Cloud Readiness / Oracle Fusion Cloud Manufacturing
What's New
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  1. Update 23D
  1. Revision History
  2. Overview
  3. Pre-Update and Post-Update Tasks
  4. Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)
  5. Feature Summary
  6. Supply Chain Orchestration
    1. Supply Chain Orchestration
        1. Extend the View Manual Reservations for Your Back-to-Back Sales Orders Feature
        2. Hold Changes from Manufacturing Until Purchase Orders Are Ready in Outside Processing Flows
        3. Use Redesigned Pages to Create Transfer Supply Requests
  7. Manufacturing
    1. Manufacturing
        1. Override the Plant Production Calendar with One or More Date-Effective Work Center Calendars
        2. Pick Materials for Work Orders using Additional Parameters
        3. Control Access to Manufacturing Work Definitions Using Data Security
        4. Integrate Manufacturing and Maintenance Work Order Picking Requests with Your Warehouse Management System
        5. Control Country of Origin Tracking for an Item or Item Category
        6. Automate Manufacturing Execution Through Bidirectional Communication with Robotic and Industrial Equipment

Update 23D

Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Module Feature Notes
01 SEP 2023     Created initial document.



We’re here and we’re listening. If you have a suggestion on how to make our cloud services even better then go ahead and tell us. There are several ways to submit your ideas, for example, through the Ideas Lab on Oracle Customer Connect. Wherever you see this icon after the feature name it means we delivered one of your ideas.


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The information contained in this document may include statements about Oracle’s product development plans. Many factors can materially affect Oracle’s product development plans and the nature and timing of future product releases. Accordingly, this Information is provided to you solely for information only, is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.

This information may not be incorporated into any contractual agreement with Oracle or its subsidiaries or affiliates. Oracle specifically disclaims any liability with respect to this information. Refer to the Legal Notices and Terms of Use for further information.

Pre-Update and Post-Update Tasks

Depending on the features you're using in your Cloud applications, you may be required to perform certain steps immediately before or after your quarterly update. For details of these pre-update and post-update steps and the product areas that are affected, refer to Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM: Performing Your Quarterly Update (doc ID 2337485.1) on My Oracle Support.

Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)

Oracle Cloud Applications delivers new updates every quarter. This means every three months you'll receive new functionality to help you efficiently and effectively manage your business. Some features are delivered Enabled meaning they are immediately available to end users. Other features are delivered Disabled meaning you have to take action to make available. Features delivered Disabled can be activated for end users by stepping through the following instructions using the following privileges:

  • Configure Oracle Fusion Applications Offering (ASM_CONFIGURE_OFFERING_PRIV)

Here’s how you opt in to new features:

  1. Click Navigator > My Enterprise > New Features.
  2. On the Features Overview page, select your offering to review new features specific to it. Or, you can leave the default selection All Enabled Offerings to review new features for all offerings.
  3. On the New Features tab, review the new features and check the opt-in status of the feature in the Enabled column. If a feature has already been enabled, you will see a check mark. Otherwise, you will see an icon to enable the feature.
  4. Click the icon in the Enabled column and complete the steps to enable the feature.

In some cases, you might want to opt in to a feature that's not listed in the New Features work area. Here's how to opt in:

  1. Click Navigator > My Enterprise > Offerings.
  2. On the Offerings page, select your offering, and then click Opt In Features.
  3. On the Opt In page, click the Edit Features (pencil) icon for the offering, or for the functional area that includes your feature.
  4. On the Edit Features page, complete the steps to enable the feature.

For more information and detailed instructions on opting in to new features for your offering, see Configure Offerings.

Opt In Expiration

Occasionally, features delivered Disabled via Opt In may be enabled automatically in a future update. This is known as an Opt In Expiration. If your cloud service has any Opt In Expirations you will see a related tab in this document. Click on that tab to see when the feature was originally delivered Disabled, and when the Opt In will expire, potentially automatically enabling the feature. You can also click here to see features with Opt In Expirations across all Oracle Cloud Applications.

Feature Summary

Column Definitions:

Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.

UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.

UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.

Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.

Ready for Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Enabled)

Reports plus Small Scale UI or Process-Based new features will have minimal user impact after an update. Therefore, customer acceptance testing should focus on the Larger Scale UI or Process-Based* new features.

