Cloud Readiness / Oracle Project Management Cloud
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  1. Update 17C
  1. Revision History
  2. Overview
  3. Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)
  4. Feature Summary
    1. Project Control
        1. Refresh Actual Amounts and Update Forecast Version
        2. Assign Planning Resources to Financial Project Plan Using File-Based Data Import
    2. Project Costing
        1. Dynamically Insert Code Combinations While Creating Project Cost Transactions using Desktop Integration
        2. Enhancements When Reviewing Project Cost Transaction Exceptions
        3. Automatically Derive Depreciation Expense Account for Assets
    3. Project Billing
        1. Net Credits
        2. Administrative Fee Billing
        3. Invoice by Original Expenditure Type
        4. Control Billing Event Adjustments
        5. Bill Rate Overrides by Expenditure Item
        6. Bill Pre-Award Transactions
    4. Project Performance Reporting
        1. Notify Project Managers Automatically After KPI Generation
        2. View and Resolve File-Based Data Import Errors in the Excel Template
    5. Project Management
        1. Manage Project Requirements and Backlog Items Using a Representational State Transfer (REST) Service
        2. Import and Export Task Number When Integrating Project Management with Microsoft Project
        3. Analyze Task Reports Quickly Using the Order of Project Tasks
        4. Analyze Projects and Resources with Organization-Based Dimensions in Oracle Transaction Business Intelligence
        5. Compare and Analyze Multiple Work Plan Baselines Using Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence
    6. Task Management
        1. Extended Access to View Project Plans
    7. Project Resource Management
        1. Adjust Assignment Schedules for Reserved Resources
        2. Maintain Resource Schedule Events
        3. Expanded Maintenance Conditions for Creating Resources From HCM
        4. Review Project Enterprise Labor Resources Output Report
        5. Improved Resource Management Usability

Update 17C

Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Feature Notes
28 SEP 2019 Extended Access to View Project Plans Updated document. Revised feature information.
01 SEP 2017   Created initial document.


This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in this update, and describes any tasks you might need to perform for the update. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.


We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content.  Please send us feedback at

Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)

We continue to add many new features to the Oracle Cloud Applications, and for some features, you can take advantage of new functionality at a pace that suits you by “opting in” to the feature when you’re ready. You can opt in to a feature in two ways:  by using the New Features work area, or by using the Setup and Maintenance work area.

To opt in using the New Features work area:

  1. Click the Navigator, and then click New Features (under the My Enterprise heading).
  2. On the New Features page, select the offering that includes new features you’d like to review.
  3. Click Opt In for any feature that you want to opt in to.
  4. On the Edit Features page, select the Enable option for the feature, and then click Done.

To opt in using the Setup and Maintenance work area:

  1. Click the Navigator, and then click Setup and Maintenance.
  2. On the Setup page, select your offering, and then click Change Feature Opt In.
  3. On the Opt In page, click the Edit Features icon.
  4. On the Edit Features page, select the Enable option for any feature you want to opt in to. If the Enable column includes an Edit icon instead of a check box, then click the icon, select your feature options, and click Save and Close. 
  5. Click Done.

Feature Summary

Column Definitions:

Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.

UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.

UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.

Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.

Ready for Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Enabled)

Reports plus Small Scale UI or Process-Based new features will have minimal user impact after an update. Therefore, customer acceptance testing should focus on the Larger Scale UI or Process-Based* new features.

Customer Must Take Action before Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Disabled)

Not disruptive as action is required to make these features ready to use. As you selectively choose to leverage, you set your test and roll out timing.



UI or
Small Scale

UI or
Larger Scale*

Project Control

Refresh Actual Amounts and Update Forecast Version

Assign Planning Resources to Financial Project Plan Using File-Based Data Import

Project Costing

Dynamically Insert Code Combinations While Creating Project Cost Transactions using Desktop Integration

Enhancements When Reviewing Project Cost Transaction Exceptions

Automatically Derive Depreciation Expense Account for Assets

Project Billing

Net Credits

Administrative Fee Billing

Invoice by Original Expenditure Type

Control Billing Event Adjustments

Bill Rate Overrides by Expenditure Item

Bill Pre-Award Transactions

Project Performance Reporting

Notify Project Managers Automatically After KPI Generation

View and Resolve File-Based Data Import Errors in the Excel Template

Project Management

Manage Project Requirements and Backlog Items Using a Representational State Transfer (REST) Service

Import and Export Task Number When Integrating Project Management with Microsoft Project

