- Revision History
- Overview
- Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)
- Feature Summary
- Innovation Management
- Product Development
- Product Hub
- View Non-Reciprocal Related Item Relationships in UI
- View Additional Attributes in UI For Related Item Relationships
- Leverage Consistent Item Search Across Product Management
- View Additional Attributes in Item Publication for Related Item Relationship
- Receive Non-Reciprocal Related Item Relationships in Publication Payload
- Leverage New Attribute to Configure Asset Lifecycle Management
- Search Items Using Relationship Criteria
- Save Items Directly When No Matching Items Are Found
- Reference Context User in Item Rule Expressions
- Monitor New Item Request Cycle Time by Status in OTBI
- Integrate and Extend Product Hub Using REST Services
- Product Development & Product Hub Common Features
- Capture Date, Time, and Time Zone in Change History
- Search and Access Item Attachments in OTBI
- Improve Change Order Performance and Eliminate Stuck Changes
- Refresh Change Order View to See Updates
- Manage Change Attachments Using REST Services
- Promote Change Order to Complete Status if Final Change Line Is Canceled
- Calculate Total Component Quantity for Your Work Definition Based on Your Yield Quantity
- View Past Structure Revisions Based on the Effective End Date and Time of a Revision
- Define the Number of Structure Levels to Make Common
- Fast Track the Creation of Your New Item Requests
- Provide Intelligent Security Access When Creating New Structures from Existing Structures
- Leverage Additional Change Header Attributes in Change Order Rules
- Move Change Lines from a Change Order
- Retain Context of Change While Viewing Item Details
- Monitor Change Order Cycle Time by Status in OTBI
- Quality Management
- See Meaningful Names Within the Actions List in Application Composer
- Assign User Roles as Mandatory or Optional Workflow Approvers
- Prevent Deletion of Quality Issue or Quality Action Types That Are in Use
- Remove Approve and Reject Buttons on Approval of a Quality Issue or Action
- View Name, User Name, and Email When You Search for Users
- Enable Inspections for Maintenance Work Orders
- Integrate And Extend Product Genealogy Capabilities Using REST Services
This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:
Date | Feature | Notes |
29 OCT 2019 | Leverage Consistent Item Search Across Product Management | Updated document. Added steps to enable. |
20 SEP 2019 | Created initial document. |
This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in this update, and describes any tasks you might need to perform for the update. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.
Security and New Features
The Role section of each feature identifies the security privilege and job role required to use the feature. If feature setup is required, then the Application Implementation Consultant job role is required to perform the setup, unless otherwise indicated. (If a feature doesn't include a Role section, then no security changes are required to use the feature.)
If you have created job roles, then you can use this information to add new privileges to those roles as needed.
Give Us Feedback
We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at oracle_fusion_applications_help_ww_grp@oracle.com.
Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)
Oracle Cloud Applications delivers new updates every quarter. This means every three months you'll receive new functionality to help you efficiently and effectively manage your business. Some features are delivered Enabled meaning they are immediately available to end users. Other features are delivered Disabled meaning you have to take action to make available. Features delivered Disabled can be activated for end users in a couple of ways:
Access the Opt In page from the New Features Work Area
- Click the Navigator, and then click New Features (under the My Enterprise heading)
- On the New Features page, select the offering that includes new features you’d like to review
- Click Go to Opt In for any feature you want to opt in
- On the Edit Features page, select the Enable option for the feature, and then click Done
or... Access the Opt In page from the Setup and Maintenance Work Area
- Click the Navigator, and then click Setup and Maintenance
- On the Setup page, select your offering, and then click Change Feature Opt In
- On the Opt In page, click the Edit Features icon for any area that includes features you want to opt in
- On the Edit Features page, select the Enable option for any feature you want to opt in to. If the Enable column includes an Edit icon instead of a check box, then click the icon, select your feature options, and click Save and Close.
- Click Done.
