Cloud Readiness / Oracle Fusion Cloud Payroll
What's New
Expand All

  1. Revision History
  2. Overview
  3. Feature Summary
  4. Payroll
    1. Payroll for Canada
        1. New Option for Canadian Designated Groups
        2. New Custom Delivery Option for Direct Deposit
        3. Support of Employer Offered Dental Benefits for T4/T4A Year-End Reporting
    2. Payroll for the United States
  1. Revision History
  2. Overview
  3. Feature Summary
  4. Payroll
    1. Payroll for the United States
        1. Overtime Exemption from State Income Tax
  1. Update 23D
  1. Revision History
  2. Overview
  3. Feature Summary
  4. Payroll
    1. Global Payroll
      1. Payroll Processing
        1. Value Definitions and Range Items: Model Changes
        2. Optimize Performance of Background Payroll Process
        3. Automatically End Date Personal Payment Methods when Final Close is set on Payroll Relationship
        4. Qualifiers for Event Actions
        5. Flow Pattern Name Translations
      2. Payroll Costing
        1. Reverse Subledger Accounting Entries for Payroll Costing
        2. Accounting of Unreconciled and Voided Payments in Costing of Payments
        3. Payroll Costing at Location
      3. Redwood Experience
        1. Redwood Experience for Personal Payment Methods for Self-Service Users
        2. Redwood Experience for Statement of Earnings
        3. Redwood Experience for Viewing Balance Results
    2. Payroll for Canada
        1. Support of T4 Box 29 (Employment Code) for Year-End Reporting
        2. Vacation Liability Balance Report
        3. Enhanced Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Quebec Pension Plan (QPP): Phase 2
        4. Support to Stop Deducting QPP the Year After Employee Turns 72
        5. Support of Election for Quebec Employees to Stop Contributing to QPP
        6. Estimated Annual RRSP Contribution for Commissioned Employees
      1. Canada Payroll Replaced or Removed Features
        1. Transition from Vertex to the Canadian Oracle Payroll Tax Engine (CAOPTE)
    3. Payroll for China
      1. China Payroll Replaced or Removed Features
        1. Removal of the View Social Security Accounts Info Self-Service Page
    4. Payroll for India
        1. Professional Tax Report
        2. Form 24Q Report
        3. Old/New Tax Regime Comparison Report
    5. Payroll for Mexico
        1. Annual Tax Adjustment Reporting Enhancements
        2. Payroll Run Type for Annual Tax Adjustment
    6. Payroll for Oman
        1. Involuntary Deductions and Loans
        2. Global Reports Uptake
    7. Payroll for the United Arab Emirates
        1. Nafis Social Insurance Subsidy
    8. Payroll for the United Kingdom
        1. Full Payment Submission Process Enhancements
        2. Simplify Creation of the Teachers' Pension MCR .CSV File
        3. Additional Data Capture for 2023 England School Workforce Census
    9. Payroll for the United States
        1. Employer-Match Contributions For Qualified Student Loan Payments
        2. Eligibility For Pretax Catch-up Contributions For Deferred Compensation Plans
  5. IMPORTANT Actions and Considerations for Payroll

December Maintenance Pack for 23D

Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Module Feature Notes
22 NOV 2023     Created initial document.


HCM Cloud applications have two types of patches you can receive that are documented in this What’s New:

  • Release Updates (23A, 23B, 23C, and 23D)
  • Optional Monthly Maintenance Packs to each update

It is important for you to know what Release Update your environment is on. You can find this in your Cloud Portal.



We’re here and we’re listening. If you have a suggestion on how to make our products better, please let us know. To enter an idea go to the Ideas Lab on Oracle Customer Connect. In this document wherever you see the light bulb icon after the feature name it means we delivered one of your ideas.


Suggested Reading for all HCM Products:

  • HCM Common What's New - In this What's New you will find feature that are used across applications.
  • Human Resources What’s New – In the Global Human Resources section you will find features on the base application in which other application are built upon. 

NOTE: Not all Global Human Resource features are available for Talent and Compensation products.

  • Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Functional Known Issues and Maintenance Packs (Document ID 1554838.1). These documents identify bug fixes and possible known issues. You will also need to review these documents based in the release update version you are currently on or will be moving to.
  • Oracle Help Center – Here you will find guides, videos and searchable help.
  • Release Readiness – New Feature Summary, What’s New, Feature Listing Spreadsheet, Spotlights and Release Training


We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at Indicate you are inquiring or providing feedback regarding the HCM Cloud What’s New in the body or title of the email.

We’re here and we’re listening. If you have a suggestion on how to make our products better, please let us know. To enter an idea go to the Ideas Lab on Oracle Customer Connect. In this document wherever you see the light bulb icon after the feature name it means we delivered one of your ideas.

Feature Summary

Column Definitions:

Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.

UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.

UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.

Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.

Ready for Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Enabled)

Reports plus Small Scale UI or Process-Based new features will have minimal user impact after an update. Therefore, customer acceptance testing should focus on the Larger Scale UI or Process-Based* new features.

Customer Must Take Action before Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Disabled)

Not disruptive as action is required to make these features ready to use. As you selectively choose to leverage, you set your test and roll out timing.



UI or
Small Scale

UI or
Larger Scale*


Payroll for Canada

New Option for Canadian Designated Groups

New Custom Delivery Option for Direct Deposit

Support of Employer Offered Dental Benefits for T4/T4A Year-End Reporting

Payroll for the United States


Payroll for Canada

Payroll for Oracle Human Capital Management for Canada supports country specific features and functions for Canada. It enables users to follow Canada's business practices and comply with its statutory requirements.

New Option for Canadian Designated Groups

We have enhanced the Canadian Designated Groups employee’s extra information to include the new option, “No designated group provided”. This option is for those employees who don’t want to identify as part of a designated group, as well as those employees who are not part of a designated group.

The illustration below displays the new option,“No designated group provided”.

We have also added hover help text associated with each field to identify what each option represents, as noted below:

  • Aboriginal: People who are Indians, Inuit or Mixed Race
  • Disabled: People who have a long-term or recurring physical, mental, sensory, psychiatric, or learning impairment
  • Visible Minority: People other than Aboriginal people, who are Non-Caucasian in race or Non-white in color
  • No designated group provided: No designated group provided

This new option is available in both the professional and the self-service (if enabled) pages.

This feature adds flexibility in identification of Canadian Designated Group information.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

For information on configuring and using Designated Group Information, please refer to the Designated Groups technical brief on the Canada Information Center as noted below.

Canada Information Center:

  • CA – Human Resources tab > Technical Briefs > Designated Groups

Hot Topics Email (To Receive Critical Statutory Legislative Product News)

To receive important Fusion Canada Legislative Product News, you must subscribe to the Hot Topics Email feature available in My Oracle Support.  Refer to the document below on the Canada Information Center for additional information.

  • Welcome tab > Other Documents > How To Use My Oracle Support Hot Topics Email Subscription Feature

New Custom Delivery Option for Direct Deposit

You can generate the direct deposit interface file using a new custom delivery option where you can define your own report category and delivery option. For example, use this option if you want to send the direct deposit interface file directly to the bank using SFTP (Secure File Transmission Protocol).

This feature allows customers to use a custom delivery option for the direct deposit interface file.

Steps to Enable

Complete these tasks to create a new custom delivery option:

  • Add a Custom Report Category
  • Create Custom Folder and Template
  • Add Report Category to the Parameter Lookup

Add a Custom Report Category

To add a custom report category:

  1. Search and select the Extract Definitions task under Data Exchange in My Client Groups on the Home page.
  2. Click Show Filters.
  3. Enter the following to search:
    1. Name: Payments
    2. Legislative Data Group: Enter a Canadian LDG.
  4. Click Search.

  1. Click Advanced Edit.
  2. In the Hierarchy section, select Extract Delivery Options.
  3. Under Extract Delivery Options, click Add.
  4. Enter a Delivery Option Name, Report, select Output Type, (for example /Custom/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Payment Distribution/EFT Report), Template Name, Output Name, and Delivery Type.

  1. Click Save.
  2. Under the Report Categories section, click Add.
  3. Enter the Short Name and Category Name.

  1. Click Save.
  2. Under the Additional Details section, click Add.
  3. Search for and select the newly created custom Extract Delivery Mode.

  1. Click Save and Close.

Create Custom Folder and Template

To override the seeded template, you must create a custom folder and template. In the BI Catalog, do the following:

  1. Create a new folder in this location, /Custom/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Payment Distribution/EFT Report, with the same Short Name you defined in the step above.
  2. Add a new template under /Custom/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Payment Distribution/EFT Report.xdo.
  3. Under the folder, /Custom/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Payment Distribution/, select EFT Report.
  4. Click Edit>Add New Layout>Upload or Generate Layout>Upload.

Note: The layout name should be the newly created template and noted in extract definitions.

Add Report Category to the Parameter Lookup

To add the report category to the Encoding Format parameter for the Generate Direct Deposit Payments process:

  1. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance.
  2. Search for and access Manage Common Lookups.
  3. Search for Lookup Type, ORA_HRX_CA_DIRECT_DEPOSIT_RC.
  4. Under the Lookup Codes section, click Add.
  5. Add the lookup code.

Note: The lookup code should be the newly added report category in previous step (for example, RLH_STD_EFT). The meaning entered here is displayed in the Encoding Format parameter.

  1. Click Save and Close.

At this point, when you run the Generate Direct Deposit Payments process, select the Encoding Format parameter to generate the direct deposit interface file using the new custom delivery option with the custom report category and delivery option.

Key Resources

Refer to these documents on the Canada Information Center for additional information.

Canada Information Center:

  • CA – Payroll tab > Product Documentation > Payroll Guides > Administering Payroll for Canada

Hot Topics Email (To Receive Critical Statutory Legislative Product News)

To receive important Fusion Canada Legislative Product News, you must subscribe to the Hot Topics Email feature available in My Oracle Support.  Refer to the document below on the Canada Information Center for additional information.

  • Welcome tab > Other Documents > How To Use My Oracle Support Hot Topics Email Subscription Feature

Support of Employer Offered Dental Benefits for T4/T4A Year-End Reporting

You can now capture the code associated with the Employer Offered Dental Benefit, and report it on the employee’s T4 (Box 45) and T4A (Box 015) slips. You can configure a default code at the Payroll Statutory Unit (PSU)  (if applicable) or the Tax Reporting Unit (TRU). If required, you can override the default for a specific employee using an information element and process it in the payroll, or alternatively a balance adjustment.

Use the new Dental Access or Coverage field in the Year-End Reporting Rules section of the PSU or TRU to capture the default code.

The following codes are supported. Select one of the values below when creating the default value, or in the element entry if the value must be overridden for the employee.

Dental Access or Coverage Code


Code 1

No access or coverage

Code 2

Payee only

Code 3

Payee, spouse and dependents

Code 4

Payee and spouse

Code 5

Payee and dependents

This illustration shows the new Dental Access or Coverage field used to capture the code for the TRU.

The new balances used to hold the values of the codes are:

Slip Balance Name Reporting Name

T4 Employer Offered Dental Benefits

T4 Box 45 - Employer Offered Dental Benefits


T4A Employer Offered Dental Benefits

T4A Box 015 - Employer Offered Dental Benefits

The End-of-Year Exception Report was also enhanced to generate an error exception, if the code archived is invalid or missing for the employee. Depending on the form, it states:

  • T4
    • The Dental Access or Coverage Code value of <CODE> for Box 45 is not valid.
    • The Dental Access or Coverage Code for Box 45 is missing.
  • T4A
    • The Dental Access or Coverage Code value of <CODE> for Box 015 is not valid.
    • The Dental Access or Coverage Code for Box 015 is missing.

Note: This message is only displayed when there is an amount reported in T4A Box 016.

This feature provides support to report the Employer Offered Dental Benefit code on the employee’s T4 and T4A.

Steps to Enable

To capture and report the Employer Offered Dental Benefit on the T4 or the T4A, perform the following steps that are further outlined in the sections below. Complete these steps prior to running the Archive End-of-Year Payroll Results and the End-of-Year Reports.

  • Capture the default code at the PSU (if applicable) or the TRU
  • If you require an override for the employee, create an information element for the code and process in a payroll or a balance adjustment
    • Create the input values to capture the Pay Value and the Employer Offered Dental Benefit code
    • Create the eligibility record for the base element
    • Create the feeds to the balances
    • Create the element entry and process in payroll (or alternatively in a balance adjustment)
  • Run the Archive End-of-Year Payroll Results and the End-of-Year Reports to generate the registers, slips, and interfaces

Capture the Default Code at the PSU or TRU

Use the new Dental Access or Coverage field in the Year-End Reporting Rules section of the PSU or TRU to capture the default code. The default value is reported on both the T4 and T4A.

