Cloud Readiness / Oracle Maintenance Cloud
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  1. Update 21A
  1. Revision History
  2. Overview
  3. Pre-Update and Post-Update Tasks
  4. Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)
  5. Feature Summary
    1. Maintenance
        1. Use a Work Order to Install and Remove Asset Parts
        2. Enable Dual Units of Measure in Manufacturing and Maintenance
        3. Enable Application Composer Attributes in Asset REST API
        4. View Document References for a Maintenance Work Order
        5. Schedule Work Orders of Multiple Year Duration

Update 21A

Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Product Feature Notes
25 JUN 2021 Maintenance View Document References for a Maintenance Work Order Updated document. Revised role information.
18 DEC 2020     Created initial document.


This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in this update, and describes any tasks you might need to perform for the update. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.


The Role section of each feature identifies the security privilege and job role required to use the feature. If feature setup is required, then the Application Implementation Consultant job role is required to perform the setup, unless otherwise indicated. (If a feature doesn't include a Role section, then no security changes are required to use the feature.)

If you have created job roles, then you can use this information to add new privileges to those roles as needed. For details about how to compare your configured job roles to predefined job roles and add security artifacts to your configured job roles, see the Security Console and Roles and Role Assignments chapters in the Oracle SCM Cloud: Securing SCM guide on the Oracle Help Center.


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Pre-Update and Post-Update Tasks

Depending on the features you're using in your Cloud applications, you may be required to perform certain steps immediately before or after your quarterly update. For details of these pre-update and post-update steps and the product areas that are affected, refer to Oracle SCM Cloud: Performing Your Quarterly Update (doc ID 2337485.1) on My Oracle Support.

Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)

Oracle Cloud Applications delivers new updates every quarter. This means every three months you'll receive new functionality to help you efficiently and effectively manage your business. Some features are delivered Enabled meaning they are immediately available to end users. Other features are delivered Disabled meaning you have to take action to make available. Features delivered Disabled can be activated for end users by stepping through the following instructions using the following privileges:

  • Configure Oracle Fusion Applications Offering (ASM_CONFIGURE_OFFERING_PRIV)

Here’s how you opt in to new features:

  1. Click Navigator > My Enterprise > New Features.
  2. On the Features Overview page, select your offering to review new features specific to it. Or, you can leave the default selection All Enabled Offerings to review new features for all offerings.
  3. On the New Features tab, review the new features and check the opt-in status of the feature in the Enabled column. If a feature has already been enabled, you will see a check mark. Otherwise, you will see an icon to enable the feature.
  4. Click the icon in the Enabled column and complete the steps to enable the feature.

In some cases, you might want to opt in to a feature that's not listed in the New Features work area. Here's how to opt in:

  1. Click Navigator > My Enterprise > Offerings.
  2. On the Offerings page, select your offering, and then click Opt In Features.
  3. On the Opt In page, click the Edit Features (pencil) icon for the offering, or for the functional area that includes your feature.
  4. On the Edit Features page, complete the steps to enable the feature.

For more information and detailed instructions on opting in to new features for your offering, see Offering Configuration.

Opt In Expiration

Occasionally, features delivered Disabled via Opt In may be enabled automatically in a future update. This is known as an Opt In Expiration. If your cloud service has any Opt In Expirations you will see a related tab in this document. Click on that tab to see when the feature was originally delivered Disabled, and when the Opt In will expire, potentially automatically enabling the feature. You can also click here to see features with Opt In Expirations across all Oracle Cloud Applications.

Feature Summary

Column Definitions:

Features Delivered Enabled

Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.

UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.

UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.

Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.

Ready for Use by End Users
(Features Delivered Enabled)

Reports plus Small Scale UI or Process-Based new features will have minimal user impact after an update. Therefore, customer acceptance testing should focus on the Larger Scale UI or Process-Based* new features.

Action is Needed BEFORE Use by End Users
(Features Delivered Disabled)

Not disruptive as action is required to make these features ready to use. As you selectively choose to leverage, you set your test and roll out timing.