Opt In Expiration
Occasionally, features delivered Disabled via Opt In may auto enable in a future update. This is known as an Opt In Expiration. If your cloud service has any Opt In Expirations you will see a related tab in this document. Click on that tab to see when the feature was originally delivered Disabled, and when the Opt In will expire, potentially auto enabling the feature. You can also click here to see features with Opt In Expirations across all Oracle Cloud Applications.
Column Definitions:
Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.
UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.
UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.
Customer Action Required = You MUST take action before these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.
See Meaningful Names Within the Actions List in Application Composer
See meaningful, self-explanatory names in the Action pick list within Application Composer at design time for idea, requirement specification, and proposal objects.
Proposal Actions Menu in Application Composer
You can easily identify the purpose of each action in the menu.
Action Names in Application Composer
Steps to Enable
Leverage Application Composer to expose and adjust page layout and attributes. To learn more about extending your application using Applications Composer, visit Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Configuration and Extension.
View Item Class on Item Structure Tab and Structure Reports
See item class information for each item with the new Class column in the Structure tab. You can also see this information while running structure reports.
Item Structure Tab Includes Item Class
Structure Report Includes Item Class
Watch a Demo
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
Role Information
- Job Role and Code:
Import Initial Modifications of Items with a Change Order That's Not Revision Controlled
You can now use a change order without revision control as the change type link when you import the initial change of an item using file-based data import (FBDI). Previously, you could only use the engineering change order type for engineering items (items created in Product Development).
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
This feature can be used if the following conditions are met:
- there is no change in revision for the item
- there are no item structure changes or changes to attachments
Key Resources
Role Information
To use this feature, the following roles are required:
- Job Role and Code:
Enable Suppliers to Create and Edit Change Requests in the Supplier Portal
Enable suppliers to create engineering change requests from the View Items or View Changes pages in the Supplier Portal.
Suppliers can create a change request in Draft status and submit it to Open status. This sends a notification to the user specified in the Assigned To field of the request. The Assigned To field is autofilled with the default user configured during change type setup, preventing the supplier from editing it or routing the request to anyone else.
Create Change Request from View Items Page
Create Change Request from View Changes Page
Change Request in Open Status in Read-Only Mode
Populate Assigned To Field in Change Request Type
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- Once the change request is submitted to Open status, the supplier can no longer edit it.
- Ensure that you provide a valid user for the Assigned To attribute in change type setup.
Key Resources
Role Information
To use this feature, the following privileges or roles are required:
- Privilege Name and Code:
- Job Role Name and Code:
View Non-Reciprocal Related Item Relationships in UI
You can now view the non-reciprocal relationships in addition to the reciprocal relationships in the Derived Related Items table on the Edit Item page. Use the Reciprocal filter on the Derived Related Items table to filter and view the reciprocal, non-reciprocal, or both types of relationships.
This screen capture illustrates the feature and its benefits.
Non-Reciprocal Related Item Relationships
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Role Information
To use this feature, the following privileges or roles are required:
- Privilege Name and Code:
- Job Role Name and Code:
View Additional Attributes in UI For Related Item Relationships
While editing an item, you can now view additional item attributes for the To Item and the From Item in the Related Items table of the Relationships tab (Edit Item page). You can view these additional item attributes:
- Primary Unit of Measure
- Item Class
- Lifecycle Phase
- Approval Status
- Item Status
These attributes are not displayed by default. You can display them from the View menu of To Item and From Item tables.
This screen capture illustrates the feature and its benefits.
Related Item Relationship Additional Attributes
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Role Information
To use this feature, the following privileges or roles are required:
- Privilege Name and Code:
- Job Role Name and Code:
Leverage Consistent Item Search Across Product Management
Enable a consistent item search experience when using the Manage Items task across Product Development and Product Information Management work areas. This change gives a homogenous user experience within the Product Management suite and helps the user understand what functions best for their business search requirements.
In the Product Development work area, you can selectively add extensible flexfield attributes as columns in the search results. You can also search using the same search criteria available in the Manage Items task in the Product Information management work area.
In the Product Information Management work area, you can search for either the latest released revision or the current effective revision of the item.
This screen capture illustrates the feature and its benefits.
