Account Hierarchies log for budgetary control.
Refresh Tree for Budgetary Control Error Report
- These processes will create values in the General Ledger balances cube to represent the summary accounts in account hierarchies used by a control budget:
- Process Account Hierarchies
- Create General Ledger Balances Cube
- Publish Chart of Account Dimension Members and Hierarchies to Balances Cube
- Publish Chart of Account Hierarchies (from the Publish Account Hierarchies task)
- Values to represent the summary accounts are labeled with the summary account value description followed by the value, Base Balance. The member name is labeled with the summary account value name suffixed with _base. For example, the budget balance for the summary account, Capital Fund is stored in Capital Fund Base Balance with a member name of CAPT_base. The balance of Capital Fund is the sum of Capital Fund Base Balance and its children (Equipment Replacement through Housing in Lieu).
Dimension Members
You no longer have to create a detail segment value that represents a summary account value in your chart of accounts to load your budget to General Ledger.
- If the account hierarchy is not used by a control budget, the values _base will not be generated in the General Ledger balances cube.
Key Resources
- Using Financials for the Public Sector: Chapter 1 Budgetary Control, Setup section, Budgetary Control Validation subsection
- Implementing Enterprise Structures and General Ledger: Chapter 6 Financial Structures, Account Hierarchies section
Role Information
- You will need Financial Application Administrator to run the Process Account Hierarchies process.
- You will need Budget Manager to make updates to a control budget status.
View Opt In Features in Budgetary Control and Encumbrance Accounting Enablement Diagnostic
View diagnostics for opt-in features and history of changes impacting budgetary control.
Review setup impacting your budgetary control validations. Now displayed in the diagnostic report are the opt-in features from other products that may change how budgetary control validates transactions.
Quickly review and verify if your enterprise is opting in to the available Budgetary Control features. To see the Opt-in Feature Details section to view opt-in features and if they are enabled, run the Budgetary Control and Encumbrance Accounting Enablement Diagnostic report.
Opt-In Feature Details in Budgetary Control and Encumbrance Accounting Enablement Diagnostic
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
Also available on the Budgetary Control and Encumbrance Accounting Diagnostic report is the new 20C ledger level budgetary control validation failure, Transactions without project attributes not having a matching chart of accounts based control budget.
Budgetary Control Validation Failure Options
Key Resources
- Refer to support note Budgetary Control Diagnostic Report Procedures, document id 2266840.1 for more information on this report.
Role Information
Application Implementation Consultant role is needed to run the report.
Exclude Reversal Journal Entries from Bank Statement Reconciliation
Streamline the bank statement reconciliation process by excluding reversals and the corresponding originating journal entries.
The reversal and originating journal lines that match the bank account's cash account code combinations are not displayed in the Manual Reconciliation page, and not selected by the Automatic Reconciliation process because they are removed from the bank statement reconciliation process.
The Cash to General Ledger Reconciliation Report is also enhanced to remove reversals and the corresponding originating journal entries from the report.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Financials
Tips And Considerations
- You must have the Journal Reconciliation Enabled profile option (CE_GL_RECON_ENABLED) set to Yes to perform manual and automatic reconciliation of bank statement lines directly from GL Journal Lines.
- Reversing journals saves you time and helps prevent data entry errors.
Key Resources
- For more information on Bank Statement and Reconciliation solution, refer to Oracle Financials Cloud Using Payables Invoice to Pay, or Oracle Financials Cloud Using Receivables Credit to Cash.
- For more information on Journal Reversals, refer to Oracle Financials Cloud Using General Ledger.
Role Information
You don't need any new role or privilege access to set up and use this feature.
Reconcile Zero Amount System Transactions
Reconcile zero amount transactions not reported in bank statements both manually and automatically. Set up reconciliation matching rules to reconcile zero amount transactions without a matching bank statement line using the Autoreconciliation process. Use the enhanced Manual Reconciliation process to reconcile zero amounts manually.
Zero amount system transactions include, for example, zero amount payments created to net off outstanding invoices and credit memos, and credit card expenses paid directly by your company. Previously, these zero amount system transactions remained unreconciled, and required manual reconciliation against a dummy bank statement with zero amount statement line.
You can now automatically or manually reconcile zero amount system transactions without the need to create a dummy bank statement.
Steps to Enable
1. Set up a new reconciliation matching rule for reconciling zero amount system transactions automatically.
- In Setup and Maintenance, go to the task Manage Bank Statement Reconciliation Matching Rules.
- Create a new reconciliation matching rule.
- Select the transaction sources you want to group the zero amount system transactions.
- Select “Zero Amount” matching type.
2. Add the new reconciliation matching rule to your existing reconciliation matching rule set assigned to your bank account.
- In Setup and Maintenance, go to the task Manage Bank Statement Reconciliation Rule Sets.
- Select your existing reconciliation rule set assigned to your bank account.
- Add the new reconciliation matching rule.
- Go to the Manual Reconciliation page, and search for zero amount system transactions created for a specific date.
- Select the zero amount system transactions you want to manually reconcile without a matching bank statement line, and click on “Reconcile” button:
- When selecting the zero amount system transactions, all transactions need to share the same transaction date. This transaction date is used as the cleared date for the reconciliation group and used in accounting events.
- Use the Reconciled tab in the Manual Reconciliation page to review the cleared date and verify whether the reconciliation group was automatically reconciled.
Tips And Considerations
- When automatically reconciling the zero amount system transactions, the transactions are grouped by transaction date and transaction source selected in the reconciliation matching rule.
- The zero amount system transaction date is used as cleared date of the reconciliation group.
Key Resources
- For more information on Bank Statement and Reconciliation solution, refer to Oracle Financials Cloud Using Payables Invoice to Pay, or Oracle Financials Cloud Using Receivables Credit to Cash.
Role Information
You don't need any new role or privilege access to set up and use this feature.
Accept Terms and Agreements in Actionable Cards
Allow users to accept terms and conditions from the actionable cards when submitting expense reports from the Expenses work area.
In the Expenses work area, the Submit action is available in the actions menu, which employees can access by clicking the ellipses on the card of a saved expense. When an employee selects the Submit action, the Confirm Compliance with Policy dialog box appears. To accept the company policies, the employee clikcs Confirm. The expense report is submitted if there are no errors or missing information. Thus, the employees doesn't need to drill down into the expense report to submit it.
Accept Company Policies
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
This Accept Terms and Agreements in Actionable Cards feature is automatically available when you have opted in to the Actionable Cards for Expense Reports feature.
Role Information
You don't need any new role or privilege to use this feature.
Configurable Expenses Workflow Notifications
Use enhanced workflow notifications for expenses workflows. You can use Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher templates to generate a modern and unified look and feel for email and in-application notifications. Modify templates to meet business requirements and policies.
When opted in, the Expenses application displays in-application notifications in the same format as email notifications based on BI Publisher templates, thereby providing a consistent view of the notification details.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Financials No Longer Optional From: Update 21A
Role Information
To enable the Configurable Expenses Workflow Notifications, you need the Application Implementation Consultant role.
Configure Notification Recipients for Audit, Reimbursement, and Corporate Card Transactions for Inactive Employee Notifications
Allow administrators to configure recipients for audit and reimbursement notifications and notifications for corporate card charges for inactive employees. This enables designated employees to receive audit and reimbursement notifications on behalf of the expense owners and receive inactive employee notifications in addition to their managers.
Administrators can modify the predefined notification tasks in BPM Worklist to add additional notification recipients. The additional recipients can be individual users or roles. The following notifications allow additional recipients:
Notification Type |
Name of the Notification |
Reimbursement Notifications |
Audit Notifications |
Receipt Notifications |
Inactive Employee Notifications |
Steps to Enable
You can modify the following notification tasks to configure additional participants:
Notification Type | Notification Task |
Reimbursement Notifications |
Audit Notifications |
Receipt Notifications |
Inactive Employee Notifications |
To configure additional recipients, perform the following steps:
- From the Setup and Maintenance work area, navigate to the Manage Expense Approval Rules task.
- In the BPM Worklist page, search for the task that you want to modify and click the Edit icon.
- Select the Assignees tab and select the participant.
- In the Assignees section of the definition of the participant, add additional recipients by clicking the Plus sign. You can select a user, group, or an application role,
- Use the Assignees based on field dropdown list to change the assignee selection criteria.
- Save and commit the changes.
- Alternately, edit the participant by clicking the pencil icon. Add a new participant and assign the additional participants. Save and Commit changes.
Adding Additional Recipients
Role Information
To configure additional recipients for audit and reimbursement notifications, you need one of these roles:
- Expense Manager
- Application Implementation Consultant
- Financials Administrator
Create Expense Items from Email Receipts
Email expense receipts to Expenses Digital Assistant to automatically create expense items from receipts. Expense items created from emailed receipts are automatically matched to corporate card charges when applicable. The application sends you a notification after the expense items are created. If configured, the application automatically submits expenses for approval.
Your company provides you the email address to which you send your expense receipts. When an email with an expense receipt is received, the application first verifies that your email address matches your work email address. Then, the application extracts the details from the receipts, such as, merchant, date, amount, currency, and location, and creates the expense items using these details. The application also assigns an expense type to the expense item based on the category derived from the receipt details.
On successful creation of an expense, you receive an email confirmation with the expense details.
Email Response on Successful Expense Creation
If the expense already exists, the application does not create a duplicate expense. Instead, you receive an email response indicating that the expense already exists, with the originial email as an attachment.
Email Response When Duplicate Charge is Found
Steps to Enable
To enable emailed receipts, perform the following steps:
- Log in as the Application Implementation Consultant.