UI or
Small Scale

UI or
Larger Scale*


Use a Work Order to Install and Remove Asset Parts

Enable Dual Units of Measure in Manufacturing and Maintenance

Enable Application Composer Attributes in Asset REST API

View Document References for a Maintenance Work Order

Schedule Work Orders of Multiple Year Duration


Use a Work Order to Install and Remove Asset Parts

The Report Material Transactions page is used to report the materials that are consumed in the execution of a maintenance work order operation. Prior to this update, you could use the page only to issue materials from inventory to the operation and return unused materials to inventory. Depending on how the component is set up, you could choose to issue materials from the common inventory or from the project-specific inventory. The issued components that were asset tracked would then be automatically installed on the configuration, but only as a first-level child. However, there was no visibility to these hierarchy updates, nor the ability to control where in the configuration they were installed.

With this update, you can now optionally issue and return materials in the context of the work order asset’s hierarchy using a new hierarchy viewer, which is now displayed below the transaction row table. You can manually navigate through the hierarchy levels, or use the search, to find the exact child asset. When located, you can select the asset and use the action icons in the asset node to either issue and install a new child component, or remove and return the context asset from the hierarchy. Selecting one of these actions automatically creates the respective transaction rows in the table. Additionally, for any child asset node in the hierarchy, you can update its parent asset without creating a specific material transaction using the swap action.

You can still choose to manually create issue and return transactions outside of the context of an asset’s hierarchy. For each row that's created, you choose the transaction type as issue or return, and then search and select the component details directly in the transaction row.

You can now also perform both the issue and return transactions within the same session. This means you can execute both the install and removal of assets from the hierarchy at the same time. You can still execute both tracked and untracked component issue and returns, while also being able to easily return previous issued components from earlier work orders. When returning the previously issued untracked components, the return transaction creates a no-cost miscellaneous return to inventory for the component. This can be helpful when you return excess inventory or assets that weren't previously tracked on a hierarchy.

Also on the page, there's a new Show Previously Issued Components check box. When selected, you can view all previously issued components in the same work order operation. You can then delete the component return rows that aren't required, thereby processing only the row that requires return. The hierarchy is also updated upon return. You can also use a barcode scanner to enter the component and the lot and serial number being transacted. This helps improve data entry correctness and speed.

You can access the updated Report Material Transactions page from within the Dispatch List results rows only after Opt-In.  For each work order, click the Report Material Transactions inline icon to navigate to the updated page.  The icon’s updated hover text is Issue, Install, Remove, and Replace Materials.  You can also access the updated page using the Complete with Details action flow and using the Backflush Materials train stop.

The prior version of the Report Material Transactions page will continue to be available with this update, but only from the Task menu on the Maintenance Management page.  On this page, you can now report material transactions using a primary or secondary unit of measure for lot-controlled components. Also, you can use this page for material reservations for operation items, which was introduced in the 20D update. If a transaction line is for a component that's reserved, a new icon is displayed. When you click the icon, you open a dialog box where you can select the specific lot or serial number to issue. These new capabilities are not available from the Dispatch List in this update.

Watch a Demo

These new capabilities allow you to be more accurate in managing an asset’s hierarchical structure through the reporting of material transactions.

Steps to Enable

Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials ManagementNo Longer Optional From: Update 22A

Key Resources

Role Information

You have a couple of options for giving people access to this feature, depending on whether you're assigning them predefined job roles or your own configured job roles.

Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles are automatically able to access this feature


Users who are assigned configured job roles that contain these privileges are able to access this feature:

  • Report Maintenance Material Transactions (MNT_REPORT_MAINTENANCE_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_PRIV)
  • Report Maintenance Operation Transactions (MNT_REPORT_MAINTENANCE_OPERATION_TRANSACTIONS_PRIV)

Enable Dual Units of Measure in Manufacturing and Maintenance

Some companies need to track materials used in maintenance or repair processes and manage their asset items in dual units of measure (UOM) for logistical and valuation purposes. These UOMs can be related or unrelated and its relationship can be fixed based on a standard or item-specific UOM conversion, or variable with each inventory transaction. For example, material consumption is reported in both boxes and eaches, or an asset is primary tracked in units and valued by gallons. Today, you can only transact materials and maintain assets and asset parts in a single UOM.

You can now report materials and track assets in dual UOMs through the following integrations with inventory:

  • Manual material issue and return using quick report material transaction
  • Complete supplier operation with an outside processing item
  • Purchasing and receiving details and receipt correction and return for a purchased item directly tied to a work order
  • Asset overview
  • Asset parts list
  • Asset hierarchy

Create or Edit Asset in Dual Units of Measure

Based on the item setup for dual UOM tracking, the relationship between the primary and secondary quantities can be either fixed or variable for each maintenance transaction.

  • When the item's UOM defaulting control is set to fixed, you enter the transaction quantity in the primary or transactional UOM, which is automatically converted to the secondary quantity in the secondary UOM based on the standard or item-specific UOM conversion
  • When the item's UOM defaulting control is set to default, you can enter the transaction quantity in the primary or transactional UOM and override the secondary quantity that is defaulted from the standard or item-specific UOM conversion
  • When the item's UOM defaulting control is set to no default, you can enter the transaction quantity in the primary or transactional UOM and enter the secondary quantity in the secondary UOM

You can perform these maintenance transactions in dual UOMs using the user interface, File-based Data Import, and REST services. You can also view these maintenance transactions in dual UOMs through the production transaction history. For asset and asset part items set up with dual UOM tracking, you can view the primary and secondary quantities in the asset overview, parts list, and hierarchy.

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With material reporting and asset tracking in dual UOMs, you can improve inventory visibility and costing accuracy based on the actual value.

Steps to Enable

Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials ManagementNo Longer Optional From: Update 21C

  • UOMs must be defined prior to creating UOM standard conversions and items. Items must be defined prior to creating UOM interclass or intraclass conversions. Refer to the Implementing Common Features for SCM guide for more information about units of measure and conversions in Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud Common Configuration.

Create Item in Dual Units of Measure

Tips And Considerations

  • UOMs must be defined prior to creating UOM standard conversions and items. Items must be defined prior to creating UOM interclass or intraclass conversions. Refer to the Implementing Common Features for SCM guide for more information about units of measure and conversions in Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud Common Configuration.

Create Item in Dual Units of Measure

  • Items must be defined with primary and secondary tracking unit of measure in order to perform maintenance transactions in dual UOMs. Additional item attributes related to Unit of Measure can be defined, including primary UOM, secondary UOM, defaulting control of fixed, default, or no default, and positive and negative deviation factors.
  • In some use cases, another transactional UOM can be specified for a material quantity in a maintenance work definition. The transactional UOM is inherited in maintenance transactions for reporting convenience as long as it is convertible to the base UOM in the UOM class of the item's primary UOM. The secondary UOM defaults from the item definition and cannot be updated during maintenance transactions.
  • You cannot transact in dual UOMs in the new Report Material Transaction UI.
  • Cost planning and cost accounting can be performed in either the primary or secondary UOM for an item based on its cost profile.
  • Refer to the Enable Dual Units of Measure in Manufacturing and Maintenance feature under Manufacturing Cloud for more information about dual UOM-enabled items in manufacturing transactions and product genealogy.

Key Resources

Role Information

  • Predefined job role name and code:
    • Maintenance Manager (ORA_MNT_MAINTENANCE_MANAGER)
    • Maintenance Technician (ORA_MNT_MAINTENANCE_TECHNICIAN)
    • Production Supervisor (ORA_WIE_PRODUCTION_SUPERVISOR_JOB)
  • Privilege and code for configured job roles:
    • Maintenance Manager (ORA_MNT_MAINTENANCE_MANAGER)
    • Maintenance Technician (ORA_MNT_MAINTENANCE_TECHNICIAN)
    • Production Supervisor (ORA_WIE_PRODUCTION_SUPERVISOR_JOB)

Enable Application Composer Attributes in Asset REST API

The Installed Base Asset object can be configured and extended using Application Composer. You can define configured fields and enable them on the Overview tab on the Edit Asset page as new attributes. Additionally, you can create a configured object that's related to the asset and display it using a configured tab on the Edit Asset page.

Prior to this update, you could interact with these configured fields and objects only within the application pages. With this update, you can now create, view, and edit the values of these fields and objects using the Installed Base Assets REST API.  It's important to note that if you're not configuring or extending the asset object, then there are no other changes in this update to the Installed Base Assets REST API.

Overview of configuring and extending the Installed Base Asset object:

  • First create a sandbox that's enabled for Application Composer in a test environment
  • Then use Application Composer to create configured fields and add them to a copy of the overview tab of the Edit Asset page
    • Different types of fields can be created and added; such as text, number, date, date/time, fixed list, and long text
  • Optionally, you can also create a configured object related to an asset and embed it on a new tab in the Edit Asset page
  • When completed, you can verify those changes in the context of an asset record within the sandbox
  • When verified, publish the sandbox in the test environment to verify the REST API changes

To verify the extended attributes in the Installed Base Assets REST API:

  • Create a new asset or reference an existing asset
  • Use the GET REST action to return a response payload for an existing asset by asset ID or querying by asset number
  • Confirm that in the main response body for the asset, the configured fields are displayed
  • Confirm that any long text fields appear as a unique child enclosure
  • Confirm that any configured objects appear as a unique child resource
  • Create, view, and update the configured fields and objects for an asset using the POST and PATCH REST actions
  • Create, view, and update the configured fields and objects for an asset using the application pages
  • Verify the changes in the REST responses or use the GET REST action to return a response payload for an existing asset by asset ID or querying by asset number

When the changes are verified in the test sandbox, you will be ready to perform similar setups in your production environment.

This new capability will allow you more flexibility to model, define, view, and edit extended attributes and configured objects for an asset using the Installed Base Assets REST API. You can define the additional attributes during asset creation, which is helpful during the initial loading of existing assets from a legacy system. When created, you can then further set and update their values using the Installed Base Assets REST API capabilities. Additionally, you can interact with these attributes using other external applications as well via the Installed Base Assets REST API.

Watch a Demo

Steps to Enable

Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides, available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API. If you're new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.

Tips And Considerations

Application Composer offers a good alternative to using descriptive flexfields if you need to modify the Asset pages, or if you need to define a quantity of your own configured fields that exceeds those available as flexfields.

Additional details about Application Composer, including security for configured objects, is covered in the book Configuring Applications Using Application Composer, available on the Oracle Help Center.

Key Resources

Role Information

  • Predefined job role name and code:
    • Asset Administrator (ORA_CSE_ASSET_ADMINISTRATOR_JOB)
    • Maintenance Manager (ORA_MNT_MAINTENANCE_MANAGER_JOB)
    • Maintenance Technician (ORA_MNT_MAINTENANCE_TECHNICIAN_JOB)
  • Privilege name and code for configured job roles:
    • Maintenance Management Web Service (ORA_MNT_MAINTENANCE_SERVICE_DUTY)
    • Custom Objects Administration (ORA_CRM_EXTN_ROLE)

View Document References for a Maintenance Work Order

Maintenance work orders can be created for an asset from consuming applications, both internal and external to the Oracle Maintenance Cloud, using the REST API. Prior to this update, you couldn't include a source object reference for the work order, or display them on the Edit Work Order page. A source object is helpful to identify work orders created from internal applications such as the help desk, IoT Asset Monitoring, Depot Repair service requests, and internal sales orders, or from an external application.

In this update, the Maintenance Work Orders REST API includes a new Document References child resource. This child resource supports the passing of a simple document type and document number in the REST POST or PATCH payloads. The document type attribute is based on the predefined lookup ORA_CSE_DOCUMENT_TYPE, allowing you to create additional configured lookup codes for external applications. For internal applications, the predefined lookup codes are utilized by the consuming applications automatically and there's no other setup required. The document number is be the source object reference that you see in the application, such as the help desk internal service request number, IoT incident, service request, sales order and return material authorization (RMA) reference.

Here's an example payload for creating a maintenance work order with a document reference for a help desk internal service request number:



"WorkOrderSubTypeCode": "ORA_PLANNED",




"PlannedStartDate":"2020-12-01 12:00:10",



"DocumentType": "ORA_HELP_DESK_TICKET",

"DocumentNumber": "ISR00000012345"




A maintenance work order can have one or many document references. This is useful for associating one or more related objects to a single work order, such as multiple help desk internal service request numbers. Document references can also be end dated, which indicates that they are no longer applicable as a source object to the work order.

Then, you can view the document references on a new References tab on the Edit Work Order page. The tab displays a simple results region showing the document type, document number, and end date. For most work orders there's only a single source object if created from a consuming application. Clicking on the references row will populate the panel to the right, displaying key details from the source object. These details will provide you with additional context about the source object and help with the resolution of the work order operations. To view these details, you must have the correct security access for each consuming application object defined in your user roles.

Here's an example of an IoT Incident and its details:

Document references and their contextual details is useful to Maintenance Managers and Technicians in planning and executing the maintenance work orders. By displaying key document details for the row, you don't need to navigate to the source application and search for the related details that resulted in the creation of the work order.

Steps to Enable

To view the IoT Asset Monitoring incidents and their details in the References tab, you must first license the product and have enabled the integration to your Oracle Maintenance Cloud application. The setup details are covered in the book Implementing Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management in the section titled "Integrate Oracle Maintenance Cloud with Oracle IoT Asset Monitoring Cloud." There is additional setup that is covered in the IoT Asset Monitoring Cloud Service user guide under the section titled "Integrate Oracle Maintenance Cloud with Oracle IoT Asset Monitoring Cloud Service." After the integration is established, the document references and their associated details region for an IoT incident will be automatically displayed without any further security privileges.

Tips And Considerations

There is not an opt in for the References tab and you will see the list of documents if they are defined by the consuming application. However, to view the Document Reference Details region, you must have the correct user roles and privileges defined for the source object.

Role Information

  • Predefined job role name and code:
    • Maintenance Manager (ORA_MNT_MAINTENANCE_MANAGER_JOB)
    • Maintenance Technician (ORA_MNT_MAINTENANCE_TECHNICIAN_JOB)
  • Predefined privileges added to roles in this update:
    • Maintenance Manager (ORA_MNT_MAINTENANCE_MANAGER_JOB)
      • Get Sales Orders Using REST Services (FOM_SALES_ORDER_REST_GET_PRIV)
    • Maintenance Technician (ORA_MNT_MAINTENANCE_TECHNICIAN_JOB)
      • Get Sales Orders Using REST Services (FOM_SALES_ORDER_REST_GET_PRIV)
      • Use REST Service to View Service Request (SVC_VIEW_SR_USING_REST_PRIV)
  • To view internal service request details for a help desk ticket, create your own configured role and assign it to each maintenance execution user:
    • Define your role name
    • Add this functional security policy: View Internal Service Request (SVC_VIEW_ISR_SR_PRIV)
    • Create this data security policy:
      • Define a unique policy name 
      • Select the Data Resource: Service Request Header
      • Select the Data Set: Select by instance set
      • Select the Condition: Access the service request header for table SVC_SERVICE_REQUESTS for all internal help desk service requests
      • Set the Privilege Actions: Read; View Service Request Header
    • Assign to each user
  • To view sales order and return material authorization (RMA) details, follow these steps:
    • If you have users that include the Maintenance Manager role, you must explicitly define business unit-level access: 
      • Use the Setup and Maintenance work area
      • Select the setup for Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management
      • Select the Users and Security functional area
      • Select All Tasks under the task listing
      • Select the Manage Data Access for Users task
      • Select the Users with Data Access option
      • For each user name, create individual access rows with the:
        • User Name
        • Role, such as Maintenance Manager
        • Security Context: Business unit
        • Security Context Value: The business unit
    • Create your own configured role and assign it to each maintenance execution user:
      • Define your role name
      • Add this functional security policy: 
        • Get Sales Orders Using REST Services (FOM_SALES_ORDER_REST_GET_PRIV)
      • Assign to each user
      • Confirm individual business unit access as detailed above

NOTE: Enabling business unit access for this privilege triggers a licensing requirement for Oracle Order Management Cloud, if not already licensed. Additionally, defining individual business unit access affects any user who has the Order Entry Specialist role. During sales order creation, the business unit attribute displays all values for which the user is granted access.

Schedule Work Orders of Multiple Year Duration

Prior to this update, you could only create maintenance work orders with a maximum duration of 12 months. You could create these work orders manually in Oracle Maintenance Cloud or through IoT.

With this update, using the Maximum Scheduling Duration in Months plant parameter, you can set the duration to any value between 3 to 48 months. Based on the plant parameter, work orders are created with lead times up to 48 months if the plant calendars are defined for the requisite period. You can now use the native unconstrained scheduler to schedule the work orders without having to build integrations with third party scheduling tools.

Manage Plant Parameters Page

Watch a Demo

This update helps plan and schedule maintenance work orders for a long duration using the configurable scheduling horizon.

Steps to Enable

  1. Login as SCM Implementation consultant
  2. Search for the task "Manage Plant Parameters"
  3. Choose the required maintenance organisation
  4. In the 'Manage Production tab', set the value for attribute "Maximum Scheduling Duration in Months". The default value is 12, minimum value is 3 and the maximum value is 48.

Tips And Considerations

Some of the considerations to be kept in mind are:

  • By default, new and existing maintenance organizations are created with a parameter value of 12 months. You can modify them as desired.

Key Resources

Role Information

You can use the predefined Maintenance Manager role to schedule work orders using this feature.