This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:
Date | Module | Feature | Notes |
03 MAR 2023 | Created initial document. |
We’re here and we’re listening. If you have a suggestion on how to make our cloud services even better then go ahead and tell us. There are several ways to submit your ideas, for example, through the Ideas Lab on Oracle Customer Connect. Wherever you see this icon after the feature name it means we delivered one of your ideas.
We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at
The information contained in this document may include statements about Oracle’s product development plans. Many factors can materially affect Oracle’s product development plans and the nature and timing of future product releases. Accordingly, this Information is provided to you solely for information only, is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.
This information may not be incorporated into any contractual agreement with Oracle or its subsidiaries or affiliates. Oracle specifically disclaims any liability with respect to this information. Refer to the Legal Notices and Terms of Use for further information.
Pre-Update and Post-Update Tasks
Depending on the features you're using in your Cloud applications, you may be required to perform certain steps immediately before or after your quarterly update. For details of these pre-update and post-update steps and the product areas that are affected, refer to Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM: Performing Your Quarterly Update (doc ID 2337485.1) on My Oracle Support.
Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)
Oracle Cloud Applications delivers new updates every quarter. This means every three months you'll receive new functionality to help you efficiently and effectively manage your business. Some features are delivered Enabled meaning they are immediately available to end users. Other features are delivered Disabled meaning you have to take action to make available. Features delivered Disabled can be activated for end users by stepping through the following instructions using the following privileges:
- Configure Oracle Fusion Applications Offering (ASM_CONFIGURE_OFFERING_PRIV)
Here’s how you opt in to new features:
- Click Navigator > My Enterprise > New Features.
- On the Features Overview page, select your offering to review new features specific to it. Or, you can leave the default selection All Enabled Offerings to review new features for all offerings.
- On the New Features tab, review the new features and check the opt-in status of the feature in the Enabled column. If a feature has already been enabled, you will see a check mark. Otherwise, you will see an icon to enable the feature.
- Click the icon in the Enabled column and complete the steps to enable the feature.
In some cases, you might want to opt in to a feature that's not listed in the New Features work area. Here's how to opt in:
- Click Navigator > My Enterprise > Offerings.
- On the Offerings page, select your offering, and then click Opt In Features.
- On the Opt In page, click the Edit Features (pencil) icon for the offering, or for the functional area that includes your feature.
- On the Edit Features page, complete the steps to enable the feature.
For more information and detailed instructions on opting in to new features for your offering, see Configure Offerings.
Opt In Expiration
Occasionally, features delivered Disabled via Opt In may be enabled automatically in a future update. This is known as an Opt In Expiration. If your cloud service has any Opt In Expirations you will see a related tab in this document. Click on that tab to see when the feature was originally delivered Disabled, and when the Opt In will expire, potentially automatically enabling the feature. You can also click here to see features with Opt In Expirations across all Oracle Cloud Applications.
Column Definitions:
Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.
UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.
UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.
Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.
Ready for Use by End Users Reports plus Small Scale UI or Process-Based new features will have minimal user impact after an update. Therefore, customer acceptance testing should focus on the Larger Scale UI or Process-Based* new features. |
Customer Must Take Action before Use by End Users Not disruptive as action is required to make these features ready to use. As you selectively choose to leverage, you set your test and roll out timing. |
Feature |
Report |
UI or |
UI or |
Capitalize Fixed Assets Upon Purchase Receipt to Expense Destination |
Generate Maintenance Program Forecasts Using a Scheduled Process |
Enhance Maintenance Management OTBI Subject Areas to Support Maintenance Exceptions |
Perform Asset Inspection With or Without a Maintenance Work Order |
Post Field Services Charges Without Selecting an Installed Base Asset |
Make Corrections and Enter Credits for Debrief and Charge Transactions |
Capitalize Fixed Assets Upon Purchase Receipt to Expense Destination
Prior to this update, you could manually establish a relationship between a fixed asset and an installed base asset. With this update, you can now systematically create an installed base asset and capitalize it as a fixed asset for nonproject purchases with a receipt destination type of expense. A relationship between the installed base asset and the associated fixed asset is automatically established without any manual intervention. This update allows you to capitalize your asset as soon as it's received.
To accomplish this, you need to perform the following steps:
Create a purchase order in Oracle Fusion Cloud Procurement.
- Select the mandatory parameters that includes business unit, supplier, and supplier site
When adding purchase order line items, ensure you provide the following parameters:
- Set the destination type to Expense
- Select the Accrue At Receipt
- Configure the item on the purchase order line with the Create Asset at Receipt
NOTE: To enable this feature, create the purchase order after the cut-off date.
- Submit the purchase order for approval.
- After successful procurement of the item, process receipt of the item into the inventory organization defined in the purchase order.
- Provide the required values as per the item’s definition, including serial number, lot number, item quantities, and so on.