Customer Must Take Action before Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Disabled)

Not disruptive as action is required to make these features ready to use. As you selectively choose to leverage, you set your test and roll out timing.



UI or
Small Scale

UI or
Larger Scale*

Supply Chain Orchestration

Supply Chain Orchestration

Extend the View Manual Reservations for Your Back-to-Back Sales Orders Feature

Hold Changes from Manufacturing Until Purchase Orders Are Ready in Outside Processing Flows

Use Redesigned Pages to Create Transfer Supply Requests



Override the Plant Production Calendar with One or More Date-Effective Work Center Calendars

Pick Materials for Work Orders using Additional Parameters

Control Access to Manufacturing Work Definitions Using Data Security

Integrate Manufacturing and Maintenance Work Order Picking Requests with Your Warehouse Management System

Control Country of Origin Tracking for an Item or Item Category

Automate Manufacturing Execution Through Bidirectional Communication with Robotic and Industrial Equipment

Supply Chain Orchestration

Supply Chain Orchestration

Extend the View Manual Reservations for Your Back-to-Back Sales Orders Feature

Extend the View Manual Reservations for Your Back-to-Back Sales Orders feature so you can view all of the reservations that you create manually in a back-to-back flow. Before this release, you could view manual reservations only for lines that have an Unassigned supply type on the supply order. Now you can view the supply orders, transfer orders, purchase orders, and work orders that fulfill all of your manual reservations even while Oracle Supply Chain Orchestration is still processing that supply. Also, before this release, you couldn't cancel a manual reservation when you cancel the order line. Now you can.

If a manual reservation might cause excess supply, then the Supply Orchestration work area displays a new icon on the supply line. If you hover over it, you'll see the Excess Supply text.

Quickly see what excess supply you have reserved for each sales order in your back-to-back flows.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • You must manually opt into the View Manual Reservations for Your Back-to-Back Sales Orders feature until update 24A.
  • Supply Chain Orchestration doesn't automatically modify a manual reservation for a change in demand that it receives from Oracle Order Management. You must manually modify the reservation.
  • The quantity for the work order, purchase request, or transfer order might be different from the reservation's quantity or the quantity on the supply or tracking line because other requests might also use the work order, purchase request, or transfer order.

Access Requirements

The feature is available to any privilege that can create and submit a sales order.

Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature:

  • Initiate Order (FOM_CREATE_ORDER_PRIV)
  • Submit Order (FOM_SUBMIT_ORDER_PRIV)

Hold Changes from Manufacturing Until Purchase Orders Are Ready in Outside Processing Flows

Use Oracle Supply Chain Orchestration to temporarily hold the changes that you receive from Oracle Manufacturing. Use this feature in your outside processing flow when a work order or an operation undergoes change, but Oracle Purchasing hasn't created the purchase order or is revising it.

Here's how it works:

  1. A work order or an operation undergoes a change in your outside processing flow, and then Oracle Manufacturing sends an update request to Supply Chain Orchestration. Manufacturing might send another request each time a work order or operation undergoes change.
  1. If Purchasing hasn’t created the purchase order or is revising it, then Supply Chain Orchestration temporarily holds the update request.
  1. Purchasing creates or finishes revising the purchase order, and then Supply Chain Orchestration automatically sends the most recent update request that it has received from Oracle Manufacturing to Purchasing.

Increase your processing efficiency and prevent failures that happen when you send an update request to Purchasing. Instead of having Supply Chain Orchestration send every request that it receives from Manufacturing to Purchasing, wait until Purchasing creates or finishes revising the purchase order, then send only the latest request.

Steps to Enable

Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials ManagementNo Longer Optional From: Update 24D

Key Resources

Access Requirements

Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature:

  • Process Supply Order Interface (DOS_PROCESS_SUPPLY_ORDER_INTERFACE_PRIV)
  • View Supply Orders (DOS_VIEW_SUPPLY_ORDERS_PRIV)
  • Manage Supply Request Exceptions (DOS_MANAGE_SUPPLY_REQUEST_EXCEPTIONS_PRIV)
  • View Supply Order Exceptions and Status (DOS_VIEW_SUPPLY_ORDER_EXCEPTIONS_AND_STATUS_PRIV)

No new privileges were introduced to support this feature.

Use Redesigned Pages to Create Transfer Supply Requests

Use a redesigned page to help you create a transfer request on your desktop, tablet, or mobile device. Supply Chain Orchestration will display the supply source that provides the optimal fulfillment for your request, by default. You can accept the default supply source or pick another one from a list of sources when you create the request. You can create the request for a standard item or for an item that's part of a project.

Improve your user experience when you need to create a transfer request on your desktop, tablet, or mobile device.

Steps to Enable

Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management

Tips And Considerations

Here's some of the cool new stuff you can do:

  • Use the New Supply Request task in the Supply Chain Orchestration work area to create a transfer request.
  • Use the Manage Item Quantities task in the Inventory Management work area to create the request.
  • Set the Destination Type attribute on your request to Inventory or to Expense.
  • Set the Transfer Type attribute on your request to Inter Organization or to Intra Organization.
  • Create and submit more than one request for one or more destination organizations.
  • Your request can use the item's primary UOM or nonprimary UOM.
  • Accept the supply source that provides the optimal fulfillment, or select another source from a list of sources that Supply Chain Orchestration automatically ranks for you according to availability.
  • Create a transfer request for a project.

Key Resources

Access Requirements

Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature:

  • Process Supply Order Interface (DOS_PROCESS_SUPPLY_ORDER_INTERFACE_PRIV)
  • View Supply Orders (DOS_VIEW_SUPPLY_ORDERS_PRIV)
  • Manage Supply Request Exceptions (DOS_MANAGE_SUPPLY_REQUEST_EXCEPTIONS_PRIV)
  • View Supply Order Exceptions and Status (DOS_VIEW_SUPPLY_ORDER_EXCEPTIONS_AND_STATUS_PRIV)



Override the Plant Production Calendar with One or More Date-Effective Work Center Calendars

There is a segment of manufacturers that deal with staggered production stages and seasonal demand changes, requiring more flexibility than a single production calendar for the entire manufacturing plant. Rather than model these variations as work center resource exceptions and shift exceptions, they prefer a streamlined production calendar that reflects their daily capacity, availability, and shifts schedule.

With this new update, you can now override the plant-level calendar at the work center level by associating a different calendar for a specific date range effectivity. All resources belonging to the work center inherit its capacity and operating times from this override calendar to facilitate manufacturing and maintenance with more accurate work order planning and scheduling. You can associate multiple calendars to the work center for different date effectivity ranges to model variations in production capacity and working or nonworking times.

The following examples illustrate scenarios that leverage work center calendars:

  • Staggered production operations – The packaging operation can't start simultaneously with the prior processing operation and thus needs a different shift schedule for each work center.
    • Operation 20: Processing work center - shift details: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Monday - Friday
    • Operation 30: Packaging work center - shift details: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Monday - Friday
  • Seasonal demand – The number of available units of resources and working hours are scaled up to meet holiday demand for 2 months then revert to the original schedule for the remainder of the year.
    • Processing work center - standard calendar - shift times: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Monday - Friday, 1/1/23 to 10/31/23
    • Processing work center - holiday calendar - shift times: 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM, Monday - Saturday, 11/1/23 to 12/31/23

You can select the Override schedule indicator and add one or more override calendars for the work center. You can specify the resources units to the appropriate shifts for the assigned resources.

Work Center - Override Schedule

You can view the plant calendar (if the work center is blank) and calendars specific to the selected work center. The calendar shift region is rendered based on the selection done.

Manage Production Calendar

You can view the work center resource calendar for the selected work center and resource. The appropriate calendar shift region is rendered.

Work Center Resource Calendar

REST changes:

Existing REST resource (workCenters) is used to create and update the override schedule indicator in work centers. A new child REST resource (workCenters/{WorkCenterId}/child/productionCalendars) is used to create, update, and delete override calendars in the context of a specific work center. A new child REST resource (workCenters/{WorkCenterId}/child/productionCalendars/{ProductionCalendarId}/child/resourceShifts) is used to create and update the resource shift units for a specific work center resource in the context of the override calendar.

FSM (Functional Setup Manager) Export/Import changes:

You can use the FSM to export the work center details along with the override schedule indicator and the override calendars. Also, you can import a new work center or update an existing work center with the Override schedule indicator and provide the details of the override calendars and the calendar association start dates.

Multiple work center calendars within a plant improve the flexible planning and scheduling of plant operations based on resource capacity and availability that more accurately reflect rolling schedule needs, seasonal demand, and the real-life production environment.