Analyze Task Reports Quickly Using the Order of Project Tasks

Analyze Projects and Resources with Organization-Based Dimensions in Oracle Transaction Business Intelligence

Compare and Analyze Multiple Work Plan Baselines Using Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence

Task Management

Extended Access to View Project Plans

Project Resource Management

Adjust Assignment Schedules for Reserved Resources

Maintain Resource Schedule Events

Expanded Maintenance Conditions for Creating Resources From HCM

Review Project Enterprise Labor Resources Output Report

Improved Resource Management Usability

Project Control

Refresh Actual Amounts and Update Forecast Version

When a project forecast version is approved a new working version of the forecast is also created. This new version is a copy of the baseline version and both planned values and actual costs. Actual costs that are incurred after the working version is created are not automatically reflected in the forecast.

This new feature provides a more intuitive solution to customers wanting to keep their forecast up-to-date. Through an interactive icon, project managers will know when new actual amounts are available and can generate forecast versions by clicking on the icon.

The new icon appears on the Manage Project Forecast Versions page for the project, when the summarization date of the actual amounts is later than the previous forecast version update date. A tooltip appears on the icon indicating that new project actual amounts are available for the project. You can use these new values for forecast calculation.

Manage Project Forecast

Click the icon and accept the confirmation message to open the Manage Version Details page. The application automatically sets the field Forecast Creation Method as Generate from another source.

Click Save and Next to update the forecast, ETC, EAC, and actual amounts.

Manage Version Details - Forecast Creation Method

You can update the forecast versions without updating the actual amounts. Click on the selected forecast from the Manage Project Forecasts page to open the Edit Forecast page.

Edit Forecast

Click the new icon on the Edit Forecast page to open the Manage Version Details page. The application automatically sets the field Forecast Creation Method as Generate from another source. If required, you can update the actual amounts, EAC, and ETC values.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • This feature uses the project summarization date to compare differences on project actual amounts with forecast versions update; therefore it is required to run the Update Project Performance Data process in order to display the icon.
  • This feature does not consider the timestamp when comparing the project summarization date to the forecast version date. If you run the Update Project Performance Data process on the same day, but after the forecast version is created, you will not be able to see the icon refreshed until the next day.
  • This feature applies to all Forecast Version regardless of its Financial Plan Type.

Role Information


Assign Planning Resources to Financial Project Plan Using File-Based Data Import

Assign resources to tasks on the Financial Project Plan using a file-based data import. For example, you can use this approach during the initial data migration or when integrating with an external application. After import, you can view and manage resource assignments for tasks in the Financial Project Plan.

Using the Financial Project Plan file-based data import you can effectively and quickly create resource assignments in the financial project plan. The following screen capture illustrates the File-Based Data Import feature.

Preparing the XLSM Template to Create Resource Assignments for Financial Project Plan

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • Follow the instructions mentioned in the Instructions and CSV Generation sheet of the xlsm template to prepare and load the financial project plan resource assignments data into the application.
  • You can only import new resource assignments. You can’t update the existing resource assignments.
  • Resource Assignment Level will allow the user to choose whether to enter data for resource assignments at line level or periodic level.
  • To correct errors, review the error message details in the output report, correct the data and regenerate the CSV file. Load the data again and submit the import process.

Role Information


Project Costing

Dynamically Insert Code Combinations While Creating Project Cost Transactions using Desktop Integration

Account Code combinations will now be dynamically inserted while uploading project cost transactions.

When importing project cost transactions through a spreadsheet, if the raw cost, burdened cost and/or burden account code combinations do not exist, then they will be dynamically inserted into the code combination table.

Capture Costs - Third Party Labor

Steps to Enable

Make sure that Dynamic Insertion is enabled for the Chart of Accounts.

Tips And Considerations

The application validates the segment values before creating the account code combination. 

Enhancements When Reviewing Project Cost Transaction Exceptions

The error messages on the Manage Project Costs and Manage Unprocessed Costs pages are now available on demand. This will improve search performance.

When there are errors, the Errors Exist column will contain a red “X” corresponding to a specific Transaction Number.  You simply select the desired transaction “X”, and the error message will open upon demand.

Manage Unprocessed Costs - Errors Exist

This feature is identical when viewing error on the Manage Project Costs page.

Manage Project Costs

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Automatically Derive Depreciation Expense Account for Assets

You can now generate the depreciation expense account for Construction In Progress assets through the use of Transaction Account Builder.

You can now default the Depreciation Expense account when creating capital projects using attributes such as the Project Owning Organization and Asset Category.