To configure a default Employer Offered Dental Benefit code for the PSU, use the Manage Legal Entity HCM Information task.

To configure a default Employer Offered Dental Benefit code for a TRU, use the Manage Legal Reporting Unit HCM Information task.

Create the Information Element

To create the Information element:

  1. Search and select the Elements task under Payroll in My Client Groups on the Home page.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Complete the fields as shown in this table.
Field Value

Legislative Data Group

Select a Canadian LDG.

Primary Classification


Secondary Classification

Leave blank

  1. Click Continue.
  2. On the Basic Details page, complete the fields as shown in this table.
Field Value


Enter a name. For example, Employer Offered Dental Benefit Code.

Reporting Name

Enter a reporting name for the element.

Effective Date

Enter an early date so that the element is available for use immediately. For example, 1/1/10.

Input Currency

Canadian Dollar

Should every person eligible for the element automatically receive it?


What is the earliest entry date for this element?

First Standard Earning Date

What is the latest entry date for this element?

Final Close

At which employment level should this element be attached?

Assignment Level

Does this element recur each payroll period, or does it require explicit entry?

Recurring or Nonrecurring

Can a person have more than one entry of this element in a payroll period?


  1. Click Next. Verify that the information shown on the Create Element: Review page is correct.
  2. Click Submit.

Create the Input Values

To add the Pay Value and Dental Code input values to the element:

  1. In the Element Overview section, select the Input Values folder.
  2. Select Actions-Create Input Values in the Element Overview pane.
  3. Enter these details to create the Pay Value input value for the element.
Field Value


Enter the name, Pay Value.

Note: The Pay Value is used to identify the code to report. The value does not appear on any report. The code associated with the highest Pay Value is reported.

Display Sequence

Enter an appropriate value.

Unit of Measure

Select Money.


Select the check box.

Allow User Entry

Select the check box.

Create a Database Item

Select the check box.

  1. Click Save.
  2. In the Element Overview section, select the Input Values folder.

Note: You may have to select another folder and then select the Input Values folder, to trigger the action.

  1. Select Actions-Create Input Values in the Element Overview pane.
  2. Enter these details to create the Dental Code input value for the element.
Field Value


Enter the name, Dental Code.

Display Sequence

Enter an appropriate value.

Unit of Measure

Select Character.


Select the check box.

Allow User Entry

Select the check box.

Create a Database Item

Select the check box.


Select Statutory Reporting Code.

Default Value

Enter a default Dental Code. Enter one of the supported codes (for example, 1 - 5). If a default code is entered, the value will automatically be present in the element entry and balance adjustment UI. If no default code is entered, you must populate the input value when performing the element entry or balance adjustment.

  1. Click Save.

Note: The province input value is created by default.

Create the Eligibility Record

Information elements do not have a results element. Create the eligibility record for the base element. To create an eligibility record for the base element:

  1. In the Element Overview section, select the Element Eligibility folder.
  2. Select Actions-Create Element Eligibility.
  3. In the Element Eligibility name field, enter a name for the eligibility record.
  4. In the Eligibility Criteria section, select a criterion that determines the eligibility for this element.
  5. Click Submit, then Done.

Create the Balance Feeds

To create the balance feeds for this element:

  1. Search and select the Balance Definitions task under Payroll in My Client Groups on the Home page.
  2. In the Balance Definitions search section, enter the balance name (T4 Employer Offered Dental Benefits) in the Name field.
  3. Select a Canadian Legislative Data Group.
  4. Click Search.
  5. Select the balance to navigate to the Balance Definitions page.
  6. In the Effective As-of Date, enter an early date so that the feed is available for use immediately. For example, 1/1/10.
  7. Select the Balance Feeds folder in the left pane.
  8. In the Balance Feeds by Elements section, select Actions-Create.
  9. Select the Element Name (the element previously created, for example, Employer Offered Dental Benefit Code). This element feeds the balance.
  10. Select Pay Value for Input Value.
  11. Select Add.
  12. Click Submit, then Done.
  13. Repeat the process for the balance, T4A Employer Offered Dental Benefits.

Create the Element Entry or Balance Adjustment

You can override the default code set at the PSU or TRU, for an employee. You can do this by creating an element entry and processing it in the payroll, or by creating a balance adjustment.

Note: Once you process a payroll for 2024, you will not be able to process the Information element in 2023 as part of a payroll run. In this case, you must create a balance adjustment. If you want to use the Information element to create the element entry, this must be done prior to processing any payrolls in 2024.

Element Entry

To create the element entry to override of the default code for the employee:

  1. Search and select the Element Entries task under Payroll in My Client Groups on the Home page.
  2. Create the element entry for the employee using the new element name (the element previously created, for example, Employer Offered Dental Benefit Code).
  3. Enter the Dental Code, Province, and Pay Value.

Note: If you entered a default code when you created the Information element, it is displayed in the Dental Code input value field.

  1. Click Submit.
  2. Process the element entry in a payroll run.

Balance Adjustment

Alternatively, you can create a balance adjustment to override of the default code for the employee. Process a date-effective balance adjustment within the reporting year (for example, 12/31/2023), where you must populate the following for the adjustment:

  1. Adjustment Element: Select the newly created Information element.
  2. Dental Code: Enter a Dental Code. Enter one of the supported codes (for example, 1-5), if no default code is present when performing the balance adjustment.
  3. Pay Value: Enter an amount.

Note: The Pay Value is used to identify the dental code to report. The value does not appear on any report. The code associated with the highest Pay Value is reported.

Note: You can also perform the balance adjustments for all employees at once using the HCM Data Loader. For more information, see the Overview of Loading Balance Adjustments for Canada on the online Help Center.

Tips And Considerations

Note the following important points on this feature:

  • On the T4A, Box 015 is mandatory for slips that report an amount in Box 16. If no amount is reported in Box 016, it is optional.
  • If an error exception is reported as “missing”, that means the dental code is not available at the employee level and a default is not configured at the PSU/TRU level.
  • The Employer Offered Dental Benefit code is reported in the T4 Box 45 column, on the End-of-Year Register for the T4.
  • The Employer Offered Dental Benefit code is reported in the T4A Box 015 column, on the End-of-Year Register for the T4A.
  • This feature includes reporting for the original, amended, and cancelled T4 and T4A.
  • You can process a balance adjustment using the information element to populate T4 Box 45, or T4A Box 015, with the Employer Offered Dental Benefit code, if you need to override the default code for a specific employee.
  • Once you process a payroll for 2024, you will not be able to process the Information element in 2023 as part of a payroll run. If you want to use the Information element to create the element entry, this must be done prior to processing any payrolls in 2024.
  • Updating the default code at the PSU or TRU does not trigger an amendment. You must process a balance adjustment to report the corrected code.
  • If processing an amendment, process a balance adjustment using a Pay Value that is higher than the original. For example, if the Pay Value associated with the original code is 100, enter a Pay Value of 200 in the balance adjustment. The Pay Value is used to identify the code to report and the code associated with the highest Pay Value is reported.
  • The default code in the new Dental Access or Coverage field configured on the PSU or TRU is reported on both the T4 and T4A.
  • If an employee has transferred from one tax reporting unit (TRU) to another within the calendar year, and you need to perform a balance adjustment for either TRU, then you must perform a separate adjustment for each, using a process date as of when the transfer took place.

Key Resources

Refer to these documents for additional information.

Canada Information Center:

  • CA – Payroll tab > Product Documentation > Payroll Guides > Implementing Payroll for Canada
  • CA – Payroll tab > Product Documentation > Payroll Guides > Administering Payroll for Canada

Online Help Center

For more information on loading balance adjustments in batch, see the Overview of Loading Balance Adjustments for Canada on the online Help Center.

Hot Topics Email (To Receive Critical Statutory Legislative Product News)

To receive important Fusion Canada Legislative Product News, you must subscribe to the Hot Topics Email feature available in My Oracle Support.  Refer to the document below on the Canada Information Center for additional information.

  • Welcome tab > Other Documents > How To Use My Oracle Support Hot Topics Email Subscription Feature

Payroll for the United States

Payroll for Oracle Human Capital Management for the United States supports country specific features and functions for the United States. It enables users to follow the United States business practices and comply with its statutory requirements.

February Maintenance Pack for 23D

Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Module Feature Notes
26 JAN 2024 Created initial document.



We’re here and we’re listening. If you have a suggestion on how to make our cloud services even better then go ahead and tell us. There are several ways to submit your ideas, for example, through the Ideas Lab on Oracle Customer Connect. Wherever you see this icon after the feature name it means we delivered one of your ideas.


We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at


The information contained in this document may include statements about Oracle’s product development plans. Many factors can materially affect Oracle’s product development plans and the nature and timing of future product releases. Accordingly, this Information is provided to you solely for information only, is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.

This information may not be incorporated into any contractual agreement with Oracle or its subsidiaries or affiliates. Oracle specifically disclaims any liability with respect to this information. Refer to the Legal Notices and Terms of Use for further information.

Feature Summary

Column Definitions:

Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.

UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.

UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.

Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.

Ready for Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Enabled)

Reports plus Small Scale UI or Process-Based new features will have minimal user impact after an update. Therefore, customer acceptance testing should focus on the Larger Scale UI or Process-Based* new features.

Customer Must Take Action before Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Disabled)

Not disruptive as action is required to make these features ready to use. As you selectively choose to leverage, you set your test and roll out timing.



UI or
Small Scale

UI or
Larger Scale*


Payroll for the United States

Overtime Exemption from State Income Tax


Payroll for the United States

Payroll for Oracle Human Capital Management for the United States supports country specific features and functions for the United States. It enables users to follow the United States business practices and comply with its statutory requirements.

Overtime Exemption from State Income Tax

The element template has been enhanced to support state income tax (SIT) exemption on eligible overtime wages.  When you define time elements using the Element template, it creates two new objects to help you record the hours worked exempt from SIT.

  • When you define Time category elements, it creates two value definitions.
  • When you define Standard category earnings elements that use the Hours * Rate calculation type, it creates two input values.

These values definitions and input values have the same names.

Name What it does

Exceeds Statutory Hours Limit

Indicates whether the hours passed on the element exceed the statutory limit.

Use this attribute when you pass separate time entries to payroll for the exempt and taxable work hours. The payroll process ignores this if there is a value found for Hours Worked Over Statutory Limit.

Hours Worked Over Statutory Limit

Identifies the hours worked that exceed the statutory limit and are exempt.

Use this attribute when you can't pass separate time entries to payroll for the exempt and taxable work hours, such as when:

  • Using third-party time applications
  • Manually identifying the exempt hours from the total hours passed

If this has a value, the payroll process ignores Exceeds Statutory Hours Limit.

The template also creates feeds for earnings results and retropay results elements to below two new balances that payroll process uses to determine SIT exempt wages.

  • Wages Earned for Hours Worked in Excess of Statutory Limit
  • Hours Worked Over Statutory Limit

This feature makes it easier for employers to identify their employees' overtime pay that is exempt from Alabama state income tax.

Steps to Enable

You must run the Feature Upgrade process using the Upgrade Elements for Alabama SIT Exemption feature to update your existing:

  • Time category elements
  • Standard category Earning elements using the Hours * Rate calculation rule and any corresponding time components (CIR elements)

The process adds the appropriate value definitions or input values.

You don't have to run the feature upgrade for elements you define after this release.

Tips And Considerations

In Alabama, a nonexempt hourly employee is exempt from SIT on wages earned for any hours worked over 40 during a 7-day work week.  You must identify the exempt hours for eligible workers in your time system accordingly and pass that info to payroll using one of the new input attributes.

  • Exceeds Statutory Hours Limit
  • Hours Worked Over Statutory Limit

Key Resources

See the following on My Oracle Support:

Overtime Exemption from State Income Tax (ID 2992715.1)

Update 23D

Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Module Feature Notes
15 DEC 2023

Global Payroll / Redwood Experience

Redwood Experience for Viewing Balance Results

Updated document. Revised feature information.

15 DEC 2023

Global Payroll / Redwood Experience

Redwood Experience for Statement of Earnings

Updated document. Revised feature information.

15 DEC 2023

Payroll for Canada

Enhanced Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Quebec Pension Plan (QPP): Phase 2

Updated document. Revised feature information.

22 NOV 2023 Payroll for Canada Enhanced Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Quebec Pension Plan (QPP): Phase 2

Updated document. Revised feature information.

