December Maintenance Pack for 23D
This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:
Date | Module | Feature | Notes |
22 NOV 2023 | Created initial document. |
HCM Cloud applications have two types of patches you can receive that are documented in this What’s New:
- Release Updates (23A, 23B, 23C, and 23D)
- Optional Monthly Maintenance Packs to each update
It is important for you to know what Release Update your environment is on. You can find this in your Cloud Portal.
We’re here and we’re listening. If you have a suggestion on how to make our products better, please let us know. To enter an idea go to the Ideas Lab on Oracle Customer Connect. In this document wherever you see the light bulb icon after the feature name it means we delivered one of your ideas.
Suggested Reading for all HCM Products:
- HCM Common What's New - In this What's New you will find feature that are used across applications.
- Human Resources What’s New – In the Global Human Resources section you will find features on the base application in which other application are built upon.
NOTE: Not all Global Human Resource features are available for Talent and Compensation products.
- Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Functional Known Issues and Maintenance Packs (Document ID 1554838.1). These documents identify bug fixes and possible known issues. You will also need to review these documents based in the release update version you are currently on or will be moving to.
- Oracle Help Center – Here you will find guides, videos and searchable help.
- Release Readiness – New Feature Summary, What’s New, Feature Listing Spreadsheet, Spotlights and Release Training
We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at Indicate you are inquiring or providing feedback regarding the HCM Cloud What’s New in the body or title of the email.
We’re here and we’re listening. If you have a suggestion on how to make our products better, please let us know. To enter an idea go to the Ideas Lab on Oracle Customer Connect. In this document wherever you see the light bulb icon after the feature name it means we delivered one of your ideas.
Column Definitions:
Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.
UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.
UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.
Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.
Ready for Use by End Users Reports plus Small Scale UI or Process-Based new features will have minimal user impact after an update. Therefore, customer acceptance testing should focus on the Larger Scale UI or Process-Based* new features. |
Customer Must Take Action before Use by End Users Not disruptive as action is required to make these features ready to use. As you selectively choose to leverage, you set your test and roll out timing. |
Feature |
Report |
UI or |
UI or |
Oracle Learning Cloud is a skill-driven learning platform that enables employees, teams and organizations to develop the most relevant set of skills. Oracle Learning combines informal and formal learning, from internal catalog and external learning sources into a single platform to provide learners with a single, unified learning experience.
These pages or flows have been recreated in the Redwood tool set Visual Builder Studio (VBS) to improve your user experience. The pages or flows look and act like Redwood pages or flows, to help create cohesiveness through the application.
Redwood Enrollment Details Page Enhancements
Configure how far in advance of a virtual instructor-led session learners will see the Join link using the new ORA_WLF_LEARN_ILT_ALLOW_JOIN_CONFERENCE_MINUTES_PRIOR profile option. By default, the Join link always appears on Redwood enrollment details pages. Setting the Site level value to, for example, 15, hides the Join link on the page until 15 minutes before the session start.
This enhancement enables you to control the visibility of the Join link.
Steps to Enable
For the ORA_WLF_LEARN_ILT_ALLOW_JOIN_CONFERENCE_MINUTES_PRIOR profile option, set the Site level value to the desired visibility period, such as 15 for 15 minutes before the session starts.
Tips And Considerations
- A SCORM or HACP based self-paced offering activity will display the details of each attempt the learner makes to attain completion.
- When a learner receives a required course assignment, they can select the offering they want to complete the assignment. If the learner subsequently withdraws from the offering they selected, they can select another offering.
- When a learner's enrollment includes an active selected offering and another in pending seat acceptance, the learner can accept the seat, which also withdraws them from the active selected offering.
- When a learner's enrollment includes an active selected offering and another in pending seat acceptance, the learner can decline the seat. If they decline it, they'll get a confirmation when the decline completes successfully.
This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:
Date | Module | Feature | Notes |
09 JAN 2024 |
Learning |
Microsoft Outlook Calendar Integration | Updated document. Revised feature information. |
09 JAN 2024 | Learning |
Skills Advisor for Learning Enhancements | Updated document. Revised feature information. |
22 NOV 2023 | Learning / Administrator Experience | Extending Learning Redwood Pages Using Visual Builder Studio | Updated document. Revised feature information. |
22 NOV 2023 |
Learning /Learner Experience |
Learning Recommendations for Manager-Assigned Skills | Updated document. Revised feature information. |
22 NOV 2023 |
Learning / Administrator Experience |
Redwood Classroom Management | Updated document. Revised feature information. |
22 NOV 2023 |
Learning / Administrator Experience |
Redwood Instructor Management | Updated document. Revised feature information. |
22 NOV 2023 |
Learning / Administrator Experience |
Redwood Training Suppliers Management | Updated document. Revised feature information. |
22 NOV 2023 |
Learning / Learner Experience |
Simplified Filters on the Redwood My Learning Page | Updated document. Revised feature information. |
27 OCT 2023 | Learning / Controlled Availability | Introducing Digital Learning | Updated document. Revised feature information. |
29 SEP 2023 | Learning / Administrator Experience | Bulk Load Manager-Created Learning Assignments | Updated document. Revised feature information. |
06 SEP 2023 | Controlled Availability | Controlledi Availability for Learning | Updated document. Revised feature information. |
01 SEP 2023 | Created initial document. |
HCM Cloud applications have two types of patches you can receive that are documented in this What’s New:
- Release Updates (23A, 23B, 23C, and 23D)
- Optional Monthly Maintenance Packs to each update
It is important for you to know what Release Update your environment is on. You can find this in your Cloud Portal.
We’re here and we’re listening. If you have a suggestion on how to make our products better, please let us know. To enter an idea go to the Ideas Lab on Oracle Customer Connect. In this document wherever you see the light bulb icon after the feature name it means we delivered one of your ideas.
Suggested Reading for all HCM Products:
- HCM Common What's New - In this What's New you will find feature that are used across applications.
- Human Resources What’s New – In the Global Human Resources section you will find features on the base application in which other application are built upon.
NOTE: Not all Global Human Resource features are available for Talent and Compensation products.
- Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Functional Known Issues and Maintenance Packs (Document ID 1554838.1). These documents identify bug fixes and possible known issues. You will also need to review these documents based in the release update version you are currently on or will be moving to.
- Oracle Help Center – Here you will find guides, videos and searchable help.
- Release Readiness – New Feature Summary, What’s New, Feature Listing Spreadsheet, Spotlights and Release Training
We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at Indicate you are inquiring or providing feedback regarding the HCM Cloud What’s New in the body or title of the email.
Column Definitions:
Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.
UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.
UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.
Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.
Ready for Use by End Users Reports plus Small Scale UI or Process-Based new features will have minimal user impact after an update. Therefore, customer acceptance testing should focus on the Larger Scale UI or Process-Based* new features. |
Customer Must Take Action before Use by End Users Not disruptive as action is required to make these features ready to use. As you selectively choose to leverage, you set your test and roll out timing. |
Feature |
Report |
UI or |
UI or |
Learning Recommendations Popular with Others in My Careers of Interest |
Extending Learning Redwood Pages Using Visual Builder Studio |
Extending HCM Redwood Pages Using Visual Builder Studio (VB Studio) |
Oracle Learning Cloud is a skill-driven learning platform that enables employees, teams and organizations to develop the most relevant set of skills. Oracle Learning combines informal and formal learning, from internal catalog and external learning sources into a single platform to provide learners with a single, unified learning experience.
Hide Recommendations for Completed Learning
Recommendations you've received will now automatically be removed when you complete the recommended learning, to keep your learning recommendation feed updated. When this happens, the recommendations are withdrawn using the Recommended learning item completed (ORA_AUTO_WITHD_ASGMNT_COMP) reason code. You can use this code to identify recommendations learners completed to gauge the effectiveness of your recommendations.
This enhancement keeps learner's recommendation feed updated with recommendations they haven't completed.
Steps to Enable
Enable activity sequencing, if you haven't already, see the Key Resources for information on enabling.
Key Resources
For details about enabling activity sequencing, see the Update 23A What's New: Activity Sequencing.