Using this new feature, you can minimize reconciliation issues and avoid any errors that occur while selecting the depreciation expense account manually, which will lead to eventual incorrect asset lines generation.

Manage Capital Projects

Steps to Enable

Follow these steps to enable this feature:

  1. Identify or create the Account Rules as needed.
  2. Create a new Transaction Accounting Definition.  Duplicate the delivered "PPM Default Account Generation Definition".
  3. Attach the desired Account Rules to the Transaction Account Definition.
  4. Save and Activate the Transaction Account Definition.
  5. Update the Subledger Accounting Options for Projects with the new Transaction Account Definition.

Tips And Considerations

If this feature is not enabled, the Depreciation Expense Account will still need to be manually populated.

Project Billing

Net Credits

You can choose to create net credit memos, in addition to net invoices. You can combine the credit to reverse the original transaction with the charge to record the revised amount for that transaction onto a single credit memo that references the original invoice number.

Previously, with net invoicing turned off at the contract header level, you could create a separate credit memo to reverse the original transaction and a separate invoice with the charge to record the revised amount for that transaction. With net invoicing turned on at the contract header level, you could create a separate invoice containing the reversal of the original transaction, the charge to record the revised amount for that transaction, and other charges for other transactions.

Now, with net invoicing turned on at the contract header level and the new Net Credit Invoicing profile value set to Yes at the site level to specify that net credit invoicing is enabled, you can create a credit memo containing the reversal of the original transaction and the charge to record the revised amount for that transaction. This credit memo references the original invoice number and is transferred to receivables as a credit memo. Other charges for other transactions are invoiced on separate invoices and transferred to receivables as standard invoices.

The following screen capture illustrates the feature and its benefits.

Manage Administrator Profile Values

Steps to Enable

You enable this feature by turning on a new net credit invoicing profile option at the site level. Access to profile options is granted to the Project Application Administrator.

Tips And Considerations

The new net credit profile option is only available at the site level. You use it and the existing net invoicing option at the contract header level in combination to determine how adjustments are invoiced.

Role Information


Administrative Fee Billing

You can automatically generate billing events for administrative fees based on a percentage you enter on the bill plan or revenue plan.

You can now assign one of four new billing extensions to invoice or revenue methods to automatically generate billing events for invoice or revenue. The four new billing extensions, intended specifically for administrative fees, are:

  1. Percent ITD Invoice Fee.
  2. Percent ITD Revenue Fee.
  3. Percent Current Invoice Fee.
  4. Percent Current Revenue Fee.

When you create a bill or revenue plan with an invoice or revenue method having one of the new billing extensions assigned, that billing extension is automatically assigned to the bill or revenue plan. You just need to specify the percentage and the calculation level on the bill or revenue plan. Much like percent complete and percent spent, the Generate Invoice or Generate Revenue process then creates a billing event for each bill or revenue plan with one of the new billing extensions assigned. Each such billing event contains the event type you specified on the applicable new billing extension.

The inception-to-date (ITD) billing extensions calculate the billing event amount on the total of the invoiced amount on an inception-to-date basis minus the total of all previously created billing events with the event type specified on the billing extension. The current billing extensions calculate the billing event amount on the total of the invoiced amount in the current run of the generate invoice process.

The following screen captures illustrate the feature and its benefits.

Edit Billing Extension

Edit Invoice Method

Create Bill Plan

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Billing extensions are only called during the regular processing cycle, not the adjustment processing cycle, of the generate invoice and generate revenue processes. So you may need to enter a manual billing event to fix administrative fee billing, when only adjustments, of any type, but no regular transactions are being processed for a bill plan or revenue plan assigned to a current billing extension. For instance, if the only transaction being invoiced for a specific bill plan is a credit memo for an expenditure item put on invoice hold, and that bill plan is assigned to a current invoice administrative fee billing extension, the billing extension won't get called.

An alternate solution is to assign an inception-to-date billing extension to the bill plan, so the next time invoicing is generated and there are regular transactions to invoice for the bill plan, the billing extension will calculate the amount of administrative fees on the current invoice to total the correct amount on an inception-to-date basis.