Steps to Enable

Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials ManagementNo Longer Optional From: Update 24B

Tips And Considerations

  • The date effectivity range for a work center calendar association must be nonoverlapping and contiguous. 
  • The lead time calculation in days for an item remains based on the plant calendar and not on work center calendars.
  • Supplier operations used in outside processing continue to use the plant calendar in work order scheduling.
  • The shifts viewed in the Work Execution Work Area Infolets and Manage Production Exceptions page are based on the plant calendar and not on work center calendars.
  • In Review Dispatch List search, if more than one work center is selected and if the start date or completion date is based on Shift based search, then the operations are queried based on the shifts of the plant calendar only.

Key Resources

  • Refer to Override the Plant Production Calendar with One or More Date-Effective Work Center Calendars Release training in the Oracle Help Center.
  • Refer to What's New description of Plan Respecting Calendars Specific to Work Centers for impacts on Supply Planning due to this feature.
  • Refer to What's New description of Plan Respecting Calendars Specific to Work Centers for impacts on Production Scheduling due to this feature.

Access Requirements

Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature:

  • Manage Work Centers (WIS_MANAGE_WORK_CENTERS_PRIV)
  • Manage Manufacturing Plant Set Up Data by Service (WIS_MANAGE_MFG_PLANT_SETUP_SERVICE_PRIV)

These privileges was available prior to this update.

Pick Materials for Work Orders using Additional Parameters

It's common in the supply chain process to move materials required for a work order from the central warehouse subinventory to a shop floor supply subinventory as needed. The material requested is picked and moved from the warehouse to the shop floor to meet the requirements for work orders that have been scheduled in future.

With this update, additional parameters have been introduced to meet the business requirement.

Pick Materials For Work Orders Scheduled Process

The new parameters introduced for the scheduled process are:

  • Work Center
  • From Work Order Operation Start Date
  • To Work Order Operation Start Date

It's required to provide either Hours ahead or From Work Order Operation Start Date. The maximum duration between the From Work Order Operation Start Date and To Work order Operation Start Date is 90 Days.

Additional Attributes in the Pick Materials for Work Orders Scheduled Process

You can schedule this program on a periodic basis, and If the value is provided for operation date attributes, it would be automatically incremented based on the schedule.

Picking materials with enhanced filters enables shop floor personnel to more effectively control the materials to be picked and moved to the shop floor as required.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Access Requirements

Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains this privilege can access this feature:


This privilege was available prior to this update.

Control Access to Manufacturing Work Definitions Using Data Security

Manufacturers could require tighter security on the intellectual property contained within their work definitions. For example, the bill of materials for a privately manufactured semifinished item has restricted access to the product owner, whereas, the packaging bill of materials for the finished packaged item doesn't have restricted access. Manufacturing work definitions are currently secured by organization access and function security privileges. You can either maintain (create, update, delete) work definitions or view all work definitions.

With this new update, you can now administer data security policies to enable more granular control on a user's access to maintain (create, update, delete) or view manufacturing work definitions. For example, a set of users can maintain work definitions of the engine product line, but they can only view work definitions of the transmission product line.

The following screenshot shows the error message that is rendered when the user can only view the work definition.

Data Security Error Message

A data security policy is defined by specifying a seeded or custom condition and one or more actions, and is assigned to seeded or custom job roles.

The following screenshot shows data security policies that have been defined for various conditions for a custom role.

Data Security Policies

The following conditions have been seeded, and you can also define your own custom conditions.

  • By User Item Type (e.g., finished good or purchased item)
  • By Item Category (e.g., engine or transmission)
  • By Work Definition Name (e.g. Main or Rework)

The following actions have been seeded, although you can't define custom actions.

  • Maintain: Allows access to create, update, and delete work definitions, including deactivate and reactivate work definitions. The Maintain action doesn't encompass the View action.
  • View: Allows access to search and view work definitions, including print work definition report.

After defining data security policies in the security console, you must also enable data security for manufacturing work definition using the Manage Data Security Controls for Manufacturing task in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Data security for manufacturing work definitions enables more granular control on the authoring, maintenance, and visibility of work definitions to align with business policies.

Steps to Enable

Enabling data security for manufacturing work definitions is a 2-step process. The first step is to define data security policies, and the second step is to enable data security for manufacturing work definition business object.

To define data security policies, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, navigate to the following:
  • Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management
  • Functional Area: Users and Security
  • Task: Manage Data Security Policies
  1. Navigate to the Administration page, then to the Manage Database Resources page.
  1. Search for object name WIS_WORK_DEFINITIONS.
  1. Create a new policy by specifying a seeded or custom condition, one or more actions, and job roles.

To enable data security for manufacturing work definition business object, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, navigate to the following:
  • Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management
  • Functional Area: Manufacturing Master Data
  • Task: Manage Data Security Controls for Manufacturing
  1. Check the Enable Data Security check box for Manufacturing Work Definition business object

Manage Data Security Controls for Manufacturing

Tips And Considerations

  • If data security for manufacturing work definition is enabled, but data security policies aren't defined, then users won't have access to any work definitions.
  • To maintain work definitions using the user interface and ADFdi, you must assign both View and Maintain actions, whereas using FBDI and REST, you need to assign only Maintain action.
  • The most restrictive access between the privilege and action applies to the user. For example, if the user has the Manage Work Definitions function privilege, but the data security policy allows only View action, then the work definitions that the user can assess based on the data security policy will be in view only mode.
  • Organization access will continue to be granted using the Manage Manufacturing Plant Data Access for Users task in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
  • Data security applies to discrete and process manufacturing work definitions.
  • Refer to the documentation on managing data security policies at:

Access Requirements

Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature:

  • Manage Application Data Security Policy (FND_APP_MANAGE_DATA_SECURITY_POLICY_PRIV)
  • Configure Manufacturing Data Security (WIS_CONFIGURE_DATA_SECURITY_PRIV)

The privilege Manage Application Data Security Policy was available prior to this update. The privilege Configure Manufacturing Data Security is new in this update.

Integrate Manufacturing and Maintenance Work Order Picking Requests with Your Warehouse Management System

This feature delivers services and core application enhancements to support integrations of work order picking requests to an external execution system or Oracle Fusion Cloud Warehouse Management (WMS). Once implemented, you can reserve, pick, move, and issue goods from a warehouse using an external warehouse management system or Oracle WMS to a supply subinventory, or directly to a work order based on material picking requests generated in Oracle Fusion Cloud Manufacturing or Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance.

Here's how the process works:

  • The process starts with the creation of a work order in Oracle Manufacturing or Oracle Maintenance.
  • Next, the work order is pick released and the details are sent to Oracle Inventory Management.
  • A movement request and high-level reservation are automatically created in Oracle Inventory Management for reservable items. In the case of nonreservable items, a movement request is created without any high-level reservation.
  • The details of the reservations for the input items are used to update the allocated quantity of the input item associated to the work order operation in Oracle Manufacturing or Oracle Maintenance.
  • Oracle Inventory Management raises an event for Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC) and if the prebuilt integration is enabled, it calls the Oracle REST Service API to create the movement request in WMS.
  • Movement requests are created in WMS and the replenishment wave program is run to create the allocations and tasks.
  • Warehouse personnel execute the tasks and confirm the picks, replenishing the material from the source to destination locations.
  • Inventory history is generated upon pick confirmation.
  • WMS runs scheduled jobs and pushes the inventory history to OIC.
  • OIC then calls the REST API to create and process the transactions in Oracle Inventory Management based upon the WMS inventory history.
  • Inventory transactions are recorded, and reservations are updated in Oracle Inventory Management.
  • The details of the picked quantities and the reservation details are used to further update the Oracle Manufacturing or Oracle Maintenance work order input item quantities.
  • The work order input item quantities are reviewed in Oracle Manufacturing and Oracle Maintenance.
  • The movement request is closed when all lines are picked.

Here's what you can now do in Oracle Inventory Management, Manufacturing, Maintenance Management, and Warehouse Management:

  • Send new and updated work order picking requests to the warehouse for materials required for production and maintenance activities, based on work order movement requests in Oracle Inventory Management.
  • Allocations aren't created in Oracle Inventory Management as part of this process. Once the movement request is executed in WMS, the details are interfaced to the Oracle Inventory Management movement request which updates the work order accordingly.

Movement Requests in WMS

  • Pick and move materials in WMS to work order supply locations for issue or backflush executed from the work order.
  • Pick and issue materials in WMS directly to a work order.
  • Maintain high-level reservations in Oracle Inventory Management while the picking requests are in process in WMS, ensuring that materials are available for your production and maintenance needs.
  • View movement requests for picking requests with the integration status in Oracle Inventory Management.

Manage Movement Requests

  • You can't update work orders when open movement requests exist in WMS and you attempt to do the following:
    • Change the work order status to Closed, Canceled, or Unreleased
    • Reduce the work order quantity or operation item quantity
    • Delete the work order operation or operation item
    • Change the work order operation item supply type
    • Perform an operation transaction for an operation that results in a work order status change to Completed

To be able to update the work order in the above scenarios, you must review the details of the movement requests for the work order in WMS and take appropriate actions as needed, such as cancellation or deallocation or cancellation of movement request lines.

Edit Work Order

  • Now you can’t delete the high-level reservations created for the work order components during pick release using the Edit Reservations and Picks and Create Reservations pages for the inventory organizations integrated for manufacturing and maintenance with WMS. You also can’t delete them using the Inventory Reservations REST resource.
  • Resend movement requests to WMS if for any reason the movement requests aren't created in WMS.

Manage Movement Requests

  • You can now process pick transactions performed in other warehouse management or external systems, in Oracle Inventory Management, using the new REST, FBDI, and scheduled process.
    • Interfaced Pick Transactions REST
    • Interfaced Pick Transactions FBDI
    • Perform Pick Transactions from External Systems scheduled process

Interfaced Pick Transactions REST

Perform Pick Transactions from External Systems Scheduled Process

  • You can cancel movement request lines interfaced to WMS using the Inventory Movement Requests REST for integrations with other warehouse management systems.
  • You can perform error corrections on the interfaced pick transactions using the Manage Pick Transactions from External System in Spreadsheet task.

Manage Pick Transactions from External System in Spreadsheet

For your manufacturing or maintenance activities within an organization that employs a warehouse management system, you can now interface work order material picking requests to the warehouse to pick, move, and issue goods to a manufacturing or maintenance supply subinventory or directly to a work order. This feature delivers services, core application enhancements, and pre-delivered OIC-based integration mappings to integrate work order material picking requests generated in Oracle Fusion Cloud Manufacturing or Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance to Oracle Fusion Cloud Warehouse Management. This feature and integration points can also be used with other warehouse management systems.

Steps to Enable

Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials ManagementNo Longer Optional From: Update 24B

Here's how to enable the Integrate Manufacturing and Maintenance Work Order Picking Requests with Your Warehouse Management System feature:

  1. From the Navigator, click My Enterprise, and then click Setup and Maintenance.
  1. On the Setup page, select the Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management offering.
  1. Select Change Feature under the Actions menu.
  1. On the Edit Features: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management page, click the Enable check box for the Integrate Manufacturing and Maintenance Work Order Picking Requests with Your Warehouse Management System feature .

Enable Feature

For enabling the Integrated System Type and Integrate manufacturing and maintenance with WMS organization parameters:

  1. Log in with a role that contains the Manage Inventory Organization privilege.
  1. From the Setup and Maintenance work area, select the Manage Inventory Organizations task:
  • Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management
  • Functional Area: Facilities
  • Task: Manage Inventory Organizations
  1. On the Manage Inventory Organizations page, search for the organization and click the Manage Organization Parameters button.

Manage Inventory Organization Parameters

Tips And Considerations

Some important considerations when using the Integrate Manufacturing and Maintenance Work Order Picking Requests with Your Warehouse Management System feature:

  • High-level reservations are automatically created for work order components released for picking in Oracle Inventory Management.
  • Detailed reservations are created for pull components for any material available in the supply subinventory and aren't sent to WMS as picking requests in the prebuilt integration.
  • Detailed reservations aren't created for push components.
  • No picks are created for work order components when the work order is released for picking in manufacturing and maintenance.
  • Prior detailed reservations created manually for the work order components in organizations enabled for manufacturing and maintenance integration with WMS aren't supported. 
  • Movement request line quantities can be canceled in WMS, which would then reduce the high-level reservations in inventory management.
  • Items with the Lot Divisible attribute set to No aren't supported for this integration.
  • Only the primary unit of measure for items are supported for the current integration. Picking requests sent to WMS are always in the primary unit of measure.
  • Subinventories used for manufacturing and maintenance integration with WMS must be reservable and quantity tracked.
  • Dual unit of measure tracked items aren't supported in the current integration.
  • Inventory project, task, and country of origin attributes aren't supported in the current prebuilt integration.
  • Units of measure must be configured exactly the same way in both inventory and WMS.
  • Subinventories in inventory and work centers in manufacturing and maintenance must be modeled as active locations in WMS.
  • Configure lock codes with ERP buckets for supply subinventories and work centers in WMS.
  • Active locations corresponding to supply subinventory should have a relevant lock code associated in WMS.
  • Lock codes assigned to active locations for supply subinventories and work centers should be marked as allocatable in WMS.
  • For picking requests, to pick a work order only when all eligible materials are available, set the Partial Allocation flag to No. Set the Partial Allocation flag to Yes for movement requests for which you want to allow partial picking of material based on availability.

Key Resources

  • Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM: Using Inventory Management guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
  • Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM: Implementing Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management, available on the Oracle Help Center.

Access Requirements

Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature:

  • Manage Inventory Reservation and Picks (INV_MANAGE_INVENTORY_RESERVATION_AND_PICKS_PRIV)
  • Manage Inventory Movement Request (INV_MANAGE_INVENTORY_MOVEMENT_REQUEST_PRIV)
  • Perform Pick Transaction by Web Service (INV_PERFORM_PICK_TRANSACTION_WEB_SERVICE_PRIV)
  • Perform Pick Transactions from External Systems (INV_PERFORM_PICK_TRANSACTION_EXTERNAL_SYSTEM_PRIV)

All these privileges were available prior to this update except for Perform Pick Transactions from External Systems (INV_PERFORM_PICK_TRANSACTION_EXTERNAL_SYSTEM_PRIV) which is new in this update.

Control Country of Origin Tracking for an Item or Item Category

Today you can enable country of origin (COO) tracking for all your items at the organization level. After enabling and later capturing COO for an item, or set of items, users must enter the COO when performing all subsequent transactions. However, some situations require a more granular level of control so you may want to track COO for some items while not tracking it for others. For example, your manufacturing plant only needs to track the COO for the finished goods they produce instead of the input items. It's considered extra overhead for the production operators to enter the COO when backflushing materials. In this scenario, the manufacturing plant wants to disable tracking COO for only these input items while still maintaining COO striping for the finished goods after the production process is complete.

Now, you can perform discrete and process manufacturing transactions without providing the country of origin for specific items or items assigned to a specific category even when the organization mandates otherwise. You can define an attribute tracking exception for COO at the item or item-category level using the Configure Inventory Attribute Exceptions setup task for Inventory Management.

The Country of Origin LOV Shows No Values In The UIs, When Country of Origin Exception Is Configured for The Item or Item-Category

The following tasks and transactions are enhanced to validate the exceptions:

  • Report Material Transaction page
  • Complete with Details: Materials page
  • Complete with Details: Inventory page
  • Reverse with Details: Materials page
  • Reverse with Details: Inventory page
  • Orderless Completion: Materials page
  • Orderless Completion: Inventory page
  • Orderless Return: Materials page
  • Orderless Return: Inventory page
  • Orderless Scrap: Materials page
  • Orderless Return from Scrap : Materials page
  • Correct Work Orders and Transactions for Import task 

File-based data import (FBDI) Changes:

The FBDI templates for Report Material Transactions for Discrete, Report Material Transactions for Process, Report Operation Transactions for Discrete, and Report Operation Transactions for Process remain unchanged. If you enter the COO for an item with an inventory attribute exception defined for COO, an error message is displayed.

REST API Changes:

Using the Work Order Material Transactions REST API, you can create material transactions without entering the COO for items or items within a category based on the inventory attribute tracking exceptions for COO. The same validation of exceptions is supported for operation transactions that have backflush materials, using the Work Order Operation Transactions REST API. 

This feature provides you better control over exactly which items require country of origin tracking in your organizations. Optionally capturing the COO attribute for an item or item category would result in processing the manufacturing transactions more efficiently. 

Steps to Enable

You must set up the inventory attribute exceptions using the setup task Configure Inventory Attribute Exceptions at the item or item-category level.

Here's how to enable the inventory attribute exceptions:

  1. From the Navigator, click My Enterprise, and then click Setup and Maintenance.
  2. On the Setup page, select the Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management offering.
  3. Select the Inventory Management functional area, and then click the task Configure Inventory Attribute Exceptions.

Tips And Considerations

  • Refer to the Control Country of Origin Tracking for an Item or Item Category feature under Oracle Inventory Management for more information about how to enable this feature and additional tips and considerations.
  • You can't enter the country of origin for an item with an inventory attribute exception defined for country of origin through the Manufacturing UIs, FBDI, or REST services.

Key Resources

  • Oracle Fusion Cloud Inventory Management Enhancements: Control Country of Origin Tracking for an Item or Item Category

Access Requirements

Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature:

  • Report Material Transactions (WIP_REPORT_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_PRIV)
  • Report Orderless Transactions (WIP_REPORT_ORDERLESS_TRANSACTIONS_PRIV)
  • Import Material Transactions (WIP_IMPORT_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_PRIV)

These privileges were available prior to this update.

Automate Manufacturing Execution Through Bidirectional Communication with Robotic and Industrial Equipment

As part of a factory modernisation initiative, manufacturers are moving towards integration of automation equipment, robots in production processes to support integrated systems that can control and receive real-time data through IoT based communication. This feature enables manufacturers to increase operational efficiency and produce high quality products. However, the configuration of robotic and automation equipment can be prone to risk of machine failure or quality escapes when incorrect program files are manually loaded onto the equipment.

With this update, you can extend your current manufacturing workflows to natively include robotic and automation equipment as follows:

  • Define a production resource as an automation equipment and synchronize with Production Monitoring (part of Oracle Fusion IoT Intelligent applications)

Setup of a Resource as an Automation Equipment

The instance of an automation equipment used to process an operation is synchronized with Production Monitoring  as a machine to establish communication with the equipment.

  • Define a document item to represent a program file, it's location and current revision and associate the program file name to an automation equipment resource

Association of a Program File to an Automation Equipment

  • Associate a program file name to a work definition operation resource to be defaulted and used by a resource instance when its assigned to a work order operation resource

Association of a Program File to a Work Definition Operation Resource

Defaulting of Program File upon Assigning a Resource Instance to a Work Order Operation Resource

  • Run an operation by sending a start signal to the automation equipment through IoT communication

Initiation of Operation Execution at an Automation Equipment Through IoT Communication

In Process Status Representing Operation Execution at an Automation Equipment

  • Monitor operation execution status real-time with contextual telemetry, and transactional data from the automation equipment

Real-Time Monitoring of Contextual Telemetry, and Transactional Data

  • Automatically report an operation completion transaction when the automation equipment signals completion

Automatic Operation Completion Reporting upon Execution Completion

  • Automatically create a production exception in Manufacturing Cloud upon manually stopping the execution, or receiving a execution failure signal from automation equipment

Equipment Status Indicating Execution Failure

Production Exception Automatically created upon Execution Failure

Integration of robotic equipment into manufacturing workflows, drives the transition towards end to end automation in manufacturing. IoT based communication and integrated systems help to achieve:

  • Seamless interaction with robotic equipment to allow for program association, dynamic loading of programs, control of automation operations, and monitoring of work performed by robots or automation equipment.
  • Elimination of errors during work execution caused by manual management of automation equipment on the floor.
  • Real-time monitoring of contextual telemetry and transactional data from robotic and automation equipment to automate business actions that will improve productivity, quality, and compliance.

Steps to Enable

Enable the Enable synchronization to IoT Production Monitoring plant parameter, and then enable the Automate manufacturing execution with robotic and industrial equipment parameter to be able to use this feature.

Plant Parameter to Automate Manufacturing Execution Through Bidirectional Communication with Robotic and Industrial Equipment

Tips And Considerations

  • Automation equipment that support communication via Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) protocol can be configured in Production Monitoring to make use of this update for automatic work execution.
  • When the robot is unable to receive the signal to start execution, or is in an error state due to equipment failure, a production exception would be raised. The production supervisor can review and resolve the exception, and manually unlock the equipment in Production Monitoring, to make it available for work order execution.

Key Resources

  • Refer to Automate Manufacturing Execution Through Bidirectional Communication with Robotic and Industrial Equipment release training in the Oracle Help Center.

Access Requirements

Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains the privilege can access this feature to reconcile work order quantities in exception situations:

  • Report Operation Transactions Performed by Automation Equipment (WIP_REPORT_OPERATION_TRANSACTIONS_AUTO_EQUIP_PRIV)

This privilege is new in this update.