Cloud Readiness / Oracle Product Lifecycle Management Cloud
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  1. Update 21C
  1. Revision History
  2. Overview
  3. Pre-Update and Post-Update Tasks
  4. Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)
  5. Feature Summary
  6. Product Lifecycle Management
    1. Cross-Product Enhancements
        1. Access SCM Application Pages Using Quick Actions
    2. Innovation Management
        1. Enrich Ideas Before Posting
    3. Product Development
        1. Find Multi-Row Flexfields Within Collapsed Attribute Groups
        2. Improve Controls for Supplier Access to Changes
        3. Improve Data Management of Configured Objects
        4. Use a Single Dialog to Publish and View Reports
      1. Other Product Development Changes in This Update
    4. Product Hub
        1. Adjust the Deviation Factors for Dual UOM Items
        2. Define and Use Dual UOM Items and Substitutes Effectively by Leveraging New Validations
        3. Use Import Map Smart Spreadsheets for Item Mass Update
        4. Search Consistently for Items Within Item Relationships
        5. Use an LOV REST Service for Items
        6. Filter Your Item Selections for Transactions Using Automatic Suggestions
        7. Query Additional Attributes Using the Items List of Values REST Resource
      1. Other Product Hub Changes in This Update
    5. Product Development & Product Hub Common Features
        1. Grant Granular Privileges to View and Update Changes
        2. Display Similar Search Interface for Engineering and Commercialization Changes
        3. Use Object Hyperlinks to View Related Objects on Changes
    6. Product Lifecycle Management Common Features
        1. Control Actions Performed by Change Requester
    7. Quality Management
        1. Grant Granular Privileges to Manage Problem Reports and Corrective Actions
        2. Perform Inline Inspection with a Sample Quantity and Unit of Measure
        3. View Additional Columns in the Lot Dimension and Event Disposition Dimension in Quality Inspections OTBI
      1. Other Quality Management Changes in This Update

Update 21C

Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Module Feature Notes
30 SEP 2022 Product Development & Product Hub Common Display Similar Search Interface for Engineering and Commercialization Changes Updated document. Revised opt-in expiration.
18 NOV 2021 Cross-Product Enhancements Access SCM Application Pages Using Quick Actions Updated document. Revised feature information.
18 NOV 2021 Product Hub Query Additional Attributes Using the Items List of Values REST Resource Updated document. Added a feature that was backported in the October monthly maintenance pack.
30 JUL 2021 Cross-Product Enhancements Access SCM Application Pages Using Quick Actions Updated document. Revised feature information.
30 JUL 2021 Product Hub Define and Use Dual UOM Items and Substitutes Effectively by Leveraging New Validations Updated document. Delivered feature in update 21C.
25 JUN 2021 Product Hub Filter Your Item Selections for Transactions Using Automatic Suggestions Updated document. Revised feature information.
18 JUN 2021     Created initial document.


This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in this update, and describes any tasks you might need to perform for the update. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.


The Role section of each feature identifies the security privilege and job role required to use the feature. If feature setup is required, then the Application Implementation Consultant job role is required to perform the setup, unless otherwise indicated. (If a feature doesn't include a Role section, then no security changes are required to use the feature.)

If you have created job roles, then you can use this information to add new privileges to those roles as needed. For details about how to compare your configured job roles to predefined job roles and add security artifacts to your configured job roles, see the Security Console and Roles and Role Assignments chapters in the Oracle SCM Cloud: Securing SCM guide on the Oracle Help Center.


We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at

Pre-Update and Post-Update Tasks

Depending on the features you're using in your Cloud applications, you may be required to perform certain steps immediately before or after your quarterly update. For details of these pre-update and post-update steps and the product areas that are affected, refer to Oracle SCM Cloud: Performing Your Quarterly Update (doc ID 2337485.1) on My Oracle Support.

Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)

Oracle Cloud Applications delivers new updates every quarter. This means every three months you'll receive new functionality to help you efficiently and effectively manage your business. Some features are delivered Enabled meaning they are immediately available to end users. Other features are delivered Disabled meaning you have to take action to make available. Features delivered Disabled can be activated for end users by stepping through the following instructions using the following privileges:

  • Configure Oracle Fusion Applications Offering (ASM_CONFIGURE_OFFERING_PRIV)

Here’s how you opt in to new features:

  1. Click Navigator > My Enterprise > New Features.
  2. On the Features Overview page, select your offering to review new features specific to it. Or, you can leave the default selection All Enabled Offerings to review new features for all offerings.
  3. On the New Features tab, review the new features and check the opt-in status of the feature in the Enabled column. If a feature has already been enabled, you will see a check mark. Otherwise, you will see an icon to enable the feature.
  4. Click the icon in the Enabled column and complete the steps to enable the feature.

In some cases, you might want to opt in to a feature that's not listed in the New Features work area. Here's how to opt in:

  1. Click Navigator > My Enterprise > Offerings.
  2. On the Offerings page, select your offering, and then click Opt In Features.
  3. On the Opt In page, click the Edit Features (pencil) icon for the offering, or for the functional area that includes your feature.
  4. On the Edit Features page, complete the steps to enable the feature.

For more information and detailed instructions on opting in to new features for your offering, see Offering Configuration.

Opt In Expiration

Occasionally, features delivered Disabled via Opt In may be enabled automatically in a future update. This is known as an Opt In Expiration. If your cloud service has any Opt In Expirations you will see a related tab in this document. Click on that tab to see when the feature was originally delivered Disabled, and when the Opt In will expire, potentially automatically enabling the feature. You can also click here to see features with Opt In Expirations across all Oracle Cloud Applications.

Feature Summary

Column Definitions:

Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.

UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.

UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.

Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.

Ready for Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Enabled)

Reports plus Small Scale UI or Process-Based new features will have minimal user impact after an update. Therefore, customer acceptance testing should focus on the Larger Scale UI or Process-Based* new features.

Customer Must Take Action before Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Disabled)

Not disruptive as action is required to make these features ready to use. As you selectively choose to leverage, you set your test and roll out timing.



UI or
Small Scale

UI or
Larger Scale*

Product Lifecycle Management

Cross-Product Enhancements

Access SCM Application Pages Using Quick Actions

Innovation Management

Enrich Ideas Before Posting

Product Development

Find Multi-Row Flexfields Within Collapsed Attribute Groups

Improve Controls for Supplier Access to Changes

Improve Data Management of Configured Objects

Use a Single Dialog to Publish and View Reports

Other Product Development Changes in This Update

Product Hub

Adjust the Deviation Factors for Dual UOM Items

Define and Use Dual UOM Items and Substitutes Effectively by Leveraging New Validations

Use Import Map Smart Spreadsheets for Item Mass Update

Search Consistently for Items Within Item Relationships

Use an LOV REST Service for Items

Filter Your Item Selections for Transactions Using Automatic Suggestions

Query Additional Attributes Using the Items List of Values REST Resource

Other Product Hub Changes in This Update

Product Development & Product Hub Common Features

Grant Granular Privileges to View and Update Changes

Display Similar Search Interface for Engineering and Commercialization Changes

Use Object Hyperlinks to View Related Objects on Changes

Product Lifecycle Management Common Features

Control Actions Performed by Change Requester

Quality Management

Grant Granular Privileges to Manage Problem Reports and Corrective Actions

Perform Inline Inspection with a Sample Quantity and Unit of Measure

View Additional Columns in the Lot Dimension and Event Disposition Dimension in Quality Inspections OTBI

Other Quality Management Changes in This Update

Product Lifecycle Management

Cross-Product Enhancements

Access SCM Application Pages Using Quick Actions

In this update, Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud delivers new quick actions that provide easy navigation from the home page directly to specific application pages without using the menu structure. With a single click, you can initiate tasks from the home page.

Each tab group on the home page displays an initial set of quick actions that are based on your function security privileges. The actions available to you are controlled by the job roles you're assigned. Click Show More to see all of the quick actions that are available to you in that tab group:

Quick Actions on the Home Page for the Supply Chain Execution Tab Group

Quick actions are automatically available if your environment has a theme that includes the news feed layout on the home page. See the Tips and Considerations section for additional details.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • To see quick actions, your environment must have a theme that includes the news feed layout on the home page, such as the Redwood theme, which was the default theme as of update 20C. If your administrator created and applied a configured theme to your environment, however, the Redwood theme won’t override your configured theme. Administrators can use the Themes page of the Appearance work area to manage environment themes.
  • Users who are assigned the predefined Application Implementation Consultant job role, or a similar configured job role, can perform selected configurations of the Quick Action links. For details and instructions, see Configure Quick Actions on the Oracle Help Center.

Innovation Management

Enrich Ideas Before Posting

You can now associate customers, add attachments, and mark an idea as a favorite, directly from the Post Idea dialog. 

Add Customers and Attachments from Post Idea Dialog

Quickly enrich your idea with critical information before you post it. Mark as Favorite is selected by default so that you can easily find your idea later (from your Favorites list).

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Role And Privileges

You have a couple of options for giving people access to this feature, depending on whether you're assigning them predefined job roles or your own configured job roles.

  • Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles are automatically able to access this feature:
    • Product Manager (ORA_EGP_PRODUCT_MANAGER_JOB)
  • Users who are assigned configured job roles that contain these privileges are able to access this feature:
    • Create Product Idea (ACN_CREATE_PRODUCT_IDEA_PRIV)

Product Development

Find Multi-Row Flexfields Within Collapsed Attribute Groups

Use the Find Attribute search to find multi-row extended flexfield attributes that are within a collapsed attribute group. 

When you enter an attribute name and click the navigation arrow, the cursor automatically moves to the matching value for easy editing.

Search for Multi-Row Attribute

Displayed Attribute in Multi-Row Group

With this update, you can find the multi-row attributes you want quickly and efficiently even when attribute groups are kept collapsed to improve performance.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • To load the item page faster, you can keep attribute groups collapsed by default. To do this, set the value for the item profile setting ORA_ACA_ITEMS_EFF_DISPLAY to COLLAPSE_ALL.
  • Enter a search value and then select the navigation arrows next to the search field to start the search; pressing Enter won't start the search.

Role And Privileges

You have a couple of options for giving people access to this feature, depending on whether you're assigning them predefined job roles or your own configured job roles.

  • Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles are automatically able to access this feature:
    • Product Manager (ORA_EGP_PRODUCT_MANAGER_JOB)
    • Product Design Engineer (ORA_ACD_PRODUCT_DESIGN_ENGINEER_JOB)
    • Product Design Manager (ORA_ACD_PRODUCT DESIGN_MANAGER_JOB)
  • Users who are assigned configured job roles that contain these privileges are able to access this feature:
    • Manage Item (EGP_MANAGE_ITEM_PRIV)
    • View Item (EGP_VIEW_ITEM_PRIV)
    • Any privileges associated with the extensible flexfield attribute groups.

Improve Controls for Supplier Access to Changes

In Supplier Portal, you can now use two separate tasks, Manage Item Change Orders and Manage Item Change Requests, to provide discrete access to change orders and change requests. Previously there was a single task for both objects, called View Changes.

Separate Task Links for Change Orders and Change Requests

With this update, you can use granular privileges to control supplier access to change orders and change requests. For example, you can decide who should be able to edit, and who should be given view-only access to these objects.

Separate task links for these change types also enable quicker navigation to the relevant objects.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  1. Existing supplier roles and privileges will continue to function as normal.
  2. Consider using these view privileges if your business requires you to provide view-only access to certain roles and users.
  3. Web services and the import of change orders and change requests are not governed by these new privileges. 
  4. Suppliers also have read-only access to problem reports and corrective actions.

Key Resources

  • See also: Feature - Grant Granular Privileges to Manage Problem Reports and Corrective Actions

Role And Privileges

You have a couple of options for giving people access to this feature, depending on whether you're assigning them predefined job roles or your own configured job roles.

  • Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles are automatically able to access this feature:
    • Supplier Product Design Engineer (ORA_ACA_SUPPLIER_PRODUCT_DESIGN_ENGINEER_JOB)
  • Users who are assigned configured job roles that contain these privileges are able to access this feature:
    • To provide view-only access to the supplier user for change orders and change requests, you must provide a new Monitor Product Management Workflow Objects privilege  (ACA_MONITOR_PRODUCT_MANAGEMENT_WORFLOW_OBJECTS_PRIV) along with the object-specific view privilege:
      • Change Orders: 
        • View Change Order in Supplier Portal (ACA_VIEW_CHANGE_ORDER_SUPPLIER_PORTAL_PRIV)
        • Manage Change Order in Supplier Portal (ACA_MANAGE_CHANGE_ORDER_SUPPLIER_PORTAL_PRIV)
      • Change Requests: 
        • View Change Request in Supplier Portal (ACA_VIEW_CHANGE_REQUEST_SUPPLIER_PORTAL_PRIV)
        • Manage Change Request in Supplier Portal (ACA_MANAGE_CHANGE_REQUEST_SUPPLIER_PORTAL_PRIV)

Improve Data Management of Configured Objects

You can now delete any unwanted or unused configured attributes in a sandbox if they are not yet published. If you try to delete an attribute that is in use, a warning message shows you where the attribute is used so that you can remove the usage before you delete it.

Review Attribute Usage Before Deleting

The object label is displayed when you enter the Application Composer home page. 

Object Label Displayed

A unique record number is no longer enforced across the objects. The record number is unique only within a configured object.

With this update, you can avail flexible data management options in Application Composer to improve user performance.

Steps to Enable

Leverage Application Composer to expose and adjust page layout and attributes. To learn more about extending your application using Application Composer, visit Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Configuration and Extension.

Role And Privileges

You have a couple of options for giving people access to this feature, depending on whether you're assigning them predefined job roles or your own configured job roles.

  • An administrator who is assigned any of these predefined job roles is automatically able to access this feature:
    • Product Data Steward (ORA_EGI_PRODUCT_DATA_STEWARD_JOB) or
    • Application Implementation Consultant (ORA_ASM_APPLICATION_IMPLEMENTATION_CONSULTANT_JOB)
  • Users who are assigned configured job roles that contain these privileges are able to access this feature:
    • Administrator privileges needed for sandbox:
      • Administer Sandbox (FND_ADMINISTER_SANDBOX_PRIV) or
      • Manage Sandbox (FND_MANAGE_SANDBOX_PRIV)
      • Manage extensible object (ZCX_MANAGE_EXTENSIBLE_OBJECT_PRIV)
  • Business users who are assigned configured job roles that contain these privileges are able to access this feature:
    • Configured object:
      • Configured Objects Administration: ORA_CRM_EXTN_ROLE for runtime read and manage access to configured object data.
        • This role is created dynamically when the configured object is created. Users can then be assigned to the role.
      • Read and manage access to configured objects at a minimum.

Use a Single Dialog to Publish and View Reports

Use the View Reports action on the item page in the Product Development work area to do the following in a single, enriched interface:

  • Publish item structure or where-used data for analysis
  • View the last published date and scheduled process number of the publication job
  • Launch your configured reports

With this update, you can publish structure or where-used data into Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI), and confirm that the scheduled process was successful before launching the report. You can launch the report either from the same dialog, or from the Reports and Analytics side tab. 

View Configured Reports from Actions Menu on Item Page

Publish for Analysis

Minimize user navigation time and increase visibility into product data with this integrated view to publish and view reports.

Steps to Enable

Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

Offering: Product ManagementNo Longer Optional From: Update 22A

Tips And Considerations

  • When you opt in to this feature, note that the Publish for Analysis action will no longer be available directly in the Actions menu. The Publish action is within the dialog launched by the View Reports action.
  • If you have been accessing Structure and Where Used reports directly in OTBI or through the Reports and Analytics side tab, you must first publish the report data for analysis from the item page using Actions > View Reports > Publish for Analysis.
  • Ensure that all users who need to publish data for analysis have the View Product Management Reports (ACA_VIEW_PRODUCT_MANAGEMENT_REPORTS_PRIV) privilege to view reports. This is true for suppliers as well, if you intend to have them run scheduled processes for structure and component reports directly in OTBI or through the Reports and Analytics side tab.
  • You can optionally configure one or more reports in the Setup and Maintenance work area, have them display in the Configured Reports list, and launch the reports directly from the same dialog.

Key Resources

To learn how you can configure Product Management reports, see the following:

Role And Privileges

You have a couple of options for giving people access to this feature, depending on whether you're assigning them predefined job roles or your own configured job roles.

  • Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles are automatically able to access this feature:
    • Product Manager (ORA_EGP_PRODUCT_MANAGER_JOB)
    • Product Design Manager (ORA_ACD_PRODUCT_DESIGN_MANAGER_JOB)
    • Product Design Engineer (ORA_ACD_PRODUCT_DESIGN_ENGINEER_JOB)
    • Supplier Product Design Engineer (ORA_ACA_SUPPLIER_PRODUCT_DESIGN_ENGINEER_JOB)
  • Users who are assigned configured job roles that contain these privileges are able to access this feature:
    • To access the Product Development work area:
      • Monitor Product Development (ACA_MONITOR_PRODUCT_DEVELOPMENT_PRIV)
    • To access the item:
      • Manage Item (EGP_MANAGE_ITEM_PRIV)
    • To launch reports using the View Reports action on the item page:
      • View Product Management Reports (ACA_VIEW_PRODUCT_MANAGEMENT_REPORTS_PRIV)

Other Product Development Changes in This Update

This section includes details about additional changes in this update that can change the way Oracle Product Development Cloud works.

Control Commenting During Approvals and Disable Attachment Upload from Notifications

The Mandate Comments setting in the Approval Preconditions section of BPM task configuration is now honored for change order and new item request approvals. For the Approve and Reject options, if you select Not Allowed, the Comments box is removed from the Approval dialog.

The signature policy setting in BPM is also honored. In addition, the ability to add attachments from the approval notification has been disabled.

This fix is applicable only if you have opted in for the 21A feature:  Configure New Item Request and Change Order Approval Notifications Using BI Publisher.

Bug Reference: 31500246

Analyze Change Line Descriptive Flexfields with Change History Attributes

With this update, you can combine Change Line Descriptive Flexfields and Change History attributes using the Change Orders subject area to create comprehensive OTBI reports.

Bug Reference: 32342547

Hyperlinked Objects Within Approval Notifications Open in New Window

Object hyperlinks within change notifications and new item request approval notifications now open the object in a new browser window instead of opening it in a dialog within the same notification window.

This fix is applicable only if you have opted in to the 21A feature:  Configure New Item Request and Change Order Approval Notifications Using BI Publisher.

Bug References: 32623289 and 32622345

Move Change Lines is Now Controlled by Additional Workflow Controls

The action to move change lines is no longer controlled by the Reschedule Item Change Order privilege. Instead, you can use the Additional Workflow Controls section in the change type setup to control this action.

Bug Reference: 32654035

Improved Performance for Structure Expansion

Performance has been improved for item structure expansion in the Product Development work area. Leaf-level components now show the Expand icon. Different icons are used to differentiate subassemblies and leaf-level components.

Bug Reference: 32656597

Extended Character Length for Send Object Notification Message

The message box in the Send Object notification dialog for objects such as items and change orders was limited to 240 characters. This limitation has now been removed.

Bug Reference: 32519346

Manage Descriptive Flexfields on Manufacturer Part Attachments Tab

You can now view and update the descriptive flexfields for a manufacturer part within its Attachments tab.

Bug Reference: 32044210

Get All Next Statuses with Product Change Orders REST API

Prior to this update, the nextStatus service could be used to retrieve only the next statuses that are valid for a change, that is, the statuses to which a user can promote the change. Now, the service can be used to retrieve all the next statuses defined in the change workflow.

Bug Reference: 32510167

Get Item Class of Components Using SOAP Services

The Product Design Change Order Web Service has been updated to include the item class of structure components in the findChangeObject and findChangeOrderRedline methods.

The Item Structure V2 SOAP service has been updated to include the component item class in the findStructure method.

Bug Reference: 32336225

Product Hub

Adjust the Deviation Factors for Dual UOM Items

You can now update the positive and negative deviation factors associated to an item that has dual units of measure. You can make the deviation factors less restrictive than their previous values but not more restrictive.

Editable Deviation Factor Under the UOM Section

In the Simplified Change Management Interface, the Affected Objects redline view of commercialization change orders now shows the Positive Deviation Factor and Negative Deviation Factor attributes.

This feature gives your enterprise additional flexibility to handle real world procurement, inventory, or supply chain challenges by allowing deviations in UOMs to be used in downstream systems.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • Providing a tighter deviation factor may have an impact on existing transactions that use secondary units of measure therefore, such changes are not allowed.
  • The positive and negative deviation factors can be modified regardless of whether transactions exists on the item.

Key Resources

Role And Privileges

  • Users who are assigned this predefined job role are automatically able to access this feature:
    • Product Manager (ORA_EGP_PRODUCT_MANAGER)
  • Users who are assigned configured job roles that contain these privileges are able to access this feature:
    • Create Item Class Item Data (EGO_CREATE_ITEM_CLASS_ITEM_DATA)
    • View Item (EGP_VIEW_ITEM)
    • Maintain Item Main Group Data (EGO_MAINTAIN_ITEM_MAIN_GROUP_DATA)

Define and Use Dual UOM Items and Substitutes Effectively by Leveraging New Validations

New validations ensure that the respective primary and secondary units of measure of a dual UOM item and its substitute are the same.

Substitute Relationship for Dual UOM Item

Substitute Relationship for Dual UOM Item Report Showing Primary and Secondary UOMs of Related Items

The validations enforce these requirements:

  • Respective primary and secondary UOMs of a dual UOM item and its substitute are the same in the respective inventory organizations.
  • Dual UOM item can’t be added as a substitute of a non-dual UOM item, and vice versa.

This feature ensures that additional governance measures are enforced for product substitutions.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

  • Refer to the Oracle SCM Cloud Using Product Master Data Management guide, available on the Oracle Help Center, for setting up of primary and secondary units of measure and defining item relationships.

Role And Privileges

You have a couple of options for giving people access to this feature, depending on whether you're assigning them predefined job roles or your own configured job roles.

  • Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles are automatically able to access this feature:
    • Product Manager (ORA_EGP_PRODUCT_MANAGER_JOB)
    • Product Data Steward (ORA_EGI_PRODUCT_DATA_STEWARD_JOB)
  • Users who are assigned configured job roles that contain these privileges are able to access this feature:
    • Manage Item (EGP_MANAGE_ITEM_PRIV)
    • Manage Item Relationship (EGP_MANAGE_ITEM_RELATIONSHIP_PRIV)

Use Import Map Smart Spreadsheets for Item Mass Update

Product Data Stewards can now use import map smart spreadsheets to mass edit item attributes from the Manage Items and Browse Items pages. To mass edit item attributes, add the attributes to the search results table on the Manage Items and Browse Items pages. Then, search for the items and select the mass edit action. The mass update smart spreadsheet that is generated contains the attributes that you added to the search results table. You can edit the attribute values in the smart spreadsheet and upload them directly to an item batch for import from within the smart spreadsheet.

The following screenshot shows the smart spreadsheet and the steps for preparing the spreadsheet for upload.

Mass Update Smart Spreadsheet

This feature allows you to follow a consistent method when mass updating or creating items that could lessen overall training and confusion when managing products. 

Steps to Enable

Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

Offering: Product ManagementNo Longer Optional From: Update 22B

Tips And Considerations

  • The import format’s ADFdi spreadsheets are now replaced with smart spreadsheets of import maps that allow for the mass editing of item attributes from the  Manage Items and Browse Items pages.
  • It’s no longer required to create import formats beforehand to mass update item attributes.
  • The smart spreadsheet is created in the logged in user’s language.
  • You can only mass edit 100 item attributes at a time.
  • Item relationship attributes cannot be mass edited.
  • Item attributes with only 10000 values will be displayed as drop-downs in the smart spreadsheets.
  • The smart spreadsheets do not work with 32-bit MS Office on Mac, 64-bit MS Office on Mac is required.
  • Smart spreadsheets are certified on MS Excel 365.
  • The format of the date attributes to be entered in smart spreadsheets that are generated from the Manage Items and Browse Items pages is MM/DD/YYYY.
  • The format of timestamp attributes to be entered in smart spreadsheets generated from manage items and browse items pages is 2001-07-04T12:08:56.235-0700.
  • The revision effective date is displayed in the UTC timezone in the smart spreadsheets generated from manage items and browse items pages.
  • An item batch isn't created while generating the smart spreadsheet from manage items and browse items pages. After editing the item attributes in the smart spreadsheet, you can upload the updated data to an item batch from within the smart spreadsheet. Item batch gets created at this time.
  • Smart spreadsheets of external import maps do not allow for upload of data directly from the smart spreadsheets to an item batch.
  • You can only upload up to 10000 rows from the smart spreadsheet to an item batch. If there are more than 10000 rows in the smart spreadsheet, you should generate the data file from the smart spreadsheet and upload it to an item batch from manage item batches page.
  • You will need to generate an access token to upload the data directly from the smart spreadsheet to an item batch.
  • You can now specify the batch name and spoke system name in the smart spreadsheet to which the item data should be uploaded.
  • The batch name field in the smart spreadsheet will have an autogenerated batch name if the spreadsheet is generated from the Manage Items or Browse Items pages. If the smart spreadsheet is downloaded from the Edit Import Map page, this field will be blank.
  • The spoke system name field, in the smart spreadsheet, will be set to product information management data hub spoke system, if the spreadsheet is generated from the Manage Items or Browse Items pages. If the smart spreadsheet is downloaded from the Edit Import Map page, this field will be blank.
  • You can see the data length and data format errors in the smart spreadsheet that are encountered while uploading the item data to the item batch.
  • You can now create new items while mass editing existing items.
  • Smart Excel now displays table-based value set values.

Key Resources

Role And Privileges

You have a couple options for giving users access to this feature, depending on whether you're assigning them predefined job roles or your own configured job roles.

  • Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles are automatically able to access this feature:
    • Product Data Steward (ORA_EGI_PRODUCT_DATA_STEWARD_JOB)
    • Product Manager (ORA_EGP_PRODUCT_MANAGER_JOB)
    • Manage Item Import Map (EGI_MANAGE_ITEM_IMPORT_MAP_PRIV_OBI)
  • Users who are assigned configured job roles that contain these privileges are able to access this feature:
    • Manage Item Batch (EGI_MANAGE_ITEM_BATCH)
    • Generate Access Token (EGI_GENERATE_ACCESS_TOKEN_PRIV)
    • Get Item Batch Rest (EGI_GET_ITEM_BATCH_REST)
    • Manage Item Batch Rest (EGI_MANAGE_ITEM_BATCH_REST)

Search Consistently for Items Within Item Relationships

When searching and selecting items to create item relationships, you can now take advantage of automatic suggestions from the keyword index. As you enter the minimum number of characters into the item input text box for the item relationship, suggestions are displayed in groups in a drop-down list. This results in a single item that will be returned directly to the item field. Selections resulting in multiple items will launch the Search and Select popup and allow you to refine the search prior to selecting the item. Suggestion groups include Item Number, Attributes, Item Class and Item Relationships.

Screenshot displaying autosuggested values in the Item Relationship pop up.

This feature allows you to be more efficient when searching and selecting items within item relationships by suggesting possible values based on your typing. 

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

The item selection search uses the item keyword index, By default, the selected indexes include; item number, item description, long description, item class, organization and manufacturer trading partner item relationship. Additional attributes, organizations, and languages can be added to the item keyword index using the Manage Item Keyword Search Attributes task in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Key Resources

Role And Privileges

Search requires both functional security and data security when items are in a private state.

  • Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles are automatically able to access this feature:
    • Product Data Steward (ORA_EGI_PRODUCT_DATA_STEWARD_JOB)
    • Product Manager (ORA_EGP_PRODUCT_MANAGER_JOB)
  • Users who are given these functional privileges can search items:
    • View Item (EGP_VIEW_ITEM_PRIV)
    • Manage Item (EGP_MANAGE_ITEM_PRIV)
  • In the case of private items, where data security checking is enabled,  users who given these data privileges can search for items:
    • View Item Basic (EGO_VIEW_ITEM_BASIC_DATA)

Use an LOV REST Service for Items

You can use the Items List of Values REST service to get a filtered list of items with a for use as a data set in a list of values. The Items List of Values (LOV) REST service provides basic details of the item such as the primary operational attributes and descriptive flexfields. You can use the Items LOV REST service to build a list of values using the Visual Builder Cloud Service. This feature gives your enterprise additional flexibility and efficiency when retrieving product data.

You can simplify your enterprise integrations by being able to programmatically retrieve basic item details. This feature gives your enterprise additional flexibility and efficiency when retrieving product data.

Steps to Enable

Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides, available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API. If you're new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.

Key Resources

  • REST API for Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud guide available on the Oracle Help Center.

Role And Privileges

  • Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles are automatically able to access this feature:
    • Product Manager (ORA_EGP_PRODUCT_MANAGER_JOB)
  • Users who are assigned configured job roles that contain these privileges are able to access this feature
    • Manage Item (EGP_MANAGE_ITEM_PRIV)

Filter Your Item Selections for Transactions Using Automatic Suggestions

This feature provides improvements in searching and selecting items in transactions. You can use it to add items to transactions in Oracle Inventory Cloud, Oracle Purchasing Cloud, Oracle Manufacturing Cloud, Oracle Channel Revenue Management Cloud, Oracle Pricing Cloud, Oracle Supply Chain Orchestration Cloud, and Oracle Order Management Cloud.

When searching for and selecting items to add to transactions, you can take advantage of automatic suggestions from the keyword index. Up to 15 automatic suggestions are provided in the following categories:

  • Item number and description: If the search text matches the item number or description
  • Item class: If the search text matches the item class
  • Attributes: If the search text matches the value of one of the indexed attributes
  • Relationships: If the search text matches the indexed item relationships

Here's a summary of other new functions that are available:

  • You can search for items using the related trading partner item number and view the internal item number and its related trading partner item numbers in the search results table.
  • You can optionally enforce item data security based on a common profile option. If the Enforce Data Security profile option has a value of Yes, then data security checking is enabled. If the value is No, then data security checking is disabled. Refer to the Key Resources section for details about setting up item data security.
  • If your search text matches a single internal item, then that item will be populated when you tab out of the field. Otherwise, the autosuggest search technology returns suggested results for the characters entered in the Item field.  For example; if you enter customer item number CX_123, a suggestion in the Relationship region will indicate that an internal item is found through a relationship using the entered characters. If only a single internal item has a relationship with customer item number CX_123, then the internal item will be returned to the item field in the user interface form.

Automatically Suggested Values Based on User Input

You can search for and select items more efficiently when adding items to transactions. This is also helpful if you only know the beginning characters in the item that you are searching for. 

Steps to Enable

Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

Offering: Product Management

Tips And Considerations

  • Use the Offerings work area to opt in to the feature named Search and Select Items More Efficiently. This feature is available in the Items functional area of the Product Management offering.
  • If you need to restrict visibility of certain items to a set of users or roles, then consider setting the Enforce Data Security profile option to Yes. After you set this profile option, you need to set up data security for items. For instructions and details, refer to the information provided in the Key Resources section.

Key Resources

  • Item Keyword Index used in autosuggest search: Manage Item Keyword Search Organizations and Languages (EGP_MANAGE_ITEM_KEYWORD_ORG_LANGU). 
  • Refer to the help topics for item keyword index on the Help Center, in the section titled "FAQs for Item Classes and Attribute Groups."
  • See also: Set Up Data Security for Item Classes

Query Additional Attributes Using the Items List of Values REST Resource

Use the existing Items List of Values REST resource to get additional item attributes, associated item categories, item relationships, and trading partner relationship details. You can continue to use this REST resource to build a list of values using the Visual Builder Cloud Service.

This feature benefits your business by allowing you to efficiently and programmatically retrieve additional item data using a REST resource.

Steps to Enable

Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides, available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API. If you're new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.

Tips And Considerations

Here’s a list of additional data you can query:

  • Additional item attributes such as PlanningMethodValue, BackToBackEnabledFlag, SerialGenerationValue, UserItemTypeValue, and ItemStatusValue.
  • Various item relationships such as CrossReferenceRelationships, GTINRelationships, SpokeSystemItemRelationships, and TradingPartnerItemRelationships.
  • Item category assignment details.

Key Resources

  • Refer to the REST APIs for Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud documentation, available on the Oracle Help Center.

Role And Privileges

You have a couple of options for giving people access to this feature, depending on whether you're assigning them predefined job roles or your own configured job roles.

  • Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles are automatically able to access this feature:
    • Product Manager (ORA_EGP_PRODUCT_MANAGER_JOB)
  • Users who are assigned configured job roles that contain these privileges are able to access this feature:
    • Get Items REST (EGP_ITEM_REST)

Other Product Hub Changes in This Update

This section includes details about additional changes in this update that can change the way Oracle Product Hub Cloud works.

Manufacturer Field Added to Search Results in Manage Items Task

Prior to this update, when you searched for items via the Manage Items task using the Manufacturer Name field as a criterion, the correct results were not returned in some cases.  With this update, the Manufacturer Name field has been renamed to Obsolete Manufacturer Name and shouldn't be used as a search criteria.  Instead, the Manufacturer field can be used as search criterion.  In addition, the Manufacturer Name column in the Search Results table has been renamed to Obsolete Manufacturer Name and shouldn't be used.  Instead, a new column called Manufacturer is available for you to view this information.

Bug Reference: 32131786

Changes When Creating Multiple Items

After updating to 21C, you will be limited to creating a maximum of 10 items at a time using the Create Items task. You can create more than than items at time using FBDI or import maps.

Bug Reference: 32494551

Date Validations Relaxed When Importing Item Categories 

After updating to 21C, you can create catalogs and categories with start dates in the past.  To set the profile option that allows this, go to the Manage Item Profile Options task in the Setup and Maintenance work area and set the value of the EGP_CONVERSION_MODE option to Yes.

Bug Reference: 32494868

Product Development & Product Hub Common Features

Grant Granular Privileges to View and Update Changes

Enable users to view and monitor change orders and change requests, but not edit them. 

The new privileges introduced in this update are View Change Order and View Change Request. These privileges enable you to provide view-only access to change orders and change requests in any status including Draft. Users with this privilege can't create or edit changes.

The existing Manage Item Change Order privilege will continue to provide View and Modify access to both change orders and change requests. If you want to provide Modify access to change orders and change requests separately, use the Manage Change Order and Manage Change Request privileges in conjunction with the new Monitor Product Management Objects privilege. Refer to Role Information section for additional details.

Manage Change Orders task

With this update, you can enable granular access control to change records for better data governance.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  1. Existing roles and privileges will continue to function as usual.
  2. Consider using these privileges if your business requires you to provide view-only access to certain roles and users.
  3. Web services and change import will not be governed by these new privileges.

Role And Privileges

You have a couple of options for giving people access to this feature, depending on whether you're assigning them predefined job roles or your own configured job roles.

  • Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles are automatically able to access this feature:
    • Product Manager (ORA_EGP_PRODUCT_MANAGER_JOB)
    • Supplier Product Design Engineer (ORA_ACA_SUPPLIER_PRODUCT_DESIGN_ENGINEER_JOB)
  • Users who are assigned configured job roles that contain these privileges are able to access this feature:
    • Change Orders:
      • View Change Orders (ACA_VIEW_CHANGE_ORDERS_PRIV)
      • Manage Change Orders (ACA_MANAGE_CHANGE_ORDERS_PRIV)
    • Change Requests:
      • View Change Request (ACA_VIEW_CHANGE_REQUESTS_PRIV)
      • Manage Change Request (ACA_MANAGE_CHANGE_REQUESTS_PRIV)

To provide granular View or Manage access for change orders and change requests, you must provide a new Monitor Product Management Workflow Objects (ACA_MONITOR_PRODUCT_MANAGEMENT_WORFLOW_OBJECTS_PRIV) privilege along with the object-specific View or Manage privilege.

  • For Supplier Users:
    • Change Orders: 
      • View Change Order in Supplier Portal (ACA_VIEW_CHANGE_ORDER_SUPPLIER_PORTAL_PRIV)
      • Manage Change Order in Supplier Portal (ACA_MANAGE_CHANGE_ORDER_SUPPLIER_PORTAL_PRIV)
    • Change Requests: 
      • View Change Request in Supplier Portal (ACA_VIEW_CHANGE_REQUEST_SUPPLIER_PORTAL_PRIV)
      • Manage Change Request in Supplier Portal (ACA_MANAGE_CHANGE_REQUEST_SUPPLIER_PORTAL_PRIV)

To provide granular View or Manage access for change orders and change requests to suppliers, you must provide a new Monitor Product Management Workflow Objects (ACA_MONITOR_PRODUCT_MANAGEMENT_WORFLOW_OBJECTS_PRIV) privilege along with the object-specific View or Manage Supplier Portal privilege.

Display Similar Search Interface for Engineering and Commercialization Changes

Use the same kind of search interface for engineering and commercialization change orders. Manage all your changes in the same way, from searching for affected objects to moving or canceling change lines.

In the Product Development work area, you can now use the following additional attributes to find and manage change orders.

  • Change Order Type
  • Number
  • Name
  • Status Type
  • Status
  • Approval Status
  • Organization
  • Assigned To
  • Item

More search criteria can be added using the Add Fields button, including global descriptive flexfields and additional change header or change line attributes.

The default saved search is called Application Default. This saved search contains the following default parameters: Organization = Master Organization, Status = Open, and Assigned To = Current User. By default, this search criteria is run when you visit the Manage Change Orders page.

Saved searches can be reordered to display in your preferred order using the Reorder button.

Advanced Search on Manage Change Orders Page

In the Search Results table, you can add other attributes using the View menu. You can also perform the following actions on selected change orders:

  • Create
  • Duplicate
  • Edit
  • Delete
  • Export to Excel
  • Promote or Demote
  • Hold or Release Hold
  • Cancel
  • Generate report 
  • Publish

Actions on Search Results

You can save your searches and keep track of them by adding them to the Watchlist.

Add Saved Search to Watchlist

To view your watchlist, click the Watchlist icon on the global header.

Global Watchlist

In the Product Information Management work area, Status is now a part of the Manage Change Orders search criteria.

The default saved search is now called Application Default, and some fields have defaulted values. Status is defaulted to Open and Assigned To is defaulted to the current user.

The table displays the Header Details view. The Export to Excel action is also available and the search results table supports Query by Example (QBE).

Status as Search Criteria

Search Results Show Header Details for Each Row

With this update, you can get a consistent user experience with a common search interface for all types of changes.

Steps to Enable

Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

Offering: Product ManagementNo Longer Optional From: Update 23D

Tips And Considerations

  • Saved searches created prior to the opt-in of this feature must be recreated to take advantage of the additional attributes now included in the search.

  • The Application Default saved search will replace the current default and any other saved searches that you have created.

  • To ensure good performance, the operators 'is blank' and 'is not blank' are now removed from the search for Name and Number.

  • Multi-select is supported only for the Generate Report action.

  • In the Product Development work area, the Manage Change Orders search now supports many more attributes, but some attributes will no longer be available, such as Updated By, Last Update Date, Approver, Approver Action, Approver Action Date, and context-sensitive descriptive flexfields. These attributes are also not visible in the search results table.

  • In the Product Information Management work area, Change Line View in the Search Results table is no longer available. Some actions and columns related to the change line won’t be visible:
    • Move Change Lines
    • Item Changes
    • Activation Status
    • Scheduled Process
    • Effective Date
    • Revision
    • Item Class
    • Item
  • The Format menu is no longer available.

Key Resources

Role And Privileges

You have a couple of options for giving people access to this feature, depending on whether you're assigning them predefined job roles or your own configured job roles.

  • Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles are automatically able to access this feature:
    • Product Data Steward (ORA_EGI_PRODUCT_DATA_STEWARD_JOB)
    • Product Manager (ORA_EGP_PRODUCT_MANAGER_JOB)
  • Users who are assigned configured job roles that contain these privileges are able to access this feature:
    • Manage Item Change Order (EGO_MANAGE_ITEM_CHANGE_ORDER_PRIV)
  • To provide granular View or Manage access, assign the new Monitor Product Management Workflow Objects (ACA_MONITOR_PRODUCT_MANAGEMENT_WORFLOW_OBJECTS_PRIV) privilege along with the following privileges:
    • View Change Order (ACA_VIEW_CHANGE_ORDERS_PRIV) or
    • Manage Change Order (ACA_MANAGE_CHANGE_ORDERS_PRIV)

Use Object Hyperlinks to View Related Objects on Changes

Use hyperlinks to quickly navigate between configured objects and standard objects such as change orders, change requests, problem reports, and corrective actions.

Navigate from Change Order to Configured Object

Navigate from Configured Object to Change Order

You can add additional tabs using Application Composer on the following standard objects: change orders, change requests, problem reports, and corrective actions.

With this update, you can use the new method isSupplier() to make newly added tabs and actions visible only to supplier portal users.

Configured Tab for Supplier Portal Users

Configure Unique Layout for Supplier Portal Users

Script to Enable the Edit Button for Supplier Portal Users

Enable seamless navigation between objects created in Application Composer and standard objects so that your users can easily access relevant information. You can extend the application using these configured objects to include additional processes for risk reduction or new product introduction and qualification.

Steps to Enable

Leverage Application Composer to expose and adjust page layout and attributes. To learn more about extending your application using Application Composer, visit Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Configuration and Extension.

You can access change orders in Application Composer only if:

  • You are provided with the promotion code, and
  • You have opted in for the feature: Configure Change Order Application Pages.

Tips And Considerations

  • If you navigate from a configured object to a standard object (such change order, change request, problem report, and corrective action), the object opens in a new dialog box. If you navigate from a standard object to a configured object, the object opens in a dynamic tab.
  • When rolling out a configured layout for supplier portal users, use the isSupplier() method to control the visibility of the layout during runtime. This method returns true if the current user is a supplier.

Key Resources

  • Refer to Configuring Applications Using Application Composer in Applications Common on Oracle Help Center.

Role And Privileges

You have a couple of options for giving people access to this feature, depending on whether you're assigning them predefined job roles or your own configured job roles.

For Administrator Users

  • Administrator users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles are automatically able to access this feature:
    • Product Data Steward (ORA_EGI_PRODUCT_DATA_STEWARD_JOB) or Application Implementation Consultant (ORA_ASM_APPLICATION_IMPLEMENTATION_CONSULTANT_JOB)
    • Product Manager (ORA_EGP_PRODUCT_MANAGER_JOB)
    • Quality Analyst (ORA_ENQ_QUALITY_ANALYST_JOB)
    • Configured Objects Administration: ORA_CRM_EXTN_ROLE for Read and Manage access of configured object data at runtime. This role is created dynamically when the configured object is created. Users can then be assigned to the role. The privileges are automatically generated for you.
  • Administrator users who are assigned configured job roles that contain these privileges will be able to access this feature.
    • Administer Sandbox (FND_ADMINISTER_SANDBOX_PRIV) or Manage Sandbox (FND_MANAGE_SANDBOX_PRIV)
    • Manage Extensible Object (ZCX_MANAGE_EXTENSIBLE_OBJECT_PRIV)

In addition, the administrator user should have the privileges to verify the runtime behavior changes on predefined objects. Also, dynamically created privileges on the configured objects should be provided to the administrator user.

For Business Users

  • Business users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles are automatically able to access this feature:
    • Product Manager (ORA_EGP_PRODUCT_MANAGER_JOB)
    • Quality Analyst (ORA_ENQ_QUALITY_ANALYST_JOB)
    • Configured Objects Administration: ORA_CRM_EXTN_ROLE for Read and Manage access of configured object data at runtime. This role is created dynamically when the configured object is created. Users can then be assigned to the role. The privileges are automatically generated for you.
  • Business Users who are assigned configured job roles that contain these privileges are able to access this feature:
    • Manage Item Change Orders (EGO_MANAGE_ITEM_CHANGE_ORDER_PRIV)


  • Monitor Product Management Workflow Objects (ACA_MONITOR_PRODUCT_MANAGEMENT_WORFLOW_OBJECTS_PRIV) privilege along with the object-specific View and Manage privileges mentioned below. This is applicable if you want to provide granular View or Manage access to the user:
    • Change Order
      • View Change Orders (ACA_VIEW_CHANGE_ORDERS_PRIV) or
      • Manage Change Orders (ACA_MANAGE_CHANGE_ORDERS_PRIV)
    • Change Request
      • View Change Request (ACA_VIEW_CHANGE_REQUESTS_PRIV) or
      • Manage Change Request (ACA_MANAGE_CHANGE_REQUESTS_PRIV)
    • Problem Report
      • View: View Problem Report (ACA_VIEW_PROBLEM_REPORTS_PRIV) or
      • Manage: Mange Problem Report(ACA_MANAGE_PROBLEM_REPORT_PRIV)
    • Corrective Action
      • View: View Corrective Action(ACA_VIEW_CORRECTIVE_ACTIONS_PRIV) or
      • Manage: Manage Corrective Action(ACA_MANAGE_CORRECTIVE_ACTION_PRIV)

For Supplier Portal Users

  • Supplier users who are assigned configured job roles that contain these privileges will be able to access this feature:
    • View Supplier Change Orders (ACA_VIEW_SUPPLIER_CHANGE_ORDERS_PRIV)


  • Monitor Product Management Workflow Objects (ACA_MONITOR_PRODUCT_MANAGEMENT_WORFLOW_OBJECTS_PRIV) privilege along with the object-specific View and Manage privileges mentioned below. This is applicable if you want to provide granular View or Manage access to the supplier:
    • Change Order
      • View Change Order in Supplier Portal (ACA_VIEW_CHANGE_ORDER_SUPPLIER_PORTAL_PRIV) or
      • Manage Change Order in Supplier Portal (ACA_MANAGE_CHANGE_ORDER_SUPPLIER_PORTAL_PRIV)
    • Change Request
      • View Change Request in Supplier Portal (ACA_VIEW_CHANGE_REQUEST_SUPPLIER_PORTAL_PRIV) or
      • Manage Change Request in Supplier Portal (ACA_MANAGE_CHANGE_REQUEST_SUPPLIER_PORTAL_PRIV)
    • Problem Report 
      • View: View Problem Report in Supplier Portal (ACA_VIEW_PROBLEM_REPORT_SUPPLIER_PORTAL_PRIV) or
      • Manage: Manage Supplier Problem Report (ACA_MANAGE_SUPPLIER_PROBLEM_REPORTS_PRIV)
    • Corrective and Preventive Action 
      • View: View Corrective Action in Supplier Portal (ACA_VIEW_CORRECTIVE_ACTION_SUPPLIER_PORTAL_PRIV) or
      • Manage: Manage Supplier Corrective Actions (ACA_MANAGE_SUPPLIER_CORRECTIVE_ACTIONS_PRIV)
    • Configured object
      • Configured Objects Administration: ORA_CRM_EXTN_ROLE and
      • Read access to the configured object, at a minimum.

Product Lifecycle Management Common Features

Control Actions Performed by Change Requester

Use the new Requester column within the Additional Controls table in change type setup to define what actions the change requester can perform.

You can configure the actions that a requester can take on a change order type in the following statuses:

  • Open
  • Interim Approval
  • Approval
  • Scheduled

The new column applies to change orders, change requests, problem reports, and corrective actions.

Requested by Field in a Change Order

Requestor Column in Additional Controls

Improve flexibility and control actions in workflows with an additional change requester column.

Steps to Enable

In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

  • Offering: Product Management
  • Functional Area: Change Orders
  • Task: Manage Change Order Types
  1. Open a change type and navigate to its Workflow tab.
  2. In the Additional Workflow Controls table for each applicable status, edit the actions allowed for a change requester in the Requestor column.

Tips And Considerations

  • Your administrator must review the configurations and adjust Requestor access in accordance with your security model.
  • If the same user belongs to multiple roles, then the higher privileges will prevail.
  • Web services and import will be governed by the additional controls.
  • Post upgrade to 21C, the new Requestor column will show exactly the same values as the Creator column in the Additional Workflow Controls table.

Role And Privileges

You have a couple of options for giving people access to this feature, depending on whether you're assigning them predefined job roles or your own configured job roles.

  • Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles are automatically able to access this feature:
    • Product Manager (ORA_EGP_PRODUCT_MANAGER_JOB)
    • Supplier Product Design Engineer (ORA_ACA_SUPPLIER_PRODUCT_DESIGN_ENGINEER_JOB)
    • Supplier Quality Engineer (ORA_ENQ_SUPPLIER_QUALITY_ENGINEER_JOB)
  • Users who are assigned configured job roles that contain these privileges are able to access this feature:
    • Manage Item Change Order (EGO_MANAGE_ITEM_CHANGE_ORDER_PRIV)
    • Manage Change Order (ACA_MANAGE_CHANGE_ORDERS_PRIV)

Quality Management

Grant Granular Privileges to Manage Problem Reports and Corrective Actions

Use separate privileges to control who can view and who can update problem reports and corrective actions. For example, you can let users view and edit problem reports, but only view corrective actions.

A new View privilege enables you to provide view-only access to problem reports and corrective actions in all statuses, including Draft. Users with this privilege can't create or edit.

In addition, you can provide Modify access on problem reports and corrective actions to other sets of users without requiring them to have change order privileges.

New privileges:

  • View Problem Reports         
  • View Corrective Actions        
  • Monitor Product Management Objects - this is used in conjunction with a View or a Manage privilege. Refer to the Role Information section for additional details.

The following screen capture shows you how a user with view-only access is not allowed to update a change request even if it is in Draft status. 

Change Request in Draft Status Displayed in Read-Only Mode

With this update, you can enable granular access control to quality records for better data governance.

Steps to Enable

Make the feature accessible by assigning or updating privileges and/or job roles. Details are provided in the Role section below.

Tips And Considerations

  • Existing roles and privileges will continue to function as usual.
  • Consider using these privileges if your business requires you to provide view-only access to certain roles and users.
  • Web services and import of problem reports and corrective actions won't be governed by these new privileges. 

Role And Privileges

You have a couple of options for giving people access to this feature, depending on whether you're assigning them predefined job roles or your own configured job roles. Existing roles and privileges will continue to function normally for internal and supplier users.

  • Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles are automatically able to access this feature:
    • Product Manager (ORA_EGP_PRODUCT_MANAGER_JOB)
    • Supplier Product Design Engineer (ORA_ACA_SUPPLIER_PRODUCT_DESIGN_ENGINEER_JOB)
    • Supplier Quality Engineer (ORA_ENQ_SUPPLIER_QUALITY_ENGINEER_JOB)
  • Users who are assigned configured job roles that contain these privileges are able to access this feature:
    • Problem Report:
      • View: View Problem Report (ACA_VIEW_PROBLEM_REPORTS_PRIV)
      • Manage: Manage Problem Report (ACA_MANAGE_PROBLEM_REPORT_PRIV)
    • Corrective and Preventive Action: 
      • View: View Corrective Action (ACA_VIEW_CORRECTIVE_ACTIONS_PRIV)
      • Manage: Manage Corrective Action (ACA_MANAGE_CORRECTIVE_ACTION_PRIV)

To provide granular View or Manage access to the user for problem reports and corrective actions, you must provide a new Monitor Product Management Workflow Objects (ACA_MONITOR_PRODUCT_MANAGEMENT_WORFLOW_OBJECTS_PRIV) privilege along with the object-specific View or Manage privilege.

  • For Supplier Users:
    • Problem Report: 
      • View: View Problem Report in Supplier Portal (ACA_VIEW_PROBLEM_REPORT_SUPPLIER_PORTAL_PRIV)
      • Manage: Manage Supplier Problem Report (ACA_MANAGE_SUPPLIER_PROBLEM_REPORTS_PRIV)
    • Corrective and Preventive Action: 
      • View: View Corrective Action in Supplier Portal (ACA_VIEW_CORRECTIVE_ACTION_SUPPLIER_PORTAL_PRIV)
      • Manage: Manage Supplier Corrective Actions (ACA_MANAGE_SUPPLIER_CORRECTIVE_ACTIONS_PRIV)

To provide granular View or Manage access to the user for problem reports and corrective actions, you must provide a new Monitor Product Management Workflow Objects (ACA_MONITOR_PRODUCT_MANAGEMENT_WORFLOW_OBJECTS_PRIV) privilege along with the object-specific View or Manage privilege.

Perform Inline Inspection with a Sample Quantity and Unit of Measure

Certain industries use batch sampling for material analysis or destructive testing using physical samples rather than discrete units. Previously, you could define a physical sample quantity and unit of measure (UOM) in the inspection level to perform an ad hoc inspection on the Enter Inspection Details page. Now you can apply this setup to a mandatory inspection plan to guide sampling procedures for inline receiving and work in process inspections. For example, the inspector needs to take one sample of 10 milligrams for a receipt line, which is tracked in kilograms. To enable this sampling setup, you define an inspection level based on a fixed count of one sample with a quantity per sample of 10 mg.

When you enter quality results on the Inspect Receipt page or the Quick Complete or Complete with Details flows on the Review Dispatch List page, you can view the inspection details, such as the number of samples, quantity per sample and UOM, and total sample quantity and UOM. If there is insufficient material based on the total sample quantity required to complete testing, you can't proceed with inline inspection. In addition, the REST services that create, get, and update inspection events support the sample quantity, UOM, and total sample quantity for informational purposes.

Sample Quantity Information in the Inspection Details Pop-up

With a clear definition of the required sample quantity and unit of measure, you can better communicate and enforce the appropriate sampling procedures for inspection that is embedded in receiving and manufacturing processes.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • There is no change to the inspection quantity and UOM fields and the logic that determines the number of samples.
  • Marking the inspection level as sampling enabled is optional.
  • You can leave the quantity per sample and UOM blank and enable sampling in the inspection level in order to inspect a sample size of discrete units.
  • The sample quantity covers the material required to perform all of the inspection characteristics defined in the inspection plan.
  • The physical tracking of the sample quantity in inventory or against a receipt line or manufacturing work order is not supported with this feature.

Role And Privileges

You have a couple options for giving people access to this feature, depending on whether you're assigning them predefined job roles or your own configured job roles.

  • Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles are automatically able to access this feature:
    • Quality Engineer (ORA_QA_QUALITY_ENGINEER_JOB)
    • Production Operator (ORA_WIE_PRODUCTION_OPERATOR_JOB)
    • Production Supervisor (ORA_WIE_PRODUCTION_SUPERVISOR_JOB)
    • Receiving Agent (ORA_RCV_RECEIVING_AGENT_JOB)
    • Warehouse Manager (ORA_INV_WAREHOUSE_MANAGER)
  • Users who are assigned configured job roles that contain these privileges are able to access this feature:
    • Edit Inspection Results (QA_EDIT_INSPECTION_RESULTS)

View Additional Columns in the Lot Dimension and Event Disposition Dimension in Quality Inspections OTBI

Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI) lets you create reports using real-time transactional data from Oracle Cloud Quality Management to monitor your inspection activities and decisions. In this update, you can view additional lot and sample quantity details by adding the new columns to your quality inspection reports in OTBI. The following new columns are now available in the Quality Inspection Results Real Time subject area:

  • Event Disposition Details dimension
    • Work Order Operation Transaction id
  • Inspection Event Details dimension
    • Total Sample Quantity
  • Inspection Levels dimension
    • Quantity Per Sample
    • Sample Quantity UOM
  • Lot dimension
    • Creation Date
    • Disabled
    • Expiration Action Date
    • Expiration Date
    • Grade
    • Hold Until Date
    • Material Status
    • Material Status Description
    • Maturity Date
    • Origination Date
    • Parent Lot

Additional Attributes in the Quality Inspection Results Real Time Subject Area

In addition, you can add a column for the manufacturing work order operation transaction to distinguish multiple inspections like the initial test vs. retest performed at the same operation.

The new columns in the Quality Inspection Real Time subject area improve the traceability between inventory lots or manufacturing work order operations and quality inspections to help you correlate the inspection conditions and dispositions with the subsequent actions taken.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Refer to the Perform Inline Inspection with a Sample Quantity and Unit of Measure feature in the Product Lifecycle Management readiness materials for Quality Management.

Role And Privileges

You have a couple options for giving people access to this feature, depending on whether you're assigning them predefined job roles or your own configured job roles.

  • Users who are assigned this predefined job role are automatically able to access this feature:
    • Quality Engineer (ORA_QA_QUALITY_ENGINEER_JOB)

Other Quality Management Changes in This Update

This section includes details about additional changes in this update that can change the way Oracle Quality Management Cloud works.

Unassigned Issues Infolet Shows Actionable Issues Only

The Unassigned Issues infolet in the Quality Management Overview page now excludes nonactionable issues, such as issues in Draft, Complete, and Canceled statuses, or issues that have no workflow assigned. Only the issues you can take action on are displayed.

Bug Reference: 32458355