Role Information

  • The setup is performed by a Project Application Administrator (ORA_PJF_PROJECTS_APPLICATION_ADMINISTRATOR_JOB) role.
  • Contract entry is enabled for the Customer Contract Administrator (ORA_OKC_CUSTOMER_CONTRACT_ADMINISTRATOR_JOB) and Customer Contract Manager (ORA_OKC_CUSTOMER_CONTRACT_MANAGER_JOB) roles.
  • The billing event creation portion of this feature is enabled by default for the Project Billing Specialist (ORA_PJF_PROJECT_BILLING_SPECIALIST_JOB) and the Project Revenue Accountant (ORA_PJF_PROJECT_ACCOUNTANT_JOB) roles.

Invoice by Original Expenditure Type

You can optionally generate intercompany and interproject invoice lines with expenditure type values from the original expenditure items.

Similar to external invoices, when an intercompany or interproject invoice is generated, the transactions are grouped onto invoice lines using the details of the invoice formats specified on the bill plans assigned to the contract lines. Previously, even though expenditure type was an attribute that could be used to group transactions onto invoice lines, it would always be populated from the expenditure type specified on the corresponding intercompany or interproject contract line. Now on the intercompany or interproject contract line, you can choose the source of the expenditure type on the intercompany or interproject invoice line to be the original transaction or the contract line.

When the intercompany or interproject invoice lines are transferred to payables, the expenditure type values from the original expenditure items can be used to derive the accounting for the debit to intercompany or interproject expense.

The following screen capture illustrates the feature and its benefits.

Edit Contract - Internal Billing

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Role Information


Control Billing Event Adjustments

You can identify billing events as migration and nonadjustable. Nonadjustable billing events are prevented from being updated online, in web services or in File-based Data Import (FBDI), if they have been processed at all for invoice or revenue.

Previously for billing events other than accruals or reversals of accruals, you could adjust the event description or event amount, even if the billing event was already invoiced or recognized for revenue.

Now, you can specify event types as migration and nonadjustable. You can use such event types to migrate invoice and/or revenue contract line history from your legacy application to the Oracle PPM Cloud as unprocessed billing events. While these billing events remain unprocessed, you can make changes to any attribute, as needed. For invoiced or revenue recognized nonadjustable billing events, you won’t be allowed to update any of the billing event attributes including event description or event amount online, using web services, or using file-based data import. You can thus maintain integrity of the invoice and revenue history between the legacy application and the Oracle PPM Cloud.

The following screen captures illustrate the feature and its benefits.

Manage Event Types

Edit Migration Event

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

The new migration and nonadjustable indicators on the event type are turned off by default. Thus, all previously existing event types will be considered nonmigration and adjustable. All new event types will also be nonmigration and adjustable, unless you specify them otherwise.

Role Information


Bill Rate Overrides by Expenditure Item

You can bill labor and nonlabor transactions based on a bill rate provided on the expenditure item, when using rate-based invoice methods. You can generate revenue for labor and nonlabor transactions based on a bill rate provided on the expenditure item, when using rate-based revenue methods.

You can call a new REST service to update new bill rate override attributes on one or more unbilled and unrecognized expenditure items. These new attributes include separate external and intercompany bill rates and currency, as well as source name and source reference to cross reference the bill rate overrides to the third-party source application. When you run the Generate Invoice or Generate Revenue process, any bill rate overrides on expenditure items eligible for invoicing or revenue recognition will take precedence over all other existing sources that derive bill rates.

The following screen capture illustrates the feature and its benefits.

Expenditure Items REST Endpoints

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

A new function privilege (PJC_MANAGE_PROJECT_EXPENDITURE_ITEMS_SERVICE) is added.A new function privilege (PJC_MANAGE_PROJECT_EXPENDITURE_ITEMS_SERVICE) is added.

Updating expenditure items with bill rate overrides using the REST service is supported, but importing costs with bill rate overrides is not supported. The REST service does not support bill rate markups, discounts, labor multipliers, job assignments, burden multipliers, or transfer pricing data.

Bill Pre-Award Transactions

Invoice and recognize revenue for cost transactions whose transaction date is between the award's pre-award date and award end date.

Previously, expenditure items with transaction dates prior to the award contract line start date and contract start date were considered ineligible for invoicing and revenue recognition. Now, when you create an award with a pre-award date, expenditure items with transaction dates on or after the pre-award date but before the contract line start date and contract start date are eligible for invoicing and revenue recognition, without any further action on your part. Of course, expenditure items with transaction dates between the contract start date and contract end date continue to also be eligible for invoicing and revenue recognition.

The following screen capture illustrates the feature and its benefits.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

If you do not specify a pre-award date on the award, only transactions with transaction dates on or after the contract line start date and contract start date are eligible for invoicing and revenue recognition. If you do specify a pre-award date on the award, invoices containing transactions with transaction dates prior to the contract line start date and contract start date must have an invoice date on or after the contract start date.

Project Performance Reporting

Notify Project Managers Automatically After KPI Generation

You can now send notification reports to project managers easily when you generate key performance indicator (KPI) values. Select the option to generate KPI notification reports only once and automatically notify project managers every time KPI values are generated. You can also include notes in these notification reports. By leveraging this one-time setup, you no longer need to enable notifications while submitting the Generate KPI Values scheduled process every time.

Notify project manager option on the Manage Financial Project Settings page

Notify Project Manager Option on the Manage Financial Project Settings Page

Steps to Enable

The project application administrator must perform the following steps to enable this feature.

  1. Navigate to the Manage Financial Project Settings page.
  2. Select the Reporting tab and scroll down to the KPI Notifications section.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. On the Edit KPI Notifications window, enable the Notify project manager option to notify project managers every time KPI values are generated.
  5. Enable the Include notes in KPI notification report option to add notes in the notifications.
  6. Click Save and Close.

Key Resources

  • Related Help Topic: KPI Values: How They're Generated

Role Information


View and Resolve File-Based Data Import Errors in the Excel Template

You can now view and resolve the errors encountered while importing objects using the file-based data import feature in the same XLSM template that you upload. This enhanced error reporting is supported for the following file-based data import features:

  • Import Awards
  • Import Financial Project Plans
  • Import Project Billing Events
  • Import Project Budgets
  • Import Project Expense Costs
  • Import Project Forecasts
  • Import Project Inventory Costs
  • Import Project Labor Costs
  • Import Project Miscellaneous Costs
  • Import Project Nonlabor Costs
  • Import Project Supplier Costs
  • Import Project Tasks
  • Import Project and Task Transaction Controls

Using this feature, you can easily identify the records that are not imported successfully, view the error reason and resolution, correct the data and resubmit the same template. This feature reduces the time taken to identify the records that were not successfully imported. Further, after you update the records correctly, you don't need to manually copy the updated records to the template.

Excel output that includes error reasons and resolutions

Excel Output That Includes Error Reasons and Resolutions

Error Message column in the Excel output

Error Message Column in the Excel Output

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  1. The errors are reported in an Excel output that's generated by the scheduled process. This Excel output is in addition to the existing output report for the scheduled process. For example, you can view rejected project and task transaction control records in the Project and Task Transaction Controls Rejections output file.
  2. You can view the error, error reason, and resolution in the Error Message column in the Excel output. This column appears as the first column in the output. For successfully processed records, the value of this column is blank.

Key Resources

  • Related Guide: File-Based Data Import for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud

Project Management

Manage Project Requirements and Backlog Items Using a Representational State Transfer (REST) Service

Create and maintain project requirements and backlog items from third-party applications using a Representational State Transfer (REST) service. Enables product owners and project administrators to transfer or manage requirements and backlog items from external systems.

Following are the tasks you can perform on Requirements resource and its child resources – Backlog Items, Acceptance Criteria and the Child Requirement:

For Requirement resource:

  • Create a requirement
  • Get a requirement
  • Get all requirements
  • Update a requirement
  • Delete a requirement

For Backlog Item resource:

  • Create a backlog item
  • Get a backlog item
  • Get all backlog items for a requirement
  • Update a backlog item
  • Delete a backlog item

For Acceptance Criteria resource:

  • Create an acceptance criteria
  • Get all acceptance criteria for a backlog item
  • Get acceptance criteria
  • Update acceptance criteria
  • Delete acceptance criteria

For a Child Requirement resource:

  • Create a requirement
  • Get a requirement
  • Get all requirements
  • Update a requirement
  • Delete a requirement

The following tables illustrate the REST service request payload to create a requirement and the generated response.

Request payload to create a requirement:

Receive the response for the request payload:

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Assign the Manage Project Requirements privilege to the job role to use this feature.

Key Resources

  • The REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud document on Oracle Help Center includes the overview of REST web services and the technical details of the REST APIs that you can implement.

Role Information

  • Manage Project Requirements privilege (PJT_MANAGE_PROJECT_REQUIREMENTS_PRIV)

Import and Export Task Number When Integrating Project Management with Microsoft Project

Transfer the task number attribute during import and export of a project using integration of Oracle Project Management Cloud with Microsoft Project.

Before exporting a project from Microsoft Project to Oracle Project Management Cloud, you can use the WBS column in Microsoft Project to provide task numbers. You can either enter alphanumeric characters or use the auto-generated WBS value. Similarly, you will be able to view the task number when your project is imported from Oracle Project Management Cloud into Microsoft Project.

Column in Microsoft Project to be Used to Transfer Task Number. Example Using the Default Auto-Generated WBS Value

Steps to Enable

This feature is enabled by default in the Project Management work area for the Project Manager role, but each project manager needs to install latest integration client:

  1. Uninstall the integration client previously installed in Microsoft Project.
  2. Navigate to the Project Management work area.
  3. From the tasks panel, select Administer: Install Microsoft Project Integration, to download and install the Microsoft Project 2010, 2013, and 2016 integration client.
  4. In the project that has to be exported, enter the task number in the WBS column or use the auto-generated value in Microsoft Project.

Tips And Considerations

The column in Microsoft Project to transfer data is "WBS" and will be available only in the integration with Microsoft Project 2010, 2013 and 2016. The column header in Microsoft Project will be renamed to "Task Number" after executing the "Import New Project" action, but still available as WBS as well.

Key Resources

  • Related Help Topic: Microsoft Project and Oracle Fusion Project Management: How They Work Together

Role Information


Analyze Task Reports Quickly Using the Order of Project Tasks

Project managers can report on tasks sorted by the project plan sort order in Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence. You can also view the sample reports that are based on task name or task number sorted by the project plan sort order.

This enhancement offers consistency between reporting using Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence and the project plan, as viewed in the Gantt chart.

The following screen captures illustrate task sort order on the Manage Project Plan page and in a report.

Tasks Sequence in the Manage Project Plan Page

Tasks Sequence in the Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • You should add the attribute "Task Display Sequence" from the task dimension to the task reports in order to see the tasks sorted by the project plan sort order.

Role Information


Analyze Projects and Resources with Organization-Based Dimensions in Oracle Transaction Business Intelligence

Use the project-owning organization and business unit the project belongs to in the Project and Resource Management real-time subject areas in Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence to view both project execution and financial data in a single report. The task organization is now added as an attribute in the task dimension, while the project unit is an attribute in the project dimension.

This new feature allows you to arrange your reports in the same fashion that you do for your project financial reports, giving you a consistent appearance for your reports. Additionally, you are able to view both your execution and financial data together in one report by using these organization dimensions. Note that these organization values only exist for financially-enabled projects.

Task Organization is Added in the Task Folder.  Project Business Unit and Project Organization Folders are Added Under the Organizations Folder.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • This feature is enabled in all Project Execution subject areas that have project and task dimensions.This feature is enabled in all Project Execution subject areas that have project and task dimensions.
  • The project and tasking organizations and project business unit fields are only available for financially-enabled projects.
  • The project organization and project business unit fields are found in the Project folder.
  • The task owning organization field is found in the Task folder.

Compare and Analyze Multiple Work Plan Baselines Using Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence

Project managers can compare multiple work plan baselines and analyze baseline data such as baseline effort, cost, and schedule across multiple work plan baseline versions using the Baseline Versions Real-Time subject area in Oracle Fusion Transactional Business Intelligence. Leverage the measures to view the effort, cost, and schedule variances with respect to each baseline in your project plan.

This feature enables project managers to analyze incremental project performance, improves the predictability of on time project completion and better estimation of similar projects.

The following screen capture illustrates reporting on multiple project plan baselines.

Compare Schedule Across Multiple Baseline Versions

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

In order to compare the non-primary baseline versions with the current plan, you can add the planning attributes and measures from the Project Management - Planning Real Time subject area.

Key Resources

  • Related Help Topic: Subject Areas for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Real-Time Analyses: Overview

Role Information


Task Management

Extended Access to View Project Plans

Provides a view-only mode of the project plan with project managers deciding whether access is more widely available or restricted to only the project team. Access to the view-only project plan is through Oracle Task Management Cloud.

As a project resource assigned to work on a task, you can quickly access the project plan from your task on the Manage Tasks page. Alternatively, you can navigate to the View Projects page to search for projects; this applies for projects you are assigned to and projects made public by the project manager.

The view-only project plan includes information about planned, current, and actual dates, date constraints, dependencies, labor resources, and active baseline dates. Current dates and active baseline dates can also be viewed in the Gantt diagram.

View-Only Project Plan

Steps to Enable

Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

Offering: Project Execution ManagementNo Longer Optional From: Update 20A

As a Project Manager you can choose to allow all users view-only access to a specific project:

  1. Navigate to the Project Management work area.
  2. From Task panel, select Open Project to Search for the project you need to configure the view-only project plan access.
  3. Open the Edit Project Details page for the project by selecting the first row in the project plan which has the name of the project.
  4. Change the View-Only Project Plan Access to All users.
  5. Save and Close.

Editing Project Details

Tips And Considerations

As a project resource who is assigned to work on a task :

  1. Navigate to My Work work area
  2. From Manage Tasks search for any task. 
  3. Click on the project name under the project task name to navigate to the view-only project plan.

Accessing Project Plan From Manage Tasks

You can also navigate to the View Projects page to search for projects that the project manager has made public or projects on which your are assigned. This capability is mostly relevant when you are not assigned to any tasks:

  1. Navigate to My Work work area
  2. From  the Tasks panel, choose View Projects action
  3. Search for the project that fits your search criteria
  4. Click on the project name to navigate to the view-only project plan.

Accessing Project Plan From View Projects Page

  • By default, only the resources in a project have access to the view-only project plan.
  • REST Operations GET, POST and PATCH include attribute ProjectPlanViewAccessCode to determine if the project team or all users should have access to the view-only project plan.
  • SOAP Operations ProjectServiceV2:getMyProjectList, ProjectServiceV2:getMyProjectList, ProjectServiceV2:createProjectPlan, ProjectServiceV2:findProject, ProjectServiceV2:findProjectPlanByProjectName, ProjectServiceV2:findProjectPlanByProjectId include attribute ProjectPlanViewAccessCode to determine if the project team or all users should have access to the view-only project plan.

Key Resources

  • Release Training for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Release 13: Oracle Task Management Cloud Enhancements: Extended Access to View Project Plans
  • Release Training for Oracle Project What's New for Oracle Common Technologies and User Experience Cloud Release 13: Offering Opt In
  • Related Help Topic: How can I share a project plan with others in the organization?
  • Related Help Topic: How can I view a project plan?

Role Information


Project Resource Management

Adjust Assignment Schedules for Reserved Resources

During the project planning process, resources can be reserved to fulfill roles on the project. Often, project scope and schedules change during this planning phase. Assignment schedules for those reserved resources often require adjustments to meet the changing needs of the project. Resource managers adjust the assignment schedule for single or multiple reserved resource assignments with no further action required by the project manager. Alternately, resource managers can adjust the schedule for a resource that is reserved and submit for approval by the project manager.

Project resource assignments for reserved resources may go through many refinements to the assignment schedule. Allowing adjustments to the reserved assignment provides better flexibility in the project planning process and greater accuracy in resource available capacity and projected utilization. Reserved assignment schedule adjustments are immediately reflected on the project, which enables the project manager to manage the project resources using the most accurate assignment information which reflects the current reality of the project.

Adjust Reserved Assignment Schedule

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • Project managers or resource managers can adjust assignment schedules.
  • The Assignment Status field has been added to requests generated for assignment adjustments. This field displays the status that the assignment is in at the time the adjustment is made.

Key Resources

  • Release Training for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Release 13: Oracle Project Resource Management Enhancements: Maintain and Assign Resources Efficiently

Role Information


Maintain Resource Schedule Events

You can easily manage schedule events for your resources. Usually a group of resources attend events like trainings and conferences. Allowing resource managers the flexibility to manage resources' schedule events helps streamline managing the resources' calendars.

Resource managers can manage their resources' events and don't need resources to enter the events on their calendars. For example, if a group of resources are attending a training, then the resource manager can easily create the event for the group of resources. If a resource is not available to create or update his or her schedule event, then the resource manager can perform this action.

Create Event for Multiple Resources

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • Resource managers can create resource schedule events on the Manage Resources page.
  • Resource managers can create and manage resource schedule events on the Manage Resource Schedules page and on the Schedule tab on the Resource Details page.
  • Schedule events are visible for resource managers, project managers on the Manage Project Calendar page and for team members on Team Member Dashboard.

Key Resources

  • Release Training for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Release 13: Oracle Resource Management Cloud Enhancements: Maintain and Assign Resources Efficiently

Role Information


Expanded Maintenance Conditions for Creating Resources From HCM

Facilitate and further automate the creation of project enterprise resources as you hire and promote people in Cloud HCM. The selection criteria on the creation conditions has increased to enable you to identify new resources by business unit or assignment organization in addition to job. You can also specify the resource pool membership for the newly created managed resources.

The great value is to give you increased specificity in choosing which resources from Cloud HCM to create as project enterprise resources and to provide new resources with membership in a specific resource pool. The enhancements of conditions have granularity to include business unit, organization and job as selection criteria.

Expanded Conditions

Steps to Enable

This feature is enabled by default for the Project Application Administrator. The Project Application Administrator will need to edit existing conditions or create new conditions for the process in order to take advantage up this expanded feature.

  1. Navigate to Setup and maintenance page
  2. Select Setup: Project Execution Management
  3. Choose Functional Area Project Resource Management     
  4. Select the Task: Manage Project Enterprise Labor Resource Maintenance Conditions
  5. Click Create Conditions
  6. In the Create Conditions page there are values you can fill information in for the process
    1. Name
    2. Process Order
    3. Description
    4. HCM Person Selection Criteria
      1. Person Type
      2. Business Unit
      3. Organization
      4. Jobs
    5. Value to Assign to Resources
      1. Manage Resource Availability and Staffing
      2. Resource Pool Name
      3. Calendar
      4. Primary Project Role
      5. Cost Rate
      6. Bill Rate
  7. Save and Close

Tips And Considerations

  • In creating conditions for the process, you do not have to assign resource pool membership and instead you can select the pool named Resources with No Pool Membership.
  • In the HCM Person Selection Criteria section, you must choose Person Type and then you can optionally chose additional selection criteria.

Key Resources

  • Release Training for Oracle Resource Management Cloud Enhancements: Maintain and Assign Resources Efficiently

Role Information


Review Project Enterprise Labor Resources Output Report

Use the Maintain Project Enterprise Labor Resources Output Report to review and take action on any exceptions that occurred while running the Maintain Project Enterprise Labor Resources process. If the process runs successfully, you can track how many resources were created.

There is great value in this output report. When the process is unable to create a resource from an HCM person, the process completes with a status of Warning and the report displays issues in the Resource Creation Exceptions Table. The output report also displays successful resource updates, such as name or email changes.

Maintain Project Enterprise Labor Resources Output Report

Details of the Output Report

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

This feature is enabled by default for the Project Application Administrator. To run the process:

  1. Navigate to Scheduled Process.
  2. Schedule a New Scheduled Process.
  3. Select Maintain Project Enterprise Labor Resource.
  4. Select Process Details  Create Resources, Update Resources, and or Remove  Resource Availability.
  5. Create Parameters of what resources from Cloud HCM will be created as project enterprise resources.
  6. Open Details to view the report and the view the status of the process. ?????

An alternative way to update, modify, run, and view the Scheduled Report is to navigate to the Setup and Maintenance page and select the Manage Project Enterprise Labor Resource Maintenance Conditions task. From the Manage Project Enterprise Labor Resource Maintenance Conditions page, you can select the report from the Last Process Details.

The report has a set of statuses to show the outcome of the process:

  • Warning: There are exceptions or errors
  • Success: No exceptions or warnings
  • Fail: The process did not complete

Key Resources

  • Release Training for Oracle Resource Management Cloud Enhancements: Maintain and Assign Resources Efficiently

Role Information


Improved Resource Management Usability

Resource managers and project managers keep current on the progress of resource requests in the process of being fulfilled. They can review quantity assigned and remaining. When creating requests for specific resources, the current pool owner for that resource will default as the staffing owner on the request. Project managers using workflow to review a proposed resource for a request enter rejection comments to communicate to the resource manager why a proposed resource is rejected for the assignment.

Resource managers and project managers can benefit from additional features in Oracle Fusion Project Resource Management to improve their efficiency. For example, as project resource requests for multiple resources proceed through fulfillment, resource managers and project managers can stay current on the number of resources that have already been assigned for the request and how many remain to be fulfilled.

When a project manager creates a request for a specific resource, if no staffing owner is assigned to the project, then the requested resource's pool owner will default as the staffing owner on the request. This ensures that the resource manager that owns this resource will receive timely notification for the request for the resource.

While reviewing a proposed resource for a project resource request in workflow, if the project manager determines that the resource is not a good fit, the project manager can provide a rejection reason in workflow that will be sent to the staffing owner for the request. This provides further communication and will assist the staffing owner in determining a different resource to propose.

Review Quantity Proposed, Assigned, and Remaining on a Request

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

When rejecting a proposed resource through workflow, enter a rejection reason. This is valuable information and is provided in the workflow notification to the staffing owner.

Key Resources

  • Release Training for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Release 13: Oracle Project Resource Management Enhancements: Maintain and Assign Resources Efficiently

Role Information