Manage Items Search in Product Development Work Area and Product Information Management Work Area
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Product Management No Longer Optional From: Update 20C
After you opt in, perform these steps to complete your feature setup.
- In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Deploy Item Extensible Flexfields task:
- Offering: Product Management
- Functional Area: Items
- Task: Deploy Item Extensible Flexfields
Search for and select the flexfield code named EGO_ITEM_EFF.
From the Actions menu, select the Refresh and Deploy Offline option.
Tips And Considerations
For an optimal search experience, provide a minimum of three characters in the conditionally required search criteria field when you use the contains operator to perform a search.
Role Information
To use this feature, the following privileges or roles are required:
- Privilege Name and Code:
- Job Role Name and Code:
View Additional Attributes in Item Publication for Related Item Relationship
You can now view these item attributes for the To Item and the From Item of the related item relationship in your publication output:
- Item Description
- Primary Unit of Measure
- Item Class
- Lifecycle Phase
- Approval Status
- Item Status
You can also view these attributes in the Item Relationship SOAP Service.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Role Information
To use this feature, the following privileges or roles are required:
- Privilege Name and Code:
- Job Role Name and Code:
Receive Non-Reciprocal Related Item Relationships in Publication Payload
You can now publish non-reciprocal related item relationships in your publication payload along with reciprocal related item relationships. With both reciprocal and non-reciprocal item relationships in the publication payload, you can get a complete view of an item’s relationships.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Role Information
To use this feature, the following privileges or roles are required:
- Privilege Name and Code:
- Job Role Name and Code:
Leverage New Attribute to Configure Asset Lifecycle Management
Use the Enable IoT attribute to configure items that are enabled for the internet of things in Asset Lifecycle Management. Here's how you access this attribute:
- In the Product Information Management work area, open the Edit item page.
- Click the Specifications tab, and then the Service tab.
You can see the Enable IoT attribute in the Service section.
Enable IoT
NOTE: This feature has a dependency on another feature that will be completed in update 20A.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Role Information
To use this feature, the following privileges or roles are required:
- Job Role Name and Code:
- Product Manager Role (ORA_EGP_PRODUCT_MANAGER_JOB)
- Privilege Name and Code:
- Manage Item (EGP_MANAGE_ITEM)
Search Items Using Relationship Criteria
You can now search for items using the additional search fields in the Manage Items page. You can also search for these new fields using the item quick search in the Search panel tab and your search appears in the autosuggest result.
These are your new search fields:
- Trading Partner Item Relationships: Customer, Supplier, Competitor
- GTIN Relationships
- Spoke System Item Relationships
- Related Item Relationships
- Cross Reference Relationships
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
To use autosuggest and keyword-based searches, you must first set up search indexes using the Manage Item Keyword Search Attributes task in the Setup and Maintenance work area. You can access this task from the Product Management offering and the Items functional area .
Role Information
To use this feature, the following privileges or roles are required:
- Privilege Name and Code:
- Job Role Name and Code:
Save Items Directly When No Matching Items Are Found
If the data quality check doesn't find any matching items, it directly saves the item without opening the data quality dialog box. With this approach, you get a streamlined item creation process with fewer dialog boxes and clicks.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Role Information
To use this feature, the following privileges or roles are required:
- Job Role Name and Code:
- Product Manager Role (ORA_EGP_PRODUCT_MANAGER_JOB)
- Privilege Name and Code:
- Manage Item (EGP_MANAGE_ITEM)
Reference Context User in Item Rule Expressions
Use the context user attribute in item rules to create efficient rules. You can create rules that will be executed based on the context user.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Role Information
To use this feature, the following privileges or roles are required:
- Job Role Name and Code:
- Privilege Name and Code:
Monitor New Item Request Cycle Time by Status in OTBI
Get insights into approval cycle time and aging with the New Item Request Approvals Cycle Time subject area. Your data stewards can now avoid delays in the new item request approval process and make process improvements as needed.
New Item Request Approval Cycle Time
New Item Request Aging in Approval Status
Steps to Enable
Leverage new subject area(s) by adding to existing reports or using in new reports. For details about creating and editing reports, see the Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports book (available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Administration).
Key Resources
Role Information
To use this feature, the following roles are required:
- Job Role Name and Code:
- Product Transaction Analysis Duty (FBI_PRODUCT_TRANSACTION_ANALYSIS_DUTY)
- BI Consumer Role (BIConsumer)
Integrate and Extend Product Hub Using REST Services
Manage Item Templates Using a REST Service
You can now create and manage item templates using a REST API. Use the Item Templates service to create item templates and specify values for attributes. You can update and delete item templates. Also, you can copy one or more item templates to one or more organizations using this service.
Steps to Enable
Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides, available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API. If you're new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.
Tips And Considerations
Generally, the predefined templates are available by default for any inventory organization that you create. If you don't find any predefined templates, you can create those using the itemTemplates REST service.
Role Information
To use this feature, the following privileges or roles are required:
- Privilege Name and Code:
- Job Role Name and Code:
Query Item Catalogs Using a REST Service
You can use the Item Catalogs REST service to find catalogs and catalog-related information. With this service, you can search for catalogs, catalog attributes, catalog attachments, category hierarchies, and functional area assignments.
Steps to Enable
Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides, available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API. If you're new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.
Role Information
To use this feature, the following privileges or roles are required:
- Job Role Name and Code:
- Privilege Name and Code:
Query Item Categories Using a REST Service
You can use the Item Categories REST service to find item categories and category-related information. With this service, you can search for categories, category attributes, category attachments, and functional area assignments.
Steps to Enable
Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides, available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API. If you're new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.
Role Information
To use this feature, the following privileges or roles are required:
- Job Role Name and Code:
- Privilege Name and Code:
Manage Item Category Assignments Using a REST Service
Use the Item Catalog Assignments REST API to query items associated with a catalog category.
Steps to Enable
Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides, available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API. If you're new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.
Role Information
To use this feature, the following privileges or roles are required:
- Job Role Name and Code:
- Privilege Name and Code:
Upload Attachments Using the Product Uploads REST Service
You can now use the Product Uploads REST service to upload product attachments from multiple spoke systems into Product Hub. While uploading the product data using the Product Uploads REST service, you can now specify the name of the compressed file containing the product attachments in addition to the product data file. Then, import the product data along with the product attachments into Product Hub.
Steps to Enable
Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides, available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API. If you're new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.
Tips And Considerations
- Before you initiate Product Uploads REST, you must compress all the attachments and upload the compressed file to Oracle WebCenter Content.
- Upload the compressed file to the /scm/item/import/ account in Oracle WebCenter Content.
Role Information
To use this feature, the following privileges or roles are required:
- Privilege Name and Code:
- Job Role Name and Code:
Product Development & Product Hub Common Features
Capture Date, Time, and Time Zone in Change History
View change order workflow actions with date, time, and time zone. In the Workflow Summary and the Approvers panel, you can now see the date and time in your preferred time zone. You can set your preferred time zone in your user profile.
With this feature, you can track and review more granular information such as the exact time a change was approved, a critical requirement for compliance in regulated industries such as Life Sciences.
Workflow Tab Shows Time Zone
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
Role Information
To use this feature, the following roles are required:
- Job Role Name and Code:
Search and Access Item Attachments in OTBI
Search for item attachments by title or description to locate them easily in Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI). From the search results, you can navigate directly to the associated item using the deep-linking functionality for reports. You can also download shared files directly from an OTBI analysis.
You will now see Item Attachments and Revision Attachments folders under the following subject areas: Structures and Components, Source System Items and Item Revisions. Use the Item Attachments folder for item-level attachments and the Revision Attachments folder for revision-level attachments.
Structures and Components Subject Area with Item Attachments and Revision Attachments Folders, and Sample Analysis
Item Revisions Subject Area with Item Attachments and Revision Attachments Folders, and Sample Analysis
Steps to Enable
Leverage new subject area(s) by adding to existing reports or using in new reports. For details about creating and editing reports, see the Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports book (available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Administration).
Tips And Considerations
- Revision attachments are applicable only for the Structures and Components and Item Revisions subject areas.
- The recommended navigation is to search for the attachment using OTBI, and then navigate to the item in the application user interface.
Key Resources
To hyperlink object names in reports to the actual objects in the application, refer to the Create Deep Links to Objects in Reports chapter in the Oracle SCM Cloud Using Innovation Management guide.
Watch Item, Change, and OTBI Improvements Readiness Training???????
Role Information
To use this feature, the following roles are required:
- Job Role Name and Code:
- Product Transaction Analysis Duty (FBI_PRODUCT_TRANSACTION_ANALYSIS_DUTY)
- BI Consumer Role (BIConsumer)
Improve Change Order Performance and Eliminate Stuck Changes
With this update, you’ll see multiple improvements in change order behavior:
- Automatic checks to avoid locks when two changes are approved within seconds of each other.
- When you submit a change order for approval, the change is not processed if there is a concurrent change order that will implement and activate one or more of the affected objects. This prevents parallel locking requests for the same record.
- Changes that become effective within the same 30-minute period are considered concurrent and stopped. The check applies for change lines that are effective on approval or effective in the future.
- The ability to cancel change orders in any status – even Approved and Scheduled statuses.
- Checks to prevent inactive users from being added as approvers for a change.
- Timely error messages that help you prevent or resolve potential issues for the following scenarios:
- the change order is already approved by other approvers
- the approval request is reassigned to another user
- the approval workflow is terminated
- the backend system to process the approvals is currently unavailable
Error Message Displayed for Concurrent Change Orders
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
To cancel a change order in Approval or Scheduled status, you must have the EGO_RESCHEDULE_ITEM_CHANGE_ORDER_PRIV privilege.
Key Resources
Role Information
To use this feature, the following roles are required:
- Job Role Name and Code:
Refresh Change Order View to See Updates
Use the Refresh button on any change tab to update your change order view. You don’t need to leave a change order page and then return to see the updates made.
The Refresh icon refreshes the following data:
- General information
- Change status and workflow actions
- Affected object data
- Impact analysis
- Attachments, relationships, and security settings
Refresh Action for Change Order Data
Watch a Demo
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
Role Information
To use this feature, the following roles are required:
- Job Role Name and Code:
Manage Change Attachments Using REST Services
Use the Product Change Order Attachment REST service to add, update, or delete attachments of change orders that are in Draft or Open status. You can also add, update, or delete attachments of change orders that are in Interim status if the Allow Updates option is selected in the change order type setup.
The Attachment service is a child of the parent Product Change Orders REST service.
Steps to Enable
Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides, available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API. If you're new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.
Key Resources
- Refer to the REST APIs for Oracle SCM Cloud documentation available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
To use this feature, the following privilege or role is required:
- Job Role Name and Code:
Promote Change Order to Complete Status if Final Change Line Is Canceled
Automatically promote a change order in the Scheduled status to Completed status if the final change line is canceled manually. When the final change line is manually canceled, the Workflow tab shows that the change is now in Completed status and no further action is required.
You can activate or deactivate this functionality by change order type.
Steps to Enable
In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:
- Offering: Product Management
- Functional Area: Change Orders
- Task: Manage Change Order Types
- On the Manage Change Order Types page, search for the change order type for which you want to enable Autocomplete on Cancel.
- In the Edit Change Order Type dialog, select the Autocomplete on Cancel check box and save.
Tips And Considerations
All other change lines must be canceled or completed in order to autopromote the change order to Completed status.
Key Resources
Role Information
To use this feature, the following roles are required:
- Job Role Name and Code:
To cancel a change line in Scheduled status, you must have the EGO_RESCHEDULE_ITEM_CHANGE_ORDER_PRIV privilege.
Calculate Total Component Quantity for Your Work Definition Based on Your Yield Quantity
Calculate the total component quantity needed for your work definition based on your yield factor. The quantity calculation is now revised to determine yield quantity consistently across Product Management.
Total quantity is divided by the yield factor. For instance, let's say Total Quantity = 1 for a component, and Yield = 1. When the yield factor is updated to 0.75, the total quantity is updated to 1.333333 automatically.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
Role Information
To use this feature, the following roles are required:
- Job Role Name and Code:
View Past Structure Revisions Based on the Effective End Date and Time of a Revision
Item structure views now display past revisions more accurately. This update synchronizes the way reference date and time are defined for structure resolution in Product Hub and Product Development. The reference date and time are shown in the item structure page.
Date and Time Displayed in Item Structure Page
With this update, the behavior in Product Hub is changed to show the structure of a past item revision based on the effective end date and time of the revision. Here are the default settings for reference date and time that appear when you expand the structure, these settings are based on the effective date of the parent item revision.
Item Revision | Reference Date |
Past effective | End date and time of revision |
Current effective | Current date and time |
Future effective | Start date and time of revision |
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
Role Information
To use this feature, the following roles are required:
- Job Role Name and Code:
Define the Number of Structure Levels to Make Common
Define the number of levels to make common when you create new item structures based on an existing structure. You can do this from the Structure tab for one organization at a time, or the Manage Item Mass Changes page for multiple organizations simultaneously.
In the Create Item Structures from Common dialog, the default option is First Level, but you now have the option to specify the number of levels to make common. This gives your data steward more flexibility while determining maintenance requirements for your structures.
Define Common Structure Levels
Specify Number of Structure Levels to Make Common
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
Role Information
To use this feature, the following roles are required:
- Job Role Name and Code:
Fast Track the Creation of Your New Item Requests
The classic new item request process requires you to enter the new item request name, number, and additional details across multiple windows. With this update, you can have new item request number, name, and description values filled in automatically as described here.
If the number generation method is rule-generated or sequence-generated:
- Number is automatically generated
- Name = Item number
- Description = Item description
If the number generation method is user-defined:
- Number and name = Item number
- Description = Item description
In addition to the Submit button on the item page, you now see a Quick Submit button. Use this action to bypass multiple pages, minimize the number of clicks, and thus fast track the new item request process.
New Item Request Quick Submit
New Item Request Created in Open Status on Quick Submit
NOTE: This feature was also made available in a monthly update of 19C.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
You can still use the classic process and click Submit, if you prefer that. The Quick Submit button is enabled only for single item creation, not multiple item creation.
Also, users with the Application Implementation Consultant role can hide the Quick Submit button using Page Composer, if desired.
Key Resources
Role Information
To use this feature, the following roles are required:
- Job Role Name and Code:
Provide Intelligent Security Access When Creating New Structures from Existing Structures
Provide authorized users the required access to create common structures efficiently. Users who have access to the top-level item in a structure are now automatically assigned access to all child components within that structure. You no longer have to set up access individually for each child component and organization.
You may have users with different job roles performing these actions, for example, one person is responsible for creating your common structures and another one for assigning security access for each common structure scenario. With this update, you can reduce the maintenance overhead of synchronizing these activities.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Role Information
To use this feature, the following roles are required:
- Job Role Name and Code:
Leverage Additional Change Header Attributes in Change Order Rules
The change order rules now have additional change attributes such as Change Name and Change ID. You can include these attributes in rule expressions and create efficient rules.
This screen capture shows the additional change header attributes on the UI.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Role Information
To use this feature, the following privileges or roles are required:
- Job Role Name and Code:
- Privilege Name and Code:
Move Change Lines from a Change Order
Use the Move Change Lines action to move one or more change lines from a single change order to another change order. For example, let's say your change order has some affected objects that are causing issues because they have incorrect redlines, or have been rejected or canceled. To move the workflow forward, you can move these lines to another change order, and process the rest.
Here's what you need to know before you use this feature:
The same affected items can be listed multiple times on the same change order provided they have different effective dates.
If you need to move two or more change lines from one change order to another, you can multiselect the lines and move them in a single action or if you want to do it one-by-one, but want to add it to the same change order, then the second time you move the line, you can search and select the change order.
You can also move the lines from multiple change orders to one target change order.
If there is a change line that is canceled in the target change order, then you can't move the same item again as a change line to the target change order. You must remove the canceled change line or move it to a different change order before you perform the move action.
If you want to add it to the same change order one by one, then the second time you move the line, you can search and select the change order.
Move Change Lines
Create New Change Order Or Select Existing Change Order
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
Role Information
To use this feature, the following roles are required:
- Job Role Name and Code:
In order to move cancelled change lines of a change order which is in Scheduled or Completed status the user has to have the EGO_RESCHEDULE_ITEM_CHANGE_ORDER_PRIV privilege.
Retain Context of Change While Viewing Item Details
Review details of the affected objects in a change order’s table view without moving out of the context of the change. You can now click the name of any item to see its details, and redline the item without having to open a new tab.
Click Affected Item Name to Edit Details Without Losing Context
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
Role Information
To use this feature, the following roles are required:
- Job Role Name and Code:
Monitor Change Order Cycle Time by Status in OTBI
Use the new Change Order Approvals Real Time subject area in Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI) to get improved visibility into incomplete change orders and create process improvements. Your change analysts can now closely monitor the approval cycle time of change orders by change type and other attributes, and understand the key contributors for delays.
This subject area analyzes approval cycle time in Interim Approval and Approval statuses.
Sample Report of Change Order Approval Cycle Time
Sample Report of Change Order Approval Age
Sample Report of Change Order Workflow details
Steps to Enable
Leverage new subject area(s) by adding to existing reports or using in new reports. For details about creating and editing reports, see the Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports book (available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Administration).
Key Resources
Role Information
To use this feature, the following roles are required:
- Job Role Name and Code:
- Product Transaction Analysis Duty (FBI_PRODUCT_TRANSACTION_ANALYSIS_DUTY)
- BI Consumer Role (BIConsumer)
See Meaningful Names Within the Actions List in Application Composer
See descriptive, self-explanatory names within the Actions list in Application Composer when you design quality issue and quality action objects. You can easily identify the purpose of each action in the menu.
Action Names in Application Composer
Watch a Demo
Steps to Enable
Leverage Application Composer to expose and adjust page layout and attributes. To learn more about extending your application using Applications Composer, visit Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Configuration and Extension.
Key Resources
Assign User Roles as Mandatory or Optional Workflow Approvers
Use roles to add multiple users as approvers to your quality workflow quickly and efficiently. You can now add user roles as approvers instead of individual users. When you submit the quality issue or action for approval, the user roles are automatically expanded to reveal the full list of approvers, and duplicate approvers are resolved to a single approver.
With this update, you can also assign a user role as a mandatory or optional approver.
Searching for Roles
Roles Assigned as Mandatory and Optional Approvers on the Approvers List
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
To assign roles as approvers, the roles must be already created in the Security Console.
Key Resources
Prevent Deletion of Quality Issue or Quality Action Types That Are in Use
Prevent the deletion of quality types that are in use with tighter checks across all issues and actions. Error messages warn you if the quality issue or action type is currently in use so that you can prevent accidental deletion and inconsistencies across issues and actions.
Error Message to Prevent Deletion of Quality Types in Use
Watch a Demo
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
Remove Approve and Reject Buttons on Approval of a Quality Issue or Action
Eliminate confusion about whether a user has already approved a quality object or not. With this update, the Approve and Reject buttons are removed from the user interface once a quality issue or quality action has been approved or rejected.
User Interface Without Approve and Reject Buttons
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
View Name, User Name, and Email When You Search for Users
View additional columns such as Name, User Name, and Email in the search results when you add users to the Security tab or as Approvers to a workflow for quality issues and actions. When you search for a role, the role code is also visible in the search results. You can easily find and add the right users and roles to the Security tab and for workflow approvals.
User Search
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
Enable Inspections for Maintenance Work Orders
Inspections are integral to any maintenance activity. With this update, you can collect inspection data for a maintenance operation.
Inspections for a maintenance operation can be mandatory or optional, depending on how you set up the inspection plan. Refer to the Tips & Considerations section for more information on how you can set up an inspection plan.
The Inspection Plan column will display the Inspection Required icon if there is a mandatory inspection plan for a work order operation. The Quick Complete and Complete with Details buttons are disabled until you do the mandatory inspection and collect the results.
You can do the inspection either by clicking the Inspection icon or by clicking the Create Inspection Results button.
The Inspection Plan column will display the Inspection is Optional icon if there isn’t a mandatory inspection plan for a work order operation. The Quick Complete and Complete with Details buttons are enabled, and you can complete the operation even if you don’t do the inspection.
You can do the inspection either by clicking the Inspection icon or by clicking the Create Inspection Results button.
NOTE: Inspection Plan is not mandatory to Create Inspection for the maintenance operation. If Inspection plan is not chosen, then the inspection characteristics should be added manually and results for the same should be entered in the Enter Inspection Details page.
Here are some other ways you can use do the inspections:
- Create Inspection Results task on the Maintenance Management landing page
- Create Inspection button on the Quality Management landing page
Here are the ways you can use to view the inspection results:
- Manage Inspection task on the Maintenance Management landing page
- Search Inspection button on the Quality Management landing page
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
Here are some important points for you to consider when you set up an inspection plan for maintenance work orders:
- The inspection Type should be Work in process.
- The organization is generally a maintenance organization where maintenance work orders are created.
- We recommended you set the Details attribute as Item and the value of Item attribute should be an Asset Item.
- The above means that the Inspection plan is not setup against any specific Asset.
- Inspection Plan Optional check box is used to set the inspection as mandatory or optional during operation completion.
- If the check box is selected, then the inspection is optional during operation completion.
- If the check box is deselected, then the inspection is mandatory during operation completion.
- The characteristics should be added to the plan.
- Inspection actions can be configured once characteristics have been saved to the plan.
- The Inspection criteria should be either set for Operation Sequence or Operation Code.
- The disposition status should always be Ready.
- The inspection plan Status should be Approved.
To access the Quality Management work area and set up quality inspection plans, you must purchase an Oracle Product Management Cloud subscription.
Key Resources
- Refer to the "Introduction to Quality Management Cloud" topic in the Using Quality Management guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
To use this feature, the following roles and privileges are required:
- Job Role Name and Code:
- Privilege Name and Code:
Integrate And Extend Product Genealogy Capabilities Using REST Services
Manage Genealogy Objects Using a REST Service
Use the Genealogy Objects REST service to do the following:
- Create and update genealogy objects
- Create the genealogy transactions
- Get genealogy objects
- Get genealogy transactions
With the Genealogy Objects REST service, you can complete the full genealogy records throughout the product life cycle that is tracked in internal and external systems.
In addition, you can use the Genealogy Objects REST service in conjunction with the Genealogy Relationships REST service to import genealogy objects, transactions, and relationships.
Steps to Enable
Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides, available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API. If you're new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.
Role Information
To use this feature, the following privileges or roles are required:
- Privilege Name and Code:
- Get Product Genealogy by Service (CSE_GET_PRODUCT_GENEALOGY_BY_SERVICE_PRIV)
- Manage Product Genealogy by Service (CSE_MANAGE_PRODUCT_GENEALOGY_BY_SERVICE_PRIV)
- Job Role Name and Code:
Manage Genealogy Relationships Using a REST Service
Use the Genealogy Relationships REST service to do the following:
- Create and remove genealogy relationships
- Get genealogy relationships
With the Genealogy Relationships REST service, you can complete the full genealogy records throughout the product life cycle that is tracked in internal and external systems.
In addition, you can use the Genealogy Relationships REST service in conjunction with the Genealogy Object REST service to import genealogy objects, transactions, and relationships.
Steps to Enable
Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides, available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API. If you're new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.
Role Information
To use this feature, the following privileges or roles are required:
- Privilege Name and Code:
- Get Product Genealogy by Service (CSE_GET_PRODUCT_GENEALOGY_BY_SERVICE_PRIV)
- Manage Product Genealogy by Service (CSE_MANAGE_PRODUCT_GENEALOGY_BY_SERVICE_PRIV)
- Job Role Name and Code: