Cloud Readiness / Oracle Fusion Cloud Oracle Human Resources
What's New
Expand All

  1. Revision History
  2. Overview
  3. Feature Summary
    1. Global Human Resources
        1. Navigate to Journeys Pages Directly from Notifications
        2. Improved Performance of Assigned Journeys Page
    2. Human Capital Management for Singapore
        1. New Foreign Identification Number (FIN) Series With The Prefix M
  1. Revision History
  2. Overview
  3. Feature Summary
    1. Global Human Resources
        1. Convert Pending Worker Process Changes
        2. Defer Creation of I-9 Document in HireRight
  1. Update 21D
  1. Revision History
  2. Overview
  3. Feature Summary
  4. HCM Common
    1. Applications Security
        1. Regeneration of Security Profiles to Support Document Types
        2. Support Removal of External Roles On Termination
    2. HCM Data Loader
        1. Import and Load Data User Interface Enhancements
        2. Business Object Enhancements
    3. HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader
        1. Enhanced Reporting
        2. Secured Business Objects Now Available to Business Users
        3. Generate Spreadsheet Templates for Element Entry with Costing
    4. HCM Extracts
        1. Add Vendor Name or External System Name in Extracts Definitions
    5. HCM Common Architecture
        1. Enhancements to Approvals and Notifications
    6. HCM Common
        1. Lists of Values Configuration
        2. Workers List of Values Results Search Behavior Change
        3. Transaction Design Studio for HCM Experience Design Studio Enhancements
        4. New HCM Digital Assistant Skill Version - HCMV2
  5. IMPORTANT Actions and Considerations for HCM Common
  6. Controlled Availability for HCM Common
  7. Human Resources
    1. Global Human Resources
        1. Default Action Based on Country and Roles
      1. Document Records
        1. Mass Download Document Records And Attachments
        2. Flexibility to View Document Records before Publish Date
        3. Support for Multiple Line Display and Entry in Document Records Text Attributes
        4. Document Code Displayed on Document Records List Page
        5. Enhanced Document Type Security Profile
      2. Employment
        1. Compact Guided Process for Employment Start Dates
        2. Additional Filter Using Legal Employer for Client-Side Location LOV
        3. Filter Client-Side Business Unit LOV Using Legal Employer
        4. Assignment Category Attribute Available in V3 Seniority Dates
        5. Default Values for Cumulative Option and Worker Type When Creating V3 Seniority Rules
        6. Position Synchronization: Default Manager Based on Profile Option
        7. Ability to Disable Manager Defaulting in Add Person and Create Work Relationship Flows
        8. Database Items for Collective Agreement Extensible Flexfields
      3. Human Resources / Employment Replaced or Removed Features
        1. Change Legal Employer Replaced With Local and Global Transfer Flow
      4. Journeys
        1. Save Incomplete Journey Tasks
        2. Assign a Journey to Multiple Persons as a Single Activity
        3. Monitor Journey Assignment Results on Activity Tab
        4. Make Attachments Mandatory for Journey Task Completion
        5. Sort Options in Explore and My Journeys Tabs
        6. Create Personal Journeys Only from Explore Tab
        7. Enable Password Verification in Native E-Signature Journey Task
        8. Force Complete an Assigned Journey
        9. Delete an Assigned Journey
        10. View Enterprise Onboarding Step Name on Journey Pages
        11. Trigger Journeys Automatically for Individual Compensation Events
        12. Additional Application Tasks when Configuring Journey Templates
        13. Additional Seeded Journeys
        14. Function Security Changes for Explore and Activity Journey Tabs
        15. Make Comments Mandatory For Journey Task Completion
        16. Prevent Accidental Removal of an Assigned Journey Task
        17. Deferred Assignment Date for a Journey Task
        18. Contact Info Details in an Assigned Journey Task
        19. I-9 Verification Status Journey Task
        20. Edit Assigned Journey
        21. Reassign, Reopen, and Send Reminders for Multiple Journey Tasks
        22. Modified User Experience for Journey Tasks
        23. Provide Task Assignment Date for Library Tasks
        24. Edit Assigned Tasks
        25. Processing Mode in Checklist Templates Defaulted to Alerts Based Notification
        26. Deferred Badge Displayed on Journey Card
      5. Person
        1. Autocomplete Rules for Person Business Object in Person
        2. List of Countries for Worker Disability Self-Disclosure is now Extensible
        3. Improve Security of Change Photo Quick Action
        4. Benefit from the Enhancements to the Change Personal Information Approval Rule
      6. Workforce Structures
        1. Associate Business Units with a Legal Employer
        2. Associate Legal Employers with a Location
        3. Ability to Identify a Location as an Employee Location
        4. Approvals Support for Location Responsive Pages
        5. Country Preselected While Creating Location
        6. Automatic Generation of Job Code
    2. Human Capital Management for Bahrain
        1. Additional Information at an Organization Level
        2. Additional Information at a Person Level
        3. Payroll Definitions
        4. Payment Methods
        5. Organization Calculation Cards
        6. Person Calculation Card
    3. Human Capital Management for Canada
        1. Support for Federal and Provincial Tax Credit Information
    4. Human Capital Management for Ireland
        1. Enable Employee Self-Service Declaration for Disability
    5. Human Capital Management for United Kingdom
        1. Enable Employee Self-Service Declaration for Disability
        2. Process Statutory Sick Pay for Multiple Assignments
    6. Human Capital Management for United States
        1. Support for Federal and State W-4
    7. Global Payroll Interface
        1. Global Payroll Interface Updated with Technical Enhancements
        2. Global Payroll Interface Template Enhanced with Additional Grade Attributes
        3. Use the Enhanced US ADP Workforce Now Payroll Interface V2
        4. Deleted Data Report Supports Additional Business Objects
    8. Workforce Directory Management
        1. Enhanced My Team Page
    9. Transactional Business Intelligence for Human Resources
        1. Enhancements to HCM Integrations Subject Area
        2. Historical Data Enhancements in Workforce Trend Subject Area
        3. New Attribute in Department Dimension
        4. New Metrics in Checklists Subject Area
        5. Added Effective Dates to Organization Tree
  8. IMPORTANT Actions and Considerations for Human Resources
  9. Controlled Availability for Human Resources

February Maintenance Pack for 21D

Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Product Feature Notes
04 MAR 2022 Global Human Resources Navigate to Journeys Pages Directly from Notifications

Updated document. Feature delivered in update 21D February Maintenance Pack.

04 MAR 2022

Global Human Resource

Improved Performance of Assigned Journeys Page

Updated document. Feature delivered in update 21D February Maintenance Pack.

25 FEB 2022     Created initial document.


HCM Cloud applications have two types of patches you can receive that are documented in this What’s New:

  • Release Updates (22A, 22B, 22C, and 22D)
  • Optional Monthly Maintenance Packs to each update

It is important for you to know what Release Update your environment is on. You can find this in your Cloud Portal.



We’re here and we’re listening. If you have a suggestion on how to make our products better, please let us know. To enter an idea go to the Ideas Lab on Oracle Customer Connect. In this document wherever you see the light bulb icon after the feature name it means we delivered one of your ideas.


Suggested Reading for all HCM Products:

  • Human Resources What’s New – In the Global Human Resources section you will find features on the base application in which other application are built upon. 

NOTE: Not all Global Human Resource features are available for Talent and Compensation products.

  • Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Functional Known Issues and Maintenance Packs (Document ID 1554838.1). These documents identify bug fixes and possible known issues. You will also need to review these documents based in the release update version you are currently on or will be moving to.
  • Oracle Help Center – Here you will find guides, videos and searchable help.
  • Release Readiness – New Feature Summary, What’s New, Feature Listing Spreadsheet, Spotlights and Release Training


We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at Indicate you are inquiring or providing feedback regarding the HCM Cloud What’s New in the body or title of the email.

Feature Summary

Column Definitions:

Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.

UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.

UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.

Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.

Ready for Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Enabled)

Reports plus Small Scale UI or Process-Based new features will have minimal user impact after an update. Therefore, customer acceptance testing should focus on the Larger Scale UI or Process-Based* new features.

Customer Must Take Action before Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Disabled)

Not disruptive as action is required to make these features ready to use. As you selectively choose to leverage, you set your test and roll out timing.



UI or
Small Scale

UI or
Larger Scale*

Global Human Resources

Navigate to Journeys Pages Directly from Notifications

Improved Performance of Assigned Journeys Page

Human Capital Management for Singapore

New Foreign Identification Number (FIN) Series With The Prefix M

Global Human Resources

Oracle Global Human Resources enables your organization to plan, manage and optimize all workforce segments using flexible and extensible best practices to realize extraordinary gains while insuring compliance and increasing total workforce engagement.

Navigate to Journeys Pages Directly from Notifications

Your navigation from a journey or task notification is now streamlined if you have enabled Journeys. If the journeys profile ORA_PER_JOURNEYS_ENABLED is enabled, you will be directed to the appropriate Journeys pages. If the profile is not enabled, you will continue to be directed to the respective responsive Onboarding and Checklists pages.

These are some of the highlights of this feature:

  • All deep links will direct users to Journeys pages when the journeys profile is enabled.
  • The links in the .ics file will also direct users to respective Journeys pages when the journeys profile is enabled.
  • Task performers who don't have access to the person are directed to the My Tasks tab in Journeys from the notification.
  • Line managers and HR specialists are directed to the specific assigned journey in the Assigned Journeys tab in Journeys from the notification.

Users will have a seamless experience when navigating to the Journeys pages from notifications.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • This feature is available in R13.2110-PB20220211-HCM.

Key Resources

For more information about Journeys and Checklists, refer to these resources on the Oracle Help Center:

  • Checklists and Journeys in the Implementing Global Human Resources guide
  • Checklists and Journeys in the Using Global Human Resources guide

Improved Performance of Assigned Journeys Page

We have improved the performance of the Assigned Journeys page with these enhancements:

  • Ability to filter by Direct Reports, All Reports, or the Organization. Default is Direct Reports.
  • Removal of the total count of results.
  • Removal of the Sort By option.

Select the Option to Filter Assigned Journeys

Displays results faster when navigating to the Assigned Journeys page thereby providing a better user experience.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • All journey category and status filter chips will be displayed on the My Journeys, My Tasks, and Assigned Journeys tabs even if there are no journeys or tasks matching those filter chip values.

Key Resources

For more information about Journeys and Checklists, refer to these resources on the Oracle Help Center:

  • Checklists and Journeys in the Implementing Global Human Resources guide
  • Checklists and Journeys in the Using Global Human Resources guide

Human Capital Management for Singapore

Oracle HRMS (Singapore) supports country specific features and functions for Singapore. It enables users to follow Singapore’s business practices and comply with its statutory requirements.

New Foreign Identification Number (FIN) Series With The Prefix M

You can now use the new M Foreign Identification Number (FIN) series as a national identifier, effective from 1 January 2022.  This series starts with the prefix M, similar to the format of the F and G FIN series, followed by seven digits and a checksum letter. Example: M1234567B.

The format and checksum letter algorithm for the new series is now supported. On entering the FIN number in the new M series, the format and checksum letter are validated. 

Verifying M FIN series

An error is displayed for an invalid checksum letter.

You can enter the FIN in new M series for an employee with the checksum letter validation in place.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

November Maintenance Pack for 21D

Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Product Feature Notes
24 NOV 2021 Global Human Resources Defer Creation of I-9 Document in HireRight

Updated document. Feature delivered in update 21D November.

29 OCT 2021     Created initial document.


HCM Cloud applications have two types of patches you can receive that are documented in this What’s New:

  • Release Updates (21A, 21B, 21C, and 21D)
  • Optional Monthly Maintenance Packs to each update

It is important for you to know what Release Update your environment is on. You can find this in your Cloud Portal.



We’re here and we’re listening. If you have a suggestion on how to make our products better, please let us know. To enter an idea go to the Ideas Lab on Oracle Customer Connect. In this document wherever you see the light bulb icon after the feature name it means we delivered one of your ideas.


Suggested Reading for all HCM Products:

  • Human Resources What’s New – In the Global Human Resources section you will find features on the base application in which other application are built upon. 

NOTE: Not all Global Human Resource features are available for Talent and Compensation products.

  • Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Functional Known Issues and Maintenance Packs (Document ID 1554838.1). These documents identify bug fixes and possible known issues. You will also need to review these documents based in the release update version you are currently on or will be moving to.
  • Oracle Help Center – Here you will find guides, videos and searchable help.
  • Release Readiness – New Feature Summary, What’s New, Feature Listing Spreadsheet, Spotlights and Release Training


We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at Indicate you are inquiring or providing feedback regarding the HCM Cloud What’s New in the body or title of the email.

Feature Summary

Column Definitions:

Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.

UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.

UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.

Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.

Ready for Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Enabled)

Reports plus Small Scale UI or Process-Based new features will have minimal user impact after an update. Therefore, customer acceptance testing should focus on the Larger Scale UI or Process-Based* new features.

Customer Must Take Action before Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Disabled)

Not disruptive as action is required to make these features ready to use. As you selectively choose to leverage, you set your test and roll out timing.



UI or
Small Scale

UI or
Larger Scale*

Global Human Resources

Convert Pending Worker Process Changes

Defer Creation of I-9 Document in HireRight

Global Human Resources

Oracle Global Human Resources enables your organization to plan, manage and optimize all workforce segments using flexible and extensible best practices to realize extraordinary gains while insuring compliance and increasing total workforce engagement.

Convert Pending Worker Process Changes

When converting a pending worker manually, the headcount is defaulted to 1 for a primary assignment and to 0 for a nonprimary assignment, if a value isn’t specified.  However if you specify a value for the headcount, the same is retained on conversion.

There’s no change in the behavior of the Calculate FTE and headcount automatically option or in the Headcount field in other responsive flows because of headcount defaulting during pending worker conversion.

This feature improves the user experience with the Convert Pending Worker process.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Defer Creation of I-9 Document in HireRight

You can now defer the creation of I-9 documents in HireRight until the time the performer initiates the I-9 Section-1 task.

Use and transfer the latest data of the worker when creating the I-9 document on HireRight.

Steps to Enable

 To defer the I9 creation, enable this profile option by updating the value to Y.

Profile Option Code Description Default


Defer I9 Creation on Checklist Allocation Enabled

Enable the creation of I9 to be deferred during checklist allocation.


Tips And Considerations

  • By default, this profile is set to N.
  • This feature is available in the Update 21D label R13.2110-PB20211112-HCM.

Key Resources

  • Chapter 12, Checklists, Implementing Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources Cloud on the Oracle Help Center.
  • Use Journeys, Chapter 10, Hire, Onboard, and Manage Workers, Using Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources Cloud on the Oracle Help Center
  • For more information on I-9 integration, see Onboarding Checklists - Integration with HireRight (2583133.1) on My Oracle Support.

Role Information

You must be granted the Human Capital Management Application Administrator role to work in setup and maintenance area.

Update 21D

Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Product Feature Notes
29 APR 2022

Human Resources / Journeys

Processing Mode in Checklist Templates Defaulted to Alerts Based Notification

Updated document. Revised feature information.

29 APR 2022

Human Resources / Journeys

I-9 Verification Status Journey Task

Updated document. Revised feature information.

25 FEB 2022 Human Resources / Workforce Structures Automatic Generation of Job Code

Updated document. Revised feature information.

28 JAN 2022 Global Payroll Interface Use the Enhanced US ADP Workforce Now Payroll Interface V2

Updated document. Revised feature information.

28 JAN 2022

Human Resources / Journeys

Save Incomplete Journey Tasks

Updated document. Feature delivered in update 21D.

22 DEC 2021

Human Resources / Employment

Additional Filter Using Legal Employer for Client-Side Location LOV

Updated document. Revised feature information.

22 DEC 2021

Human Resources / Workforce Structures

Associate Legal Employers with a Location

Updated document. Revised feature information.

22 DEC 2021

Human Resources / Employment Database Items for Collective Agreement Extensible Flexfields

Updated document. Feature delivered in update 21D.

22 DEC 2021

Human Capital Management for Bahrain

Additional Information at a Person Level

Updated document. Revised feature information.

24 NOV 2021

HCM Common/ HCM Common Architecture

Enhancements to Approvals and Notifications

Updated document. Revised feature information.

24 NOV 2021

Human Resources / Person

Autocomplete Rules for Person Business Object in Person

Updated document. Feature delivered in update 21D.

24 NOV 2021

Human Resources Default Action Based on Country and Roles

Updated document. Feature delivered in update 21D.

24 NOV 2021

Human Resources/ Document Records

Flexibility to View Document Records before Publish Date

Updated document. Revised feature information.

29 OCT 2021 Human Capital Management for Canada Support for Federal and Provincial Tax Credit Information

Updated document. Feature delivered in update 21D.

29 OCT 2021

Human Capital Management for the United Kingdom

Process Statutory Sick Pay for Multiple Assignments

Updated document. Revised feature information.

29 OCT 2021

Human Capital Management for the United States

Support for Federal and State W-4

Updated document. Feature delivered in update 21D.

24 SEP 2021 Human Resources / Employment Additional Filter Using Legal Employer for Client-Side Location LOV 

Updated document. Revised feature information.

24 SEP 2021

Human Resources / Journeys

Contact Info Details in an Assigned Journey Task

Updated document. Feature delivered in update 21D.

24 SEP 2021

Human Resources / Journeys

Deferred Assignment Date for a Journey Task

Updated document. Feature delivered in update 21D.

24 SEP 2021

Human Resources/ Document Records

Deferred Badge Displayed on Journey Card

Updated document. Feature delivered in update 21D.

24 SEP 2021

Human Resources/ Journeys

Edit Assigned Journey

Updated document. Feature delivered in update 21D.

24 SEP 2021

Human Resources / Journeys

Edit Assigned Tasks

Updated document. Feature delivered in update 21D.

24 SEP 2021

Human Resources/ Journeys

Function Security Changes for Explore and Activity Journey Tabs

Updated document. Revised feature information.

24 SEP 2021

Human Resources / Journeys

I-9 Verification Status Journey Task

Updated document. Feature delivered in update 21D.

24 SEP 2021

Human Resources / Journeys

Make Comments Mandatory For Journey Task Completion

Updated document. Feature delivered in update 21D.

24 SEP 2021

Human Resources/ Document Records

Mass Download Document Records And Attachments

Updated document. Revised feature information.

24 SEP 2021

Human Resources / Journeys

Prevent Accidental Removal of an Assigned Journey Task

Updated document. Feature delivered in update 21D.

24 SEP 2021

Human Resources /Journeys

Processing Mode in Checklist Templates Defaulted to Alerts Based Notification

Updated document. Feature delivered in update 21D.

24 SEP 2021

Human Resources / Journeys

Provide Task Assignment Date for Library Tasks

Updated document. Feature delivered in update 21D.

24 SEP 2021

Human Resources / Journeys

Reassign, Reopen, and Send Reminders for Multiple Journey Tasks

Updated document. Feature delivered in update 21D.

03 SEP 2021     Created initial document.


HCM Cloud applications have two types of patches you can receive that are documented in this What’s New:

  • Release Updates (21A, 21B, 21C, and 21D)
  • Optional Monthly Maintenance Packs to each update

It is important for you to know what Release Update your environment is on. You can find this in your Cloud Portal.



We’re here and we’re listening. If you have a suggestion on how to make our products better, please let us know. To enter an idea go to the Ideas Lab on Oracle Customer Connect. In this document wherever you see the light bulb icon after the feature name it means we delivered one of your ideas.


Suggested Reading for all HCM Products:

  • Human Resources What’s New – In the Global Human Resources section you will find features on the base application in which other application are built upon. 

NOTE: Not all Global Human Resource features are available for Talent and Compensation products.


We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at Indicate you are inquiring or providing feedback regarding the HCM Cloud What’s New in the body or title of the email.

Feature Summary

Column Definitions:

Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.

UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.

UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.

Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.

Ready for Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Enabled)

Reports plus Small Scale UI or Process-Based new features will have minimal user impact after an update. Therefore, customer acceptance testing should focus on the Larger Scale UI or Process-Based* new features.

Customer Must Take Action before Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Disabled)

Not disruptive as action is required to make these features ready to use. As you selectively choose to leverage, you set your test and roll out timing.



UI or
Small Scale

UI or
Larger Scale*

HCM Common

Applications Security

Regeneration of Security Profiles to Support Document Types

Support Removal of External Roles On Termination

HCM Data Loader

Import and Load Data User Interface Enhancements

Business Object Enhancements

HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader

Enhanced Reporting

Secured Business Objects Now Available to Business Users

Generate Spreadsheet Templates for Element Entry with Costing

HCM Extracts

Add Vendor Name or External System Name in Extracts Definitions

HCM Common Architecture

Enhancements to Approvals and Notifications

HCM Common

Lists of Values Configuration

Workers List of Values Results Search Behavior Change

Transaction Design Studio for HCM Experience Design Studio Enhancements

New HCM Digital Assistant Skill Version - HCMV2

IMPORTANT Actions and Considerations for HCM Common

Controlled Availability for HCM Common

Human Resources

Global Human Resources

Default Action Based on Country and Roles

Document Records

Mass Download Document Records And Attachments

Flexibility to View Document Records before Publish Date

Support for Multiple Line Display and Entry in Document Records Text Attributes

Document Code Displayed on Document Records List Page

Enhanced Document Type Security Profile


Compact Guided Process for Employment Start Dates

Additional Filter Using Legal Employer for Client-Side Location LOV

Filter Client-Side Business Unit LOV Using Legal Employer

Assignment Category Attribute Available in V3 Seniority Dates

Default Values for Cumulative Option and Worker Type When Creating V3 Seniority Rules

Position Synchronization: Default Manager Based on Profile Option

Ability to Disable Manager Defaulting in Add Person and Create Work Relationship Flows

Database Items for Collective Agreement Extensible Flexfields

Human Resources / Employment Replaced or Removed Features

Change Legal Employer Replaced With Local and Global Transfer Flow


Save Incomplete Journey Tasks

Assign a Journey to Multiple Persons as a Single Activity

Monitor Journey Assignment Results on Activity Tab

Make Attachments Mandatory for Journey Task Completion

Sort Options in Explore and My Journeys Tabs

Create Personal Journeys Only from Explore Tab

Enable Password Verification in Native E-Signature Journey Task

Force Complete an Assigned Journey

Delete an Assigned Journey

View Enterprise Onboarding Step Name on Journey Pages

Trigger Journeys Automatically for Individual Compensation Events

Additional Application Tasks when Configuring Journey Templates

Additional Seeded Journeys

Function Security Changes for Explore and Activity Journey Tabs

Make Comments Mandatory For Journey Task Completion

Prevent Accidental Removal of an Assigned Journey Task

Deferred Assignment Date for a Journey Task

Contact Info Details in an Assigned Journey Task

I-9 Verification Status Journey Task

Edit Assigned Journey

Reassign, Reopen, and Send Reminders for Multiple Journey Tasks

Modified User Experience for Journey Tasks

Provide Task Assignment Date for Library Tasks

Edit Assigned Tasks

Processing Mode in Checklist Templates Defaulted to Alerts Based Notification

Deferred Badge Displayed on Journey Card


Autocomplete Rules for Person Business Object in Person

List of Countries for Worker Disability Self-Disclosure is now Extensible

Improve Security of Change Photo Quick Action

Benefit from the Enhancements to the Change Personal Information Approval Rule

Workforce Structures

Associate Business Units with a Legal Employer

Associate Legal Employers with a Location

Ability to Identify a Location as an Employee Location

Approvals Support for Location Responsive Pages

Country Preselected While Creating Location

Automatic Generation of Job Code

Human Capital Management for Bahrain

Additional Information at an Organization Level

Additional Information at a Person Level

Payroll Definitions

Payment Methods

Organization Calculation Cards

Person Calculation Card

Human Capital Management for Canada

Support for Federal and Provincial Tax Credit Information

Human Capital Management for Ireland

Enable Employee Self-Service Declaration for Disability

Human Capital Management for United Kingdom

Enable Employee Self-Service Declaration for Disability

Process Statutory Sick Pay for Multiple Assignments

Human Capital Management for United States

Support for Federal and State W-4

Global Payroll Interface

Global Payroll Interface Updated with Technical Enhancements

Global Payroll Interface Template Enhanced with Additional Grade Attributes

Use the Enhanced US ADP Workforce Now Payroll Interface V2

Deleted Data Report Supports Additional Business Objects

Workforce Directory Management

Enhanced My Team Page

Transactional Business Intelligence for Human Resources

Enhancements to HCM Integrations Subject Area

Historical Data Enhancements in Workforce Trend Subject Area

New Attribute in Department Dimension

New Metrics in Checklists Subject Area

Added Effective Dates to Organization Tree

IMPORTANT Actions and Considerations for Human Resources

Controlled Availability for Human Resources

HCM Common

Applications Security

Oracle Applications Security provides a single console where IT Security Managers and Administrators can perform various functions including user lifecycle management, role definition, security policy management(both functional and data), role hierarchy maintenance, username and password policy administration, and certificate management. The console also enables users to simulate the effect of security changes, to run security reports, and download a connector for integration with Microsoft Active Directory.

Regeneration of Security Profiles to Support Document Types

You can now regenerate Document Type security profiles in bulk using the Regenerate Security Profiles process.

Previously, this was supported only for limited security profiles, such as Person, Organization, Legislative Data Group (LDG), and Position.

This enhancement allows you to regenerate Document Type security profiles in bulk using the existing Regenerate Security Profiles process.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

For more information please go to:

Support Removal of External Roles On Termination

Currently, when a user is terminated, the externally provisioned roles are not removed. This is by design and will continue in the application.

This optional feature lets you remove the external roles upon termination of the employee, using a configuration option.

If you setup this feature, then the removal of externally provisioned role(s) will be managed by Fusion Application upon termination of the user.

You don’t need to use the external IDM system to remove the roles.

Steps to Enable

Follow these steps to enable this feature:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following for your offering:
  • Functional Area: Workforce Structures
  • Task: Manage Enterprise HCM Information

      2. On the Enterprise page, select Edit > Correct.

      3. On the Edit Enterprise page, scroll down to the User and Role Provisioning Information section.

      4. For the Keep External User Roles On Termination drop-down list, select one of the following values as appropriate:

  • null/blank - (Default) Select this to keep external roles
  • Yes - Select this to keep external roles
  • No - Select this to remove external roles

      5. Click Submit to save your changes.

      6. Click OK to close the confirmation dialog.

Key Resources

For more information please go to the Securing HCM Guide on the Oracle Help Center for the following topic:

  • User and Role-Provisioning Setup Options

HCM Data Loader

HCM Data Loader provides a flexible and efficient method of bulk loading business object data for data-migration and on-going incremental updates to Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud.

Import and Load Data User Interface Enhancements

You've always been able to provide reconciliation data when supplying files for bulk-loading with HCM Data Loader, now you can review and filter by the first four references supplied against your objects.  The Object Status page has been enhanced to display all reference attributes, only the first three are displayed by default.  Use the View > Column option to display others.

The filter on this page has also been extended to allow you to filter by the values supplied to the first four reference attributes.

Additionally, the Failed Objects page is now renamed to Failed Object Messages to more accurately reflect what is displayed in this page that can be accessed from the Failed Objects count on the Import and Load Data page. The Failed Object Messages table now displays the name of the component that the message is reported against.

Filter your imported objects to identify the status of a specific record.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Business Object Enhancements

Extend your data loading capabilities with these new and enhanced business objects:


Global Payroll

Business Object Description
Payroll Event Notification

Notifications resulting from events are either deferred or awaiting processing. These notifications are either related to retroactive processing of payroll, or event action based such as time card reprocessing, retrospective hire payroll processing and so on.



Business Object Description
Participant Enrollment

To evaluate life events when loading participant enrollments include this instruction in your ParticipantEnrollment.dat files:


You can also configure this in your HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader templates by overriding the Enable Life Events parameter to Yes.

Global HR - Checklists

Business Object Component New Attributes
Allocated Checklist Allocated Checklist
  • ChecklistDisplayName
  • ForceCompletedTemplateId
  • ForceCompletedTemplateObjectGUID
Checklist Template Checklist Template
  • ForceCompletedTemplateId
  • ForceCompletedTemplateObjectGUID
Checklist Template Tasks
  • DisplayNameFormat
  • ProcessAutomationConfiguration
  • ProcessAutomationSection
Task Library Task Library
  • ProcessAutomationConfiguration
  • ProcessAutoationSection

Global HR - Work Structures

Business Object Component New Attributes
Location Location
  • EmployeeLocationFlag


Business Object Component New Attributes
Job Requisition Job Requisition
  • ExternalResp
  • ExternalQual
  • InternalResp
  • InternalQual
Job Requisition Template Job Requisition Template
  • ExternalResp
  • ExternalQual
  • InternalResp
  • InternalQual

Expand your bulk loading capabilities.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

Use the View Business Objects task to review the latest business object information.

HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader

HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader provides a flexible and efficient method of bulk loading business object data for data-migration and on-going incremental updates to Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud.

Enhanced Reporting

You can now extend your OTBI reports to include row counts for spreadsheet data sets. The following facts have been added to the Spreadsheet Data Sets sub-folder of HCM Data Loader:

  • Total Number of Rows
  • Number of Failed Rows
  • Number of Loaded Rows
  • Number of Unprocessed Rows

Additionally, the existing Source System Reference attributes, available in the Imported Objects sub-folder have been renamed to Reference Name and Reference Value.

Extend your data set summary reports in OTBI for HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader.

Steps to Enable

Leverage new subject area(s) by adding to existing reports or using in new reports. For details about creating and editing reports, see the Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports book (available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Administration).

Role Information

You can access the HCM Integrations Real Time subject area using the Human Capital Management Integration Specialist job role.

Secured Business Objects Now Available to Business Users

You can now extend your business users' bulk-loading capabilities for an object. Spreadsheets based on these objects now implement the user's data security and can be shared with business users.

Global Payroll

  • Element Entry With Costing

Your business users can bulk load data for this object using spreadsheets.

Steps to Enable

When creating a new spreadsheet template, the template security automatically defaults to the setting where data is uploaded as the session user. For existing templates based on these objects, you can update the template configuration and set the user type to session user.

Key Resources

For more information, see the following help topics in the HCM Data Loader guide located in the Oracle Help Center:

  • HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Templates
  • How You Associate A User Name with a Data Upload

Generate Spreadsheet Templates for Element Entry with Costing

You can now generate the HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader template for a single element or a group of elements using the Generate HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Template payroll flow. The Generate HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Template payroll flow automatically configures spreadsheet templates based on your elements definition.

Automatically generate spreadsheet templates for bulk-loading element entries, based on your element definitions.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • The generated template will be in Draft mode. You need to set it to Active to load the data.
  • The name of the template is auto-generated and is represented as “<ELEMENT_NAME>” followed by the date and timestamp. For example, CRFL RRF EARNINGS US_20210806_110234 where 'CRFL RRF EARNINGS US' is the element name and '20210806_110234' is the date and timestamp.
  • It is recommended to rename the auto-generated template name to a make it more user friendly. It will help users who access it.
  • You need to assign the roles that should have access to the template and the data set access that each of these roles must have.

Key Resources

For more details, see the upcoming publication of the HCM Data Loading Business Objects guide.

Role Information

You must have the Payroll Manager or Payroll Administrator job role or privileges.

HCM Extracts

HCM Extracts provide a method for extracting data from your HCM applications that can be used for interfacing data to another source or extracting data to integrate reporting across systems.

Add Vendor Name or External System Name in Extracts Definitions

You can now include the vendor name or the external system to which the HCM Extracts generated data is being sent to or interfaced with in the Consumer field of Create Definition page. You can also add additional details in Additional Details field to capture names of the systems or vendors when extract definitions are created, copied, or imported.

Capturing the vendor name or the external system to which the data is interfaced with enables Oracle to study the integration patterns and requirements from our customers. This, in turn, allows us to simplify the process of extract creation and definition by delivering pre-defined templates that meet specific requirements. Delivering templates will additionally enable optimized and efficient runs of such extracts improving the overall user experience.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

- Additional Details field does not appear when you select Report in Consumer.

Consumer field has a list of values and when your system or consumer name is not found in the list, provide the name in the Additional Details field.

- Consumer and Additional Details fields do not appear for the extract type Archive Retrieval.

- When you select Report in Consumer it indicates that the extract is meant for reporting purposes and that the data is not interfaced with any external systems.

HCM Common Architecture

This section covers features used across all HCM Applications.

Enhancements to Approvals and Notifications

We have made several enhancements to Approvals and Notifications: 

  • You can now test approval rules without being required to recreate and submit any new transactions in the HCM Approval Rules page and Transaction Console.
  • Users can see a warning message if a duplicate attachment is found in the transaction in the Comments and Attachments section at the time of submission. Users can't submit transactions that have duplicate attachments in the Comments and Attachments section.
  • The Transaction Console diagnostic log for failed transactions has been enhanced to list the approval rule conditions and to also highlight the specific rule condition that caused the transaction to fail.
  • You can now create rules in the Transaction Design Studio to configure the Save and the Save and Close buttons, and to configure whether an Error or a Warning message appears if mandatory sections have not been visited.

Each enhancement is described in more detail below.

The new simulate feature in the HCM Approval Rules page and Transaction Console gives you an easy way to test approval rule changes without having to recreate and submit any new transactions. You can easily debug and incrementally build conditional logic for approval rules and instantaneously see the impact of the change.

Test Approval Rules

You can search transactions by name, who created them, and transactions created within a date range. Use the Status field to further refine results. These statuses are available: Draft, In Progress, and Failed. From the list of filtered transactions, you can choose any one and then simulate the approval rule results based on the values in the transaction you selected.

Test Approval Rules: Status Filter

Handling of Duplicate Attachments: Users can't submit transactions that have duplicate attachments in the Comments and Attachments section. They can see a warning message if a duplicate attachment is found for the transaction in the Comments and Attachments section at the time of submission.

Changes to the Diagnostic Log: The Transaction Console diagnostic log for failed transactions has been enhanced to list the approval rule conditions and to also highlight the specific rule condition that caused the transaction to fail, as shown in the following image.

Diagnostic Log

Finally, you can now create rules in the Transaction Design Studio to configure the Save and the Save and Close buttons, and to configure whether an error or warning message appears if mandatory sections haven't been visited. Some setup is required for this feature. For more information, see the What's New for Human Resources > Transaction Design Studio for HCM Experience Design Studio Enhancements.

These enhancements improve usability for Approvals and Notifications.

Steps to Enable

For the test approval rule enhancement, you need to create the HCM_TEST_APPROVAL_RULES_ENABLED profile option and set it to true

  1. Create the HCM_TEST_APPROVAL_RULES_ENABLED profile option:
    1. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.
    2. Search for and select the Manage Profile Options task.
    3. In the Search Results section, click New. You can see the Create Profile Option page.
    4. Specify the values indicated in this table for the new profile option. 
Field Value

Profile Option Code


Profile Display Name

Test approval rules enabled


Global Human Resources


Global Human Resources


A suitable description such as 

Enable approval rule simulation

Start Date


  1. Click Save and Close.
  2. On the Manage Profile Options page, select the Enabled and Updateable check boxes for the Site level.
  3. Click Save and Close.

2. Set the HCM_TEST_APPROVAL_RULES_ENABLED profile option value to true:

  1. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.
  2. Search for and select the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
  3. Search for the HCM_TEST_APPROVAL_RULES_ENABLED profile option.

  4. Set the Profile Value field to true.
  5. Click Save and Close.

Tips And Considerations

This Approval Rules Simulation enhancement is enabled for these transactions:

  • Manage Documents of Record
  • Approve Development Goal

  • Approve Performance Goal

It will be enabled for more transactions in the upcoming releases.

Key Resources

For more information, see these documents on My Oracle Support: Oracle HCM Cloud Common Features Release 13 Transaction Console (Document ID 2430452.1)

  • The Basics of Approval Rules 
  • The Basics of Transaction Console

Role Information

This table shows the function security privilege that supports this feature and the predefined role that inherits this privilege.

Function Security Privilege Name and Code

Job Role Name

Test Approval Rules


Review HCM Approval Transactions as Administrator

If you are using the predefined role, then no action is necessary. However, if you are using custom versions of this role, you must add this aggregate privilege to your custom roles to use this feature. See the Release 13 Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Security Upgrade Guide on My Oracle Support (Document ID 2023523.1) for instructions about implementing new functions in existing roles.

HCM Common

This section covers features used across all HCM Applications.

Lists of Values Configuration

You can centrally configure Lists of Values (LOV) used in HCM. For example, you can configure the searchable fields for the Workers LOV so that the same search fields appear on all pages that have this LOV.

The supported lists of values are shown on the Search Configuration page. If there are multiple implementations of the same list of values available, only the enabled one will be listed.

Lists of Values Configuration Page

Select a list of values to configure the individual list of values.

Individual List of Values Configuration Page

You can configure these options on the individual LOV configuration pages:

  1. In Search and Display Fields section:
    1. Choose the fields to display in the search results. You use the Add and Delete (X icon) actions to add or remove fields respectively
    2. Choose the order in which the fields will be displayed. Use up and down arrow icons to reorder the list of fields as needed
    3. Choose the searchable (Search and display option) or not-searchable fields (Display only option)
  2. Additionally, in Search Only Fields section:
    1. Choose the fields which are searchable but will not appear in search results. Use Add and Delete (X icon) actions to add or remove such fields respectively
  3. Use the Preview section to test your configuration.

This page allows for streamlined and centrally-managed configuration of lists of values that are commonly used throughout HCM.

For example, you can do these actions, based on the particular list of values capabilities and your requirements.

  • Hide fields that are not relevant for your organization
  • Add additional fields to make results more verbose and ease identification of individual record
  • Reorder fields to reflect their relevancy in your organization

Steps to Enable

  1. Go to Home > Configuration > Sandboxes.
  2. Create and enter a sandbox that has HCM Experience Design Studio enabled

Sandbox selection

  1. Go to Tools > HCM Experience Design Studio.

Access the HCM Experience Design Studio

  1. Click Search Configuration.

Access Search Configuration

Tips And Considerations

Currently lists of values supported are:

  • Workers
  • Countries
  • Phone Countries
  • Positions
  • Departments
  • Jobs
  • Locations

Any configuration defined will be respected in these areas:

  • Talent Management areas: Performance Management, Goal Management, Career Development, Talent Review, Succession Management, Profile Management, Requested Feedback.
  • Global HR areas: Workers LOV: Share Info (Grantee), Mass Download of Document Records, Position Details, Request a Position Change, Request a New Position, Location Details.
  • Global HR areas: Countries LOV: Personal Details, Identification Info, Contact Info, Family and Emergency Contacts, Add a Pending Worker, Edit Pending Worker, Hire an Employee, Add a Contingent Worker, Add a Nonworker, Create Work Relationship, Local and Global Transfer, Location Details, Add Document Record, Edit Document Record, Location Details.
  • Global HR areas: Phone Countries LOV: Contact Info, Add a Pending Worker, Edit Pending Worker, Hire an Employee, Add a Contingent Worker, Add a Nonworker, Create Work Relationship, Local and Global Transfer, Location Details.
  • Global HR areas: Positions LOV: Add a Pending Worker, Edit Pending Worker, Hire an Employee, Add a Contingent Worker, Add a Nonworker, Create Work Relationship, Local and Global Transfer, Add Assignment, Employment Details, Change Assignment, Promote, Transfer, Manage Job Offers, Position Details, Request a Position Change, Request a New Position, My Team, Vacancy.
  • Global HR areas: Departments LOV: Add a Pending Worker, Edit Pending Worker, Hire an Employee, Add a Contingent Worker, Add a Nonworker, Create Work Relationship, Local and Global Transfer, Add Assignment, Employment Details, Change Assignment, Promote, Transfer, Manage Job Offers, Pending Workers, Mass Legal Employer Change, Position Details, Request a Position Change, Request a New Position, Vacancy.
  • Global HR areas: Jobs LOV: Add a Pending Worker, Edit Pending Worker, Hire an Employee, Add a Contingent Worker, Add a Nonworker, Create Work Relationship, Local and Global Transfer, Add Assignment, Employment Details, Change Assignment, Promote, Transfer, Manage Job Offers, Pending Workers, Job Details, Position Details, Request a Position Change, Request a New Position, My Team, Vacancy.
  • Global HR areas: Locations LOV: Add a Pending Worker, Edit Pending Worker, Hire an Employee, Add a Contingent Worker, Add a Nonworker, Create Work Relationship, Local and Global Transfer, Add Assignment, Employment Details, Change Assignment, Promote, Transfer, Manage Job Offers, Pending Workers, Mass Legal Employer Change, Location Details, Position Details, Request a Position Change, Request a New Position, Vacancy.