Learning Recommendations for Manager-Assigned Skills
You can now automate learning recommendations to help learners attain skills assigned to them by their manager in Skills Center. Let's say a manager assigned one of their workers the Coach Employees core skill in Team Skills Center. Oracle Learning can recommend learning items with that skill defined as a learning outcome.
These recommendations appear on the Redwood Me > Learning > Browse Learning page, in the Recommendations for your manager-assigned skills category. They also appear in Oracle Grow, in the Learning for your job recommendation category.
Browse Learning Page with the Recommendations for Your Manager-Assigned Skills Category
This feature lets you drive more learning engagement with minimal manual effort.
Steps to Enable
Complete these setup tasks:
- Set up Dynamic Skills, if you haven't already done so
- Enable Redwood self-service for learners, if you haven't already done so.
- Schedule the Recommend the Most Popular Learning background process and select the option Recommendations for your manager assigned skills.
Tips And Considerations
- If you already have this process scheduled and want to include this new recommender on the same schedule, you must cancel your existing schedule and resubmit it with the appropriate recommender options selected.
- Recommendations won't include the learning items that the learner already enrolled in or completed.
Key Resources
For more information about learning outcomes, see these chapters and topics in Oracle Help Center:
- Oracle Learning Prerequisites and Outcomes, and Talent Prerequisite and Person Profile Types chapter of the Using Learning guide.
- Skills Advisor for Learning topic in Learning chapter of the Using Dynamic Skills guide.
For more information about assigning skills to your team, see the Team Skills Center chapter of the Using Dynamic Skills guide.
Learning Recommendations for Topics Popular in My Role
You can now automate learning recommendations to workers based on their current job and topics that are popular with others in the same job or job family. Generate up to 15 recommendations per active learner work assignment on a weekly basis.
These recommendations depend on the quantity of learners in the same job or job family who are members of open topic communities. For example, let’s say that Dan’s and John's current job is Product Manager. The learning recommendations made to Dan will depend on the topic communities that John and others in the same job role or job family are members of.
These recommendations appear on the Redwood Me > Learning, Browse Learning page, in the Topics popular in my role recommendation category. They also appear in Oracle Grow, in the Topics popular in my role recommendation category. The topic that has the most recently added learning items appears first. The Recommend the Most Popular Learning background process creates the recommendations. To keep them relevant and fresh, we recommended that you schedule this process to run once a week.
Redwood Browse Learning Page Showing the Topics Popular in My Role Category
This feature lets you drive more learning engagement with minimal manual effort.
Steps to Enable
- Enable the Redwood learner experience, if you haven't already done so.
- Schedule the Recommend the Most Popular Learning background process to run once a week with this option selected: Topics popular in my role.
Tips And Considerations
If you already have this process scheduled, and want to now include this new recommender on the same schedule, you must cancel your existing schedule and resubmit it with the appropriate recommender options selected.
Scheduling the process for a shorter frequency won't change the results, so for best performance, run it only once a week and on the weekend, if possible.
Recommendations won't include the learning items that the learner already enrolled in or completed.
- Voluntary completions are voluntary learning assignments that learners completed or that their manager marked as complete on their behalf using My Team > Learning.
Key Resources
For details about setting up the Redwood learner experience, see the Enable Redwood Self-Service for Learners topic of Redwood User Experience Setup chapter of Implementing Learning guide.
Access Requirements
The person submitting the process must have the Manage Learning Setup (WLF_MANAGE_LEARNING_SETUP) functional privilege.
Learning Recommendations Popular with Others in My Careers of Interest
You can now automate learning recommendations to workers based on job roles they've identified as careers of interest using learning that's popular with others in those same job roles. Generate up to 20 recommendations per active learner work assignment on a weekly basis.
These recommendations depend on the quantity of learners in the same job as the worker’s careers of interest who voluntarily completed the courses, specializations, videos, or learning journeys in the previous 6 months. For example, Dan’s career of interest is Director, Product Management. John’s current job is Director, Product Management. The recommendation made to Dan will depend on the learning that John and others in the same job role voluntarily completed in the previous 6 months.
To keep learning recommendations relevant, learning that the worker already completed or recommendations they previously dismissed aren't recommended again.
These recommendations appear on the Redwood Me > Learning, Browse Learning page, in the Popular with career interests recommendation category. They also appear In Oracle Grow, in the Popular in your careers of interest category. The most popular learning appears first. The more learners who voluntarily completed the learning, the more popular the learning. The Recommend the Most Popular Learning background process creates the recommendations. To keep them relevant and fresh, we recommended that you schedule this process to run once a week.
Redwood Browse Learning Page Showing the Popular with Career Interests Category
This feature lets you drive more learning engagement with minimal manual effort.
Steps to Enable
- Enable the Redwood learner experience, if you haven't already done so.
- Schedule the Recommend the Most Popular Learning background process to run once a week with this option selected: Popular with careers of interest.
Tips And Considerations
- If you already have this process scheduled, and want to now include this new recommender on the same schedule, you must cancel your existing schedule and resubmit it with the appropriate recommender options selected.
- Scheduling the process for a shorter frequency won't change the results, so for best performance, run it only once a week and on the weekend, if possible.
- Recommendations won't include the learning items that the learner already enrolled in or completed.
- Voluntary completions are voluntary learning assignments that learners completed or that their manager marked as complete on their behalf using My Team > Learning.
Key Resources
For details about enabling the Redwood learner experience, see the Enable Redwood Self-Service for Learners topic of Redwood User Experience Setup chapter of Implementing Learning guide.
Access Requirements
The person submitting the process must have the Manage Learning Setup (WLF_MANAGE_LEARNING_SETUP) functional privilege.
You can now download a .pdf file of your transcript for learning with Completed and Bypass Completed statuses. Managers and learning administrators can download the transcript for employees that they manage.
Here's how different users can access the View Transcript action:
- Learner: Page-level action on the Me > My Learning page
- Managers: Page-level action on the My Team > Learning > Learner page
- Learning Administrator: Page-level action on these pages:
- Redwood Learning Assignments page, Learning Assignments tab, Learner view
- Redwood Learning Assignments page, Assignments Summary tab, Learner view
This set of attributes appear by default. When there's no data for a particular attribute, neither it nor the label appear. You can disable these attributes using business rules in Visual Studio Builder.
- First column
- Learning item name
- Learning item type
- Enrollment or learning item descriptive flexfields (hidden by default, you can enable using Visual Builder Studio)
- Second column
- Completion date
- Expiration date
- Third column
- Actual effort
- Score
- Continuing professional education units
Sample Learning Transcript Showing Completed and Expires on Dates, and Effort
Sample Learning Transcript Showing All Fields
This feature lets you print transcript of your completed enrollments.
Steps to Enable
- Enable the Redwood learner and manager experiences, if you have not already done so.
- Grant workers the Print Learning Completion Certificate functional privilege
Note: This is the same privilege that provides learners and managers the action to print a completion certificate for a single assignment.
Tips And Considerations
The transcript rows are customizable through use of business rules in Visual Builder Studio.
- The page to configure in business rules is called view-transcript.
- You can add a branding image to the page by providing an image URL source to the customizable constant brandingImageSource.
- You can update the page title of the page by overriding the customizable constant pageTitle.
- You can update the context info in the page (text shown under the page subtitle, which is the learner's name) by updating the customizable constant companyName.
Access Requirements
This is the functional privilege that supports this feature and the predefined role that inherits them:
Functional Privilege Name and Code | Role Inheriting the Privilege | Comments |
Print Learning Completion Certificate WLF_PRINT_COMPLETION_CERTIFICATE_PRIV |
Employee |
Lets learners access their learning completion certificate templates |
NOTE: This is the same privilege that provides learners and managers the action to print a completion certificate for a single assignment.
Simplified Filters on the Redwood My Learning Page
You can now filter your current and completed enrollments using the new set of filter chips on your Me > My Learning page.
- Enrollments filter options: Current, Completed, and All
- Completed Date filter options: Completed on or After, and Completed on or Before
- Enrolled on Date filters options: Enrolled on or After, and Enrolled on or Before
These new filter chips replace the existing Required Learning, Current Learning, All Completed Learning, and Learning History filter chips.
The Sort By choice list has these 4 options:
- Due date
- Most recently assigned
- Most recently completed
- Title
After you do a keyword search, such as searching for Java, the Sort By choice list will include Most relevant sort option. This option doesn't appear until you search using key words.
New Filter Chips and Sort By Option on the Me > My Learning Page
This enhancement simplifies filtering learner enrollment results.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
For more information about Redwood profile options, see HCM Redwood Pages with Profile Options (Document ID 2922407.1) on My Oracle Support.
Bulk Load Manager-Created Learning Assignments
You can now create and update learning assignments created by managers using the Learning Record object and HCM Data Loader.
Create scenarios: Here are the types of learning and assignments that can be manager-created, and the assignment status that you can set.
Learning Item Type | Event Type | Learning Assignment Status |
Course | Required or Voluntary | Active |
Offering | Required or Voluntary | Active |
Specialization | Required or Voluntary | Active |
Video or Learning Journey | Required or Voluntary | Active |
Noncatalog | Required or Voluntary | Request Approved or Bypass Completed |
Update assignment scenarios: Here are the types of manager-created learning assignment types that you can update and the valid status changes.
Learning Item | Event Type | Learning Assignment Status |
Course | Required or Voluntary | Active to Delete |
Active to Completed or Bypass Completed | ||
Active to Withdrawn | ||
Completed or Bypass Completed to Active | ||
Completed or Bypass Completed to Delete | ||
Withdrawn to Delete | ||
Delete to Purge | ||
Offering | Required or Voluntary | Active to Delete |
Active to Withdrawn | ||
Completed to Delete | ||
Withdrawn to Delete | ||
Delete to Purge | ||
Specialization | Required or Voluntary | Active to Delete |
Active to Completed or Bypass Completed | ||
Active to Withdrawn | ||
Completed or Bypass Completed to Active | ||
Completed or Bypass Completed to Delete | ||
Withdrawn to Delete | ||
Delete to Purge | ||
Video or Learning Journey | Required or Voluntary | Active to Withdrawn |
Delete to Purge | ||
Noncatalog | Required or Voluntary | Request Approved to Deleted |
Completed or Bypass Completed to Deleted |
Here are sample metadata for Create, Update, and Purge scenarios:
MERGE|LearningRecord||2023/06/07||LRN-060720211-HDL|ASN-060720211-HDL|ORA_COURSE|OLC199059|ORA_REQUIRE_ASSIGNMENT|ORA_EVT_SUBT_MANAGER|300100010473116|ORA_PERSON|300100010473116||300100010473118|ORA_ASSN_REC_ACTIVE|2023/06/07|2023/06/30|||||||Course Req Active Asgn||
MERGE|LearningRecord||2023/06/07||LRN-060720211-HDL|ASN-060720211-HDL|ORA_COURSE|OLC199059|ORA_REQUIRE_ASSIGNMENT|ORA_EVT_SUBT_MANAGER|300100010473116|ORA_PERSON|300100010473116||300100010473118|ORA_ASSN_REC_COMPLETE|||||||||Course Req Active Asgn||
MERGE|LearningRecord||2023/06/07||LRN-060720211-HDL|ASN-060720211-HDL|ORA_COURSE|OLC199059|ORA_REQUIRE_ASSIGNMENT|ORA_EVT_SUBT_MANAGER|300100010473116|ORA_PERSON|300100010473116||300100010473118|ORA_ASSN_REC_DELETE|||||||||Course Req Active Asgn||Y
This enhancement lets you manage manager-created learning assignments using HCM data loader.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Extending Learning Redwood Pages Using Visual Builder Studio
You can now enable or disable descriptive flex fields and other attributes to be displayed in Learning Redwood pages using business rules in Visual Studio Builder. Here's the list of pages and supported attributes that you can configure using business rules.
Redwood Page and Page Identifier in Visual Builder Studio | Attribute | Description | Enabled by Default |
Request Noncatalog Learning form VBS page identifier: request-learning |
assignmentDFF |
Learning request descriptive flexfields |
Yes |
learningItemDFF |
Learning item descriptive flexfields |
Yes | |
CPE type | Continuing professional education type |
No | |
CPE unit |
Continuing professional education unit |
No | |
Record External Learning form VBS page identifier: record-learning-experience |
assignmentDFF |
Learning request descriptive flexfields |
Yes |
learningItemDFF |
Learning item descriptive flexfields |
Yes | |
CPE type |
Continuing professional education type |
No | |
CPE unit |
Continuing professional education unit |
No | |
Assign Learning to My Team form VBS page identifier: assign-learning |
assignmentDFF |
Learning request descriptive flexfields |
Yes |
assignmentNumber |
No | ||
Request Learning for My Team form VBS Page identifier: request-learning |
assignmentDFF |
Learning request descriptive flexfields |
Yes |
learningItemDFF |
Learning item descriptive flexfields |
Yes | |
assignmentNumber |
No | ||
Record External Learning for My Team form VBS page identifier: record-learning-experience |
assignmentDFF |
Learning request descriptive flexfields |
Yes |
learningItemDFF |
Learning item descriptive flexfields |
Yes | |
assignmentNumber |
No | ||
Enrollment form VBS page identifier: edit-enrollment |
assignmentDFF |
Learning request descriptive flexfields |
Yes |
Catalog details page for courses, specializations, eLearning videos and learning journeys VBS page identifier: catalog-details |
learningItemDFF |
Learning item descriptive flexfields |
Yes |
Community details page for topic, official, and self-service communities VBS page identifier: community-details |
learningItemDFF |
Learning item descriptive flexfields |
Yes |
Offering catalog details page VBS page identifier: offering-details |
learningItemDFF |
Learning item descriptive flexfields |
Yes |
Enrollment details page VBS page identifier: learn-enrollment-details |
assignmentDFF |
Learning request descriptive flexfields |
Yes |
learningItemDFF |
Learning item descriptive flexfields |
Yes |
This feature lets you configure attributes to display on Redwood pages for Oracle Learning.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
In this update, all learning item and learning request flexfields you created will appear on the Redwood self-service pages automatically, as noted above. You can disable them using business rules only if your flexfields include a context segment. If you only have global segments, then business rules don't yet support hiding the flexfields.
To use this feature you need to enable the Redwood pages mentioned in the Learning 23C What’s New.
Key Resources
For more information on business rules and Visual Builder Studio Express, see the Extending HCM Redwood Pages Using Visual Builder Studio feature in the Update 23D What's New: HCM Common Components.
For more information about Redwood profile options, see HCM Redwood Pages with Profile Options (Document ID 2922407.1) on My Oracle Support.
You can now use the new Classrooms page re-created using the Redwood experience to add and search for classrooms. Here's what you can do on the Redwood page:
- Search for classrooms by name or number
- Filter the listed classrooms using the available filters, including City, Country, Contact Person, Training Supplier, and status.
- Add a classroom.
- Choose the columns to display.
- Sort the listed classrooms by clicking a column header.
- Access and update the classroom details by clicking the classroom name.
- Duplicate a classroom by clicking the Actions icon.
Redwood Classrooms Page
New Classroom Page
This enhancement continues your journey towards a unified Redwood experience.
Steps to Enable
- Enable activity sequencing, if you haven't already.
- Set the Site level value to Y for the ORA_WLF_LEARN_ADMIN_RESOURCES_VBCS_ENABLED profile option.
- Search for and click the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
- Search for and select the ORA_WLF_LEARN_ADMIN_RESOURCES_VBCS_ENABLED profile option.
- Set the Level to Site.
- In the Profile Value field, select Y.
- Click Save and Close.
Tips And Considerations
This release doesn't support viewing classroom bookings. Viewing bookings will be available in a future release.
Key Resources
For information about Redwood profile options, see HCM Redwood Pages with Profile Options (Document ID 2922407.1) on My Oracle Support.
Access Requirements
To access the new Redwood Classroom pages, the user needs to have these security privileges. They're the same security privileges required in the classic and responsive experiences.
- Functional Security Privilege: WLF_MANAGE_TRAINING_RESOURCES
You can now use the new Instructor page re-created with the Redwood experience to add and search for instructors. Here's what you can do on the Redwood page:
- Search for instructors by name, person number, or resource number.
- Filter the listed instructors using the available filters, including Department, City, Country, and Training Supplier.
- Add an instructor.
- Choose the columns to display.
- Sort the listed instructors by clicking a column header.
- Access and update the instructor details by clicking the instructor's name.
Redwood Instructors Page
New Instructor Page
This enhancement continues your journey towards a unified Redwood experience.
Steps to Enable
- Enable activity sequencing, if you haven't already.
- Set the Site level value to Y for the ORA_WLF_LEARN_ADMIN_RESOURCES_VBCS_ENABLED profile option.
- Search for and click the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
- Search for and select the ORA_WLF_LEARN_ADMIN_RESOURCES_VBCS_ENABLED profile option.
- Set the Level to Site.
- In the Profile Value field, select Y.
- Click Save and Close.
Tips And Considerations
This release doesn't support viewing instructor bookings. Viewing bookings will be available in a future release.
Key Resources
For information about Redwood profile options, see HCM Redwood Pages with Profile Options (Document ID 2922407.1) on My Oracle Support.
Access Requirements
To access the new Redwood Instructor pages, the user needs to have these security privilege. They're the same security privileges required in the classic and responsive experiences.
- Functional Security Privilege: WLF_MANAGE_TRAINING_RESOURCES
Redwood Training Suppliers Management
You can now use the new Training Suppliers page re-created with the Redwood experience to add and search for training suppliers. Here's what you can do on the Redwood page:
- Search for training suppliers by name or number.
- Filter the listed suppliers using the available Status filter.
- Add a training supplier.
- Choose the columns to display.
- Sort the listed suppliers by clicking a column header.
- Access and update the supplier details by clicking the supplier's name.
Redwood Training Suppliers Page
New Training Supplier Page
This enhancement continues your journey towards a unified Redwood experience.
Steps to Enable
- Enable activity sequencing, if you haven't already.
- Set the Site level value to Y for the ORA_WLF_LEARN_ADMIN_RESOURCES_VBCS_ENABLED profile option.
- Search for and click the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
- Search for and select the ORA_WLF_LEARN_ADMIN_RESOURCES_VBCS_ENABLED profile option.
- Set the Level to Site.
- In the Profile Value field, select Y.
- Click Save and Close.
Key Resources
For information about Redwood profile options, see HCM Redwood Pages with Profile Options (Document ID 2922407.1) on My Oracle Support.
Access Requirements
To access the new Redwood Training Suppliers pages, the user needs to have these security privilege. They're the same security privileges required in the classic and responsive experiences.
- Functional Security Privilege: WLF_MANAGE_TRAINING_RESOURCES
Remote Capturing of SCORM and HACP logs
To record SCORM and HACP communications between online content and Oracle Learning for a specific learner, learning administrators can now enable remote debugging for the learner or a specific content item. The communication logs are stored on the Oracle Learning server and learning administrators can retrieve the data using an Oracle Business Intelligence Publishing (BI) report.
After they enable debugging, the debug logs record all communications in later sessions that the learner has with the eLearning player. Learning administrators don't need to watch the learner live.
IMPORTANT: Enabling this additional logging can make the eLearning player less responsive, so don't have it enabled all the time.
This enhancement helps learning administrators better debug learner issues with online content.
Steps to Enable
- Enable activity sequencing, if you haven't already.
- Set the Learner level profile value for the ORA_WLF_UPLOAD_PLAYER_LOGS profile option.
- Search for and click the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
- Search for and select the ORA_WLF_UPLOAD_PLAYER_LOGS profile option.
- Set the Level to Learner.
- In the Profile Value field, select one of these options:
- Y: Record the communications for any SCORM or HACP content this learner launches in the eLearning player.
- N: Don't record anything for this learner. This is the default option.
- Content Number, such as OLC1234567: Record communications for only this content when the learner launches it in the eLearning player
- Click Save and Close.
Tips And Considerations
You can purge these logs using the Learning Migration process. Be sure to select the data correction option Delete the eLearning player debug logs.
Key Resources
Customize report functionality is explained in this BI Publisher Server documentation:
- Remote capturing of SCORM and HACP logs Report Technical Brief on My Oracle Support (document ID 2968083.1).
- Fusion Middleware Report Designer's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher the Using Custom Feature section
Replace Online, Video, and PDF Content
You can now replace an existing content file when you need to deploy updates to SCORM, video, or PDF content.
NOTE: This enhancement applies only when activity sequencing is enabled.
Content Details Page Showing the Actions > Replace Menu Option
This enhancement simplifies administration of content resources for self-paced offering activities.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Skills Advisor for Learning Enhancements
You can now define criteria to apply to a set of courses or specializations to generate skill suggestions for, instead of the entire learning catalog. Do this using a new common capability called Filtered Lists available in Oracle Fusion Cloud applications. You can create one or more filtered lists of courses or specializations using any of these criteria:
Criteria | Applies To |
Learning item type |
Only courses or specializations |
Featured items |
Only featured items |
Default view mode |
Only items visible in the learning catalog |
City | Course offerings in a specific city |
Delivery mode |
Courses offered as self-paced, instructor-led or blended |
Learning outcomes |
Learning items that already have or don't have specific learning outcomes defined |
Skill and skill level | Learning items that already have or don't have specific skills or skill levels defined |
Publish start and end dates | Learning items published in specific date ranges |
Created by | Learning items created by specific learning administrators |
In addition to specifying the target learning item criteria, you can now also rerun the skills advisor on items that you already curated. This lets you make bulk changes using the Microsoft Excel workbook generated by Skills Advisor for Learning. Prior to this release, curated skills weren't returned and so could never be updated in bulk using the spreadsheet.
You can now also define multiple process templates, each applying to a specific set of learning items. You can then run the process using the Skills Advisor for Learning Processes task on the My Client Groups > Learning page.
Here's what you can do from the Skills Advisor for Learning Processes page:
- Search for process templates by name or description.
- Filter the template results using the Status or Filtered list name filters.
- Add a Skills Advisor for Learning template.
- Run the Skills Advisor for Learning process.
- Download the Microsoft Excel workbook to curate the skills suggestions.
- Edit a template.
- Delete a template.
Skills Advisor for Learning Processes Page
Here's how to add a Skills Advisor for Learning template:
- Click Add.
- Enter a name and optionally a description. And select an existing filtered list created for learning items.
- Apply the changes.
Skills Advisor for Learning Processes Page Showing How to Add a Process Template
Here's how you run the Skills Advisor for Learning process:
- Select the process.
- Click Run Process.
- To curate the skill suggestions, after the process completes, click Update Skills.
Skills Advisor for Learning Processes Page Showing How to Run a Process
In the Microsoft Excel workbook that opens after you click Update Skills, you can modify values in these three columns:
- Skill Title
- Skill Level
- Include Suggested Skill. Value Y indicates a curated skill, available for modification.
Microsoft Excel Skills Suggestions Workbook
This enhancement lets learning administrators make bulk changes to learning outcomes for courses and specializations.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Access Requirements
This is the functional privilege that supports this feature and the role that inherits it:
Functional Privilege Name and Code | Role Inheriting the Privilege | Comments |
Learning Specialist | Lets learning specialists enable the Skills Advisor for Learning processes. |
Learning Connect Content Provider SDK with xAPI
Learning content providers (and aggregators) can now build connectors with Oracle Learning using Oracle Learning Connect SDK. These connectors can ensure that the customer’s Oracle Learning catalog is always in sync with the content provider’s catalog. And additionally, this connector also has support for xAPI, so that content providers can ensure that the employee’s learning records in Oracle Learning are always up to date irrespective of whether the employee access the learning via Oracle Learning or directly on the content provider’s website or mobile application.
More details on becoming a certified Oracle Learning Connect SDK partner will be available soon on the Oracle Partner Network.
This enhancement broadens the scope of content available to your learners in your learning catalog.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Microsoft Outlook Calendar Integration
Automate sending, updating, and removing calendar invitations for the instructor-led offering activities learners and instructors are enrolled in or teaching, using the Microsoft Calendar provider.
When enabled, you can automate the following:
- Send calendar invitations to learners for the instructor-led activities they're enrolled in.
- Send calendar invitations to instructors for the activities they are teaching.
- Improve the instructor and learner experience for activities hosted through a classroom provider, such as Microsoft Teams or Zoom, by obtaining the session's join link prior to sending the calendar invitation.
- Send calendar updates to learner's and instructor's calendars when the activity date, time, or location changes.
- Remove calendar invitations from learner's calendars when they are withdrawn from offerings or the activity is removed.
- Remove calendar invitations from instructor's calendars when they are no longer teaching the activity or the activity is removed.
All calendar invitations will appear in learner's and instructors' calendar from the account you, as the organizer, specify in the configuration steps.
This feature improves learner and instructor experiences by automatically keeping their calendars up to date with changes to instructor-led activities in Oracle Learning.
Steps to Enable
- Enable activity sequencing, if you haven't already.
- Enable Redwood self-service for learners, if you haven't already done so.
- Create a Microsoft Outlook calendar app in Azure portal using the same steps to set up Microsoft Teams. While you can reuse an existing Microsoft Teams app after adding the permissions needed for Microsoft Outlook calendar, we recommend using separate apps and credentials to keep the integrations independent.
- Register app or web API within the tenant using the linked information. You'll need to provide this information:
- App Name: Enter a friendly name for your integration with Oracle Learning.
- Supported account types: Select the account type that best matches your needs. If you need more information, please consult with Microsoft.
- Redirect URL: You can leave this field blank for your integration with Oracle Learning.
- Setup up a tenant using the linked information if you don't already have a Microsoft tenant. You need a Microsoft tenant ID to configure Microsoft Calendar in Oracle Learning. You'll need to provide this information:
- Tenant Type: Azure Active Directory
- Organization Name: Enter the name of your organization
- Initial Domain Name: Enter a unique domain name for your tenant
- Register app or web API within the tenant using the linked information. You'll need to provide this information:
You'll need the application client ID generated after you finish registering the app when you configure application access to online meetings. You'll also need it when you configure Microsoft Calendar in Oracle Learning.
- Add a client secret using the linked information. You need the provided client secret value for when you configure Microsoft Calendar in Oracle Learning.
- Grant application permission to Microsoft Graph using the linked information. You'll need to provide your registered app with these permissions, which are required for your Microsoft Calendar integration with Oracle Learning to work:
- User.Read.All
- Calendars.ReadWrite
Caution: Make sure that the required API permissions are application type, not delegate type.
- Grant admin consent to the configured app permissions using the linked information.
Configure the Microsoft Calendar Provider
- Configure Microsoft Calendar using the Configure External Providers task on the My Client Groups > Learning page.
Configure External Providers Page Highlighting the Configure Button in the Microsoft Calendar Row
- On the Configure External Provider: Microsoft Calendar page, complete the required and applicable optional parameters.
- Description: Optional text to describe this account.
- Status: Defaults to Active. The status must be active for the integration to be enabled.
- Secret: A password or a public and private key pair that Oracle Learning uses to authenticate with the Microsoft identity platform. You can update this password or key pair as appropriate.
- Tenant ID: A unique identifier for your account with Microsoft. You can't change this ID after validation.
- Client ID: A unique identifier assigned by the Microsoft Identity platform. You can't change this ID after validation.
- Organizer Email Address for all Calendar Meeting Invites: An email account that's validated in the same tenant.
Microsoft Calendar Integration Configuration Parameters Page
While each learner and instructor will receive their own calendar invitation, they'll all have the same organizer that you define above. We recommend you create a generic account to be used only for this purpose, instead of using a personal account because this account calendar will contain all the meetings generated through this integration.
Tips And Considerations
The Virtual Classroom External Provider Sync process was renamed to Sync Instructor-Led Training for Learning. If you've this process already scheduled, you don't need to do anything after upgrading to this release. The process will continue to run as before, and will include the Microsoft Outlook Calendar Sync subprocess if you enable this feature
After this integration is enabled and the background process Sync Instructor-Led Training for Learning runs for the first time, a calendar event is sent to Microsoft for any new instructor booking, learner enrollment, any withdrawals, or key activity changes that happen after the integration is enabled. It can be for an existing activity or for a new activity of a course offering.
The integration won't send events for existing enrollments unless there's a key change in the activity definition. Whenever there's any change made to an ILT activity, such as to the date, time, or instructor, a learning administrator needs to reconcile those changes for existing active enrollments using the Actions > Reconcile Learning Assignments option on the offering details page before the Sync Instructor-Led Training for Learning process can make the appropriate calendar updates for the applicable instructors and learners.
Event alerts and add-to-calendar functionality for learners and instructors will be disabled when calendar integration is enabled because they'll no longer be needed.
Learners and instructors will get calendar invitations in their preferred Oracle Fusion language.
Date format, time format, and time zone will be according to each person's Microsoft Outlook preferences.
The integration is one-way. Learners declining the event in their Microsoft Outlook calendars isn't reflected in Oracle Learning.
- The integration uses Microsoft's Graph API Calendar Event calls and requires Microsoft 365. For supported versions of Microsoft Outlook, see Office versions and connectivity to Microsoft 365 services.
Key Resources
For details about setting up a new app for Microsoft Outlook calendar, see the Set Up the Microsoft Teams App for Oracle Learning Integration topic of the Virtual Classroom Providers chapter in the Implementing Learning guide.
NOTE: If you're using just Microsoft Calendar integration and not Microsoft Teams integration, you don’t need to do step #4 in the Microsoft Teams Set up Application access policy.
Learning Replaced or Removed Features
From time to time, Oracle replaces existing features with new features, or removes existing features.
Replaced features may be put on a path of removal, the features below will let you know what update you will have to have moved to the newer feature. As a best practice, you should move to the newer feature as soon as possible for full support and to stay up with the latest updates that the product offers.
Any feature that is removed, will have an Update in which that feature is no longer available. Please make necessary plans to move off the feature by the Update indicated, as it will no longer be available.
Responsive User Experience Removal Notice
By Update 24B activity sequencing and the Redwood learning self-service pages for learners and managers must be enabled. Non-Redwood Learning self-service pages for learners and managers will no longer be supported.
Enable activity sequencing and Redwood self-service Learning pages to leverage on the latest functionality.
Steps to Enable
The steps to enable Activity Sequencing and Redwood Self-Service can be found here:
- Activity Sequencing feature in 23A What's New document.
- Enable Redwood Self-Service for Learners topic of Redwood User Experience Setup chapter of Implementing Learning guide.
Key Resources
For more information refer to,
- Activity Sequencing feature in 23A What's New document.
- Enable Redwood Self-Service for Learners topic of Redwood User Experience Setup chapter of Implementing Learning guide.
Extending HCM Redwood Pages Using Visual Builder Studio (VB Studio)
HCM Redwood Applications have a comprehensive set of features designed to meet a wide range of business requirements. In addition, HCM's flexibility enables you to customize and adapt the application to align with your business or individual requirements.
This document is a comprehensive guide to using VB Studio in the context of HCM Redwood applications. Refer to the official VB Studio documentation for detailed instructions on using specific VB Studio features. Our primary objectives are to:
- Help you understand how to effectively leverage VB Studio functionalities within the HCM Redwood application, thereby streamlining your experience.
- Guide you on how to identify the extensible elements of a page and the corresponding tools to use.
Here are some terms to familiarize yourself with before you start extending your pages:
- Express Mode: A simple-to-use interface in VB Studio where functional administrators are presented with only the capabilities they need to tailor Oracle Cloud Applications pages.
- Business Rules: A feature of VB Studio used to control the display of regions and fields on a page. It's the Redwood equivalent of Transaction Design Studio for Responsive pages.
- Built-in Rule: An Oracle-delivered rule, including localization rules, available for a page. It corresponds to the Delivered Rules in Transaction Design Studio.
- Extension Rule: A rule created within your extension. It corresponds to the Custom Rules in Transaction Design Studio.
- VB Studio: Oracle Visual Builder Studio (VB Studio) is a robust application development platform designed to effectively plan and manage work throughout all stages of the app development lifecycle.
- UI Element: An action button, tab, filter, sort by, table, or any other element of a Redwood page that can be extended.
- Constant: A property value used in the HCM application to control page behavior. The property value can be modified by a functional administrator at design time in VB Studio. Each constant has a designated name, description, and type established by Oracle, which can be a number, string, boolean, or array, depending on the use of the constant. To understand the role of a constant on a page and the possible values it can take, refer to the constant label and description.
- Dynamic Container: An extendable page component used to organize content such as adding or reordering new content, both factory and user content, in a structured manner.
- Customization and Extension: Changes made by a functional administrator at design time that apply at the site level.
- Personalization: Changes made by end users to their pages at runtime that apply only to themselves and persist for that user each time they log in to the application. Personalization includes changes based on user behavior (such as changing the width of a column in a table), changes the user chooses to save, such as search parameters, or composer-based personalization, where an end user can redesign aspects of a page.
- HCM Experience Design Studio: The HCM Application extensibility tool to extend Responsive pages, which includes Transaction Design Studio and Autocomplete.
- Transaction Design Studio: A feature of the HCM Experience Design Studio used to control the display of Responsive pages.
- Autocomplete Rules: A feature in the HCM Experience Design Studio used to default and validate data in Responsive pages.
- Advanced Mode: An advanced interface in VB Studio where functional administrators are presented with all the features to tailor Oracle Cloud Applications.
Introducing Express Mode in VB Studio: New Tool to Extend Your HCM Redwood Pages
HCM leverages the new Express mode in VB Studio to empower your business users to customize HR processes and ensure data quality.
- Use Business Rules, which is the Redwood equivalent to Transaction Design Studio (TDS) for Responsive pages, to:
- Leverage delivered best practices, or create your own rules based on various criteria, such as country and business unit.
- Make fields and regions required or optional, read-only, or editable, and show or hide fields and regions depending on specific criteria.
- Use the various delivered constants to customize your Redwood pages to best fit your specific business needs, such as hide the evaluation panel in Connections, or reorder the columns in the Person search result table.
You can learn about Express mode terms and key concepts in this overview.
# | Description |
1 | In the Header, the recommended mode to extending HCM Redwood pages is Express mode. |
2 | The Pages list provides access to all the Redwood pages that you can extend. However, in this release, HCM recommends keeping it closed. Navigate directly from the page you want to modify to VB Studio without using the Pages list. |
3 | The Page Designer tab includes the following features:
4 | The Constants tab helps you identify the page elements that can be extended in the page, making it easier to customize and tailor the page to your specific needs. Make sure to remember this tab, as it will be referred to frequently throughout the documentation. |
5 | Control field and region displays with Business Rules, which is the equivalent to Transaction Design Studio for Redwood pages. In the Page Designer, click the Configuring Business Rules button in the Properties pane, or click the Business Rules tab. |
6 | Use either the Live mode or Play features to test and preview your changes within the tool itself. |
7 | Share your changes with others without publishing to increase testing coverage and ensure higher product quality. |
Express Mode vs. Experience Design Studio Combined with Page Composer
Here is a comparison between the new Express mode in VB Studio and Experience Design Studio combined with Page Composer. Our goal is to empower you to make informed decisions and embrace the new possibilities that HCM Redwood Application unlocks for your business.
The new Express mode in VB Studio presents an opportunity to apply the same changes you previously made in HCM Experience Design Studio and Page Composer, while also introducing a host of amazing new features. Here are the capabilities available in this release.
NOTE: Transaction Design Studio, Autocomplete Rules, and Page Composer only apply to responsive pages and can't be used in the context of Redwood pages.
(1) HCM Experience Design Studio = TDS + Autocomplete, (2)xDS equivalent in VB Studio
Category |
Extensibility Feature |
xDS(1) and Page Composer |
Express Mode(2) |
Control Display |
Make a Field Read-Only or Editable |
x New |
Make a Field Required and Hidden |
x New This can be utilized for all employment flows, for example, where values are copied from the previous assignment to the new one and aren't required to be shown to users. |
Make a Field Required or Optional |
x | x | |
Hide and Show a Field |
x | x | |
Hide and Show DFFs & EFFs |
x | x | |
Hide and Show UI Elements (action button, message…) |
x | x | |
Configure Guided Journeys |
x | x | |
Evaluation of rules |
x | x | |
Rename a Region |
x | x User Interface Text |
Reorder Regions |
x Page Composer |
x Available in Advanced mode If the capability has been enabled in the page using constants or dynamic container. |
Reorder Fields |
x Page Composer |
Partially Reordering flexfields for all pages is still supported from the setup tasks. Reordering flexfields for a specific page only is not supported in this release. |
Hide and Show KFFs |
x | Not supported in this release. |
Usability | |||
Activate | Deactivate All Rules |
x New |
Identify Overridden Regions (blue dot) |
x New |
Identify Overridden Attributes (blue dot) |
x | x | |
Filter Rule, Region, and Field Names |
x New |
Filter Rules by Region and Field with Overrides |
x New |
Filter Region and Field in a Rule |
x New |
Only Display Regions and Attributes with Overrides |
x New |
Identify Number of Overrides per Region |
x New |
Identify All Rules Applying to a Field or a Region |
x New |
Prevent Customers to Override Factory Values |
x | x |
What’s Extensible in Redwood Pages Using Express Mode
The types of modifications you can make to an HCM Redwood page in VB Studio depend on the specific page you're modifying. The changes listed below may not be universally available for all HCM Redwood pages.
NOTE: that all the setup tasks you use to configure your responsive pages, whether global or specific to a product such as Manage Common Lookup, Manage Person Name Style, and Manage Descriptive Flexfields, remain unchanged unless otherwise specified by the product documentation.
Task |
Example |
Tool, Task, or Feature |
For More Information: |
Extend Fields | |||
In Promote and Change Position, make the Business Unit of the Assignment section read only for all users. |
Business Rules |
Control Field and Region Displays with Business Rules |
In Activity Recruiting Center, show the Candidate Email in the Job Application Preview Key Info for the HR specialist only. |
Business Rules |
Control Field and Region Displays with Business Rules |
In Personal Details, show the Persons DFF by specific segment for specific roles in the Biographical Info region. |
Business Rules |
Control Field and Region Displays with Business Rules |
In Connections, show Pronoun in Person Profile panel. |
Oracle-delivered constants |
Customize Your HR Processes using Constants |
Extend Sections |
In Personal Details, hide Disabilities for Mexico and France employees. |
Business Rules |
Control Field and Region Displays with Business Rules |
in My Compensation, hide the Salary History sections for a specific business unit. |
Business Rules |
Control Field and Region Displays with Business Rules |
In Promote and Change Position, make the Payroll section required for France. |
Business Rules |
Control Field and Region Displays with Business Rules |
Add your own content |
In Employment Info, show Analytics about the worker's career and salary's progression at the page level. |
Oracle-delivered constants |
Customize Your HR Processes using Constants |
In Employment Info, show the Seniority Dates policies in the Seniority Dates section. |
Oracle-delivered constants |
Customize Your HR Processes using Constants |
In the Review Employee Resources, publish the respective announcement to employees by country. |
Oracle-delivered dynamic container |
Customize Your HR Processes using Dynamic Container |
Extend UI elements |
Reorder tabs in Journeys. |
Oracle-delivered constants |
Customize Your HR Processes using Constants |
In Team Learning, hide some sorting option. |
Oracle-delivered constants |
Customize Your HR Processes using Constants |
in Position search result table, define default columns and order. |
Oracle-delivered constants |
Control the Columns Display in a Table Using Constants |
in the Bank Accounts, show the Payroll Relationship Number in the page header. |
Oracle-delivered constants |
Customize Your HR Processes using Constants |
Control Field and Region Displays with Business Rules
Business Rules, similarly to Transaction Design Studio for Responsive pages, allows you to:
- Maintain valid data and ensures data quality by reducing users' errors.
- Build more efficient HR processes that end users can trust by offering a simple user experience, without having to understand the complexity of HR Policies.
- Make work faster, easier, and more manageable by seeing only the relevant, most appropriate content that in turn drives engagement and productivity.
Business Rules enables you to apply similar changes that you previously made in Transaction Design Studio and Page Composer, when required, while also introducing the new capability to make a field read-only. Here is a recap of what you can control at the field and region level.
Capability |
Field | Region |
Optional or required |
x | x For Compact Guided Process flows like Promote and Change Position |
Hide or show |
x | x |
Editable or read only |
x | x |
With numerous usability improvements compared to Transaction Design Studio, Business Rules offers a user-friendly extensibility tool, enabling HR professionals and administrators to make changes without the need for extensive programming skills. Now, let's highlight some of the differentiating features of Business Rules.
# | Extensibility Feature |
- | Rule list and configuration side by side - Quick and easy navigation between rules for rules comparison, or mass updates by seeing the list of rules and rule details side-by-side. |
1 | Filter Rule, Region, and Field Names by Rule - Productive personalization tool by reducing number of clicks and scrolling with filter capabilities for rules, regions, and fields. |
2 | Filter Rules by Region and Field with Overrides - Productive personalization tool by reducing number of clicks and scrolling with filter capabilities for rules, regions, and fields. |
3 | Activate | Deactivate All Rules - Retrieve the out-of-the-box behavior by deactivating all rules in one click (for debugging purpose). |
4 | Filter Region and Field by Rule - Productive personalization tool by reducing number of clicks and scrolling with filter capabilities for rules, regions, and fields. |
5 | Only Display Regions and Attributes with Overrides - Quickly identify at a glance all changes for a given rule in one click. |
6 | Identify Overridden Attribute and Region as well as the number of overrides per region - Quickly identify visually the changes for a given rule. |
- | Manage flexfields like any other fields - Simplified representation of pages' regions and fields in an organization tree for all fields, including flexfields. |
- | Make a Field Required and Hidden - Simplify HR processes to show only what matters to your employees. NOTE: that a field marked as hidden can still be rendered as visible at runtime. If no value is present, the field will then be displayed to the user to enable them to proceed. |
If the Business Rules tab is not available, that means that HCM hasn’t yet enabled the feature for the page.
Customize Your HR Processes Using Constants
In VB Studio, HCM leverages the concept of constants, which functional administrators use to extend the functionality of HCM Redwood pages. These constants play a crucial role in the extensibility and are used for various purposes, such as reordering tabs in Journeys, showing or hiding panels in Connections, or configuring Guided Journeys. Ability to write expression to conditionally rendered an element, such as displaying the person pronoun for specific countries only, is supported in Express mode.
You can access the list of available constants for a particular page by navigating to the Constants tab in the Designer. If the Constants tabs displays the message "We didn't find any extendable constants on this page", that means that HCM hasn’t yet delivered constants for the page.
It's worth noting that HCM has already delivered hundreds of constants across various Redwood pages, ensuring a diverse range of options to tailor the application to your specific needs.
- Adding Your Own Content to a page.
- Adding Your Own Content to a region.
- Configuring Guided Journeys.
- Enabling Nudges.
- Controlling UI elements such as Sort By, Tabs, or Colors, even field display in some cases.
- Reordering Regions.
As an example, let's explore how to configure the columns display in a table.
Control the Columns Display in a Table Using Constants
Tables are used across HCM Redwood pages. Two types of changes can be done to show the relevant data to your end users:
- Where extensibility is available functional administrators can customize the columns shown and displayed by default. This can be done via Oracle-delivered constants and the changes will apply at the site level.
- Additionally, end users can personalize the same for themselves using the Columns panel.
When a table is extensible, two constants are available to control:
- The display and ordering of default columns that gets displayed by default in the table as well as the Columns panel. In the Position search result table, this constant is named positionResultsDefaultColumns. The default ordering and expected property values are: PositionName, PositionCode, Incumbents, ParentPositionName, JobName, DepartmentName, LocationName, BusinessUnitName, Status. The columns can be reordered or removed by modifying the array.
- The display and ordering of hidden columns that gets displayed by default in the Columns table. In the Position search result table, the constant is named positionResultsHiddenColumns. The default ordering and expected property values are ParentPositionCode, JobCode, DepartmentTitle, LocationCode, HiringStatus, Type. The columns can be reordered or removed by modifying the array.
You can move a column from a constant to another to hide and show columns. If one of the delivered columns isn't relevant for your organization, remove the column from both constant. The column won’t show in any of your end users.
Customize Your HR Processes using Dynamic Container
Dynamic containers can be utilized in a page for two main purposes:
- Add your own content: With dynamic containers, you can add various types of content to customize your HCM application according to your specific needs. Common examples of content include text, images, forms, videos, and more.
- Reorder regions: Dynamic containers allow you to rearrange the layout of regions on the page, providing flexibility in organizing the content and optimizing the user experience.
It's important to note that these are the only two scenarios where you'd need to navigate to the Advanced mode to extend your page. Working with dynamic containers may require users with some technical skills.
If a dynamic container isn't available, that means that HCM hasn’t enabled the feature for the page.
This enhancement enables organizational agility to swiftly address your evolving business requirements.
Steps to Enable
Leverage the Visual Builder Studio to expose your applications. To learn more about extending your application using Visual Builder, visit Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Configuration and Extension.
Before you can start working with VB Studio, a systems administrator must set as by following these instructions.
Tips And Considerations
- Extensibility has been turned off for any dynamic components used in the HCM Redwood pages. Also, you must remove any change done in the layout prior to Update 23D.
- The new page doesn’t yet have support for Autocomplete Rules. Autocomplete Rules isn't supported for the new Pending Workers page rebuilt in Redwood. All rules built on the underlying business objects for this page must be disabled when you enable the Redwood page. Note that disabling rules on a business object will disable Autocomplete for both the Redwood and Responsive pages.
Key Resources
To start customizing your Oracle Cloud Application in VB Studio, follow the instructions here. As you’re working, you may find it helpful to refer to Extend Oracle Cloud Applications in Visual Builder Express Mode.
Adding your own content to a page may require some technical skills to use a dynamic container in Advanced mode. Instructions for doing so are here.
Access Requirements
You must be granted the Human Capital Management Application Administrator role.
Oracle Grow, a part of the Oracle ME employee experience platform, combines learning, skill development, and career mobility to drive individual and organizational success. It brings together all the elements that your employees need to excel in their current roles and for career growth including learning, skill development, gigs to develop competence and expertise.
Discover More Learning Resources
You can now view more learning items related to your favorite gigs, jobs, and your current role.
To excel in your current role, these additional learning resources are available for you:
- Learning that’s relevant to the gigs you’ve identified as your favorites in Opportunity Marketplace.
- Learning that’s popular in your role across the organization. These learning items are part of a topic community in Oracle Learning. They appear in the Popular in your role section in Oracle Grow, just below the learning items that are popular with others in your role.
- Learning that’s popular in your peer group comprising your manager (both matrix and line) and their direct reports.
- Learning that’s newly added as featured learning to the learning topics that you follow.
To grow your career, you have these additional learning resources:
- Learning relevant to the favorite gigs and jobs that you’ve identified in Opportunity Marketplace.
These additional resources help you stay current with the trends in your peer group as well as in your role, while also enabling you to take up focused learning that’s relevant to the gigs and jobs you’re interested in.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
Here are the prerequisites to display these additional learning resources:
- The learning administrator must configure the learning items that are popular in your role, popular among your peer group, and featured as part of your learning community in Oracle Learning.
- You must choose gigs and jobs as your favorites in Opportunity Marketplace.
Key Resources
IMPORTANT Actions and Considerations for Learning
From time to time, Oracle replaces existing Cloud service features with new features or removes existing features. When a feature is replaced the older version may be removed immediately or at a future time. As a best practice, you should use the newer version of a replaced feature as soon as the newer version is available.
Product |
Removed Feature |
Target Removal |
Replacement Feature |
Replaced In |
Additional Information |
Learning | Responsive User Experience Removal Notice | 24B | Non-Redwood pages no longer supported after 24B. | ||
Learning / OTBI | Learning Management Subject Area |
TBD | 21A March/ 21B |
Customers should replace any reporting using the Learning Management subjects with the Learning Record subject area. |
Learning | WebEx Classroom Provider Removal Notice | 24A |
Oracle publishes a Known Issues document for every Update to make customers are aware of potential problems they could run into and the document provides workarounds if they are available.
Oracle also publishes Maintenance Pack and Statutory Maintenance Pack documentation of bugs that are fixed in the monthly or statutory patching.
To review these documents you must have access to My Oracle Support:
Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Functional Known Issues and Maintenance Packs (Document ID 1554838.1)
Controlled Availability for Learning
The following is a list of Controlled Availability features that are being offered by our Controlled Availability Program.
NOTE: These features are not generally available for all customers at this time. These are only available through the Controlled Availability Program and will require approval to become a part of the features program. To be a part of these programs you will be required to participate in testing and providing feedback. Some programs may require other participation as well.
Not to worry if you don't have to time to be a part of these early stage programs. You can uptake this feature when it is generally available for all customers. When these features are available for all customers you will see the features under their product headings as usual.
We invite you all to browse through the list of features to see if there are any features you are interested in implementing in advance of the features scheduled release. The table below will provide information on signing up for features. Please sign up soon, as these programs have limited availability and some are designed for specific types of customers.
The table below gives you a brief description of the features available and how to sign up. Some features are bigger than others, so for more information there may be a What's New describing the feature in more detail below this table.
We look forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas as you participate the Controlled Availability programs!
Product |
Feature Name |
Feature Description |
Type of Customer Needed to Test |
How to Sign Up |
Controlled Availability Release |
Is the Program Still Open? |
Learning / Administrator Experience | Introducing Digital Learning | The new Digital Learning task combines and enhances capabilities from the create course, create offering, and add online content actions into a single, simplified task. You can add online content in SCORM, mp4, or PDF formats to the Oracle Learning catalog that can be directly assigned to the learners. Digital learning content is similar to self-paced offerings with single activities, so it can also be included in offering and specialization activities. |
Customers that have enabled Activity Sequencing. |
To enable this feature, you need to log a Service Request (SR). Review current limitations in the Tips & Considerations section before submitting a request to participate to understand, if this feature is a good fit for you at this time. |
23D | Open |
Learning / Administrator Experience |
Introducing Learning Organizations | Learning Organizations is the evolution of the functionality currently found in global access groups. These can be used to define the access to digital learning items in your learning catalog. HCM lists are used to define a target list of participants. |
Customers that have enabled Activity Sequencing. |
23D | Open |
Learning / External Providers | Skillsoft Percipio Content Provider | You can now integrate with Skillsoft Percipio learning content.
The Skillsoft Percipio integration supports automated course sync, so learners always have the most recent updates published by Skillsoft Percipio. |
To enable this feature, you need to log a Service Request (SR). |
23D | Open |
Learning Controlled Availability
Features under this heading are under the Controlled Availability Program. The Controlled Availability Program is a program for early testing and feedback of features, before they are included into the product line. You must request and be accepted into the Controlled Availability Programs to use these features. Please see the What's New for more information on being part of these programs.
NOTE: These features are not generally available to customers; customers must be approved to use these features. When these features are generally available to all customers, they will be announced under their product area headings.
Digital learning collects single-activity self-paced offerings, content items, and self-service videos into a self-contained learning item that you can publish to the learning catalog. It simplifies the deployment of self-paced learning to your learning catalog by reducing the learning objects that you need to publish. You can assign digital learning directly to learners without the overhead of course offerings and activities, and you can also use it as specialization activities.
Digital learning administration in the My Client Groups > Learning work area also introduces the first Redwood pages for managing your learning catalog. The more intuitive Digital Learning page lets you quickly find the learning you need to manage. The new details page lets you manage the configuration properties of a digital learning item.
Digital learning delivers several functional enhancements compared to self-paced offerings and content items, including these enhancements:
- Defining the learning type for URL-based items to facilitate discovery in the learning catalog, such as publishing them as videos, books, and assessments
- Optionally defining who the publisher, author, or even instructor is to help your more easily find items in your learning catalog
- Defining multiple playback languages your content supports to help learners more easily find items in their language
- Configuring a digital learning to require the learner to mark themselves complete as a form of affirmation, in addition to launching the content
- Configuring a digital learning so that learners can review their past attempts and view the responses they provided to the quiz embedded in your SCORM or HACP content
- Configuring the percentage of time the learner must watch video-based digital learning
- Configuring a video-based digital learning to let learners fast forward through it
- Previewing the item as it would appear to learners in the learning catalog, without having to enroll in it
Digital learning also introduces a new REST API to bulk load your self-paced learning items to the learning catalog. The bulk load ends the need to use a combination of REST and HCM Data Loader, as was the case with courses, offerings, and content items.
This enhancement starts your journey towards a simpler approach to delivering self-paced learning and managing the learning catalog with the Redwood experience.
Steps to Enable
To enable this feature you need to log a Service Request (SR).
- To enable this feature, you need to log a Service Request (SR). Review current limitations in the Tips & Considerations section before submitting a request to participate to understand, if this feature is a good fit for you at this time.
- This feature is only available through the Controlled Availability Program at this time, which requires approval to join and has limited capacity. Not all requests will be approved at this time.
Tips And Considerations
- Approved participants must already have enabled the activity sequencing feature released in Update 23A, and the Redwood learner pages released in Update 23C. Enable all of these learner pages by setting the Site level value for the ORA_WLF_LEARN_SELFSERVICE_DETAIL_VBCS_ENABLED profile option to 'Y'.
- Digital learning isn't compatible with self-service videos and when you enable it, all public visibility self-service videos will be converted to digital learning. They'll remain in your learning catalog, but in this release they can no longer be managed.
- My Videos Redwood page will no longer be accessible to learners after digital learning is enabled.
- Learning journeys are deprecated as part of enabling digital learning. They will no longer be supported, won't appear in the learning catalog. They'll be converted to legacy learning items so that completions are preserved on worker's learning transcripts.
- My Learning Journeys page will no longer be accessible to learners after digital learning is enabled.
- My Client Groups > Learning > eLearning task will no longer appear after digital learning is enabled.
- After you enable digital learning, you can't disable it.
- Many additional enhancements related to catalog management, such as asset retirement and contribution approvals, will be available in a future release with digital learning.
- Learning Management Real Time OTBI subject area isn't supported for reporting on digital learning items.
- Learning Content Items OTBI subject area isn't supported for reporting on digital learning items.
Introducing Learning Organizations
Learning organizations are the consolidation of access groups and official learning communities into a single, unified business object that lets you define learner cohorts to curate specific learning experiences for them. In this release, learning organizations support the global access group use case, letting you define a set of people that can access a private digital learning item. You can define learning organization participants individually or using a .csv file of person numbers. You can also define the visibility of the learning organization and its managers. This lets you control which learning administrators can use the learning organizations, and which ones can modify its configuration and participants.
This feature lets you reduce your workload making overall administration learning items and assignments much simpler.
Steps to Enable
To enable this feature you need to log a Service Request (SR).
- To enable this feature, you need to log a Service Request (SR). Review current limitations in the Tips & Considerations section before submitting a request to participate to understand, if this feature is a good fit for you at this time.
- This feature is available only through the Digital Learning Controlled Availability Program at this time, which requires approval to join and has limited capacity. Not all requests will be approved at this time.
Tips And Considerations
- Approved participants must already have enabled the Activity Sequencing feature released in Update 23A, and the Redwood Learner pages released in Update 23C.
- Learning organizations is supported only with digital learning. There's no change to the current access groups or official community features.
- Learning organizations don't support using analysis criteria to define their participant lists like access groups do. This will be added in a future release.
Skillsoft Percipio Content Provider
You can now integrate with Skillsoft Percipio learning content and track completions in Oracle Learning that were initiated in Oracle Learning or in SkillSoft Percipio. Here's some of what you can do because of the integration:
- Import Skillsoft Percipio courses to Oracle Learning as digital learning items.
- Sync changes to SkillSoft Percipio courses.
- Register learning enrollments and completions in Oracle Learning when learners launch SkillSoft Percipio courses in SkillSoft Percipio.
- Register learning enrollments and completions in Oracle Learning when learners launch SkillSoft Percipio courses in Oracle Learning.
This feature is only available through the Controlled Availability Program at this time, which requires approval to join.
This enhancement extends the external content that you can leverage in Oracle Learning.
Steps to Enable
To enable this feature you need to log a Service Request (SR).