- Ensure a costing role is assigned to your user
- Run the following scheduled jobs to process costing balances and distributions for the purchase order:
- Transfer Transactions from Receiving to Costing
- Create Receipt Accounting Distributions
- Run the Create Accounting process for your receipt, and post it to the General Ledger
- Transfer Receipts to Mass Additions
- Ensure a fixed asset role is assigned to your user.
- Navigate to Fixed Asset > Asset user interface.
- Prepare the newly created source lines for your receipt in the Fixed Asset Corporate Book.
Edit Source Line User Interface
Run the Post Mass Additions scheduled job to create a fixed asset for your received item.
Asset Inquiry User Interface
- Ensure an installed base user role is assigned to your user.
- Run the Connect Fixed Asset to Operational Asset scheduled job to complete the first step of the fixed asset and installed base asset integration.
- Specify the Asset Category on your Item Definition; Oracle will default the Asset Category in your mass addition line within Fixed Assets. If the asset category is not set up on the item master, Oracle will try to match the natural account segment of your PO Charge account with the Asset Clearing account on your asset category definition. If a match is found, Oracle will default this asset category on the mass addition lines.
- You can default the location for your mass addition lines transferred from receiving, if you configure your mapping between your fixed assets location and your ship-to location.
- Create an installed base asset and a fixed asset using this feature.
- In service date for your fixed asset, it will be the goods receipt date on the receipt.
- Oracle Fusion Cloud defaults the asset type as Capitalized, if it's greater than the capitalization threshold that you have specified for your asset book.
- When the line is posted and a new asset is created, Oracle Fusion Cloud further adds costs to this asset as an adjustment using the Add to Asset feature of Fixed Assets.
Edit Asset User Interface With Fixed Assets Tab
- On the Fixed Asset tab of the Edit Asset user interface, you can see the fixed asset associated with your installed base asset.
- Create an invoice for the received item by providing information in the Create Invoice user interface. You can update your item’s amount, and any additional information such as, Freight and Miscellaneous.
Create Invoice User Interface
- Run the following scheduled jobs to process the updates to the fixed asset and costing distribution:
- Transfer Costs to Cost Management
- Create Receipt Accounting Distributions
- Create Accounting
- Transfer Receipts to Mass Additions
With the fix asset role assign to your user run the Post Mass Additions scheduled job to create a fixed asset for your received item.
These additional charges can appear as an Expense Adjustment transaction type on your accounting distribution:
- You can transfer any costs such as the purchase order cost for your items and your estimated taxes at receipt and transfer them to Fixed Assets for capitalization.
- After you enter and account for the invoice for this receipt, you can transfer any adjustments to the asset. These include freight charges, miscellaneous charges and taxes that are prorated to the item distribution from which the asset was created earlier. Any unallocated and nonprorated charges wouldn't be transferred to fixed assets via Receiving.
- Only nonrecoverable portion of the taxes gets transferred to fixed assets as capitalized cost.
- You can't transfer payment discounts to fixed assets for such invoices. You must apply such discounts manually to your fixed assets.
- You can also transfer any invoice price variance for your item and tax lines to fixed assets, when you account for your invoice in Accounts Payables. The invoice price variance is the quantity invoiced multiplied by the difference between the invoice unit price and the purchase order unit price.
Search Results Displaying Receipt Accounting Transactions
This completes the capitalization of your fixed asset upon purchase receipt to an expense destination.
You can now automatically create an operational asset at receipt and capitalize it to be a fixed asset. You can establish a relationship between the installed base asset and the associated fixed asset automatically, without any manual intervention, providing you complete visibility into the operational and financial information for your asset.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- An important thing to note down here is that this feature is supported for Accrual at Receipt purchases only.
- Item need to set up with create Fixed Asset At Receipt on the Specification > Service Tab.
- In the Manage Inventory Organization, make sure the Fixed Asset Corporate Book is selected.
- Only receipts for the purchase orders created after this opt-in will qualify for this feature.
- The following are a set of scheduled jobs added or updated as part of this integration:
- In Costing
- Transfer Transactions from Receiving to Costing
- Create Receipt Accounting Distributions
- Create Accounting
- Transfer Receipts to Mass Additions
- In Costing
- For FIx Asset
- Post Mass Additions
- For Installed Base Asset
- Connect Fixed Asset to Operational Assets
- After invoicing
- In costing
- Transfer Costs to Cost Management
- Create Receipt Accounting Distributions
- Create Accounting
- In Fix Asset
- Transfer Receipts to Mass Additions
- In costing
Key Resources
Role And Privileges
- Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles can access this feature:
Generate Maintenance Program Forecasts Using a Scheduled Process
You can use the maintenance programs to define and generate a daily preventative maintenance forecast for one or more affected assets in a maintenance-enabled organization. You can use the forecast as the basis for creating preventative maintenance work orders. Prior to this uptake, you could create and update the forecast in session using the Generate Forecast action from the user interface. This action locks the program to prevent any updates made by you and only returns control back to you after the forecast generation is successfully completed. In this uptake, to improve performance and ensure that you don't encounter a timeout in the user interface, the Generate Forecast action will now submit a scheduled process that can be tracked by its unique identification number. This new capability is consistent with the existing Create Work Orders action from the same user interface.
Selecting the Generate Forecast option will submit a scheduled process that you can track by its unique identification number:
You can track the schedule process using the Scheduled Processes page or you can now track it on the Manage Maintenance Programs page using new results columns. Use the View drop down option to select and add columns to the page for tracking the scheduled processes for forecast generation and work order order creation:
The new columns are useful for tracking and confirming the successful completion of the processes.
Using a scheduled process instead of an in session process for forecast generation improves performance and ensures you don't encounter a timeout in the user interface.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Role And Privileges
There are no changes to the existing roles and privileges for maintenance programs.
Determine Asset Qualifications Using Quality Inspection
Prior to this update, you can create qualifications for an asset manually for a qualification requirement and subsequently use the same to qualify an equipment resource of work order. In this update, you can leverage the maintenance work order execution to perform qualification checks on an equipment and automatically populate these qualification records at the asset level. You can either use a manually created maintenance work order or periodically schedule the qualification check using a Preventive Maintenance program. You can now associate the asset inspection plans to a qualification requirement.
For automatic qualification of an asset, the qualification requirement has been enhanced to support the inspection association.
Asset Qualification Automatic Recording
New Inspection Plan Type
In this update a new type of inspection plan is being introduced to exclusively support Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance with a new inspection type called Asset. Refer to the Tips and Considerations section for more information on how you can set up a new asset type inspection plan.
In the qualification requirements, you can associate the new inspection plan type, Asset.
Create Inspection Plan User Interface
Qualification Requirements
You can associate a quality inspection plan to the qualification requirement. The asset is qualified for a given qualification requirement based on the inspection performed on the asset in a maintenance work order.
You can perform the inspection on the asset in any maintenance organization. If the inspection plan is associated to the qualification requirement in the maintenance organization, the asset qualification would be automatically recorded based on the inspection performed.
You can associate only one inspection plan per a maintenance organization.
Qualification Requirement > Add Inspections Plans Step
Asset Qualifications
The qualification tab in the Edit Asset page is enhanced to facilitate recording of qualification of an asset based on inspection.
The following new columns have been added to the Edit Asset Qualifications tab:
- Inspection Plan
- Inspection
- Work Order
- Maintenance Program
- Work Requirement
The search attributes are moved above the table and the reference column is removed as a part this enhancement.
The maintenance work order which qualifies the asset for a given qualification requirement could be a manually created work order or preventive maintenance work order (generated automatically based on maintenance forecast).
For a recurring type of qualification, it's preferred to set a maintenance program and work requirement with a required interval and generate a forecast for the same. This ensures that timely inspection is performed on the asset and thereby qualifying the asset automatically. For a nonrecurring type of qualification, you can create maintenance work orders manually as required.
Details of asset qualifications created automatically
- Manually created work order
- Work order completion date will pick the Qualified date
- Name of the qualification requirement associated to the inspection plan will pick the Qualification requirement
- Name of the profiles associated to the qualification requirement will pick the Qualification profile
- Next qualification due is the sum of Qualified date and default interval in the Qualification requirement
- Next qualification due will be shown blank If there is no default interval in the Qualification requirement
Preventive maintenance work order
- Work order completion date will pick the Qualified date
- Name of the qualification requirement associated to the Inspection plan will pick the Qualification requirement
- Name of the profiles associated to the qualification requirement will pick the Qualification profile
- Next forecast date of the work requirement will pick the Next Qualification Due
- Name of the maintenance program based on which the context maintenance work order is created through Maintenance program
- Name of the work requirement based on which the context maintenance work order is created through Work requirement
Edit Asset User Interface > Qualifications Tab
You can leverage a maintenance work order and asset inspection plan to enforce and determine asset qualification programatically based on a set of inspection characteristics.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management No Longer Optional From: Update 23D
Tips And Considerations
Set up an Asset Type Inspection Plan
- Set the inspection type to Asset.
- Ensure that the organization must be a maintenance organization where maintenance work orders are created.
- Provide one of the following details:
- Asset
- Asset Group
- Item
- Item catalog
Use the Inspection Plan Optional check box to set the inspection either to mandatory or optional during operation completion:
- If the check box is selected, then the inspection is optional during operation completion
- If the check box is deselected, then the inspection is mandatory during operation completion
Add the characteristics to the plan:
Inspection actions can be configured after characteristics have been saved to the plan
Set the Inspection criteria either to one or many of the following attributes:
- Work order type or Work order subtype
- Work definition
- Operation sequence
- Operation code
- Set the default status of disposition to Ready for the asset type inspection plan.
- Set the inspection plan status to Approved.
Create Inspection Plan > Details
Create Inspection Plan > Inspection Criteria
Qualification Requirements
The association of inspection plan to the qualification requirement is based on the execution of the maintenance work order with inspection. If the inspection can be performed in more than one maintenance organization, then the inspection plan association must be for all those maintenance organizations where inspection can be performed.
Preventive Maintenance Work Order
Preventive maintenance work orders are created for a maintenance program and work requirement. The following are the recommendations for setting up a maintenance program.
You can create the following specifically for a qualification requirement:
- Standard operation
- Work definition
- Quality inspection plan
- Check the criteria based on the standard operation that was created specifically for the qualification requirement.
- Associate 1 work definition in the work requirement.
- You can set the merge and suppress option at the work requirement level and not at the maintenance program level.
Asset Qualification
Same inspection can be performed more than once in the same work order in different operations. Each instance of same inspection creates separate asset qualification for the same asset based on the multiple inspections performed. Hence, it's recommended to create the maintenance work order in which same inspections are not performed multiple times.
Dependent Features
This feature is enabled only if the following features are opted in:
- Qualify Equipment When Assigning Work or Reporting Resource Usage
- Perform Asset Inspection With or Without a Maintenance Work Order
Key Resources
- Check out the What's New content of the Perform Asset Inspection With or Without a Maintenance Work Order feature
- Check out the What's New content of the Qualify Equipment When Assigning Work or Reporting Resource Usage feature
- Download the Qualify Equipment When Assigning Work or Reporting Resource Usage TOI
Role And Privileges
You have a couple of options for giving people access to this feature, depending on whether you're assigning them predefined job roles or your own configured job roles.
- Users who are assigned this predefined job role can access this feature:
- Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains this privilege can access this feature:
- Manage Qualification Requirements by service (MNT_MANAGE_QUALIFICATION_REQUIREMENTS_BY_SERVICE_PRIV)
- Manage Qualification Profiles by service (MNT_MANAGE_QUALIFICATION_PROFILES_BY_SERVICE_PRIV)
Enhance Maintenance Management OTBI Subject Areas to Support Maintenance Exceptions
Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI) offers you real-time, self-service reporting directly from Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance. The following table lists the updates available to the OTBI subject areas and dimension folders in this update:
Subject Area | Update by Dimension Folder |
Maintenance Management - Maintenance Exception Real Time |
New subject area added for Maintenance Asset to Support Maintenance Exception:
Installed Base - Customer Asset History Real Time | New folders added to customer Asset History Real Time:
Maintenance Management - Asset History Real Time | New folder added to Maintenance Asset History Real Time:
With the new subject area, you can create new and enhanced existing reports to perform analyses based on asset, item, product, and maintenance data.
Steps to Enable
Leverage new subject area(s) by adding to existing reports or using in new reports. For details about creating and editing reports, see the Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports book (available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Administration).
Role And Privileges
- Predefined job role name and code:
- Privileges:
Perform Asset Inspection With or Without a Maintenance Work Order
You can perform inspections as part of any maintenance work order operation for the Work in process inspection plan type. In this update, you can perform the inspection based on the new maintenance specific quality inspection plan type called Asset.
The Work in process and Asset are the 2 quality plan types that are supported for a maintenance work order. The plan type used in Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance is the one selected for the respective maintenance organization. A new attribute, Inspection Plan Type is added in the Plant Parameters set up page. Though the inspection plan type is Work in process by default, you can update it to Asset and use the same for maintenance work order inspections. After you perform the inspections based on the Asset inspection plan type, you can't revert the Inspection Plan Type value in the plant parameter to Work in process.
Manage Plant Parameters User Interface > Maintenance Tab
New asset type plan is applicable either for an operation or for work order depending on the Inspection Plan Criteria. Though an inspection plan is applicable for a work order, you can perform inspection at any operation. However, you must have performed all work order level mandatory inspections to complete the last operation. Refer to the Tips and Considerations section for more information on how you can set up a new asset type inspection plan.
Maintenance technician performs the inspection as part of work order operation from Review Maintenance Dispatch List user interface.
Here are some other tasks you can use to perform the inspections for a maintenance work order:
- Create Inspection Results task on the Maintenance Management landing page
- Create Inspection button on the Quality Management landing page
When inspections are performed from Oracle Maintenance, the value of inspection type is defaulted in the create inspection dialog based on the Inspection Plan Type value set for the respective plant parameters. However, you can override the value manually. If there are mandatory inspections to be performed for the maintenance work order operations, the same wouldn’t be allowed to be completed unless all mandatory inspections are performed. The inspection type selected in the plant parameters would be considered for the operation completion validation in the Review Maintenance Dispatch List user interface.
Review Maintenance Dispatch List User Interface
For the inspections of type Asset, work order is optional. Inspections can be performed on the asset without a maintenance work order in context.
In this update, you can view the inspection results of new asset type inspection plan in Oracle Fusion Cloud Quality Management.