Page Composer personalization

  • List of Values Configuration is a replacement for any personalization implemented through Page Composer.
  • Any personalization done using Page Composer may be overwritten on upgrade.
  • It's recommended to revert any such personalization before upgrade and use the List of Values Configuration instead.

Role Information

A user must have a role with the Access HCM Page Configurator (HRC_ACCESS_HCM_TRANSACTION_CONFIGURATOR_PRIV) privilege granted to access the lists of values configuration UI.

Workers List of Values Results Search Behavior Change

We have updated the behavior of the workers list of values (LOV) component that's used throughout HCM.

1. No workers are displayed when you don't enter any search terms in the LOV. This is to prevent showing of random workers initially, before you search for a worker.

No Search Terms Entered

2. You need to enter search terms to display the search results:

Search Terms Entered

3. Searching by business title is disabled out-of-the-box. You can enable it, if needed. Refer to the Steps to Enable section for details on how to enable it.

The changes improve performance of the Workers List of Values component.

Steps to Enable

In order to enable search by business title:

  1. Go to Setup and Maintenance and open Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
  2. Set the value of the PER_LOV_SEARCH_WORKERS_EXCLUDE_BUSINESS_TITLE profile option to N.
  3. Go to Configuration > Sandboxes and enter a sandbox with HCM Experience Design Studio enabled.
  4. In the sandbox, select Tools > HCM Experience Design Studio and click Search Configuration.
  5. Go to Workers list of values.
  6. In the Search and Display Fields section, change the property of the Business Title field from Display only to Search and display.
  7. Click Save and Close.

Updated Workers List of Values Search Configuration

A user must have a role with the Access HCM Page Configurator (HRC_ACCESS_HCM_TRANSACTION_CONFIGURATOR_PRIV) privilege granted to access the lists of values configuration page.

Transaction Design Studio for HCM Experience Design Studio Enhancements

Required Sections

Increase your data quality by ensuring that your users complete the required fields before submitting the transaction. In the example below, for the Hire an Employee flow, the Payroll Details and Salary sections have been made mandatory When the user initiates the process, the behavior of the questionnaire remains the same. Payroll Details and Salary are not displayed as options on the questionnaire page as they must be part of the guided process.

While completing the process, the user is prompted with a warning message that they must complete the required information, Payroll and Salary in this case, before submitting the transaction.The severity of the message can be changed from a warning message to an error message for some actions.

By clicking No, the user decides not to submit and visit the regions instead.  Note that they are two different behaviors depending on how the section is rendered in the process .For some sections like Communication Info or Payroll Details where the region is not populated with all fields, you can't submit the transaction without first visiting the required sections, but can submit without entering any fields.

For some sections like Salary where the section is populated with all fields, you can't submit the transaction without first visiting the required regions, and entering the required info  in the required section. The validation will trigger until the user visits the Salary section for the first time. Once visited, the user can go back to Assignment or any other section before Salary, change values and submit. They will not get any warning or error to revisit the Salary section.

As a note, a region is defined as required in the Transaction Design Studio from the Show or Hide Regions section.

Here's a list of the currently available list of actions. More actions will be added in later releases.

  • Add Assignment
  • Add Contingent Worker
  • Add Pending Worker
  • Add a Nonworker
  • Create Work Relationship
  • Edit Pending Worker
  • Hire an Employee
  • Local and Global Transfer

Personalize the Save and Save and Close Actions in the Toolbar

Enhance the user experience by allowing your users to save their transaction at any point of time. For example, a user is adding a new contractor and has already provided half of the required info. If they need to switch to another task, they can save their work, resume later where they left off. The saved transactions can be resumed from the users' worklist. Out-of-the-box, the two buttons are hidden.

Here's a list of actions for which the feature is available.  More actions will be added in later releases.

  • Add Assignment
  • Add Contingent Worker
  • Add Pending Worker
  • Add a Nonworker
  • Create Work Relationship
  • Edit Pending Worker
  • Hire an Employee
  • Local and Global Transfer

How You Setup Warning or Error Message and Save Options

Both features are setup from the Page Attributes section of the action in the Transaction Design Studio.

Here are the steps to enable the warning or error display and the save options for the above actions.

  1. Navigate to Home > My Client Groups > HCM Experience Design Studio.
  2. Click Transaction Design Studio.
  3. Select the action for which you want to configure these settings.
  4. Click Add and add provide the required rule details.
  5. Select Reference Info Regions from the Region list in the Page Attributes section.
  6. Click the Edit icon to enable the attributes

  • The two action buttons, Save and Save and Close, can be simply set via 2 options. Select the options to make them visible.
  • Out-of-the-box, the severity of the message is a warning. Select the Show error message for mandatory sections that haven't been viewed option to change the severity to an error message for the following actions:
    • Add Assignment
    • Add Contingent Worker
    • Add Pending Worker
    • Add a Nonworker
    • Create Work Relationship
    • Edit Pending Worker
    • Hire an Employee
    • Local and Global Transfer
  1. Click Done.
  2. Click Save and Close.

  • Ensures accurate and consistent data by enforcing the entry of the required fields for a specific process.
  • Improves your user experience and reduces time spent setting up your solution by simplifying HCM Cloud personalization.
  • Streamlines your transactions and processes by allowing your users to save their work at any point of time and resume later where they left off.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Required Sections

From this release onward:

  • Users will get a warning message  if they have configured sections as required in the Transaction Design Studio.
  • Users will get a warning message if they have not visited the mandatory sections in the following flows:
    • Add Assignment

    • Add Contingent Worker

    • Add Pending Worker

    • Add a Nonworker

    • Create Work Relationship

    • Edit Pending Worker

    • Hire an Employee

    • Local and Global Transfer

Personalize the Save and Save and Close Actions in the Toolbar

A point to note is that rules will be evaluated for each attribute for active rules in the Transaction Design Studio.  If the same attribute is defined in multiple rule definitions, only the first in order of active rule attribute conditions are applied. For example, if you define:

  • Rule 1: Generic rule where Save and Close button is available unconditionally, but not Save.
  • Rule 2: Save button is available only for a specific legal employer

As a result, rule 1 is evaluated as the the first rule in order of active rules and so the Save button won't be displayed for the legal employer selected in rule 2.

Key Resources

For additional information, refer to this feature in Update 21C - Required Sections During Job Requisition Creation

Role Information

You must be granted the Human Capital Management Application Administrator role to work in a sandbox.

New HCM Digital Assistant Skill Version - HCMV2

Check out the new version of HCM Digital Assistant skill. The enhanced HCM Skill (HcmV2) helps employees and managers manage their actions and tasks through richer conversational experiences across 90+ intents.

The HcmV2 skill attributes recently added platform features and enhancements including:

  • More sophisticated natural language processing and natural language understanding models
  • Standardized extensibility, lending itself much easier to functional analysts
  • Native language support, paving the way for a multilingual implementation

Previously, all requests for each major feature area were fulfilled by one intent that used conversational chat to answer questions and retrieve information for that feature area.

With HcmV2, there are now separate intents for each business flow. For example, a user request to 'Find my coworker's phone number' is fulfilled by a different intent than 'Find my coworker's email.’ These discrete intents each support a specific business case, which makes the skill easier to manage and extend, especially for native language support.

Added to the improved intent classification accuracy, there is also new functionality like “Show me Ravi Chouhan's photo.”

All conversation flows in the new Hcmv2 skill use resource bundle strings with named tokens, which makes the message strings easier to manage and translate.

  • Discrete intents support a specific business case, so they are easier to manage, support, and upgrade. It allows for easier extension of intents since it is more localized and user can switch off specific intents without affecting other functionality.
  • Selecting employees is easier with employee profile photo cards.
  • Resource bundles strings with named tokens make the message strings easier to maintain and translate.
  • Native language support eliminates the need for third party translation services.

Steps to Enable

If you want to use the FADigitalAssistant to enable HCM tasks for the first time, we recommend that you implement the most recent version of FADigitalAssistant with the HcmV2 skill from the Oracle Skill Store.

If you have deployed the earlier version of the HCM skill (referred to here as the HcmV1 skill), please find your use case below. We provide scenario-based recommendations to enable your preferred version of the HCM skill.

I am using FADigitalAssistant

These scenarios below assume that you have implemented the FADigitalAssistant and are using the HcmV1 skill. Please drill down to your specific scenario below.

I have modified the HcmV1 skill, and I want to continue using this version:

We recommend you complete the following steps to deploy the most updated HcmV1 skill:

  1. If you haven’t already, we recommend downloading the most recent version of the FADigitalAssistant from the skill store, which includes the HcmV2 skill.
  2. We recommend downloading the newest version of the HcmV1 skill from skill store and rebase your modified skill to it, to continue using it in your FADigitalAssistant.
  3. Delete the HcmV2 skill included in the FADigitalAssistant.

I have modified the HcmV1 skill and I want to use the HcmV2 skill:

We recommend you complete the following steps to deploy the HcmV2 skill:

  1. If you haven’t already, we recommend downloading the most recent version of the FADigitalAssistant from the skill store, which includes the HcmV2 skill.
  2. Once you have the HcmV2 skill up and running, you will need to recreate your modifications.
  3. Remove the HcmV1skill from your digital assitance, but do not delete the skill until you have completed recreating the modifications the new version of the HcmV2 skill.

I have not modified the HcmV1 skill and I want to use the HcmV2 skill:

If you haven’t already, we recommend downloading the most recent version of the FADigitalAssistant from the skill store, which includes the HcmV2 skill that will replace the HcmV1 skill.

I have not modified the HcmV1 skill and I want to keep using this version:

We recommend that complete the following steps to deploy the most updated HcmV1 skill:

  1. If you haven’t already, we recommend downloading the most recent version of the FADigitalAssistant from the skill store, which includes the HcmV2 skill.
  2. We recommend downloading the newest version of the HcmV1 skill from the skill store and adding it to the FADigitalAssistant.
  3. Delete the HcmV2 skill included in the FADigital assistant.

I have created my own Digital Assistant and want to continue using the HcmV1 skill:

This scenario assumes that you have created your own digital assistant and have modified the HcmV1 skill.

We recommend you download the newest version of the HcmV1 skill from the Skill Store and rebase your modified skill to it, to continue using it in your digital asssitant.

Tips And Considerations

  • The FADigitalAssistant will no longer include the HcmV1 Skill. It will only include the new HcmV2 skill.
  • The HcmV1 skill will be delivered as a standalone skill.
  • There is no migration path or rebasing from the HcmV1 skill to the HcmV2 skill.
  • Since the structure and names of the intents have changed, existing customers who are using and have modified the HcmV1 skill MUST disable the HcmV1 skill to upgrade to the HcmV2 skill and redo those modifications.
  • You can’t have HcmV1 and HcmV2 in the same digital assistant at the same time, whether it is the FADigitalAssistant or a digital assistant you created.

Key Resources

Role Information

Some intents are backed by public REST APIs secured by their own function privilege. Some use deep links secured by function privileges. Corresponding function privileges are required to use any intent. Grant required privileges to your custom employee roles as needed.

For additional information on the privileges required to access APIs and Deep links, refer to the Secure Access to Intents section in the HCM Digital Assistant White Paper in following document on My Oracle Support: HCM Digital Assistant(Document ID 2530856.1)

Also refer to Grant Users Access to the Web Channel in Applications section in the white paper to see the user roles required to access the digital assistant in HCM.

IMPORTANT Actions and Considerations for HCM Common


From time to time, Oracle replaces existing Cloud service features with new features or removes existing features. When a feature is replaced the older version may be removed immediately or at a future time. As a best practice, you should use the newer version of a replaced feature as soon as the newer version is available.


Removed Feature

Target Removal

Replacement Feature

Replaced In

Additional Information

HCM Data Loader

HCM Data Loader Must Be Used For All Payroll Objects


HCM Data Loader

More than a year ago.




The HCM Responsive User Experience has been available and promoted as our standard since Update 18B. If you are still using the older HCM Classic Simplified User Interface, you must transition to the HCM Responsive User Experience, as these older pages will no longer be supported.

For consolidated information on generic setup information you can refer to My Oracle Support Document ID 2399671.1 - HCM Responsive User Experience Setup Information.



Oracle publishes a Known Issues document for every Update to make customers are aware of potential problems they could run into and the document provides workarounds if they are available.

Oracle also publishes Maintenance Pack and Statutory Maintenance Pack documentation of bugs that are fixed in the monthly or statutory patching.

To review these documents you must have access to My Oracle Support:

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Functional Known Issues and Maintenance Packs (Document ID 1554838.1)

Controlled Availability for HCM Common

The following is a list of Controlled Availability features that are being offered by our Controlled Availability Program.

NOTE: These features are not generally available for all customers at this time. These are only available through the Controlled Availability Program and will require approval to become a part of the features program. To be a part of these programs you will be required to participate in testing and providing feedback. Some programs may require other participation as well.

Not to worry if you don't have to time to be a part of these early stage programs. You can uptake this feature when it is generally available for all customers. When these features are available for all customers you will see the features under their product headings as usual.

We invite you all to browse through the list of features to see if there are any features you are interested in implementing in advance of the features scheduled release. The table below will provide information on signing up for features. Please sign up soon, as these programs have limited availability and some are designed for specific types of customers.

The table below gives you a brief description of the features available and how to sign up. Some features are bigger than others, so for more information there may be a What's New describing the feature in more detail below this table.

We look forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas as you participate the Controlled Availability programs!

Product Feature Name Feature Description Type of Customer Needed to Test How to Sign Up Controlled Availability Release Is the Program Still Open?

Across All HCM Products

Oracle Search-Based Global Search

New Global Search for HCM provides faster person search experience and introduces new person search capabilities.

It is based on Oracle Search Person Index Updates (feature below), a dedicated search platform for Oracle Cloud.

It is dependent on the Oracle Search for HCM feature below.

See the following My Oracle Support Document on how to apply:

Fusion Global HR: How to Apply for Oracle Search-Based Global Search Under Controlled Availability (Doc ID 2743208.1)

Revised 21A - 21D


Across All HCM Products

Oracle Search for HCM

Oracle Search is a dedicated search engine available in your Human Capital Management Cloud environments.

It is based on Oracle Search Person Index Updates (feature below), a dedicated search platform for Oracle Cloud.

Is dependent on Oracle Search-Based Global Search above or Connections that can be found in the 21A Global HR What's New under Controlled Availability Features.

Customers cannot request Oracle Search as a standalone feature. It has to be requested as via specific Oracle Search-dependent feature like Connections (In 21A Global HR What's New Under Controlled Availability Features or Oracle Search-based Global Search (In the 21A HCM Common What's New under Controlled Availability Features:

  • Fusion Global HR: How to Apply for Connections Under Controlled Availability (Doc ID 2743183.1)
  • Fusion Global HR: How to Apply for Oracle Search-Based Global Search Under Controlled Availability (Doc ID 2743208.1)

Revised 21A - 21D


Across All HCM Products

Oracle Search Person Index Updates

Oracle Search person index is optimized for better performance. This feature is needed for the Oracle Search-dependent features, see Oracle Search for HCM above.

Controlled availability customers using HCM Oracle Search features (Connections, Oracle Search-based Global Search, Succession Organization Chart) are required to rebuild the index.

Use of HCM Oracle Search features (Connections, Oracle Search-based Global Search, Succession Organization Chart).

Only customers using Oracle Search features (Connections, Oracle Search-based Global Search, Succession Organization Chart).

Revised 21C - 21D Open

Human Resources

Global Human Resources

Oracle Global Human Resources enables your organization to plan, manage and optimize all workforce segments using flexible and extensible best practices to realize extraordinary gains while insuring compliance and increasing total workforce engagement.

Default Action Based on Country and Roles

We have enhanced the action defaulting logic to evaluate the country and role mapping for actions. This feature will default the action by deriving the action based on the following sequence:

Evaluation Sequence

Is the Country Configured for Action?

Is the Role Configured for Action?

How Default Action is Derived

1 No No

When the actions don't have country and roles configured, the first action in the Action list, that is sorted alphabetically by action name, is defaulted.

2 Yes Yes

When the actions match both the requestor's role and worker's legal employer country, the first action in the Action list, that is sorted alphabetically by action name, is defaulted.

3 Yes No

When the actions match the worker's legal employer country, the first action in the Action list, that is sorted alphabetically by action name, is defaulted.

4 No Yes

When the actions match the requestor's role, the first action in the Action list, that is sorted alphabetically by action name, is defaulted.

In these cases, the application will default the first action that is sorted alphabetically by action name:

  • There is no match between the configured action countries and roles.

  • There is a country match, but the roles don’t match.

  • There is a role match, but the countries don’t match.

In all the cases, the action is derived within the context of allowed action types for the flow.

The resultant list of actions is displayed sorted alphabetically by the action name.

In the case of termination flow, the sequence of how the application derives the default action is as follows:

  • Use the evaluation sequence 1 to 4 in the table for actions configured as voluntary.

  • Use the evaluation sequence 1 to 4 for actions configured as involuntary.

  • If no match is found, default the first action in the Action list of voluntary actions, that is sorted alphabetically by action name.

  • If no match is found, default the first action in the Action list of involuntary actions, that is sorted alphabetically by action name.

The following examples describe how the action is defaulted based on the sequence:

Example 1:

Action Country Role
Action 1 Null Null

Action 2

Country 1 Role 1

Action 3

Country 2


Action 4


Role 2

Action 5

Country 3

Role 3

In example 1, when the user performs a worker transaction, Action1 will be defaulted as it’s a global action with no country and role.

Example 2:

Action Country Role
Action 2

Country 1

Role 1

Action 3

Country 2


Action 4


Role 2

Action 5

Country 3

Role 3

For example 2, the following table shows the actions defaulted for users:

User Worker's Country User Role Defaulted Action
User 1 Country 1 Role 1 Action 2
User 2 Country 2 Role 21

Action 3

User 3 Country 31 Role 2

Action 4

User 4 Country 41 Role 41

Action 2

For User 4 Action 2 is even though defaulted but it will not be present in the action LOV, so if the user changes this value then he won't have an option to enter the Action 2 value.

Defaulting of country-specific and role-specific actions in the Action LoV.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • This feature is only for defaulting an action in the Action field in responsive employment pages and has no impact on the list of values displayed in the action LoV. 

Document Records

Mass Download Document Records And Attachments

You can now mass download document records and its attachments. You can download all document records based on the document type or person name, or both and optionally specify a date range. For example, you can download all document records for a specific person or document type, such as passports for all persons.

Additionally, you can group the downloaded document records using any of these options:

  • None: This is the default option.
  • Document Type: Group by each document type.
  • Person: Group by individual person.

Based on the Group By criteria you select, the application will create download folders as follows:

  • None: There are no download folders created and all downloaded files are saved in a single folder.

  • Document Type: A download folder is created for each downloaded system document type. The folder name is the same as the system document type. This folder contains individual downloaded files for each person.

  • Person: A download folder is created for each person. The folder name is the same as the person number. This folder contains individual downloaded files for each system document type.

This is the file name format used in the download folder: PersonNumber_SystemDocumentType_UCMID_PhysicalFileName. For example, 955160008186124_GLB_PASSPORT_UCMFA00027817_My India Passport.pdf

NOTE: Due to performance reasons, you can't download document records of all document types for all persons. You must specify either a document type or a person.

Landing Page for Mass Download of Document Records Displays Submitted Requests

You can click the Add button in the Mass Download of Document Records page to submit a new mass download request.

Select the Parameters to Mass Download the Document Records

Confirmation of Submitting the Mass Download of Document Records Process

Download the Zipped Document Records and Attachments when the Process is Completed

By default, all document types that are part of the user’s document type security profile will appear in the Document Type list of values (LOV) when requesting a mass download of document records. You can restrict the list of document types that can be mass downloaded from the employment flow by configuring the HCM Flow - Document Type Mapping on the Manage Enterprise HCM Information setup page. This mapping applies only to the Mass Download of Document Records page.

HCM Flow - Document Type Mapping for the Mass Download of Document Records Flow

You can also download document records for a person directly from the Document Records list page.

NOTE: The Download button on the Document Records list page is controlled using the same security privilege mentioned in the Role section.

Download all Document Records for a Person from the Document Records List Page

You can save time and effort by mass downloading document records and associated attachments.

Steps to Enable

Configure the document type mapping for the Mass Download of Document Records flow. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, search and select the Manage Enterprise HCM Information task.
  2. Click Edit, and then click Correct.
  3. Navigate to the HCM Flow and Document Type Mapping section.
  4. Click the Add Row (+) icon.
  5. Search and select the Mass download document records flow and the document type.
  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 to configure any additional mapping.
  7. Click Submit and then click Yes in the warning dialog box.
  8. Click OK in the confirmation dialog box, and then click Done.

Tips And Considerations

  • The Submitted Mass Download Processes section does the following:

    • Displays ESS jobs that are submitted by the logged in user.
    • Provides an option to cancel an incomplete ESS job.
    • Provides an option to resubmit the job again using the same set of parameters as the selected ESS job.
  • When you submit a mass download request, an ESS process is submitted. The status of the submitted process is displayed as Running, Succeeded, or Error.

  • When a submitted mass download process succeeds, the attachments to download are available as zip files.

    • The ESS zip file is created with the name of the ESS job ID.

    • The ESS_Z file contains attachments, ESS_O contains the output, and ESS_L contains the log files.

    • For security reasons, the attachment hyperlink is valid for 10 minutes. If you try to click the URL link after 10 minutes, you will receive a 404 error. You need to relaunch the UI to regenerate the secured hyperlinks.

    • The ESS zip file extracts the document record details as a .dat file. The document record and attachment related columns are separated with | delimiter and can be opened in a spreadsheet with the delimiter set as | to view data in .xls format

    • The name of the file that contains the document record details is DocumentsOfRecord.dat.

  • Document Records pending approval are not included in the mass download.

  • The maximum size of each zipped file is 1 GB. If the zipped file results in a size larger than 1 GB, the zipped file is split into multiple zipped files.

  • The individual files within the zipped file have a default size limit of 5 MB. Attachments which are larger than 5 MB are not included in the download. This size limit is controlled by the ORA_PER_DOR_FILE_DOWNLOAD_MAX_SIZE profile option which has a default value of 5 MB.

  • This table shows the profile option details. You can modify the value of this profile option to enable larger files to be included in the download.

Profile Option Code

Profile Display Name

Default Profile Value


Document Records File Download Maximum Size

5 MB

  • You receive an intermittent error message when you download large attachment files. This behavior occurs because of an issue with the Web Center service that doesn't support large file downloads. However, there is no loss of functionality because the files will be downloaded despite the error message. You can click OK to bypass the error message.

  • The data on the submitted mass download processes is available till the ESS processes are not purged. For more information, see the My Oracle Support document: Refer How to Identify if the ESS Jobs are Purged in Fusion Applications Cloud? (Doc ID 2363763.1).

  • You can also use the Download button on the Document Records list page to download document records for a person.

    • Only the document records that you filtered on the page will be downloaded.

    • Transactions pending approval won’t be downloaded.

Key Resources

For more information, refer to this resource on the Oracle Help Center:

  • Document Records, Chapter 13, Workforce Records, Implementing Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources Cloud

Role Information

This table shows the aggregate privilege that supports this feature and the predefined roles that inherit them.

Aggregate Privilege Name and Code

Job Role Name

Mass Download Document Records


  • Human Resource Specialist
  • Human Resource Analyst

If you are using the predefined roles, no action is necessary. However, if you are using custom versions of these roles, you must add this aggregate privilege to your custom roles to use this feature. See the Release 13 Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Security Upgrade Guide on My Oracle Support (Document ID 2023523.1) for instructions about implementing new functions in existing roles.

NOTE: This new aggregate privilege uses the existing View Person Documentation Data privilege. This ensures that the user has consistent access to the same document types for the same persons, across multiple document records pages. The content selected for download will use the existing Manage Person Documentation Data and View Person Documentation Data security privileges based on person and document type security configuration. This means the user can only download document records of persons for whom they have the required manage or view access.

Flexibility to View Document Records before Publish Date

We have enhanced the ability of HR specialists and HR analysts to view document records before publish date based on the security privilege assigned to them.

Show Document Records with a Future Publish Date

Document Records with a Future Publish Date Displayed

Flexibility to view unpublished document records.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

  • Document Records, Chapter 13, Workforce Records, Implementing Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources Cloud on the Oracle Help Center.

Role Information

This table shows the functional privilege that supports this feature and the predefined roles that inherit them.

Function Privilege Name and Code

Job Role Name

View Unpublished Document Records


  • Human Resource Specialist
  • Human Resource Analyst

If you are using the predefined roles, no action is necessary. However, if you are using custom versions of these roles, you must add this function privilege to your custom roles to use this feature. See the Release 13 Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Security Upgrade Guide on My Oracle Support (Document ID 2023523.1) for instructions about implementing new functions in existing roles.

Support for Multiple Line Display and Entry in Document Records Text Attributes

You can now drag and expand the text field to display maximum text corresponding to the field size in document records. These document type text fields are enhanced to display maximum text:

  • Document Name

  • Document Number

  • Issuing Location

  • Issuing Authority

  • Issuing Comments

Drag the Text Field to View Maximum Text for Document Records

This provides better usability for users to view and add text.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

This feature of dragging and expanding the text field isn’t supported on mobile devices.

Document Code Displayed on Document Records List Page

You can now view the document code directly on the Document Records list page when you expand the row. The auto-generated document code includes the time stamp which also displays milliseconds.

Auto Generated Document Code on the Document Records List Page

Easily distinguish between document records having the same document type and document name.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Enhanced Document Type Security Profile

You can now include more document types in the inclusion and exclusion criteria when configuring the document type security profile.

Support more document types in document type security profile.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

  • Examples of Document Type Security Profiles, Chapter 18, Organization and Other Security Profiles, Securing HCM on the Oracle Help Center.

Role Information

You must be granted the IT Security Manager role to work with security profiles.


Compact Guided Process for Employment Start Dates

You can easily make changes to the work relationship start date now by using the responsive Employment Start Dates compact guided process. Using this new guided process, you can also change the hire date for terminated workers and proposed start date for pending workers. The Employment Start Dates quick action is available under the My Team and My Client Groups tabs on the Home page.

Employment Start Dates Compact Guided Process

The read-only action name field displays the action name appended with the date of the action. In case of a pending worker work relationship, the appended date is the proposed start date of the pending worker.

The assignment data is also displayed in the Employment Start Dates page in read-only mode. The assignment data is displayed as of the date the worker is searched in the Employment Start Dates search page. If there are multiple assignments in the work relationship, only those assignments which are active as of the searched date will be displayed.

In case of pending workers, the application gives you an option to change the proposed start date instead of the work relationship start date of the pending worker work relationship. When you change the proposed start date for a pending worker, the application automatically changes the work relationship start date if applicable. This change only happens if the new proposed start date is earlier than the original work relationship start date. This table shows you an example where the work relationship start date is changed by the application:

Pending Worker Name

Work Relationship Start Date

Proposed Start Date

New Proposed Start Date

New Work Relationship Start Date

Jon Smith




01-Jan-2021 (No Change)

Rohit Singh





The Employment Start Dates quick action is also available when you click the Actions ellipsis icon (…) corresponding to each worker on the Pending Workers Dashboard in the New person work area.

Access the Employment Start Dates Page from the Pending Workers Dashboard

The Employment Start Dates page is also supported by a new Employment Start Dates approval process.

This table shows the details of the approval process:

Approval Process Name

Supported Payloads

BIP Report Name

Data Model Name
Employment Start Dates
  • Employment Dates (newly added)

  • Requestor’s Assignment

  • Requestor’s Role Details

  • Worker’s Current Assignment

  • Worker’s Role Details

  • transactionApprovalRequest



Employment Start Dates Approval Process

You can't make changes to the work relationship start dates using the Employment Start Dates page when other employment transactions are pending approval.

The notification header will show the current start date as the effective date and the data will also be fetched as of the current start date.

The Employment Start Dates responsive page helps you easily manage your start dates for work relationships, terminated workers, and pending workers. This dedicated page gives you the flexibility to change the start dates from one place.

Steps to Enable

Make the feature accessible by assigning or updating privileges and/or job roles. Details are provided in the Role section.

Tips And Considerations

  • All error messages that are generated when you change the work relationship start date will be displayed in the Start Date Info section.

Consolidated Display of Error Messages

  • The contract and probation end dates won’t be moved when you change the work relationship start date.

  • You can personalize the Employment Start Dates page by using HCM Experience Design Studio.

  • If assignment-level security is enabled a user can only change the work relationship start date if they have access to the first assignment created when adding the work relationship.

Key Resources

For more information about changing start dates, see this topic in the Using Global Human Resources guide on the Oracle Help Center:

  • Examples of Start Date Changes

Role Information

This table shows the aggregate privilege that supports this feature and the predefined roles that inherit them.

Aggregate Privilege Name and Code

Job Role Name

Change Employment Start Dates


  • Human Resource Specialist

  • Line Manager

If you are using the predefined roles, no action is necessary. However, if you are using custom versions of these roles, you must add these aggregate privileges to your custom roles to use this feature. See the Release 13 Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Security Upgrade Guide on My Oracle Support (Document ID 2023523.1) for instructions about implementing new functions in existing roles.

Additional Filter Using Legal Employer for Client-Side Location LOV

We have improved the ability to additionally filter the client-side Location list of values (LOV) based on legal employer. These are the responsive employment pages where the enhanced LOV is available:

  • Add a Pending Worker

  • Edit Pending Worker

  • Hire an Employee

  • Add a Contingent Worker

  • Add a Nonworker

  • Create Work Relationship

  • Local and Global Transfer

  • Add Assignment

  • Employment Details

  • Change Assignment

  • Promote

  • Transfer

  • Mass Legal Employer Change

  • Change Location

Display Locations Associated to the Selected Legal Employer

Currently, locations are filtered based on the business unit-set mapping. This feature improves usability by further refining the location filtering capabilities, first by the business unit-set mapping, and then by the legal employer.

Steps to Enable

To filter the Location LOV based on legal employer, you need to associate the legal employers operating at a location using the responsive Location Details quick action.

For more information, refer to the Steps to Enable section of the Associate Legal Employers with a Location feature in Update 21D.

Tips And Considerations

  • The Location LOV is filtered based on the previously selected legal employer only in the responsive employment pages listed in this feature. The filtering is not a validation. Therefore, the location filtering doesn’t apply to REST API, HCM Data Loader, and HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader.

Key Resources

For more information, see the 21D Human Resources What's New for this feature: Associate Legal Employers with a Location

Additionally, refer to the following topic on the Oracle Help Center:

  • Implementing Global Human Resources guide, Human Resources Cloud > Chapter 7 Divisions, Departments, Worker Unions, Locations, and Trees > Associate Legal Employers with Locations

Role Information

You must be granted the Human Capital Management Application Administrator role to work in setup and maintenance area.

Filter Client-Side Business Unit LOV Using Legal Employer

We have improved the ability to filter the client-side Business Unit list of values (LOV) based on legal employer. These are the responsive employment pages where the enhanced LOV is available:

  • Add a Pending Worker

  • Edit Pending Worker

  • Hire an Employee

  • Add a Contingent Worker

  • Add a Nonworker

  • Create Work Relationship

  • Local and Global Transfer

  • Add Assignment

  • Employment Details

  • Change Assignment

  • Promote

  • Transfer

  • Mass Legal Employer Change

Display Business Units Associated to the Selected Legal Employer

This feature improves usability by filtering the business units displayed according to the legal employer.

Steps to Enable

To filter the Business Unit LOV based on the selected legal employer, you need to:

  • Add the Associated Business Units extensible flexfield (EFF) context to the Manage Legal Entity HCM Information page using the Organization Information EFF and deploy the flexfield.
  • Associate the business units to the legal employer on the Manage Legal Entity HCM Information page.

For more information, refer to the Steps to Enable section of the Associate Business Units with a Legal Employer feature in Update 21D.

Tips And Considerations

  • The Business Unit LOV is filtered based on the previously selected legal employer only in the responsive employment pages listed in this feature. The filtering is not a validation. Therefore, the business unit filtering doesn’t apply to REST API, HCM Data Loader, and HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader.

Key Resources

  • For more information, see the 21D Human Resources What's New for this feature: Associate Business Units with a Legal Employer
  • Additionally, refer to the following section on the Oracle Help Center: Implementing Global Human Resources guide, Human Resources Cloud > Chapter 5 Legal Entities, Business Units, and Reference Data Sets > Business Units

Role Information

You must be granted the Human Capital Management Application Administrator role to work in setup and maintenance area.

Assignment Category Attribute Available in V3 Seniority Dates

You can now track seniority for the assignment category when using V3 seniority dates. The assignment category is added as an attribute for you to configure seniority rules.

Configure Seniority Date Rules for Assignment Category

Track seniority based on the assignment category.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

For more information, see these following topics on the Oracle Help Center:

  • Seniority Date Attributes

  • Seniority Date Versions

  • How You Configure Seniority Dates

Role Information

You must be granted the Human Capital Management Application Administrator role to work in setup and maintenance area.

Default Values for Cumulative Option and Worker Type When Creating V3 Seniority Rules

We have streamlined the seniority rules configuration by setting the default value for the Cumulative option to No and Worker Type filter to Employee while creating new V3 seniority rules.

Default Values Set for Cumulative Option and Worker Type

Simplify V3 seniority rules configuration by having the default values for the Cumulative option and Worker Type filter in the Configure Seniority Date Rules page.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

For more information, see this following topic on the Oracle Help Center:

  • How You Configure Seniority Dates

Role Information

You must be granted the Human Capital Management Application Administrator role to work in setup and maintenance area.

Position Synchronization: Default Manager Based on Profile Option

We have added a new profile option to default the manager in an assignment when line manager synchronization is enabled and there are multiple incumbents in the parent position. For example, if you're transferring a worker to a different position that has multiple incumbents in the parent position. So, if the current manager is one of the incumbents of the new parent position, then the worker is retained as the manager. If not, the manager is defaulted based on the profile option given below.  You can also manually select one of the other incumbents, but you can't select anyone who isn't in the parent position.

The manager is defaulted in the assignment based on the Configuration to Default the Assignment Supervisor Using the Selected Tenure Option with Position Incumbent profile option setting. You can choose from these values:

  • Longest tenure in the assignment (default)
  • Longest tenure in the position
  • Longest tenure in the enterprise
  • Shortest tenure in the position 
  • Shortest tenure in the enterprise

NOTE: please note that though the longest tenure in assignment option considers even suspended managers, all other new options will only consider active manager assignments.

Examples of Tenure Calculation

Let’s look at how the tenure is calculated for the purpose of approval routing to a specific incumbent in some of these scenarios.

1. Multiple Managers in Parent Position in Single Assignment and Assignment Changes

Two managers, Amit Shukla and Donna Smith are in the same position. The former spent the longest in the same assignment and the latter spent the longest tenure in the enterprise but with changes in assignment.

Employee Action Date Position Status Tenure Comments
Amit Shukla Hire


Assistant Manager Active 12 years

Active in the position for 12 years

Donna Smith Hire 1-Jan-2000

Assistant Manager

Active 5 years  
  Change Assignment


Sales Analyst


6 years  
  Change Assignment


Assistant Manager


11 years

Adding the tenure for the Assistant Manager position,

16 years (11 + 5)

Even if the profile value was set to Longest Tenure in Enterprise, the approval will be routed to Donna Smith

2. Multiple Managers in Parent Position in Single Assignment and with Inactive Assignment

Two managers, Amit Shukla and Jason King are in the same position. The former spent the longest in the same assignment and the latter spent the longest tenure in the enterprise but was transferred to a different legal employer (global transfer).

Employee Action Date Position Status Tenure Comments
Amit Shukla Hire


Assistant Manager Active 12 years

Active in the position for 12 years

Jason King Hire 1-Jan-2005 Assistant Manager Active 6 years  
  End Assignment 31-Dec-2010 Sales Analyst Inactive  

The last day of this assignment is 31-Dec-2010. The effective start date of the  assignment's inactive status is 1-Jan-2011.

  Add Assignment 1-Jan-2010 Assistant Manager Active 11 years

Adding  the tenure in the Assistant Manager position and removing the overlap period, we get:

16 Years (6 + 11 -1 years (Overlap Removed))

3. Multiple Managers in Parent Position in Single Assignment and with Rehire

Two managers, Amit Shukla and Paul Smith are in the same position. The former spent the longest in the same assignment and the latter spent the longest tenure same assignment and position even after being rehired into the same position.

Employee Action Date Position Status Tenure Comments
Amit Shukla Hire


Assistant Manager Active 12 years Active in the position for 12 years
Paul Smith Hire 1-Jan-1995

Assistant Manager


6 years  
  Termination 31-Dec-2000

Assistant Manager

  Rehire 1-Jan-2010

Assistant Manager


11 years

Adding the tenure the person is active in the given position

17 years (6 + 11)

Please note if there’s more than one incumbent fulfilling the tenure criteria, then the person record creation date and time are considered for defaulting the manager.

This feature helps in improving the user experience with defaulting the manager value in the assignment in case of multiple incumbents in the parent position.

Steps to Enable

To default the manager value in the position, you need to set the  Configuration to Default the Assignment Supervisor Using the Selected Tenure Option with Position Incumbent  (ORA_PER_POS_INCUMBENT_TENURE_ASG_SUP) profile option.


  • Enable Position Synchronization option is selected on either the Manage Enterprise HCM Information or the Manage Legal Entity HCM Information pages, and
  • Manager synchronization is based on Use HCM position hierarchy.

Field Value

Profile Option Code


To set a value for the profile option, navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area:

  1. Search for and click the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
  2. Search for the ORA_PER_POS_INCUMBENT_TENURE_ASG_SUP profile option code and select the profile option in the search results.
  3. In the Profile Values section.
  4. You can choose any of these profile values:
Profile Option Value Description

Longest tenure in assignment

The manager is defaulted to the parent position incumbent with the longest tenure in the assignment. This option considers both, active and suspended assignments.

This is the default value.

Longest tenure in enterprise

The manager is defaulted to the parent position incumbent with the longest tenure in the enterprise. This option considers only active assignments.