- From the Setup and Maintenance work area, navigate to the Manage Auto Submit and Matching Options page.
- Set the Enable Electronic Receipts Processing option to Yes for the specific business unit or customer site.
- Click Save and Close.
To obtain the email address for forwarding receipts, log in as the Travel Manager.
- Navigate to the Scheduled Processes work area.
- Click the Schedule New Process button.
- Select the Create Expenses from Email Receipts process and click the Submit button.
- When the process has successfully completed, open the output file and note down the email address created for your company.
- Schedule the Create Expenses from Email Receipts process at specific intervals to process emailed receipts and create expense items.
Tips And Considerations
You can setup an email address in your company's domain and forward the emails to the cloud email address generated by the Create Expenses from Email Receipts process for receipt processing.
Role Information
To schedule and run the Create Expenses from Email Receipts process, you must have the Travel Manager role.
Drill Down to Expense Reports and Expense Items from OTBI
Drill down from Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence, or OTBI, analysis to expense reports and expense items. Add an action link on a column, such as expense report identifier or expense report number, to enable the drill down using a deep link. A deep link is a URL to open a page without navigating through the application menu structure. Users can easily navigate back and forth from the analysis to the application to review details.
You can configure links in the ad hoc Expenses OTBI reports to drill down to the View Expense Report page.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Role Information
You don't need any new role or privilege to set up and use this feature.
Extract Receipt Image Details in Expenses Android Application
Capture expense details from the receipt image using image recognition in the Expenses Android application.
Employees can scan receipt images from their Expenses Android application using either the Camera option or the attachment field in the Enter Expense screen. The application uses the Intelligent Document Recognition engine to extract receipt details and then navigates the user to the Enter Expense screen with details of the receipt populated. Employees can select an expense type and make modifications as needed.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
- To disable the Scan option, refer to the Disable the Scan Option on Mobile Expenses section in the Implementing Expenses guide.
Role Information
You don't need a new role or privilege access to use this feature.
Improve Error Messages and Provide Corrective Steps While Configuring Integration with Card Issuers
Improve error messages to provide clear explanation of connection failures and guidance to correct setup. Corporate card administrators can test the connection between Expenses and your credit card issuer and review any errors after they set up a new profile.
The Test Connection button on the Create Transfer Parameters page allows administrators to verify the connection using the server address and the login credentials. It also validates that the file on the server matches the file prefix and that the file contains transactions.
Test Connection Option
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Role Information
You don't need any new role or privilege to use this feature.
Manage Corporate Card Transactions Processing of Inactive Employees
Process valid business charges posted to an inactive employee's corporate card within a grace period to enable timely payment to corporate card providers.
The Upload Corporate Card Transactions and Process Corporate Card Transactions for Inactive Employees processes have been modified to include the following capabilities:
- Individual pay liability
The Upload Corporate Card Transactions and Process Corporate Card Transactions for Inactive Employees processes now handle corporate card transactions with individual pay liability. Managers are notified when charges of inactive employees are awaiting submission.
- Grace period
Administrators can configure a grace period to include corporate card charges that are charged to an inactive employee's card after the termination date. All charges within the grace period also appear in the Expenses work area for submission in expense reports.
- Notification Recipients
By default, the application notifies the manager of an inactive employee when charges arrive after the termination date. If a manager does not exist, the application notifies the second level manager. Managers can accept the responsibility to submit expense reports or delegate that responsibility to another user. However, some companies like to designate selected employees to submit expense reports for inactive employees. To address this, administrators can now configure a recipient other than managers. The recipients can be a user or a role.
Steps to Enable
To increase the grace period for corporate card transactions processing of inactive employees, perform the following steps:
- From the Setup and Maintenance work area, navigate to the Manage Expenses System Options page.
- In the Inactive Employee Grace Period in Days field, enter the number of days after the termination date when charges can be posted to the inactive employee's corporate card. The Upload Corporate Card Transactions process creates expense items for all corporate card transactions of inactive employees with a transaction date less than or equal to the employee termination date plus the number of grace period days.
You can set this option at the implementation level on the Manage Expenses System Options page, which applies to all business units. Alternatively, you can specify exceptions for specific business units on the Create System Options:Specific Business Unit dialog box.
Grace Period Setting for Business Unit
To change the notification recipient, you must perform the following steps:
- From the Setup and Maintenance work area, navigate to the Manage Expense Approval Rules task.
- In the BPM Worklist, select the FinExmInactiveEmployeeAcceptResp task and click Edit.
- From the Assignees tab, select the participant and click the Go to rule action.
- To notify the corporate card administrator role when the manager for an inactive employee does not exist, use the following rule:
- Create a new rule and set the IF condition as follows: Task.payload.supervisorName isn't "-1"
- Set the Response Type radio button to Required.
- Set the Application Role field to "ORA_EXM_CORPORATE_CARD_ADMINISTRATOR_JOB". All users with Corporate Card Administrator role will receive the inactive employee charges awaiting submission notification.
- Save and commit changes.
- Perform the same changes in the FinExmInactiveEmployeeSubmiExpenseFyi task.
Tips And Considerations
The number of days set for the Processing Days Allowed After Termination option in the Manage Expenses System Options page must be greater than or equal to the grace period to process the charges after termination for reimbursement.
Role Information
To enable the grace period, you need one of these roles:
- Expense Manager
- Application Implementation Consultant
- Financials Administrator
Request Foreign Currency Cash Advances
Request cash advances in foreign currencies for international travel. When the Process Expense Reimbursement process applies the foreign currency cash advance to an expense report, the cash advance is converted to the ledger currency by applying the conversion rate used at the time of the cash advance payment.
When companies enable foreign currency cash advances, they also identify the currencies to be allowed in cash advance requests. Employees are restricted to the allowed currencies when they request cash advances. The approvers can review these cash advance requests both in the currencies requested by employees and in the approver's preferred currencies.
Request Cash Advance
Cash Advance Approval Notification
When the cash advance is paid, the employee receives the amount in foreign currencies. These foreign currency cash advances can be applied only to expense reports with the same report currency. The Process Expense Reimbursements and Cash Advances process automatically applies the available cash advances to the expense reports with the same report currency as the cash advance currency.
When cash advance is enabled, the ledger currency is automatically selected from the Advance Currencies Allowed list.
Steps to Enable
To enable foreign currency cash advances, perform the following steps.
- From the Setup and Maintenance work area, navigate to the Manage Cash Advance and Authorization Policies.
- From the Specific Business Units section, select the applicable business unit.
- Set the Enable Cash Advances list to Yes.
- In the Advance Currencies Allowed list, select the currencies that you want to enable for the business unit for cash advances.
- Click Save and Close.
Setting at the Business Unit Level
- Navigate to the Manage Expenses System Options page.
- Set the Allow Reimbursement Currency Selection list to Yes.
- Click Save and Close.
You can set this option at the implementation level on the Manage Expenses System Options page, which applies to all business units. Alternatively, you can specify exceptions for specific business units on the Create System Options:Specific Business Unit dialog box.
Tips And Considerations
- You cannot enable the Allowed Currencies for Cash Advances option at the implementation level. You can enable it only at the business unit level.
- When you remove a currency from the list of allowed currencies, the existing cash advances in that currency continue through the approval process without any change to their currency. However, for cash advances in the Saved status, the currency is reset to the ledger currency of the business unit.
Key Resources
Role Information
To enable foreign currency cash advances, you need one of these roles:
- Expense Manager
- Application Implementation Consultant
- Financials Administrator
Require Imaged Receipts for Each Expense Item
Enforce imaged receipt attachments for each expense item in an expense report. Prevent submission of the expense report if any expense item is missing a receipt attachment.
Imaged receipt attachments are enforced for an expense item based on the receipt requirements configured for the associated expense type. Employees are prevented from submitting reports with such expense types when required receipts are not attached.
Alert in Expense Report Submission
Steps to Enable
To require an imaged receipt for each expense item, perform the following steps.
- From the Setup and Maintenance work area, navigate to the Manage Expenses System Options page.
- Set the Enable Attachments option to Lines required.
You can set this option at the implementation level on the Manage Expenses System Options page, which applies to all business units. Alternatively, you can specify exceptions for specific business units on the Create System Options:Specific Business Unit dialog box.
Option to Require Imaged Receipts
Tips And Considerations
The Lines required setting in the Enable Attachments option applies to imaged receipts only.
Role Information
To require imaged receipts for each expense item, you need one of these roles:
- Expense Manager
- Application Implementation Consultant
- Financials Administrator
Tracking Expense Report Submission and Resolving Issues with the Oracle Digital Assistant
After employees create expenses using the Oracle Digital Assistant, they can easily manage the resulting expense items and reports. Using the digital assistant, they can quickly learn the expense report status and the latest payment details. In addition, they can receive email notifications if the expenses need additional attention, such as resolving corporate card matches or providing additional mandatory information. The Expenses work area displays potential matches and highlights missing information for easy identification and resolution. The administrators can change the predefined configuration for the digital assistant to optimize corporate card matching logic, notification schedules, and the settings for automatic expense report submission.
The following new capabilities are available with Oracle Digital Assistant for Expenses.
- Configurable Options
Administrators can change the predefined configuration for the Expenses Digital Assistant, such as matching to corporate card charges, automatic submission of reports, and schedule for notifications.
- Notification When Expenses Require Attention
Users receive a notification when an expense created by the Digital Assistant requires more information. The notification lists expenses that have potential matches with corporate card charges, expenses with missing information, and expenses that can't be submitted automatically. Users can take action in the Expenses web application.
- Matches Highlighted in the Expenses Work Area
Expense items created by the Oracle Digital Assistant and matched to corporate card charges are highlighted in the Expenses work area. Work area highlights digital assistant charges that are exactly matched to corporate card charges and charges that are matched to multiple corporate card charges. Employees can match the charges and provide missing information.
- View Expense Report Status and Payment Details Using Oracle Digital Assistant
Employees can query the status of expense reports and view report status and payment details using the Oracle Digital Assistant. To view reports and items, text phrases such as the ones listed below:
- Status
- Report Status
- Show me the status of my expense reports.
- Have my last reports been paid?
- Did my manager approve my recent expense reports?
- What is the current status of my expense reports?
The digital assistant responds with the status of the last 5 reports andthe last 5 expense items awaiting submission within the last two months.
Notification When Expenses Require Attention
New Dialog Box for Reviewing Matched Expenses
Steps to Enable
To change the predefined configuration for expense matching, perform the following steps:
- From the Setup and Maintenance work area, navigate to the Manage Auto Submit and Matching Options page.
- Change the predefined configuration to meet your company's needs.
- Set up the daily digest schedule.
- In the Expense Digest section, set the Schedule list to Yes.
- Select the frequency of the digest by selecting the applicable days in a week. If you enable automatic submission of expense reports, schedule the digest to run at least a day before the schedule for automatic submission. This provides employees sufficient time to make corrections to their expense items and allows the expenses to be selected for automatic submission.
- Save the changes.
You can set this option at the implementation level on the Auto Submit and Matching Options page, which applies to all business units. Alternatively, you can specify exceptions for specific business units on the Create Auto Submit and Matching Options: Specific Business Unit dialog box.
Configurable Options
Role Information
To modify the configurations, you need one of these roles:
- Expense Manager
- Application Implementation Consultant
- Financials Administrator
Configurable Journal Workflow Notifications
The Configurable Journal Workflow Notifications feature was introduced in update 17D, with additional capabilities added in update 20A. In update 20C, the opt-in for this feature will be enabled by default for all customers.
You can use and configure the Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher templates to generate the in-app and email notifications. You can also modify the predefined template to display information based on your business requirements and policies. Choose from a comprehensive list of attributes to modify the notifications according to your requirements. You can change both layout and content – add images, change colors and styling, add or remove attributes or modify text.
Additional details for the feature are available here.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Financials No Longer Optional From: Update 21A
This feature is delivered enabled by default from update 20C onwards. You still have the option to opt-out of using this feature. However, considering that the opt-in for the feature will expire in 21A, we strongly recommend that you plan for the uptake of this feature. If you wish to opt-out of using the feature, follow these steps:
- Click the Navigator, and then click New Features (under the My Enterprise heading)
- On the Features Overview page, go to the Available Features tab.
- Select the Configurable Journal Workflow Notifications feature and click on the Enabled icon.
- On the Edit Features page, deselect the Enable option for the feature or feature choices as required and then click Done.
Tips And Considerations
- The Configurable Journal Workflow Notifications don't require any setup and are ready to use as delivered.
- The configurable notifications contain all the information that's currently available in the classic notifications. If required, you can modify the notifications to display additional information as per your business requirements.
- You still have the option to opt-out of using this feature in 20C. However, considering that the opt-in for this feature will expire in update 21A, we strongly recommend that you plan for the uptake of this feature.
- The templates used to generate workflow notifications are located in the Reports and Analytics work area under the Shared Folders > Financials > Workflow Notifications folders in the Oracle Business Intelligence catalog.
- A single template is used to generate both the email and in-app notifications for a particular workflow. If you have chosen to use configurable notifications for both in-app and email notifications for a workflow, any modifications that you make to the predefined template, will be reflected in both types of notifications.
- When using the in-app notifications to take actions on the workflow task, use the 'Actions' button to view a list of available actions for the notifications.
To add comments or attachments, select the 'Add Comments' or 'Add Attachment' options.
Actions Menu for In-App Notifications
To view approval history for the notification, select the 'View Approvals' option. The approval history displays the past, current and future approvers for the transaction in a simplified and linear fashion. Any comments and attachments added by users during the course of approval are displayed inline in the history section.
Approval History
Key Resources
- Overview of Financials Configurable Workflow Notifications in the Implementing Common Features and Project Portfolio Management guide on the Oracle Help Center.
- Journal Approval Notifications in the Implementing Enterprise Structures and General Ledger guide on the Oracle Help Center.
Encumbrance Type to Track Invoice Encumbrances
Track Payables invoice amounts as encumbrances using the "Invoice Oracle" encumbrance type. When you pay the invoice, the encumbrance is liquidated. Guidance on how to configure Subledger Accounting rules to work with this encumbrance type will be published on Oracle Cloud Customer Connect.
The new encumbrance type provides support for modified cash basis accounting for public sector organizations.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Maintain Accuracy of Budget Data Between Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) and Financials
When you change a budget amount in Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) to zero, the budget transfer process from EPM also updates the balance to zero in General Ledger. When you write back a budget to General Ledger from EPM Planning, you have the option of clearing one or more existing budget amounts before loading the revised budget. You can do this in one of these two ways, based on your specific needs.
- Specify the dimensions and dimension member values whose amounts should be cleared.
For example, your revised budget includes amounts for Department and Account dimensions. To clear the budget amounts for Department segment value 110 and Account segment value 1110 in General Ledger, use the clearing filter in EPM to select the Department dimension with member value 110 and Account dimension with member value 1110.
- Specify the dimensions whose member values to clear should be derived based on the budget data being uploaded.
For example, your revised budget includes amounts for Department dimension members 110, 120, and 130. If you select the Department dimension, the existing budget amounts for all department values for the accounting period and the ledger within the context of the revised budget data set being uploaded are going to be cleared in General Ledger and replaced with the revised budget.
- You can automatically maintain accurate budget account balances in both the source EPM Planning application and the target General Ledger application, as part of a single budget write back and upload process.
- Accurate budget data helps you report more accurate Actual vs. Budget variances.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- If you zero out the budget of an account in EPM Planning and don’t include that account in the revised budget data set, or you include it with a null or blank value in the Amount field, then you can use either of the clearing methods to zero out the budget amount in General Ledger.
If you don’t want to use those clearing methods, you could instead include that account in the revised budget data set with 0 in the Amount field. That method also clears the budget amount in General Ledger.
- You can specify a parent segment value to clear budget balances for a range of detail members under that parent.
- When you use the clearing method of deriving the amounts to clear, the values for the Accounting Period and Ledger dimensions are derived automatically based on the revised budget data set being uploaded.
For information on how to clear amounts as part of the budget write back to General Ledger, refer to the Administering Data Integration for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud guide.
Key Resources
- For more information about clearing budget amounts, see the Administering Data Integration for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud guide.
Role Information
No new job roles are required to perform this enhanced process.
Performance Improvements to Searches on Clearing Accounts Reconciliation Pages
To improve performance:
- The search results on the Reverse Reconciliation page display collapsed reconciliation groups by default.
- The following changes were made to the search on the Manual Reconciliation and Reverse Reconciliation pages and spreadsheet:
- For the Reconciliation Reference, Journal Name, Journal Batch, and Journal Line Description fields, the application now searches for values that begin with the entered characters.
- Searches for the Journal Name, Journal Batch, and Journal Line Description fields are now case sensitive. Searches for the Reconciliation Reference field continue to be case insensitive.
- You can still leave the previously-listed optional search fields blank, or you can use the percent (%) wildcard. However, we recommend that you enter at least 3 beginning characters when searching on these fields.
- The percent (%) wildcard is automatically appended after the entered characters in these fields.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
- For more information, please refer to the section: Overview of Clearing Accounts Reconciliation in the Using General Ledger guide.
Joint Venture Accounts Receivable Invoices
This feature provides the ability, from within Joint Venture Management, to create and manage accounts receivable invoices generated from distributions that include each partner’s share of joint venture costs.
This helps the managing partner to:
- Minimize time for month-end joint venture processing with automatic creation of joint venture-related invoices.
- Reduce time to review and audit accounts receivable invoices with a reference between accounts receivable invoices and the related joint venture and associated distributions.
- Increase efficiency in recouping the joint venture expenses incurred by the managing partner from the joint venture partners.
Watch a Demo
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
- Watch Joint Venture Accounts Receivable Invoices Readiness Training
- Watch Introduction to Joint Venture Management Readiness Training
- For more information on the Joint Venture Management solution, refer to Oracle Joint Venture Management Cloud implementation guide.
Role Information
To implement this feature, you will need the following job roles/privileges:
- Role: Joint Venture Accountant
- Privileges: Create Joint Venture Accounts Receivable Invoices and View Joint Venture Invoicing Partners
Rapid Implementation Spreadsheet for Joint Venture Definitions
Create and update joint venture definitions from a Rapid Implementation Spreadsheet. Rapid implementation offers an alternate method to configure joint ventures using spreadsheets. Upload and update invoicing partners and entire joint venture definitions, including associated cost centers, distributable segments, distributable segment values, stakeholders, and ownership definitions with the click of a button.
Adding multiple invoicing partners and joint ventures from one place increases efficiency, resulting in a faster implementation and easier integration with external systems.
Watch a Demo and Setup Demo
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
- Watch Rapid Implementation Spreadsheet for Joint Venture Definitions Readiness Training
- Watch Introduction to Joint Venture Management Readiness Training
- For more information on the Joint Venture Management solution, refer to Oracle Joint Venture Management Cloud implementation guide.
Role Information
To implement this feature, you will need the role Joint Venture Application Administrator with the privilege Import Joint Venture Setups.
Transaction Date Determination from Subledger Accounting Supporting References and GL Transactions
Automatically determine the transaction date for joint venture transactions from subledger accounting supporting references and general ledger date attributes. Set up attributes from subledger accounting and general ledger to determine the transaction date used to process joint venture transactions.
Enable compliance with joint operating agreements that require the actual activity date of a transaction to be used to calculate ownership percentages for joint venture partners. This one-time setup helps minimize month-end joint venture processing.
Watch a Demo and a Setup Demo
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
- Watch Transaction Date Determination from Subledger Accounting Supporting References and GL Transactions Readiness Training
- Watch Introduction to Joint Venture Management Readiness Training
- For more information on the Joint Venture Management solution, refer to Oracle Joint Venture Management Cloud implementation guide.
Role Information
To implement this feature, you will need the following Roles/Privileges:
- Joint Venture Accountant/Distribute Joint Venture Transactions
- Joint Venture Application Administrator/Manage Joint Venture System Setup
Create Property and Equipment Leases
The new accounting and reporting standards of IFRS16 and ASC842 disrupted the world for lessees. The new Lease Accounting product responds to these changes by helping users comply with these new standards. Once a contract is defined, Lease Accounting will provide touchless capabilities to manage and process leases, helping you comply with IFRS16 and ASC842. The 20.C release provides the ability to:
- Improve planning with a single repository of all lease contract obligations
- Generate calculations for balance sheet balances and expenses
The Lease page organizes the lease contract under three tabs: Overview, Assets, Payment. The Assets tab contains the lease asset information. For property contracts, this includes information such as tenancy dates and location. For equipment contracts, this includes information such as item, model, number of units, and location. The Payment tab displays payment details, including disbursement schedules and accounting treatment for the payment. A validation ensures all information is correct before generating cash flows and the amortization schedules. Any errors in the validation process appear on the validation tab.
The following screen captures display the Overview, Assets, and Payments functionality.
Lease Overview Page
Assets Page
Payments Page
The cash flows, expenses, and balances are generated for all amortizable periods on the lease during the activation process. The liability (obligation) and ROU (lessee's contractual rights) balances are calculated as the present value of net of cash flows using the borrowing rate of the lessee captured on the contract. The liability and ROU are amortized to zero over the amortizable periods providing the Interest, Amortization, and Lease Expense values in the amortization schedule. These schedules are generated through the Actions button on the lease contract.
Generate Lease Amortization Schedule
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Financials
Functional Area: Fixed Assets
Feature: Create Property and Equipment Leases
Tips And Considerations
- Considerations for Data Security:
The following data security function should be entered for your roles in the security console for the Manage Lease Contract Data and Generate Amortization Schedule Data privileges.
From Data Security Policies > Create Data Security Policy:
- Policy Name: Grant on Lease Contract
- Database Resource: Business Unit
- Dataset: Select by Instance Set
- Condition Name: Access the Business Units for which the user is explicitly authorized
- Consideration for AutoNumbering:
Lease Accounting provides the option to auto-number leases and assets. To leverage auto-numbering, configure document sequencing.
From Manage Document Sequence setup task:
- Create a new sequence and associate the sequence with "Lease Accounting Lease Sequence Category" and the Business Unit being setup for auto sequencing.
Role Information
The Lease Contract Duty is seeded for 20.C. You can manually add this duty to any role.
The Manage Lease Configuration privilege is assigned to the Financial Application Administrator. Please use this role to complete the Lease Accounting setup configuration.
Privilege Name and Code |
Job Role Name and Code |
Manage Lease Configuration FLA_MANAGE_CONFIGURATION |
Manage Lease Contract FLA_MANAGE_CONTRACT |
Generate Amortization Schedule FLA_MANAGE_AMORTIZATION |
Create, Update and View Supplier Invoices with Project Information Using a REST API
Create, update, and view supplier invoices with project information using the Invoices REST API. You can capture key project information such as Project Number, Task Number, Expenditure Item Date, Expenditure Type, and Expenditure Organization on invoice lines and distributions.
Steps to Enable
Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides, available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API. If you're new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.
This feature is automatically opted in through the release update.
Key Resources
- For an overview of REST APIs and the technical details, see the REST API for Oracle Financials Cloud guide in the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
You don't need a new role or privilege to use this feature.
Configurable Payables Workflow Notifications
The Configurable Payables Workflow Notifications feature was introduced in update 17D, with additional capabilities added in update 19D. In update 20C, the opt-in for this feature will be enabled by default for all customers.
Configurable Payables Workflow notifications use Oracle Business Intelligence templates to generate the email and in-app notifications. You can modify the notifications to display information based on your business requirements and policies. Choose from a comprehensive list of attributes to modify the notifications in accordance with your requirements. You can change both layout and content - add images, change colors and styling, add or remove attributes or modify text.
Configurable email and in-app notifications are available for use for the following Payables workflows:
- Invoice Approval
- Payment Approval
- Hold Resolution
- Invoice Account Coding
Additional details for this feature are available here.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Financials No Longer Optional From: Update 21A
This feature is delivered enabled by default from update 20C onwards. You still have the option to opt-out of using this feature. However, considering that the opt-in for the feature will expire in 21A, we strongly recommend that you plan for the uptake of this feature.
If you wish to opt-out of using the feature, follow these steps:
- Click the Navigator, and then click New Features (under the My Enterprise heading)
- On the Features Overview page, go to the Available Features tab.
- Select the Configurable Payables Workflow Notifications feature and click on the Enabled icon.
- On the Edit Features page, deselect the Enable option for the feature or feature choices as required and then click Done.
Tips And Considerations
The Configurable Payables Workflow Notifications don't require any setup and are ready to use as delivered.
The configurable notifications contain all the information that's currently available in the classic notifications. If required, you can modify the notifications to display information as per your business requirements.
- You still have the option to opt-out of using this feature in 20C. However, considering that the opt-in for this feature will expire in update 21A, we strongly recommend that you plan for the uptake of this feature.
- The templates used to generate workflow notifications are located in the Reports and Analytics work area under the Shared Folders > Financials > Workflow Notifications folders in the Oracle Business Intelligence catalog.
- A single template is used to generate both the email and in-app notifications for a particular workflow. If you have chosen to use configurable notifications for both in-app and email notifications for a workflow, any modifications that you make to the predefined template, will be reflected in both types of notifications.
- When using the in-app notifications to take actions on the workflow task, use the 'Actions' button to view a list of available actions for the notifications.
To add comments or attachments, select the 'Add Comments' or 'Add Attachment'.
For Invoice Approval and Account Coding in-app notifications, you can edit the invoice distributions using the 'Edit Distributions' option in 'Actions'.
Actions Menu for In-App Notifications
- To view approval history for the notification, select the ''View Approvals' option in Actions. The approval history displays the past, current and future approvers for the transaction in a simplified and linear fashion. Any comments and attachments added by users during the course of approval are displayed inline in the history section.
Approval History
Key Resources
- Configuring Payables Workflow Notifications topic on the Oracle Help Center.
Generate Forms 1099-MISC and 1099-NEC for Tax Year 2020
Generate Forms 1099-MISC and 1099-NEC for Tax Year 2020 as per the new layout published by the US Internal Revenue Service.
Non-employee Compensation was reported in Box 7 of Form 1099-MISC till 2019. Starting from tax year 2020, IRS requires non-employee compensation to be reported in Form 1099-NEC. IRS has also revised Form 1099-MISC and rearranged the boxes for reporting certain income.
There is no change in the process for generating 1099 returns. You can continue using the same codes as before. The amounts will be reported in the new positions as per the revised layout.
Generate Forms 1099-MISC and 1099-NEC for Tax Year 2020 as per the new layout published by the US Internal Revenue Service.
Non-employee Compensation was reported in Box 7 of Form 1099-MISC till 2019. Starting from tax year 2020, IRS requires non-employee compensation to be reported in Form 1099-NEC. IRS has also revised Form 1099-MISC and rearranged the boxes for reporting certain income.
There is no change in the process for generating 1099 returns. You can continue using the same codes as before. The amounts will be reported in the new positions as per the revised layout.
Code | Description |
MISC1 | Rent |
MISC2 | Royalties |
MISC3 | Other income |
MISC4 | Federal income tax withheld |
MISC5 | Fishing boat proceeds |
MISC6 | Medical and health care payments |
MISC7 | Non-employee compensation. Reported in Form 1099-NEC from 2020. |
MISC8 | Payments in lieu of dividend or interest |
MISC9 | Consumer Products for Resale. Reported Box 7 from 2020. |
MISC10 | Crop Insurance Proceeds. Reported in Box 9 from 2020 |
MISC13 | Excess golden parachute payments |
MISC14 | Gross proceeds paid to an attorney. Reported in Box 10 from 2020. |
MISC15a NT | Section 409A non-taxable deferrals. Reported in Box 12 from 2020 |
MISC15a T | Section 409A taxable deferrals. Reported in Box 12 from 2020 |
MISC15b | Nonqualified deferred compensation. Reported in Box 14 from 2020. |
Submit the process US 1099 Report for generating Forms 1099-MISC and 1099-NEC. After the process is completed, click on Republish. You can then select the output to be printed from the options below:
- Form 1099-MISC Copy A
- Form 1099-MISC Copy B
- Form 1099-NEC Copy A
- Form 1099-NEC Copy B
Submit the process US 1096 Report after running US 1099 Report for generating Form 1096. After the process is completed, click on Republish. You can then select and print the Form 1096 for 1099-MISC and 1099-NEC returns.
Submit the process US 1099 Forms (Comma delimited format) to generate the output in comma delimited format. The output contains the amounts in the same sequence as before with the addition of one column at the end to show the amount withheld in Form 1099-NEC.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
- For additional details about 1099 reports, refer to “Submit US 1096 and 1099 Reports” in Oracle Help Center.
Report Foreign Currency Payments in Forms 1099-MISC and 1099-NEC
Report USD equivalent amounts for foreign currency payments in Forms 1099-MISC and 1099-NEC. The conversion is performed using the payment date to determine conversion rates established on that date.
If the ledger currency is US Dollars, then foreign currency payments are reported based on the accounted amounts.
If the ledger currency is other than US Dollars, then foreign currency payments are reported by converting the accounted amounts to US Dollars. Define the conversion rate between ledger currency and US Dollars using the payment date as the conversion date. Select the conversion rate type to use when submitting 1099 reports.
There is no impact on customers that conduct transactions in US Dollars only.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Support for New Zealand Bank Accounts and Additional Fields of ISO-20020 Format in One Time Payments
Bank account suffix is mandatory for bank accounts in New Zealand. Also, payment reason needs to be included in ISO common global implementation payment file as a purpose code. In order to meet both these requirements, Payables Payment Requests Template has been enhanced to include bank account suffix and payment reason code.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
- Download the Payables Payment Requests Template from “File-Based Data Import for Financials” from Oracle Help Center.
Configurable Encryption and Signature Keys for Stronger Payment File Security
Generate a payment file encryption and signature keys with configurable properties such as key type, key size, hashing algorithm, and key expiration date. This allows payment administrators to configure stronger keys for enhanced security of payment files transmitted to banks. Additionally, this helps payment administrators meet bank-specific payment file security requirements.
Currently you have an option to create Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) key and Secure Shell (SSH) key. However, the keys are generated with default properties and you don’t have any control or visibility to the properties of the key such as expiration date. With this enhancement, you can use ‘Advanced Create’ option to create PGP keys or SSH keys with configurable properties. For PGP key, you can provide key type, length, expiration date, encryption algorithm, hashing algorithm, and compression algorithm. For SSH key, you can provide key type and length. However, the existing behavior is still maintained and if you want to continue generating keys with default properties, then you can use ‘Quick Create’ option.
The private or public keys can be exported to Oracle Universal Content Management (UCM) using ‘Export and Delete’ option. This feature is useful when you wish to use the same key in different test or development environments. In addition, the ‘Export and Delete’ option also allows deletion of a key if the key is not attached in any transmission configuration.
Steps to Enable
Following setup options are available for PGP and SSH private keys:
- Quick Create: Generate a key with default option.
- Advanced Create: Generate a key with user given properties of the key.
- Export and Delete: You can export the keys to UCM or delete the keys.
Tips And Considerations
The following are some key tips related to this feature:
- You must remember the password when generating a private PGP or SSH key since you need to provide it when exporting or deleting the keys. The password will be validated, and export or deletion of the private key will be allowed only if the password is valid.
- Before deleting a key, you must check and ensure that the key is not attached with any transmission configuration.
Key Resources
- To know more information about PGP Encryption and Digital Signature, please refer to MOS document # 2134791.1.
Assign the Primary Receipt Method to Manual Transactions
Assign by default the primary receipt method defined in the bill-to customer payment details to transactions created manually. This speeds up entry and improves the accuracy of manually created transactions.
To optionally use this feature you can assign a receipt method to the bill-to customer account and site and mark the receipt method as Primary. When creating a manual invoice or debit memo using the Create Transaction page, the receipt method marked primary on the bill-to customer site is assigned to the transaction. If the bill-to customer site does not have a primary receipt method, the receipt method marked primary on the bill-to customer account is assigned to the transaction.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Financials No Longer Optional From: Update 21A
To optionally use this feature you can assign a receipt method to the applicable bill-to customers and mark the receipt method as Primary.
Process Invoices from Oracle Joint Venture Management Using Oracle Receivables
Automate joint venture billing activities using the Receivables integration with Joint Venture Cloud Management. This helps streamline invoice processing and settle payments for the respective joint venture partners.
The integration between Receivables and Joint Venture Management provides the following functionality:
- Generate invoices in Receivables automatically for the bill generated in Joint Venture Management.
Take full advantage of standard Cloud ERP capabilities for all downstream processing of bills generated from Joint Venture Management:
- Configure and deliver customer invoices using multiple delivery channels - printed, email, XML.
- Process customer payments, and manage accounts receivable balances and period close reconciliation using Receivables.
- Manage the collections process, assign collectors, and manage disputes, payments, and all collections activities using Advanced Collections.
- Provide self-service customer led bill management capabilities to your customers using Bill Management.
The following setups are predefined to enable this feature:
- Predefined Transaction Source ‘ORA_JV_INVOICE’ has been introduced as the transaction source for transactions from Joint Venture Management.
- Predefined Transaction Types ‘ORA_JV_INVOICE’ has been introduced as the transaction type for transactions from Joint Venture Management.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
- For more information on Joint Venture Management, refer to the Oracle Cloud Readiness content for Joint Venture Management.
Role Information
You do not need a new role access to use this feature.
View Multifund Accounting on the Aging and General Ledger Reconciliation Reports
View detailed distributions for transaction lines on the existing Receivables to General Ledger Reconciliation report and the Multifund Accounting version of the Aging report: Receivables Aging by General Ledger Account for Multifund Accounting. The use of these reports applies only to customers who set up and use Multifund Accounting.
Use existing functionality to view detailed distributions in the Receivables to General Ledger Reconciliation Report. Run the Prepare Receivables to General Ledger Reconciliation process, and then access the summary and detailed reports using the Receivables to General Ledger Reconciliation task.
Use the report Receivables Aging by General Ledger Account for Multifund Accounting to generate the aging details for ledgers and business units enabled for Multifund Accounting. You can schedule this report from the Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence Catalog using the navigation: Reports and Analytics > All Folders > Shared Folders > Financials > Receivables > Receivables Balances > Receivables Aging by General Ledger Account for Multifund Accounting.
Steps to Enable
The feature is enabled by default. To use the feature, do the following prerequisite setups:
- Enable the feature Create Multifund Accounting.
- Enable Multifund Accounting for a business unit (and ledger) in Receivables System Options.
- Create a Subledger Accounting Method (SLAM) and associate it with the ledger.
For more details on this process refer to the Key Resources section.
Tips And Considerations
The parameters of the Receivables Aging by General Ledger Account for Multifund Accounting report are case-sensitive text fields rather than lists of values. You must enter your business-specific values, such as customer names, and the values in the Required fields—marked with an asterisk (*)—without typos or capitalization changes, or the process will return a blank report.
This table describes the values to enter in each Required field and the type of values to enter in the business-specific fields
NOTE: Use the unique Request Number in case multiple users intend to generate this report simultaneously. Provide at least one value representing a fund on Primary Balancing Segment, Second Balancing Segment or Third Balancing Segment to generate the report output.
To verify the report output, search for the report by any parameter value from Report Job History, then click the report job name link provided with the report submission. You can access the report output from the Output and Delivery section. Note that the report summary is always at the Invoice level.
Important: You must use the existing Receivables Aging by General Ledger Account report only for business units and ledgers that are not enabled for Multifund Accounting. Use the new report Receivables Aging by General Ledger Account for Multifund Accounting for all business units and ledgers that are enabled for Multifund Accounting.
Key Resources
- Refer to the Help Center topic: Detailed Receivables Distributions
Role Information
The existing privilege 'Run Receivables Aging Report' (AR_RUN_RECEIVABLES_AGING_REPORT_PRIV) provides access to the new report 'Receivables Aging by General Ledger Account for Multifund Accounting’.
Integrate Revenue Management with Order Management and Supply Chain Cost Management
Automate revenue recognition to address IFRS 15 and ASC 606 for sales orders from Order Management that represent contracts with customers. Recognize associated cost of goods sold in Supply Chain Cost Management in proportion to the revenue recognized in Revenue Management.
You can now automate your revenue and cost of goods sold (COGS) recognition process using the new integration between Revenue Management, Order Management and Cost Management, based on your policies reflecting the new ASC 606 and IFRS 15 accounting standards. Integrated data includes sales orders, fulfillment data, cost of goods sold, and sales invoices.
- Address IFRS 15 and ASC 606 by applying the five-step model:
- Identify revenue accounting contracts as early as sales order documents submission time. Revenue Management automatically identifies accounting contracts, performance obligations, and their valuations at inception (Steps 1-2).
- Provide insight into the expected consideration from the sale of goods and services to customers at contract inception. Revenue Management automatically calculates the transaction price by the sum of the selling prices, and allocates the transaction price to each performance obligation based on the relative standalone selling prices of each distinct good or service promised in the contract (Steps 3-4).
- Recognize revenue upon successful transfer of goods and services to the customers. Revenue Management records satisfaction events and recognizes the revenue accordingly at one point in time or over time (Step 5).
- Manage changes throughout the sales order life cycle, such as revisions to the order quantity or selling price, as well as return orders. Revenue Management automatically modifies the accounting contracts to reflect the order changes and reallocates the new transaction price to the performance obligations.
- Draw down contract asset balance by billed amount. Under IFRS 15 and ASC 606, an entity has a contract asset, which is a right to consideration from the customer, when the entity satisfies a performance obligation. Revenue Management applies the billing lines generated in Receivables to the accounting contracts and offsets the corresponding contract asset balance.
- Synchronize COGS recognition with recognized revenue. Cost Management accurately recognizes the associated COGS in the same period and the same proportion to the revenue recognized in Revenue Management.
- Perform comprehensive gross margin analysis. Cost Management provides complete revenue and COGS information to perform detailed gross margin analysis.
Sales Order and Accounting Contract Creation
Order Management interfaces sales order transactions and order fulfillment information to:
- Revenue Management for revenue processing
- Cost Management for cost of goods sold processing
- Receivables for invoice processing
The Extract Sales Orders for Revenue Management process uploads sales orders, return orders, order revisions, and fulfillment information to Revenue Management. You can schedule this process to run once or at regular intervals.
Using user configurable rules, Revenue Management identifies the accounting contracts and their performance obligations. One accounting contract may contain one or more sales orders from various source systems. Conversely, one sales order with multiple order lines may result in one or more accounting contracts. Each sales order line becomes a promised detail line in Revenue Management.
Order Fulfillment and Revenue Recognition
When an order line is shipped, fulfilled, or successfully transferred to the customer, Order Management relays the fulfillment information, such as the fulfilled quantity, amount, and date, which enables Revenue Management to record the satisfaction events and recognize revenue accordingly. Order Management supports multiple shipments of an order line. These multiple shipments are referred to as system splits of an order line. Revenue Management maintains the presentation of multiple shipment order lines. One order line in Order Management corresponds to one promised detail line in Revenue Management.
For service orders, Revenue Management automatically recognizes revenue over the service duration based on the satisfaction plan assigned. Satisfaction plans are user definable in Revenue Management and assigned to the order lines as revenue scheduling rules. The default satisfaction plan uses the daily rate in revenue calculation.
Order Fulfillment and Receivables Recognition
Typically, Order Management immediately transfers fulfilled sales order lines to Receivables. With this integration, Receivables generates invoices that debit the Receivables account and credit the Revenue Clearing account.
When you apply invoices to the revenue accounting contracts using the Import Billing Data from Receivables process, Revenue Management debits the Revenue Clearing account and credits the Contract Asset account. This step is a reclassification from conditional to unconditional right to receive the consideration from the customers. When the contract is fully satisfied and paid for, the revenue clearing account nets to a zero balance.
Order Revision and Contract Modification
Prior to sales order fulfillment, you may need to revise orders once or multiple times. Order revision includes updates to the selling price or ordered quantity, which may result in an increased or decreased transaction price. Revenue Management automatically revises the corresponding accounting contracts to reflect the order changes.
After order fulfillment, you must use Return Material Authorization (RMA) functionality in Order Management to revise an order. RMA includes partial or full shipment return, price reduction, or early termination of subscription services with recurring billing. Revenue Management automatically processes the RMA as a contract modification.
Revenue and COGS Matching
When revenue has been accounted for, Revenue Management relays the revenue information to Cost Management to recognize the COGS in the same period and in the same proportion as the revenue recognized in Revenue Management. In addition, the revenue and the COGS information available enables entities to perform detailed gross margin analysis in Cost Management.
Below are examples of typical order flows for goods and services and the corresponding revenue and COGS recognition events.
Let us look at an example of a bundle deal. This sales transaction is recorded in Order Management as two orders with the same purchase order number that identify them as one contract. With this integration, the two orders are grouped into one accounting contract, and the COGS recognition is matched to the revenue recognized.
Order Management Sales Orders
Sales orders submitted and fulfilled:
- Order#511575 with purchase order number PO_Demo_E2E_0010
- Order#511576 with purchase order number PO_Demo_E2E_0010
Revenue Management Accounting Contract
One contract with three performance obligations; transaction amount is allocated to each performance obligation relative to their standalone selling prices. The Promised Details tab displays order and revenue details.
Cost Management Cost Accounting
The Cost Distributions tab displays the movement from deferred COGS to recognized COGS.
Below are the required and optional steps to use this feature. Refer to each product’s documentation for product configuration.
Order Management
The following step is optional:
- Configure extensible flexfields for additional attributes to identify contracts or performance obligations:
- Order header context: Revenue_Management_Information_Header
- Order line context: Revenue_Management_Information_Line
Revenue Management
The following steps are required:
- Define the lookup code VRM_COSTING_INTEGRATION under the lookup type ORA_AR_FEATURES in the Manage Receivables Lookups page.
- Configure Revenue Management System Options:
- Assign the Extraction Start Date for the Source Document Type DOO Sales Order.
- Assign the currency conversion type. The currency conversion type assigned to the order line takes precedence over the default system option value.
- Assign contract accounts.
- Assign review and exemption thresholds.
- Assign the IFRS 15 and ASC 606 adoption period.
- Define pricing dimension structures for standalone selling prices according to the entity’s pricing policy for sales order items.
- Configure rules to group sales order lines into accounting contracts and distinct performance obligations.
- Grant the Extract Sales Orders for Revenue Management privilege to allow users to extract Order Management data for revenue processing.
Cost Management
No required or optional step to enable this integration.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature. You can use the feature by following the steps detailed in the Configuration section.
Tips And Considerations
- Order Management sales transactions extract data:
- Orders submitted on or after the Extraction Start Date are processed in Revenue Management:
- The first data extract may have historical sales transactions submitted up to 90 days prior to the current date.
- All orders, except Transfer Orders and Internal Orders, are processed in Revenue Management.
- Only the primary charge for an item is included in the data extract.
- Service items should have start and end dates at submission.
- You can fix missing service start and end dates directly in Revenue Management.
- For subscription services with recurring billing, there is no support to reduce the price or quantity using RMA functionality.
- Transfer Orders and Internal Orders that are invoiceable will continue to be processed in Receivables and will not be uploaded to Revenue Management.
- When the Quantity to Invoice for Overshipment system option is set to Shipped Quantity, an over-shipment results in an increase to the transaction price. Consequently, the accounting contract is modified to update the fulfilled quantity and the transaction price.
- Orders submitted on or after the Extraction Start Date are processed in Revenue Management:
- Extract Sales Orders for Revenue Management program parameters:
- Required: Business Unit.
- Consider creating one job set for each ledger; each job set should cover all the business units within the ledger. Schedule this job to run daily.
- Optional: Batch Size, Number of Processes.
- Required: Business Unit.
- Revenue Management revenue processing:
- This integration is applicable to the DOO Sales Order document type only.
- Cost Management revenue information:
- The adoption date defined in Revenue Management determines the source of revenue information.
- On or after the adoption date, Revenue Management is the source of revenue information.
- Before the adoption date, Receivables is the source of the revenue information.
- Only final accounted revenue is transferred to Cost Management.
- Receivables continues to provide revenue information for intercompany transactions.
- Gross margin calculation uses intercompany revenue information.
- COGS recognition calculation doesn’t include intercompany revenue.
- The adoption date defined in Revenue Management determines the source of revenue information.
Key Resources
- Related topic: What’s New for Match Cost of Goods Sold to Revenue Recorded in Oracle Revenue Management Cloud Service.
Role Information
- New privilege: Extract Sales Orders for Revenue Management.
- Users must have this privilege to run the Extract Sales Orders for Revenue Management process.
- The following job roles inherit the Extract Sales Orders for Revenue Management privilege:
- Revenue Management job role: Revenue Analyst
- Revenue Management job role: Revenue Manager
- Order Management job role: Order Manager
- Cost Management job role: Cost Accountant
Review and Correct Accounting Exceptions for Subledgers
Review subledger accounting and transfer to General Ledger errors by Oracle subledgers and ledger using the user interface. Additionally, you can search for accounting exceptions by error categories or transaction number. With the required privilege, General Ledger users can also navigate to relevant configuration tasks, resolve the error, and submit the accounting process again.
From the General Ledger Journals work area, select the Manage Accounting Errors task. On the Manage Accounting Errors page, search for errors in primary ledgers and subledgers. Optionally you can narrow down the search result by error category.
Manage Accounting Errors page
When you search for exceptions in a primary ledger, accounting errors in the subledger-level reporting currency or secondary ledgers are also displayed.
You can review the recommended action and alternate actions and determine which one is more appropriate for the exception scenario. Depending on the error and the action you decide to take, you select the recommended action or manually navigate to the required task to make the correction. You can also select the Action Taken check box to mark whether the corrective action has been performed for the particular error. Later, when you search again for errors with the value of action taken as No, the errors for which corrective action has not been taken are displayed. This helps you to focus on errors that still require your attention.
After you have corrected the accounting errors, you can submit the Create Accounting process again for the erroneous records by selecting the Create Accounting button. Here are the different options in which you can run this process:
- Select Create Accounting to submit the Create Accounting process with Final mode and process erroneous records up to current date.
Select Create Draft Accounting to submit the Create Accounting process with Draft mode and process erroneous records up to current date.
Select Create Accounting and Replace Invalid Account to submit the Create Accounting process Final mode and process erroneous records up to current date. In this case, if an invalid account is encountered, the application replaces the invalid account with the suspense account defined for the ledger.
After General Ledger transfer errors have been corrected, you can navigate to the Scheduled Processes task and submit the Post Subledger Journal Entries process to transfer all the eligible subledger journals to General Ledger.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Financials No Longer Optional From: Update 21B
Tips And Considerations
- The Manage Accounting Errors page can only display up to 1000 records. When you resolve these errors and submit the Create Accounting process for them again, other error records will be displayed on the page as the one you corrected will be removed unless the issue is not fully resolved yet. Alternately, if you select the Export to Excel option, all the accounting errors are exported to a spreadsheet.
Accounting exceptions occurred prior to enabling this feature will not be displayed in the Manage Accounting Errors page unless accounting automation is enabled. You must submit the Create Accounting or Post Subledger Journals process again after enabling this feature to review existing exceptions in the Manage Accounting Errors page.
- Optionally, you can also update the Action Taken checkbox after you've corrected an error and search by action not taken yet so that you can focus on erroneous records that need to be reviewed.
- When you submit the Create Accounting process from this page, the application processes only the erroneous accounting events for the selected ledger and subledger with event date on or before current date. You can choose to create accounting with the following options:
- Create accounting in final mode,
- Create accounting in draft mode,
- Create accounting in final mode and replace invalid account with suspense account.
- Use the Transaction Information field in the Search section to search for accounting errors for a particular transaction. Enter a number that can identify the transaction, for example, the invoice number or receipt number.
Validate Tax Registration Numbers for Individuals in Ecuador
Validate tax registration numbers for individual persons, not organizations, according to new validation requirements in Ecuador for the CEDULA (Ecuadorian National Resident ID card).
Oracle Tax now lets you capture, maintain, and validate the tax registration numbers for individual persons, not organizations, according to the new validation requirements in Ecuador for the CEDULA (Ecuadorian National Resident ID card). Ensure that these details are entered correctly for CEDULA:
- Validation Type: ORA_EC_RUC:CEDULA
- Description: Ecuador RUC Validation for Individual Persons with ID
- No. of digits: 10
- Format: Only numbers
- Check digits: Yes (10th Digit)
Here’s how CEDULA is validated:
- Position 1-2: Numbers between 01 and 24; for Ecuadorians registered abroad, the number is between 01 and 30 (The Ecuador ID is formed by the first two digits that correspond to the province where it was issued).
- Position 3: A number less than 6 (0,1,2,3,4, or 5).
- Position 4-9: The fourth to the ninth digit are numbers; no specific criteria on these numbers.
- Multiply each digit of the number by a weighting factor as per its position (Coefficient: 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2). If a product of this multiplication is 10 or greater than 10, sum its digits.
- Add the resulting 9 products.
- Divide the total by 10 and note the remainder.
- Subtract the remainder from 10. The resulting number is the check digit (10th digit).
- Valid CEDULA: 1719304188
- Invalid CEDULA: 2545768345 (Invalid – First 2 digit has to be between 01 and 24 or 30)
Steps to Enable
To enable Tax Registration Number Validation, select the correct Validation Type while creating the Tax Registration Number.
Validate Tax Registration Numbers for Individuals in The Netherlands
Validate tax registration numbers for individual persons, not organizations, according to new validation requirements in The Netherlands for individuals with sole proprietorships.
By the end of 2019, approximately 1.7 million sole proprietorships had received a new VAT identification number (VAT ID) from the tax authorities by blue letter. The VAT ID replaces the previous VAT number. The entrepreneurs use this number on invoices, websites, and for trade within the EU.
The VAT ID is issued because the AVG privacy legislation (also known as GDPR) has ruled that that the citizen service number may no longer be part of the VAT number used by entrepreneurs. The new VAT ID of a sole trader cannot be traced to a citizen service number. As of January 1, 2020, it’s a billing requirement for the sole proprietorship to use the VAT ID when generating invoices. The VAT ID will also be used in VIES, at Mini One Stop Shop (MOSS), and for intra-community transactions. From January 1, 2020, the former VAT number (without the NL in front) is called Sales Tax Number (OB number) and is now used for communicating with the Tax Authorities.
Ensure that these details are entered correctly for the Sole Traders:
- Validation Type: ORA_NL_ST_VAT
- Description: Netherlands VAT Validation for Sole Trader
- No. of digits: 14 digits; series of contiguous numbers, capital letters are accepted.
- Check digits: No check digit
Here’s the format of the new VAT ID for Sole Trader:
- Position 1-2: 2 letters; country code NL
- Position 3-11: 9 digits
- Position 12: the letter B
- Position 13-14: 2 digits; a value in the sequence 02 - 98
To validate the new VAT ID, first convert all letters to numbers, and then calculate the remainder by dividing the number by 97. The remainder must be 1.
- Assign a 2-digit value to each letter, with A = 10, B = 11, ..., Z = 35.
- Then calculate the number modulo 97.
- If the remainder equals 1, then the number is correct on the basis of the check digit, and the VAT identification number is valid.
- Valid Sole Trader Number: NL123456789B13
- Invalid Sole Trader Number: 00100200398734 (Invalid – Missing Country code 'NL')
Steps to Enable
To enable Tax Registration Number Validation, select the correct Validation Type while creating the Tax Registration Number.
Transactional Business Intelligence for Financials
Drill Down from OTBI Expense Reports to Expense Report
The action link framework in Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) allows users to click on an object and navigate directly to the source application. Using this framework, Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI) for Financials provides the capability to drill from an OTBI ad hoc report based on Expenses Transactions OTBI subject area to view Expense Report in Oracle Expenses.
Links can be configured in the ad hoc Expense OTBI reports to drill down to the following page
- View Expense Report
Steps to Enable
Leverage new subject area(s) by adding to existing reports or using in new reports. For details about creating and editing reports, see the Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports book (available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Administration).
The high level steps to configure a drill down from OTBI ad hoc reports to Expense Report are:
- Create an ad hoc report using the appropriate Expenses subject area.
- Select the column for which you wish to configure the drill down to Expense Report.
- In Column Properties, set up an Action hyperlink to drill down to the required Expense Report.
Key Resources
- For details on specific drill downs and examples, search for 'Drill Down from OTBI Adhoc Reports to Transaction Details in Oracle Fusion Applications' white paper, soon to be available on Customer Connect.
Drill Down from OTBI Receivables Reports to Customer Details
The action link framework in Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) allows users to click on an object and navigate directly to the source application. Using this framework, Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI) for Financials provides the capability to drill from an OTBI ad hoc report based on a Receivables OTBI subject area to Customer details (Collections Customer UI) in Oracle Receivables.
Links can be configured in the ad hoc Receivable OTBI reports to drill down to the following pages:
- View Customer Details
- View Customer Account Details
- View Customer Site Details
Steps to Enable
Leverage new subject area(s) by adding to existing reports or using in new reports. For details about creating and editing reports, see the Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports book (available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Administration).
The high level steps to configure a drill down from OTBI ad hoc reports to Customer details are:
- Create an ad hoc report using the appropriate Receivables subject area.
- Select the column for which you wish to configure the drill down to customer details.
- In Column Properties, set up an Action hyperlink to drill down to the required customer details.
Key Resources
- For details on specific drill downs and examples, search for 'Drill Down from OTBI Adhoc Reports to Transaction Details in Oracle Fusion Applications' white paper, soon to be available on Customer Connect.
Regional and Country-Specific Features
Generate Fiscal Documents for Brazil with Additional Validations and Security Changes
Use the new security features to selectively allow manual updates to tax authority returns when handling exceptional cases. Add the new function security privilege to the job role or the abstract role that can access the Capture Tax Authority Return Status option on Manage Fiscal Document Generation page. This lets only the users assigned to this role to manually update the tax authority return status of the fiscal document.
Expedite import of transactions in Receivables with the new validations introduced on Import AutoInvoice with Fiscal Attributes. For example, some of the new validations are related to industry specific fields, first party tax registration, and legal reporting unit. Enter freight information using the new freight types compliant with fiscal document standard layout. These freight types are available on both the Update Fiscal Attributes page and File-Based Data Import template for Outbound Fiscal Document Import Interface (FiscalDocumentImportTemplate.xlsm):
Value |
Freight Type |
0 | Contracting the freight on seller's account |
1 | Contracting the freight on buyer's account |
2 | Contracting the freight on third party's account |
3 | Own shipping on seller's account |
4 | Own shipping on buyer's account |
9 | No freight |
Enter service situation for service fiscal documents in São Paulo city using the new values required by city tax authority. These values are available on Update Fiscal Attributes page:
- P - Service exports
- T - Taxed in Sao Paulo city
- A - Taxed in Sao Paulo city, but exempt
- R - Taxed in Sao Paulo city, but objectively immune
- M - Taxed in Sao Paulo city, but subjectively immune
- X - Taxed in Sao Paulo city, but with suspended chargeability
- F - Taxed outside Sao Paulo city
- B - Taxed outside Sao Paulo city, but exempt
- S - Taxed outside Sao Paulo city, but objectively immune
- N - Taxed outside Sao Paulo city, but subjectively immune
- V - Taxed outside Sao Paulo city, but with suspended chargeability
- D - Taxed outside Sao Paulo city, with partial exemption
Following values have been removed:
- C - Canceled
- J - ISS suspended by court decision
- E - Lost
- I - Taxable outside Sao Paulo
Steps to Enable
Make the feature accessible by assigning or updating privileges and/or job roles. Details are provided in the Role section below.
Download and review the latest import template in the File-Based Data Import guide for Outbound Fiscal Document Import Interface. To prepare and import data using the template, follow the instructions in the Instructions and CSV Generation tab within the template.
Key Resources
- Related Help: Subject Areas for assigning the new function security privilege in Oracle ERP Cloud Securing ERP guide.
Role Information
To use this feature, you need this privilege:
- Privilege Name and Code:
Generate Transaction Numbers for Electronic Credit Invoices for Argentina
Generate transaction numbers for electronic credit invoices for Argentina using a separate numbering scheme. Use this for customer invoices with document totals above the legal threshold when billing large companies. This is a legal requirement in Argentina for small and medium-sized businesses.
The existing document numbering feature for Argentina now supports generating transaction numbers for electronic credit invoices.
Steps to Enable
In addition to the existing steps for standard numbering for Argentina, perform these steps to enable electronic credit invoice numbering:
- Set the Enable Electronic Credit Invoice Document Numbering option as Yes for the business unit.
- Create a new classification category for the industry classification and define classification codes for it. Define a specific code to identify customers who are not subject to the electronic credit invoice numbering scheme. The standard invoice numbering scheme continues to apply to these customers.
- Create a new party fiscal classification using the new classification category. Use this classification to define the thresholds for each industry. This classification is also used to determine whether the customer is subject to the new electronic credit invoice numbering scheme.
Create and define document sequences, document numbering context values, and document numbering for sales transactions. Use the same steps as for existing document numbering, with these exceptions:
- Enter Electronic credit invoice as the Sequence Type for the sequences defined for electronic credit invoice numbering. Use a different branch number for these sequences.
- The branch numbers for the sequences with Electronic credit invoice sequence type must be different from the ones used for sequences with Standard invoice sequence type or those without a sequence type.
- Define thresholds for each industry classification using the new setup spreadsheet for electronic credit invoice thresholds. Use the party fiscal classification type and codes you created earlier and enter the threshold amounts. Associate the code used to identify customers that are not subject to the electronic credit invoice numbering scheme with a very large threshold amount value, so that the amount never exceeds the threshold for a transaction.
- Associate all customers with the appropriate party fiscal classification type and code. Customers not subject to the new electronic credit invoice numbering scheme must also be associated with the code specifically defined for such customers.
- Set the Enforce Transaction Reference option as Yes or No for transaction types defined for Credit Memos and Debit Memos that are numbered using electronic credit invoice numbering. This determines the system response when the reference transaction number is not in the correct format. If set as Yes, an error is generated if the format is incorrect. If set as No, the standard numbering is used if the format is incorrect. The default value is Yes.
Tips And Considerations
- The branch numbers for Electronic Credit Invoice sequences should not be the same as those for the other sequences.
- Ensure that thresholds are properly defined and all the customers are assigned the appropriate party fiscal classification type and code values. If you opt to enable the Electronic Credit Invoice numbering for a business unit, you must assign a specific code with a large threshold amount value defined, even for the customers that are not subject to this numbering scheme. Use the Party Classifications worksheet of the Tax Implementation Workbook to mass update customers with the party fiscal classification type and code values.
- The threshold setup is common across business units. When electronic credit invoice numbering must be enabled for multiple business units, it should only be defined for one of the business units.
- For debit and credit memos, the numbering is determined by the invoice they are linked to. If the invoice is numbered using an Electronic Credit Invoice sequence, the debit and credit memos should also be numbered using an Electronic Credit Invoice sequence otherwise they will be numbered as a standard invoice using the existing numbering process.
- The system checks the following three fields, in the given order, to determine the related invoice for the debit and credit memos:
- Related Transaction Number which is a global descriptive flexfield
- Original Transaction Number
- Cross Reference
If the invoice number is not in the appropriate format after checking all the fields, the system checks for the value of the Enforce Transaction Reference field for the transaction type of the debit or credit memo. If the value is Yes, the transaction number is not generated and an error message is displayed. If the value is No or not populated, the transaction number is generated using a standard invoice sequence, if defined.
- The use of Duplicate functionality for credit and debit memos isn't recommended as it might lead to incorrect numbering; it might copy the value for the Related Transaction Number. Ensure to clear this field on the duplicated debit or credit memo.
Key Resources
- Transaction Numbering for Receivables Transactions for Argentina Topical Essay
Role Information
No new role access is needed to use this feature.
Generate JPK Invoice Listing for Poland with November 2019 Legislative Update
Generate the JPK Invoice Listing for Poland, also known as JPK_FA, with the November 2019 legislative update to comply with the latest legislative reporting requirements.
The new JPK_FA(3) schema is effective for the JPK (Jednolity Plik Kontrolny) section called JPK_FA (Faktury / Invoices) from 1st of November 2019.
The new JPK_FA(3) version contains legal 2019 changes. The following table describes the changes in the new JPK_FA(3) version:
What has changed |
Description of the Change |
P_12 field |
RodzajFaktury field |
P_3B field |
P_13_4 and P_14_4 fields |
P_13_5 field |
Naglowek header section |
Podmiot1 – LE details section |
Address - Legal Entity address section |
Invoice header details section |
Invoice Header – Tax Rates section |
Reported transactions |
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
- Related Help: VAT Registers and JPK Extracts for Poland Topical Essay.
Role Information
Assign the privilege Create JPK Extracts for Poland with the code JE_CREATE_JPK_EXTRACTS_FOR_POLAND_PRIV and JE_CREATE_JPK_EXTRACTS_FOR_POLAND_PRIV_OBI to any duty or job role.
Generate the 2020 JPK VAT File for Poland
Generate the 2020 JPK VAT File for Poland in the new XML format that supports the revised regulations by the Polish Ministry of Finance. The revised JPK VAT File combines the JPK Purchase and Sales VAT Registers with VAT declarations into one file submission.
The new JPK VAT file for Poland is effective for the JPK (Jednolity Plik Kontrolny) section called JPK_V7M (VAT Declaration, Sales, and Purchase VAT Registers) from 1st of July 2020. The new JPK_V7M schema includes the following sections:
- JPK header and reporting legal entity detail sections:
- Section header (Naglowek)
- Reporting entity identification section (Podmiot1)
- Summary VAT declaration (Deklaracja) section:
- Declaration codes (PozycjeSzczegolowe)
- Sales VAT register (adjusted former Sales VAT register transactions section) detail sections:
- Sales VAT register transaction lines (SprzedazWiersz)
- Sales VAT register totals (SprzedazCtrl)
- Purchase VAT register (adjusted former Purchase VAT register transactions section) detail sections:
- Purchase VAT register transaction lines (ZakupWiersz)
- Purchase VAT register totals (ZakupCtrl)
For companies sending VAT declarations monthly, the monthly obligation includes reporting Sales and Purchase tax register sections together with the declaration part. Oracle supports the JPK_VAT schema JPK_VAT7M for monthly submission. The schema JPK_V7K for quarterly submissions is not supported.
Section Name |
Description |
Header section (Naglowek) |
This section contains information, such as reported file, version, creation date, software name, VAT declaration month and year, VAT declaration code, tax type declared, and tax authority code. |
Reporting entity identification (Podmiot1) |
This section contains company name, email address, phone number, and tax registration number. |
Sales VAT register transactions (SprzedazWiersz) |
This section contains:
Purchase VAT register transactions (ZakupWiersz) |
This section contains:
Summary VAT declaration (Deklaracja) |
This section contains:
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
- Related Help: VAT Registers and JPK Extracts for Poland Topical Essay.
Role Information
Assign the privilege Create JPK Extracts for Poland with the code JE_CREATE_JPK_EXTRACTS_FOR_POLAND_PRIV and JE_CREATE_JPK_EXTRACTS_FOR_POLAND_PRIV_OBI to any duty or job role.
Generate Open Format Audit File for Israel
Generate the Open Format audit file for Israel to extract accounting journals and customer and supplier invoice information, in accordance with the Open Format audit file requirements of the Israel Tax Authority.
This process generates the following files:
- BKMVDATA file: Contains the header and line details of the Financials transactions.
- INI file: Contains the totals of all the transactions included in the BKMVDATA file per the classification code.
The financial information in these files is based on the selected ledger, legal entity, and the specific date range that can be within a financial year or across financial years. You can select the ledger as primary, secondary, or reporting as long as the currency used is New Israeli Shekel (ILS).
This table lists out the classification codes in the BKMVDATA file:
Classification Code |
Description |
A100 | Indicates the first line. This code contains registration information of the company. |
B100 | Indicates the second type of lines. This code contains the General Ledger journal header information for all journals except the ones belonging to a journal category that you defined for the exception. |
B110 | Indicates the third type of lines. This code contains the General Ledger journal line information for all journals except the ones belonging to a journal category that you defined for the exception. |
C100 | Indicates the fourth type of lines. This code contains the header information for Payables invoices, Receivables transactions, and Receivables non-miscellaneous receipts. |
D110 | Indicates the fifth type of lines. This code contains the line information for Payables invoices and Receivables transactions. |
D120 | Indicates the sixth type of lines. This code contains the line information for Receivables non-miscellaneous receipts. |
Z900 | Indicates the final line. This code contains the counter of the total records included in the file. |
This table lists out the classification codes in the INI file:
Classification Code | Description |
A100 | Indicates the first line. This code contains registration information for the company. |
B100 | This code contains the number of B100 records in the BKMVDATA file. |
B110 | This code contains the number of B110 records in the BKMVDATA file. |
C100 | This code contains the number of C100 records in the BKMVDATA file. |
D110 | This code contains the number of D110 records in the BKMVDATA file. |
D120 | This code contains the number of D120 records in the BKMVDATA file. |
Steps to Enable
Make the feature accessible by assigning or updating privileges and/or job roles. Details are provided in the Role section below.
This feature is automatically available after completing the Create Open Format for Israel security setup.
Tips And Considerations
Generate Open Format Audit File for Israel doesn't extract Receivables transactions and Payables invoices with no tax lines.
Key Resources
- Open Format Audit File for Israel Topical Essay.
Role Information
To complete the Create Open Format for Israel security setup, you need this privilege:
- Create Open Format for Israel (JE_CREATE_OPEN_FORMAT_FOR_ISRAEL_PRIV)