Use the new asset type plan to define quality inspection plan for the asset, work order, or work order operation.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management No Longer Optional From: Update 23D
Tips And Considerations
Setting up asset type inspection plan
- Select the inspection type value to Asset.
- Choose the maintenance organization in which maintenance work orders are created.
- Select one of the following values for the details. The inspection plan applicability to an asset is based on the value selected.
- Asset
- Asset Group
- Item
- Item Catalog
- Use the Inspection Plan Optional check box for setting a mandatory or optional inspection plan.
- If the check box is selected, then the inspection is optional during operation completion.
- If the check box is deselected, then the inspection is mandatory during operation completion.
- Add characteristics to the plan as required.
- Inspection actions can be configured once characteristics have been saved to the plan.
- Choose one or many of the following attributes as criteria in the inspection plan
- Work order type or Work order subtype
- Work definition
- Operation sequence
- Operation code
- Inspection plan criteria is optional.
- The inspection plan applicability for a maintenance work order is based on the values of both details and criteria.
- If you select the values for work order type or subtype, or work definition attributes, the inspection becomes applicable for the maintenance work order
- Note that the above criteria has been added exclusively for asset type inspection plan
- If you select the values for operation sequence, or operation code attributes, the inspection becomes applicable for the maintenance work order operation
- If you select the values for work order type or subtype, or work definition attributes, the inspection becomes applicable for the maintenance work order
- The inspection plan applicability for a maintenance work order is based on the values of both details and criteria.
- Approve the inspection plan
Create Inspection User Interface > Details
Create Inspection User Interface > Inspection Criteria
Plant Parameter
- For a maintenance organization, new attribute Inspection plan type will have Work in process as a default value, hence existing inspection set up can be used as is. However, it's recommended that you start using the new Asset type inspection plan.
- After selecting the asset type inspection in the plant parameter, you wouldn't be able to revert if inspection is performed in a maintenance work order for the new asset type inspection plan.
Key Resources
- Check out the What's New content of the Determine Asset Qualifications Using Quality Inspection feature under Oracle Maintenance.
Role And Privileges
You have a couple of options for giving people access to this feature, depending on whether you're assigning them predefined job roles or your own configured job roles.
- Users who are assigned this predefined job role can access this feature:
- Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains below privileges can access this feature:
Work requests are typically used to report facility and asset related maintenance discrepancies. They contain information about the nature of the discrepancy, asset (if known), and a description of the problem. Work requests are triaged and then assigned for resolution using maintenance work orders. When resolved, the original requestor is updated on the outcome of the work request, providing the feedback loop. Work requests for an installed base asset are supported in Oracle Maintenance Cloud using the Oracle Help Desk offering. The help desk supports work requests only for internally owned assets using internal service requests.
The help desk functionality includes support for several user roles:
- Employee - an internal user requesting support to resolve their questions and issues about an asset discrepancy. This could be a maintenance or nonmaintenance related user.
- Help Desk Agent - creates help desk tickets on behalf of employees and managing internal help desk tickets. They typically are maintenance users.
- Help Desk Manager - manages a group of internal help desk agents. They also review and analyze internal help desk metrics.
- Help Desk Administrator - manages setup and configuration for internal help desks.
Employees can create a new request using My Help and help desk agents can create a request using the Help Desk Requests subject areas. As an employee, you can use the My Help page to create and manage your work requests. Click the Create Request button to go to the New Help Desk Request page.
On this page, you can:
- Define the subject of the request (required)
- Set a severity
- Select a category (optional - used for routing to queues for triage)
- Select an installed base asset (optional)
- Define a detailed description
- Add an attachment or URL
- Submit the request for review
After submitting your request, you can check your open requests for feedback from the help desk agent using My Help. The status of the request tells you if the request is triaged and assigned for resolution. Additionally, a request can be rejected if it's not determined as an issue that requires resolution.
After a new request is submitted, the help desk agent can manage the requests using the Help Desk Requests subject area. If you’re a help desk agent, use the All Open Internal Help Desk Requests page to view newly created requests. New requests are routed into queues by the category selected on the request. As an agent, you can then choose to assign the request to yourself for triage and resolution using the Assign to Me button. The request is then managed in your work request queue.
As an agent, you review the discrepancy details and choose to send messages to the employee who submitted the request for additional details.
You may also need to select or update the asset identified on the request. If you that a maintenance work order is required to resolve the request, you can create a new work order for the asset directly on the Edit Request page. Or, you can assign the request to an existing work order that is open for the asset.
There may be additional requests from other employees for the same asset discrepancy. The agent can assign each request to the same work order for resolution. When assigned, the agent updates the request status from New to In Progress or similar. The status update provides beneficial feedback to the employee who created the request that it is progressing towards resolution.
The work order is then be managed by the maintenance manager. They review, update, and then release the work order for execution by a technician. The work order contains key details about the request on the References tab on the Edit Work Order page. This tab lists the internal service request number and provide a snapshot of key details about the request. Upon completion of a work order, the request is assumed to have been resolved. The agent can update the request status from In-Progress to Resolved or similar. They can also send a message to the requestor to confirm the issue has been resolved.
