This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:
Date | Feature | Notes |
17 MAR 2020 | Project Control: Enhanced User Interface for Managing Project Budgets |
Updated document. Revised Opt In expiry information. |
26 JAN 2018 | Project Management: Define Gates to Manage the Project Lifecycle |
Updated document. Revised tips and considerations. |
21 APR 2017 | Created initial document. |
This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in this update, and describes any tasks you might need to perform for the update. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.
We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at
Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)
We continue to add many new features to Oracle Cloud Applications and we now give you the option to take advantage of new functionality at a pace that suits you. The ‘New Features UI’ is available to you from your cloud homepage, where you can make your choices and do any configuration necessary.
Column Definitions:
Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.
UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.
UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.
Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.
Project Foundation includes common components that are shared across products within Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud. It includes the basic project plan structure and components such as resource breakdown structures, rate schedules, pricing, burdening, and cross-charge processing, as well as delivered integration to Microsoft Project.
Simplified Financial Project Creation
Create new projects and copy existing projects with the new simplified project creation user interface which reduces navigation, searching, and data entry.
This feature reduces data entry, allows you to search the source template/project from within the create project user interface, and enables you to experience efficiency in terms of faster loading of pages and minimal navigation.
Create a Project Using the Simplified User Interface
Steps to Enable
For upgrade customers, this feature will need to be opted-in using the opt-in feature option 'Simplified Financial Project Creation'. When you opt-in, the feature will be enabled for the Project Administrator.
For new customers, this feature will be enabled by default for the Project Administrator.
Tips And Considerations
- Project templates must exist in the system in order to use the simplified financial project creation feature effectively.
- The quick entries configured in the project templates will appear on the new user interface for project creation.
Key Resources
- Release Training for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Release 13: Oracle Fusion Project Foundation Enhancements: Simplified Financial Project Creation
Role Information
Enhance Project, Budget, Forecast, and Invoice Approval Workflows
Leverage enhanced project approval, budget and forecast approval, and contract invoice approval workflows to notify project team members with any project role. You can also use additional project header level attributes and descriptive flexfields to customize or create workflow business rules to effectively handle the errors during the workflow lifecycle. Further, you can effectively withdraw the workflow notifications when required. You can set up multi-level approval workflows using the additional participants added to the human tasks.
Before this enhancement, you could route the project status change and budget/ forecast approval workflow notifications only to the project manager role. Similarly, you could route the invoice approval workflow notification only to the contract administrator and/ or project manager roles. Other project roles were not supported in these workflows. After this enhancement, all project roles will be supported in these three workflows, which together with the additional participants added to the human tasks, will serve complex workflow requirements such as multi-level approval involving project stakeholders from across the disciplines. Also, you will be able to customize the workflow rules based on the newly added attributes, including but not limited to the descriptive flexfields. Further, the improved error handling capabilities will prevent the workflows from getting stuck in limbo and will enable you to withdraw the workflow tasks at any point of time.
Enhanced Payload of the Project Status Change Approval Task
Additional Participants Seeded in the Project Status Change Approval Task
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- You can access and configure the Project Financial Management workflow tasks via "Manage Task Configurations for Project Financial Management" Functional Setup Manager (FSM) task.
- To use the latest Descriptive Flexfield (DFF) attributes in workflow task configuration, you must deploy the specific DFF after making any changes. Further, if new DFF attributes are configured and deployed, the human task configuration page will need to be refreshed to make the newly deployed attributes available in the human task payload.
Prompt to Synchronize the Payload with Latest Deployed Descriptive Flexfields
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: Workflows in Oracle Fusion Project Portfolio Management: Explained
Role Information
Quickly Find and Select Key Values Using Autocomplete
Efficiently find and select values from the automatically suggested list of values in the Project Financial Management application.
This feature not only reduces the number of clicks to search and select a value but also suggests all the values matching the characters entered by the user.
Using Auto Complete to Search for Project Template
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- Enter more characters to reduce and narrow down the search results.
- If the entered characters uniquely identify a value, the value is automatically filled up for the attribute.
Project Control provides full-function project planning, progress management, budgeting and forecasting.
Convert Planning Amounts from Rate Schedule Currency to Planning Currency
Use a separate set of currency conversion attributes on the project and financial plan types. Project application administrators can then specify these attributes when they convert planning, budget, and forecast amounts from the rate schedule currency to the transaction currency.
The application uses the Rate Type for Planning Currency option from the Currency Settings that are defined in the project plan type or financial plan type, instead of using the rate types from the the project financial settings as in previous releases.
New Rate Type for Planning Currency in the Planning Options: Currency Settings Tab
Steps to Enable
This feature is enabled by default for the Project Manager and Project Administrator, but the Project Application Administrator must first set up the project control configuration.
Tips And Considerations
If the check box 'Use same conversion attributes for all currency conversions' is selected, the same currency conversion attributes are used for project, ledger, and planning currencies.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: Project Control Configuration: Manage Financial and Project Plan Types in the Implementing Project Financial Management guide.
Role Information
Enhanced Project Budget Web Service
Create and assign resources to a project budget when you create budgets using the Project Budget web service.
Using the Project Budget web service you can now perform multiple operations in a single flow. For example, you can add new resources to project-specific planning resource breakdown resource structure. Additionally, you can also create budgetary controls enabled project or award budgets to create and integrate control budgets in Oracle Fusion Budgetary Control.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- Budgetary controls enabled non-sponsored and sponsored financial plan types must exist in the application before you can create a budget.
- You must define a default financial plan type.
- Planning resource breakdown structures associated with the project should allow changes at the project level.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: See the Project Budget web service in the SOAP Web Services for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Role Information
Usability Enhancements to Financial Project Plan
Maintain financial project plans efficiently by managing and assigning resources easily on financial project plans. You can also navigate between tasks while reviewing financial task details.
Assign or Manage Resources by clicking the icon in the Resources column in Tasks tab in the Manage Financial Project Plan page.
Resources - Manage Financial Project Plan
The Assign Resources window has the Assign check box selected by default and quantity defaulted to zero for selected resources, you can remove resource assignments by deselecting the Assign check box. Similarly, you can edit default quantity for already assigned resources in the Assign Resources window.
Assign Planning Resources
Use the Previous or Next icon or select a record in choice list of record navigator in the Task Details window allows to to view the task details for a selected task move to previous or next task without leaving the window.
Edit Task Details
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- The Resources icon is available only if a resource assignment exists for task, otherwise the Add icon appears.
- The Resources icon shows the count of resource assignment existing for task.
- The Assign Resource window shows an already assigned resource with an information icon, the quantity is defaulted but can be updated.
- The Assign check box in the Assign Resource window is disabled when the selected resource is Unplanned, the quantity is defaulted and cannot be updated.
- The Edit Task details record navigator allows the user to select different tasks from same dialog, and will show 15 tasks at a time in the choice list.
Role Information
View Project Forecasts in External Applications Using Project Forecast Web Service
View project forecast details at either the forecast version, forecast line, or the periodic details level from an external application by using the Project Forecast SOAP web service.
Use the Project Forecast web service to create project forecasts quickly and efficiently from an external application. Using this web service you can create forecasts in Working or Approved status by defining amounts at the periodic level for each plan line in the forecast, or by directly defining amounts at the plan line level. Additionally use the Project Forecast web service to read project forecasts.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: Project Forecast web service in the SOAP Web Services for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Role Information
Enhanced User Interface for Managing Project Budgets
Leverage the enhanced user interface to manage project budgets effectively. You can assign resources to budget lines using the simplified user interface and streamline budget data entry by creating and saving custom layouts including the option to budget periodically. You can also utilize embedded analytics to review the variance between total cost, actual revenue, and budgeted amounts.
The Manage Budget Versions page displays a different set of scorecards depending on the financial plan types used to create budget versions.
Manage Multiple Budget Versions in a Single Place Using the New Manage Budget Versions Page
You can assign multiple resources for selected tasks and create budget lines. For a multi-currency enabled project, you can select the planning currency from the available choices for each resource.
Manage Assignments for Selected Tasks
You can create and save personalized layouts to display required columns for reviewing budget lines. Additionally you can use periodic navigator to pan across the periodic information for the personalized layout.
Personalized Layout
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Project Financial Management No Longer Optional From: Update 21A
Tips And Considerations
- The scorecards on the Manage Budget Versions page are based on the baseline version of the financial plan that is designated as the Approved cost and/or revenue budget.
- You can personalize layouts at user level.
Key Resources
Related Help:
Edit Budgets and Forecasts in the Defining and Managing Financial Projects guide
Role Information
Captures commitments and costs across Cloud applications and supports third-party integration. The unique cost collection and processing needs of different sources are streamlined to provide timely insight into validated project costs.
Streamline Subledger Accounting Setup for Project Costing
Use the new account rules and journal line rules to ensure adjustments and transactions with imported accounts are accounted correctly.
For imported transactions, there are two sets of journal line rules:
- Transactions that should generate accounting journals using the imported accounts can utilize the pre-defined journal line rules and account rules. For example, assign the Imported Raw Cost Account account rule to the Imported Labor Raw Cost journal line rule.
- Transactions that should generate accounting journals using derived accounts can utilize the pre-defined journal line rules with custom account rules assigned. For example, New Labor Raw Cost journal line rule.
For adjusted transactions, there are two sets of journal line rules:
- Reversing cost that should generate accounting journals using the accounting on the parent cost. Customers do not have to configure accounting rules. For example, assign the Raw Cost Adjustment account rule to the Reversed Labor Raw Cost journal line rule.
- Adjusted costs that should generate accounting journals using derived accounts can utilize the pre-defined journal line rules with custom account rules assigned. Adjusted costs could use the original account or if something has changed, the appropriate segment values could be derived. For example, Adjusted Labor Raw Cost journal line rule.
With the above set of journal lines, the account rules to generate the account gets simplified and as mentioned in some cases, accounting will work out-of-the-box (accounting imported costs using imported accounts).
Steps to Enable
- Copy the seeded Journal Entry Rule Sets and add the appropriate Chart of Accounts. For example they start with "Standard" such as Standard Labor Cost.
- Review the Account Rules that are assigned to each Journal Line Rule and update as needed.
- Assign the Journal Line Rule Sets to the Accounting Method.
- Activate the Accounting Method.
Tips And Considerations
Customers need to decide which Journal Line Rules need to be added to the custom Journal Line Rule Set that they create.
- Existing Journal Line Rules. This will support existing customers who have already built the more complex account rules will most likely continue using their existing Rules.
- New Journal Line Rules. For new customers, it is expected that the creation of Journal Entry Rule Sets that include the new Journal Line Rules will be used as they take advantage of the simplified conditions that are available.
Usability Enhancements to Project Asset Capitalization
Improve the usability of capitalizing assets by allowing to search by additional attributes while adding costs to an asset, dynamically inserting depreciation expense accounts while uploading assets, and filtering table results using Query By Example.
When importing assets through an excel spreadsheet if the depreciation expense account combination does not exist then it will be dynamically inserted into the code combination table.
Now when manually entering costs which will be capitalized into Fixed Assets, you can search using the purchasing attributes of Inventory Item Number, Purchase Category and Purchase Order.
Select and Add Costs to Asset Lines
Searching through numerous Asset lines is now much easier with the assistance of the QBE tool.
Query by Example (QBE) Search Tool
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
For the Depreciation Expense Account to be created, the combination must be validated by the Cross Validation rules.
Project Billing accelerates invoice processing while reducing billing errors through a functionally rich work area offering visibility into formatted invoices with estimated taxes. Embedded analytics for contract revenue, invoice, profitability and margin give insight into potential contract and payment problems.
Automatically Submit Project Contract Invoices for Approval
Automatically submit invoices for approval immediately after they are generated thus reducing manual effort.
While defining a contract, besides allowing to create invoices in Draft or Released status, you can now decide to create invoices in Submitted status. If you choose this option, then invoices are automatically submitted and routed to approvers as soon as the invoices are created. This eliminates the manual step where the Project Billing Specialist has to review and submit the invoices for approval.
Set the Generated Invoice Status as Needed When Authoring Contracts
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
This feature is enabled by default when authoring contracts.
Ensure that the Contract Invoice approval workflow is configured as needed.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: How can I submit an invoice automatically?
Create and Update Internal Contract Lines Using a Web Service
Create and update the internal attributes for an intercompany or interproject contract line using an external web service.
You can now rapidly implement contracts for intercompany and interproject billing purposes. With this web service, you can create or update internal contract line attributes. For example, you can update details of provider business unit or receiver task using this web service.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: Refer to Contract Service Version 2 in the SOAP Web Services for Oracle Sales Cloud documentation.
Role Information
Delete Unwanted Credit Invoices
Delete approved credit invoices and credit memos, if required, when you delete draft, approved, and approval rejected invoices.
You can now delete approved crediting, canceled, concession, and write-off invoices when you delete draft, approved, and approval rejected invoices. This enhanced capability allows you to recover from unintended or incorrect adjustment actions performed on invoices or transactions. This action will set the transactions back to their previous state before the cancelation, concession, or write-off was performed.
The following screen captures illustrate the feature and its benefits.
Delete Unwanted Credit Invoices
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Role Information
Export Invoices with Original Application Customer References
Add original application customer references in the Export Invoice Details output report while exporting invoices to an external receivables application.
In the Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Service, you can enter reference data of each system for a shared set of customers. This eases integration of customer data between each system. Previously, when exporting invoice details, only the customer reference data from the Oracle Sales Cloud Service and Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Service was included in the output report for you to use when importing the invoices into an external receivables application. Now, if you specify the original system when exporting invoice details, the output report includes customer reference data from that system as well. This allows you to directly translate the customer reference data of the original system into the customer reference data of the external receivables application, thereby simplifying the import process.
The following screen capture illustrates the feature and its benefits.
Export Invoice Details Process Request
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
This feature is beneficial only when the Fusion Customer Hub is implemented.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: Which original system do I choose for the Export Invoice Details process?
Role Information
Improved Accuracy of Transaction Splitting
Calculate billing amounts more accurately when transactions are split among multiple contracts. For precise calculations, enter contribution percentages that can include up to six decimal places.
The enhancement allows you to calculate a more accurate billing amount when transactions are split among multiple contracts.
The following screen capture illustrates the feature and its benefits.
Improved Accuracy of Transaction Splitting
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
This feature is enabled by default for the Customer Contract Administrator and Customer Contract Manager.This feature is enabled by default for the Customer Contract Administrator and Customer Contract Manager.
- Contract contribution percentage is the maximum percentage of project work eligible for billing for a contract.
- The amount billed for a billing transaction against a contract is based on this value, and cannot exceed 100 percent.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: Refer to Manage Project Contract Billing for Oracle Fusion Projects Portfolio Management Cloud documentation.
Role Information
Prevent Revenue Recognition When Customer on Credit Hold
A new option allows users to define collectability as not probable when a customer is on credit hold. If selected, the new option instructs the Generate Revenue process to consider the applicable contract object for that customer account or site as ineligible for revenue recognition.
The new IFRS 15 and ASC 606 revenue standards state that revenue is to be recognized when collectability is probable. Previously, a contract, contract line or revenue plan could be put on hold to indicate that collectability was not probable. Now, in addition to the hold approach, you can define collectability as not probable when a customer is on credit hold. This saves you from having to put each contract, contract line or revenue plan for that bill-to customer on hold.
The Generate Revenue process considers the following contract objects as ineligible for revenue recognition when a customer account or site is on credit hold:
Customer Account or Site on Credit Hold | Ineligible Contract Object |
Sold-to Customer Account | Contract |
Ship-to Customer Account | Contract Line |
Ship-to Site | Contract Line |
Bill-to Customer Account | Bill Plan |
Bill-to Site | Bill Plan |
The following screen capture illustrates the feature and its benefits.
Manage Administrator Profile Values
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
Any one with access to the Manage Administrator Profile Values task can turn on this feature by updating the profile option. It is turned off by default.
Warn Users When Adjusting Previously Processed Billing Events
Provide a warning to users if they attempt to place a hold or update the amount of a billing event that was already invoiced.
Billing events can be adjusted to update the amount, description, or descriptive flexfields. If the event had previously been processed and included on an invoice, adjusting the event could unintentionally lead to credit memos being created. A warning message will now be displayed whenever a user saves an update to a previously processed billing event, giving them the opportunity to cancel the update if it was made in error.
The following screen capture illustrates the feature and its benefits.
Warning Received When Adjusting Previously Processed Billing Event
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- Billing events can be adjusted as long as they are not included on an Invoice that is in the Submitted, Approved, or Approval Rejected status.
- The warning message will be displayed when attempting to adjust any billing event whose invoice status is Fully Invoiced, Partially Invoiced, or Pending Adjustment.
Role Information
- Project Accountant (ORA_ PJF_ PROJECT_ ACCOUNTANT_ JOB)
- Project Billing Specialist (ORA_ PJF_ PROJECT_ BILLING_ SPECIALIST_ JOB)
Improved Internal Invoice Accounting
Group intercompany and interproject invoice lines by the work type for the underlying transactions. You can include the work type on the payables invoice line, which you can then use in the account rules that are used to create accounting for these invoice lines.
Work type determines whether an expenditure item eligible for intercompany or interproject billing is to be considered a cost transfer or a revenue transfer. Previously, when confirming invoice acceptance status, expenditure items included on intercompany and interproject invoices transferred to Payables could not be grouped by work type. Now, if you specify work type on the labor or nonlabor invoice format, the expenditure items on intercompany or interproject invoices are grouped into separate invoice lines for each unique work type and work type is transferred to Payables on those invoice lines. This allows you to define rules in Subledger Accounting, based on work type, to debit different accounts for cost transfers versus revenue transfers.
The following screen captures illustrate the feature and its benefits.
Manage Work Types Transfer Price Amount Type
Manage Invoice Formats Group by Work Type
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: Invoice Formats: Explained
Role Information
Correct Transfer Rejected Invoices
Capture the exceptions that occur due to invalid customer data when you initially generate invoices. You can correct customer data on transfer rejected invoices while transferring them to the receivables application.
On contract validation, customer contact and site data is verified to be active and valid. Later as invoices are generated and processed to completion, customer contacts and sites can become inactive or their usage can change. Previously, customer contacts and sites were only verified again by Receivables during AutoImport and the only solution was to temporarily reactivate the contacts and sites so the invoice could be accepted. Now, customer contacts and sites are verified during the Generate Invoice process and any invoices with inactive or invalid data are reported as invoice exceptions. You can amend the contract's customer contacts and sites and regenerate the invoices.
In addition, as a solution to fixing inactive or invalid customer contacts and sites occurring after invoice generation, the Transfer Invoice Details to Receivables process derives the customer contact and site data, from the latest currently or previously active version of the contract, for invoices previously rejected by Receivables. Thus, you can amend the customer contacts of a contract and sites, and then transfer the invoices again.
The following screen captures illustrate the feature and its benefits.
Invoice Displayed with Exception When Customer Contact or Site Invalid
Invoice Exception Details When Customer Contact or Site Invalid
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Role Information
Account receivable transactions right after auto import and before you confirm invoice acceptance status.
Previously, when utilizing contract-specific accounting sources, such as contract organization and contract or contract line descriptive flexfields, in account rules, mapping sets, or description rules for accounting transactions in Accounts Receivable, the related contract invoice had to be in an Accepted status. Now accounting can be created utilizing these sources as soon as the invoice is interfaced to Accounts Receivable. It is no longer required to run the Confirm Invoice Acceptance Status in Receivables process or for the Contract Invoice status to be updated to Accepted.
The following screen captures illustrate the feature and its benefits.
Contract Invoice in Transferred Status
Receivables Transaction Finally Accounted Prior to Contract Invoice Being Accepted
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: Revenue Accounting Entries: Examples
Role Information
- Accounts Receivable Manager (ORA_ AR_ ACCOUNTS_ RECEIVABLE_ MANAGER_ JOB)
- Accounts Receivables Specialist (ORA_ AR_ ACCOUNTS_ RECEIVABLE_ SPECIALIST_ JOB)
Grants Management provides a robust and integrated solution for managing the complete post-award lifecycle. Grants-related transactions are fully validated at the point of entry, ensuring that sufficient budget is available and only allowed cost categories are charged. Indirect costs are applied to all applicable transactions and are then included in all accounting, reporting, and billing activities. Standard invoice and report formats are provided to ensure that your sponsors receive information in the way that they require. A comprehensive, multi-dimensional ad-hoc reporting platform is available to track all grant funding and expenditures.
Fund Projects from Multiple Awards
Associate sponsored projects to multiple awards and funding sources. Prepare budgets, capture and control costs, recognize revenue, invoice, and report accordingly when a project is funded by multiple awards.
This feature allows for increased flexibility to manage a project associated with multiple awards, such as to manage different overhead rates, different funding periods, manage budgets and control costs efficiently for each award and project combination.
The following are the key areas enhanced for this feature:
- Assign Sponsored Project to Multiple Awards and Funding Sources
- Manage Sponsored Project Budget Funded by Multiple Awards and Funding Sources
- Control Costs for Sponsored Project Funded by Multiple Awards and Funding Sources
- Generate Invoices and Revenue for Sponsored Project Funded by Multiple Awards
- Report Budget, Cost, and Commitments for Sponsored Project Funded by Multiple Awards and Funding Sources
Grants administrators can assign and fund one project from multiple awards and funding sources.
Funding sources can be either sponsors (customers), internal organizations or user-defined. The additional funding sources will need to be defined on the new Manage Funding Sources page or created when assigning the internal funding sources to the award. While creating an award you can choose to create a new project or select an existing project that is already associated with another award. The award and project are always associated with the external funding source, sponsor and optionally can be associated with multiple internal funding sources.
Use award and funding source planning elements to create and manage budget for sponsored project funded by multiple awards and funding sources. Control budgets are created with new control segments for award and funding source to control project spending.
The new budgetary control segments are:
- Award-Project
- Award-Project-Top Resource
- Award-Project-Funding Source
- Award-Project-Top Resource-Funding Source
You can now budget using funding source as a planning element.
Create Budget for the Project and Award
The ability to create transactions with multiple awards and funding sources for a sponsored project ensures accurate cost capture and insight over the financial management of the sponsored project. This includes being able to adjust sponsored project costs funded by multiple awards and funding sources.
Project Costing and other all source systems where project-related transactions are created will enable costs to be collected for a sponsored project that is associated to multiple awards and funding sources. Costs are to be budget checked using the control budgets established for the award and project budget, which now includes the new control segments of award and funding source.
Create Project-Related Supplier Invoice for a Sponsored Project Funded by Multiple Awards
You can transfer cost between awards and funding sources within the same project or across projects using the cost adjustments actions.
Efficiently invoice sponsors and generate accurate revenue for sponsored project funded by multiple awards considering the costs charged to the specific project and award combination.
View funding, budget, cost and commitment amount for each award, project and funding source in the Awards work area. Additionally, view budgetary control balances for the new control budgets in the award home page.
Review Budgetary Control Balances
Create analysis and reports to show funding, budget, cost and commitment amounts of sponsored projects funded by multiple awards and funding sources. The addition of the funding source dimension to the key subject areas in OTBI provides complete insight into the financial performance of the award project.
Review Budget and Consumed Amounts in OTBI
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Project Financial Management
You must opt in to the feature 'Enhanced User Interface for Managing Project Budgets to enter budget for sponsored projects.
Tips And Considerations
- When entering transactions for sponsored projects, the Contract Number and Funding Source fields are editable and allow for the appropriate values to be selected. If a single Contract or Funding Source fund the project, then these values will default after selecting the project.
- The Project Standard Cost Collection Flexfield can be updated to change the name or ordering of these attributes. For example, you can change Contract Number to Award Number. You can move the Contract Number segment so that it is entered directly after the Project or Task.
- You can associate additional internal funding sources to existing awards. New projects associated to existing awards can be linked to the multiple funding sources.
- You cannot associate multiple internal funding sources to projects already associated with the award. You cannot assign an existing project that is already associated with an award prior to Release 13, to another award.
- The external funding source (sponsor) is always by default associated to the project.
- When defining budgets, the control level cannot be more restrictive at a lower level of the control hierarchy. For example, if Award-Project is advisory then Award-Project-Top Resource or Award-Project-Funding Source cannot be Absolute.
- A track level control budget is always created at the lowest combination of the segments for reporting purposes when the control level is set to "Do Not Create Control Budget".
- After upgrade, to view the amounts on the Financial Overview page of the award, run the Update Award Performance Data process for the respective business unit, with the summarization method set to Delete and Resummarize.
Key Resources
Related Help Topics: See the following topics in the Using Grants Management guide:
- Multiple Awards and Funding Sources for a Sponsored Project: Explained
- Assigning Multiple Funding Sources to a Sponsored Project: Procedure
Project Management extends project planning, management, and scheduling capabilities to all individuals within the enterprise who are required to manage project-based work. Project managers can engage with team members to develop tasks, resolve issues, report progress, and monitor the status of the project to ensure that objectives are realized.
Ability to Use Custom Project Manager Roles in Project Execution
Create custom project manager roles to meet the requirements for certain types of projects, for example, large projects with multiple people who have different project management roles on the same project. The project application administrator can tailor the roles to access projects in the Project Management work area and in Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence. You can create a project manager role with access to set a baseline project plan, and another project manager role without this access. Similarly, you can create a project manager role with or without the ability of directly assigning resources. This feature allows you to tailor the privileges that are available to project managers based on your own needs. For example, you can create a Senior Project Manager project role which can baseline and directly assign resources to a project, and a Junior Project Manager project role that doesn't have that capability. A resource can be a Senior Project Manager on one project and a Junior Project Manager on another project.
Project Manager Has Access to Set and Manage Baselines
Steps to Enable
On the Security Console, the IT Security Manager needs to create a custom project manager role with the appropriate functional and data security policies. After the custom project manager role is set up, the Project Application Administrator can go to the Manage Project Roles page, create a new project role, and then map it to the custom project manager role.
Tips And Considerations
Data security policies introduced:
- Manage Project Work Plan Data security policy controls access to the project in general
- Manage Project Work Plan Baselines Data security policy controls access to setting and managing baselines
- Assign Project Resource to Project Data security policy controls access for direct assigning of project resources
Key Resources
- Release Training for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Release 13: Oracle Fusion Project Management Enhancements: Extensibility
- Securing Oracle ERP Cloud: Customizing Roles Using the Security Console
Capture Actual Dates Separately from the Planned Dates
Capture actual dates separately from the planned dates for project tasks. Actual dates are now available for editing by team members during progress entry. Project managers can compare the planned, actual, and current dates on the Manage Project Plan page or use Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence to analyze the project schedule in detail.
This feature allows project managers to have greater visibility into task performance and identify project execution issues sooner, therefore reducing project delays.
Capture Actual Dates for Project Tasks During Progress Entry
Planned, Actual, and Current Dates on the Manage Project Plan Page
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- To view the actual dates for the project tasks, add Actual Start Date and Actual Finish Date columns to the project plan.
- Use the actual dates for quick progress entry. Specifying actual start date to a task will set the task to In Progress with percent complete set to 25 percent. Similarly, specifying actual finish date to a task will mark the task as Completed.
Key Resources
- Release training for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Release 13: Oracle Fusion Project and Task Management Progress Enhancements: Progress Enhancements
- Related Help Topic: Entering Task Progress: Examples
Role Information
Capture Actual Hours and Remaining Hours Separately from Planned Hours
Capture actual hours and remaining hours separately from the planned hours for project tasks. For example, team members and project managers can now capture the actual hours or remaining hours that may be beyond or within the planned hours. Project managers can compare planned, actual, remaining, and current effort on the Manage Project Plan page or use Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence to analyze project progress in detail.
This feature allows project managers to have greater visibility into the team member task performance and identify potential execution issues sooner, therefore reducing project delays.
Team Members Capture Actual Hours Beyond Planned Hours
Steps to Enable
This feature is enabled by default for the Project Manager and Team Collaborator, but the Project Application Administrator must first enable the progress entry method for team members.
- Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.
- Search for the Manage Project Project Management Implementation Options setup task.
- Select the task name hyperlink.
- Click the checkbox Allow team members to report actual hours or remaining hours above or below planned effort.
- Save and close the page.
Enable Progress Entry Method for Team Members
Tips And Considerations
Enable this feature carefully only if it meets your business needs because once you enable the feature, you cannot disable it at a later point in time.
Key Resources
- Release training for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Release 13: Oracle Fusion Project and Task Management Progress Enhancements: Progress Enhancements
- Related Help Topic: Entering Task Progress: Examples
Role Information
Capture and View Additional Extensible Attributes for Projects
Capture and view company-specific values for a project from the Manage Project Plan page. During implementation, the project application administrator can define both global and contextual values to capture on projects using descriptive flexfields. For example, you can capture detailed information about the value to the company or classify the project for reporting purposes. These values are then available for SOAP web services and reporting.
You can capture additional project information to use for reporting and analyzing your projects. For example, if you need to capture risk assessment information for the project, then you can define a set of segments, ask project managers to update the data for their projects, and then report on the information.
Capturing Additional Extensible Attributes on a Project
Steps to Enable
This feature is enabled by default for the Project Manager, but the project application administrator must first set up the descriptive flexfield.
- Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.
- Search for the Manage Project Management Project Descriptive Flexfields setup task.
- Select the name hyperlink for the task.
- Select the row for Project Descriptive Flexfield.
- Click Edit.
- Add or edit segments according to your business needs.
- When finished, from the Manage Project Management Project Descriptive Flexfields page select the Deploy Flexfield action.
Tips And Considerations
- You can define up to fifty 150-character segments, fifteen numeric segments, and fifteen date segments.
- This descriptive flexfield is used in both Project Execution Management and Project Financial Management.
- You can capture and view these fields on the Manage Project Plan page. To access the project descriptive flexfield, select the project name hyperlink in the first row of the table. The fields are available on the Edit Project Details page in the Additional Information section.
Key Resources
- Release Training for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Release 13: Oracle Fusion Project Management Enhancements: Extensibility
- Related Help Topic: Manage Descriptive Flexfields
Role Information
Capture and View Additional Extensible Attributes for Tasks
Capture and view company-specific values for project tasks on the new Manage Task Details page. During implementation, the project application administrator can define both global and contextual values to capture on project tasks using descriptive flexfields. For example, you can capture detailed information about the risk assessment, location, or test cycle values for specific tasks. These values are then available for SOAP web services and reporting.
You can capture additional project information to use for reporting and analyzing your projects. For example, if you need to capture risk assessment, quality level, location, or test cycle for a task, then you can define a set of segments, ask project managers to update the data for their projects, and then report on the information.
Capturing Additional Extensible Attributes on a Task
Steps to Enable
This feature is enabled by default for the Project Manager, but the Project Application administrator must first set up the descriptive flexfield.
- Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.
- Search for the Manage Project Management Task Descriptive Flexfields setup task.
- Click the task name to open the task.
- Select the row for Task Structure Descriptive Flexfield.
- Click Edit.
- Add or edit segments according to your business needs.
- When finished, from the Manage Project Management Task Descriptive Flexfields page, select the Deploy Flexfield action.
Tips And Considerations
- You can define up to fifty 150 character segments, 15 numeric segments, and 15 date segments.
- This descriptive flexfield is used in both Project Execution Management and Project Financial Management applications.
- To access the task descriptive flexfield from the Manage Project Plan page, select Manage Task Details from the Actions column for the task. Select the second tab to view the task descriptive flexfield segments. If you have also defined enterprise task codes, then the task codes appear on this tab as well.
Key Resources
- Release Training for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Release 13: Oracle Fusion Project Management Enhancements: Extensibility
- Related Help Topic: Manage Descriptive Flexfields
Role Information
Define Gates to Manage the Project Lifecycle
Define gates on your project plan to manage critical points in the project lifecycle where you must decide whether to proceed. Project gates are initially closed. After a stakeholder review of the project results to date, you can open a gate to indicate that work can begin on subsequent tasks. Other possible outcomes of the gate review include terminating the project or backing up and reevaluating.
You can add gates anywhere in your project plan, but they are often used between project phases - or summary tasks. A gate is distinguished in the project plan by a special icon in the row header and in the Gantt chart.
Using gates can help you better monitor and control costs. By including the discipline of gate reviews, you can prevent costs from being incurred unnecessarily on projects that turn out not to be viable.
A gate has a table of stakeholders, called Gate Approvers. You can populate this table as soon as you know who these people will be, often at the outset of the project. The members can be changed at any time.
Gates can be included in work plan templates.
Gates in Project Plan, and Create Gate Action
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- Add a gate to a project plan where (1) you want a review and approval point; or (2) work on subsequent tasks should not substantially proceed until the review is complete (and the gate is Open). A milestone can also indicate a significant point in the project lifecycle but is used differently.
- A gate can be a top level task or a child task.
- You can add a gate between phases, or as the last row within a phase. These are the two most common places to add gates to a project.
- You can add gate approvers at the time you create the gate. You can also add and remove gate approvers as needed while the project is underway.
- You can add a gate to a project, or remove a gate, at any time.
- Although you can use gate review to determine whether work should begin on subsequent tasks, and you can let team members know - once a gate status has been set to Open - that they can proceed with the next phase, the gate status does not prohibit entry of progress on subsequent tasks.
- You can associate deliverables and work items with a gate, if desired.
- Gates have zero duration (like milestones) and do not have an owner, or resources.
Key Resources
- Release Training for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Release 13: Oracle Fusion Project Management Enhancements: Project Gate Management
- Related Help Topic: Project Gates: Explained
Leverage a Single Set of Project Roles Across Your Entire Organization
Manage project roles with a unified setup experience in Project Financial Management and Project Execution Management applications. Project application administrators can set up roles using a single page and share the roles with all projects. You can also maintain the standard qualifications for each role to use when searching for and evaluating resources to fulfill a role on a project. Project Application Administrators can manage project roles more efficiently for the entire organization with the consolidation of project roles pages. Project Managers, Resource Managers and Project Administrators all have the same set of project roles to use in their respective areas for planning the project, managing resources, and managing access to the project.
Set Up and Share Roles Manage Project Roles Page in All Projects
Steps to Enable
This feature is enabled by default for the Project Application Administrator:
- Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.
- Search for the Manage Project Roles setup task.
- Select the name hyperlink for the task.
- Select the row for Manage Project Roles.
- Click Edit.
- Add or edit project roles according to your business needs.
Tips And Considerations
- Enterprise role contains roles defined on Security Console.
- Project Application Administrator can map an enterprise role to a project role.
- Project Application Administrator can maintain standard qualifications and keywords for each project role which are used when searching for and evaluating resources to fulfill a role on a project.
Key Resources
- Release Training for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Release 13: Oracle Fusion Project Management Enhancements: Extensibility
Role Information
Manage Approvals for Opening a Gate
Orchestrate the gate approval processes using workflow to guarantee a timely and careful review of whether to proceed. You initiate this step as project manager once the prerequisite tasks are complete and there is sufficient information from the work to date for the stakeholders to make a decision.
To start the review, change the gate status from Closed to In Review. This sends notifications to all gate approvers. Approvers can respond directly from the notification, setting their status to Approved or Rejected, and adding comments if desired.
The gate status cannot be changed to Open unless the status for each approver is Approved.
The expected outcome is that the gate status will be set to Open. However, depending on the assessment of the gate approvers, the project manager could set the gate status to Terminated, ending the project, or back to Closed, indicating that more project work should be done before the status is again set to In Review.
Gate Details Showing Table of Gate Approvers
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- If there is a work item associated with a gate, and the work item has a Task Completion Event, then the gate status cannot be set to Open until the work item is completed.
- So that the unavailability of an approver does not unnecessarily delay a project, a project manager can set the gate approval status on behalf of a gate approver. Some organizations may have the project manager do this routinely, especially if there is a meeting in which all the approvers communicate their conclusions and the project manager records them in the project plan. The Updated By field in the approver table indicates whether the status value was set by the approver or the project manager.
- The project manager can change the status of a gate even once it has been set to Open or Terminated. This gives flexibility and the means to recover from incorrect status changes.
Key Resources
- Release Training for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Release 13: Oracle Fusion Project Management Enhancements: Project Gate Management
- Related Help Topic: Project Gate Notifications: Explained
Track Project Progress Efficiently with a Baseline
Set a project plan baseline to track project progress efficiently. Project managers can set a baseline that captures key attributes of the overall project schedule, including task start and finish dates, effort, and cost. You can create multiple baselines for the project plan and use the primary baseline information to measure the project progress on the Manage Project Plan page. Use Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence reports to measure schedule, cost, and effort variances and view the incremental progress on the project.
Project managers can visually compare the current schedule and primary baseline schedule on the Gantt chart.
This feature enables project managers to identify any slippage against the agreed plan, improving the predictability of getting projects done on time. It also provides the organization with variance information which can be used in future estimation of similar projects.
The key baseline attributes and measures are available in Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence to provide immediate visibility to all project team members and stakeholders so that they can take necessary actions.
Set Baseline to the Project Work Plan and Select to Set It as the Primary Baseline
View and Compare Project Progress with Primary Baseline Information
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- This feature is enabled for the Project Manager with the privilege "Manage Project Work Plan Baselines". The "Manage Project Work Plan Baselines" privilege is enabled by default for the Project Manager.
- This feature allows you to set a baseline to the project work plan only. In order to set baseline to the financial project plan, you have to explicitly set the baseline from Manage Financial Project Plan page. Alternatively, you can select the option "Baseline financial project plan" when updating financial project plan and progress from Manage Project Plan page.
- You can view only the primary baseline information on the Manage Project Plan page. If multiple baselines exist for the project plan, you can set a primary baseline from Manage Baselines window.
Key Resources
- Release training for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Release 13: Oracle Fusion Project and Task Management Progress Enhancements: Progress Enhancements
- Related Help Topic: Project Plan Baselines: Points to Consider
Role Information
Allows organizations manage all work and related interactions in a consolidated place. Team members, challenged by the quantity of tasks they own, no longer have to track administrative and project work in different places since all tasks are managed and progressed in a single view.
Manage All My Tasks Using the New Mobile Task Management
Mobilize your team member’s day-to-day activities. Now team members can use the new Android application to manage project tasks from their mobile phone, manage to-do tasks, and collaborate on tasks.
In this app, the project tasks assigned to a user are listed separately from the to-do tasks to make the access of these tasks easy without applying additional filters. You can now quickly create to-do tasks and mark them as complete with the same ease to keep all your work related activities at one place. Collaboration with the team members is provided through the Oracle Social Network (OSN) mobile application, downloaded separately.
Details of a Project Task and List of To-Do Tasks in the New Mobile Application
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
This feature is enabled by default for the Team Collaborator. Users can download the Oracle PPM Cloud mobile application on their Android devices from the Google Play Store.
Key steps to setup the mobile app:
- Download and install the app on the Android mobile device.
- Open the Oracle PPM Cloud mobile app.
- Accept the End User License Agreement displayed right after opening the app.
- On the login page, click the settings icon on the bottom right corner.
- Enter the project server URL and port number (optional) and then specify whether its SSL enabled.
- Save the details.
- Enter user name and password.
- Specify whether to save the username and password and whether to remain logged into the app.
You can get the project server address from the browser URL when you are on My Work work area. Server address is the part which is after the http:// or https:// and before the first forward slash. For example, if the URL looks something like this '' then the project server address would be ''.
You should mark SSL Enabled as yes, if the URL has 'https' at the beginning. ???
Key Resources
- Release Training for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Release 13: Task Management Enhancements: Mobile Task Management
Role Information
Organizations can optimize the allocation and utilization of their most precious resource: their people. Innovative and intuitive tools let resource managers and project managers ensure that the best-fit resource is identified and placed on each and every project assignment, to the benefit of the organization, the project resource, and the end customer, whether it be for internal or external billable projects.
Assign Multiple Resources to Projects with a Single Action
Enable the resource managers to assign multiple resources to projects without separately creating a request. For example, when the list of resources to assign to a project is already known, then the resource manager can quickly assign them to a project in a single action.
From the Manage Project Resource Assignment page, invoke the action to create multiple resource assignments. In the new dialog box that appears you can create multiple assignments in either Reserved or Confirmed status.
Create Multiple Project Resource Assignments Dialog Window
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
- Release Training for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Release 13: Oracle Fusion Project Resource Management Enhancements: Manage Resources Efficiently
Role Information
- Resource Manager (ORA_ PJF_ RESOURCE_ MANAGER_ JOB)
Create, Maintain, and Fulfill Requests for Multiple Resources
Enable project managers to request multiple resources for the same project role on one request. Resource managers propose suitable candidates for project managers to review. Resource managers can immediately assign or propose all the requested resources at one time or a few at a time as suitable candidates are found. Resources can be proposed for confirmed or reserved assignments. Project managers can approve or reject resources.
Project managers can efficiently manage the staffing of larger projects that require multiple resources with the same set of skills. Project managers can specify the requirements and the quantity of resources needed in one request. They can easily monitor the progress of the staffing process to determine how many resources have been assigned and how many are still needed to fulfill the request.
Resource managers can search for and propose or immediately assign multiple resources to fulfill a request in one step. The ability to propose different resources for confirmed and reserved assignments for the same request gives resource managers greater flexibility when staffing a project.
Project Manager's Request for Multiple Resources
Project Managers Review Proposed Resources to Determine Whether to Approve or Reject Them for the Project
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- Resource managers and project managers can keep track of the resources associated to the request and their current status on the Review Resources for Request page.
- Once resources are confirmed or reserved through a request for multiple resources, their assignments can be maintained individually.
Key Resources
- Release Training for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Release 13: Oracle Fusion Project Resource Management Enhancements: Manage Resources Efficiently
Role Information
Empower Project Managers to Search for and Confirm Resources
Provide the option for project managers to search for and confirm a resource for a project assignment based on resource availability and qualifications. They can view details about individual resources and decide which resource is the best for the project.
The business value for this feature is the project manager’s ability to leverage the depth of resource management from the Manage Project Resources page without a formal resource management staff. Project managers have a solution that allows them to select the best resources based on their overall score, availability capacity and qualifications. Project managers can view resources schedules, skills, and project history.
Empower Project Managers to Search For and Confirm Resources
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
This feature is enabled by default for the Project Manager:
- Navigate to the Manage Project Resources page.
- Create a placeholder resource.
- Enter details of dates.
- Search and select a resource pool if needed.
- Evaluate resources and select resource as Planned, Confirm, or Requested.
- View the selected resource on Manage Project Resources page.
Create a placeholder resource with job role and exact dates to narrow results and find a resource that fit best.
By default, the application searches the resource pools that you own. If you do not own any resource pools, then you must select one or more resource pools before you can search.
Key Resources
- Release Training for Oracle Fusion Project Resource Management Release 13 Enhancements: Managing Resources Efficiently
Role Information
Enhanced Resource Management Workflow and Notifications
Send a workflow notification to project managers and other participants when a resource manager confirms or reserves a resource assignment on a project and project manager approval isn't required. Project managers and other participants also receive a workflow notification when a resource assignment is adjusted and project manager approval isn't required. Resource managers and other participants receive a workflow notification when a project manager cancels a resource assignment.
Providing notifications to impacted participants when assignments are created or adjusted enhances and simplifies communication between project managers and resource managers. These notifications reduce the need for either party to send separate communication about the assignment actions that took place.
Workflow Notification Indicating Resource Manager Adjusted Assignment Schedule
Steps to Enable
This feature is enabled by default for the Project Manager and Resource Manager, but the Project Application Administrator must first enable notification workflow.
- Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.
- Search for the Manage Project Resource Management Implementation Options setup task.
- Select the task name hyperlink.
- Click the checkbox next to Notify workflow participants when a resource is proposed or an assignment is adjusted.
- Save and close the page.
Tips And Considerations
When adjusting an assignment schedule, enter an Adjustment Reason to explain the reason for the schedule change. This is valuable information and is provided in the workflow notification to the recipient.
Key Resources
- Release Training for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Release 13: Oracle Fusion Project Resource Management Enhancements: Manage Resources Efficiently
Role Information
Review and Maintain Multiple Resource Schedules
Maintain resource schedules for multiple resources on a single page. Resource managers can review project resource assignments and nonproject events, evaluate resource availability, and access resource details. In addition, resource managers can adjust resource assignments and create assignments from the resource schedule.
Resource managers can manage their resources outside the context of resource requests more effectively by comparing multiple resource schedules and resource availability at one time, and directly adjusting or creating project resource assignments.
Manage Resource Schedules Page
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- You can only adjust confirmed assignments.
- Double click on the bar to bring up a dialog to edit the start date, finish date, or hours per day.
Key Resources
- Release Training for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Release 13: Oracle Fusion Project Resource Management Enhancements: Manage Resources Efficiently
- Related Help Topic: Manage Resource Schedules
Role Information