Longest tenure in position

The manager is defaulted to the parent position incumbent with the longest tenure in the position. This option considers only active assignments.

Shortest tenure in enterprise

The manager is defaulted to the parent position incumbent with the shortest tenure in the enterprise. This option considers only active assignments.

Shortest tenure in position

The manager is defaulted to the parent position incumbent with the shortest tenure in the position. This option considers only active assignments.

  1. Click Save and Close

Tips And Considerations

  • The Synchronize Person Assignments from Position scheduled process has been updated to consider the profile option.
  • The scheduled process is triggered when there is a change in assignment, position, or position synchronization configuration
    • Assignment
      • Any change in position causing a date-effective split
      • Direct report assignment changes caused by either termination of the manager or a change in position
    • Position
      • Change in parent position
      • Any change in position causing a date-effective split
    • Position synchronization configuration changes
  • It's recommended to run the ESS process regularly.
  • The profile option setting is ignored if one of the incumbents in the parent position is the current manager.

Key Resources

For more information, refer the following resources on the Oracle Help Center:

  • Position Synchronization, Chapter 8 Jobs and Positions, Implementing Global Human Resources guide, Human Resources Cloud
  • Synchronize Person Assignment from Position Process, Chapter 8 Jobs and Positions, Implementing Global Human Resources guide, Human Resources Cloud

Ability to Disable Manager Defaulting in Add Person and Create Work Relationship Flows

You can now disable defaulting of the line manager as the logged in user in Add Person and Create Work Relationship responsive flows using the profile option Default Logged in User as Line Manager Enabled (ORA_PER_EMPL_DFLT_LOGGED_USER_AS_LINE_MGR_ENABLED). 

Let's see what happens with each of the profile option values.

Profile Option Value Outcome
No Manager won't be defaulted in the Add Person and Create Work Relationship responsive flows

Manager is defaulted based on user doing the transaction.

Flows Impacted

You can enable or disable manager defaulting in these responsive flows:

  • Hire an Employee
  • Add Contingent Worker
  • Add Pending Worker
  • Add Non Worker
  • Create Work Relationship

Please note that there won't be any impact on the behavior of HCM Data Loader (HDL), REST, classic Add Person and Create Work Relationship flows, Manage Users, and Offer or Convert Offer flows.

This feature gives the ability to assign the correct manager in hiring and create work relationship flows.

Steps to Enable

By default, the profile option is set to Yes which means that the manager will be defaulted as the logged in user in the Add Person and Create Work Relationship flows.

Field Value
Profile Option Code


To disable the manager defaulting, navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.

  1. Search for and click the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
  2. Search for the ORA_PER_EMPL_DFLT_LOGGED_USER_AS_LINE_MGR_ENABLED profile option code and select the profile option in the search results.
  3. In the Profile Values area, select No in the Profile Value field.
  4. Click Save and Close.

Tips And Considerations

  • Manager can also be defaulted  from the position hierarchy if position synchronization is enabled or from the parent department if the value of the profile option PER_DEPARTMENT_TREE_FOR_MANAGER is Yes.
  • Manager is defaulted based on the user performing the transaction only when the user has a person record in HCM.

Database Items for Collective Agreement Extensible Flexfields

We have enhanced the usage of collective agreements by now giving users the ability to create database items (DBI) for collective agreement extensible flexfields (PER_COL_AGREEMENTS_EFF). You can now create the collective agreement EFF DBIs for the specified contexts.

Administrators can now create DBIs for the Collective Agreements EIT Information EFF.

Steps to Enable

  1. Click the My Client Groups tab on the home page.

  2. Select the Submit a Flow quick action in the Payroll group. The Flow Submission page is displayed.

  3. In the Select a Flow section, search and select the Generate Flexfield Database Items flow. The Submit a Payroll Flow page is displayed.

  4. In the Payroll Flow field, enter the name of the flow you want.

  5. In the Flow Parameters section, enter Collective Agreements EIT Information EFF in the Name field.

  6. Select the context for which you want to create the DBI.

  7. Click Submit.

Create DBI for Collective Agreements EFF

Key Resources

For more information, see the following resources on Oracle Help Center:

Human Resources / Employment Replaced or Removed Features

From time to time, Oracle replaces existing features with new features, or removes existing features.

Replaced features may be put on a path of removal, the features below will let you know what update you will have to have moved to the newer feature. As a best practice, you should move to the newer feature as soon as possible for full support and to stay up with the latest updates that the product offers.

Any feature that is removed, will have an Update in which that feature is no longer available. Please make necessary plans to move off the feature by the Update indicated, as it will no longer be available.

Change Legal Employer Replaced With Local and Global Transfer Flow

We strongly recommend using the responsive Local and Global Transfer flow that was introduced in Update 19A instead of the Change Legal Employer flow. These are some of the key features that are only available in the Local and Global Transfer flow:

  • Managing assignment extensible flexfields

  • Managing enhanced payroll information and copy options

  • Managing performance goals and documents copy options

Manage your data better using the responsive Local and Global Transfer flow.

Steps to Enable

Make the feature accessible by assigning or updating privileges and/or job roles. Details are provided in the Role section.

Tips And Considerations

  • It's recommended that you complete all approvals for the Change Legal Employer flow before updating to release 21D. If you have any approvals pending after the upgrade, you may receive an error message as the flow will be replaced in release 21D.

Key Resources

For more information, see the following resources:

Role Information

This table shows the aggregate privilege that supports this feature and the predefined roles that inherit them.

Aggregate Privilege Name and Code

Job Role Name

Perform Worker Local and Global Transfers


Human Resource Specialist

If you are using the predefined roles, no action is necessary. However, if you are using custom versions of these roles, you must add this aggregate privilege to your custom roles to use this feature. See the Release 13 Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Security Upgrade Guide on My Oracle Support (Document ID 2023523.1) for instructions about implementing new functions in existing roles.


Save Incomplete Journey Tasks

In continuation of the Update 21C feature where you could save questionnaire responses and configurable form responses as draft, the same functionality is now extended to all task types. By default, the Save as Draft action is hidden but can be enabled from the Display Properties tab for these task types:

  • Manual
  • Video
  • Document
  • Application Task
  • External URL
  • Report
  • Native Electronic Signature
  • Electronic Signature - DocuSign
  • I-9 Verification
  • Oracle Process Automation

Save as Draft Action in Application Task Setup

Save as Draft Action in Application Task for User

Save as Draft Action in External URL Task Setup

Save as Draft Action in External URL Task for User

This feature enables you to save the information for all task types and complete it later.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

By default, this action is hidden. This can be enabled from Display Properties tab for a task.

Key Resources

  • Chapter 13, Checklists, Implementing Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources Cloud on the Oracle Help Center.
  • Use Journeys, Chapter 10, Hire, Onboard, and Manage Workers, Using Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources Cloud on the Oracle Help Center.

Role Information

You must be granted the Manage HR Checklist Template function privilege to work on checklist templates.

Assign a Journey to Multiple Persons as a Single Activity

You can now assign a journey to more than one person in a single transaction.

These are the supported person selection scenarios when assigning a journey:

  • Single person.
  • Multiple persons selected individually.
  • Multiple persons selected as part of the selected person's Directs.
  • Multiple persons selected as part of the selected person's Organization.
  • Combination of all the above scenarios using the Add Assignee option.

You can select these types of assignees:

  • Person (default option)
  • Directs of a person. Directs refer to the immediate reportees of the selected person.
  • Organization of a person. Organization refers to the entire management hierarchy of the selected person.

Assign Alerts Based Journeys to Person, Directs, or an Organization

Journey Assigned to Person, Directs, and Organization

This feature reduces time spent on assigning journeys individually.

Steps to Enable

You must set the profile option to control the values in the Selection Type LoV on the Assign Journey page.

Profile Option Code Profile Display Name Default Profile Value


Assignee Type for SOA Based Journeys


If there is no value configured for this profile, the application will consider the value as P (Person).

This table describes how the values in the Selection Type LoV are displayed based on whether the journey notifications are BIP or alerts based and the value of the profile option.

Journey Notification Framework Profile Value

Values in the Selection Type LoV





Person, Directs


Person, Directs, Organization


Person, Directs, Organization


Person, Directs, Organization


Person, Directs, Organization

Tips And Considerations

  • If the journey template is configured to use the BIP-based notifications and you modify the profile option to D or O, there will be performance impact if the list of persons in the directs or organization result in more than 50 persons.

Key Resources

Role Information

You must be granted the line manager or HR specialist role to use this feature.

Monitor Journey Assignment Results on Activity Tab

You can now monitor the progress and status of an assigned journey on the Activity tab, when you mass assign a journey to multiple people in a single transaction. On the Activity tab, you can use the status to see the progress. You can drill-down to the journey details page to see the assignment details.

Activity Tab Displaying Status of Mass Assigned Journeys

Drill Down Page For a Specific Mass Journey Assignment Activity of Global Ethics Training

This feature enables you to track progress when you mass assign journeys.

Steps to Enable

To purge the list of assigned journeys on the Activity tab, specify the duration using this profile option.

Profile Option


Default Value


Specify the duration in days prior to which existing checklist action occurrence records should be deleted.

180 Days

Tips And Considerations

  • The list of assigned journeys on the Activity tab will automatically be purged after 180 days from the date they were assigned. There is no impact to the assigned journey, only the listing is purged. 
  • You can modify the duration by changing the value of the profile option ORA_PER_CHECKLIST_ACTION_PURGE_BEFORE_DAYS to any positive value.
  • There are no actions that a user can take either from the Activity tab or from the page after drilling down into a specific activity.

Key Resources

  • Chapter 12, Checklists, Implementing Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources Cloud on the Oracle Help Center.

Role Information

You must be granted the line manager or HR specialist role to use this feature.

Starting 22A, the Activity tab will be controlled through a functional security privilege. Refer the 21D What's New Function Security Changes For Explore and Activity Journey Tabs in 22A in Human Resources for more details.

Make Attachments Mandatory for Journey Task Completion

You can now make use of the Make attachments mandatory display property to enforce uploading of an attachment before completing a journey task.

Configure Display Property for the Task

Attachment Mandatory for Task

Use this feature to ensure users upload mandatory attachments when performing a task.

Steps to Enable

  1. In Setup and Maintenance, go to the Checklist Templates task.
  2. Enter details for the checklist.
  3. Enter details for a task that requires attachments to be uploaded.
  4. In the Display Properties tab, set the value for the Make attachments mandatory property.
  5. Save changes.

Tips And Considerations

  • By default, this property is set to No to retain the current behavior.

Key Resources

  • Chapter 12, Checklists, Implementing Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources Cloud on the Oracle Help Center.

Role Information

Users must be granted the Manage HR Checklist Template function privilege to work on checklist templates.

Sort Options in Explore and My Journeys Tabs

You can now enhance the user experience with the ability to sort journeys based on different criteria on both the Explore and My Journeys tabs.

On the Explore tab, sort journeys using these criteria:

  • Last Updated
  • Journey Name
  • Journey Category

On the My Journeys tab, sort journeys using these criteria:

  • Last Assigned
  • Journey Name
  • Journey Status
  • Journey Category

Sort Options on the Explore Tab

Sort Options on the My Journeys Tab

This feature makes it easier to sort journeys based on relevance.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Create Personal Journeys Only from Explore Tab

You can now create a new journey using Create Journey available only on the Explore tab. The Create Journey button is no longer available on other tabs.

This feature enables you to create personal journeys from a centralized location in the application.

Steps to Enable

Make the feature accessible by assigning or updating privileges and/or job roles. Details are provided in the Role section below.

Key Resources

Role Information

This table shows the privileges that support this feature and the predefined roles that inherit them:

Abstract or Job Role Duty Role

Function Privilege

Human Resource Specialist

Manage Journey By HR


Manage Journey


Line Manager

Manage Journey By Manager


Manage Journey


Starting 22A, the Explore tab will be controlled through a functional security privilege. Refer the 21D What's New Function Security Changes For Explore and Activity Journey Tabs in 22A in Human Resources for more details.

Enable Password Verification in Native E-Signature Journey Task

You can now use the enhanced capability in the native electronic signature journey task to configure a password validation pattern to suit business requirements.

Configure and Enable E-Signature Validation Pattern

Native E-Signature Checklist Task Configuration

E-Signature Journey Task with Validation

Associate different validation patterns for different E-Signature tasks.

Steps to Enable

  1. Go to the Checklist Integrations task in Setup and Maintenance.
  2. Click Add Integration.
  3. Select an option for E-Signature Validation Type.
  4. Specify the password validation pattern using a combination of numbers and letters.
  5. Click Validate.
  6. Now go to the Checklist Templates task. Enter the general details.
  7. Create a task of type Electronic Signature.
  8. Select Electronic Signature - Native for Signature Type and select the Validation Type.

Tips And Considerations

  • Ability to have multiple E-Signature validation patterns.
  • Based on your selection for E-Signature Validation Type, those attributes will be mandatory on the task page when the user performs the task.
  • If the validation pattern includes a national identifier type, value for Country must be selected.
  • If the validation pattern uses national identifier values, it's mandatory to select the value for National Identifier Type applicable for the country you have selected.
  • The password instruction text on the task page will be displayed based on the password validation pattern configured.
  • If the user doesn't have an attribute that's configured in the password validation pattern in their record, it will prevent them from completing the task.

Key Resources

  • See Checklists - Electronic Signature and Transfer to Document Records (Doc ID 2611795.1) for more information on configuring password verification.
  • Chapter 12, Checklists, Implementing Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources Cloud on the Oracle Help Center.

Role Information

You must be granted the Manage HR Checklist Template function privilege to work on checklist templates.

Force Complete an Assigned Journey

You can force complete journeys and tasks that are assigned but not yet completed due to various reasons. For example, an offboarding journey that is assigned but needs to be force completed because the employee decided to withdraw their resignation. In such cases, this feature enables you to complete the journey and tasks but retain the journey assignment details for future reference.

You can use Force Complete in the assigned journey pages.

Force Complete Option in Assigned Journey

Force Complete Open Tasks Confirmation Message

View only relevant journeys and manage your assigned journeys better.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Users must be granted the line manager or HR specialist role to use this feature.

Key Resources

Chapter 10, Use Journeys, the Using Global Human Resources Guide on Oracle Help Center.

Delete an Assigned Journey

You can manage assigned journeys effectively by removing journeys that were assigned in error. You can use the Delete Journey option to delete a journey assigned to a worker. This deletes all the tasks in the journey.

Delete Option

Delete Journey and Tasks Confirmation Message

This feature enables you to manage assigned journeys better.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Users must be granted the line manager or HR specialist role to use this feature.

Key Resources

View Enterprise Onboarding Step Name on Journey Pages

You can now make it easy for users to identify tasks associated to a step in journeys of the Enterprise Onboarding category. The step name displays for each task on the drill-down pages in My Journeys and Assigned Journeys.

Step Name Displayed For Task in My Journeys

Step Name Displayed For Task in Assigned Journeys

This feature provides visual cues to the user on the step name associated to the task.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

  • Chapter 12, Checklists, Implementing Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources Cloud on the Oracle Help Center.
  • Chapter 10, Use Journeys, the Using Global Human Resources Guide on Oracle Help Center.

Trigger Journeys Automatically for Individual Compensation Events

You can now trigger journeys automatically based on events related to compensation. Use Condition Builder during journey template setup to configure conditions that include compensation attributes. When the condition is met, the journey is automatically triggered.

This is the compensation event you can use to configure your condition:

  • Individual Compensation

This is the compensation attribute you can use to configure your expression:

  • Element Type

Use Condition Builder to Configure Conditions Based on Individual Compensation Attributes to Trigger Journeys

Automatically assign journeys for additional events in a person's employment life cycle.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

For more information, see:

  • Checklist Templates, Chapter 12, Checklists, Implementing Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources Cloud on the Oracle Help Center.

Role Information

Users must be granted the Manage HR Checklist Template function privilege to work on checklist templates.

Additional Application Tasks when Configuring Journey Templates

When configuring journey tasks of the type Application Task, you can now use the enhanced list of quick actions. These quick actions are based on the selected task performer.

Application Tasks for Workers

Application Tasks for Line Manager

Application Tasks for Area of Responsibility

Easier access to relevant quick actions based on the task performer.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  1. If you want the user to navigate to the responsive pages and not the classic pages make sure you have the required profile option enabled.  
  2. You need to ensure that the quick action is enabled in Tools > Structures menu using a sandbox.
  3. From 21B onwards, you need to have a person record associated to the user who is configuring the application tasks in a journey template. For example, the quick actions listed below won't appear in the Application Task LoV for a user who doesn’t have an associated person record:      
  • Compensation > My Compensation
  • Employment > Additional Assignment Info
  • Employment > Document Records
  • Employment > Employment Info
  • Personal Brand > Preferences
  • Personal Info > Additional Person Info
  • Personal Info > Contact Info
  • Personal Info > Family and Emergency Contacts
  • Personal Info > Identification Info
  • Personal Info > Person Identifiers for External Applications
  • Personal Info > Personal Details
  • Wellness > Activities
  • Wellness > My Profile

Key Resources

  • For more information on application tasks available by role, refer to the following document on My Oracle Support: Application Tasks in Journey Templates - (Document ID 2776533.1)
  • For more information on creating and enabling the profile options, refer to the following document on My Oracle Support: HCM Responsive User Experience Setup Information- (Document ID 2399671.1)
  • For more information on checklist tasks, see Checklist Tasks, Chapter 12, Checklists, Implementing Global Human Resources on the Oracle Help Center.

Role Information

You must be granted the Manage HR Checklist Template function privilege to work on checklist templates.

Additional Seeded Journeys

You can now leverage additional seeded journeys and modify them to create specific journeys to suit your business requirements.

You can duplicate these seeded journey templates:

  • Oracle - Employee Recognition Award
  • Oracle - Employee Spot Bonus Award
  • Oracle - Employee Work Anniversary

With this feature you can take advantage of journey templates to create your own journeys.

Steps to Enable

  1. Search for the seeded journey template by enabling the Draft filter. 
  2. Duplicate the template and provide a unique name.
  3. Click on the duplicated template and modify the template as per your business requirements.
  4. If you need to trigger this journey automatically, you must configure either an action or an event.
  5. Save the changes.
  6. Modify the template status to Active. Now, the journey template is ready for use.

Tips And Considerations

  • All seeded journey templates begin with 'Oracle -' and will be available in Draft status. 
  • Seeded journeys aren't editable.
  • None of the seeded journey templates have any action or event configured.
  • If you don't configure either an action or an event, this journey will not be assigned automatically. However, it will still be available for manual allocation.
  • You can duplicate a template and modify as per your business requirements. 

Key Resources

  • Chapter 12, Checklists, Implementing Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources Cloud on the Oracle Help Center.

Role Information

You must be granted the Manage HR Checklist Template function privilege to work on checklist templates.

Function Security Changes for Explore and Activity Journey Tabs

Access to these tabs in Journeys is now controlled through the respective functional security privileges:

  • Explore tab
  • Activity tab

This feature enables users to access information relevant to their role.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

  • Use Journeys, Chapter 10, Hire, Onboard, and Manage Workers, Using Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources Cloud on the Oracle Help Center
  • Checklist Templates, Chapter 12, Checklists, Implementing Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources Cloud on the Oracle Help Center

Role Information

This table shows the function privileges that support features in this update and the predefined roles that inherit them:

Function Privilege Name

Duty Role

Job or Abstract Role

Explore Journeys


Manage Journey By Manager


Line Manager


Manage Journey By HR


Human Resource Specialist


View Journey


Human Resource Analyst

View Journey Activity


Manage Journey By Manager


Line Manager


Manage Journey By HR


Human Resource Specialist


View Journey


Human Resource Analyst

If you are using the predefined roles, no action is necessary. However, if you are using custom versions of these roles, you must add these function privileges to your custom roles to use this feature. See the Release 13 Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Security Upgrade Guide on My Oracle Support (Document ID 2023523.1) for instructions about implementing new functions in existing roles.

Make Comments Mandatory For Journey Task Completion

You can now use the Make comments required display property to enforce adding comments when completing a journey task.

Configure the Make Comments Required Property

Message Displays if Comments are Not Entered

Use this feature to ensure users add comments where required for a task.

Steps to Enable

  1. In Setup and Maintenance, go to the Checklist Templates task.
  2. Enter details for the checklist.
  3. Enter details for a task that requires comments to be added.
  4. In the Display Properties tab, configure Yes for the Make comments required display property.
  5. Save changes.

Tips And Considerations

  • By default, this property is set to No to retain the current behavior.
  • This feature requires Comments to be enabled for the task.

Key Resources

  • Chapter 12, Checklists, Implementing Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources Cloud on the Oracle Help Center.
  • Use Journeys, Chapter 10, Hire, Onboard, and Manage Workers, Using Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources Cloud on the Oracle Help Center

Role Information

Users must be granted the Manage HR Checklist Template function privilege to work on checklist templates.

Prevent Accidental Removal of an Assigned Journey Task

To prevent any accidental removal of an assigned journey task, a confirmation message now displays for users to confirm this action.

Remove Task Option in Journey Tasks

Warning Message on Remove Task

Draw users’ attention to important actions and prevent errors.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

  • Chapter 12, Checklists, Implementing Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources Cloud on the Oracle Help Center.
  • Use Journeys, Chapter 10, Hire, Onboard, and Manage Workers, Using Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources Cloud on the Oracle Help Center

Role Information

You must be granted the line manager or HR specialist role to use this feature.

Deferred Assignment Date for a Journey Task

Managers and HR specialists can see journey tasks that will become active in the future. Such tasks display the Starts on date details.

Starts on Date Displays When Assignment Date is Deferred

Have better visibility of assigned journey tasks.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • The Starts on date displays only if the task becomes active in the future.
  • You can only edit or remove deferred tasks. You can't reassign or send reminders for deferred tasks.

Key Resources

  • Chapter 12, Checklists, Implementing Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources Cloud on the Oracle Help Center.
  • Use Journeys, Chapter 10, Hire, Onboard, and Manage Workers, Using Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources Cloud on the Oracle Help Center

Role Information

You must be granted the line manager or HR specialist role to use this feature.

Contact Info Details in an Assigned Journey Task

The Contact Info section now displays inline for each journey task and makes it easy for the task performer to get details of the task owner who can help them with the task, if required.

Inline Display of Contact Info Section in Tasks

View task owner details.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • The display of contact info can be controlled through the Contact Info task display property.
  • If the owner is an Area of Responsibility, then only the Responsibility Type is displayed.

Key Resources

  • Chapter 12, Checklists, Implementing Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources Cloud on the Oracle Help Center.
  • Use Journeys, Chapter 10, Hire, Onboard, and Manage Workers, Using Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources Cloud on the Oracle Help Center

I-9 Verification Status Journey Task

The I-9 Verification Status task is now available in the Journeys user interface. This enables you to check and see the status of the I-9 related tasks in a journey. Additionally, you can use the Upload to Document Records action to transfer a completed I-9 form from HireRight directly to Document Records.

View I-9 Task Status and Transfer the Completed Form to Document Records

You now have the ability to view the status of the I-9 task and upload the completed I-9 form to Document Records.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

  • Checklists and Journeys, Implementing Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources Cloud on the Oracle Help Center.
  • For more information on I-9 integration, see Onboarding Checklists - Integration with HireRight (2583133.1) on My Oracle Support.

Edit Assigned Journey

You can now edit an assigned journey by updating the description, comments, and journey display properties.

Edit Journey Action in Journey Page

Edit Journey Description and Comments

Edit Journey Display Settings

Edit Task Type Display Settings

This feature gives you the ability to maintain data accuracy in an assigned journey and provide the ability to add comments for an assigned journey.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • You can edit an assigned journey once you drill-down into that journey.
  • Changes you make to the task type are applicable to all tasks of that type only in that assigned journey.
  • Reset Settings is enabled only when a display setting property is modified.
  • Reset is applicable only for the selected task type.

Key Resources

  • Chapter 12, Checklists, Implementing Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources Cloud on the Oracle Help Center.
  • Use Journeys, Chapter 10, Hire, Onboard, and Manage Workers, Using Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources Cloud on the Oracle Help Center

Role Information

You must be granted the line manager or HR specialist role to use this feature.

Access to the following sections on Edit Journey page is secured using the function privilege mentioned in the below table:

  • Journey display settings
  • Task type display settings

This table shows the function privilege that supports the feature in this update and the predefined role that inherit it: 

Function Privilege Duty Role Abstract or Job Role

Manage Assigned Journey Advanced Settings


Manage Journey By HR


  • Human Resource Specialist

If you are using the predefined roles, no action is necessary. However, if you are using custom versions of these roles, you must add this function privilege to your custom roles to use this feature. See the Release 13 Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Security Upgrade Guide on My Oracle Support (Document ID 2023523.1) for instructions about implementing new functions in existing roles.

Reassign, Reopen, and Send Reminders for Multiple Journey Tasks

Line Manager or HR Specialists can select multiple tasks and perform a single action.

Note that:

  • You can't perform these actions for journeys where you are the journey assignee. 
  • You can't send reminders for tasks where you are the performer.

The actions available for selection are listed here:

Actions Applicable for these tasks Possible navigations
Reassign Only incomplete tasks.
  • Journeys > My Tasks
  • Journeys > Assigned Journeys > My Tasks
  • Journeys > Assigned Journeys > Employee Tasks
  • Journeys > Assigned Journeys > Others' Tasks
Reopen Only completed tasks.
  • Journeys > Assigned Journeys > My Tasks
  • Journeys > Assigned Journeys > Employee Tasks
  • Journeys > Assigned Journeys > Others' Tasks
Send Reminder Only incomplete tasks.
  • Journeys > Assigned Journeys > Employee Tasks
  • Journeys > Assigned Journeys > Others' Tasks

Reassign Action in My Tasks

Send Reminder Action in Employee Tasks

Reopen Action in Employee Tasks

Act on multiple tasks at the same time rather than one task at a time.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • Maximum of 10 tasks can be selected at a time for any of the above actions.
  • When you reassign tasks, a notification will be sent to the new assignee, if task assignment notifications are enabled.
  • If summary notifications are enabled, a single notification will be sent to the new assignee when tasks are reassigned.
  • When you reopen tasks, a notification will be sent to the assignee, if task update notifications are enabled.
  • If summary notifications are enabled, a single notification will be sent to the assignee when tasks are reopened.

Key Resources

  • Chapter 12, Checklists, Implementing Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources Cloud on the Oracle Help Center.
  • Use Journeys, Chapter 10, Hire, Onboard, and Manage Workers, Using Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources Cloud on the Oracle Help Center

Modified User Experience for Journey Tasks

Starting in 21D, there's a difference in the way you view the details of a journey task. To expand and collapse task details, you now need to click the caret icon at the end of the row.

Use the Caret Icon to Expand the Task 

View Task Details

This feature provides a better user experience when accessing a task.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • This is applicable for all tasks on all Journey pages.

Key Resources

  • Use Journeys, Chapter 10, Hire, Onboard, and Manage Workers, Using Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources Cloud on the Oracle Help Center

Provide Task Assignment Date for Library Tasks

You can choose a date from the Assign Date field on the Add Tasks page when adding the library task to an assigned journey. Earlier, this date was defaulted to the current date.

Choose the Assign Date for Library Tasks

This feature provides the ability to control when a library task is assigned.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

  • Chapter 12, Checklists, Implementing Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources Cloud on the Oracle Help Center.
  • Use Journeys, Chapter 10, Hire, Onboard, and Manage Workers, Using Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources Cloud on the Oracle Help Center

Role Information

You must be granted the line manager or HR specialist role to use this feature.

Edit Assigned Tasks

You can now take advantage of the ability to edit an assigned journey task by modifying task attributes, notes, notifications, and display properties.

These are the attributes you can edit for an assigned task:

  • Actual Start Date
  • Actual End Date
  • Sequence
  • Task Description
  • Add instructions for this task
  • Enable attachments
  • Enable comments
  • Make this task mandatory
  • Add Attachments to Document Records
  • Task display settings
  • Notifications
  • Enable or disable reminders

Edit Assigned Journey Task Properties

Edit Task Display Properties 

Edit Task Notifications and Reminders

With this feature you have the ability to modify task attributes after a task is assigned.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • You can edit an assigned journey task only if the Edit a Task display property is configured to Show.
  • You can edit an assigned journey task by selecting the Edit Task action from the Actions menu.
  • You can't add the task being edited to the task library.
  • You can only enable or disable reminders when editing an assigned task.
  • Fields in the Reminder section are not available for editing.
  • Reset Settings is enabled only when a property display setting is modified.
  • Reset is applicable only for the selected task type.

Key Resources

  • Chapter 12, Checklists, Implementing Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources Cloud on the Oracle Help Center.
  • Use Journeys, Chapter 10, Hire, Onboard, and Manage Workers, Using Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources Cloud on the Oracle Help Center

Role Information

You must be granted the line manager or HR specialist role to use this feature.

Access to the following sections on Edit Task page is secured using the function privilege mentioned in the below table:

  • Display Settings
  • Notifications
  • Reminders

This table shows the function privilege that supports the feature in this update and the predefined role that inherit it:

Function Privilege Duty Role Abstract or Job Role


Manage Journey By HR


  • Human Resource Specialist

If you are using the predefined roles, no action is necessary. However, if you are using custom versions of these roles, you must add these aggregate privileges to your custom roles to use this feature. See the Release 13 Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Security Upgrade Guide on My Oracle Support (Document ID 2023523.1) for instructions about implementing new functions in existing roles. 

Processing Mode in Checklist Templates Defaulted to Alerts Based Notification

Now you configure a new checklist template, the processing mode automatically defaults to Alerts based notification. You can configure the option for Processing Mode on the Message tab during checklist setup.

Default Processing Mode is Alerts Based Notification

Improve your end user experience with enhanced notifications.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • The recommended option for users to configure checklists will be alerts based notification.
  • Existing enterprise onboarding category checklists that are SOA based can now be updated to use alert based notifications. Although the checklist allocation is SOA based, the notifications are delivered through alerts. 
  • Any existing templates configured with BI Publisher based notification displays this message on the Checklist Templates page - "Consider using alert based notifications for this checklist. To make the change, select the appropriate processing mode."

Key Resources

For more information, see these resources:

  • Alert Templates for Event Based Journeys (Document ID 2777961.1 ) on My Oracle Support.
  • Alerts Composer in the Implementing Global Human Resources guide on Oracle Help Center
  • Checklists and Journeys, Implementing Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources Cloud on the Oracle Help Center

Role Information

You must be granted the Manage HR Checklist Template function privilege to work on checklist templates.

You must be granted the Access Alerts Composer function privilege to work on Alert templates.

Deferred Badge Displayed on Journey Card

Managers and HR specialists can now see journeys that will become active in the future. Such journeys are displayed with the Deferred badge on the Assigned Journeys page.

Deferred Badge on Journey Card

Have better visibility of assigned journeys.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • Only line managers and HR specialists can see the deferred badge for journeys in the Assigned Journeys tab.
  • Deferred journeys can be edited or deleted, but can't be force completed.
  • Tasks in a deferred journey can be edited or removed.
  • You can add tasks to a deferred journey.

Key Resources

  • Chapter 12, Checklists, Implementing Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources Cloud on the Oracle Help Center.
  • Use Journeys, Chapter 10, Hire, Onboard, and Manage Workers, Using Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources Cloud on the Oracle Help Center

Role Information

You must be granted the line manager or HR specialist role to use this feature.


Autocomplete Rules for Person Business Object in Person

Enhance the authoring experience in Autocomplete Rules for HCM Experience Design Studio with additional capabilities. A new view accessor, Get Profile is added so you can now author Autocomplete rules from a person to their talent profile. For example, you can validate the education degree or certification validity, or both when promoting your worker. You can use the Get Profile view accessor to traverse from the Person business object to the Person Profile Education and Person Profile Certification business objects.

You can use the view accessor to validate program descriptive flexfield (DFF) and the year of degree when the worker saves their educational qualifications.

You can also use it to validate if the certificate issue date is less than the application date and the original year of issue is less than the current year.

This feature helps in improving your user experience and reducing time spent on transactions by defaulting values, ensures accurate and consistent data by validating user entries, and allowing your organization to adjust quickly with HR compliance without relying on new releases.

Steps to Enable

To enable this feature you need to log a Service Request (SR).

To enable Autocomplete Rules in the HCM Experience Design Studio, you need to log a service request (SR). To get access, please review and follow the instructions provided in the My Oracle Support document, Enabling Oracle HCM Cloud Autocomplete Rules (Document ID 2767655.1).

Key Resources

For more information on Autocomplete Rules for HCM products, refer to these resources on Oracle Help Center:

  • Person Business Objects, Chapter 5 Business Objects in Autocomplete, Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules

Role Information

You must be granted the Human Capital Management Application Administrator role to work in a sandbox.

List of Countries for Worker Disability Self-Disclosure is now Extensible

We have extended the list of countries that a worker can select when self-disclosing a disability. You can now enable a country if you want your workers to be able to self-disclose a disability for that country. You can also remove a country from the list of values if you don't have any workers in that country.

A new lookup type, ORA_PER_DISABILITY_COUNTRY, has been delivered with a list of all countries.  To simplify the user experience, the list of originally supported countries are set to Enabled and all other countries are set to Disabled. Simply set a country to Enabled for it to be displayed in the Country list of values, while deselecting the Enabled flag will remove the country from the list of values. In addition, to enabling and disabling a lookup value, you can also configure the display sequence option in the lookup to get the required countries to appear at the top

If you select a new country, you may need to review the displayed attributes and if necessary, create a new Transaction Design Studio rule using the Country parameter to control which attributes you want displayed. 

This feature will simplify the experience for your workers and enable you to control the list of countries displayed in the Personal Details page when workers are self-disclosing their disabilities.

Steps to Enable

Use these steps to add a country to the Country LOV.

  1. Navigate to My Enterprise > Setup and Maintenance.
  2. Search and select the Manage Common Lookups task.
  3. Search for the ORA_PER_DISABILITY_COUNTRY lookup type.
  4. Select the Enabled option for the country you want to add.
  5. Enter a display sequence number (optional).

  1. Click Save and Close

Improve Security of Change Photo Quick Action

We have introduced 2 new privileges, Manage Person Image and Manage Person Image by HR to improve the security of the Change Photo quick action. The former privilege is granted to employees and contingent workers while the latter is granted only to the Oracle-delivered Human Resource Specialist role. Earlier, if the user had the Employee and Human Resource Analyst roles, then the quick action was displayed in the quick actions list on the My Client Groups tab. If the users launched the quick action from the My Client Groups tab, they couldn't update another employee's photo because the roles did not have the necessary data security privileges.

So, while the data security was preventing the user from updating another person's photo, displaying the quick action was extraneous. Since the new privilege is granted only to the Oracle-delivered Human Resources Specialist role, if a user has just the Employee and Human Resource Analyst roles, then the Change Photo quick action won't be displayed on the My Client Groups tab.

Because of this change, you need to add the new privilege Manage Person Image by HR to your professional roles and regenerate the grants so that they will continue to see Change Photo in the quick actions list.

The Change Photo quick action is more secure now and Human Resource Analyst users do not see the Change Photo quick action.

Steps to Enable

Make the feature accessible by assigning or updating privileges and/or job roles. Details are provided in the Role section below.

Key Resources

For more information, refer the following resources on the Oracle Help Center.

  • Regenerate Roles. Chapter 21 Regenerating Roles, Securing HCM, Human Resources Cloud
  • Change Your Photo, Chapter 7 Person Information, Personal Information, Using Global Human Resources, Human Resources Cloud

Role Information

This table lists the roles that are required to update a person's photo.

Privilege Type Name Granted Role
Aggregate privilege

Manage Person Image

  • Employee
  • Contingent Worker

Aggregate privilege

Manage Person Image by HR

  • Human Resources Specialist

Benefit from the Enhancements to the Change Personal Information Approval Rule

We have introduced these features in the Change Personal Information approval rule.

  • Additional attributes available for family and emergency contacts

The list of available attributes in the approval rule for Contacts is extended to include more attributes now.

  • Approval rule evaluated on the acted upon record for address, phone, email, and national identifiers and not just the primary record

The Change Personal Information approval rule has been updated to evaluate the address, phone, email, or national identifier record being acted upon, and not evaluate the primary record. You can enable or disable this evaluation using the profile option ORA_PER_PERSONAL_INFO_EVALUATE_PRIMARY. By default, the approval rule will evaluate based on the record acted upon.

For more details, refer to the Steps to Enable section.

PrimayFlag Option to Check if the Record is a Primary Record

The primaryFlag option will show Y for a primary record, and N for a nonprimary record.

However, if you configure a rule for a primary object and submit a transaction for a different object, then the approval rule will be driven by the primary record of the object you're configuring the rule for.

  • The appropriate effective dated record will be used based on the effective date of the transaction

The date-effective record used for approval rule evaluation is based on the row modified (future row). So, if you have multiple date-effective splits for a date-effective object, and you're acting on one of the splits, the Change Personal Information approval rule is executed based on that date-effective row only.

For example, If you setup a rule where current address.addressline1! = proposed address.addressline1, then the transaction should be routed for approvals, else auto approved, and you have these date-effective splits in the Person Address object.

  • 2010 - 2019 – pastvalue_addressline1   
  • 2020 - 2025 - currentvalue_addressline1   
  • 2026 - End of Time - futurevalue_addressline1

Now, if you modify the future record and update any attribute other than the addressLine1, then the transaction is auto approved, else the rule will compare the value of addressLine1 in the future-dated change only and route the transaction for approval.

  • Change Contact Start Date is available for the HR professional even with Change Personal Information approval enabled

The Change Contact Start Date module, which is part of the Change Personal Information process is available for HR professionals.

A point to note is that if non date-effective objects have a start date prior to the new contact start date, then the start dates will be moved to the new contact start date.

This feature improves the user experience with the Change Personal Information approval rule.

Steps to Enable

The Change Personal Information approval rule evaluation is based on the profile option ORA_PER_PERSONAL_INFO_EVALUATE_PRIMARY.

By default, the profile option is set to N.

Field Value

Profile Option Code


To set a value for the profile option, navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area:

  1. Search for and click the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
  2. Search for the ORA_PER_PERSONAL_INFO_EVALUATE_PRIMARY profile option code and select the profile option in the search results.
  3. In the Profile Values section.
  4. You can choose any of these profile values:
Profile Option Value Description


The approval rule will evaluate based upon the record acted upon

This is the default value.

Y or null

The approval rule will evaluate based upon the primary record.

Tips And Considerations

  • The Name object isn't impacted by the approval rule change because this object always has only one effective record at any point of time.
  • Even if you configure a rule for a nonprimary object that has multiple records, the rule will always be driven by the acted upon record.
  • If you configure a rule for any of these nonprimary objects and then submit a transaction for a different object, then the rule will be driven by the most recently updated record of the object you have configured a rule for.
    • Passport 
    • Citizenship
    • Drivers License
    • Visa Permits
    • Legislative Info
  • Blood Type attribute is added under Biographical Info for both person and contact.
  • Change contact start date inflight transactions don't impact hire date changes

Workforce Structures

Associate Business Units with a Legal Employer

You can now associate multiple business units with a legal employer using the Associated Business Units extensible flexfield (EFF) context. This will help in filtering the business units according to the specified legal employer on the responsive pages that have implemented this feature.

Here's how you associate the business units with a legal employer.