When resolved, a request is set to a status of Closed by a scheduled process.
The help desk pages can be extended using Application Composer and Visual Builder. For more details, refer to the Help Desk Implementation guide.
The help desk internal service request is also enabled for REST API. Use the REST service to create, edit and resolve requests. For more details, refer to the B2B Service REST API guide.
Create, track, manage and resolve work requests for asset discrepancies. The intuitive layout, workflow, and integration with Oracle Maintenance Cloud makes it easy for you to report and resolve asset issues.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Service
During the Opt-In of the help desk offering, you must select the usage option for internal service requests to enable work requests for assets.
You must also select the profile option (SVC_NG_ENABLE_MAINTENANCE_HELPDESK) to create work orders for an asset within the help desk request pages.
Tips And Considerations
- The help desk implementation and user guides walks you through the the process to enable and set up the internal service requests. During this process, you can set up categories and queues to manage the requests. You can also choose to define your own help desk request status values.
- Additional details about the setup and use of the help desk can be found in the implementation and user guides for Oracle B2B Service.
Role And Privileges
- Predefined job role name and code:
- Privileges: Need to be added to the relevant predefined job roles or your own job roles as required.
Update Work Request Status At Work Order Completion
Oracle Maintenance Cloud uses the Oracle Help Desk functionality to create and manage internal service requests for assets. These help desk requests, commonly referred to as work requests, help report and track of asset related maintenance discrepancies until the requests are resolved. When a request is created and submitted, they’re triaged and designated for resolution using maintenance work orders.
By default, a help desk agent needs to manually progress the status of the request over its lifecycle from New > In-Progress > Resolved > Closed. With this feature, you can configure the help desk request status to be automatically progressed based on the associated work order status changes.
Here are the coordinated work order and help desk status update steps:
Work Order Status | Request Status | Description |
Not applicable | New | Newly created requests begin at a status of New. At this point in the process, there's no maintenance work order associated. |
Unreleased | New > On-Progress | Requests status changes from New to In-Progress when a new maintenance work order is created and associated to the request. The same status update happens if it's assigned to an existing maintenance work order. |
On-Hold | In-Progress | If the work order is changed to an On-Hold status, then there’s no status update in the request. Also, when the status changed back to Unreleased or set to Released, there’s no status update needed as the status of In-Progress is correctly reflecting the request is associated to a work order for resolution. |
Released | In-Progress | When the work order is changed to a Released status, then there’s no status update in the request. |
Completed | In-Progress > Resolved | Requests status changes from In-Progress to Resolved when the last operation of a maintenance work order is completed. |
Closed | Resolved or Closed | You can close a work order to prevent any further transactions. You can use the Close action from the Mass Actions menu in Maintenance Work Orders page or run the Mass Close Maintenance Work Orders scheduled process. Regardless of method, there’s no change in the request status as the status is already Resolved or Closed. |
Completed or Closed | Resolved > Closed | Requests status changes from Resolved to Closed when the request closing scheduled process is run. The work order status isn’t validated but should be in either completed or closed status. |
There could be scenarios where multiple actions are taken that don’t result in status update in a help desk request. The help desk agent must monitor the requests in their queue and update their status as needed. The Help Desk also supports the creation and use of configured help desk request status values. If defined, you can optionally reference these configured values by setting several profile values that are used during certain work order transactions.
The help desk request status updates are processed synchronously or asynchronously, depending on the method of work order update. For asynchronous transactions, the status updates are performed by submitting the Progress Asset Transactions to Downstream Systems scheduled process on a desired frequency. Additionally, for synchronous transactions, if status updates aren’t required in real-time, then you can set a profile option to defer the update till the Progress Asset Transactions to Downstream Systems scheduled process is submitted.
During the creation, cancel, completion, and closure of a work order, new transaction history records are captured for each asset in the CSE_TRANSACTIONS and CSE_TRANSACTED_ASSETS tables.
The asset transaction history includes four new transaction codes:
- ORA_CSE_MNT_WO_CREATE (Maintenance Work Order Created)
- ORA_CSE_MNT_WO_CANCEL (Maintenance Work Order Cancelled)
- ORA_CSE_MNT_WO_COMPLETE (Maintenance Work Order Completed)
- ORA_CSE_MNT_WO_CLOSE (Maintenance Work Order Closed)
Additionally, during work order creation, a new transaction is logged in the History tab for the asset. On the History tab, you can view the high-level details of the transaction. You can then drill into the transaction to view more history details. There’s no transaction history for the help desk request, only the associated work orders.
Be default, the help desk agent controls the status update of each request. This can be quite difficult to manage on a large scale basis. By configuring this feature, the updates will occur systematically, providing real-time progression of the help desk request. This provides better feedback to the requestor and free up the help desk agent to triage and manage the requests that need attention.
Steps to Enable
The help desk offering for internal service requests must be enabled in order to utilize this new feature.
You must also set the Progress Asset Transactions to Downstream Systems schedule process on a desired frequency.
Additionally, there are several profile values that can be optionally set. They are accessed in the Functional Setup Manager > Manage Administrator Profile Values:
Profile Option | Description |
Used to progress the internal service request from a status of New to In-Progress during maintenance work order creation or association. The default status uses the predefined status of In-Progress. Optionally, it can be changed to a user-defined status value. |
Used to progress the internal service request from a status of In-Progress to Resolved during maintenance work order completion. The default status uses the predefined status of Resolved. Optionally, it can be changed to a user-defined status value. |
Used to progress the internal service request from a status of In-Progress to New during maintenance work order cancellation or direct closure without work order completion. The default status uses the predefined status of New. Optionally, it can be changed to a user-defined status value. |
Profile option that determines if internal service request status updates are process synchronously or asynchronously. If selected, then status updates only happen when the Progress Asset Transactions to Downstream Systems schedule process is run. |
Tips And Considerations
Oracle Help Desk functionality to create and manage Internal Service Requests for Assets must be enabled and setup in order to use this new functionality.
Role And Privileges
- Predefined job role name and code:
- Privileges: Need to be added to the relevant predefined job roles or your own configured job roles as required.
Capture and Display Part Reservation Status
This feature finishes support for sourcing parts from unmanned, site-dedicated, and field technician inventory locations by capturing reservation disposition statuses. This feature is supported for both Fusion Service work orders and third-party work orders. Oracle Service Logistics uses the following parts reservation statuses:
Reserved: The part requirement has an associated inventory reservation.
Reservation Canceled: The inventory reservation was deleted using one of the following methods:
- Manually, from the part requirements table.
- Manually, using the Reservations popup in the Manage Field Parts Inventory UI.
- Automatically, when the associated Fusion Service work order was canceled.
Reservation Debriefed: The part requirement reservation was automatically deleted when a corresponding parts debrief transaction (same work order, item and subinventory) was created.
Reservation Unused: The part requirement reservation was deleted as it was not used/debriefed. Unused reservations get deleted the first time a work order's charges are posted.
The following screenshot shows examples of all four reservation statuses.
Part Requirement Reservation Statuses
A more detailed view of how part reservations were used helps to better control inventory usage and reduce shrinkage.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Role And Privileges
To set up this feature, you'll need this predefined job role, or a configured job role that contains this privilege:
- Predefined job role name and code:
- Privilege name and code for configured job roles:
Post Field Services Charges Without Selecting an Installed Base Asset
When performing break/fix field service, you no longer need to select an asset before posting field service charges. In this case, the Post Charges program uses a fallback asset to create the maintenance work order that updates inventory, installed base, and cost accounting. A new profile option stores the fallback asset number. Additionally, the Cost Organization list of values uses the fallback asset's operating organization when a asset has not been debriefed.
In the screen shot below, you can see that the charges have been posted without entering/debriefing as asset in the header region.
Charges Posted Without Selecting an Asset
This enhancement has been requested by customers who service competitors products and customers that repair products they don't want to track in their installed base.
Steps to Enable
Create a fallback item in the Product Information Management work area Create Items UI. See Product Master Data Management for the required attributes.
Create a fallback asset using the fallback item in the Maintenance Management work area Manage Assets UI. See Maintenance Management for the required attributes.
Add the fallback asset number to the new profile option Field Service Fallback Asset Number (ORA_RCL_DEF_FS_FALLBK_ASSET).
Role And Privileges
To set up this feature, you'll need this predefined job role, or a configured job role that contains these privileges:
- Predefined job role name and code:
- Privilege name and code for configured job roles:
When creating a debrief transaction for a work order, you can now capture additional information specific to fixed charges. Capture this information by adding descriptive flexfields for fixed charges.
The descriptive flexfileds for fixed charges can be accessed from Manage Work Order and Charges > Mange charges and Estimates (for selected work order) > Charges Tab > Add Fixed Charges details. The defined descriptive flexfields can be seen on this UI.
In the example below, a field service administrator added the descriptive flexfield ‘Fixed Charges DFF’ to the Add Fixed Charge Details UI.
Add Fixed Charge Details UI with a Descriptive Flexfield
The field service or depot repair administrator can use a fixed charge descriptive flexfield to capture additional data for reporting and extensions, similarly to how this data is captured in a descriptive flexfield when adding parts, labor, and expense.
For example, a technician repairs a broken copier machine. While creating debrief transactions, the technician adds fixed charges for the part replaced and needs to capture the model number. The technician can now add this in the descriptive flexfield you created: DFF – Model Number.
Steps to Enable
Set up a required descriptive flexfield in the Manage Descriptive Flexfields UI for the Debrief Line Attributes page, Expense Fields context. Use this flexfield to capture information while adding fixed charges to any work order. Technicians can see the flexfield on the Add Fixed Charge Details UI and on the Edit Fixed Charge pop-up UI in the Manage Work Order and Charges page.
