This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:
Date | Module | Feature | Notes |
02 JUN 2023 | Created initial document. |
We’re here and we’re listening. If you have a suggestion on how to make our cloud services even better then go ahead and tell us. There are several ways to submit your ideas, for example, through the Ideas Lab on Oracle Customer Connect. Wherever you see this icon after the feature name it means we delivered one of your ideas.
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The information contained in this document may include statements about Oracle’s product development plans. Many factors can materially affect Oracle’s product development plans and the nature and timing of future product releases. Accordingly, this Information is provided to you solely for information only, is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.
This information may not be incorporated into any contractual agreement with Oracle or its subsidiaries or affiliates. Oracle specifically disclaims any liability with respect to this information. Refer to the Legal Notices and Terms of Use for further information.
Pre-Update and Post-Update Tasks
Depending on the features you're using in your Cloud applications, you may be required to perform certain steps immediately before or after your quarterly update. For details of these pre-update and post-update steps and the product areas that are affected, refer to Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM: Performing Your Quarterly Update (doc ID 2337485.1) on My Oracle Support.
Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)
Oracle Cloud Applications delivers new updates every quarter. This means every three months you'll receive new functionality to help you efficiently and effectively manage your business. Some features are delivered Enabled meaning they are immediately available to end users. Other features are delivered Disabled meaning you have to take action to make available. Features delivered Disabled can be activated for end users by stepping through the following instructions using the following privileges:
- Configure Oracle Fusion Applications Offering (ASM_CONFIGURE_OFFERING_PRIV)
Here’s how you opt in to new features:
- Click Navigator > My Enterprise > New Features.
- On the Features Overview page, select your offering to review new features specific to it. Or, you can leave the default selection All Enabled Offerings to review new features for all offerings.
- On the New Features tab, review the new features and check the opt-in status of the feature in the Enabled column. If a feature has already been enabled, you will see a check mark. Otherwise, you will see an icon to enable the feature.
- Click the icon in the Enabled column and complete the steps to enable the feature.
In some cases, you might want to opt in to a feature that's not listed in the New Features work area. Here's how to opt in:
- Click Navigator > My Enterprise > Offerings.
- On the Offerings page, select your offering, and then click Opt In Features.
- On the Opt In page, click the Edit Features (pencil) icon for the offering, or for the functional area that includes your feature.
- On the Edit Features page, complete the steps to enable the feature.
For more information and detailed instructions on opting in to new features for your offering, see Configure Offerings.
Opt In Expiration
Occasionally, features delivered Disabled via Opt In may be enabled automatically in a future update. This is known as an Opt In Expiration. If your cloud service has any Opt In Expirations you will see a related tab in this document. Click on that tab to see when the feature was originally delivered Disabled, and when the Opt In will expire, potentially automatically enabling the feature. You can also click here to see features with Opt In Expirations across all Oracle Cloud Applications.
Column Definitions:
Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.
UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.
UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.
Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.
Restrict Lot Numbers LOV to Issued Lot Numbers on the Maintenance Dispatch List Page
In the 21C update, you could restrict the component lot numbers that can be selected for a return transaction using the Report Material Transactions page. If the restriction is configured for a maintenance organization, you can return only lot numbers and quantities previously issued using the same maintenance work order operation.
In this update, you can leverage and extend the same functionality to the following user interfaces also.
- Maintenance Dispatch List page
- Manual Reporting Complete
- Complete with details
- Issue and Return Material from Inventory
After the component issue, any components not consumed during maintenance activity may be returned. If the restriction is configured, the Component Lot Number attribute allows you to search and select only previously issued lot-controlled components in the work order operation. You can't return quantities higher than the quantities issued.
If the restriction is configured for a maintenance organization, then by default, all users encounter the validations. However, you can choose to give certain users the WIP_ALLOW_UNTRANSACTED_LOT_RETURN privilege. When assigned to a user, the privilege relaxes the validation on the Component Lot Number attribute, thus enabling the user to return any previously issued component lot number outside of the context of the current work order operation.
This feature helps you enforce a specific validation for lot number control during return transactions and gives some users access to returning these components across maintenance work order operations.
Gives control to support on-hand quantity, and lot effectivity accuracy.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
To enable this validation for a maintenance organization, select the Restrict Lot Numbers During Returns check box in the organization's plant parameters.
Additionally, if you have certain users who need to full access to return lot numbers across work order operations, then they should be assigned the WIP_ALLOW_UNTRANSACTED_LOT_RETURN user privilege.
This new feature is available in the on above mentioned pages when these updates are taken.
- Use a Work Order to Install and Remove Asset Parts
- Issue or Return Materials for Work Orders Pending Installation or removal
Key Resources
- Check out the What's New content of the 21C Restrict Lot Numbers During Work Order Material Transactions feature
Access Requirements
Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature:
Export Assets and Meters on the Asset Information Management Page
You can now export the asset and meter information for your search results on the Asset Information Management page by clicking on the new Export icon above the search results table.
Export Icon Above the Search Results Table
When you click the Export icon, it opens a drawer from which you can select Export options.
If you export assets, you will also be able to export the following:
- Asset charges: The exported assets file will include asset charge details.
- Child assets: The exported assets file will include child assets for the parent assets returned in the results.
- Part list components: The exported assets file will include parts list details for each asset.
If you export asset meters, you will also be able to export the following:
- Child assets: The exported asset meters file will include the meters for the child assets of the assets in your search results.
You can export both assets and asset meters at the same time.
Select Export Options Drawer
Click the Export button in the drawer to generate the Export Assets and Assets Meters scheduled process job. You will see a toast notification with the process number. Depending on which export options you selected, the Export Assets and Assets Meters process schedules one or two of the following child processes:
- Export Assets
- Export Asset Meters
Toast Notification
You can find these child processes by using the Hierarchy view in the Scheduled Processes page. When the child jobs are successfully completed, an output file in Excel format is created to closely match an asset's File-Based Data Import format for each child process. You can click the file name, called Default Document, to download the output file to your desktop for further editing.
Scheduled Processes for Export
Export assets to view your assets in a spreadsheet format. The exported data can be used to mass update asset data and import back to the system.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- You can export if there are less than 10,000 results in the table.
- The exported files are located in the output for the child processes of the Export Assets and Assets Meters job.
Key Resources
- Check out the Implementation Guide content for How You Use Smart Search to Search For and View Assets in the New Assets UI under Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance
- Check out the User Guide content for How You Import and Export Assets under Supply Chain & Manufacturing - Maintenance
- Check out the User Guide content for How You Export Asset Meters for Bulk Recording under Supply Chain & Manufacturing - Maintenance
Access Requirements
- Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains this privilege can access this feature to export assets:
This privilege was available prior to this update.
- Users who are assigned a configured job role that additionally contains this privilege can access this feature to export assets meters:
This privilege was available prior to this update.
Enhance Maintenance Management OTBI Subject Areas to Support Supplier Warranty and Failure Analysis
Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI) offers you real-time, self-service reporting directly from Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance. The following table lists the updates available to the OTBI subject areas and dimension folders in this update:
Subject Area | Update by Dimension Folder |
Supplier Warranty - Asset Real Time |
New subject area added for the Maintenance Asset to support Supplier Warranty for Assets:
Maintenance Management - Asset Failure Analysis Real Time |
New subject area added for the Maintenance Asset to support Failure Analysis for Assets:
Maintenance Management - Work Order Performance Real Time |
The reference subject area is updated with the following attributes:
Maintenance Management - Material Usage Real Time |
The reference subject area is updated with the following attributes:
Maintenance Management - Purchase Item Usage Real Time |
The reference subject area is updated with the following attributes:
Maintenance Management - Resource Usage Real Time |
The reference subject area is updated with the following attributes:
Maintenance Management - Maintenance Exception Real Time |
The reference subject area is updated with the following attributes:
Maintenance Management - Asset Real Time |
The reference subject area is updated with the following attributes:
Maintenance Management - Asset History Real Time |
The reference subject area is updated with the following attributes:
Maintenance Management - Asset Forecast Real Time |
The reference subject area is updated with the following attributes:
Using OTBI, you can make better decisions based on real-time transactional information. With this update, you can use these new and enhanced subject areas to generate the reports and queries that you want, when you want them.