22 NOV 2023

Payroll for Mexico Payroll Run Type for Annual Tax Adjustment

Updated document. Feature delivered in update 23D.

27 OCT 2023 Global Payroll Automatically End Date Personal Payment Methods when Final Close is set on Payroll Relationship

Updated document. Revised feature information.

27 OCT 2023

Global Payroll / Redwood Experience Redwood Experience for Personal Payment Methods for Self-Service Users

Updated document. Revised feature information.

27 OCT 2023

Global Payroll / Redwood Experience

Redwood Experience for Statement of Earnings

Updated document. Revised feature information.

27 OCT 2023

Global Payroll / Redwood Experience

Redwood Experience for Viewing Balance Results

Updated document. Revised feature information.

27 OCT 2023

Payroll for Canada Enhanced Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Quebec Pension Plan (QPP): Phase 2

Updated document. Feature delivered in update 23D.

27 OCT 2023

Payroll for Canada

Estimated Annual RRSP Contribution for Commissioned Employees

Updated document. Feature delivered in update 23D.

27 OCT 2023

Payroll for Canada

Support of Election for Quebec Employees to Stop Contributing to QPP

Updated document. Feature delivered in update 23D.

27 OCT 2023

Payroll for Canada

Support to Stop Deducting QPP the Year After Employee Turns 72

Updated document. Feature delivered in update 23D.

27 OCT 2023

Payroll for the US ACA Eligibility Automation

Updated document. Feature delivered in update 23D.

27 OCT 2023

Payroll for the US

Employer-Match Contributions For Qualified Student Loan Payments

Updated document. Feature delivered in update 23D.

27 OCT 2023

Payroll for the US

Eligibility For Pretax Catch-up Contributions For Deffered Compensation Plans

Updated document. Feature delivered in update 23D.

29 SEP 2023 Payroll for Mexico Annual Tax Adjustment Reporting Enhancements

Updated document. Feature delivered in update 23D.

01 SEP 2023     Created initial document.


HCM Cloud applications have two types of patches you can receive that are documented in this What’s New:

  • Release Updates (23A, 23B, 23C, and 23D)
  • Optional Monthly Maintenance Packs to each update

It is important for you to know what Release Update your environment is on. You can find this in your Cloud Portal.



We’re here and we’re listening. If you have a suggestion on how to make our products better, please let us know. To enter an idea go to the Ideas Lab on Oracle Customer Connect. In this document wherever you see the light bulb icon after the feature name it means we delivered one of your ideas.


Suggested Reading for all HCM Products:

  • HCM Common What's New - In this What's New you will find feature that are used across applications.
  • Human Resources What’s New – In the Global Human Resources section you will find features on the base application in which other application are built upon.

NOTE: Not all Global Human Resource features are available for Talent and Compensation products.

  • Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Functional Known Issues and Maintenance Packs (Document ID 1554838.1). These documents identify bug fixes and possible known issues. You will also need to review these documents based in the release update version you are currently on or will be moving to.
  • Oracle Help Center – Here you will find guides, videos and searchable help.
  • Release Readiness – New Feature Summary, What’s New, Feature Listing Spreadsheet, Spotlights and Release Training.


We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at Indicate you are inquiring or providing feedback regarding the HCM Cloud What’s New in the body or title of the email.

Feature Summary

Column Definitions:

Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.

UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.

UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.

Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.

Ready for Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Enabled)

Reports plus Small Scale UI or Process-Based new features will have minimal user impact after an update. Therefore, customer acceptance testing should focus on the Larger Scale UI or Process-Based* new features.

Customer Must Take Action before Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Disabled)

Not disruptive as action is required to make these features ready to use. As you selectively choose to leverage, you set your test and roll out timing.



UI or
Small Scale

UI or
Larger Scale*


Global Payroll

Payroll Processing

Value Definitions and Range Items: Model Changes

Optimize Performance of Background Payroll Process

Automatically End Date Personal Payment Methods when Final Close is set on Payroll Relationship

Qualifiers for Event Actions

Flow Pattern Name Translations

Payroll Costing

Reverse Subledger Accounting Entries for Payroll Costing

Accounting of Unreconciled and Voided Payments in Costing of Payments

Payroll Costing at Location

Redwood Experience

Redwood Experience for Personal Payment Methods for Self-Service Users

Redwood Experience for Statement of Earnings

Redwood Experience for Viewing Balance Results

Payroll for Canada

Support of T4 Box 29 (Employment Code) for Year-End Reporting

Vacation Liability Balance Report

Enhanced Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Quebec Pension Plan (QPP): Phase 2

Support to Stop Deducting QPP the Year After Employee Turns 72

Support of Election for Quebec Employees to Stop Contributing to QPP

Estimated Annual RRSP Contribution for Commissioned Employees

Canada Payroll Replaced or Removed Features

Transition from Vertex to the Canadian Oracle Payroll Tax Engine (CAOPTE)

Payroll for China

China Payroll Replaced or Removed Features

Removal of the View Social Security Accounts Info Self-Service Page

Payroll for India

Professional Tax Report

Form 24Q Report

Old/New Tax Regime Comparison Report

Payroll for Mexico

Annual Tax Adjustment Reporting Enhancements

Payroll Run Type for Annual Tax Adjustment

Payroll for Oman

Involuntary Deductions and Loans

Global Reports Uptake

Payroll for the United Arab Emirates

Nafis Social Insurance Subsidy

Payroll for the United Kingdom

Full Payment Submission Process Enhancements

Simplify Creation of the Teachers' Pension MCR .CSV File

Additional Data Capture for 2023 England School Workforce Census

Payroll for the United States

Employer-Match Contributions For Qualified Student Loan Payments

Eligibility For Pretax Catch-up Contributions For Deferred Compensation Plans

IMPORTANT Actions and Considerations for Payroll


Global Payroll

Oracle Global Payroll is a high-performance, graphical, rules-based payroll management application. It’s designed to keep pace with the changing needs of your enterprise and workforce in order to reduce setup costs, administration, and processing time. It operates globally and consistently in every country supported by Oracle. It uses a highly scalable processing engine that takes advantage of the features of the Oracle database for parallel processing, resulting in optimal performance. In countries with payroll extensions delivered and supported by Oracle, the application delivers the calculations, tax reporting, and regulatory rules required to accurately process payroll and remain in compliance.

Payroll Processing

Value Definitions and Range Items: Model Changes

Retrieve information for value definitions and range items using the supplied database views.

The model for value definitions and range items is being updated to deliver performance enhancements for high volume payroll processes and reports. In Update 24A, all data for value definitions and range items will be migrated to the new model. A number of database views are now available to support the forthcoming model changes and ensure a smooth transition. These are stored queries that derive data from the value definition and range item tables. The views are designed to support the retrieval of data held in the original model or the new model.

Here are the new database views delivered in Update 23D:

Table View View Description



Retrieves definition (set-up) details for the range item.



Retrieves range item details for an individual employee. This includes employee level overrides such as tax overrides.



Retrieves details of a value definition. For example, retrieve set-up details for a value definition such as a timecard, absence, pension, or tax definition.



Retrieves value definition details for an individual employee.

It's highly recommended that you update all user defined features to use these new views. For example, all Value Sets and Business Intelligence Publisher (BI Publisher) reports that retrieve information directly from the PAY_VALUE_DEFINITIONS_F or PAY_RANGE_ITEMS_F tables should be updated to use these views.

This feature provides performance enhancements for high volume payroll processes and reports.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

You can start migrating your features to use the views in Update 23D, in preparation for the migration to the new model in Update 24A.

NOTE: If you continue retrieving value definitions and range items directly from the tables, you may notice a degradation in performance when the model changes are delivered in Update 24A.  For this reason, it's highly recommended that you uptake the new view objects (VOs) before the model changes are delivered in Update 24A.  This is particularly important for features that are time sensitive, such as the BI Publisher reports that are run during your company's critical payroll processing window.

Optimize Performance of Background Payroll Process

The payroll background process is a daemon process that runs continuously to handle periodic requests for processing. It’s used to process certain payroll features such as the QuickPay process for Anytime Pay and Event Action Notifications.

The payroll background process is now enhanced to support automatic multi-threading. For example, multiple runs of QuickPay for Anytime Pay can now be processed concurrently. Enable the delivered Pay Daemon Group process configuration group to optimize the performance of the background payroll process by automatically identifying and assigning the correct number of threads to the process. The payroll background process can then execute large number of processing requests and handle multiple processes concurrently.

To enable the automatic multi-threading process, edit the delivered Pay Daemon Group process configuration group and set these action parameters as given here.

Use the Maximum Number of Threads action parameter to enable automatic multi-threading for the payroll background process. This parameter indicates the maximum, total number of sub-processes dynamically created for a process. Set this parameter to approximately 10% of the Maximum Number of Threads on your default group for the process. For example, if the Maximum Number of Threads action parameter is set to 30 on the default group, set it to 3 on the Pay Daemon Group process configuration group.  

NOTE:  When you don't enter a value for the Maximum Number of Threads action parameter, the payroll background process runs using a single thread process.

The process sets the threads depending on the number of processing requests or pay daemon actions in the queue at a given time. A new thread will be submitted for each 5,000 processes in the queue for the payroll background process until the Maximum Number of Threads is reached.

The Pay Daemon Group process configuration group can also be used to control other parameters for the payroll background process such as logging. If you want processes running on the daemon to generate .log output, enable logging in the Pay Daemon Group.

Enable automatic multi-threading for the payroll background process to enhance performance of the submitted payroll processes and run multiple processes concurrently.

Steps to Enable

Use the Payroll Process Configuration quick link under Payroll on your Home page to search for the delivered Pay Daemon Group configuration group. Enable the Maximum Number of Threads action parameter to enable automatic multi-thread process for the payroll background process.

Automatically End Date Personal Payment Methods when Final Close is set on Payroll Relationship

Personal payment methods are now automatically end-dated when the final close date on the employees payroll relationship is entered. You can manually enter the final close date for an employee or define autocomplete rules to automatically enter the date when the employee is terminated and the personal payment end dates are automatically updated.

The personal payment method end date is updated when the final close date is amended on the payroll relationship as follows:

  • When the final close date is updated (forwards or backwards), such as the wrong date was entered originally, the personal payment method end-date is updated to match the changed final close date.
  • When the final close date is removed, such as due to a reverse termination, the personal payment method end date is also removed.
  • When the final close date is entered and the personal payment method start dates are after the final close date, the personal payment methods are purged.

For example an employee has a personal payment method with a January 1, 2024 start date, the employee is terminated on December 12, 2023, the final close date of December 31, 2023 is entered on their payroll relationship, and the future dated personal payment method is automatically purged.

The personal payment method end date is reevaluated when an employee is rehired. In some legislations, such as the US, the rehire can remove the original final close date from the payroll relationship. The rehires rules are as follows:

  • When an employee is rehired after the final close date, then personal payment methods are not updated. The end-date is the same as the original final close date on the payroll relationship.
  • When an employee is rehired before the final close date, then personal payment methods end dates are updated with the day before the rehire date.
  • When an employee is rehired the same day as the final close date, then personal payment methods end dates are updated with the day before the rehire date.

For example the employee is terminated on October 31, 2022, a final close is entered on his payroll relationship as of December 31, 2023, and the personal payment methods are automatically end dated on December 31, 2023. The employee is rehired on February 15,2023 and the personal payment method end dates are automatically updated to February 14,2023 so that no personal payment methods exist for the employee at the time of rehire.

Although, with this feature, personal payment methods are automatically end dated when the final close date is entered, bank accounts aren't. Bank accounts remain active and associated to the employee.

This feature that automatically updates personal payment methods when the final close date is entered requires no additional setup steps. If you choose to keep your existing behavior where personal payment methods won't be automatically updated with the entry of final close date, see Tips & Considerations for additional information.

Personal Payment Methods are now automatically end-dated upon entry of the final close date on the employees payroll relationship.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Important information to consider:

  • If a final close date has been entered prior to the delivery of this feature, the end date of any existing personal payment methods won't be updated with any existing final close date. However, if, after this feature is delivered, you change the final close date to be earlier date than the existing final close date, the payment methods end date is entered as of that date.
  • If a final close date isn't entered when the person is terminated (manually or defaulted by autocomplete rules), the personal payment method end date won't be entered. It will remain in the employees payroll relationship and will be there if they are rehired at a later time.

  • This feature is enabled using events.  An event is created either at the point of termination with autocomplete rules or at the point the final close is manually updated. You can see that an event has occurred in the event action notification page, although you won't be able to take any action from there.

  • If you expect a personal payment method to be end dated but it wasn't, check the event notification UI. If status is errored, then you need to manually end date the personal payment method.

  • A processing message appears on the admin Payment Methods page from the time the final close date was entered (either by autocomplete during termination or manually) to when our event action to end date the personal payment method completes.

Steps to turn off this feature:

  • From the Submit a Payroll Flow page, use the Run feature upgrade process to switch this functionality off by entering N in the Additional Information Flow Parameter for the feature End date personal payment methods on final close.  You can switch it back on, use same process for feature by running the flow with Y in additional information.

Note: This feature upgrade process is applicable to ALL Legislative Data Groups and is not switched on and off for certain LDG's.

Key Resources

For more information on personal payroll relationships, payment methods, or autocomplete rules, refer to these guides in the Oracle Help Center:

  • Implementing Global Payroll
  • Administering Global Payroll
  • Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules

For information on extending Redwood pages in HCM, refer to this feature announcement in the Oracle Help Center.

Qualifiers for Event Actions

Define the qualifying conditions that must be met to generate an event action notification. For example, define an event group that only generates event notifications for Salary element entry changes. This feature is available for features that use the event action model, such as HCM Rates.

Qualifier Attributes

When you define qualifiers for an event group, you need to specify the following components for the EventGroup.dat file in HCM Data Loader (HDL). The event group must also be associated to an event action.

Name Description Mandatory or Optional

Date Track Events

Identifies the entity to be monitored. For example, Element Entry.


Event Value Changes

Identifies the change values to be monitored. You must define these as 'include' or 'exclude' rules in HDL. For example, a US customer can indicate they only want to 'include' input value changes from California to New York. When you don’t have a requirement to monitor a specific value change, you should enter include <ANY_VALUE> to <ANY_VALUE>.

NOTE: You can’t enter a mix of include and exclude rules for an entity.

When you create an ‘include’ record, the application automatically creates an 'exclude' record (for all other state input value changes), so that you don't need to enter it explicitly.

Currently, you must enter the ID of the value. For example, when tracking assignment location changes, you may opt to only track changes from New York to San Francisco. In this instance, you must enter the ID for the New York and San Francisco locations.


Event Value Qualifier

Enables you to qualify the changes to be monitored for the entity. For example, you can indicate you want to monitor the creation of ‘Salary’ element entries only.

You can define multiple qualifiers. For example, you can indicate you want to monitor input value changes to the 'Premium' and 'Shift' element entries only.


Date Track Actions

When creating records in HDL, you must specify the type of date-track actions to be monitored:

  • Insert
  • Update
  • Correct
  • Delete

NOTE: For event changes, 'insert' and 'delete' aren't supported when you are tracking value changes such as assignment location changes from New York to California. Such a change must always be performed as an update or correction to the assignment record.


Here’s a list of the event qualifiers that are currently supported:

Qualifier Description


Qualification of element entry events based on the name of the element. For example, only raise an event notification for 'Salary' element entry changes such as the creation of a salary entry for an employee.

NOTE: This doesn't include changes to input values on the element entry.


Qualification of element entry input value events based on the name of the element. For example, only raise an event notification when there is a 'Salary' element entry input value change.


Qualification of element entry value events based on the name of the input value. For example, only raise an event notification when there is an 'Amount' input value change on any element entry.


Qualification based on the rate amount held on the HCM Rates table. For example, when you run the Generate HCM Rate process and the 'Salary' rate amount is updated for an employee.

EmployeeAssignmentDEO Primary Flag

Qualification based on primary assignment changes. For example, only raise an event notification for assignment job changes that occur on the primary assignment. The first primary flag qualifier corresponds to the primary assignment on an employee.

NOTE: These primary flag qualifiers are not intended for Payroll customers.

CWKTermsDEO Primary Flag

ApplicantAssignmentDEO Primary Flag

ApplicantTermsDEO Primary Flag

BenefitsAssignmentDEO Primary Flag

CWKAssignmentDEO Primary Flag

PWTermsDEO Primary Flag

EmployeeTermsDEO Primary Flag

NWAssignmentDEO Primary Flag

NWTermsDEO Primary Flag

OfferAssignmentDEO Primary Flag

OfferTermsDEO Primary Flag

PWAssignmentDEO Primary Flag

This feature lets you to specify the type of element entry and HCM rate changes you want to monitor and get notified about.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Flow Pattern Name Translations

Use the Translation Editor icon on the Flow Pattern setup page to translate the name of a user-defined flow.

You can translate the flow name in each language displayed on the Edit Translations page and save the record. Optionally, you can also enter the description of the flow in the displayed language.

If you override a predefined flow in an LDG and select the Submitting User check box, the overridden predefined flow thus created can only be found in your native language, that is, the language of the user who created the flow. For example, if a US user overrides a predefined flow, and then if another US user signs in, they can search and find the flow. However, a French user will not be able to perform a search and find this overridden predefined flow pattern in the flow setup page.

However, if you use the Translation Editor and translate the name of the overridden predefined flow to all the listed languages, including French, then a French user can sign in and find the flow.

NOTE: The Translation Editor is available only for user-defined flows.

If you don’t translate the flow name, a user signing in with his or her native language, which is different from your native language, will not be able to find the flow.

NOTE: If you plan to migrate the flow, you must first migrate the flow, and then translate the flow name in the destination environment.

You can now search and view a user-defined flow in the native language of the signed-in user, irrespective of which language the flow was initially created.

Steps to Enable

Complete these steps to ensure that a user can search and find a user-defined flow in their native language.

  1. Use the Translation Editor on the flow setup page to translate the name of a user-defined in all the installed languages.
  2. Select the Submitting User check box on the flow setup page to ensure that the flow is available in the native language of the signed in user. Follow these steps to select the Submitting User check box on the flow setup page.
  3. Navigate to My Client Groups > Payroll > Payroll Flow Patterns.
  4. Select the Legislative Data Group and search for the Run Payroll Register flow. You can also search for a flow that has the Run Payroll Register task.
  5. Click Edit.
  6. Under the Tasks tab, select the report task, and click Edit.
  7. Select the Submitting User check box.
  8. Click Save and Close.

Payroll Costing

Reverse Subledger Accounting Entries for Payroll Costing

Use the new Reverse Transfer to Subledger Accounting process to reverse the payroll subledger accounting entries that were posted in final mode using the Create Accounting process. You need to complete the following steps to reverse the payroll costing entries and unlock the payroll cycle:

  1. Submit the Reverse Transfer to Subledger Accounting process to generate entries to cancel the original accounting entries .
  2. Resubmit Create Accounting process in final accounting mode to post the entries to the general ledger (GL) and cancel the original accounting entries in GL. 

Use this feature when you need to correct or complete payroll processes earlier in the payroll cycle, such as when your company accidentally submits the Create Accounting in final mode before all the payroll processing is complete.

You need to submit the Reverse Transfer to Subledger Accounting process for each payroll process that generated costing results. For example, you originally submitted Create Accounting for the regular Semi-Monthly payroll run and all Quickpays for the 31st August period. You can reverse the costs for the Semi-Monthly payroll run and the costs for the Quickpay processes aren't be impacted.

The Reverse Transfer to Subledger Accounting flow supports the following flow parameters:

  • Process Date: Enter the effective date of the Reverse Transfer to Subledger Accounting. This is a required parameter.
  • Payroll Process: Select the specific payroll flow that generated the original payroll costing results and you want to reverse the subledger accounting entries. This is a required parameter.
  • Payroll Relationship Group: Select the name of the payroll relationship object group that includes the payroll relationships to process. This is an optional parameter.
  • Process Configuration Group: Select the name of the process configuration group used to set rules for the payroll processes such as when logging is required. This is an optional parameter.
  • Reason: Enter the purpose of submitting the flow task to reverse transfer to subledger accounting process. This is an optional parameter.

Useful when the Create Accounting process is run in final mode but the payroll has to be rolled back to make some corrections and payments are not processed yet.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

For more information about subledger accounting entries for costing, refer to the Administering Global Payroll Costing guide in Oracle Help Center.

Accounting of Unreconciled and Voided Payments in Costing of Payments

Calculate Costing of Payments now creates the payment costing results when a payment is unreconciled in cash management and later voided in payroll. Costing entries are created as the following:

  • Debit: Cash Account
  • Credit: Cash Clearing Account
  • Debit: Cash Clearing Account
  • Credit: Liability Account

The first two rows reverses the costing of payment results that were originally created after reconciliation in cash management and the last two rows reverse the costing of payment results for the original pre-payment costs.

If the payment is processed again for the voided payment, the costing payment results are created as normal.

Costing of payment entries are created when a payment is unreconciled in cash management and later voided in payroll.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

For more information about costing of payments, refer to the Administering Global Payroll Costing guide in Oracle Help Center.

Payroll Costing at Location

You can now enter payroll costing information for a location to be used in the payroll costing process. Location costing information is available for assignment level elements and uses the work location of the employee.

Location costing is included in the payroll costing hierarchy as shown below:

  • Payroll
  • Element Eligibility
  • Department
  • Location
  • Job
  • Position
  • Person
  • Person Element
  • Element Entry 

You can distribute the costs of payroll relationship elements using location costing by including assignment elements that are costed using location, as distribution members. Distributed costing uses the distributed payroll costing hierarchy.

You can manage costing information for a location using HCM Data Loader (HDL). A new Costing of Location page will be available in a later release.

Define costing at the location level and use it in the costing hierarchy when processing the costing information.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

For more information about payroll costing at location level, refer to the following guides in Oracle Help Center:

  • Administering Global Payroll Costing

  • HCM Data Loading Business Objects

  • HCM Data Loader

  • Implementing Global Payroll

  • Administering Global Payroll

Redwood Experience

These pages or flows have been recreated in the Redwood tool set Visual Builder Studio (VB Studio) to improve your user experience. The pages or flows look and act like Redwood pages or flows, to help create cohesiveness through the application.

Redwood Experience for Personal Payment Methods for Self-Service Users

You can navigate to Me > Pay > Payment Methods to use the Redwood payment methods page. This page was developed in the new Redwood toolkit to better your experience with viewing and managing personal payment methods.

The redesigned Redwood Payment Methods page offers you the following:

  • An overview of payment method using a card layout.
  • A summary of the payment method information on each card, such as payment method name, payment amount, and bank details if applicable.
  • The drill down to payment method details, such as bank information, if applicable.
  • Ability to create a payment method and associated bank account in the same transaction.
  • View and manage bank accounts, such as to inactivate bank accounts that are no longer in use.
  • Reorder payment methods to change the order they are processed when they start and end on the same date.
  • Create exception payment methods to have certain earnings paid to a different bank account is available by extending the functionality of this page.
  • Enforce double entry of bank account information to verify the details are correct and prevent keying errors is available by extending the functionality of this page.

The new Redwood Payment Methods page allows for quick views and management of personal payment methods and bank accounts.

Steps to Enable

Enable the redesigned Redwood Payment Method page follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance area and search for the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
  2. On the Manage Administrator Profile Values page, search for and select the ORA_PAY_MY_PAYMENT_METHODS_REDWOOD_ENABLED profile option.
  3. Select Yes in the Profile Value field.
  4. Click Save and Close.

Tips And Considerations

In order to enable any of the Redwood pages, the central profile option ORA_HCM_VBCS_PWA_ENABLED (Enable VBCS Progressive Web Application User Interfaces across HCM application) needs to be set to Y.

Key Resources

For more information on personal payment methods, refer to these guides in the Oracle Help Center:

  • Implementing Global Payroll
  • Administering Global Payroll

For more information on enabling Redwood functionality, refer to this on My Oracle Support:document located on the All Fusion HCM Cloud Product Papers (Doc ID 1504483.1):

For more information on extending Redwood pages in HCM, refer to this feature announcement in the Oracle Help Center.

Access Requirements

Your users that are granted the delivered Employee role have access to this page with no additional steps to enable. However, if you have a custom employee role you need to add the following duty roles to your custom employee role:

  • Role with display name Trading Community Data Security Policies for HCM


  • Roles with the display name REST Service - Worker Bank Accounts

Add these 2 roles to grant manage access:



  • Roles with the display name Use REST Service - Worker Bank Accounts Read Only

Add these 2 roles to grant read only access:


Redwood Experience for Statement of Earnings

The Statement of Earnings (SOE) page has been moved to the Redwood toolkit, giving the page the look of Redwood, along with the backend functionality that Redwood has to offer. With this new page you can quickly view and verify run results of an employee’s payroll run.

