Cloud Readiness / Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials
What's New
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  1. Update 22D
  1. Revision History
  2. Overview
  3. Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)
  4. Feature Summary
  5. Financials Common
    1. Common Financials
        1. Service Excellence Continuing Investments
        2. Workflow Transactions Reassignments and Delegations Report
  6. Accounting and Control
    1. Budgetary Control
        1. Budgetary Control Invoice Payments for Cash Budgets in Quick Pay and Pay in Full
    2. General Ledger
        1. Journal Line Description and Accounting Date Display on Inquire on Journal Lines and Inquire Detailed Balances Drilldown Pages
        2. Range-Based Hierarchy Creation Using File-Based Data Import
        3. Simplified Cross-Validation Rules Using Combination Sets
    3. Intercompany
        1. Intercompany Multiple Supplier Assignment by Intercompany Organization
    4. Joint Venture Management
        1. Bypass Processing for Distribution Only Transactions
        2. Classification of a Stakeholder As an Operator or Non-Operator
        3. Default Accounting for Joint Venture Credit Memos
        4. Exclude Transactions from Joint Venture Processing
        5. Joint Interest Billing Report for Joint Venture Management
        6. Joint Venture Revenue Distributions to Partners Through Payables Invoices
        7. Partner Contribution Management Using a Spreadsheet
        8. Sliding Scale Option for Rates Based on Operational Measures Overhead Method
  7. Payables and Expenses
    1. Expenses
        1. Allocation for Itemized Expenses
        2. Detailed View of Audit Reasons by Expense in Expense Audit
        3. Enforcement of Daily Sum Limit for Entertainment Policies
        4. Enhancements to Create Report from Trips Process
        5. Improved Address Selection for Commute Mileage
        6. Notification to Employees When New Corporate Card Charges Arrive
        7. Primary Receipt as Attachment for Expenses Created from Emailed Receipts
        8. Receipt Missing Indicator in Expenses Mobile Application
    2. Payables
        1. Additional Attributes for Rule Configuration for Payables Workflows
        2. Campaign Management for Early Payment Discount Offers
        3. Intelligent Account Combination Defaulting for Invoices
    3. Payments
        1. Routing Number and Sort Code Search for US and UK Employee Bank Account Creation
  8. Receivables and Cash
    1. Bill Management
        1. Balance Forward Bill View and Download in Bill Management
    2. Cash Management
        1. Legal Entity-Based Data Access for Bank Account Setup
    3. Receivables
        1. Claim Creation Management of Positive Invalid Remittance References in Lockbox
        2. Management of Negative Invoice Line Amounts and Transaction Completion with User Interface Enhancements
        3. Receivables Activity Display in Receipt Applications
  9. Asset and Lease Management
    1. Assets
        1. Automatic Asset Numbering Enhancement
    2. Lease Accounting
        1. Lease Cancellation
        2. Lease Impairments
        3. Rights and Obligations Import
  10. Region and Country-Specific Features
    1. Germany
        1. Output Options for Z4 and Z5A Reports for Germany
    2. Poland
        1. JPK Invoice Listing for Poland with April 2022 Legislative Update

Update 22D

Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Module Feature Notes
31 MAR 2023 Payables Intelligent Account Combination Defaulting for Invoices Updated document. Revised Steps to Enable. 
10 JAN 2023 Payables Additional Attributes for Rule Configuration for Payables Workflows Updated document. Added business case.
23 NOV 2022 Expenses Allocation for Itemized Expenses Updated document. Revised Tips & Considerations. 
28 OCT 2022 General Ledger  Simplified Cross-Validation Rules Using Combination Sets Updated document. Added Key Resources. 
28 OCT 2022 Payables  Intelligent Account Combination Defaulting for Invoices Updated document. Revised Steps to Enable.
22 SEP 2022 Payables Intelligent Account Combination Defaulting for Invoices Updated document. Delivered new feature in update 22D.
02 SEP 2022     Created initial document.



We’re here and we’re listening. If you have a suggestion on how to make our cloud services even better then go ahead and tell us. There are several ways to submit your ideas, for example, through the Ideas Lab on Oracle Customer Connect. Wherever you see this icon after the feature name it means we delivered one of your ideas.


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The information contained in this document may include statements about Oracle’s product development plans. Many factors can materially affect Oracle’s product development plans and the nature and timing of future product releases. Accordingly, this Information is provided to you solely for information only, is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.

This information may not be incorporated into any contractual agreement with Oracle or its subsidiaries or affiliates. Oracle specifically disclaims any liability with respect to this information. Refer to the Legal Notices and Terms of Use for further information.

Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)

Oracle Cloud Applications delivers new updates every quarter. This means every three months you'll receive new functionality to help you efficiently and effectively manage your business. Some features are delivered Enabled meaning they are immediately available to end users. Other features are delivered Disabled meaning you have to take action to make available. Features delivered Disabled can be activated for end users by stepping through the following instructions using the following privileges:

  • Configure Oracle Fusion Applications Offering (ASM_CONFIGURE_OFFERING_PRIV)

Here’s how you opt in to new features:

  1. Click Navigator > My Enterprise > New Features.
  2. On the Features Overview page, select your offering to review new features specific to it. Or, you can leave the default selection All Enabled Offerings to review new features for all offerings.
  3. On the New Features tab, review the new features and check the opt-in status of the feature in the Enabled column. If a feature has already been enabled, you will see a check mark. Otherwise, you will see an icon to enable the feature.
  4. Click the icon in the Enabled column and complete the steps to enable the feature.

In some cases, you might want to opt in to a feature that's not listed in the New Features work area. Here's how to opt in:

  1. Click Navigator > My Enterprise > Offerings.
  2. On the Offerings page, select your offering, and then click Opt In Features.
  3. On the Opt In page, click the Edit Features (pencil) icon for the offering, or for the functional area that includes your feature.
  4. On the Edit Features page, complete the steps to enable the feature.

For more information and detailed instructions on opting in to new features for your offering, see Offering Configuration.

Opt In Expiration

Occasionally, features delivered Disabled via Opt In may be enabled automatically in a future update. This is known as an Opt In Expiration. If your cloud service has any Opt In Expirations you will see a related tab in this document. Click on that tab to see when the feature was originally delivered Disabled, and when the Opt In will expire, potentially automatically enabling the feature. You can also click here to see features with Opt In Expirations across all Oracle Cloud Applications.

Feature Summary

Column Definitions:

Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.

UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.

UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.

Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.

Ready for Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Enabled)

Reports plus Small Scale UI or Process-Based new features will have minimal user impact after an update. Therefore, customer acceptance testing should focus on the Larger Scale UI or Process-Based* new features.

Customer Must Take Action before Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Disabled)

Not disruptive as action is required to make these features ready to use. As you selectively choose to leverage, you set your test and roll out timing.



UI or
Small Scale

UI or
Larger Scale*

Financials Common

Common Financials

Service Excellence Continuing Investments

Workflow Transactions Reassignments and Delegations Report

Accounting and Control

Budgetary Control

Budgetary Control Invoice Payments for Cash Budgets in Quick Pay and Pay in Full

General Ledger

Journal Line Description and Accounting Date Display on Inquire on Journal Lines and Inquire Detailed Balances Drilldown Pages

Range-Based Hierarchy Creation Using File-Based Data Import

Simplified Cross-Validation Rules Using Combination Sets


Intercompany Multiple Supplier Assignment by Intercompany Organization

Joint Venture Management

Bypass Processing for Distribution Only Transactions

Classification of a Stakeholder As an Operator or Non-Operator

Default Accounting for Joint Venture Credit Memos

Exclude Transactions from Joint Venture Processing

Joint Interest Billing Report for Joint Venture Management

Joint Venture Revenue Distributions to Partners Through Payables Invoices

Partner Contribution Management Using a Spreadsheet

Sliding Scale Option for Rates Based on Operational Measures Overhead Method

Payables and Expenses


Allocation for Itemized Expenses

Detailed View of Audit Reasons by Expense in Expense Audit

Enforcement of Daily Sum Limit for Entertainment Policies

Enhancements to Create Report from Trips Process

Improved Address Selection for Commute Mileage

Notification to Employees When New Corporate Card Charges Arrive

Primary Receipt as Attachment for Expenses Created from Emailed Receipts

Receipt Missing Indicator in Expenses Mobile Application


Additional Attributes for Rule Configuration for Payables Workflows

Campaign Management for Early Payment Discount Offers

Intelligent Account Combination Defaulting for Invoices


Routing Number and Sort Code Search for US and UK Employee Bank Account Creation

Receivables and Cash

Bill Management

Balance Forward Bill View and Download in Bill Management

Cash Management

Legal Entity-Based Data Access for Bank Account Setup


Claim Creation Management of Positive Invalid Remittance References in Lockbox

Management of Negative Invoice Line Amounts and Transaction Completion with User Interface Enhancements

Receivables Activity Display in Receipt Applications

Asset and Lease Management


Automatic Asset Numbering Enhancement

Lease Accounting

Lease Cancellation

Lease Impairments

Rights and Obligations Import

Region and Country-Specific Features


Output Options for Z4 and Z5A Reports for Germany


JPK Invoice Listing for Poland with April 2022 Legislative Update

Financials Common

Common Financials

Service Excellence Continuing Investments

Our ongoing investment in service excellence has a focus on overall usability, resiliency, performance, and security. This work is based on monitoring performance trends, reviewing common use patterns, analyzing service requests, and participating in many discussions with customers.

In this update, our ongoing investment in service excellence includes improvements in the following areas:


  • Improvements to error messages when posting process ends abruptly during intercompany balancing.
  • Improvements to error messages when chart of accounts mapping rules include overlapping rollup rules.
  • Improved auditing capabilities for the General Ledger Daily Rates business object.
  • Enhanced the Journal Entry Reserve Ledger Report to denote reclassified assets with "R" in the report footnote.
  • Improved the Asset Additions Infotile to include counts from custom queues as well as the predefined queues.
  • Enhanced REST APIs to support updating Asset Retirement descriptive details.
  • Invoice approval workflow history is enhanced to remove the duplicate comments, attachments and history records 
  • For cancellation action on multi-select invoices, enhanced invoice cancellation and approval logic to stamp the status correctly
  • Enhanced business validation in Import Payables Invoices to limit processing of IDR invoices that belong to Business Unit provided as parameter to the job.
  • Display the actual email recipients of an invoice in the Review Transaction page, instead of the default email address of the customer contact.


  • Improved performance of the Inherit Segment Value Attributes process to only update account combinations when specific segment value attributes are updated.
  • The Import Chart of Accounts Mapping Segment Rules process has been updated to resolve the performance issue when running in replacement mode.
  • Improved performance of the posting process when multiple revaluation processes are running at the same time.
  • Improved the performance while loading the Change Financial Details page.
  • Improved the performance of the Extract Assets Reporting Data program to process only those assets that are affected after the previous run of the program.
  • Improved performance of the Carry Forward Balances process for supporting reference balances.
  • Improved performance when updating invalid accounting during subledger transaction sweeping processes.
  • Improved performance of the Create Accounting process when transactions with accounting errors are reprocessed.
  • Improved performance in the Create Accounting process when the accounting entry has a rounding difference.
  • Improved performance in Create Mass Additions when processing high volume of invoice distributions.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Workflow Transactions Reassignments and Delegations Report

Use this report to review the workflow transactions reassigned or delegated by the designated employee or user to another employee or user. Auditors and administrators can use this report to ensure that delegation or reassignment of workflow tasks adheres to the organization's approval policy. 

The report contains the following details:



Transaction Details

Details of the transactions such as invoice number, invoice date, invoice currency, invoice amount, and workflow status.

Action Details

Information about the action type (Reassign or Delegation) and action date performed by approver.

Rule Details

Details of the vacation rules defined by the employee. Includes the rule name, creation date, and the validity period on which the reassignment or delegation of workflow tasks is based.

Originator User Details

Information about the employee who has reassigned or delegated the workflow task through vacation or delegation rule or manual action. The information includes the name, person number, job name, and job level of the employee.

Destination User Details

Information about the employee to whom the workflow tasks are reassigned or delegated. Includes the  name, person number, job name, and job level of the employee.

Workflow transactions can be reassigned or delegated to other employees or users through vacation rules or manual action performed on the notification page. This report contains the following two sections.

  • Transactions reassigned or delegated through the Vacation and Delegation rules page- This section contains the transaction details which are reassigned or delegated through vacation and delegations rules configured by employee or user.
  • Transactions reassigned or delegated through the Notification page - This section contains the transaction details which are manually reassigned or delegated by users on the Notification page.

Workflow Transactions Reassignment and Delegations Report

Steps to submit the report:

  1. Navigate to the Scheduled Processes page.
  2. Click Schedule New Process.
  3. Search and select Workflow Transactions Reassignments and Delegations Report.
  4. Select the values for required parameters (Family, Product and Workflow).
  5. Click Submit.

Workflow administrators or auditors of the organization can review this report to ensure that:

  • Workflow tasks are appropriately reassigned or delegated to other users.
  • The reassignment or delegation of tasks adheres to the organization's approval policy.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

If you don’t enter the date parameters while submitting the report, it’s submitted for the last 30 days by default. Currently, this report is available for invoice approval workflow only.

Role And Privileges

  • Users with Financials Application Administrator role can submit this report from ESS schedule process.
  • Privilege details:
    • Run BPM Workflow Reports

Accounting and Control

Budgetary Control

Budgetary Control Invoice Payments for Cash Budgets in Quick Pay and Pay in Full

Provide Budgetary Control validation in Quick Pay and Pay in Full. This validation allows payment of invoices only when funds are available in the cash control budget.

Prevent Invoice Payments When There Are Insufficient Funds

Budgetary control validation has been added to Quick Pay and Pay in Full payments. Invoices are paid only when funds are available in the cash control budget. When budgetary control validation fails, use the View Funds Results page to review the failure reason. After you correct the failure, you can pay the invoice.

Quick Payment with Budgetary Control Validation Failure

Void Payment Processing with Budgetary Control

Voiding a payment will reverse the original payment amount from the cash control budget.  The budget date must be later than the payment date.

Void Payment Date

Steps to Enable

  • Refer to the Steps to Enable section of this update 22C feature:
    • Budgetary Control Invoice Payments for Cash Budgets in Manage Payment Process Requests feature.
  • You don’t need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • In update 22C, the Budgetary Control Invoice Payments for Cash Budgets in Manage Payment Process Requests feature was released.  Refer to the update 22C What’s New document for additional information on creating and using cash control budgets.
  • Payment features not yet supported for cash controls in the Payables subledger will be consumed against the cash control budget when the journals for these unsupported payments are reserved in General Ledger, for example, reissue of payments.

Key Resources

Role And Privileges

  • Budget manager role is needed to manage budgetary control configuration.
  • Accounts Payable Supervisor or Accounts Payable Payment Supervisor role is needed to create and manage payments.

General Ledger

Journal Line Description and Accounting Date Display on Inquire on Journal Lines and Inquire Detailed Balances Drilldown Pages

The Inquire Detailed Balances Drilldown and Inquire on Journal Lines pages include Journal Line Description and Accounting Date fields, providing a more detailed context of journal lines as part of General Ledger balance analysis. Accounting Date is set as a default column in both the Inquire Detailed Balances Drilldown and Inquire on Journal Lines pages. Select Description from the View Columns menu to view the journal line description.

Inquire on Journal Lines Page with Accounting Date and View Columns Menu with Description Column

Inquire on Detail Balances Drill Down on Period Activity

Journal Lines Drilldown Page with Accounting Date and Description Fields selected

The business benefits of this feature are:

  • Provide users more flexibility to choose what transaction attributes should be analyzed when inquiring on General Ledger journals lines
  • Allow for efficient and detailed inquiry instead of using additional drilldowns and workarounds.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • The Accounting Date dimension is set as a default column on the Inquire on Journal Lines and Inquire on Detail Balances Drilldown pages.
  • The Journal Line Description dimension is a field users can select or deselect from the View Columns menu on inquiry pages.

Key Resources

  • For more information, refer to the Using General Ledger: Balance Inquiry section in the Oracle Help Center.
  • This feature originated from Idea Lab(s):
    • Add line description/Journal name/Batch when using Inquire on Detail Balances and Inquire on Journal. 
    • Inquiry on detail balance requires additional journal line columns for quick audit — Cloud Customer Connect (
    • Need Description Column at "Inquire On Journal Line" — Cloud Customer Connect (

Role And Privileges

Users who are assigned these predefined job roles are automatically able to access this feature:

  • Financial Analyst
  • General Accountant
  • General Accounting Manager

Range-Based Hierarchy Creation Using File-Based Data Import

The Segment Values and Hierarchies file-based data import (FBDI) template supports uploading range tree nodes while defining tree structures for accounting flexfield hierarchies. Typically, a range node type is used to represent a range of many detailed values. For example, a range node may represent account values starting from 1100 to 1200.

Defining a Range Node in the Segment Values and Hierarchies FBDI template

In the Segment Values and Hierarchies FBDI template, users can define a range node using the format RANGE[<From Value>]-[<To value>] in any of the Parent or Value columns of the GL_SEGMENT_HIER_INTERFACE sheet. This format is specifically used to identify a range node definition from a standard segment value. The "From Value" and "To Value" are used to identify the lower limit and upper limit of the range respectively.

For example, when users specify the value as RANGE[1100]-[1200], it indicates a range-based hierarchy is being defined with the lower range value as 1100 and the higher range value as 1200.

The steps to import the segment hierarchies follow the standard file-based data import procedures:

  1. Enter the segment hierarchy information in the GL_SEGMENT_HIER_INTERFACE tab of the Segment Values and Hierarchies FBDI template. Validate the data entered to review any errors and correct them.
  1. The FBDI spreadsheet converts the data to a zip file for the File Import process. Click the Generate CSV File button on the Instructions and CSV Generation tab to create a CSV file in .zip file format.
  1. Load the zip file to the interface table using the Load Interface File for Import process. This also automatically triggers the Import Segment Values and Hierarchies process, which validates the segment value and hierarchy data uploaded in the interface table and imports them into the General Ledger module.
  1. If the Import Segment Values and Hierarchies process ends in error, review the Output file for the error details.

Defining a Range Node in the Template

Range-Based Hierarchy Structure Created

Additional Enhancements in the Segment Values and Hierarchies Template

Following are a few additional enhancements made to the Segment Values and Hierarchies Template:

  1. Support for Segment Value Description in four additional languages: In the GL_SEGMENT_VALUES_INTERFACE sheet, four additional columns are added towards the end to support segment value descriptions in the Ukrainian, Estonian, Latvian, and Vietnamese languages. 

  2. Special Handling for $null$ Value in Descriptive Flexfield Attribute Columns for Oracle Enterprise Data Management Integrations: Prior to this release, users had to specify $null$ in the applicable descriptive flexfield Attribute1 through 50 columns in the GL_SEGMENT_VALUES_INTERFACE sheet to clear the value for that attribute in the application while updating segment values. If the Attribute column was left blank, the value for that attribute did not change in the application.

    Now, to clear the values of descriptive flexfield attributes in the application, users can specify EDMCS in the Data Source column and leave the applicable descriptive flexfield Attribute1 through 50 columns blank. This eases management of segment value descriptive flexfield attributes from Oracle Enterprise Data Management Cloud (EDMCS).

NOTE: Data Source is not a mandatory column while creating or updating segment values. If a value isn't provided in the Data Source column, users can continue to use $null$ to clear the value of an existing descriptive flexfield attribute.

Business benefits include:

  • Faster configuration and maintenance of tree hierarchies consisting of range nodes.
  • Support for maintenance of tree structures including range nodes using Oracle Enterprise Data Management Cloud (EDMCS) as the source of truth.

Steps to Enable

Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

Offering: FinancialsNo Longer Optional From: Update 23B

Tips And Considerations


  • To maintain existing hierarchies consisting of range nodes, use the Manage Chart of Accounts Configuration page. Download the full hierarchy, or a partial hierarchy by selecting a specific parent value under the hierarchy to make any changes and upload them using the Segment Values and Hierarchies FBDI template.
  • Use range nodes to group a set of detailed values under a parent without having to individually add each value while defining hierarchies.


  • When a range node is created using the Segment Values and Hierarchies template, the same Value Set Code is used for both the From Value and To Value used to define the range.
  • The opt-in used to enable this feature only controls the use of range-based nodes in the GL_SEGMENT_HIER_INTERFACE sheet. Other enhancements related to additional language support and special handling for the $null$ value in the segment value descriptive flexfield Attribute columns are always enabled.

Key Resources

  • Refer to the topic - How Segment Value and Hierarchy Import Data Is Processed on the Help Center.

Simplified Cross-Validation Rules Using Combination Sets

Define cross-validations based on combinations of segment values, along with cross-validation rules based on condition and validation filters. A cross-validation combination set is a maximum of five segments. When a new account combination is created, it is validated against both cross-validation rules and cross-validation combination sets, to determine whether to dynamically create full account combinations.

Cross-validation combination sets can be used in conjunction with cross-validation rules for your chart of accounts.

  1. The Manage Cross-Validations page is accessed from the Manage Chart of Accounts Configurations page.  Here's how to get to the configurations task from the Setup and Maintenance work area.
  • Offering: Financials 
  • Functional Area: Financial Reporting Structures
  • Task: Manage Chart of Accounts Configurations. Select the task to open the Manage Chart of Accounts Configurations page.
  • Select a chart of accounts name and click on Actions-> Manage Cross Validation Rules. This takes you to the Mange Cross-Validations page where you can define combination sets and cross-validation rules.

Manage Chart of Accounts Configurations

  1. There are two types of cross-validation combination sets:  
  • Allow: For each cross-validation combination set with a type of Allow, select up to 5 segments and define the various combinations that are valid for your chart of accounts.
  • Disallow: For each cross-validation combination set with a type of Disallow, select up to 5 segments and define the various combinations that are not valid for your chart of accounts.

The following example shows cross-validation combination sets defined for the 'Seven Corporation' chart of accounts.  When you create a new cross-validation combination set, it is in Draft status. Once you import the cross-validation combination details and validate the cross-validation combination set, change the status to Active. The journals and transactions with new account combinations are validated against the active cross-validation combination sets.

Manage Cross-Validation Combination Sets

  1. Import cross-validation combination details for the defined cross-validation combination sets through a file-based data import (FBDI) template. Download the template from either the File-Based Data Import (FBDI) for Financials guide or the application.

To access the template from the FBDI guide:

  • In the Oracle Help Center (, open the File-Based Data Import (FBDI) for Financials guide.
  • In the General Ledger chapter, click Cross-Validation Combinations Import.
  • In the File Links section, click the link to the Excel template.

To access the template from the application:

  • Navigate to the Manage Chart of Accounts Configurations page.
  • Select your chart of accounts name and click on Actions-> Manage Cross-Validation Rules, Combination Sets page.
  • Click the Download combinations button. This brings up the Combinations window as shown in the following image. Click Prepare in Spreadsheet to download the empty FBDI template to prepare the combinations for the selected cross-validation combination set.

Download Combinations

This example shows the details for the cross-validation combination sets for the Seven Corporation chart of accounts.

  1. The improved user experience centralizes all related elements of managing cross-validation combination sets  for your chart of accounts and provides efficient tools for creating and editing large volumes of cross-validation combinations. The user interface (UI) provides a streamlined experience with an integrated Actions menu for on-demand file upload, import process submission and cross-validation combination sets validation.

  1. Invoke the Actions menu -> Upload to upload the cross-validation combinations from the prepared spreadsheet file to the interface table.
  1. View the cross-validation combinations that are in the interface table and not yet imported into the application by selecting the Actions menu -> Download Unprocessed Combinations.
  1. Select Action -> Manage. Select the cross-validation combination sets validation type and the Import action to import the combinations from the interface table into the application in either Increment mode or Replace mode. Select Increment mode when you are uploading delta or incremental cross-validation combinations. Select Replace mode only when you are completely replacing the existing cross-validation combinations with all new sets of cross-validation combinations. This mode supports integrations that send a complete replacement file.

  1. You can validate a full account combination and check if the account combination is valid according to the different types of validation rules defined for your chart of accounts. This example shows account combination 3888-30-11010-000-1211-3999 being validated against all account combination validation rules i.e. active cross-validation combination sets, enabled cross-validation rules and enabled related value sets for your chart of accounts. Once the Validate button is selected, the application presents the status of Pass or Fail with error details if the status fails.

  1. Run the Manage Account Combination Validation Rules process with the Action parameter of Review Violations to identify existing unpreserved account combinations that violate the cross-validation combination set definition and optionally disable or end-date the account combinations as per the output report recommendations. The Inherit Segment Value Attributes process will not overwrite the Enabled status or effective date characteristics of those account combinations that were derived from the Cross-Validation Combinations Violations report recommendations. Changes made to other attributes such as Allow Posting or Account Type are propagated to existing accounting account combinations.

The business benefits of this feature are:

  • Centralized user interface for managing both cross-validation rules and cross-validation combination sets. 
  • Intuitive and simplified framework for configuring account combination validation rules.
  • Uploading records in bulk to create, update and delete cross-validation combination sets with the flexibility of a full replace or increment mode.
  • Support for external integration using REST services to bring cross-validation combinations into Oracle Fusion Cloud ERP.
  • Streamlined user experience with an integrated Actions menu for file upload, file download, import process submission and  account combination validation against different validation rules for a chart of accounts.
  • Improved compliance and control for auditors to view the change history of all the actions performed on the cross-validation combination sets.
  • Management of cross-validation combinations with start and end dates to determine if the combinations are effective immediately or as of a date in the past or future.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • Only child values can be used when defining cross-validation combinations.  Use cross-validation combination sets when it is effective to list out detail combinations (of up to 5 segments) that are valid or invalid for your chart of accounts. If you use an external source system to maintain combinations of valid segment values, use cross-validation combination sets to bring these combinations into Oracle Cloud ERP.
  • When you define cross-validation combinations with the Allow or Disallow type, you must define all possible combinations of values between the selected segments that are considered to be valid or invalid for your chart of accounts.
  • Cross-validation combination sets can be used along with cross-validation rules for a chart of accounts. Defining cross validation rules is optimal when there is a pattern in the relationship between the segments, and the relationships can be expressed in a condensed number of rules using the condition filters and operators available in the cross-validation rules setup.
  • You must enable auditing to manage cross-validation combination set definitions with an Active or Inactive status. Use the Manage Audit Policies task to configure the audit attributes.

Key Resources

Related Help:

Role And Privileges

You need one of these roles to manage cross-validation combinations import:

  • Financial Application Administrator
  • Application Implementation Consultant


Intercompany Multiple Supplier Assignment by Intercompany Organization

Associate multiple suppliers with the intercompany organization defined under the legal entity. Previously suppliers could only be associated at the legal entity level. This allows better representation of intercompany structures, for example when the intercompany organization owns the intercompany transactions, and legal title of transactions is with the legal entity.

This feature lets users:

  • Assign suppliers at the intercompany organization level.
  • Manage suppliers across intercompany organizations within a legal entity.

When more than one intercompany organization is assigned to a legal entity, each intercompany organization can be assigned to a different supplier, and can transact with the same or different suppliers assigned within the legal entity.

Assign a supplier at the intercompany organization level:

Populate suppliers by default on Payables Intercompany transactions based on the Intercompany supplier assignments.

Now suppliers can be automatically defaulted based on intercompany supplier assignments for Payables intercompany transactions.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

Refer to help topics related to Manage Intercompany Customer and Supplier Assignments

Joint Venture Management

Bypass Processing for Distribution Only Transactions

Automatically set "Distribution only" distributions to a status of “Process complete”. "Distribution only" distributions can’t be processed further. They are generated for reporting purposes only and can’t be billed to stakeholders..

Eligibility criteria:

  • Distributions created from ‘Distribution Only’ transactions.
  • Distributions that are set as distribution only based on the ownership definition used to distribute the transaction.

This feature minimizes manual intervention to save time and avoid errors.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

  • For more information, refer to
    • Implementing Joint Venture Management guide and
    • Using Joint Venture Management guide.

Role And Privileges

  • Joint Venture Accountant

Classification of a Stakeholder As an Operator or Non-Operator

Classify joint venture stakeholders as an Operator or Non-operator. This attribute enables you to identify the stakeholder’s role in a joint venture.

By default, stakeholders are set as "Non-operator".

The new classification is useful for reporting and auditing purposes.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Ensure the appropriate classification is set up for the stakeholders in the Joint Venture Definition for your joint ventures.

Oracle recommends that you designate one internal stakeholder as the operator for operated joint ventures. For a non-operated joint venture, the operator can be either an internal stakeholder or an external stakeholder.

Key Resources

  • For more information, refer to Implementing Joint Venture Management guide

Role And Privileges

  • Joint Venture Application Administrator
  • Joint Venture Accountant

Default Accounting for Joint Venture Credit Memos

Default the receivable code combination for the Receivables credit memo created from Joint Venture Management based on the originally posted Receivables invoice.

Business benefits include:

  • The default value ensures accurate accounting when reversing a previously processed distribution.
  • Improve productivity by reducing the creation of manual adjusting journal entries.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

When the Receivables profile option AR_USE_INV_ACCT_FOR_CM_FLAG is set to “Yes” for the Site profile level, the Import AutoInvoice process creates the credit memo using the same accounts on the invoice you are crediting and rejects any override. To ensure that the process assigns the correct partner account on the posted invoice to the credit memo, you need to create an account rule for credit memos in subledger accounting rules.

Key Resources

  • Watch a demo - Default Accounting for Joint Venture Credit Memos

  • For more information, refer to
    • Implementing Joint Venture Management guide
    • Using Joint Venture Management guide.

Role And Privileges

  • Joint Venture Application Administrator
  • Joint Venture Accountant

Exclude Transactions from Joint Venture Processing

Configure Joint Venture Management to exclude transactions from the Joint Venture Identify Transactions process when the project information for the transaction is not identified as distributable for the joint venture. Set the configuration to exclude transactions based on Joint Venture audit requirements.

Business Benefit:

With this configuration, transactions that do not meet the Distributable Project Values configuration are eliminated from being brought into the Joint Venture Transactions  work area, thus reducing the number of unnecessary records that would remain in the Joint Venture Transactions  work area in the "Not distributable" status.

Steps to Enable

  1. Access the task Manage Joint Venture System Options under the functional area Joint Venture Management.
  2. Enable the check box Exclude Non-distributable Project Related Transactions based upon your business needs.

  1. Access the task Manage Joint Venture Definitions under the functional area Joint Venture Management.
  2. Enter the project information under the Distributable Project Values tab for your joint venture.

Key Resources

  • For more information, refer to
    • Implementing Joint Venture Management guide and
    • Using Joint Venture Management guide.

Role And Privileges

  • Joint Venture Application Administrator
  • Joint Venture Accountant

Joint Interest Billing Report for Joint Venture Management

Use the Joint Interest Billing Report for the managing partner to communicate with other partners regarding the financial transactions for a period. It provides the partners with the details of their share of expenses, revenue, assets, and liabilities for the period. It also gives information on the status of their partner contributions. The report provides flexibility to sort and summarize by attributes of the joint venture, stakeholder, account, distributions, and source transaction. Use BI Publisher and the provided templates to create reports that satisfy the joint operating agreement requirements of each joint venture.

Business Benefit:

Ensure compliance to the joint operating agreement with reports that can be used to verify accurate calculation and distribution of costs.

Steps to Enable

  1. Modify the predefined joint interest billing report template as per your business needs or create your own templates using Business Intelligence Publisher.
  2. Set up the Email Subject and Email Message Body in Joint Venture System Options.
  3. Set up the Joint Interest Billing Report Template and Joint Interest Billing Report Template Output Format for the invoicing partners.
  4. Set up the Joint Interest Billing Report Sender's Email, Joint Interest Billing Report Template and Joint Interest Billing Report Template Output Format for the joint ventures.
  5. Set up the Joint Interest Billing Report Template and Joint Interest Billing Report Template Output Format for the stakeholders in the joint venture.
  6. Run the process Submit Joint Interest Billing Report.

Tips And Considerations

  • Copy either of the provided report templates to create your templates based upon your business needs. Report templates are provided that will generate reports either by joint venture or by partner.
  • Please refer to the implementation guide to get information on how to include additional information on your reports such as project details or account hierarchies.

Key Resources

  • Watch Joint Interest Billing Report for Joint Venture Management Readiness Training.

  • For more information, refer to
    • Implementing Joint Venture Management guide and
    • Using Joint Venture Management guide.

Role And Privileges

  • Joint Venture Application Administrator
  • Joint Venture Accountant
  • Joint Venture Accounting Manager

Joint Venture Revenue Distributions to Partners Through Payables Invoices

Create Payables invoices for joint venture revenue distributions to pay the partners their share of the joint venture revenue.

Business benefits include:

  • Automatically create Payables invoices for revenue generated by joint ventures.
  • Save time and reduce errors that might occur if processed manually.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Set up subledger accounting rules to derive the partner account to use in Payables invoices. Make sure that the partner account is a non-distributable account so that these transactions are not processed and distributed again by Joint Venture Management. By default, the system uses the original transaction account as the partner account. An administrator should complete this setup to override at least one of the segments in the original transaction account to derive the partner account based on their business needs.

Key Resources

  • Watch Joint Venture Revenue Distributions to Partners Through Payables Invoices Readiness Training.

  • For more information, refer to
    • Implementing Joint Venture Management guide and
    • Using Joint Venture Management guide.

Role And Privileges

  • Joint Venture Application Administrator
  • Joint Venture Accountant

Partner Contribution Management Using a Spreadsheet

Add, update, delete, and report on partner contributions using a spreadsheet.

Spreadsheets make management of partner contributions easier for the accountants.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

  • Watch Partner Contribution Management Using a Spreadsheet Readiness Training.

  • For more information, refer to
    • Using Joint Venture Management guide.

Role And Privileges

  • Joint Venture Accountant

Sliding Scale Option for Rates Based on Operational Measures Overhead Method

Calculate overhead costs using a sliding scale of rates. Use the existing "Rate based" overhead method with a basis source of operational measures and optionally provide a sliding scale to specify the rates to apply in accordance with the joint operating agreement.

A sliding scale enables you to calculate overhead by applying different rates to different portions of the total that you are basing the overhead calculation on.

Business benefits include:

  • Conform to the joint operating agreement by ensuring accurate calculation and distribution of overhead and management fees to be billed to the joint venture partners.
  • Minimize month-end processing and reduce potential errors caused by manual entry through the use of automated processes.

Steps to Enable

  1. Opt in to Joint Venture Overhead in Joint Venture Management.
  2. Access the task Manage Joint Venture Overhead Methods under the functional area Joint Venture Management.
  3. Create the overhead method with the following values for the attributes:
  • Type - Rate based
  • Basis Source - Operational measures
  • Enable the checkbox for “Use Sliding Scale”.
  • Click “Edit Sliding Scale” and then enter the sliding scale thresholds.

Tips And Considerations

  • In an overhead method, you must specify the partner account before the method can be activated. This partner account is used while creating the Receivables invoice to recoup the overhead costs from partners. Before you define the partner account on the overhead method, ensure that the GL Code Combination for the partner account has been defined using Manage Account Combinations.
  • To enable Inception to Period calculations, make sure that the inception date for the joint venture is specified in the joint venture definition.

Key Resources

Role And Privileges

  • Joint Venture Application Administrator
  • Joint Venture Accountant

Payables and Expenses


Allocation for Itemized Expenses

Allocate specific percentages or amounts to a project or expense account during the itemization of expenses. The application calculates the percentage of allocation to the project or account using the amounts entered.

Update 22C introduced the ability to allocate specific percentages or amounts to projects or expense accounts at the expense item level during expense report entry. In update 22D, the feature is enhanced to support such allocation at the expense itemization level.

Any allocation specified at the expense item level automatically applies to any itemization lines created for that expense item. However, employees can update individual itemization lines to change the allocation method or proportions as required.

The ability to split allocations at the expense itemization level helps employees apply specific allocations to individual itemized expenses within an expense item. This helps accurately allocate costs incurred for business expenses across different projects and accounts within the same expense item.

Steps to Enable

To allow employees to split the allocation of expenses, set the Enable Split Allocation option in the Manage Expenses System Options page to Yes. You can enable this option for a specific business unit or all business units as required.

Tips And Considerations

  • Any split allocation specified at the expense item level automatically applies to the itemization lines created for that expense item.
  • Employees can change the allocation by updating the split method or proportion for individual itemization lines.
  • Split allocation is not applicable for Personal expense itemization lines.

Key Resources

Detailed View of Audit Reasons by Expense in Expense Audit

View the audit reason for each expense item in the Audit Expense Report page. This helps auditors easily identify noncompliant expenses.

The rules and policies configured by the organization determine the selection of Expense reports for audit. At the time of the audit, the auditor reviews each expense report and the policy violations that caused the selection of reports for audit.

In the 22D enhancement, the Audit Rules Checked page accessed from the Audit Summary section provide additional information about the evaluated audit rules and their results. The top of the Audit Summary section within the Expense Report Summary displays the Audit Rules Checked link.

Audit Rules Checked Link in the Audit Summary Section

The Level column, added to the  Audit Rules Checked page, indicates whether the audit rules apply at the expense report level, expense item level, or both report and item levels.

Audit Rules Checked Page

Additionally, the Details column on the Audit Rules Checked page displays the details of the Keyword Violations if any. These details are similar to the details available for the Duplicate Attendees and Duplicate Expenses audit reasons. Auditors can click the View details link in the Details section to review the audit information.

The Expense Items section has a new Audit Reasons tab along with the Audit Reasons filter. Using the Audit Reasons filter, auditors can filter expense items with specific audit reasons.

Audit Reasons Section and Filter

The Audit Reasons Details drop down list in the Audit Reasons section displays the list of audit reasons for filtering specific expense items for audit.

Audit Reasons Details Column

The Audit Reason details are available on the Expense Item Audit Reason Details page.

Expense Item Audit Reason Details Page

Prior to 22D update, the audit rule violations were only available at the expense report level in the Audit Rules Checked section. The auditor had to review the audit rules setup and determine the reasons for the violation of audit rules. The additional details for each audit reason at the expense report and expense item level, significantly reduce the time and effort that the auditor spends to audit each expense report. This leads to increased efficiency and expedites reimbursement for business expenses.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Role And Privileges

Users assigned with the Expense Auditor role can view this additional audit reason information during the expense report audit.

Enforcement of Daily Sum Limit for Entertainment Policies

Define daily sum limits for entertainment and gift expenses governed by entertainment policies. Specify rates for employee and nonemployee attendees to enforce daily limits per attendee for these expenses.

You can configure daily sum limits in entertainment policies, together with single instance limits and yearly limits depending on the policy requirements. If you define any rate determinants for the policy, then the daily sum limit will be enforced per attendee when the expenses are created. If there are no rate determinants defined, then the daily sum limit is enforced on the total receipt amount, and doesn't enforce a limit per attendee.

For example, if the policy allows to spend up to USD 50 per attendee for a day, then define the rate determinants by selecting Employee or Nonemployee attendee types in the policy setup and enter the allowed limits for each attendee type. Then, associate the policy to an expense type. When employees create expenses for this expense type, the application enforces the allowed limit per attendee. The application validates that the daily limit is enforced for any given attendee across all expenses of that type submitted by all employees for the day. If the same attendee was added to an expense by 2 different employees for the day, and if the total amount for that attendee violates the daily sum limit for that attendee type, then depending on the policy enforcement defined for the policy the application reimburses the upper limit or displays a warning or error to the employees.

Employee Attendee Added by Mary Johnson for 7/25/2022

Same Employee Attendee Added by Ted Brown for 7/25/2022 - Warning message displayed for the attendee violating the policy limit

When an employee submits an expense with the attendee amount in the warning tolerance limit, then the approver can see the Daily limit violation and Policy violations warnings in the approval notification. They can review the expense details and choose to approve or reject the report based on the company's policies.  

Auditors also have visibility into the daily limit policy violations when auditing the report. If any of the reported attendee amounts are violating the defined daily rates, then the appropriate attendees are highlighted with a warning icon in the report. Auditors can verify the allowed limits on the audit page and take an appropriate action on the report. Auditors can review further details related to the violation in the Audit Reasons Details column.

Daily Limit Violation Displayed to the Auditor

Companies have more control over the enforcement of entertainment policies with the introduction of daily limit in entertainment policies. The ability to configure daily limits provides more flexibility in defining the policies for various expense types. By defining a combination of single instance limits, daily limits, and yearly limits for entertainment policies, companies can provide better policy guidance to employees.

Approvers and auditors have visibility into the policy violations if employees are submitting the expenses above the defined limits.

Steps to Enable

To define daily limits in entertainment policies, perform the following steps:

  1. Sign in as the Expense Manager.
  2. From the Setup and Maintenance work area, navigate to the Manage Policies by Expense Category page.
  3. Select Create Policy > Entertainment.
  4. Enter the policy name, description and select the attendee information you want to capture.
  5. Enable rate limit and select Daily sum limit under Rate Limit. Select the rate currency.
  6. Choose the rate determinants - select Employee or Nonemployee attendee types as the rate determinant if you want to enforce daily limit per attendee.
  7. Configure the policy enforcement and save the policy.
  8. In the Create Rates window, enter the daily limits you want to enforce for the selected attendee types.
  9. Save the policy and activate it from the Manage Policies by Expense Category page.
  10. Navigate to the Manage Expense Report Templates page, search for the template and select the expense type to which you want to associate the policy.
  11. In the Policies tab of the expense type setup page, select the policy you created in step 9. Enter the start and end dates and save the expense type setup.

The defined daily limits will be enforced based on the policy configuration when employees submit their expenses.

Tips And Considerations

  • Use the entertainment policy to define single, daily or yearly limits that need to be enforced per attendee rather than on the total receipt amount.
  • The limits defined in the policy will be enforced per attendee only if the policy has rate determinants set up.
  • This policy can be associated only to entertainment policies.

Key Resources

Role And Privileges

To define daily limits for entertainment policies, you need one of these roles:

  • Expense Manager
  • Application Implementation Consultant

Enhancements to Create Report from Trips Process

Allow expense report creation from trip reservations before corporate card charges appear in Expenses. Enable expense creation for prepaid trip reservations that are not associated with a corporate card.

Expense Report Creation from Trip Reservation

You can configure the application to allow expense report creation from trips for corporate card employees, even if the card charges from the trip are not available in Expenses. If the setting Enable Report Creation for Users Before Card Charges Appear is set to Yes, then when creating an expense report from the trip, the application checks for any matching card charges for the reservation:

  • If there are matching card charges, the application creates an expense report with these card charges.
  • If there are no matching card charges, the application creates cash expense lines for the reservation and adds them to the report.

This applies to both automatic and manual report creation from trips.

Allow Report Creation for Corporate Card Employees

The Trips page provides Status and Trip Age filters so that employees can filter their trips easily. 

Filter Trips by Status and Trip Age

Prepaid Trip Reservations

You can create prepaid reservations in Expenses using the Create a travel itinerary reservation API by setting the PrepaidFlag parameter to 'Y' in the reservation payload. When a report is created from the trip data, the application will automatically create prepaid cash expenses for the prepaid reservations, if the expense type is enabled for prepaid expenses. Employees can review the prepaid expenses in the report and make necessary modifications before submitting the expenses.

Business Benefit:

This feature benefits companies that use a centrally billed card to book employees' travel, or that prepay employees' travel expenses. The application can automatically create expense reports from travel reservations prepaid by the company. This helps speed up the expense submission and promote faster reimbursements.

The filters on the Trips page help employees easily identify their upcoming trips, or those that are yet to be expensed. This helps them take the necessary action on the trips quickly.

Steps to Enable

To enable report creation for card users, perform the following steps:

  1. Sign in as the Application Implementation Consultant.
  2. From the Setup and Maintenance work area, navigate to the Manage Expenses System Options page.
  3. Under Processing Options for Expense Report, set Enable Report Creation for Users Before Card Charges Appear to Yes. This option is visible only if Enable Automatic Travel Expense Report Creation is set to Yes in the same section.

You can enable this at the implementation level on the Manage Expenses System Options page, which applies to all business units. Alternatively, you can enable this for specific business units on the Create/Edit Business Unit window.

Tips And Considerations

Enable this setting when travel reservations are prepaid or charged to a centrally billed account that is handled outside the system.

Role And Privileges

To enable the new setting, you need one of these roles:

  • Travel Administrator
  • Application Implementation Consultant

Improved Address Selection for Commute Mileage

View enhanced search results when using maps to search for address locations during creation of mileage expenses.

Search results displayed when using maps to create mileage expenses are enhanced as follows:

  • Addresses without postal codes are now included in the suggested search results.
  • Search addresses with a specific postal code to display address suggestions for that postal code only.
  • The search results now contain the country attribute, to help distinguish between similarly named locations in different countries.

The enhanced search results make it easier for the employee to choose the correct locations when using maps to calculate the mileage during expense creation.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Notification to Employees When New Corporate Card Charges Arrive

Send email notifications to employees when new corporate card charges arrive in their Expenses work area. These notifications remind employees to review and submit corporate card charges in a timely manner.

When the Enable Notifications for Credit Card Charges setting is enabled for a business unit, employees receive email notifications as soon as their corporate card expenses are available in the Expenses work area. The notification lists the newly created card expenses for the employee. Employees can either review expense details in the notification, or navigate to the Expenses work area to review and submit the expenses. 

New Card Expenses Notification

Business benefits include:

  1. Alerts employees to new card expenses.
  2. Facilitates the submission of corporate card charges in a timely manner.
  3. Helps avoid late payment charges for employees and the organization.

Steps to Enable

To enable this feature, perform the following steps:

  1. Sign in as the Application Implementation Consultant.
  2. From the Setup and Maintenance work area, navigate to the Manage Expenses System Options page.
  3. In the Corporate Options for Expense Report section, set the dropdown in the Enable Notifications for Credit Card Charges field to Yes.  

You can enable this at the implementation level on the Manage Expenses System Options page, which applies to all business units. Alternatively, you can enable this for specific business units on the Create/Edit Business Unit window.

Key Resources

Role And Privileges

To enable this feature, you need one of these roles:

  • Expense Manager
  • Application Implementation Consultant

Primary Receipt as Attachment for Expenses Created from Emailed Receipts

Create expenses directly from emails that a user forwards with receipt attachments. Configure the application to attach the primary receipt or invoice only, instead of the complete email, as the supporting document for the expense item. The process can also convert the email to PDF and attach the PDF document to the expense when the receipt is embedded in the email and no additional attachments accompany the email.

Expense Attachment Preference

When the Expense Attachment Preference is set to Attach the email, the application adds the email as an attachment to the expense. The email is converted to PDF and the PDF document is attached to the expense. If the email had any attachments, then the primary receipt from the attachments is also added to the expense as a supporting document.

When the attachment preference is set to Attach the primary receipt from the email, the application attaches only the primary receipt to the expense and discards the email or any other attachments from the email. Primary receipt is the receipt which the application uses for creating the expense and for filling the expense details such as amount, location, merchant, etc. For example,

  • If an employee forwarded an Uber receipt embedded in the email content, then the email acts as the primary receipt. The email is converted to PDF and added as an attachment to the expense.
  • If an employee forwarded a blank email with a hotel bill added as an attachment, then the hotel bill acts as the primary receipt. The hotel bill is added as the expense attachment. 

Business benefits include:

  • This feature allows employees to access email attachments in PDF format from the Edit Expense page without any compatibility issues.
  • Auditors can directly access the primary receipt when auditing an expense created from emailed receipts.

Steps to Enable

To configure the Expense Attachment Preference, perform the following steps:

  1. Sign in as the Application Implementation Consultant.
  2. From the Setup and Maintenance work area, navigate to the Manage Auto Submit and Matching Options page.
  3. Under Electronic Receipt Setup, select the Expense Attachment Preference based on your company policies or requirements.

You can configure this at the implementation level on the Manage Auto Submit and Matching Options page, which applies to all business units. Alternatively, you can configure this for specific business units on the Create/Edit Business Unit window.

Role And Privileges

To configure the Expense Attachment Preference, you need one of these roles:

  • Expense Manager
  • Application Implementation Consultant

Receipt Missing Indicator in Expenses Mobile Application

Provide employees with a Receipt missing indicator for expense items in the Expenses mobile application, for companies that permit submission of expenses with missing receipts.

An employee can enable the Receipt missing option in the Add Expense or Edit Expense screen in the Expenses mobile application for any expense with a missing receipt. If required by company policy, the employee must also enter a justification for the missing receipt.

Receipt Missing Indicator in Expenses Mobile Application

Approvers can also review the receipt requirement policy violation in the Expenses mobile application. The Approvals screen in the mobile application displays a policy violation warning message if receipts are missing for the expense reports. Approvers can review the expense details and take an appropriate action in the mobile application.

This feature allows employees to fully complete expense entry from their mobile application and submit them. Employees no longer have to go to the web application to provide missing receipt information.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

Role And Privileges

You don't need a new role or privilege access to use this feature.


Additional Attributes for Rule Configuration for Payables Workflows

Use purchase order additional attributes and descriptive flexfields for supplier and supplier site to configure invoice approval rules and route workflow notifications to approvers.

This is the list of additional attributes and descriptive flexfields that workflow administrators can use to configure invoice approval workflow rules.

  • Supplier Descriptive Flexfields
    • Supplier Descriptive Flexfield1 to Supplier Descriptive Flexfield 20
    • Supplier Descriptive Flexfield Number 1 to Supplier Descriptive Flexfield Number 10
  • Supplier Site Descriptive Flexfields
    • Supplier Site Descriptive Flexfield1 to Supplier Site Descriptive Flexfield 20
    • Supplier Site Descriptive Flexfield Number 1 to Supplier Site Descriptive Flexfield Number 10
  • Purchase Order Header Additional Attributes:
    • Freight Terms
    • Total Purchase Order Matched Amount
  • Purchase Order Line Additional Attributes
    • Purchase Order Line Category Name
    • Purchase Basis
  • Purchase Order Schedule Additional Attributes
    • Match Approval Level
    • Purchase Order Matched Amount
    • Purchase Order Destination Type
    • Purchase Order Destination Type Lookup Code

How to configure approval rule using the attribute “Match Approval Level” Option

Business Use Case: Business approval policy is to configure an approval rule using the match approval level attribute to auto approve the invoice if an invoice is matched to both purchase order and receipt using the 3-Way match approval level option. If invoice is matched to only purchaser order using 2-Way match approval level option then invoice should be routed for approvals.

In general, Hardware Items which are procured using PO approval and Receipt process does not require approval and needs to be auto approved. Invoices created for services to install hardware or any other services need to be routed for approvals.

Rule Configuration: To achieve the above requirement, we need to configure two approval rules one is for invoice matched to purchase order and receipt using 3-Way match approval level option and another rule is for invoice matched purchase order using 2-Way match approval level.

Rule 1: Auto Approval Rule for 3-Way Match

Rule 2: Approval Rule for 2-Way Match

Workflow administrators can configure invoice approval rules based on purchase order additional attributes and on additional information captured in descriptive flexfields and route workflow notifications to approvers. Purchase order additional attributes include: Match approval level (2-Way, 3-Way, 4-Way) to validate that an invoice is matched to a service-based or goods-based purchase order; Matched amount; and Freight terms, to ensure that freight amounts are charged correctly for inland or cross-border transactions. Descriptive flexfields can capture additional information at both the supplier and supplier site levels. 

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

When you configure rules using both invoice line and purchase order line additional attributes, then you must add additional join condition in the rule, as mentioned in this example. This additional join condition helps in avoiding the performance issue during rules evaluation.

  • Invoice Line.PO Line ID is Purchase Order Line Additional Attributes.PO Line ID

When you configure rules using both invoice line and purchase order schedule additional attributes, then you must add additional join condition in the rule, as mentioned in this example:

  • Invoice Line.PO Line Location ID is Purchase Order Schedule Additional Attributes.PO Line Location ID

Campaign Management for Early Payment Discount Offers

Onboard suppliers into an early payment discounts program via email-based campaigns. Suppliers can respond directly from the email. The responses are automatically processed and applied in payment process requests. Suppliers can either accept a one-time offer, enroll into a standing offer, decline the offer, or unsubscribe from the campaign.

This feature provides an automated process for onboarding suppliers into the early payment discount program. Create a campaign to define the offer terms and duration. Identify suppliers to target for an early payment discount campaign by applying selection criteria on the Payment Discounts page in Oracle AI Apps for ERP.

Create Campaign

Add Suppliers to Campaign

Configure the email template according to business requirements, including the email verbiage, email subject, and sender name and address. The email contains all of the details required for a supplier to take an informed decision including the currently eligible invoices, discount calculation, and actions available. Suppliers can take action directly from the email and the responses are automatically processed and applied in payment process requests.

Suppliers can choose one of the following responses:

  • Accept a one-time offer: Only the invoices that are ready for payment are listed in the email and selected for early payment. Other eligible invoices may be included in future email offers.
  • Enroll into a standing offer: All invoices are paid early on the same terms going forward.
  • Decline the offer: Invoices aren’t accelerated for payment. Eligible invoices may be included again in future email offers.
  • Unsubscribe: No further emails will be sent to the supplier for this campaign.

After suppliers accept a one-time offer or enroll into standing offers, Payments Managers can select all applicable early payment invoices when initiating payments on the Submit Payment Process Request page in Oracle Payables.

The benefits of this feature include the following:

  • Automated onboarding of suppliers into an early payment discount program
  • Extend early payment discount offers to all targeted suppliers with just one click at the required frequency
  • Automated processing of accepted early payment discount offers
  • Buyers can get a higher return on investment in comparison to alternative investments for available working capital
  • Suppliers can access additional short-term working capital

Steps to Enable

Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

Offering: Financials

Before using campaigns for early payment discount offers, an administrator must complete these prerequisites:

  1. Set up the connections that integrate with AI Apps for ERP.
  2. Enable the FSM Opt-in Early Payment Offers and enable it for Standing Offers.
  3. Configure the template for email campaigns.

Follow the steps described in the AI Apps Implementation Workflow topic of the Getting Started with Your Financials Implementation guide.

Key Resources

Intelligent Account Combination Defaulting for Invoices

Experience intelligent defaulting of accounting information for no-PO invoice lines. This feature uses Al and machine learning algorithms to predict and default segment values of the account code combination on accounts payable invoice lines. AI and machine learning use the historic data patterns and the specific influencing factors for each segment to predict their value.

When the user places the cursor on the distribution combination field for an unmatched invoice line, the segment values are defaulted if the prediction for the segment exceeds the dynamically calculated confidence score threshold. Once any segment values are defaulted, the distribution combination field is highlighted for user review. If a segment is not defaulted, or an incorrect segment is defaulted, the user can enter the relevant value for the missing segment or correct the incorrect defaulted segment value. The Al and machine learning algorithms learn from these edits and use the information to improve the prediction accuracy.

These are some of the business benefits of this feature:

  • Significantly reduce invoice entry time and accelerate the process of making invoice ready for payment
  • Reduce “think time” for Accounts Payable analysts
  • Allow user to focus on data accuracy rather than data entry
  • Improve the user experience
  • Allow AI to improve the prediction accuracy for segments by learning from the user edits

Distribution Combination Defaulted by Al and Machine Learning Algorithms

Steps to Enable

Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

Offering: Financials

To enable this feature, an administrator must follow these steps:

  1. Create the necessary users and roles.
  2. Set up the connections to integrate with AI Apps for ERP.
  3. Monitor the model training status and download the evaluation reports
  4. Complete the feature opt-in.

For details, see AI Apps Implementation Workflow.

Tips And Considerations

  • All relevant data in the header and line fields should be entered before the AI prediction is invoked.
  • At least 3 months of invoice history should be available for satisfactory rendering of predictions by the AI models. Additional invoice history will be beneficial to improve the prediction performance.

Key Resources


Routing Number and Sort Code Search for US and UK Employee Bank Account Creation

Provide US and UK employees improved bank account creation. An employee can search for a bank by routing number (in US) and sort code (in UK) and create a bank account without knowing the bank and branch details. The employee can select the routing number (in US) or sort code (in UK) from a dropdown menu and the corresponding bank/branch details would be auto-populated.

While creating a bank account, this feature will allow the employees in US and UK to search for a bank or a branch using the routing number and sort code. This improves the bank account creation experience of users who know the routing number or sort code but don't know the bank and branch details.

Steps to Enable

You must add a lookup code to enable this feature. Details of the lookup are as follows:



Follow these steps to enable the feature:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Standard Lookups task.
  2. Search for the lookup type ORA_IBY_CONTROLLED_FEATURES.
  3. For the lookup type ORA_IBY_CONTROLLED_FEATURES, create a lookup code with the following details:
    • Meaning: Routing Number and Sort Code LOV
    • Description: Routing Number and Sort Code LOV
    • Enabled: Select the check box.
  4. Click Save and Close.

Tips And Considerations

Before using this feature, ensure the following:

  • The required bank/branch is already created in Cash Management.
  • CE_USE_EXISTING_BANK_BRANCH profile option is set to Yes and the bank account country is US or UK. If the profile option is set to No, employees can create the bank account by entering the routing number or sort code manually.

This feature also works while creating a bank account in Expenses, Cash Management (Ad hoc payment), and Bill Management applications.

Receivables and Cash

Bill Management

Balance Forward Bill View and Download in Bill Management

View and download customer balance forward bills in Bill Management. Users can download the balance forward bills for review and delivery.

The Balance Forward Bills infotile in the Account Overview page displays all balance forward bills delivered to customers using the Deliver Balance Forward Bills process in PDF format. Click a bill number to view or download the balance forward bill.

  • Provides immediate access to a customer's balance forward bills from the Bill Management Account Overview page for review and download.
  • Enhances a customer's business security policies.

Steps to Enable

Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

Offering: FinancialsNo Longer Optional From: Update 23C

Tips And Considerations

  • Click on Consolidated Output on Print Detailed Balance Forward Bills:Sub-Process or Print Summary Balance Forward Bills:Sub-Process Output to merge individual PDF files into a single PDF file for balance forward bills with delivery method of Paper.

  • Balance forward bills generated before this feature uptake can't be downloaded from Bill Management.

Cash Management

Legal Entity-Based Data Access for Bank Account Setup

Secure internal bank account setup by legal entity. This allows cash managers to add, review, or modify only the bank accounts associated with the legal entities that the user has access to.

While setting up internal bank accounts, optionally restrict access to bank account information based on the user's legal entity data access. For example, only users who have been assigned a cash manager role for Vision Operations legal entity, will be able to create, review, or modify internal bank accounts associated to this legal entity:

Business benefits include:

  • Improve security and increase control of bank account setup by limiting user access to bank account information.
  • Helps decentralized organizations that require users only to manage the bank account information for the organizations they are authorized for.

Steps to Enable

Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

Offering: Financials

  1. Assign users to the appropriate legal entity security context.
  • Offerings: Financials
  • Functional Area: Users and Security
  • Task: Manage Data Access for Users
  1. Sign in to the Functional Setup Manager as an IT Security Manager or Application Implementation Consultant.

  2. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance page.

  3. On the Setup page, open the Tasks panel on the right and search for Manage Data Access for Users.

  4. Click Manage Data Access for Users from the search result.

  5. Select Users without Data Access to view users who don't have data access. Alternatively, to assign additional data access to users, use the Users with Data Access option.

  6. Select Legal entity as Security Context. 

  7. Click Create (+ icon) and enter the following values to configure legal entity data access to a cash manager user:
  • User Name
  • Role - Cash Manager
  • Security Context - Legal entity 
  • Security context value - Name of the legal entity that you want to grant access to this user, for example Vision Operations.

  1. Click Save and Close.

The results should look similar to the following example, which shows the Manage Data Access for Users page with a record set up to grant a user with the Cash Manager role access to the Vision Operations legal entity:

Alternatively, assign data access to users using a spreadsheet. Refer to Key Resources section for related help.

Tips And Considerations

  • Legal entity-based data security policy is an optional alternative. By default, users with the necessary function security privileges have access to all internal bank accounts to create and manage bank accounts.

  • Once enabled, legal entity-based data security policy is applied when an internal bank account is created or managed using either the UI or REST API.

  • Evaluate and assign the new data security policy to existing custom Cash Manager job roles that were created.

Key Resources

Related Help:

Role And Privileges

The following privileges and roles are necessary to use this feature:

  • Data Security Policy Name:
    • Grant on Legal Entity
    • Condition: Access the legal entity for table XLE_ENTITY_PROFILES for the legal entities they are provisioned access when Legal Entity-Based Data Access for Bank Account Setup is used
  • Data Security Privilege Name and Code:
    • Manage Bank Account Data (CE_MANAGE_BANK_ACCOUNT_DATA) 
  • Duty Role Name and Code:
    • Cash Management Administration (ORA_CE_CASH_MANAGEMENT_ADMINISTRATION_DUTY) 
  • Job Role Name and Code:
    • Cash Manager (ORA_CE_CASH_MANAGER_JOB)


Claim Creation Management of Positive Invalid Remittance References in Lockbox

Control the creation of claim investigations for invalid positive remittance references in a lockbox file. This provides flexibility in the creation of claims according to a customer's business needs. 

Use the Lockbox Claim for Invalid Transaction Reference field in the Cash Processing tab of Receivables System Options to manage how lockbox processes claim creation for receipts with a customer assignment but invalid transaction numbers. Select Negative in the Lockbox Claim for Invalid Transaction Reference field to process only negative invalid transaction references and not to process positive invalid remittance references for claim creation. During a run of Process Receipts Through Lockbox, set the parameter Post Receipt with Invalid Transaction Reference as Unapplied to Yes to create claims according to the System Option setting. If no option is selected, the Process Receipts Through Lockbox will create claims for positive and negative invalid transaction references.

Provides flexibility to configure automatic claim creation for underpayments only, overpayments only, or both.

Steps to Enable

This feature is enabled by default once the following setup is completed.

  • In the Setup and Maintenance work area, under Financials, Receivable, use the Manage Receivables System Options task to select values from Lockbox Claim for Invalid Transaction Reference for the Business Unit enabled for Channel Revenue Management integration as shown in the screenshot. 

    Manage Receivables System Options

Management of Negative Invoice Line Amounts and Transaction Completion with User Interface Enhancements

Improve the management of negative invoice line amounts and transaction completion with two user interface enhancements. Search invoices and credit memos that require review in the Billing work area and the Manage Transactions page. Update the transaction type on an incomplete transaction to Void using the Edit Transaction page.

By default the Allow Completion and the Control Completion Reason fields are hidden in the Billing work area and the Manage Transactions page.

Use View -> Columns to expose these fields:

  • Manage Transactions page:

    Manage Transactions Page

  • Billing work area:

    Billing Work Area

Business benefits include:

  • Search invoices and credit memos that require review for transaction completion using either the Billing work area or the Manage Transactions page, instead of relying on the Invoice and Credit Memo REST service polling mechanism.
  • Void transactions that were under review for transaction completion.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • This feature was introduced in update 22B. In update 22D, user interface enhancements are provided.
  • Additional details for the main feature in 22B are available here.

Receivables Activity Display in Receipt Applications

Display the receivables activity name associated with an application in the Application tab of the Edit Receipt page. This provides users with the name of the receivables activity that was used during the application process.

Users can easily see the receivables activity associated with receipt applications to gain the business context associated with the application.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Asset and Lease Management


Automatic Asset Numbering Enhancement

Provide a configuration option in the Manage System Controls page to prevent users from manually entering an asset number. This helps ensure sequential asset numbering and prevent accidental entry of asset numbers.

Enabling this option prevents users from entering or changing the asset number, and ensures that asset numbers are only generated automatically by the application.

Enable this option in the Manage System Controls page or Manage System Controls in the Export and Import process.

This helps ensure sequential asset numbering and prevent accidental entry of asset numbers.

Steps to Enable

During system options configuration, in the Manage System Controls page, enable the 'Prevent user entered asset number' option.

Lease Accounting

Lease Cancellation

The lease administrator can cancel any lease in draft status. Last-minute negotiations, issues with lease assets, and delivery issues may lead to the cancellation of a lease. The lease status moves to canceled, and the lease becomes read-only.

Cancel a Draft Lease

Canceling a lease reduces the "noise" or "clutter" of unwanted leases. Canceled leases are no longer included in actions, can be filtered from search results, and excluded from reports. Canceled leases maintain their audit, history, and numbering sequence.

Steps to Enable

Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

Offering: FinancialsNo Longer Optional From: Update 23B

Tips And Considerations

Lease administrators can filter canceled leases from the search results using the Status field, saved searches, or advanced search.

Role And Privileges

You do not need any new role or privilege access to set up and use this feature.

Lease Impairments

The lease amendment supports the impairment of leases through the user interface and FBDI. The value of the assets associated with a lease may fall below their fair value or recoverable amount. If this happens, the lease administrator performs a full or partial impairment on the lease assets. The impairment transaction writes down the ROU balance. The history of impairments and amounts is available on the Assets tab of the lease.

Leased Asset Impairment Details

Business benefits include:

  • A more accurate reflection of the company's leased assets.
  • Compliance with IFRS16 and ASC842 lease accounting.
  • Audit and history of all impairments on a lease.

Steps to Enable

Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

Offering: FinancialsNo Longer Optional From: Update 23B

Role And Privileges

You do not need any new role or privilege access to set up and use this feature.

Rights and Obligations Import

Use the Lease Import utility to simplify the capture of rights and obligations. Leases contain many terms and conditions, and the lease administrator needs to know the rights and obligations of the lease. Including rights and obligations in the Lease Import utility reduces the need for manual intervention during the lease booking process.

The business benefits of Rights and Obligations Import include:

  • Increase operational efficiency with quick access to contractual rights, entitlements, and obligations.
  • Reduce data entry effort with an import.
  • Streamline business processes by populating import from origination systems.
  • Reduce ROI and implementation time with functionality to migrate rights and obligations for existing portfolios.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Role And Privileges

You do not need any new role or privilege access to set up and use this feature.

Region and Country-Specific Features


Output Options for Z4 and Z5A Reports for Germany

Provide CSV output options for Z4 and Z5A reports for Germany, as specified by the German Federal Bank. Users can submit the output of these reports directly to the tax authorities without editing or reformatting.

You can choose the new layouts from the Output tab before submitting the reports.

The new layouts simplify compliance with German Federal Bank reporting requirements.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

The Z5A reports now consider unapplied receipts, on-account receipts and on-account credit memos.

The Z5A reports support a descriptive flexfield as an alternative way of classifying suppliers as internal or external, in cases where the Supplier Type field is not available for that purpose. 

To use a descriptive flexfield, complete the following additional setup:

  1. Create a global segment for Z5A supplier classification
  • Click Navigator > My Enterprise > Setup and Maintenance > Search > Manage Supplier Descriptive Flexfields > Select POZ_SUPPLIERS > Edit
  • Choose Supplier Profile > Edit
  • Click on + icon to create a new global segment

  • Click Save and Close.
  • Deploy the flexfield.
  1. Click Navigator > My Enterprise > Setup and Maintenance > Search > Manage Standard Lookups.
  2. Search for the JE_ENABLE_FEATURE lookup type. If it is not defined, create it.
  3. In the Lookup Codes section, add and enable the Z5A_22D_OI_AP_CLASSIF_DFF lookup code.

In the Meaning field, enter the attribute column name of the supplier descriptive flexfield code POZ_SUPPLIERS you use for storing the supplier type e.g. ATTRIBUTE16.

  1. Click Save.
  2. You can now use the descriptive flexfield to store the supplier type.

Key Resources


JPK Invoice Listing for Poland with April 2022 Legislative Update

Generate the JPK Invoice Listing for Poland with the April 2022 legislative updates to comply with latest reporting requirements. 

This solution for special procedure transactions applies to legal entities in Poland only.

Changes valid in the JPK_FA(4) from 1st April 2022 are:

Changes Solution

New tags P_12_XII, P_12Z_XII to display the foreign VAT rate in the case of special procedure transactions

New Tags P_12_XII (FakturaWiersz block) and P_12Z_XII (ZamowienieWiersz block) are reported in Invoice Listing.  To identify Special Procedure transactions, new tax rate with Tax Reporting Code VAT SPECIAL PROCEDURE is used.

File header updates

File Header changes are reflected for fixed values.  

  •  Removed schema location reference (KodyCechKrajow_v3-0E.xsd) 
  •  Changed system code tag - (kodSystemowy fixed from JPK_FA (3) to JPK_FA (4)) 
  •  Changed the form version - (WariantFormularza from 3 to 4)

The JPK Invoice Listing for Poland provides the updated JPK_FA file in the JPK_FA(4) version, effective 1st of April 2022, in accordance with the requirements of the tax authority.

Steps to Enable

To implement the changes valid from 1st of April 2022, complete the respective application setup:

  1. Create new Tax Reporting Code VAT SPECIAL PROCEDURE in ORA_JEPL_TAX_TYPE Tax Reporting Type.
  • Navigate to Setup and Maintenance > Manage Tax Reporting Types.
  • Populate search parameter Tax Reporting Type Code = ORA_JEPL_TAX_TYPE then click Search button.
  • Open the ORA_JEPL_TAX_TYPE tax reporting type then click edit button.
  • Add new Tax Reporting Code  = VAT SPECIAL PROCEDURE then click Save and Close button.
  1. Associate Tax Reporting Code VAT SPECIAL PROCEDURE to  Tax Rates for Special procedure transactions.
  • Navigate to Setup and Maintenance > Manage Tax Rate and Tax Recovery Rates.
  • Create new Tax Rate and Associate Tax Reporting Type = ORA_JEPL_TAX_TYPE and Tax Reporting Code = VAT SPECIAL PROCEDURE.
  • Save and Close.

Tips And Considerations

  • Create a Receivables transaction and select new tax rates with Tax Reporting Codes for VAT SPECIAL PROCEDURE.
  • The generate XML file JPK_FA (4) contains all the mandatory and conditionally mandatory tags.
  • JPK_FA (4) file header changes are seeded from 22B release.

Key Resources

Role And Privileges

To run JPK Invoice Listing for Poland, you should assign the privilege Create JPK Extracts for Poland with the code JE_CREATE_JPK_EXTRACTS_FOR_POLAND_PRIV and JE_CREATE_JPK_EXTRACTS_FOR_POLAND_PRIV_OBI to any duty or job role.