Steps to Enable
Leverage new subject area(s) by adding to existing reports or using in new reports. For details about creating and editing reports, see the Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports book (available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Administration).
Leverage new subject areas by adding to existing reports or using in new reports. For details about creating and editing reports, see the Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports book (available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Administration).
Access Requirements
Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature:
These privileges were available prior to this update.
Manage Meter Templates Using a New User Interface
In this update, you can also define and manage the meter templates in the Redwood user interface. When you define or update a meter template, you can associate inventory items as child resources of the template using the meter applicability child resource. The meter applicability is defined for the item at the master organization level. This is because items are uniquely created for the master and all its associated organizations. Therefore, defining the applicability at the master organization allows for any asset created in one of its associated organizations to be validated for the automatic creation of an asset meter. After a meter applicability is defined, you can set an end date in order to disable it for an item. Additionally, you can create a new applicability for new items in future.
The meter templates solution includes the following flows:
- Manage meters templates
- Define meter template
- Set template options
- Add applicable items to meter template
Manage Meters Templates
Meter template begins by defining meter templates. Use the Manage Templates page to search for existing meter templates, view template details, and to create a new meter template. You can access the Manage Meter Templates page from the Maintenance Management landing page task menu, under the Asset and Work Definition section. This page consists of a search bar, results region, and an action button to create a new template. Upon rendering, the page automatically presents a list of search results sorted alphabetically. The search bar allows you to further refine the search results for existing coverages by Code, Name, Description, Unit of Measure, Meter Type, Reading Type, and Reading Direction. Clicking the hyperlinked name of an existing meter template navigates you to the meter template. where you can further edit and save any changes to the meter template.
Manage Template Search
Define Meter Template
Clicking the Create Template button navigates you to the New Meter Template page, wherein, by clicking Start, you can define and save a new meter template and its details. You may click Cancel to return to the Manage templates page.
New Meter Template
Meter Template Essentials
Meter templates are created to model a physical meter, which is installed on an asset. Meter Templates can be modeled for both Continuous, for instance an odometer, and Gauge, for instance a thermometer and types of meters.
Meter Template Essentials
Set Template Options
After the meter template essentials are defined and saved, you can optionally navigate to the other steps to further define the template with the following set options along with the respective questionnaire.
- Allow meters to be reset to a predefined value
- Allow meters to roll over from the end value to the start value
- Record an initial meter reading for all meters
- Use meters to schedule forecasts in a maintenance program
- Calculate utilization rate from prior meter readings
Set Template Options
Add Applicable Items to Meter Template
You can also associate applicable inventory items to each template definition by organization for both subscription and asset type.
Add Applicable Items
You can use the meters templates to support subscription-based billing, utilization, and condition tracking for an asset.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Access Requirements
Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains this privilege can access this feature:
These privileges are new in this update.
Maintain Equipment Profiles in the User Interface for Qualifying Equipment Resources
In this update, you can also define and manage the qualification profiles in the Redwood user interface, for a maintenance operation using an equipment qualification profile for an asset in Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance. You must associate the resource instance to an asset number to perform the equipment qualification check for the resource instance.
This qualification profile solution includes the following flows:
- Manage qualification profile
- Define qualification profile
- Associate qualification requirements to qualification profiles
Manage Qualification Profile
You can use the Manage Qualification Profile page to search for existing qualification profiles, view qualification profile details, and to create a new qualification profile. You can access the Manage Qualification Profile page from the Maintenance Management landing page task menu, under the Maintenance Setup section. This page consists of a search bar, results region, and an action button to create a new qualification profile. Upon rendering, the page automatically presents a list of search results sorted alphabetically. The search bar allows you to further refine the search results for existing coverages by Code, Name and Description. Clicking the hyperlinked name of an existing qualification profile navigates you to the qualification profile. where you can further edit and save any changes to the qualification profile.
Manage Qualification Profile
Define Meter Template
Clicking the Create Qualification Profile button navigates you to the New Qualification Profile dialog, wherein, you provide the name, code category and description of a qualification profile and click Create. You can define and save a new qualification profile and its details. You may click Cancel to return to the Manage Qualification Profile page.
New Qualification Profile
Associate Qualification Requirements to Qualification Profile
You can also associate qualification requirements to each qualification profile.
Add Qualification Requirement
You can quickly perform inline checks for equipment qualification, which will reduces the likelihood of noncompliance, defects, or failures in manufacturing and maintenance operations.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
- Check out the What's New content of the Perform Asset Inspection With or Without a Maintenance Work Order feature
- Check out the What's New content of the Qualify Equipment When Assigning Work or Reporting Resource Usage feature
- Download the Qualify Equipment When Assigning Work or Reporting Resource Usage TOI
Access Requirements
Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains this privilege can access this feature:
- Manage Qualification Profiles (MNT_MANAGE_QUALIFICATION_PROFILES)
- View Qualification Profiles (MNT_VIEW_QUALIFICATION_PROFILES)
These privileges are new in this update
Manage Maintenance Programs Using File-Based Data Import and REST API
Maintenance programs are used to define and generate a daily preventative maintenance forecast for one or more affected assets in a maintenance-enabled organization. In this uptake, you can now create and update maintenance programs using a file-based data import (FBDI) process entitled Import Maintenance Programs.
The FBDI template provides tabs to define key program attributes by:
- Maintenance Program (header)
- Calendar Patterns
- Work Requirements
- Meters
- Work Definitions
- Condition Codes
- Affected Assets
The template includes detailed column descriptions and sample data for common use cases.
Additionally, new calendar pattern validations have been added in the Maintenance Programs REST API to ensure that patterns can only be created with the allowable combination of definitions. New calendar patterns can continue to be defined, but existing patterns can't be edited.
Here are some examples:
fscmRestApi/resources/latest/maintenancePrograms/<maintenance program id>/child/calendarPatterns
"Name": "Repeat weekly - Friday",
"Type": "ORA_WEEKLY",
"RepeatWeeklyDayFridayFlag": "Y"
"Name": "Monthly-Second Friday",
"Type": "ORA_MONTHLY",
"MonthlyWeekday": "ORA_FRIDAY",
"MonthlyWeekdayOrdinal": "ORA_SECOND_FR"
Additional information and examples are included in the REST API guide for Supply Chain Management under the Use Cases section, Maintenance folder and then the document Create and Update Maintenance Programs.
The file-based data import (FBDI) process is easier to use to import and create large volumes of maintenance programs during implementation. The embedded validations ensure programs are created and ready to forecast.
Steps to Enable
Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides to leverage (available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > APIs & Schema). If you are new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.
Tips And Considerations
When importing data using the FBDI template, validations will be performed from the top down, starting with the program header, work requirements, and then their related definitions. Errors encountered at any of these levels will be presented in the output log. The template includes sample data for common use cases, however, it's recommended to follow the examples and create variations of each type of work requirement scheduling method, ensuring that the correct combination of data that are required to model an active work requirement is fully known before large volumes of data are imported.
It's also important that all prerequisite data is created prior to upload and import, including:
- Item numbers
- Asset numbers
- Work Definitions
- Condition Codes
- Meters
Additionally, some combinations of data during import may result in work requirement creation in draft status. To resolve these import validation issues, you will need to manually correct the requirement in the UI to achieve a status of active, allowing the requirement to be picked up by the forecast generation program.
When using the REST API, you will be presented with new validations and error messages when incorrect combinations of calendar patterns are presented. It's recommended to review the REST documentation use case examples for each correct combination that can be passed in a payload during POST.
Access Requirements
- Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature:
This privilege is new in this update.
- Additionally, configured job roles that don't include the Asset Administrator or Maintenance Manager must include this role for the loading and import of FBDI zip files:
Manage Supplier Warranty Claim Labor Rates Using REST API
The supplier warranty offering allows you to track asset warranty over time as you operate and maintain an asset. Maintenance work orders that are indicated as being a warranty repair, provide the basis for creating a warranty claim for the reimbursement of repair costs for an asset. In this update, you can optionally define the reimbursable hourly labor rates that a warranty provider extends as part of their warranty coverage.
- If labor rates are defined, they will be used for the reimbursement of resource costs and will also be used as labor rates for standard repairs. The labor rates will override the standard resource costing.
- If labor rates are not defined, the standard resource costing in the work order will be used for the reimbursement of labor transactions.
Claims are created by submitting the Generate Supplier Warranty Entitlements scheduled process. During this process, recently completed operation transactions for resources, equipment, and items are reviewed for warranty coverage. If any of these transactions is found to be covered under one or more warranty contracts, a claim is created against each warranty provider and the matching transactions are included as reimbursable entitlement costs. Note that the creation, viewing, and editing of claims and entitlements is only available using REST API in this update.
To define a labor rate by warranty provider, which is a supplier, you can use the Asset Warranty Provider Rates REST API:
- fscmRestApi/resources/latest/assetWarrantyProviderRates
Here is an example payload to create a new rate for a provider using POST:
"WarrantyProviderNumber": "987654321",
"LaborRate": "69.99",
"LaborCurrencyCode": "USD",
"MustSubmitClaimByDays": 90,
"StartDate": "2023-02-01",
"EndDate": "2023-02-28"
- fscmRestApi/resources/latest/assetWarrantyProviderRates/<WarrantyProviderRateId>
Here is an example payload to create a new rate for a provider using PATCH:
"LaborRate": "79.99"
This optional setup allows you to override the standard resource costs to a labor rate extended by a specific warranty provider. This capability ensures the correct reimbursement of warranty claim labor costs are submitted to the provider.
Steps to Enable
Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides to leverage (available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > APIs & Schema). If you are new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.
Tips And Considerations
Consider the following basic validations that the service provides:
- Define the warranty provider number or ID
- Provide a positive number for the labor rate
- Provide the start date, which is required and can be in the past, present or future
- Optionally provide the end date, but must be on or after the start date
- Provide the currency value, which is required and must be consistent with currencies defined for the cost organization
- Define multiple labor rates for the same provider, but their date ranges must not overlap
- Update an existing rate, start and end dates, but you can't update the provider
Access Requirements
Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature:
These privileges are new in this update.
Manage Supplier Warranty Standard Repair Times Using REST API
The supplier warranty offering allows you to track asset warranty over time as you operate and maintain an asset. Maintenance work orders that are indicated as being a warranty repair, provide the basis for creating a warranty claim for the reimbursement of repair costs for an asset. In this update, you can optionally define the reimbursable time in hours for a standard repair (standard operation) that a warranty provider extends as part of their warranty coverage. These hours will be considered with the warranty claim labor rates during the claims process.
- If standard repair times are defined for a standard operation, they will be used for the reimbursement of labor for a work order operation. The standard repair time will be included in the claim as a single entitlement for the operation. The resource transactions for the same operation will also be created as entitlements but will be excluded from the claim. You can later optionally include them back into the claim if desired.
- If standard repair times aren't defined, the resource transactions in the work order will be used for the reimbursement of labor for the operation. In this case, an entitlement won't be created for the standard repair (standard operation).
Claims are created by submitting the Generate Supplier Warranty Entitlements scheduled process. During this process, recently completed operation transactions for resources, equipment, and items are reviewed for warranty coverage. If any of these transactions is found to be covered under one or more warranty contracts, a claim is created against each warranty provider and the matching transactions are included as reimbursable entitlement costs. The creation, viewing, and editing of claims and entitlements are only available using REST API in this update.
To define a standard repair time for a standard operation by a warranty provider, which is a supplier, you can use the Asset Warranty Standard Repair Times REST API:
- fscmRestApi/resources/latest/assetWarrantyStandardRepairTimes
Here is an example payload to create a new rate for a provider using POST:
"WarrantyProviderNumber": "987654321",
"StandardOperationCode": "<standard operations code>",
"StandardRepairTime": "2.5",
"StartDate": "2021-03-31",
"EndDate": "2023-12-31"
- fscmRestApi/resources/latest//assetWarrantyStandardRepairTimes/<WarrantyStandardRepairTimeId>
Here is an example payload to create a new rate for a provider using PATCH:
"StandardRepairTime": "3.5",
This optional setup allows you to override the individual resource transaction costs by providing a reimbursable labor amount as extended by a specific warranty provider. This capability ensures the correct reimbursement of warranty claim labor costs are submitted to the provider for a standard repair.
Steps to Enable
Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides to leverage (available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > APIs & Schema). If you are new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.
Tips And Considerations
You must also define a matching warranty claim labor rate for the same warranty provider rate in order to use this functionality in the claims process. If an active labor rate isn't found by the scheduled process, the standard repair time won't be included as a single entitlement for the operation. Instead, the resource transactions for the same operation will be created as entitlements and included in the claim.
Consider the following basis validations that the service provides:
- Define the warranty provider number or ID
- Define the standard operation number or ID
- Provide a positive number for the repair time
- Provide the start date, which is required and can be in the past, present or future
- Optionally provide the end date, but must be on or after the start date
- Define multiple standard repair times for the same provider, but their date ranges must not overlap
- Update an existing repair time, and start and end dates, but you can't update the provider or standard operation
Access Requirements
Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature:
These privileges are new in this update.
Manage Asset Supplier Warranty Entitlements Using REST API
Warranty Claims are used to request the reimbursement of expenses incurred during the repair of an asset that's covered by a provider under supplier warranty. A maintenance work order will be indicated as a warranty-eligible repair if the contextual asset, or its related assets in its physical hierarchy, has at least one active warranty contract. During the execution of the work order, transactions will be created for the operation, item issue, item return, and resource and equipment reporting. These transactions will be costed, providing the basis for the reimbursable expenses known as warranty claim entitlements. These entitlements, and their related warranty claims, will be primarily created by the scheduled process entitled Generate Supplier Warranty Entitlements. In this update, you can also use the new Asset Warranty Entitlements REST API to manually create or edit existing entitlements in a warranty claim.
Entitlements are used to document the request for reimbursement of expenses incurred during the repair of the asset. For an existing entitlement, you can retrieve its details using the GET action and update certain details using the PATCH action. The POST action is used to manually create entitlements for miscellaneous expenses not originating from a work order transaction. This action can include expenses such as equipment rental, and shipping.
Entitlements can also be excluded or included in warranty claims by updating their warranty contract and warranty claim values.
The Asset Warranty Entitlements REST API is helpful in manually creating or editing existing entitlements in a warranty claim. More importantly, it will provide the basis for future Warranty Claims and Entitlement pages.
Steps to Enable
Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides to leverage (available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > APIs & Schema). If you are new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.
Tips And Considerations
Consider the following basic validations that the service provides:
Using PATCH, you can update the following fields for all Entitlements:
- Entitlement Description
- Warranty Contract - conditional
- Claim Number - conditional
- Reason for Repair
- Repair Transaction Code
- Work Accomplished
- Reimbursement Quantity
- Reimbursement Unit Cost
- Entitlement Notes
Using PATCH, you can update the following fields only for manually created Entitlements:
- Entitlement Date
- Operation Sequence
Updates to the warranty contract and the claim will verify a matching work order and warranty claim provider.
Access Requirements
Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature:
These privileges are new in this update.
Manage Asset Supplier Warranty Using Work Orders
Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance provides an integrated Asset Supplier Warranty solution for enterprise assets, allowing you to track warranty for an asset throughout its service lifetime, from purchase until disposal. Warranty can then be considered during work order execution for an asset, letting you to make timely repair decisions that may result in a warranty claim for the reimbursement of expenses or replacement of a component.
The supplier warranty solution in this update includes the following flows:
- Manage condition event codes
- Manage items in Product Information Management
- Manage standard operations
- Manage provider labor rates using REST API
- Manage provider standard repairs using REST API
- Manage work definitions
- Manage Cost Accounting
- Define work order repair defaulting by type of subtype
- Manage work orders
- Execute work order operations
- Create supplier warranty entitlements and claims using a scheduled process
- Manage supplier warranty entitlements and claims using REST API
Manage Condition Event Codes
Condition Event Codes may be optionally defined and used across several task flows in maintenance. The codes can be created and end dated either in the Manage Condition Event Codes page or using the Asset Condition Event Codes REST API. After a code is referenced in a maintenance object, it can't be deleted and can only be end dated.
For supplier warranty, there are three different types of codes that you can define:
- Transaction code: The transaction code may be optionally used to define the unique references for an asset's system, assembly, and component that are covered by warranty. These codes can then be defined for an asset's source inventory item, and within a standard operation, allowing the value to persist across work order operations, items, resources, and equipment.
- Reason for repair code: The reason for repair code may be optionally used to define the reason for a standard repair of an asset. These codes can then be defined within a standard operation, allowing the value to persist across work order operations, items, resources, and equipment. These codes can also be optionally defined at the work order header as well.
- Work accomplished code: The work accomplished code may be optionally used to define the work accomplished for a standard repair of an asset. These codes can then be defined within a standard operation, allowing the value to persist across work order operations, items, resources, and equipment.
Condition Codes
Manage Items in Product Information Management
You can optionally define a default repair transaction code for an item in the master organization. If defined, the value will default for each item in an operation:
Item Definition
Manage Standard Operations
Standard operations are defined to model a standard repair of an asset. For these operations, you can optionally define condition event codes, which will persist across work order operations, items, resources and equipment. If the standard operation is referenced in a work definition, they will persist to a work order, but won't be viewable in the work definition pages or services.
Standard Operation
Manage Provider Labor Rates
You can optionally define the hourly labor rate that is extended by a warranty provider for the repair of an asset under supplier warranty. These values will then be considered for the reimbursement of labor costs in a supplier warranty entitlement created for a warranty claim. In this update, the rates by provider and time period can only be defined using a REST API. If not defined, then it's assumed the reimbursement will default to the resource costs, but can then be manually adjusted using the warranty entitlements REST API.
Manage Provider Standard Repairs
You can optionally define the standard repair time for a standard operation that's extended by a warranty provider for the repair of an asset under supplier warranty. These values will then be used instead of the direct labor costs in a supplier warranty entitlement created for a warranty repair claim. In this update, the standard repair times by provider, standard operation and time period can only be defined using a REST API. If not defined, then it's assumed the reimbursement of labor will be based on the resource costs and labor rates (if defined).
Manage Work Definitions
In this update, there are no changes to the work definitions. If a referenced standard operation in a work definition includes coding, then they will persist during work order creation.
Define Work Order Repair Defaulting by Type or Subtype
For work orders created as preventative maintenance by a maintenance program, you may want to define one or more combinations of work order type and subtype as not being considered as warranty repairs during work order creation, even if warranty is detected. A system administrator can define these settings in the Functional Setup Manager under the task Manage Asset Maintenance Parameters. On the tab entitled Work Order Defaults, you can optionally define these combinations of types. The types can include standard as well as custom status values.
Manage Cost Accounting
Cost Accounting is a required setup that must be routinely maintained to track the latest work order costs for materials, resources, and equipment. These costs are then used as the basis for the reimbursement of a warranty repair claim for maintenance work order assets covered under supplier warranty.
In order for these costs to be displayed in a work order and included in a supplier warranty claim, you must define the necessary setups in Cost Accounting and also routinely schedule several processes. These processes will transfer work order and inventory transactions to Costing, then create accounting distributions that will create the work orders costs.
Managing Work Orders
Work orders will be automatically flagged as a Warranty Repair or not during creation if there are one or more active warranty contracts for the asset or its related assets. This indicates that the repair should be considered covered by warranty and evaluated for warranty claims and entitlements. Deselecting this option means the work order will be disregarded and not considered for warranty. Additionally, if the warranty contracts have repair transaction codes defined in their base coverages, then the Match Transaction Codes option will be set as well. This indicates that warranty claim entitlements should be created only if there is a matching warranty contract found for an operation transaction for items, resources, or equipment by repair transaction code. Deselecting this option means the code matching will be disregarded and the first expiring warranty contract will be considered for warranty claim entitlements.
The Primary Reason for Repair check box is an optional value that can be selected and used for reporting purposes.
Work Order
The supplier warranty functionality introduced in the 23A feature Manage Asset Supplier Warranty included repair transaction coding for material, resource, and equipment transactions for an operation. However, this capability required technicians to manually search and select each code in a transaction and coding wasn't supported by the quick complete action. In this update, if the codes are predefined in a standard operation and for a item, then they will persist across work order operations, items, resources and equipment during work order creation. Additionally, they will persist during the manual creation of an operation based on a Standard Operation in an existing work order. The codes can be manually updated in the operation or defined if they did not persist from a standard operation or item master.
The operation fields will default if defined in a standard operation:
Operation Sequence
The item field will default if defined in the master item:
Operation Item
The resources and equipment will default if defined in a standard operation as well:
Operation Resource
Execute Work Order Operations
During the execution of a maintenance work order, the repair codes will persist to the item and material transactions during operation completion in the Dispatch List.
When reporting manual transactions such as a material issue, the codes will default from the operation:
Material Transaction
When using the Complete with Details flow for an operation, the codes will default from the operation resource:
Resource Transaction
Create Supplier Warranty Entitlements and Claims
Warranty claims are used to submit a request for reimbursement of asset repair costs to a supplier warranty provider. Claims are created in the context of a maintenance work order for an asset, and its related assets that are covered under supplier warranty. Claims are primarily created using a scheduled process. However, claims can also be manually created to split an existing claim, letting you to submit certain costs for reimbursement to a different warranty provider.
Claims can be created only for work orders that are identified as a warranty repair. During work order creation, the flag will be set to yes on a work order header if one or more active contracts are found. The flag can then be manually set to no if the repair is determined not to be covered under warranty. After work order completion, this indicator will be used by the Generate Supplier Warranty Entitlements scheduled process to determine if warranty claims should be either created or not. The results can be reviewed using the output log of the scheduled process and by querying the results from the Warranty Entitlement and Warranty Claim REST APIs.
If you want to start using the claims functionality using REST API, then it's recommended to run this process frequently after operation and work order completion. The process will review warranty-entitled work orders, creating claim entitlement records for each material, resource, and equipment transaction. If these expenses are covered by a warranty contract, then they will be grouped in one or more warranty claims by a matching provider. The process will also consider if repair coding is defined in warranty coverages or not by referencing the Match Transaction Coding flag at the work order header. If set to yes, the process will only create warranty entitlements and claims for those expenses where the repair code matches a warranty contract. Else, the entitlements are created, but flagged as not warranty in the claim.
The supplier warranty functionality in this update will provide you the ability to manage the repair of assets under supplier warranty. Repair coding, if defined, provides the ability to more accurately validate which systems, assemblies and items are covered by supplier warranty during asset repair. If not defined, then all expenses will be considered reimbursable in a warranty repair.
Warranty entitlements and claims can then be automatically created, providing reduced user management of the claims process, only requiring final review and approval before creating and submitting a claim to a provider.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management No Longer Optional From: Update 24A
After enabling the offering, follow the optional setups as covered in the overview section of this feature.
Access Requirements
Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains this privilege can submit the scheduled process Generate Supplier Warranty Entitlements:
This privilege is new in this update.
Manage Asset Supplier Warranty Claims Using REST API
Warranty claims are used to request the reimbursement of expenses incurred during the repair of an asset that is covered by a provider under a supplier warranty. A maintenance work order will be indicated as a warranty-eligible repair if the contextual asset, or its related assets in its physical hierarchy, has at least one active warranty contract. After operation completion, warranty claims can be created for the provider, by the scheduled process entitled Generate Supplier Warranty Entitlements, if reimbursable expense transactions are found. In this update, you can also use the new Asset Warranty Claims REST API to manually create new or edit existing warranty claims for a work order.
You can retrieve claim details using the GET action and update certain details using the PATCH action. New claims may also be manually created for a work order using the POST action. These claims are typically created to split existing work order reimbursement entitlements over more than one claim, perhaps for different providers.
Entitlements can also be excluded or included from a warranty claim by updating their warranty contract and warranty claim values in the Asset Warranty Entitlements REST API.
The Asset Warranty Claims REST API is helpful in manually creating or editing existing warranty claims. More importantly, it provides the bases for future Warranty Claims and Entitlement pages.
Steps to Enable
Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides to leverage (available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > APIs & Schema). If you are new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.
Tips And Considerations
Consider the following basic validations that the service provides:
Use PATCH to update the following fields for all claims:
- Claim Date
- Claim Type
- Claim Description
- Primary Reason for Repair
- Claim Status
- Claim Assigned To
- Claim Submit By Date
- Claim Adjustment Amount
- Claim Resolution Date
- Claim Reference
- Claim Reimbursement Type
- Claim Notes
These fields can be updated only for manually created claims using PATCH if there are no entitlements associated:
- Object Id - work order reference
- Warranty Provider
Access Requirements
Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature:
These privileges are new in this update.
Capitalize Fixed Assets upon Purchase Receipt to Inventory Destination
Prior to this update, you could manually establish a relationship between a fixed asset and an installed base asset. In addition, you could systematically create an installed base asset and capitalize it as a fixed asset for nonproject purchases with a receipt destination type of expense, and automatically establish a relationship between the installed base asset and the associated fixed asset without any manual intervention.
In this update, you can now systematically create an installed base asset and capitalize it as a fixed asset for nonproject purchases with a receipt destination type of inventory. This automatically establishes a relationship between the installed base asset and the associated fixed asset without any manual intervention. This lets you to capitalize your asset as soon as it's received in your inventory.
This feature supports multiple business units and multiple currencies. For example, you can create a purchase order in a Canadian business unit and Canadian currency. The corresponding cost distribution amount and fixed asset cost can be in both Canadian currency and United States currency.
To accomplish this, you need to perform the following steps:
- Create a purchase order in Oracle Fusion Cloud Procurement.
- Select the mandatory parameters that includes business unit, supplier, and supplier site.
- When adding purchase order line items, ensure you provide the following parameters:
- Set the destination type to Inventory
- Select the Accrue At Receipt
- Select your subinventory
- Submit the purchase order for approval.
- After successful procurement of the item, process receipt of the item into the inventory organization defined in the purchase order.
- Transfer Transactions from Receiving to Costing
- Transfer Transactions from Inventory to Costing
- Transfer Costs to Cost Management
- Create Receipt Accounting Distributions
- Create Cost Accounting Distributions
- Create Accounting
- Review Cost Accounting Distributions and verify that your transactions are fully costed and accounted.
- Ensure an installed base asset role is assigned to your user, and run this scheduled process:
- Transfer Receipts to Mass Additions
- Ensure a fixed asset role is assigned to your user.
- Check the Mass Additions data and enter the following:
- In-service date
- Location
- Amount
- Run the Post Mass Additions scheduled process to create a fixed asset for your received item.
- When the line is posted and a new asset is created, Oracle Fusion Cloud further adds costs to this asset as an adjustment using the Add to Asset feature of Fixed Assets.
- Check the Mass Additions data and enter the following:
Fixed Assets - Add to Asset
- Ensure an installed base asset role is assigned to your user.
- Run the Connect Fixed Assets to Operational Asset scheduled process.
- On the Fixed Asset tab of the Edit Asset user interface, you can see the fixed asset associated with your installed base asset.
Edit Asset User Interface with Fixed Assets Tab
- Create an invoice for the purchased item by providing information in the Create Invoice user interface.
- Add the required information, such as Number, Amount, Type, and Invoice Group.
- Search for your purchase order and select the purchase order number.
- You can update your item’s amount, and any additional information such as Freight and Miscellaneous. If applicable, these can be prorated across the Purchased Item quantities.
- Calculate tax, validate your invoice, and post the invoice to ledger tasks.
Create Invoice
- After invoicing, ensure the costing role is assigned to your user.
- Run the following scheduled processes:
- Transfer Transactions from Receiving to Costing
- Transfer Transactions from Inventory to Costing
- Transfer Costs to cost Management
- Create Receipt Accounting Distributions
- Create Cost Accounting Distributions
- Create Accounting
- Review Cost Accounting Distributions. Verify that your transactions are fully costed and accounted.
- With the installed base asset role assigned to your user run the Transfer Receipts to Mass Addition scheduled process.
- With the fixed asset role assigned to your user.
- Check the Mass Additions data and enter the following:
- In-service date
- Location
- Account
- Run the Post Mass Additions scheduled process and verify that the fixed asset is created.
- Review the Cost Accounting Distributions and ensure your transactions are fully costed and accounted.
- These additional charges can appear as an Expense Adjustment transaction type on your accounting distribution.
- You can transfer any costs such as the purchase order cost for your items and your estimated taxes at inventory and transfer them to fixed assets for capitalization.
- After you enter and account for the invoice for this receipt, you can transfer any adjustments to the asset.
- Only the nonrecoverable portion of taxes gets transferred to fixed assets as capitalized cost.
- You can't transfer payment discounts to fixed assets for such invoices. You must apply such discounts manually to your fixed assets.
- When accounting for your invoice in accounts payable, you can also transfer any invoice price variance for your item and tax lines to fixed assets.
- The invoice price variance is the quantity invoiced multiplied by the difference between the invoice unit price and the purchase order unit price.
- Check the Mass Additions data and enter the following:
This completes the capitalization of your fixed asset upon purchase receipt to inventory destination.
You can now automatically create an operational asset at inventory and capitalize it as a fixed asset. You can establish a relationship between the installed base asset and the associated fixed asset automatically, without any manual intervention, providing you complete visibility into the operational and financial information for your asset.
Steps to Enable
- Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
- Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management
- Use the opt-in for Capitalize Fixed Assets Upon Purchase Receipt to Inventory Destination feature in Supply Chain Management to enable this feature.
- Setup and Maintenance > Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management > Change Feature Opt In > Maintenance Management > Edit Feature > Capitalize Fixed Assets Upon Purchase Receipt to Inventory Destination.
- Click on the Opt-in Task button to launch and submit ESS program, Capture Cutoff Date for Receipt Based Fixed Assets Creation.
- To import assets into Oracle Assets, use the Manage Inventory Organization page to associate the Assets corporate book to your inventory organization.
Tips And Considerations
- Your costing organization relationship for inventory organization needs to be set up in accordance with this guidance listed here:
- Your purchased item needs to be set up with a cost profile and a cost scenario.
- The item needs to set up with Create Fixed Asset At Receipt on the Specification > Service Tab.
- In the Manage Inventory Organization, select the Fixed Asset Corporate Book.
- Only receipts for the purchase orders created after this opt-in will qualify for this feature.
Key Resources
- Watch the Capitalize Fixed Asset Upon Purchased Receipt to Inventory Destination Training.
Access Requirements
Users who are assigned any of these predefined job role can access this feature:
These privileges are new in this update.
Create Maintenance Work Orders Automatically Using Quality Inspection Actions
You can use inspection plan action rules to automatically trigger an action based on the inspection results. This is an existing capability in the inspection plan and while creating or modifying an inspection plan, use the inspection characteristics listed in the Specifications tab to create action rules.
Edit Inspection Plan Page > Specifications Tab
From this release, you can create a maintenance work order using quality action setup based on the asset inspection performed with or without a work order. This new capability is supported only for the ASSET type quality inspection plan. A new action called Create a Maintenance Work Order has been introduced to support this.
Manage Action Rules Page
The following 5 attributes are associated to create a maintenance work order. Setting up values for the attributes is optional. However, these attribute values are the primary source for executing the action of creating a maintenance work order.
- Work Order Type
- Work Order Subtype
- Work Definition
- Priority
- Condition Code
Work Order Type : This value is mandatory for creating a maintenance work order. The value for work order type is derived from different entities in the following order for work order creation
- Quality action rule
- Asset for which inspection is performed
- From the work definition passed in the rule
- From the work definition associated to condition code in the rule
If the value can't be derived, then the action fails to create the maintenance work order.
Work Order Subtype: This value is mandatory for creating a maintenance work order. The value for work order subtype is derived from different entities in the following order for work order creation
- Quality action rule
- Asset for which inspection is performed
- From the work definition passed in the rule
- From the work definition associated to condition code in the rule
If the value can't be derived, then the action fails to create the maintenance work order.
Work Definition: If there is a value for work definition the same is considered for work order creation else work order header is created. If values of both work definition and condition code is available then work definition is considered for maintenance work order creation.
Priority: This value if exists is used for maintenance work order creation.
Condition Code: This value of condition code is matched with the work requirements associated and maintenance work order created for each work requirement. The work definitions associated to the work requirement are used to create maintenance work orders. The condition codes can be created using Manage Condition Event Codes task and code type must be Diagnostic code.
Manage Action Rules Page > Create Action Dialog
You can define more than one inspection plan action rule for creating maintenance work orders. You can also configure a one inspection plan action rule to create more than one maintenance work order. Regardless of how you define your rules, only one maintenance work order will be created for each unique combination of the five attributes values defined in each rule when the rules are executed. When an action is executed, updating the same inspection further won't trigger the action again irrespective of the change in inspection status.
Irrespective of whether or not the inspection is set for Electronic Records and Electronic Signatures (ERES), the action is executed. If the inspection is not approved in ERES approval flow, then the maintenance work order created through the inspection action will have to be manually managed as appropriate.
View Inspection Plan Page > Specifications Tab > Manage Action Rule Dialog
Inspections Results Page
Typically, the inspection organization is expected to be a maintenance organization and the maintenance work order is created in the inspection organization. If the inspection organization happens to be a nonmaintenance organization, work order is created in the one of the maintenance organizations in following order (1) Primary maintenance organization for the inspection organization (2) Asset Operating Organization (3) Primary Maintenance organization of the asset operation organization. If the maintenance organization isn't derived, then maintenance work order isn't created for the action rule. To support the work order creation in other organization, the work definition in the action rule can be selected from any required organization.
The new maintenance work orders created based on the action rule will have the inspection work order number in the description. The description is Inspection Work order : <work order number>.
Work order Document References
New document type called Asset inspection is introduced for this integration with inspection plan actions. For the new work order created there could be two document references (1) work order type and (2) Asset Inspection type. The inspection work order will have one work order type document reference for each work order created. The document references is based on whether or not the inspection is in the maintenance work order context. In the new work order, inspection work order is referenced and in the maintenance inspection work order, the new work orders are referenced.
- With Maintenance Work Order
- Document reference types in new work order
- Work order
- Asset inspection
- Document reference types in new work order
- Without Maintenance Work Order
- Document references types in new work order
- Asset inspection
- Document references types in new work order
Edit Work Order Page > Inspection Work Order
Edit Work Order Page > New Work Order
You can save time and effort by configuring inspection plan action rules for creating maintenance work order automatically based on inspection.
Steps to Enable
This feature is dependent on the opt in feature, Perform Asset Inspection With or Without a Maintenance Work Order Perform Asset Inspection With or Without a Maintenance Work Order. The parent feature was enabled from 23D.
Tips And Considerations
- Setting up Quality Action:
- Refer the Manage Action Rules section in Using Quality Management guide in Oracle Help Center.
- Condition Code: There can be multiple work requirements with same condition code. Maintenance work order will be created for each work requirement with the condition code. However, only one work order will be associated to the inspection results.
- Inspection Plan Action Rules : Regardless of how you define your rules, only one maintenance work order will be created for each unique combination of the five attributes values defined in each rule.
- The Any Characteristic value can be used to create maintenance work orders based on any and all characteristic result values that meets the condition defined in the where clause of the inspection plan action rule.
Key Resources
- Check out the What's New content of the Perform Asset Inspection With or Without a Maintenance Work Order feature
- Check out the Using Manufacturing guide for using quality inspection plans in the Especially Manage action rules section
- Check out the Qualify Equipment When Assigning Work or Reporting Resource Usage feature
- Download the Qualify Equipment When Assigning Work or Reporting Resource Usage TOI
Access Requirements
Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains this privilege can access this feature:
These privileges were available prior to this update.
Capture Failure Information of Work Order Asset
Capturing asset failures, causes, and resolutions helps organizations to measure and analyze asset reliability, and availability that also helps in assessing maintenance effectiveness and efficiency. Failure data provides the necessary foundation to determine asset-specific maintenance strategies and optimize maintenance programs, and to support reliability tools like root cause analysis, failure modes and effects analysis, probability plotting, and statistical modelling. Failure history data is required for gaining insights from machine learning prediction and recommendation. In this regard, REST services were made available in earlier release.
In this release, you will be able to capture the asset failure data through user interface navigating from either Edit Work Order page or Review Maintenance Dispatch List page. Failure data is captured for a maintenance work order asset. Primary failure data set includes failure, cause, and resolution codes. Additionally, failed component or asset can be part of the captured failure data. Further, you can provide the comments for each data set. Any number of failure data sets can be recorded for a work order asset. Along with failures, you can record the failure date and also indicate whether the asset is functional or down after it failed.
The failure, cause, and resolution codes are created using a Manage Condition Event Codes task with code type as failure code, cause code, and resolution code respectively.
During the failure capture, the codes being selected can be based on the following two different sources:
- All the valid codes as defined using the Manage Condition Event Codes task.
- All the codes that are part of failure chains defined in a failure set.
Note that the failure set is mandatory for a failure capture and is derived automatically when a failure is being captured for a workorder asset. When a failure set is associated to the failure data, the same would be used till the work order is closed. Even if the failure set becomes invalid, the past data would continue to use the same.
Capture Failure Page
Failure set can be captured from one of the following pages:
- Edit Maintenance Work Order
- Maintenance Dispatch List
Edit Work Order Page
Maintenance Dispatch List Page
For a successful failure capture, the following are required setups:
- Defining valid failure, cause, and resolution codes
- Defining a default failure set
The failure data for a work order asset can be captured till the maintenance work order is closed.
Failure Set: A failure set can greatly enhance the accuracy and usability of failure capture process. The failure set can become applicable to an asset based on one of the following four association types:
- Asset
- Item
- Item Category
- Default
An asset, item, or item category can be associated to only one failure set. And for a given asset, a failure set is derived based on the failure association in the following order:
- Asset type matching work order asset
- Item type matching item associated to the work order asset
- Item category type matching item category associated to the work order asset item
If none of the above association type exists for an asset, the default failure set is used for the failure capture. There can be only one default failure set defined.
For more information, refer the What's New content of the Define Failure Sets for Capturing Asset Failure Data feature.
You can now capture failure data for a work order asset through user interface.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management No Longer Optional From: Update 24A
It's necessary to have the following setup before attempting a failure capture for a work order asset:
- Defining valid failure, cause, and resolution codes
- Defining a default failure set
Tips And Considerations
- An item can be associated to multiple item categories. However, it's required for an item used in failure association to be referenced with only one item category, else the failure set can't be derived for such items. In future, a system level restriction is likely to be introduced to avoid the case where failure set can't be derived for an asset during failure capture.
- The failure capture is optional for a work order. Though the failure set association has a option to set the failure capture as required in a work order, the same isn't validated in a maintenance work order. In future, failure capture would be enforced in a maintenance work order based on the setup.
- If the failure set with appropriate failure chain records are defined but aren't enforced for the failure capture, the captured failure data may not be accurate. This inaccuracy may be reflected in any of the future capability introduced in the product or a custom capabilities that use the captured failure data set. It's recommended to define appropriate failure sets with failure chains and set the attribute value as Yes for the Use chains for failure capture attribute.
- The failure data can be captured even for unreleased work order, however, be cautious when you update the work order asset value. If the asset is updated in a maintenance work order, then failure data had to be adjusted for the new asset as appropriate.
- It's necessary to have the following setup before attempting a failure capture for a work order asset:
- Defining valid failure, cause, and resolution codes
- Defining a default failure set
Key Resources
- Check out the What's New content of the Define Failure Sets for Capturing Asset Failure Data feature
- Check out the What's New content of the Track Asset Failure using REST API feature
Access Requirements
Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains this privilege can access this feature:
- Manage Failure Events for Work Order Asset (MNT_MANAGE_FAILURE_EVENT_WO_ASSET_PRIV)
These privileges were available prior to this update.
Define Failure Sets for Capturing Asset Failure Data
Capturing asset failures, causes, and resolutions helps organizations to measure and analyze asset reliability, and availability that also helps in assessing maintenance effectiveness and efficiency. In this release, you will be able to capture the asset failure data through user interface navigating from either Edit Work Order page or Review Maintenance Dispatch List page. And for failure capture, Failure Set value is mandatory and is derived automatically when a failure is being captured for a workorder asset. In this release, you can create and manage failure sets through user interface.
Failure set is designed to greatly enhance the accuracy and usability of failure capture process. The applicability of the failure set for an asset is defined as failure association. Failure chains are defined in the failure set, and each failure chain record is a combination of failure, cause, and resolution codes largely applicable for an asset or for group of assets. Usage of failure chains during failure capture is controlled by the Use chains for failure capture attribute. Failure set can't be end dated, however, you can update it as needed. During failure capture, a failure set is derived for an asset based on its latest failure association details. When a failure set is used in a failure capture, it remains as is and can't be changed.
For example, you can use failure set to predefine the valid set of failure, cause, and resolution codes specifically for grinding machines or even for a particular model of grinding machines. It's always easy and accurate to select failure, cause, and resolution codes from a failure set rather from whole set of codes defined using the Manage Condition Event Codes task for all assets.
Manage Condition Event Codes Page
Failure Set Details Page > Failure Chains Tab
Failure Set Details Page > Associations Tab
Failure Chains
Failure chain is set of records with unique combinations of failure, cause, and resolution codes. It's recommended to define the failure set for an asset or group of assets, and therefore failure chains become automatically applicable for those specific assets. When these chains are used during a failure capture, it's not only easy to select the values for failure, cause, and resolution codes, it's also accurate for the asset in context. A failure chain record can't be updated, however, it can be made inactive using deactivate action. After deactivation, it can't be reverted to active status. Note that the active chains are only considered during asset failure capture.
Failure Associations
The failure set can become applicable to an asset based on one of the following four association types:
- Asset - Used when the failure set is defined for a specific asset. For an asset type association, asset number and description fields are displayed.
- Item - Used when the failure set is defined for assets associated with certain item number. For an item type association, the master organization, item number, and description fields are displayed.
- Item Category - Used when the failure set is defined for assets associated with certain item category associated with asset item number. For an item category type association, the category name and description are displayed.
- Default - This is a generic failure set that's used as default during failure capture when none of the other failure association exists for the work order asset.
For a work order asset, during the failure capture appropriate failure set is derived automatically in the following order
- Asset type matching work order asset.
- Item type matching item associated to the work order asset.
- Item category type matching item category associated to the work order asset item.
If none of the above association types exist for an asset, the default failure set is used for the failure capture. There can be only one default failure set defined.
Failure associations can't be edited except for the Failure capture required attribute. An association can be made inactive using deactivate action. After deactivation, it can't the reverted to an active status. Note that the active associations are only considered during asset failure capture.
You can capture the failure data quickly that saves time and improves accuracy.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
It's recommended to define the failure set for specific group of assets based on item or item category. Multiple items or item categories in a failure set may reduce the accuracy of the failure capture.
You must define at least a default failure set to capture the failure information for a work order asset. It's better to have default set defined without any association types. Note that, when a new default association is created, the existing default failure set is replaced with the new one automatically.
For creating item based failure set association, select the master inventory organization. When a master organization code is selected, the item LOV display values only when you have the Root item class access to the context master organization. You can use the Manage Item Classes setup task for providing security access.
For creating item category based failure set association, any item category can be used. However, if multiple item categories are associated to one asset item, then deriving the failure set for an asset based on item category would fail. Categories are created for a catalog. It's recommended to create a catalog controlled at Master Level, and uncheck the check box for the Allow multiple item category assignments attribute.
Key Resources
- Check out the What's New content of the Capture Failure Information of Work Order Asset feature
- Check out the What's New content of the Track Asset Failure using REST API feature
Access Requirements
Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains this privilege can access this feature:
- Manage Failure Sets Using User Interface (MNT_MANAGE_FAILURE_SET)
- View Failure Sets Using User Interface (MNT_VIEW_FAILURE_SET)
These privileges were available prior to this update.
Search by Descriptive Flexfields on the Asset Information Management Page
You can now search and locate assets by global and context-sensitive descriptive flexfields on the Asset Information Management page using Oracle's smart search and filters. This feature uses Oracle Search Extension Framework to provide a powerful index-based search engine combined with Oracle's next user experience so that you can quickly and easily perform full-text searches for assets across descriptive flexfields.
Find Assets by Global Descriptive Flexfields
In the Asset Information Management page, a new Additional Information filter is available underneath the search field.
Asset Information Management Search Field with Default Filters
Click on the Additional Information filter to add it to your search. Then, type a representative term of what you are looking for in the search field and press the enter key. Your search term visually turns into an applied filter and a full-text search is immediately performed across all searchable attributes, including global flexfields.
Asset Information Management Search Field with Default Filters and Global Descriptive Flexfield Filters
Find Assets by Context-Sensitive Descriptive Flexfields
Add the Additional Information filter to your search, just like you would for searching by global flexfields. Then, click on the applied Additional Information filter for in your search field to see the list of available contexts. Select the context you want to search. Then, type a representative term of what you are looking for in the search field and press the enter key. Your search term visually turns into an applied filter and a full-text search is immediately performed across all searchable attributes, including the flexfields for the selected context and the global flexfields.
Asset Information Management Search Field with Default Filters and Context-Sensitive Descriptive Flexfield Filters
Find Assets by Creation Date
In addition to searching by flexfields, you can also search by a new predefined filter, Creation Date. Predefined filters are suggested below the search field. To add a suggested filter your search, click on the filter and it will be applied to the search field. For date filters like Creation Date, you can change the date range after you have added the filter to the search field.
More Ways to Search Using Smart Search
- Searches are case insensitive. Both capitalized and noncapitalized keyword terms will match when searching for assets.
- When you add more than one filter to the search field, each filter added to the search field will further refine your search.
- When you type in more than one keyword in the search field before hitting the enter key, all of the keywords will be included in a single filter. The results table will show assets that match any of the keywords within the filter.
- To search for a phrase, enclose your phrase in double quotation marks and add it to the search bar as a single filter.
- The character hyphen and the character period are delimiters. If you need to search for a term that includes a hyphen or a period, enclose the term in double quotation marks.
- To remove a filter, simply click on the X inside the filter to remove it. If you remove the Additional Information filter, the applied keyword filters will no longer search across descriptive flexfields.
- Currently, you can search for flexfields that are of datatype Character with a Format Only value set. You can't search for flexfields of other data types or value set types.
You can more efficiently search and locate assets using the search for assets by global and context-sensitive descriptive flexfields on the Asset Information Management page.
Steps to Enable
This feature is available to anyone who has sufficient privileges to access the Asset Information Management page.
- Opt-In to the feature Use Smart Search to Search For and View Assets in the New Assets UI
- Enable the Oracle Search Extension Framework to create indexes, ingest predefined indexes, and manage search capabilities.
- Set the Enable/Disable Search Ext Framework (ORA_FND_SEARCH_EXT_ENABLED) profile option to Yes. This profile option is set to No, by default.
- Include your flexfields in your fa-alm-asset index definition:
- Follow the Implementation Guide steps for Search Extension Framework to configure the index: fa-alm-asset
- Refresh your index with flexfield data:
- Make sure that you have the Manage Scheduled Job Definition (FND_MANAGE_SCHEDULED_JOB_DEFINITION_PRIV) privilege to run scheduled processes.
- Submit the ESS job to create index definition and perform initial ingest to OSCS process for creating indexes and ingesting predefined indexes.
- Routinely run the ESS job to run Bulk ingest to OSCS process to ingest asset updates from Manufacturing, Receiving, Inventory, Order Management, and FBDI. Create a scheduled process to ingest these updates at least once a day to keep your index up to date. You may want to schedule this process more frequently depending on your business needs. You can also run this job manually, as needed.
- Program Name to run Bulk Ingest: IB_ASSET_BULK_INGEST
- You can also manually submit the ESS job to run Bulk ingest to OSCS process if the index is already created and you want update your index before the next scheduled process.
- The ESS job to run Bulk ingest to OSCS process doesn’t clear out the index. It only updates the existing index with the changes from Manufacturing, Receiving, Inventory, Order Management, and FBDI.
- For additional details on setting up scheduled processes, see the section entitled Submit Processes in the Scheduled Processes chapter of the guide Using Common Features.
Tips And Considerations
- Flexfields must be included in the fa-alm-asset index using the Manage Search Indexes task for the flexfields to be searchable.
- If you change any attribute selections for your index in the Index Management tool, you must resubmit the ESS job to create index definition and perform initial ingest to OSCS.
- Make sure to submit the ESS job to create index definition and perform initial ingest to OSCS prior to using this feature. You can also submit the process if the index is already created and you want to ingest it again. This process will clear the index and fully reingest the data.
Key Resources
- Check out the implementation guide content for Search Extension Framework under Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications Common.
- Check out the user guide content for Submit Scheduled Processes and Process Sets under Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications Common.
- Check out the implementation guide content for How You Set Up and Define Flexfields for flexfield code CSE_ASSETS under under Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance
- Check out the implementation guide content for How You Use Smart Search to Search For and View Assets in the New Assets UI under Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance.
Access Requirements
- Users who are assigned a configured job role that contain the privileges described in the Implementation guide content for Search Extension Framework under Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications Common will be able access this feature to define which attributes, including descriptive flexfield segments, are included in the fa-alm-asset index.
- Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature:
These privileges were available prior to this update.
Sign for Maintenance E-Records Using Single Sign-on Through an External Authentication System
Companies that require electronic record keeping with nonbiometric electronic signatures are increasingly seeking ways to simplify their identity management approach and streamline the user login experience. They want to use a single set of login credentials to authenticate a user when signing electronic records and accessing any of their application systems. With this update, you can now configure single sign-on credentials for an e-signature user using Oracle Access Management as the identity provider to authenticate against an external authentication system instead of the Oracle WebLogic identity provider.
Single sign-on credentials can apply to the e-signature users for the following Oracle Maintenance e-signature and e-record transactions, covering both inline and deferred approval processes:
- Manufacturing Work Order Approval
- Production Exception Closure
The following is a screenshot of the Oracle Access Management login page for user authentication using single sign-on.
Oracle Access Management Login Page for User Authentication Using Single Sign-on
Using Oracle Access Management as the identity provider for external authentication, you can synchronize the Oracle e-signature process with other existing application logins based on single sign-on credentials.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management No Longer Optional From: Update 24A
If you want to opt-in and use the Sign for Maintenance E-Records Using Single Sign-on Through an External Authentication System feature, you must:
Opt-in to its parent feature, Capture Electronic Records and Electronic Signatures for Supply Chain Management Transactions. If you’ve already opted into this parent feature, you don't need to opt in again.
Opt in to the feature named Reauthenticate E-Signature Users Using Oracle Access Manager.
Refer to the documentation on how to configure and manage Identity Federation with Oracle Access Management.
Tips And Considerations
- If you don't use an external authentication system, then there's no configuration change required.
- After the opt in for this feature expires, you will see the login authentication page using Oracle Access Management instead of Business Process Management.
Key Resources
- Refer to Implementing E-Signatures and E-Records and Using E-Signatures and E-Records in the Oracle Help Center.
Access Requirements
Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains this privilege can access this feature:
This privilege was available prior to this update.
Mass Close Work Orders by Specifying a Closed Date Using the Scheduled Process
It's a good practice to close the maintenance work orders soon after the work is completed. However, it's common to use the Enterprise Scheduler Service process for closing work orders. Prior to this release, when maintenance work order were closed using the scheduled process, the current system date and time is used for the work order closed date. And there is no provision for you to select a closed date.
With this update, you can specify a closed date when submitting the Mass Close Maintenance Work Orders program. You can either use the default system date and time or adjust the closed date in the past to align the costing period with the timespan between the work orders' release and work order transactions.
Mass Close Maintenance Work Orders Scheduled Process Page
You can mass close work orders based on a specified closed date enabling more accurate cost accounting.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- You can also specify the closed date for a work order when updating the work order status to Closed through the Manage Work Orders page, Edit Work Order page, REST service, or File-based Data Import (FBDI).
- It's recommended that you submit the program manually with a Closed Date. If the closed date isn't provided, scheduling this program on a periodic basis will use the default system date and time. If the date is provided, it would be automatically incremented based on the schedule.
Access Requirements
Users who are assigned a predefined or configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature:
This privilege was available prior to this update.
Improve Usability with the New Work Order Charges UI
You can perform activities related to work order debrief transactions in a more intuitive and user-friendly way using the new Redwood UI for the Work Order Charges pages.
- Search for work orders associated with a debrief header transaction.
- Create debrief transactions for new work orders
- Add, edit and post charges for the work orders.
- Add, edit and review manual adjustments applied to the charge lines on the work orders.
Access the Work Order Charges page from the Service Logistics landing page. From the drawer on the right side of the Service Logistics landing page, click Work Order Charges.
Work Order Charges Navigation
The Work Order Charges search page uses an elastic search framework, resulting in a fast and scalable search. You can search for a work order with associated debrief headers using available filters such as Debrief Status, Work Order Area, and Resolution Due Date. For the logged in user, Work Order Area is set in the profile - 'RCL_DEF_WORK_ORDER_AREA'. If the profile is not set, in that case the Work Order Area is derived from the lookup ORA_RCL_WORK_AREA. The values for this lookup can be defined from Setup and Maintenance > Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management > Service Logistics > Manage Service Logistics Lookups.
Functionalities such as auto complete and fuzzy logic make it easier to search for work orders matching your criteria. By default, the search page lists work orders with associated debrief header transactions that have:
- a Debrief Status of New.
- been assigned to your Work Order Area.
- a Resolution Due Date of today.
NOTE: Work Order which does not have debrief header associated cannot be searched in the Work Order Charges search page.
Work Order Search Page
To create new work order charges, from the Work Order Charges search page, click Create Charge to open the Work Order Charges header page. After entering the header information, click Create and Close or Create and Continue to enter one or more new debrief transactions (charge lines) for the work order.
Edit Work Order Charges Header
To edit existing work order charges, from the Work Order Charges search page search results, click Manage Charges for one of the work order charges. This opens the Work Order Charges details page.
Work Order Charges Details page
From Work Order Charges details page, you can edit the work order header fields before posting any charges. You can add new Charges by clicking on button 'Add Charges' in the Work Order region or edit existing charge by clicking on 'edit' icon present at line level for any charge line. You can also add and edit manual adjustments to the charge lines by clicking on hyperlinks - 'Your Price' and review the applied adjustments by clicking on hyperlink 'Amount'. Using 'Reprice' button, you can reprice the charge lines based on setup in pricing strategy and using 'Change Currency' button you can change the currency for charge lines and view the price and amount in desired currency based on pricing strategy. After reviewing all the charges, click Post Charges and Close to post the charges for a work order.
Using the new UIs for the Work Order Charges pages, you can perform all the debrief-related transactions more intuitively and quickly. The user-friendly interface elements will allow you to perform transactions in a differentiated manner quickly.
For example, if you want to analyze and post charges for work orders in your work area that have a debrief status of New and a resolution date of Today, you can quickly find your orders on the search page. Click Manage Charges to review the charges on the detail page, then post the charges.
Steps to Enable
Provide the required access before using the feature. Details are in the Access #Requirements section.
Tips And Considerations
The new Redwood UIs for the Work Order Charges pages do not support the following functions in this update:
- Estimates
- Technician flows, roles and privileges
- Descriptive flexfields
- Links to other products, such as B2B
Access Requirements
Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature:
- Access Work Order charges search page. (RCL_WORK_ORDER_CHARGES_PRIV)
- Access Work order charges details page for Administrator. (RCL_ADMIN_CREATE_EDIT_DEBRIEF_DETAILS_PRIV)
- Access Work order charges details page for Technician. (RCL_FSTECH_CREATE_EDIT_DEBRIEF_DETAILS_PRIV)
- Access to work order charges header for administrator. (RCL_ADMIN_CREATE_EDIT_DEBRIEF_HEADER_PRIV)
- Access to work order charges header page for technician. (RCL_FSTECH_CREATE_EDIT_DEBRIEF_HEADER_PRIV)