You can access the SOE by using any of these navigations:

  • Use the Person Results task to directly search for an employee and view their Statement of Earnings.
  • Use the Process Results Summary task to search and select the flow you've submitted and view individual records processed by the flow. Use the Actions menu on an individual record to open the Statement of Earnings of the employee.

Use the redesigned Redwood Statement of Earnings page to view the calculated results from Payroll and QuickPay processes. 

The new page offers you the following:

  • The SOE displays at the top of the page, summary amounts of the calculations for the payroll run. You can view at a glance the total amounts of all the balance groups. Scroll down the page to view the calculation details for each of the amounts displayed.
  • If the employee has multiple assignments, use the Assignment field to view the appropriate earnings at the assignment level.
  • Use the Process field to view the Statement of Earnings of the employee for a previous payroll period. 
  • Use the Balance Results tab on the page to view the balance results values for the run.  
  • Use the Process Details tab to view details of the process used for the calculations.  
  • Use the Download to Excel option to export the calculation details into an MS Excel worksheet.
  • The page display amounts for the payroll run and the year-to-date period.
  • Click on a Pay Run amount to view the Reference details and the balance feeds that contribute to the balance calculations.

NOTE: Some of the pages, such as Costing Results, Calculation Entries, and Messages, will be moved to Redwood in a later release and will be available on the Results Details page as tabs, similar to the Balance Results tab.

Take advantage of all the features that come with the new Redwood Statement of Earnings page for a more modern feel.

Steps to Enable

Use these steps to enable the redesigned Redwood VBS SOE page.

  1. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance area and search for the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
  2. On the Manage Administrator Profile Values page, search for and select the ORA_PAY_PROCESS_RESULT_PAGES_FOR_PERSON_REDWOOD_ENABLED profile option.
  3. In the Profile Values section, click Add.
  4. Specify the level at which the profile value is to be set. Select Site as the profile level, select Yes in the Profile Value field if you want to enable the profile option for the entire site of deployment.
  5. Click Save and Close.

Key Resources

For more information on extending Redwood pages in HCM, refer to this announcement on the Oracle Help Center. 

For more information on enabling Redwood functionality, refer to this on My Oracle Support:document located on the All Fusion HCM Cloud Product Papers (Doc ID 1504483.1):

Redwood Experience for Viewing Balance Results

The Balance Results page has been moved to the Redwood toolkit, giving the page the look of Redwood, along with the backend functionality that Redwood has to offer. With this new page you can quickly view and verify balance results of payroll processes, such as payroll calculation, QuickPay, payroll reversal, balance adjustment, and balance initialization.

You can access the Balance Results page by using any of these navigations:

  • Use the Person Results task to directly search for an employee and view the Balance Results page.

  • Use the Process Results Summary task to search and select the flow you've submitted and view individual records processed by the flow. Use the Actions menu on an individual record to open the Balance Results page of the employee.

The redesigned page offers you the following:

  • If the employee has multiple assignments, use the Assignment field to view the appropriate balances at the assignment level.
  • The page displays balance amount for the payroll run and the year-to-date period.
  • Use the Process field to view the balances of the employee for a previous payroll period. 
  • Use the Statement of Earnings tab on the page to view to view the calculated results from Payroll and QuickPay processes. 
  • Use the Process Details tab to view details of the process. 
  • Use the Sort By option to sort the balance results by Balance Name. 
  • Use the Download icon to download the balance results details into an MS Excel worksheet.
  • Use the Balance Filter option to filter by dimension level or dimension period if you are searching by a balance name.
  • Click on a Pay Run amount to view the Reference details and the balance dimensions that contribute to the balance calculations.
  • Scroll down the page to view the employment level balances.

Take advantage of all the features that come with the new Redwood Balance Results page for a more modern feel.

Steps to Enable

Use these steps to enable the redesigned Redwood VBS Balance Results page.

  1. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance area and search for the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
  2. On the Manage Administrator Profile Values page, search for and select the ORA_PAY_PROCESS_RESULT_PAGES_FOR_PERSON_REDWOOD_ENABLED profile option.
  3. In the Profile Values section, click Add.
  4. Specify the level at which the profile value is to be set. Select Site as the profile level, select Yes in the Profile Value field if you want to enable the profile option for the entire site of deployment.
  5. Click Save and Close.

Key Resources

For more information on extending Redwood pages in HCM, refer to this announcement on the Oracle Help Center.

For more information on enabling Redwood functionality, refer to this on My Oracle Support:document located on the All Fusion HCM Cloud Product Papers (Doc ID 1504483.1):

Payroll for Canada

Payroll for Oracle Human Capital Management for Canada supports country specific features and functions for Canada. It enables users to follow Canada's business practices and comply with its statutory requirements.

Support of T4 Box 29 (Employment Code) for Year-End Reporting

You can now capture and report the Employment Code on the employee’s T4 slip in Box 29, using an Information element.  To report the Employment Code on the T4, use the information element to feed the new T4 Employment Code balance in element entries.

The process to capture and report the code is:

  • Create an Information element for the T4 Employment Code
  • Create the input values to capture the Pay Value and the Employment Code
  • Create the eligibility record for the base element
  • Create the feed to the T4 Employment Code balance
  • Create the element entry and process in payroll
  • Run the End-of-Year Reports to generate the T4 register, slip, and interface

The following employment codes are supported. Enter one of the values below when creating the default value for the Employment Code input value, or in the element entry if no default was provided.

Employment Code Meaning
11 Placement or employment agency workers

Drivers of taxis or other passenger-carrying vehicles


Barbers or hairdressers


Withdrawal from a prescribed salary deferral arrangement plan


Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program


Detached employee - Social security agreement


Fishers - Self-employed

Additionally, populating the Employment Code also affects reporting on Box 14 and Box 56 (for Quebec employees only), whether it is to be blanked out or not. See the table below that outlines the behaviour for Box 14 and 56 for each Employment Code.

Employment Code Meaning

Box 14 (Employment Income) Behaviour

Box 56 (PPIP Insurable Earnings) Behaviour

11 Placement or employment agency workers

No change in behaviour (report Gross Earnings in Box 14).

If T4 Box 14 = Box 56, do not report amount in Box 56 (blank out Box 56).


Drivers of taxis or other passenger-carrying vehicles

Leave blank

No change in behaviour (report PPIP Insurable Earnings in Box 56).


Barbers or hairdressers

Leave blank

No change in behaviour (report PPIP Insurable Earnings in Box 56).


Withdrawal from a prescribed salary deferral arrangement plan

No change in behaviour (report Gross Earnings in Box 14).

If T4 Box 14 = Box 56, do not report amount in Box 56 (blank out Box 56).


Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program

No change in behaviour (report Gross Earnings in Box 14).

If T4 Box 14 = Box 56, do not report amount in Box 56 (blank out Box 56).


Detached employee - Social security agreement

No change in behaviour (report Gross Earnings in Box 14).

If T4 Box 14 = Box 56, do not report amount in Box 56 (blank out Box 56).


Fishers - Self-employed

Leave blank

No change in behaviour (report PPIP Insurable Earnings in Box 56).

The End-of-Year Exception Report was also enhanced to generate an informational exception, if the Employment Code archived is invalid or not supported for the employee. It states, ’The Employment Code configured for Box 29 is not valid.’

This feature provides support of reporting the Employment Code on the employee’s T4 slip in Box 29.

Steps to Enable

To capture and report the Employment Code on the T4, perform the following steps that are further outlined in the sections below. Complete these steps prior to running the End-of-Year Reports process to generate the T4.

  • Create an Information element for the T4 Employment Code
  • Create the input values to capture the Pay Value and the Employment Code
  • Create the eligibility record for the base element
  • Create the balance feed to the T4 Employment Code balance
  • Create the element entry and process in payroll
  • Run the End-of-Year Reports to generate the T4 register, slip, and interface

Create the Information Element

To create the Information element:

  1. Search and select the Elements task under Payroll in My Client Groups on the Home page.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Complete the fields as shown in this table.
Field Value

Legislative Data Group

Select a Canadian LDG.

Primary Classification


Secondary Classification

Leave blank

  1. Click Continue.
  2. On the Basic Details page, complete the fields as shown in this table.
Field Value

Enter a name. For example, Employment Code 11.

Reporting Name

Enter a reporting name for the element.

Effective Date

Enter an early date so that the element is available for use immediately. For example, 1/1/10.

Input Currency

Canadian Dollar

Should every person eligible for the element automatically receive it?


What is the earliest entry date for this element?

First Standard Earning Date

What is the latest entry date for this element?

Last Standard Earning Date

If you select this date, then you must enable proration so that the calculation is correct, if a person leaves prior to a pay period end date.

At which employment level should this element be attached?

Assignment Level

Does this element recur each payroll period, or does it require explicit entry?

Recurring or Nonrecurring

Can a person have more than one entry of this element in a payroll period?

  1. Click Next. Verify that the information shown on the Create Element: Review page is correct.
  2. Click Submit.

Create the Input Values

To add the Pay Value and Employment Code input values to the element:

  1. In the Element Overview section, select the Input Values folder.
  2. Select Actions-Create Input Values in the Element Overview pane.
  3. Enter these details to create the Pay Value input value for the element.
Field Value


Enter the name, Pay Value.

Note: The Pay Value is used to identify the Employment Code to report. The value is not reported on any report. The Employment Code associated with the highest Pay Value is reported.

Display Sequence

Enter an appropriate value.

Unit of Measure

Select Money.


Select the check box.

Allow User Entry

Select the check box.

Create a Database Item

Select the check box.

  1. Click Save.
  2. In the Element Overview section, select the Input Values folder.

Note: You may have to select another folder and then select the Input Values folder, to trigger the action.

  1. Select Actions-Create Input Values in the Element Overview pane.
  2. Enter these details to create the Employment Code input value for the element.
Field Value


Enter the name, Employment Code.

Display Sequence

Enter an appropriate value.

Unit of Measure

Select Character.


Select the check box.

Allow User Entry

Select the check box.

Create a Database Item

Select the check box.


Select Statutory Reporting Code.

Default Value

Enter a default Employment Code. Enter one of the supported two-digit codes (for example, 11 – 17).

  1. Click Save.

NOTE: The province input value is created by default.

Create the Eligibility Record

Information elements do not have a results element. Create the eligibility record for the base element. To create an eligibility record for the base element:

  1. In the Element Overview section, select the Element Eligibility folder.
  2. Select Actions-Create Element Eligibility.
  3. In the Element Eligibility name field, enter a name for the eligibility record.
  4. In the Eligibility Criteria section, select a criterion that determines the eligibility for this element.
  5. Click Submit, then Done.

Create the Balance Feed

To create the balance feed for this element:

  1. Search and select the Balance Definitions task under Payroll in My Client Groups on the Home page.
  2. In the Balance Definitions search section, enter the balance name (T4 Employment Code) in the Name field.
  3. Select a Canadian Legislative Data Group.
  4. Click Search.
  5. Select the balance to navigate to the Balance Definitions page.
  6. In the Effective As-of Date, enter an early date so that the feed is available for use immediately. For example, 1/1/10.
  7. Select the Balance Feeds folder in the left pane.
  8. In the Balance Feeds by Elements section, select Actions-Create.
  9. Select the Element Name (the element previously created, for example, Employment Code 11). This element feeds the balance.
  10. Select Pay Value for Input Value.
  11. Select Add.
  12. Click Submit, then Done.

Create the Element Entry

To create the element entry and define values for the employee:

  1. Search and select the Element Entries task under Payroll in My Client Groups on the Home page.
  2. Create the element entry for the employee using the new element name (the element previously created, for example, Employment Code 11).
  3. Select the Province and Pay Value.

Note: If you entered a default employment code when you created the Information element, it is displayed in the Employment Code input value field.

  1. Click Submit.
  2. Process the element entry in a payroll run.

Tips And Considerations

Note the following important points on this feature:

  • The two-digit Employment Code is reported in the T4 Box 29 column, on the End-of-Year Register for the T4.
  • Reporting includes support for Employment Codes 11-17.
  • If there are multiple Employment Codes defined, then the End-of-Year Reports process will report the Employment Code that is associated with the highest balance amount.
  • This feature includes reporting for the original, amended, and cancelled T4.
  • Alternatively, you can process a balance adjustment using the information element to populate T4 Box 29 with an Employment Code.

Key Resources

Refer to these documents on the Canada Information Center for additional information.

Canada Information Center:

  • CA – Payroll tab > Product Documentation > Technical Briefs > Vacation Liability Processing
  • CA – Payroll tab > Product Documentation > Payroll Guides > Implementing Payroll for Canada
  • CA – Payroll tab > Product Documentation > Payroll Guides > Administering Payroll for Canada

Hot Topics Email (To Receive Critical Statutory Legislative Product News)

To receive important Fusion Canada Legislative Product News, you must subscribe to the Hot Topics Email feature available in My Oracle Support.  Refer to the document below on the Canada Information Center for additional information.

  • Welcome tab > Other Documents > How To Use My Oracle Support Hot Topics Email Subscription Feature

Vacation Liability Balance Report

You can now use the new Vacation Liability Balance Report to view the balances associated with vacation liability. You can run this report to display all the vacation liability balances, rather than gather them using multiple reports.

The following balances are reported:

  • Vacationable Earnings
  • Accrued Vacation Liability
  • Vacation Absences
  • Vacation Payouts
  • Vacation Liability
  • Vacation Liability (ITD)

Use the following parameters to run the report:

  • Payroll Statutory Unit
  • Tax Reporting Unit
  • Vacation Plan
  • Payroll Relationship Group
  • Start Date (mandatory)
  • End Date (mandatory)
  • Report Type (mandatory)
    • Summary (default)
    • Detail

In summary mode, the report displays vacation liability balances for the period determined by report start and end dates, for each vacation plan for all employees.

In detail mode, the report displays vacation liability balances for the period determined by report start and end dates, for all employees enrolled in a vacation plan. Balances are reported by vacation plan. Additionally, use the Vacation Plan parameter to filter those employees assigned to a specific vacation absence plan.

This feature allows employees to help reconcile vacation liability balances, as well as gather data using this one report for required vacation liability reporting.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Note the following important points for the Vacation Liability Balance Report:

  • The vacation liability is calculated, and related balances are generated in the payroll run, not in this report.
  • This report is based on the data from the payroll archive.
  • Use the Vacation Plan parameter to filter employee data based on the vacation absence plan defined on the employee’s calculation card.
  • When you select Detail mode, the report displays both summary and detail information.
  • The Vacation Absences balance value includes recorded absences for Entitlement, Discretionary and Final Disbursements.
  • The Vacation Liability (ITD) value reports the accumulated vacation liability balance from each payroll run from inception, for the vacation plan.
  • For more information on the topic of Vacation Liability, please see the Vacation Liability Processing MOS document, located on the Canada Information Center. See the Key Resources section for navigation information.

Key Resources

Refer to these documents on the Canada Information Center for additional information.

Canada Information Center:

  • CA – Payroll tab > Product Documentation > Technical Briefs > Vacation Liability Processing
  • CA – Payroll tab > Product Documentation > Payroll Guides > Implementing Payroll for Canada
  • CA – Payroll tab > Product Documentation > Payroll Guides > Administering Payroll for Canada

Hot Topics Email (To Receive Critical Statutory Legislative Product News)

To receive important Fusion Canada Legislative Product News, you must subscribe to the Hot Topics Email feature available in My Oracle Support.  Refer to the document below on the Canada Information Center for additional information.

  • Welcome tab > Other Documents > How To Use My Oracle Support Hot Topics Email Subscription Feature

Enhanced Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Quebec Pension Plan (QPP): Phase 2

Updates were made to support the enhancements made to the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) retirement and supplemental benefits, as published by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and Revenu Quebec. These changes are only applicable for the Oracle Payroll Tax Engine.

Effective January 1, 2024, Canada Revenue introduced the second phase of its plan to enhance the Canada Pension Plan. With this phase, employees contribute 4% of their pensionable earnings on an additional range of earnings, above the current basic annual limit. Additionally, there is a corresponding employer match to the additional employee contribution.

To summarize the changes, starting January 1, 2024:

  • A second pensionable earning limit is introduced for use in the calculation, YAMPE (Yearly Additional Maximum Pensionable Earnings)
  • 4% CPP/QPP is calculated on earnings above the Yearly Maximum Pensionable Earnings (YMPE), up to YAMPE
  • Only employees at higher income levels are impacted, for example those employees with income above the YMPE
  • For employees who turn 18 or 70 during the year or have a CPT30 election, their YMPE is prorated by the number of pensionable months. In that case, the additional portion of earnings subject to CPP will start at the prorated YMPE and continue to the prorated YAMPE.
  • If an employee has elected to not contribute to CPP via a CPT30 form, that election is also in effect for the additional CPP contribution.
  • If an employee has elected to not contribute to QPP via a RR-50 form, that election is also in effect for the additional QPP contribution.

These updates are to support phase 2. Phase 1 was delivered and announced in the 22D January Update. For additional information on phase 1, see the Key Resources section to access the What’s New on the feature.


CRA Rates/Amounts








Basic Annual Exemption



Pay Period Exemption

$3,500.00 / # of pay periods in year

$3,500.00 / # of pay periods in year

Contribution Rate



Base Rate



First Enhancement Rate



Second Enhancement Rate



Annual Maximum Contribution (both Employer and Employee)



Annual Maximum Additional Contribution (both Employer and Employee)



The table below illustrates the calculation of CPP and CPP2, with the rates/amounts noted above. The calculations are representative of an employee who has been employed for the full year.










($68,500 - $3,500) * 5.95% = $3,867.50


$73,200 - $68,500 = $4,700 * 4% = $188





($68,500 - $3,500) * 5.95% = $3,867.50

$70,000 - $68,500 = $1,500 * 4% = $60





($50,000 - $3,500) * 5.95% = $2,766.75


(Earnings are below the YAMPE)


The following balances were introduced to support the calculations and reporting of this feature:

CPP2 Balances (Note: these are the Reporting Name of the balances)

  • Prior CPP2 Employee Taxable
  • Prior CPP2 Employee Withheld
  • Prior CPP2 Employer Liability
  • Prior CPP2 Employer Taxable
  • CPP2 Employee Excess
  • CPP2 Employee Regular Taxable
  • CPP2 Employee Supplemental Taxable
  • CPP2 Employee Supplemental Withheld
  • CPP2 Employee Taxable
  • CPP2 Employee Withheld
  • CPP2 Employer Excess
  • CPP2 Employer Liability
  • CPP2 Employer Regular Taxable
  • CPP2 Employer Supplemental Liability
  • CPP2 Employer Supplemental Taxable
  • CPP2 Employer Taxable
  • CPP2 Not Taken
  • Total CPP2 Employee Taxable
  • Total CPP2 Employee Withheld
  • Total CPP2 Employer Liability
  • Total CPP2 Employer Taxable

QPP2 Balances (Note: these are the Reporting Name of the balances)

  • Prior QPP2 Employee Taxable
  • Prior QPP2 Employee Withheld
  • Prior QPP2 Employer Liability
  • Prior QPP2 Employer Taxable
  • QPP2 Employee Excess
  • QPP2 Employee Regular Taxable
  • QPP2 Employee Supplemental Taxable
  • QPP2 Employee Supplemental Withheld
  • QPP2 Employee Taxable
  • QPP2 Employee Withheld
  • QPP2 Employer Excess
  • QPP2 Employer Liability
  • QPP2 Employer Regular Taxable
  • QPP2 Employer Supplemental Liability
  • QPP2 Employer Supplemental Taxable
  • QPP2 Employer Taxable
  • QPP2 Not Taken
  • Total QPP2 Employee Taxable
  • Total QPP2 Employee Withheld
  • Total QPP2 Employer Liability
  • Total QPP2 Employer Taxable


The following elements and input values were introduced to support costing for this feature:


Canada Pension Plan 2 Employee Taxes

Input Values

Reporting Type




Canada Pension Plan 2 Taxable


Canada Pension Plan 2 Withheld


Canada Pension Plan 2 Not taken


Canada Pension Plan 2 Supplemental Taxable


Canada Pension Plan 2 Supplemental Withheld


Canada Pension Plan 2 Employer Taxes

Input Values

Reporting Type




Canada Pension Plan 2 Taxable


Canada Pension Plan 2 Liability


Canada Pension Plan 2 Supplemental Taxable


Canada Pension Plan 2 Supplemental Liability


Quebec Pension Plan 2 Employee Taxes

Input Values

Reporting Type




Quebec Pension Plan 2 Taxable


Quebec Pension Plan 2 Withheld


Quebec Pension Plan 2 Not taken


Quebec Pension Plan 2 Supplemental Taxable


Quebec Pension Plan 2 Supplemental Withheld


Quebec Pension Plan 2 Employer Taxes

Input Values

Reporting Type




Quebec Pension Plan 2 Taxable


Quebec Pension Plan 2 Liability


Quebec Pension Plan 2 Supplemental Taxable


Quebec Pension Plan 2 Supplemental Liability


The following reports were enhanced to report the new balances for CPP2 and QPP2:

  • SOE
  • Payslip
  • Cheque
  • Deduction Report
  • Element Result Report
  • Employee Active Payroll Balance Report
  • Gross to Net Summary Archive
  • Oracle Payroll Tax Calculation Report
  • Payroll Activity Report
  • Payroll Activity Report for the Latest Process
  • Payroll Balances for the Latest Process
  • Payroll Run Result Report
  • Periodic Payroll Activity Report
  • Periodic Payroll Register Report
  • Periodic Payroll Balances
  • Periodic Statutory Deduction Register
  • Statutory Deduction Register
  • Statutory Deduction Register for the Latest Process

This feature supports statutory requirements, as published by Canada Revenue Agency and Revenu Quebec.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Note the following important points for this feature:

  • End-of-year-end reporting for the enhanced values will be addressed at a later date for the 2024 tax reporting year.
  • These changes are only applicable for the Oracle Payroll Tax Engine.
  • The payslip and the cheque templates have been updated. Any existing customizations will need to be added to the newly updated templates.

Key Resources

Refer to these documents on the Canada Information Center for additional information.

Canada Information Center:

  • CA – Payroll tab > Product Documentation > Payroll Guides > Administering Payroll for Canada

Hot Topics Email (To Receive Critical Statutory Legislative Product News)

To receive important Fusion Canada Legislative Product News, you must subscribe to the Hot Topics Email feature available in My Oracle Support.  Refer to the document below on the Canada Information Center for additional information.

  • Welcome tab > Other Documents > How To Use My Oracle Support Hot Topics Email Subscription Feature

Support to Stop Deducting QPP the Year After Employee Turns 72

Updates were made to support the new age limit for the deduction of QPP, as published by Revenu Quebec. These changes are only applicable for the Oracle Payroll Tax Engine.

Effective January 1, 2024, QPP deductions will stop the year after the employee reaches age 72. On January 1 following the year the employee turns 72, the employee is exempt from QPP.

This feature supports statutory requirements, as published by Revenu Quebec.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Note the following important points for this feature:

  • Both employee and employer contributions are impacted.
  • These changes are only applicable for the Oracle Payroll Tax Engine.

Key Resources

Refer to these documents on the Canada Information Center for additional information.

Canada Information Center:

  • CA – Payroll tab > Product Documentation > Payroll Guides > Administering Payroll for Canada

Hot Topics Email (To Receive Critical Statutory Legislative Product News)

To receive important Fusion Canada Legislative Product News, you must subscribe to the Hot Topics Email feature available in My Oracle Support.  Refer to the document below on the Canada Information Center for additional information.

  • Welcome tab > Other Documents > How To Use My Oracle Support Hot Topics Email Subscription Feature

Support of Election for Quebec Employees to Stop Contributing to QPP

Updates were made to support the new election for employees to stop (or restart) contributing to QPP, as published by Revenu Quebec. The Quebec RR-50 form is used by employees to stop or restart QPP deductions. These changes are only applicable for the Oracle Payroll Tax Engine.

Effective January 1, 2024, a new option is available for employees age 65 or over to stop paying (or to restart) QPP contributions.

The following two new fields were added to the employee’s tax calculation card, in the Quebec region:

  • QPP Election Date
  • QPP Revocation Date

The QPP Election Date is used by those who are current receiving a Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) or Canada Pension Plan (CPP) retirement pension, and want to stop contributing to the plan.

The QPP Revocation Date is used by those who have elected in a previous year to stop contributing to QPP and want to revoke that election. QPP contributions will begin in the first pay of the month indicated by the Revocation Date.

This feature supports statutory requirements, as published by Revenu Quebec.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Note the following important points for this feature:

  • The QPP Revocation Date is only applicable for employees who are 65 or older, AND have previously entered a QPP Election Date as an option to stop paying QPP contribution. 
  • QPP contributions stop automatically as of the first pay of the year an employee turns 73 years of age.
  • The QPP Election Date and QPP Revocation Date fields are only available for entry for employees who are at least 65 years old and until December 31 of the year an employee turns 72.
  • This feature is similar to the Federal CPT30 process for CPP.
  • These changes are only applicable for the Oracle Payroll Tax Engine.

Key Resources

Refer to these documents on the Canada Information Center for additional information.

Canada Information Center:

  • CA – Payroll tab > Product Documentation > Payroll Guides > Administering Payroll for Canada

Hot Topics Email (To Receive Critical Statutory Legislative Product News)

To receive important Fusion Canada Legislative Product News, you must subscribe to the Hot Topics Email feature available in My Oracle Support.  Refer to the document below on the Canada Information Center for additional information.

  • Welcome tab > Other Documents > How To Use My Oracle Support Hot Topics Email Subscription Feature

Estimated Annual RRSP Contribution for Commissioned Employees

You can now provide the estimated annual amount an employee expects to contribute to RRSP in the calendar year. This is used by the federal commission tax formula.

To capture this value, enter the amount using the new Estimated Annual RRSP field on the employee’s calculation card. This field is available for entry on both the professional, as well as the employee self-service tax card.

This feature is only applicable for the Oracle Payroll Tax Engine.

This feature supports statutory requirements, as published by Canada Revenue Agency.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Note the following important points for this feature:

  • This feature applies to commissioned employees, who have populated the Annual Income Including Commission field on the tax card. For commissioned employees who have populated the Annual Income Including Commission field, if the Estimated Annual RRSP field is not filled in, RRSP contributions in any payment will be annualized in the federal commission tax formula.
  • This feature is only applicable for the Oracle Payroll Tax Engine.

Key Resources

Refer to these documents on the Canada Information Center for additional information.

Canada Information Center:

  • CA – Payroll tab > Product Documentation > Payroll Guides > Administering Payroll for Canada

Hot Topics Email (To Receive Critical Statutory Legislative Product News)

To receive important Fusion Canada Legislative Product News, you must subscribe to the Hot Topics Email feature available in My Oracle Support.  Refer to the document below on the Canada Information Center for additional information.

  • Welcome tab > Other Documents > How To Use My Oracle Support Hot Topics Email Subscription Feature

Canada Payroll Replaced or Removed Features

Transition from Vertex to the Canadian Oracle Payroll Tax Engine (CAOPTE)

The new Canadian Oracle Payroll Tax Engine was announced in Update 23C. As of 24B, all customers must be switched over to the new engine. Use the new Canadian Oracle Payroll Tax Engine to calculate federal and provincial taxes. This new in-house engine replaces the Vertex tax engine.

This feature removes the dependency on Vertex for Canada payroll tax data and calculations.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

For more information, refer to the following references:

Payroll for China

Payroll for Oracle Human Capital Management for China supports country specific features and functions for China. It enables users to follow China's business practices and comply with its statutory requirements.

China Payroll Replaced or Removed Features

Removal of the View Social Security Accounts Info Self-Service Page

Comply with the current practices for managing social security affairs. Previously, employees needed both their personal and employer social security account details (provided by the self-service page) to manage the social security affairs. Individuals need only their identification info these days. Hence, the self-service page will be removed in Update 24A.

Comply with the current practices for managing social security affairs.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Payroll for India

Payroll for Oracle Human Capital Management for India supports country specific features and functions for India. It enables users to follow India's business practices and comply with its statutory requirements.

Professional Tax Report

You can now use the professional tax computation report to generate slab wise professional tax details, which includes professional tax rate, number of employees processed, professional tax deduction, and the total professional tax deducted for that month, quarter, half year, or year.

The professional tax deduction frequency and reporting frequency is not the same, and differs from state to state as well as from the employer to employer in the state. Payroll Administrators can generate this report based on the city, state, or union territory in which the company is operating and also at the required frequency.

To generate the Professional Tax computation report, from the home page, navigate to Manage Payroll>Distribute Payroll Payments>Generate Monthly PT Report.

Simplified professional tax computation based on the deduction frequency and reporting frequency for each city, state, or union territory. Employers can generate the report according to their requirement or as per the format prescribed by local government to file the professional tax returns appropriately.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Form 24Q Report

You can now use the Form24Q report to furnish the quarterly tax deducted at source (TDS) returns. This contains the details of deductee(s) and the challan details relating to deposit of tax to the Income Tax Department

Use the India Deductee Challan Mapping schema to identify the employees to be included in the report. You can apply the parameters specified when submitting the Form 24Q process. The Challan Serial Number and TAN retrieved along with the employee is used to populate further details relating to the legal employer and challan from the Income Tax Challan Information.

As per Income Tax Act, 1961, all corporate and government deductors/collectors are compulsorily required to file their TDS/TCS statements in electronic form such as the e-TDS/TCS returns.

You can file the quarterly income tax returns for all the four quarters on time using this report.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Old/New Tax Regime Comparison Report

The Tax Regime comparison report allows employees to compare the income tax across the old and new tax regimes. The employees can choose a suitable regime, which benefits them based on their income and the investments they have made.

Tax regime comparison is available throughout the financial year basis on the window period setup by the payroll administrator. Employees can switch the tax regime multiple times during the year based on the status of their investments after comparing the income tax to be paid under the two regimes.

To view the income tax comparison between the two tax regimes, employees have to access the employee self-service portal and enter the investment declaration. Employees can do a self evaluation and then choose the appropriate tax regime.

Income tax comparison report enables the employees to choose the appropriate tax regime, which is more beneficial in terms of income tax based on their income and investments. Employees can decide the tax regime to maximize their take home pay.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Payroll for Mexico

Payroll for Oracle Human Capital Management for Mexico supports country specific features and functions for Mexico. It enables users to follow Mexico's business practices and comply with its statutory requirements.

Annual Tax Adjustment Reporting Enhancements

You can use the Run Mexico Annual Tax Adjustment flow to process all employees regardless of whether they are eligible for annual adjustment annual tax adjustment or not. This task flow has been enhanced to produce four outputs:

  • Excel report – AnnualTaxAdjustmentReport.xlsx
  • Balance Adjustment Header HCM Data Loader text file – BalanceAdjustmentHeader.txt
  • Balance Adjustment Line HCM Data Loader text file – BalanceAdjustmentLine.txt
  • Audit information HCM Data Loader text file – PayrollInterfaceInboundRecord.txt

The Excel report includes additional person and employment information:

  • CURP
  • RFC
  • IMSS
  • Hire Date
  • Mexico Adjusted Service Date
  • Assignment Start Date
  • Assignment Category
  • Termination Date
  • Statutory Eligibility Criteria Met

When the Run Mexico Annual Tax Adjustment flow has completed successfully:

  • Rename the BalanceAdjustmentHeader.txt HCM Data Loader text file with a .dat extension.
  • Rename the BalanceAdjustmentLine.txt HCM Data Loader text file with a .dat extension.
  • Upload the BalanceAdjustmentHeader.dat and BalanceAdjustmentLine.dat HCM Data Loader files.
  • Submit the Adjust Multiple Balances task flow to create balance adjustment element entries for each line within the data set. In this process, you provide the batch name that you used in the HCM Data Loader file.
  • Rename the PayrollInterfaceInboundRecord.txt HCM Data Loader text file with a.dat extension.
  • Upload the PayrollInterfaceInboundRecord.dat HCM Data Loader file. You need to complete this step if you want to review the employee’s annual tax adjustment annual tax adjustment information in the application using the Payroll Interface Inbound Records page.

If you upload the PayrollInterfaceInboundRecord.dat file, the Payroll Interface Inbound Records page includes information for all employees that were processed in the Run Mexico Annual Tax Adjustment flow regardless of whether they received an annual adjustment or not. You can view the values that were used to calculate the employees’ annual tax adjustment. A message is included for the employees that did not have an annual tax adjustment indicating their ineligibility. To view the annual tax adjustment audit information:

  1. Go to My Client Groups > Payroll > Administration > Payroll Interface Inbound Records.
  2. In the search area, enter the Person Number and select Mexico Annual Tax Adjustment Information for Record Type and Person for Record Owner Type.
  3. Click the Person number to open the page.
  4. Search for annual tax adjustment audit information.

You can now view the annual tax adjustment audit information.

This feature enables you to oversee the Mexico annual tax adjustment process and provides audit information that you can use to review employees' data associated with this process.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

For more information about balance adjustments, refer to the Balance Adjustments topic in the Help Center’s HCM Data Loading Business Objects guide.

Payroll Run Type for Annual Tax Adjustment

Using the Annual Tax Adjustment payroll run type will calculate your employees' ISR differences and then withhold or reimburse those differences in the payroll run. The Annual Tax Adjustment run type calculates ISR based on the ISR annual tax rate table according to Article 152 (Annual).

This is a supplement to the monthly tax adjustment payroll run type.

There are three new overrides in the calculation cards (Organization-Level Card and Employee Tax Card):

  • ISR Tax Proration on Annual Tax Adjustment Run Type

The Annual Tax Adjustment run type calculates the tax rates based on a factor derived from the number of days the employee has worked in the year. This override applies only to the Annual Tax Adjustment payroll run type, and the tax calculation basis is the year-to-date (YTD) ISR subject earnings balance. The default value is Yes. This means that the ISR tax calculation determines the tax rates based on a factor derived from the days the employee has worked in the year. If you select No, the ISR Tax rates are applied with a factor of one (no proration), regardless of when the Annual Tax Adjustment run type is processed nor the employee hire date.

  • Apply statutory eligibility criteria for Annual Tax Adjustment Run Type

The statutory eligibility criteria for annual tax adjustment are:

  • Earn less than $400,000.00 pesos in the fiscal year (FY).
  • Work from January 1st to December 1st in the FY.
  • Employee has not requested to file the annual tax declaration by them.

If this is set to Yes, the tax will be adjusted only to those employees who meet this eligibility criteria. Employees who don't meet the eligibility criteria will be processed according to the regular payroll run type. The default value is Yes. If you select No, tax will be adjusted for all the employees regardless of eligibility.

  • Insufficient Pay for Adjustment - If you have an employee who doesn't have enough funds to pay the additional tax (when they've underpaid tax previously), you have the option to select how this scenario is handled.
    • If you select Process as per regular run type, then this message will be displayed in the payroll run messages:

Process as regular when insufficient earnings for the ISR adjustment amount

  • If you select Error, then this message will be displayed in the payroll run messages:

Error when insufficient earnings for the ISR adjustment amount

Minimise differences for employees' ISR before the end-of-year Annual Tax Adjustment process, by using the Annual Tax Adjustment payroll run type to compare employees' year-to-date tax withheld with the annual tax table rate.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Note: The Annual Tax Adjustment payroll run type (that you can select for the Calculate Payroll or QuickPay task flows) is different from the Run Mexico Annual Tax Adjustment flow. While you can run the Annual Tax Adjustment run type several times in the year, you should run the Run Mexico Annual Tax Adjustment flow only once at the end of the year.

Payroll for Oman

Payroll for Oracle Human Capital Management for Oman supports country specific features and functions for Oman. It enables users to follow Oman's business practices and comply with its statutory requirements.

Involuntary Deductions and Loans

With this enhancement, you can calculate involuntary deductions (court orders) and voluntary deductions (loans) accurately with the delivered element templates and rules.

Use the Create Element task to create Court Orders or Loans. A new element category (Involuntary Deduction or Standard) is provided to classify the category of the element.

Use the Court Orders calculation card to manage the employee’s involuntary deductions details and rules.

Use the Manage Third Parties task in the Payment Distribution work area or the Batch Loader task from the Payroll Administration work area to transfer third-party payments to bank accounts (EFT), or alternatively print cheques.

Use the Oman element template, associated objects, and the calculation card for involuntary deductions (court order).

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Global Reports Uptake

The following global reports are enabled to meet Oman-specific requirements, if required:

  • Gross-to-Net Report
  • Elements Results Register
  • Payroll Activity Report
  • Payroll Balance Report
  • Payroll Register Report
  • Deduction Report
  • Statutory Deduction Register
  • Payment Register Report
  • Third-Party Payment Register Report

Gross-to-Net Report: This report provides the results of total payroll by earnings, deductions, and employer charges for a specified period. The report is classified by TRU and has summary and details sections.

Element Results Register: This report feeds on run results and usually runs every period, providing the earnings and deduction amounts for the selected elements. This report can be used in conjunction with Balance Views, SOE and Payroll Activity for diagnostic purposes. It can be sorted by Employee Full Name, Payroll Relationship, and Process Date. The report can be run independently or as part of a payroll flow.

Payroll Activity Report: This report shows the processing results for payroll runs, quick pays, reversals, and balance adjustments for a given date range. This is an ad-hoc report which can be run at any time and is not dependent on any other processes such as prepayments. This report can be used for payroll verification, validation, and auditing purposes.

Payroll Balance Report: This is a reconciliation report that feeds on live data. It extracts the run balance results for a specific period, which can then be used to verify the values of other reports. The report is driven by Payroll, PSU, TRU and Employee Name in the specified order.

Payroll Register Report: This is a post-archive report acting both as a verification tool and an audit trail. This report has a summary and detail version. While the summary report shows totals for hours, earnings, and deductions by PSU and TRU, the detail report shows complete payroll run details for each employee. The Payroll Register Report retrieves archived payroll results, so this report must be run only after run results have been archived.

Deduction Report: This report tracks payroll deductions processed for a specific period. You can validate the processed deduction amounts. The report tracks employee information within the element classification and produces details on scheduled deductions and arrears processing.

Statutory Deduction Register: This report lists the different deductions that localizations consider as statutory. The report provides the output in a summary format where totals for each TRU are displayed with grand totals for each PSU. It also provides information in a detail format where deductions are listed against each employee categorized by PSU, TRU and element classification.

Payment Register Report: This report verifies and provides an audit trail of payments generated. This is a post-archive report and has a summary and detail version. While the summary report shows total amounts paid by payment category, type, and method, the detail report shows payments for each employee. It includes payments generated by all payment processes, including external payments. You can run this report before or after generating payslips.

Third-Party Payment Register Report: This report provides details of all payments made to a third-party person or organization, including involuntary and voluntary deductions. You can use the summary report to view a list of payments by payroll statutory unit, or the detail report to view the breakdown and roll-up of payments.

Generate the third-party payment register to view the summary or the detail listing of all third-party payments. You must run the report after calculating and verifying prepayments and generating the payments.

Use the global reports to meet Oman-specific requirements.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Payroll for the United Arab Emirates

Payroll for Oracle Human Capital Management for the United Arab Emirates supports country specific features and functions for the United Arab Emirates. It enables users to follow the United Arab Emirates business practices and comply with its statutory requirements.

Nafis Social Insurance Subsidy

With this enhancement, you can calculate the amount you’ve paid in social insurance contributions, that may be subsidized by the Nafis scheme.

The Nafis SI scheme is applicable to UAE citizens:

  • Working in the private sector from 13th September 2021.
  • Registered with GPSSA or ADRPBF.
  • Having contributory salary less than 20,000 AED each month including overrides or adjustments.

The subsidy calculations are based on the same contributory salary as used for the GPSSA or ADRPBF contributions, including absences such as sick leave or unpaid leave, and will be initiated by the social insurance or pension fund element.

If eligible the subsidy for employees is the full amount originally deducted, whereas for the employer the subsidy reduces every year, and doesn’t include the 2.5% private sector subsidy.

Eligibility ends for both employees and employers no later than 5 calendar years after the date of starting private sector employment, or when the contributory salary exceeds 20,000 AED per month.

If the employer subsidy received from Nafis doesn't match the calculated employer subsidy amount then you’ll need to query this with Nafis:

  • If the calculated amount is correct, Nafis will need to adjust payments to you.
  • If Nafis is correct, you need to make a balance adjustment to the calculated employer subsidy amount.
  • If Nafis has sent subsidy amounts before the Nafis subsidy was processed in payroll, you may want to initialize the delivered balances.

Use the delivered information elements Employee Nafis Social Insurance Subsidy and Employer Nafis Social Insurance Subsidy and the related balances Employee Nafis Subsidy and Employer Nafis Subsidy to accurately calculate the Nafis subsidy.

The Employee Social Insurance or Pension Fund Details calculation card now includes a new attribute Date of Starting Private Sector Employment to accurately capture whether the employee started working in the private sector after 13th September 2021.

Calculation Value Definitions: Use the delivered calculation value definitions to accurately calculate the Nafis subsidy.

Name Calculation Type

Nafis Employee Subsidy

Flat Amount

Nafis Employer Subsidy

Flat Amount

Nafis Subsidy Maximum Salary

Flat Amount

Nafis Eligibility Date


UAE Minimum Salary in Private Sector

Flat Amount

UAE Minimum Salary for Pension in Private Sector

Flat Amount

Accurately calculate the amount you’ve paid in social insurance contributions, that may be subsidized by the Nafis scheme.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Payroll for the United Kingdom

Payroll for Oracle Human Capital Management for the United Kingdom supports country specific features and functions for the United Kingdom. It enables users to follow the United Kingdom's business practices and comply with its statutory requirements.

Full Payment Submission Process Enhancements

The Full Payment Submission (FPS) report now includes additional warnings and errors.

  • The process validates if the employee doesn't have a bank sort code added to their payment method.
  • A warning is generated if the name of foreign country exceeds 35 characters.
  • A warning is generated in case the car reference identifier is longer than 10 characters. It will be truncated to 10 characters. The truncated value should be checked for uniqueness and modified, if required.

These minor enhancements to the FPS errors and warnings report will help you to address the issues highlighted in the FPS file being submitted to HMRC.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Simplify Creation of the Teachers' Pension MCR .CSV File

The Generate TPS Monthly Contributions Reconciliation File payroll flow now generates a file name that ends .csv.txt.

To create a file format that’s ready for submission to the Teachers’ Pension portal or to import into the MCR manual spreadsheet, rename the file name generated by the flow from .csv.txt to .csv.

To load the file in Excel:

  1. Go to the Data tab in MS Excel and select ‘New Query’ from the Get and Transform section, or import the .csv file into the MCR template.
  2. Select ‘From File’ and then ‘From CSV’.
  3. Select renamed file from folder and click Import.
  4. Click Load.

Generation of the .csv file simplifies the MCR file preparation process by reducing the number of steps required to create a file that's ready for testing in the MCR template or submission to Teachers' Pension.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Additional Data Capture for 2023 England School Workforce Census

Record additional data for the 2023 England School Workforce Census:

  • School Business Professional is available as a post at the contract level.
  • Additional qualifications are listed on the England School Workforce Census Qualifications context of Person Extra Information.
  • Senior Leadership Team field is added to the England Schools Workforce Census Information context of Person Extra Information.

The School Business Professional post (and its associated data items) are defaulted in the 2023 census for workforce members in regular service who meet both of the following criteria:

  • They are in a Leadership Non-Teacher (LNT) or Other Support Staff (OSP) post
  • They have one or more of the following roles in that post:
    • Bursar (BURS)
    • Business Manager (BUSS)
    • Finance Officer (FINC)
    • ICT Network Manager (ICTM)
    • Office Manager (OMAN)
    • Premises Manager (PREM)

This defaulting logic is provided for the 2023 census only. After that, you must select School Business Professional in the contract-level Post field to report that post.

You can also default the reporting of the required Senior Leadership Team in the 2023 School Workforce Census for workforce members in regular service according to the following criteria:

  • The indicator is reported as ‘True’ if the workforce member is in a Head Teacher, Deputy Head, Executive Head Teacher, Assistant Head or Leadership – Non-Teacher post, unless you set it to 'No' in the Senior Leadership Team field.
  • The indicator is reported as ‘False’ if the workforce member is not in one of the above named posts, unless you set it to 'Yes' in the Senior Leadership Team field.   
  • If the workforce member was in a Leadership - Non-Teacher post that is – based on the role – converting to School Business Professional post (but you have not yet updated their post to 'School Business Professional' in the application), this indicator will be defaulted as 'True', for the purposes of the 2023 census only.
  • After you update the post on the contract to 'School Business Professional', the census will report the indicator that is entered in the Senior Leadership Team field. Therefore, to continue reporting the indicator as 'True' for a School Business Professional, you must set the indicator to 'Yes' in the Senior Leadership Team field.

This defaulting logic is provided for the 2023 census only. Thereafter, you must set the indicator at person level to continue reporting it correctly.

You are able to record the additional data that's required for inclusion in the 2023 England School Workforce Census.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

England School Workforce Census Implementation and Functional Considerations and associated data mapping document (both in Document ID 2794274.1)

Payroll for the United States

Payroll for Oracle Human Capital Management for the United States supports country specific features and functions for the United States. It enables users to follow the United States business practices and comply with its statutory requirements.

Employer-Match Contributions For Qualified Student Loan Payments

This feature will help you configure deductions so employees can receive employer-matching contributions for the repayment of their student loans.  This is in support of SECURE 2.0 Act requirements.

This process involves:

  1. Configuring new employer-match elements for each eligible plan you offer.

These new elements will work alongside the deferred compensation elements you’ve already configured.

If you are processing the student loan payments outside Oracle Cloud HCM, you can also create an information element to track those amounts in payroll.

  1. Configure the balances.

Use the Deferred Compensation Qualified Payments balance to add any qualified student loan payment element feeds.  The payroll process uses this balance only for calculating the employer match on qualified student loan payments.

Use these balances to add your employer-match results elements to the applicable plans.

  • Deferred Compensation 401k Qualified Payments Employer Match
  • Deferred Compensation 403b Qualified Payments Employer Match
  • Deferred Compensation 457 Qualified Payments Employer Match
  1. Configure the employer-match Fast Formula to refer to your plan type.

This feature helps you provide employer-matching contributions to your employees' deferred compensation plan contributions for the purpose of repaying their student loans.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

For information on configurations please see the:

  • Configure Payroll for SECURE 2.0 Act technical brief (ID 2971058.1) on My Oracle Support

Eligibility For Pretax Catch-up Contributions For Deferred Compensation Plans

We have made it easier for you to identify employee participation in qualified retirement plan catch-up contributions. The Eligible for Pretax Age Catch-Up Contributions field has been added to the Reporting Information Calculation Card for you to track employee’s eligibility in pretax age catch-up based on their prior year earnings in eligible pay in support of SECURE 2.0 Act requirements.

In addition to the age 50 check, the payroll process now also checks the status of this field.

  • Yes or null allows the pretax catch-up contributions to proceed.
  • No opts-out individual employees.

You can find this field in the Reporting Information calculation component of the Federal component group.

Eligible for Pretax Age Catch-Up Contributions field

Eligible for Pretax Age Catch-Up Contributions field

This feature helps you identify employees who are eligible for qualified retirement plan catch-up contributions and opt-out those who are either ineligible or who don't want to participate.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • It's your responsibility to accurately identify employees who are eligible for plan enrollment.  For further info, see the Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Implementing Benefits Guide on the Help Center.
  • You can update this field for multiple employees through HCM Data Loader.
  • The ORA_HRX_US_REP_CARD_ELIGIBLE_PRETAX_CATCHUP database item captures the value of the Eligible for Pretax Age Catch-Up Contributions field.  You can use this item in any of your fast formulas to read the value.

Key Resources

For more information see the:

  • Configure Payroll for SECURE 2.0 Act technical brief (ID 2971058.1) on My Oracle Support
  • Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Implementing Benefits Guide on the Help Center

IMPORTANT Actions and Considerations for Payroll


From time to time, Oracle replaces existing Cloud service features with new features or removes existing features. When a feature is replaced the older version may be removed immediately or at a future time. As a best practice, you should use the newer version of a replaced feature as soon as the newer version is available.


Removed Feature

Target Removal

Replacement Feature

Replaced In

Additional Information

Payroll for Canada

Transition from Vertex to the Canadian Oracle Payroll Tax Engine (CAOPTE)


Canadian Oracle Payroll Tax Engine

23C (see details for transition period)

China Payroll Removal of the View Social Security Accounts Info Self-Service Page 24A     Government compliance no longer needs this page.
Global Payroll Enhanced Reports Available and Previous Versions Are No Longer Supported 23D
  • Run Payroll Activity Report for the Latest Process
  • Run Payroll Statutory Deduction Register for the Latest Process
  • Run Payroll Register Report for the Latest Process
  • Run Periodic Payroll Activity Report
  • Run Periodic Statutory Deduction Register
  • Run Periodic Payroll Register Report
  • Run Payroll Costing Report
Exists prior to 22D  



Oracle publishes a Known Issues document for every Update to make customers are aware of potential problems they could run into and the document provides workarounds if they are available.

Oracle also publishes Maintenance Pack and Statutory Maintenance Pack documentation of bugs that are fixed in the monthly or statutory patching.

To review these documents you must have access to My Oracle Support:

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Functional Known Issues and Maintenance Packs (Document ID 1554838.1)