  • Add the context to Manage Legal Entity HCM Information page using the Organization Information EFF and deploy the flexfield.
  • Associate the business units to the legal employer on the Manage Legal Entity HCM Information page.

For more details, refer to the Steps to Enable section.

These are some key points to note:

  • You can associate multiple business units with a legal employer, but can't associate the same business unit twice with a legal employer.
  • You can associate the same business unit with multiple legal employers.
  • You can delete the legal employer - business unit association.
  • You can associate business units when updating or correcting a legal employer.
  • The business unit list of values will display all active and inactive business units configured. There isn't any filtering for only active business units.
  • Business units are listed in the ascending order of business unit name.

This feature helps in filtering the business units displayed according to the legal employer.

Steps to Enable

You need to add the context to the Manage Legal Entity HCM Information page and then associate the business units to the legal employer.

Add Context to Manage Legal Entity HCM Information Page

  1. Go to My Enterprise > Setup and Maintenance.
  2. Search and select the Manage Extensible Flexfields task.
  3. Search for Organization Information EFF on the Manage Extensible Flexfields page.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Expand the Organization category and select Legal Employer.
  6. In the Legal Employer: Details section, select the Associated Business Units delivered context and click the Pages tab.
  7. In the Legal Employer: Associated Contexts Details section, click the Select and Add icon.
  8. In the Select and Add: Contexts window, enter Associated Business Units in the Name field and click Search.
  9. Select the context.
  10. Click Apply.  

  1. Click Save and Close.
  2. Select the Organization Information EFF context on the Manage Extensibile Flexfields page and click the Deploy Flexfield button.

Associate Business Units to a Legal Employer

  1. Go to My Client Groups > Quick Actions > Workforce Structures.
  2. Search and click the Manage Legal Entity HCM Information task..
  3. Search and click the legal entity to which you want to associate business units.
  4. Click Edit > Update or Correct.
  5. Click the Add Row icon in the Associated Business Units section.
  6. Search and select the business unit that you want to map to the legal employer. Repeat step 5 to add more business units.


  1. Click Submit.

Tips And Considerations

  • If you just associate the context, the business unit filtering won't work. There has to be at least one business unit associated with the legal employer for the filtering to happen based on that legal employer.
  • By default, the Associated Business Units context will not be associated with any page. You need to configure the mapping on the Manage Extensible Flexfields page. Thereafter, you can associate multiple business units with the legal employer. Once the context is associated, it will appear for all legal employers.
  • You can use the business unit filtering only in responsive pages because this feature is delivered for REST LOVs only.
  • Currently, loading legal entity HCM information using HCM Data Loader (HDL) isn't supported.
  • The legal employer - business unit association is also migrated when you migrate your Legal Employer configuration using the Functional Setup Manager (FSM) export/import functionality.
  • An extra parameter is delivered in the REST hcmBusinessUnitsLOV as follows:
    • LegalEmployerId in findByWord finder.
  • Only pages that have implemented this feature will demonstrate this additional filtering.

Key Resources

  • For information on pages that have implemented this feature in this release, see the What's New for Human Resources > Filter Client-Side Business Unit LOV Using Legal Employer feature in Update 21D
  • Additionally, refer to the following resources on the Oracle Help Center:
    • Business Units, Chapter 5 Legal Entities, Business Units, and Reference Data Sets, Implementing Global Human Resources guide, Human Resources Cloud
    • Manage Extensible Flexfields, Chapter 25 HCM Flexfields Maintenance, Implementing Global Human Resources guide, Human Resources Cloud
    • Business Units List of Values, List of Values, REST API for Oracle HCM Cloud, Human Resources Cloud

Associate Legal Employers with a Location

You can now associate multiple legal employers that are operating at a location using the Legal Employers Operating At This Location extensible flexfield (EFF) context. This will help in filtering the locations from where a specified legal employer is operating, on pages that have implemented this feature.

You need to associate the legal employers operating at a location using the responsive Location Details quick action.

For more details, refer to the Steps to Enable section.

These are some key points to note:

  • You can associate multiple legal employers operating at a location, but can't associate the same legal employer twice with a location.
  • You can associate the same legal employer with different locations.
  • You can delete the legal employer - location association.
  • This legal employer - location mapping is copied when you duplicate a location.
  • You can associate legal employers when creating, updating, or correcting a location.
  • The legal employer list of values will display all active and inactive legal employers configured. There isn't any filtering for only active legal employers. Similarly, there is no filtering of legal employers by matching the legal employer country with the location address country.
  • Legal employers are listed in the ascending order of legal employer name.

Currently, locations are filtered based on the business unit-set mapping. This feature further refines the location filtering capabilities, first by the business unit -set mapping, and then by the legal employer.

Steps to Enable

Use these steps to associate the legal employers to the location.

Associate Legal Employers to a Location

  1. Go to My Client Groups > Quick Actions > Workforce Structures.
  2. Click Location Details task.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Select the Additional Info option on the questionnaire page and click Continue.
  5. Enter the required details to create a location and go to the Additional Info section 
  6. Click Add in the Legal Employers Operating At this Location section to associate legal employers to this location.

  1. Click Submit.

Tips And Considerations

  • There has to be at least one legal employer associated with a location for the filtering to happen based on that legal employer.
  • You can associate locations with legal employers using both classic and responsive location pages but you can use the location filtering only in responsive pages because this feature is delivered for REST LOVs only.
  • You can also use HCM Data Loader (HDL) to associate legal employers operating at a location.
  • The location - legal employer association is also migrated when you migrate your Location configuration using the Functional Setup Manager (FSM) export/import functionality.
  • An extra parameter is added on the REST locationsLOV as follows:
    • LegalEmployerId in findByWord finder.
    • LegalEmpId in findByBusinessUnit finder.
  • Only pages that have implemented this feature will demonstrate this additional filtering.

Key Resources

For information on pages that have implemented this feature in this release, see the What's New for Human Resources > Additional Filter Using Legal Employer for Client-Side Location LOV feature in Update 21D.

Additionally, refer to the following resources on the Oracle Help Center:

  • Associate Legal Employers with  Locations, Chapter 7 Divisions, Departments, Worker Unions, Locations, and Trees, Implementing Global Human Resources guide, Human Resources Cloud
  • Manage Extensible Flexfields, Chapter 25 HCM Flexfields Maintenance, Implementing Global Human Resources guide, Human Resources Cloud
  • Guidelines for Loading Locations, Chapter 5 Loading Work Structures, HCM Data Loading Business Objects guide, Human Resources Cloud
  • Locations List of Values, List of Values, REST API for Oracle HCM Cloud, Human Resources Cloud

Role Information

You must be granted the Human Capital Management Application Administrator role to work in setup and maintenance area.

Ability to Identify a Location as an Employee Location

You can now specify a location as an employee location on the responsive Create Location and Location Details pages. By default, the Employee Location attribute is hidden and optional. You can make it visible and mandatory using the Transaction Design Studio. The default value for this attribute is Yes.

You will be able to leverage the employee location value to filter the list of locations on responsive pages in subsequent releases.

This feature will help you differentiate between employee and non employee locations.

Steps to Enable

Use these steps to enable the Employee Location attribute in the Location Details page.

  1. Go to Home > My Client Groups > HCM Experience Design Studio. A sandbox will automatically be created.
  2. Click Transaction Design Studio.
  3. Select Create Location from the Actions list.
  4. Click Add.
  5. Enter a Name and Description for the rule.
  6. Go to the Page Attributes section and select the Location Details region.
  7. Select Visible in the Employee Location row.

  1. Click Save and Close.

 In step 3, select the Location Details action in the Transaction Design Studio to enable it for the Location Details page.

Tips And Considerations

  • You need to always select either Yes or No for this attribute. The value of this attribute can't be null or blank in the page.
  • You can only correct the existing value of Employee Location but can't make date-effective updates to the value.
  • You can enable audit for the Employee Location attribute, if required.
  • You can upload data into this attribute using HCM Data Loader (HDL) and HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader (HSDL) predefined template.
  • The Employee Location value is also migrated when you migrate your Location configuration using the Functional Setup Manager (FSM) export/import functionality.
  • The Employee Location attribute is added to the ManageLocations data model and the UpdateLocationReport BIP template. You can add the attribute to CreateLocationReport and DTDeleteLocationReport by customizing the BIP templates, if required.
  • You can't build rules using this attribute value as it's not available in the approvals payload.
  • An extra parameter is added in the REST locationsLOV as follows:
    • EmployeeLocationFlag in findByWord finder.
    • EmployeeLocFlag in findByBusinessUnit finder.
  • This attribute will be available in the OTBI subject area in a future release.

Key Resources

For more information, refer to the following resources on the Oracle Help Center:

  • Locations, Chapter 7: Divisions, Departments, Worker Unions, Locations, and Trees, Implementing Global Human Resources guide, Human Resources Cloud
  • Guidelines for Loading Locations, Chapter 5 Loading Work Structures, HCM Data Loading Business Objects guide, Human Resources Cloud
  • Locations List of Values, List of Values, REST API for Oracle HCM Cloud

Role Information

You must be granted the Human Capital Management Application Administrator role to work in a sandbox.

Approvals Support for Location Responsive Pages

You can now set up approvals for these Location responsive processes:

  • Create Location (Duplicate Location is included in this flow)
  • Edit Location (Correct and Update Location is included in this flow)
  • Delete Date Effective Location Record

You can either bypass approvals or configure rules for approval. In case of bypass approvals the location transaction is submitted without any approval routing. When you configure rules, notifications are sent to the approvers that are set up in the approval rule, on submission of the transaction.

You can also view any pending approvals for a location in the Search page. By default, the Pending Changes field is hidden. These are the steps to enable it in the Search page.

  1. Navigate to My Client Groups and click HCM Experience Design Studio from the quick actions. A sandbox will be automatically created.
  2. Go to HCM Experience Design Studio > Transaction Design Studio.
  3. Select the Location Search action.
  4. Click Add.
  5. Specify the basic rule details.
  6. Select the Active check box.
  7. Select the Location Search region in the Page Attributes section.
  8. Change the visibility setting for the Pending Changes field to Visible.
  9. Click Save and Close.

You can now enable the Save functionality in the Create Location and Location Details flows. The Save functionality allows you to save transactions and complete them in the future.

This feature provides an additional ability to route create and edit location transactions for approvals.

Steps to Enable

Use these steps to enable the Save options on the Create Location page.

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Sandboxes.
  2. Click Create Sandbox and enter a name for the sandbox.
  3. Add Page Composer from the Add Tools list.
  4. Click Create and Enter.
  5. Navigate to Home > My Client Groups > Location Details.
  6. Click Add and then Continue to open the Create Location page.
  7. Click Edit Pages from the Settings and Actions menu on the right.
  8. Click Structure and place your cursor near the Submit and Cancel buttons region.
  9. Click Edit in the Confirm Shared Component Edit window.
  10. Search for responsiveTransactionToolbar[Edit Component] in the component list and click the Show the properties of the responsiveTransactionToolbar icon.
  11. Scroll down to the Save Rendered field in the Edit Properties window and click the down arrow.

  1. Select Expression Builder.
  2. Add true in the expression editor.

  1. Click OK.

Repeat steps 10 to 13 for the Save and Close Rendered field.

To enable the Save options only in the Edit Location page, follow the steps listed above.

  • In steps 5 and 6, navigate to Edit Location page  - Location Details > Search for a location and navigate to the view page; then click Actions and select Correct
  • In step 13, specify the Save Rendered condition as - #{pageFlowScope.locationResponsiveParamMap.LocationUiMode ne 'LocationView'} 

Key Resources

For more information, refer to the following resources on the Oracle Help Center.

  • Chapter 15: Notifications and Approvals, Implementing Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources Cloud.
  • Overview of Using Page Composer, Chapter 3: Page Content and Layout, Configuring and Extending Applications, Global Human Resources Cloud.

Role Information

You must be granted the Human Capital Management Application Administrator role to enable a sandbox.

Country Preselected While Creating Location

You can now default the country when specifying the address in the location responsive pages. You need to specify the default country on the Manage Enterprise HCM Information page. If you don't configure any default country, then the country is automatically defaulted to United States in the location address.

You can save time by setting a default country when creating locations instead of always selecting a value from the Country list.

Steps to Enable

Use these steps to set a default country when specifying the location address.

  1. Go to Home > Workforce Structures > Manage Enterprise HCM Information.
  2. Click Edit > Update.
  3. Scroll down to the Workforce Structures Configuration section.
  4. Select the country you want to default in the location address.
  5. Click Submit.

Tips And Considerations

  • The country defaults don't apply to the classic Location pages, HCM Data Loader (HDL), HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader (HSDL), and REST.
  • When duplicating a location, the country is defaulted from the country specified in the original location and not the enterprise configuration.
  • The default location country isn't date-effective and will be the same for all date-effective records of the enterprise configuration.

Key Resources

For more information, refer to the following resource on the Oracle Help Center.

  • Locations, Chapter 7: Divisions, Departments, Worker Unions, Locations, and Trees, Implementing Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources Cloud.

Automatic Generation of Job Code

You can now generate the job code in any of the following ways:

  • Manually
  • Automatically prior to submission
  • Automatically upon final save

Job code generation methods

Use the Manage Enterprise HCM Information task in the Setup and Maintenance work area to generate job codes for your enterprise. The default generation method is Manual.

The automatically generated job code will be numeric across the enterprise. The initial job code field validation helps in identifying the starting job code in automatic job code generation.

You can use this feature to reduce the effort in manually providing the job code for each job being created.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • This feature applies to responsive UIs only.
  • If you select the automatic method, the generated job code will be numeric across the enterprise.
  • When the Job Code Generation Method is set to automatic and you have provided a job code value in the dat file, the job code won't be automatically generated.
  • If job code is being automatically generated, then provide the source system ID and source system owner in the dat file to load jobs using HCM Data Loader.

Key Resources

For more information, refer to the following resources on the Oracle Help Center:

  • Workforce Structures Code Generation Methods, Jobs and Positions in the Implementing Global Human Resources book

Human Capital Management for Bahrain

Oracle HRMS (Bahrain) supports country specific features and functions for Bahrain. It enables users to follow Bahrain’s business practices and comply with its statutory requirements.

Additional Information at an Organization Level

You can select the employer category and the employer sector. Use the ORA_HRX_BH_EMPLOYER_CATEGORY and ORA_HRX_BH_EMPLOYER_SECTOR lookup codes to access Employer Category and Employer Sector values. The employer sector value is limited based on the value entered for employer category. For example, you can select the values Military, Army or Police if the employer category is Military sector.

With this enhancement record the relevant employer category, and sector, to be used in any ad hoc query.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Additional Information at a Person Level

With this enhancement, you can use the additional information provided to complete the hire or manage person functionality to meet legislative requirements.

Sponsor Details: Information about the Sponsor such as Sponsor Type, Sponsor Name, Sponsor Number, Sponsor Relationship and Sponsor Nationality has been added to the Visa Details.

Statutory Dependent Contacts: Added a check box to indicate whether a contact is Statutory Dependent used to calculate child allowance payments.

Reporting Description: Use this field to enter disability information to be reported to the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Social Insurance Office.

Continuous Period of Service (C): Use the Payroll Relationship Rule 'Continuous Period of Service (C)' to calculate an employee’s payroll. This payroll relationship rule checks for a Payroll Relationship of the same type as of the Work Term. If one exists, the Last Standard Earnings Date of the payroll relationship will be validated.

  • If the Last Standard Earnings Date is greater than the Term start date, the Work Term is attached to it.
  • If the Last Standard Earnings Date is less than the Term start date, a new Payroll Relationship is generated.
  • If the Last Standard Earnings Date does not exist, a new Payroll Relationship is generated.

When a Work Term is terminated, and if it is the last active Work Term associated with the Payroll Relationship, the Payroll Relationship is also be terminated.

Use HCM Experience Design Studio to make person attributes visible for different regions. You can access HCM Experience Design Studio from My Client Groups, select one of the actions mentioned below to view the attributes to be enabled.

Attribute Region
Correspondence Language Personal Details
Date of Birth

Personal Details

Person Contact Relationship Legislative Attributes

Relationship Information, My Contacts, Relationship


Legislative Info, Demographic Info


Legislative Info, Demographic Info

Highest Educational Level

Legislative Info, Demographic Info

Person Legislative Information Developer Attributes

Legislative Info, Demographic Info

Person Visa Legislative Attributes

Visas and Permits

Working Hours

Employment Details, Employment Info

Null (working hours frequency)

Employment Details, Employment Info

Probation Period

Employment Details, Employment Info

Probation End Date

Employment Details, Employment Info

Tax Reporting Unit Payroll Details

You can select the following actions:

  • Hire an Employee
  • Add Assignment
  • Add Contingent Worker
  • Add Pending Worker
  • Add a Non Worker
  • Edit Pending Worker
  • Create Work Relationship
  • Employment Contracts
  • Local and Global Transfer
  • Identification Info
  • Family and Emergency Contacts
  • Personal Details
  • Mass Legal Employer Change

Use the additional information provided to complete the hire or manage person functionality to meet legislative requirements

Steps to Enable

  1. Access HCM Experience Design Studio from My Client Groups
  2. Enter an Action such as Hire an Employee
  3. Click on Add in the Rules section
  4. Under Page Attributes select the attributes you want to make visible or hidden.

Please refer to the 21D Transaction Design Studio for HCM Experience Design Studio Enhancements for more info.

Payroll Definitions

With this enhancement use the Calendar Month as a payroll period to calculate the Social Insurance in (Fusion) payroll. If you wish to create a payroll definition for a bi-weekly payroll for use with third-party payroll providers you must set the country extension as Human Resources or None. When the country extension is set as Payroll Interface and the period type selected when creating a payroll definition is Biweekly, from a choice of Biweekly and Monthly Calendar, then the payroll definition is created successfully with no error messages.

Create payroll definitions for a calendar monthly payroll or bi-weekly payroll.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Payment Methods

With this enhancement, you can use the supported payment methods Direct Deposit, Payment by Cheque, Cash and International Transfer to pay employees by their chosen method of payment.

Process payments to employees by their chosen method of payment.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Organization Calculation Cards

With this enhancement, you can use the Organization Employer Social Insurance Details calculation card to store the Employer Type (Private or Government sector) in the Social Insurance component group and the Contributory salary reference formula to override the delivered contributory salary calculation. Select the employer type for the legal employer, to process social insurance or gratuity for your employees. You can also choose the formula you need to calculate the Contributory Salary. You must define your own salary formula to calculate the salary to be used for the gratuity calculation. Once you have defined the salary formula, you select it as the gratuity salary formula on the calculation card. The formula must return the values using variable MONTHLY_SALARY.

Enter the required information like Gratuity to be Paid, Gratuity Salary Formula, and Gratuity Reference Formula in the Gratuity component group of the Employer Gratuity Details calculation card to process the Bahrain gratuity calculation.

The application validates whether an Employer Social Insurance Details or an Employer Gratuity Details calculation card already exists for that Legal Entity and raises a message for any duplicate occurrences.

Legislative requirement to calculate social insurance contributions correctly for citizens of Bahrain.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Person Calculation Card

With this enhancement, the following information can be recorded on an Employee Social Insurance Details calculation card at a payroll relationship level.

  • Citizenship
  • Registration for Social Insurance
  • Exemption from Social Insurance Contribution Difference
  • Country of Citizenship Pension
  • Exception Type (if the person is Emirati)
  • Contributory salary override
  • Contributory salary adjustment

This card is created automatically as part of the new hire or re-hire process if your product usage is set to Payroll or Payroll Interface. Added Calculation Components Details such as Bahrain Employee Social Insurance Details, Social Insurance Contributory Salary Override, and Social Insurance Contributory Salary Adjustment.

These component details are displayed when you create a component detail and enter the calculation card for an employee.

You can use the contributory salary override amount to fix the contributory salary for the remainder of the year. You can't enter a negative amount. The contributory salary adjustment can be used to update the Contributory Salary for the remainder of the year. The 'Registered for Social Insurance' check box indicates whether the social insurance calculations should be processed for employees. The contributory salary override can only be entered in January, or the first period of employment for a new hire, and will be used for the full year. The contributory salary adjustment can be entered in any other period and the contributory salary will be modified in the next, normal, payroll run.

If the employee's citizenship is Emirati, you can select the following exception values from ORA_HRX_BH_AE_EXCEPT_TYPE.

  • The employee pays both contributions
  • The employer pays both contributions
  • The employer pays the contribution and the employee pays later

Use the Employee Gratuity Details calculation card to trigger the gratuity payment process. It covers the employee gratuity details, the Bahrain citizen's gratuity details, and also the Article 111C payment. This card is created automatically as part of the termination process if your product usage is set to Payroll or Payroll Interface.

With this calculation card you can:

  • Override the gratuity amount calculated by the delivered formula in the Bahrain Employee Gratuity Details.
  • Enter an amount in addition to the gratuity payment based on the labor law Article 111C in the Article 111C Details calculation component details.
  • Enter the Bahrain citizens gratuity information for Bahraini citizens who are registered for Social Insurance, work in a private sector and whose contributory salary exceeds the maximum contributory salary.

Legislative requirement to calculate social insurance contributions for all GCC citizens and gratuity for all eligible employees.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Human Capital Management for Canada

Oracle HRMS (Canada) supports country specific features and functions for Canada. It enables users to follow Canadian business practices and comply with its statutory requirements.

Support for Federal and Provincial Tax Credit Information

Maintain employee federal and provincial tax information in your HR system with the Tax Credit Information card. If your company does not use Vertex, but a different provider like GBG | Loqate for master geography data, you will need to run the Maintain Canadian Geography flow to enable the Tax Credit Information card at the province level.

This card will allow you to manage tax withholding information that can be passed to your payroll provider for payroll processing.

Steps to Enable

If your company does not use Vertex, but a different provider like GBG | Loqate for master geography data, you will need to run the Maintain Canadian Geography flow to enable the Tax Credit Information card at the province level. To run the flow, go to the top of the screen and search for Submit a Flow. On the Submit a Flow page choose the Canada Legislative Data Group and then search for Maintain Canadian Geography under Select a Flow.

Tips And Considerations

The tax withholding card is not created automatically upon hire or rehire. The employee or HR professional would need to create and maintain it.

Human Capital Management for Ireland

Oracle HRMS (Ireland) supports country specific features and functions for Ireland. It enables users to follow Ireland’s business practices and comply with its statutory requirements.

Enable Employee Self-Service Declaration for Disability

You can provide access to your employees to declare their disabilities using the employee self-service option. To do this, use the Business Intelligence Publisher (BIP) template and edit it to reflect the appropriate information that's required.

You can add informational text in the additional fields on the Disability Info page, for example, with an extract from the Disability Act 2005 or The Equality Acts 1998. You can define a disability and voluntary sharing of disability information as shown in the examples here:

What is a Disability?

Disability, in relation to a person, means a substantial restriction in the capacity of the person to carry on a profession, business or occupation in the State or to participate in social or cultural life in the State by reason of an enduring physical, sensory, mental health or intellectual impairment.

Voluntary Sharing of Information

Why are you being asked to complete this form?

To help us know how many disabled people work in the organisation and what their needs are so that we can:

  • Measure Engagement
  • Establish a benchmark for measuring improvements
  • Provide adequate support
  • Learning about barriers to access

The information you chose to share is for monitoring purposes and to enable us to help you. You are not obliged to tell us that you have a disability unless you require or want a reasonable adjustment. A person may become disabled at any time and we would like all our employees to check their information regularly.

The employees can record their disability details on the Disability Info page in the edit mode.

You can enable timely update of employee disability information through the employee self-service, thereby reducing the dependency on the HR personnel to update this.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Human Capital Management for United Kingdom

Oracle HRMS (UK) supports country specific features and functions for the United Kingdom. It enables users to follow the UK’s business practices and comply with its statutory requirements.

Enable Employee Self-Service Declaration for Disability

You can provide access to your employees to declare their disabilities using the employee self-service option. To do this, use the Business Intelligence Publisher (BIP) template and edit it to reflect the appropriate information that's required.

You can add informational text in the additional fields on the Disability Info page, for example, with an extract from the Equality Act 2010. You can define a disability and voluntary sharing of disability information as shown in the examples here:

The employees can record their disability details on the Disability Info page in the edit mode.

You can enable timely update of employee disability information through the employee self-service, thereby reducing the dependency on the HR personnel to update this.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Process Statutory Sick Pay for Multiple Assignments

You can now process Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) for employees for all the assignments in accordance with the statutory processing rules for multiple assignments. 

Here's how the enhanced process to calculate entitlements to statutory sick payments works: 

  • Aggregate assignments, if they are all on the same Statutory Deductions card
  • Calculate the average weekly earnings using the appropriate pay information for the aggregated assignments
  • Check the person is absent from all the aggregated assignments associated with the absence period
  • Include absence records that are entered at assignment or person level

To access the SSP case from the Absence administration page, select the Plan tab from the appropriate record. Select View Case in the additional information column. From the absence case link in the Absences work area, search for and select cases that have the category Statutory Sick Pay.  You will then see a list of cases from which you can select the appropriate case.

For aggregated assignments, the payments will be split by the number of assignments. And, for non-aggregated assignments, each qualifying assignment will receive the appropriate payment.

The new SSP processing uses case functionality to group and view absences details associated with absence periods.

Steps to Enable

For more information, see UK Statutory Absences Setup (Doc ID 2235239.1) on My Oracle Support.

Tips And Considerations

Once you enable this feature, you won't be able to use the previous UK Statutory Absence SSP solution.

Key Resources

For more information, see UK Statutory Absences Setup (Document ID 2235239.1) on My Oracle Support.

Human Capital Management for United States

Oracle HRMS (United States) supports country specific features and functions for the United States. It enables users to follow the United States business practices and comply with its statutory requirements.

Support for Federal and State W-4

Maintain employee federal and state W-4 tax information in your HR system with the Tax Withholding Card. If your company does not use Vertex but a different provider like GBG | Loqate for master geography data, you will need to run the Maintain US Geography flow to enable the Tax Withholding Card at the State level. 

This card will allow you to manage tax withholding information that can be passed to your payroll provider for payroll processing.

Steps to Enable

If your company does not use Vertex but a different provider like GBG | Loqate for master geography data, you will need to run the Maintain US Geography flow to enable the Tax Withholding Card at the State level. To run the flow go to the top of the screen and search for Submit a Flow. On the Submit a Flow page choose the US Legislative Data Group and then search for Maintain US Geography under Select a Flow.

Tips And Considerations

The tax withholding card is not created automatically upon hire or rehire. The employee or HR professional would need to create and maintain it.

Global Payroll Interface

Oracle Global Payroll Interface supports features to send personal payroll information to third-party payroll providers and then to import processed payroll data into Oracle Fusion Global HR. You can copy and modify predefined extract definitions to meet the requirements of your third-party payroll provider. Before extracting data, payroll coordinators can optionally run the Calculate Gross Earnings process to calculate periodic values to validate gross earnings calculations. If you import processed payroll data or payslips from your third-party payroll provider, the data is available for further reporting and analysis.

Global Payroll Interface Updated with Technical Enhancements

Enhance your payroll interface capabilities using the technical enhancements delivered in Global Payroll Interface V2. Changes are made to the Global Person Data Level DBI group names so as to fetch proper names during global transfers and rehires.

NOTE: If you are using the delivered Global Payroll Interface V2 to interface with your payroll partner, you should perform a baseline extraction after applying this patch.

You can perform with regular data changes and extractions after the baseline extraction.

Enhance your payroll interface capabilities using the technical enhancements delivered in Global Payroll Interface V2.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Global Payroll Interface Template Enhanced with Additional Grade Attributes

The Global Data section of the Global Payroll Interface template now includes the following additional grade attributes.

Attribute Description
Grade Ladder

A grade ladder is associated with the assignment. The grade ladder includes grade steps that indicate the sequence of progression of a worker within the grade.

Grade Step

Grade step (within the grade) associated with the assignment.

These attributes help correct salary configurations.

To use the new attributes you must regenerate your payroll interface from the enhanced template using the configurator.

NOTEEnsure you do a baseline extraction after you apply this enhancement. 

You can continue with regular extractions after completing the baseline extraction.

Use the new attributes of grade ladder and grade step added to the Global Payroll Interface template for accurate salary configurations.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Use the Enhanced US ADP Workforce Now Payroll Interface V2

Take advantage of the new version of ADP Workforce Now Payroll Interface to improve the interfacing with the ADP Workforce Now Payroll application.

NOTE: The ADP Workforce Now Payroll Interface V2 is mandatory for using the new feature “Payload Rule” configurator to integrate with ADP Workforce Now.

The following features are available to you with Workforce now Payroll Interface V2:

Payload Rule

Use the Payload rule to configure the required attribute for the ADP Workforce Now Payroll integration.  You can select or deselect the delivered attributes you want to include in the extract output file. Or, you can hide the information that you don’t want to send in the extract output file.

Payroll Transfer

When you transfer an employee from Monthly payroll to Bi-weekly payroll, then the extract will send the new payroll information along with related employment and payroll data to the third-party payroll system.

Enhancement to the Delivered Custom Fields

Use the enhancement to the delivered custom fields at data capture page. You can select the values from the List of values instead of entering them manually. This helps by avoiding the erroneous data being entered in the interface extract output file. Additionally, you have the control to maintain the validated values on the value sets.

Here are the extract definition and process flow names for ADP Workforce Now Payroll Interface V2:

  • Extract Definition name: US ADP Workforce Now Payroll Interface V2
  • Process Flow name: Run Payroll Interface for ADP Workforce Now V2

This enhancement provides these additional features along with all the functionalities and features of the earlier version:

  • Neat data set extraction: Redundant and obsolete attributes information are removed from the data set extraction, For example, the redundant federal level attributes in the calculation card page from the W-4 form that is effective from 2020 isn't included in the extract. Also, the new extraction set trimmed off the unconsumed data sets related to Bank and Absence transactions.
  • Dynamic payload: This new version is a mandatory pre-requisite for Payload Rule feature using Oracle HCM cloud for ADP Workforce Now. This supports a dynamic selection of required attributes for your business needs and data protection policies. You can select and deselect attributes and data group from the parent data set, which is delivered as a seeded integration to more specific to ADP Workforce Now interfacing requirement.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • If you are new to ADP Workforce Now Payroll Interface and you are planning to use the interface as delivered, Oracle recommends you consider the new version.
  • If you are already using ADP Workforce Now Payroll Interface version 1, Oracle recommends you contact Oracle and ADP before considering the move to the new version.

Key Resources

Refer to Payroll Interface for ADP Workforce Now chapter, Topic: Configure Payload Rules from the Implementing Global Payroll Interface Oracle Help Center.

Deleted Data Report Supports Additional Business Objects

Use the enhanced Deleted Data Report to report data deleted from Oracle HCM Cloud during the extraction period. With this enhancement, the report displays purged information for the additional objects of assignment, jobs, and salary. This is in addition to purged element entries and personal payment methods that the report already includes.

The Deleted Data Report includes purged data from audit tables and reports deletions that have happened within the specified extraction window. Hence you must enable audit on all the objects included in the report.

The enhanced Deleted Data Report includes purged information for additional objects of job, assignment, and salary.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

  • For more information about the Deleted Data Report, see this topic in the Implementing Global Payroll Interface guide on Oracle Help CenterDeleted Data Report.

Workforce Directory Management

Oracle Workforce Directory Management allows you to find colleagues and view organization charts.

Enhanced My Team Page

My Team page is enhanced with these features.

View All Offers, Vacancies, and Requisitions

You can now see all offers, vacancies and requisitions for the line manager hierarchy when you select the All Reports filter.

All Offers, Vacancies, and Requisitions in My Team Page

View Offers, Workers, and Position

This table lists what you can see in the Workers, Positions, With Offers, Vacancies, and Requisitions sections.

Section Assignment View Positions View
Positions N/A

Lists all positions under the position or worker in focus.


Shows current workers and current and future pending workers reporting to the manager in focus.  It doesn't show future dated workers.

Shows current workers and current and future pending workers reporting to the manager in focus and are not part of the position hierarchy. It doesn't show future dated workers.

With Offers

Shows offers for whom the manager in focus is the hiring manager with all proposed start dates in Draft, Pending Approval, Extended, Approved, Approval Rejected, Pending Manual Processing and Processing in Progress statuses.

Shows offers for which the hiring manager is the manager in focus and the offer is not part of the position hierarchy. Statuses shown are same as in assignment view.


Shows requisitions with the manager in focus as the hiring manager.

Shows requisitions with the manager in focus as the hiring manager.


Shows vacancies under the manager in focus.

Shows vacancies under the manager in focus.

This feature improves the user experience with the My Team page.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • A delegate manager who is not included in the recruiting team will not be able to see offers.
  • Future offers will appear in the With Offer section in both assignment and position views and they will not show as position incumbents or be included in the count.  Offers will only appear once either as a position incumbent or in With Offer.

Role Information

This table lists the changed privileges to show or hide the Requisitions and Offers sections in My Team page. Please note that these privilege changes apply only to Fusion Recruiting requisitions.

Section Old Privilege New Privilege






Transactional Business Intelligence for Human Resources

Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence is a real time, self service reporting solution offered to all Oracle® Cloud application users to create ad hoc reports and analyze them for daily decision-making.  Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence provides human resources managers and specialists, business executives, and line managers the critical workforce information to analyze workforce costs, staffing, compensation, performance management, talent management, succession planning, and employee benefits.

Don’t want to start from scratch building a report or analytics? Check out the library of sample reports for all products on Customer Connect on the Report Sharing Center.

Enhancements to HCM Integrations Subject Area

The HCM Integrations subject area has been updated with new attributes and metrics related to reporting on remove person information and HCM data loader.

Subject Area Folder Attribute/Metric Action
HCM Integrations Real Time Audit Information
  • Process Number
  • Process Name
  • Template Name
  • Person Number
  • Business Object Name
  • Number of Instances
  • Created By Creation
  • Date
This new dimension under HCM Data Disposal allows you to report on remove person information details
  HCM Data Disposal > Remove Person Information
  • Template Status
  • Total Process Time
new attributes added
  HCM Data Loader > Spreadsheet Data Sets
  • Total Number of Rows
  • Number of Unprocessed Rows
  • Number of Loaded Rows
  • Number of Failed Rows
New metrics added to report on the spreadsheet data loader

With this enhancement you can have better reporting on the  HCM Integrations subject area on remove person information and HCM data loader.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Historical Data Enhancements in Workforce Trend Subject Area

A new folder named Workforce Trend Details is added to the Workforce Management - Workforce Trend Real Time subject area. This houses a few attributes that render data as of the time period selected in the analysis. For example: A worker is changed from being a full time worker in the prior quarter to part time in the current quarter. The report would render the worker as full time for all the records up until the prior quarter and subsequently would display the latest value part time. Similarly for the other attributes in this folder.

Enhance your reporting on Workforce Trend Real Time with the addition of a new folder that allows historical data reporting of a few attributes.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

New Attribute in Department Dimension

Enhance your reporting on department dimension with the addition of a new attribute named 'Title'.

Take advantage of the Title in your reporting.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

More details on this attribute is available in the Global Human Resources 21C What's New under the following feature: New Non-Unique Title Field Added to the Department Entity

New Metrics in Checklists Subject Area

Workforce Management - Checklist Real Time subject area is enhanced to include the following metrics under the Checklist Task folder

  • Count of Questionnaires   
  • Count of Questions   
  • Count of Responses

Improve your reporting on allocated checklists with the addition of new metrics related to assigned questionnaires.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Added Effective Dates to Organization Tree

The Organization dimension is enhanced to include the following columns under Organization Hierarchy sub folder.

  • Tree version Effective Start Date
  • Tree version Effective End Date

Enhance your reporting on organization tree with the inclusion of the effective start and end date attributes related to the tree version and its various statuses.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

IMPORTANT Actions and Considerations for Human Resources


From time to time, Oracle replaces existing Cloud service features with new features or removes existing features. When a feature is replaced the older version may be removed immediately or at a future time. As a best practice, you should use the newer version of a replaced feature as soon as the newer version is available.


Removed Feature

Target Removal

Replacement Feature

Replaced In

Additional Information

Global HR

Message about Replacing Change Legal Employer Flow in Update 21D


Local and Global Transfer Guided Process


Global Payroll Interface

Calculation to Gross for Global Payroll Interface Discontinued

A Year ago


Global HR

Position, Job and Location Available Only in Responsive Pages in the Work Area from 22A


New Position Details under HR Redesigned User Experience in 19C & New Job Details Quick Action and New Location Details Quick Action under Global HR Redesigned User Experience in 19D

19C & 19D  

Global Payroll Interface

Calculation Card Data Discontinued In ADP Global Payroll Interface



ADP no longer supports.

Global HR

Change Legal Employer Replaced With Local and Global Transfer Flow 21D

Local and Global Transfer Guided Process




The HCM Responsive User Experience has been available and promoted as our standard since Update 18B. If you are still using the older HCM Classic Simplified User Interface, you must transition to the HCM Responsive User Experience, as these older pages will no longer be supported.

For consolidated information on generic setup information you can refer to My Oracle Support Document ID 2399671.1 - HCM Responsive User Experience Setup Information.



Oracle publishes a Known Issues document for every Update to make customers are aware of potential problems they could run into and the document provides workarounds if they are available.

Oracle also publishes Maintenance Pack and Statutory Maintenance Pack documentation of bugs that are fixed in the monthly or statutory patching.

To review these documents you must have access to My Oracle Support:

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Functional Known Issues and Maintenance Packs (Document ID 1554838.1)

Controlled Availability for Human Resources

The following is a list of Controlled Availability features that are being offered by our Controlled Availability Program.

NOTE: These features are not generally available for all customers at this time. These are only available through the Controlled Availability Program and will require approval to become a part of the features program. To be a part of these programs you will be required to participate in testing and providing feedback. Some programs may require other participation as well.

Not to worry if you don't have to time to be a part of these early stage programs. You can uptake this feature when it is generally available for all customers. When these features are available for all customers you will see the features under their product headings as usual.

We invite you all to browse through the list of features to see if there are any features you are interested in implementing in advance of the features scheduled release. The table below will provide information on signing up for features. Please sign up soon, as these programs have limited availability and some are designed for specific types of customers.

The table below gives you a brief description of the features available and how to sign up. Some features are bigger than others, so for more information there may be a What's New describing the feature in more detail below this table.

We look forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas as you participate the Controlled Availability programs!

Product Feature Name Feature Description Type of Customer Needed to Test How to Sign Up Controlled Availability Release Is the Program Still Open?

Global Human Resources

Connections New Directory User Experience

Connections is an invaluable resource for your workers to build and maintain relationships within your company. You get the latest, compelling, consumer grade, animated user experience that workers have come to expect. Connections leverages Oracle Search so your workers can quickly and easily find and connect with people. A person’s profile opens using visually engaging animation, like unfolding a multi-panel brochure. Connections includes an organization chart to help your workers understand and navigate your organization structure and identify relationships between coworkers.

In order to use you must also sign up for the Oracle Search Controlled Availability features shown on the 21A HCM Common What's New under Controlled Availability Features.

ase see the following My Oracle Support document on how to sign up:

Fusion Global HR: How to Apply for Connections Under Controlled Availability (Document ID 2743183.1) and the What's New below for this feature.



Global Human Resources

Autoprovision Areas of Responsibility (AORs)


HCM AOR customers willing to move to Responsibility Templates

Open a Service Request in My Oracle Support and include a tag for "AOR-Autoprovision"

21B Yes