Role And Privileges
You have a couple of options for giving people access to this feature, depending on whether you're assigning them predefined job roles or your own configured job roles.
- Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles can access this feature:
Field Service Administrator (ORA_RCL_FS_ADMINISTRATOR)
- Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature:
- Access Service Logistics Landing Page (RCL_PORTAL_ACCESS_LANDING_PAGE_PRIV)
- View Requirement Lines (RCL_PARTS_REQ_VIEW)
- Access Debrief Page (RCL_PORTAL_VIEW_DEBRIEF)
Display Subscription Number in Pricing Components UI
You can now view subscription numbers in the Service Charge Pricing Components UI without having to perform complex pricing setups. These are adjustments automatically applied when pricing service charges. In the example below, subscription number CDRM_10004 displays on the first adjustment line and subscription number CDRM_13009 displays on the second adjustment line. Additionally, the entire pricing component description is displayed eliminating the need to use a mouse over. Note that the service coverage on this UI (such as RCL_Subscription_Coverage on the first adjustment line) is referred to as a coverage template name in the Subscriptions UIs.
The screen shot below of the Service Charges Pricing Components UI is for a labor charge with two subscription adjustment discounts.
Service Charge Pricing Components UI
Eliminating the complex pricing setups needed to include the subscription number in the pricing component description simplifies and speeds implementation.
Displaying the complete pricing component description improves usability by eliminating the need to use a mouse over to see the subscription number.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Role And Privileges
To set up this feature, you'll need this predefined job role, or a configured job role that contains this privilege:
- Predefined job role name and code:
- Privilege name and code for configured job roles:
Receive Parts by Service Work Order
You can now find all inbound transfer orders for a specific service work order or third-party work order on the Receive Parts page.
Search by Work Order
By using the new Work Order field to quickly search for parts, you can find and receive them more efficiently.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Role And Privileges
- Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles can access this feature:
Make Corrections and Enter Credits for Debrief and Charge Transactions
This feature allows you to correct field service part, labor, expense and fixed charge billing mistakes in the Manage Charges and Estimates UI, without affect work order costs. A new Update Cost attribute has been added to the Manage Service Activity Code UI to control whether or not costs are updated when the charges are posted. Costs are captured in a maintenance work order with charges are posted. This is similar to the update order attribute which controls whether or not to create sales order/invoice lines when charges are posted. The screen shot below show a work order with both charges, corrections and credits.
The following screenshot shows a third party work order with charges and credits.
Work Order Charges with Credits
By making billing corrections in the Service Logistics Charges UI, you improve efficiency and usability by eliminating the need to navigate to Oracle Order Management or Oracle Receivables and manually apply warranties and/or subscription coverage.
Steps to Enable
An upgrade script will automatically turn on the Update Cost flag for all of your existing service activities codes to preserve backward compatibility. Remove the Update Cost check to enable this feature for existing service activities and leave it blank for new service activities. Also items used to create sales order and invoice credits must be setup as returnable in Product Information Management.
Manage Service Activities UI
Role And Privileges
To set up this feature, you'll need this predefined job role, or a configured job role that contains this privilege:
- Predefined job role name and code:
- Privilege name and code for configured job roles:
Service Logistics New and Updated REST Services
In this update, Service Logistics delivers new and modified REST APIs to enable and simplify integration with external systems. New REST APIs introduced in this update are:
- Manual Price Adjustments – create, update, or delete manual adjustments associated with the debrief lines and parts requirements.
- Manual Adjustment Basis LOV – retrieve all manual adjustments for a given service charge and use the list of values service to see the following attributes:
- ServiceChargeID
- ChargeDefinitionCode
- ChargeDefinition
- ElementCode
- Element
- Service Logistics Activities LOV – Uses the GET action to fetch all service activities based on billing category.
The following REST APIs were enhanced:
- Part Requirement Lines:
- Update the status of the part requirement line when a new part requirement line is created or deleted.
- Create a reservation with a user-friendly demand source name.
- Debrief:
- Add the following new attributes to the response payload for both header and detail lines:
- Product Item Description
- Bill-to Address
- Debrief Status
- Service Request Number
- Service Request Id
- Purchase Order Number
- CreationDate
- CreatedBy
- LastUpdateDate
- LastUpdatedBy
- LastUpdateLogin
- Utilize a new Charges child service for the debrief line.
- Perform a new action for repricing charges.
- Add the following new attributes to the response payload for both header and detail lines:
You can use these new and modified REST services to simplify integrations and support standards-based interoperability with your other applications and external systems.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides, available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API. If you're using REST services with your Oracle Cloud implementation for the first time, then follow the instructions in the Quick Start section.
Key Resources
- Refer to the REST APIs for Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud documentation, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role And Privileges
- Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles can access this feature: