Update 19A
Revision History
This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:
Revision history
Date | Feature | Notes |
23 OCT 2024 | Project Billing: Allow Updates to Associated Projects with Billing Transactions | Updated document. Revised Tips and Considerations. |
14 JUN 2021 | Grants Management: Allow Negative Funding Amount for Supplement Funding | Updated document. Revised opt in expiration. |
21 DEC 2018 | Created initial document. |
This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in this update, and describes any tasks you might need to perform for the update. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.
Give Us Feedback
We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at oracle_fusion_applications_help_ww_grp@oracle.com.
Feature Summary
Column Definitions:
Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.
UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.
UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.
Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.
Project Management
Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt-In)
We continue to add many new features to the Oracle Cloud Applications, and for some features, you can take advantage of new functionality at a pace that suits you by “opting in” to the feature when you’re ready. You can opt-in to a feature in two ways: by using the New Features work area, or by using the Setup and Maintenance work area.
To opt-in using the New Features work area:
- Click the Navigator, and then click New Features (under the My Enterprise heading).
- On the New Features page, select the offering that includes new features you’d like to review.
- Click Opt-In for any feature that you want to opt-in to.
- On the Edit Features page, select the Enable option for the feature, and then click Done.
To opt-in using the Setup and Maintenance work area:
- Click the Navigator, and then click Setup and Maintenance.
- On the Setup page, select your offering, and then click Change Feature Opt-In.
- On the Opt-In page, click the Edit Features icon.
- On the Edit Features page, select the Enable option for any feature you want to opt-in to. If the Enable column includes an Edit icon instead of a check box, then click the icon, select your feature options, and click Save and Close.
- Click Done.
Common Technology and User Experience
REST APIs for Oracle PPM Cloud
Project Foundation
Manage Project Templates Using a REST Service
View and create project templates using the 'Project Templates' REST service. You can perform the specified actions on multiple project templates at once using the batch mode of this REST service.
You can review payload examples for the Project Templates and child resources in the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Steps to Enable
If you are using REST services with your Oracle Cloud implementation for the first time, then follow the instructions in the Quick Start section of the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Tips And Considerations
- The Project Templates REST service has multiple child REST resources including Tasks, Project Team Members, Project Transaction Controls, Task Transaction Controls, Project Classifications, Project Customers, and Quick Entries.
- You can view and create the project template header as well as child entities listed above using the respective REST resource.
- Other child entities for the project template will be available in the upcoming releases.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide
Access Requirements
View Project Roles Using a REST Service
Using a REST service, users can view project roles through various queries and filters. Additionally, the project role LOV in the UI is enhanced to have a contain search for the Project Role REST service.
The project role field is used when adding project related parties to projects and project templates for both project financial management and project management work areas.
You can review payload examples for the Project Templates and child resources in the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide
Steps to Enable
If you are using REST services with your Oracle Cloud implementation for the first time, then follow the instructions in the Quick Start section of the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Tips And Considerations
- All project roles in the manage project role page are searchable. Both seeded and custom project roles are searchable.
- The field searches by the project role name.
Project Role LOV in Add Team Members popup
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide
View and Add Resources to Planning Resource Breakdown Structures at the Project Level Using a REST Service
View the details of all the resource breakdown structures assigned to projects, drill down into a planning resource breakdown structure (PRBS) to view the selected resource formats and resources, and add new resources to the non-centrally controlled PRBS using the Planning Resource Breakdown Structures for Projects REST service.
You can review payload examples for the Planning Resource Breakdown Structures for Projects and child resources in the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Steps to Enable
If you are using REST services with your Oracle Cloud implementation for the first time, then follow the instructions in the Quick Start section of the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Tips And Considerations
- This REST service comprises of a parent REST resource Planning Resource Breakdown Structures for Projects and two child objects Formats and Elements.
- You can view the details of the planning resource breakdown structure (PRBS) assigned to a project and the selected resource formats for the PRBS using the Planning Resource Breakdown Structures for Projects and Formats resources respectively.
- You can view and add new resources to the non-centrally controlled PRBS using the Elements resource. A non-centrally controlled PRBS has the "Allow Resource Changes at Project Level" option enabled in the PRBS definition.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide
Access Requirements
Project Control
Manage Financial Project Plan Using a REST Service
View, create, and update financial project plans using the Financial Project Plans REST service. Using this service, you can also view, create, update, and delete resource assignments, planning amounts, and planning amount details for a financial project plan. Additionally, you can view the errors for financial project plans using this service. You can use the various resources that are included in this service based on your requirements:
- financialProjectPlans: To view financial project plans.
- ResourceAssignments: To view, create, update, and delete resource assignments for a financial project plan.
- VersionErrors: To view the errors in a financial project plan.
- PlanningAmounts: To view, create, and update the summary planning amounts for a resource assignment.
- PlanningAmountDetails: To view, create, and update the periodic planning amounts for a resource assignment.
The PlanningAmounts resource is a child of the ResourceAssignments resource. Similarly, the PlanningAmountDetails resource is a child of the PlanningAmounts resource.
Steps to Enable
If you are using REST services with your Oracle Cloud implementation for the first time, then follow the instructions in the Quick Start section of the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Tips And Considerations
You can view the current working versions of financial project plans using the financialProjectPlans resource.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
View and Create Project Forecasts Using a REST Service
View and create project forecasts using the Project Forecasts REST service. Using this service, you can create forecasts by either copying from existing forecast versions or generating from existing financial project plans, budgets, or forecast versions. You can also view planning resources, planning amounts, planning amount details, and errors for project forecast versions using this service. You can use the various resources that are included in this service based on your requirements:
- projectForecasts: View and create project forecast versions.
- PlanningResources: View the planning resources for a project forecast version.
- VersionErrors: View the errors for a project forecast version.
- PlanningAmounts: View the summary planning amounts for a planning resource.
- PlanningAmountDetails: View the periodic planning amounts for a planning resource.
Steps to Enable
If you are using REST services with your Oracle Cloud implementation for the first time, then follow the instructions in the Quick Start section of the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Tips And Considerations
You can use the following finders to quickly perform searches on the projectForecasts resource:
- CurrentApprovedProjectForecastFinder: Returns the list of current approved project forecast versions based on your search criteria.
- CurrentWorkingProjectForecastFinder: Returns the list of current working project forecast versions based on your search criteria.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Project Costing
Manage Unprocessed Project Costs Using a REST Service
View, update, and delete unprocessed project costs using the Unprocessed Project Costs REST service. Using this service, you can also view the errors for unprocessed project costs, and view and update project standard cost collection and additional information captured for unprocessed project costs. You can use the multiple resources that are included in this service based on your requirements:
- unprocessedProjectCosts: To view and delete unprocessed project costs.
- ProjectStandardCostCollectionFlexfields: To view the project standard cost collection information for an unprocessed project cost.
- UnprocessedCostRestDFF: To view the additional information captured using descriptive flexfields for an unprocessed project cost.
- Errors: To view the errors for an unprocessed project cost.
You can view unprocessed project costs that belong to both predefined and third-party transaction sources using the unprocessedProjectCosts resource. Additionally, you can view the unprocessed project costs that belong to unreleased expenditure batches.
Steps to Enable
If you are using REST services with your Oracle Cloud implementation for the first time, then follow the instructions in the Quick Start section of the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Tips And Considerations
- You can update unprocessed project costs that belong to third-party transaction sources.
- You can delete unprocessed project costs that belong to Oracle Fusion Projects or third-party transaction sources.
- You can update and delete unprocessed project costs for which:
- Accounting events haven't been generated.
- Funds haven't been reserved against control budgets.
- You can update the following key attributes for unprocessed project costs by performing a PATCH operation on the ProjectStandardCostCollectionFlexfields resource:
- Project (Number and ID)
- Task (Number and ID)
- Expenditure Item Date
- Expenditure Type
- Expenditure Organization
- Contract (Number and ID)
- Funding Source
- Billable
- Capitalizable
- Work Type
- You can update the following attributes for unprocessed project costs by performing a PATCH operation on the unprocessedProjectCosts resource:
- Expenditure Batch
- Batch Description
- Project Number
- Task Number
- Expenditure Item Date
- Expenditure Type
- Expenditure Organization
- Contract Number
- Funding Source Number
- Billable
- Capitalizable
- Work Type
- Quantity
- Unit of Measure
- Original Transaction Reference
- Comment
- Transaction Currency
- Raw Cost in Transaction Currency
- Burdened Cost in Transaction Currency
- Raw Cost in Provider Ledger Currency
- Burdened Cost in Provider Ledger Currency
- Provider Ledger Currency Conversion Rate Type
- Provider Ledger Currency Conversion Date Type
- Provider Ledger Currency Conversion Date
- Provider Ledger Currency Conversion Rate
- Provider Ledger Currency Conversion Rounding Limit
- Raw Cost Debit Account
- Raw Cost Credit Account
- Burden Cost Debit Account
- Burden Cost Credit Account
- Burdened Cost Debit Account
- Burdened Cost Credit Account
- Reversed Original Transaction Reference
- Converted
- Unmatched Negative Transaction
- Nonlabor Resource
- Nonlabor Resource Organization
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide
Access Requirements
Project Billing
Release Invoices Using a REST Service
Release invoices in Approved status using the Release Project Contract Invoice REST service.
You can review payload examples for the Release Project Contract Invoice resources in the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Steps to Enable
If you are using REST services with your Oracle Cloud implementation for the first time, then follow the instructions in the Quick Start section of the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide
Grants Management
Manage Awards Using a REST Service
Create, update, and retrieve awards using a REST service. You can also associate projects to awards and create, update, and retrieve award funding using this REST service. Additionally, you can create, update, and retrieve the award keywords, award references or award project keywords that exist as child resources of the Awards REST resource.
Child resources:
- Award Attachments,
- Award Budget Periods
- Award Certifications
- Award CFDAs
- Award Department Credits
- Award Descriptive Flexfields
- Award Funding Sources
- Award Fundings
- Award Keywords
- Award Personnel
- Award Projects
- Award References
- Award Terms
Steps to Enable
If you are using REST services with your Oracle Cloud implementation for the first time, then follow the instructions in the Quick Start section of the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Tips And Considerations
- The Use of the Batch REST operation allows you to perform multiple operations to update or create multiple awards.
- Awards cannot be deleted. As a result delete is not a valid operation for the award resource.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide
Access Requirements
The REST service endpoint is protected by the GMS_MANAGE_AWARD_SERVICE_PRIV. Add this to your custom roles to gain access.
Seeded role with this privilege:
Project Resource Management
Manage Project Resource Assignments Using a REST Service
Create, update, and read project resource assignments using the Project Resource Assignment REST service. You cannot delete project resource assignments with this service. As a project implementation specialist, you can use this service to bring in data from another system or as a resource manager to create assignments in Oracle Project Resource Management Cloud.
You can create multiple project resource assignments at once using the batch mode of this REST service.
You can review payload examples for the Project Resource Assignment resource in the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Steps to Enable
If you are using REST services with your Oracle Cloud implementation for the first time, then follow the instructions in the Quick Start section of the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Tips And Considerations
If you need to update an existing record and you want to clear a value in a field, you can pass the payload attribute with null value. If you do not want to change the value of the field, you do not need to pass that attribute itself in the payload.
Calling the PATCH operation on the assignment with :
"Location" : "Redwood Shores",
"Comment" : null
will update the request with clearing the text from the Comment field on the existing record.
If you call it with:
"Location" : "Redwood Shores",
It will only update the Location and not touch the Comment or any other field on the record.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide
Manage Project Resource Requests Using a REST Service
Create, update, read, and delete project resource requests using the Project Resource Request REST service. You can use the service during the initial data migration or for integration with any external application.
The service has a parent resource and 3 child resources as follows:
Resource | Description |
Project Resource Requests |
The Project Resource Requests resource is the parent resource that is used to view, create, and manage project resource requests. You can only delete requests if they are in Open or Draft status. |
Project Resource Request Qualifications |
The Project Resource Request Qualifications resource is used to view, create, and manage project resource qualifications under a specific request. You cannot update qualifications. You can delete and recreate them. |
Project Resource Request Lines |
The Project Resource Request Lines resource is used to view the status and details of all proposed or nominated resources associated to the request. This resource only supports reading of request lines, which are the resources associated to the request. |
Project Resource Request Descriptive Flexfields |
The Project Resource Request Descriptive Flexfields resource is used to view, create, and update descriptive flexfields associated to a project resource request. |
You can review payload examples for the Project Resource Requests and child resources in the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Steps to Enable
If you are using REST services with your Oracle Cloud implementation for the first time, then follow the instructions in the Quick Start section of the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Tips And Considerations
If you need to update an existing record and you want to clear a value in a field, you can pass the payload attribute with null value. If you do not want to change the value of the field, you do not need to pass that attribute itself in the payload.
Calling the PATCH operation on the request with :
"RequestName" : "Request for Business Analyst",
"ProjectRoleName" : null
will update the request with clearing the Project Role on the existing record.
If you call it with:
"RequestName" : "Request for Business Analyst",
It will only update the Request Name and not touch they project role or any other field on the record.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: See the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Access Requirements
- The REST service endpoint is protected by the privilege Manage Project Resource Requests (PJR_MANAGE_PROJECT_RESOURCE_REQUESTS_PRIV). Add this to your custom roles to gain access.
- Resource Manager seeded role is granted this privilege.
- If you want to give administrative access, you can do so with the privilege Manage Project Resource Request Service (PJR_MANAGE_PROJECT_RESOURCE_REQUEST_SERVICE_PRIV).
- Project Integration Specialist seeded role is granted this privilege.
Search and Evaluate Resources Using a REST Service
Search and evaluate resources to fulfill a project resource request using the Project Resource Request Matches REST service. You can find the best matched resources to fulfill a request, including the overall score, availability percentage, and qualification match percentage.
This is a unique REST service where you get the search results once you pass Request ID to the service. There is no create, update, or delete operation allowed via this REST service.
You can use this service to get the list of resources that meet the search criteria given on a request. The search results are sorted based on the overall score of the resources returned. Any new user interface where you want to display resources based on the search results can call this service to get the resources.
You can review payload examples for the Project Resource Request Matches resource in the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Steps to Enable
If you are using REST services with your Oracle Cloud implementation for the first time, then follow the instructions in the Quick Start section of the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Tips And Considerations
The search takes in the Request ID and searches based on the search criteria already saved on the request. The service does not take in additional search criteria.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide
Manage Issues and Action Items Using a REST Service
Manage issues and action items using the Project Issues REST service Create and maintain issues and action items from third-party applications using this REST service.
Steps to Enable
If you are using REST services with your Oracle Cloud implementation for the first time, then follow the instructions in the Quick Start section of the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Tips And Considerations
When using the rest service you can set parameters to query the resource such as issue number, status, and project ID .
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: See the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Access Requirements
Project Management
Update and Delete Project Enterprise Resources Using a REST Service
Update and delete project enterprise resources using the Project Enterprise Resources REST service.
This feature extends the project managers ability to quickly update labor resources and overall manage project planning. Project managers will be able to update non HCM Linked project enterprise labor resources.
Consider the following attributes when updating a project enterprise labor resource.
- First and Last Name
- Email Address
- The dates from which you can assign the project enterprise resource to a project
Resource Name : projectEnterpriseLaborResources
URL: https://your_organization.com:port/fscmRestApi/resources/<ResourceUniqueId>
For Non-HCM Resources:
"FirstName": "Mark",
"LastName": "Manson",
"ResourceName": "Mark Manson",
"Email": "mark.manson@oracle.com",
"FromDate": "2018-12-10",
"ToDate": "2019-12-10",
"PhoneNumber": 9861098610,
"ManagerEmail": "Dennis.Patterson@Oracle.com",
"CalendarName": "PJT Standard US Calendar",
"PrimaryProjectRoleName": "Team Member",
"BillRate": 100,
"BillRateCurrencyCode": "USD",
"CostRate": 200,
"CostRateCurrencyCode": "USD",
"ManageResourceStaffingFlag": true,
"ResourcePoolName": "Resources with No Pool Membership",
"PoolMembershipFromDate": "2018-12-10"
For HCM Linked Resources:
"FromDate": "2013-08-13",
"ToDate": "2029-12-10",
"PhoneNumber": 9861098610,
"CalendarName": "PJT Standard US Calendar",
"ManagerEmail": "Dennis.Patterson@Oracle.com",
"PrimaryProjectRoleName": "Team Member",
"BillRate": 100,
"BillRateCurrencyCode": "USD",
"CostRate": 200,
"CostRateCurrencyCode": "USD"
URL: https://your_organization.com:port/fscmRestApi/resources/<ResourceUniqueId>
Resource Name : projectEnterpriseExpenseResources
URL: https://your_organization.com:port/fscmRestApi/resources/<ResourceID>
"ResourceName": "Test Expense",
"Description": "This is a Test Expense Resource"
URL: https://your_organization.com:port/fscmRestApi/resources/<ResourceID>
Steps to Enable
If you are using REST services with your Oracle Cloud implementation for the first time, then follow the instructions in the Quick Start section of the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Key Resources
- Related Help: REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide
Access Requirements
View Project Labor and Expense Resources Using a REST Service
View the list of labor and expense resources assigned to projects as a project manager using the Project Labor Resources REST service and the Project Expense Resources REST service respectively.
This feature enables the project managers to quickly view labor and expense resources with various statuses on projects using external applications thus increasing the ability to better plan resources on projects. You can use many attributes to view project labor and expense resources such as:
- Expense Resource ID
- Labor Resource ID
- Resource Status
projectLaborResources GET
URL : {{local}}/projectLaborResources
Response Payload :
"items": [
"ProjectId": 300100169662966,
"ProjectRoleId": 300100025498083,
"DefaultStaffingOwnerFlag": null,
"ResourceId": 300100023180799,
"Name": "George White",
"Email": "prj_george_white_in_grp@oracle.com",
"ProjectRoleName": "Oracle DBA",
"ProjectResourceAssignmentId": null,
"CreatedBy": "Connor.Horton",
"CreationDate": "2018-12-14T18:02:45.205+00:00",
"LastUpdatedBy": "Connor.Horton",
"LastUpdateDate": "2018-12-14T18:02:48.309+00:00",
"Allocation": 100,
"LaborEffort": null,
"AssignmentStatusCode": "PLANNING_ONLY",
"AssignmentStatus": "Planned",
"LaborBillRate": null,
"LaborCostRate": null,
"FromDate": "2018-12-24",
"ToDate": null,
"ProjResourceId": 300100169662997,
"ProjectCurrencyCode": "USD",
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "https://fuscdrmsmc265-fa-ext.us.oracle.com:443/fscmRestApi/resources/",
"name": "projectLaborResources",
"kind": "item",
"properties": {
"changeIndicator": "ACED0005737200136A6176612E7574696C2E41727261794C6973747881D21D99C7619D03000149000473697A65787000000001770400000001737200116A6176612E6C616E672E496E746567657212E2A0A4F781873802000149000576616C7565787200106A6176612E6C616E672E4E756D62657286AC951D0B94E08B02000078700000000178"
"rel": "canonical",
"href": "https://fuscdrmsmc265-fa-ext.us.oracle.com:443/fscmRestApi/resources/",
"name": "projectLaborResources",
"kind": "item"
projectExpenseResources GET
URL : {{local}}/projectExpenseResources
Response Payload:
"items": [
"ProjectId": 300100059404520,
"ResourceId": 300100033414519,
"Name": "Labour Overheads",
"ExpenseAmount": 20000,
"CreatedBy": "Mark.Otbi",
"CreationDate": "2015-03-20T12:46:53.148+00:00",
"LastUpdatedBy": "Mark.Otbi",
"LastUpdateDate": "2015-03-20T12:52:39.903+00:00",
"ProjResourceId": 300100059404546,
"ProjectCurrencyCode": "USD",
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "https://fuscdrmsmc265-fa-ext.us.oracle.com:443/fscmRestApi/resources/",
"name": "projectExpenseResources",
"kind": "item",
"properties": {
"changeIndicator": "ACED0005737200136A6176612E7574696C2E41727261794C6973747881D21D99C7619D03000149000473697A65787000000001770400000001737200116A6176612E6C616E672E496E746567657212E2A0A4F781873802000149000576616C7565787200106A6176612E6C616E672E4E756D62657286AC951D0B94E08B02000078700000000278"
"rel": "canonical",
"href": "https://fuscdrmsmc265-fa-ext.us.oracle.com:443/fscmRestApi/resources/",
"name": "projectExpenseResources",
"kind": "item"
Steps to Enable
If you are using REST services with your Oracle Cloud implementation for the first time, then follow the instructions in the Quick Start section of the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide
Access Requirements
Add Tasks to Projects with a Work Plan Template Using the Projects REST Service
Add tasks to an existing project from a work plan template using the Projects REST Service. For example, after you create a project from a sales opportunity, each line on the opportunity needs a corresponding set of tasks in the project to complete the work. You can use a service to create the project from the sales opportunity, and then incrementally add tasks to automate the creation of the project's complete work breakdown structure.
This feature enables the project managers to quickly create tasks from the work plan template from external systems thus increasing project planning efficiency.
Use the custom operation "addTasksFromWorkplanTemplate" to add tasks from work plan templates to your projects. You can create tasks from work plan templates as peer tasks or child tasks to the reference task. Here is the sample payload to create tasks from the work plan template “Report Design and Test” with task prefix as “RDT” as child tasks to task "DESIGN" in a project:
"name" : "addTasksFromWorkplanTemplate",
"workplanTemplateName": "Report Design and Test Template",
"taskNumberPrefix": "RDT",
Steps to Enable
You must uptake the REST service change in any integrations to leverage this new feature. Review the changes to the Projects service, and update your REST client. Existing use of the service is not impacted.
Tips And Considerations
In order to create tasks directly under the project root task, do not pass any reference task number in the payload.
You can specify either a valid Work Plan Template ID or Work Plan Template Name in the payload to create tasks from a work plan template. Optionally, you can also specify task number prefix for the tasks created from the work plan template.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide
Access Requirements
- The user must also be a project manager or a custom project manager of the project in order to have data access to the project information (data privilege: PJT_MANAGE_PROJECT_WORK_PLAN_DATA).
Create and Update Tasks Within a Project Plan Using REST Service
Create and update tasks, gates, and milestones as a project manager using the Project Plans REST service. You can also use this service to read extensible fields for projects.
You can use many attributes to create and update project task such as:
- Task Description
- Task Name
- Changing a task to Billable
1) URL and payload to create an execution task under a summary task:
{"Name" : "My execution task","ElementType" : "EXECUTION","ParentTaskId" : 100100085724579}
2) URL to create a gate and payload
{ "Name" : "My gate", "ElementType" : "EXECUTION", "GateFlag" : "true" }
3) Update of the physical percent complete of a task:
{ "PhysicalPercentComplete": 25}
Steps to Enable
If you are using REST services with your Oracle Cloud implementation for the first time, then follow the instructions in the Quick Start section of the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide
Access Requirements
Oracle PPM Cloud
Project Foundation
Search Projects Using Faceted Search in Project Financial Management
Allow users to search projects using faceted search in Project Financial Management, and provide additional navigation functionalities to project related pages such as a list of recently accessed projects.
Key enhancements:
- Users can refine results using facet filters.
- Users can select the Recent Projects Saved Search as their default view, displaying the 15 most recently accessed projects.
- The Action Panel is invoked when selecting the Project Name or Project Number. Previously the Action Panel was only invoked by a right-click.
- Search bar for Project Name or Number that will auto suggest containing the entered value.

Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Project Financial Management
Tips And Considerations
- By default, the Recent Projects Saved Search is invoked when the page is opened.
- The 15 most recently viewed projects will be displayed as Recent Projects
- The default saved search can be changed based on each users preferences.
- A Reset of the Facet Filters will ensure that all previously entered search criteria is removed.
Access Requirements
Anyone that has access to the Project Financial Management work area, and My Projects page will have access to this functionality.
Example seeded roles:
Gain Real-Time Insight from Analyses Using Project Team Member Dimension
Create reports using Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI) by the project team member dimension to provide business users with real-time insight into project team membership data.
With the new Project Team Member dimension, you can build reports focused around custom or pre-defined project roles.
Project Team Member Dimension
Steps to Enable
You can add the new Project Team Member dimension to your existing analyses or create new analyses that use the broader Project dimension. For details about creating and editing reports, see the Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports for PPM guide.
Tips And Considerations
- Filter by the attribute Active Flag to display the current project team members on reports.
Key Resources
Related Help Topics:
- Subject Areas for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Real-Time Analyses: Overview in the Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports for PPM guide
- Available Dimensions for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Subject Areas: Overview in the Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports for PPM guide
Access Requirements
Manage External Project Party Contacts Efficiently
If you are using REST services with your Oracle Cloud implementation for the first time, then follow the instructions in the Quick Start section of the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Manage the customer, partner, and supplier contacts in the respective regions on the project and project template so that only the internal project team members appear in the team members region, clearly distinguishing them from the external parties.
Customer, Partner and Supplier Contacts Listed in Respective Regions
Add Internal Team Members Only In the Team Members Region
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Project Financial Management
Tips And Considerations
- Before adding a customer, partner, or supplier contact, you need to first add the customer, partner, or supplier organization, for which the contact would be defined.
- You can view the details of customer, partner, or supplier contact by either directly selecting the contact or the Edit button.
Click the Customer, Partner or Supplier Contact to View the Contact Details
Key Resources
Related Help Topics:
- Project Customers: Explained in the Defining and Managing Financial Projects guide
- FAQ: What's a partner organization? in the Defining and Managing Financial Projects guide
Access Requirements
Project Control
Manage Project Forecast Lines Descriptive Flexfields Using File-Based Data Import
Capture additional information on project forecast lines when you create or import project forecasts using the Import Project Forecasts file-based data import feature. You can use up to 30 alphanumeric descriptive flexfield attributes to capture this additional information.
Steps to Enable
Download and review the latest import template in the File-Based Data Import for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide. To prepare and import data using the template, follow the instructions in the Instructions and CSV Generation tab within the template.
Tips And Considerations
- In the Project Forecast Interface Excel template, you can use the Attribute Category column to capture the flexfield context and Attribute1 through Attribute30 columns to capture flexfield values.
- If you use the periodic lines to capture additional information using the descriptive flexfield attributes, then the values that you provide for all the periodic lines belonging to a summary plan line must be the same.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: File-Based Data Import for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide
Manage Financial Project Plan Resource Assignment Descriptive Flexfields Using File-Based Data Import
Capture additional information on financial project plan resource assignments when you create or import financial project plans using the Import Financial Project Plans file-based data import feature. You can use up to 30 alphanumeric descriptive flexfield attributes to capture this additional information.
Steps to Enable
Download and review the latest import template in the File-Based Data Import for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide. To prepare and import data using the template, follow the instructions in the Instructions and CSV Generation tab within the template.
Tips And Considerations
- In the Financial Project Plans Interface Excel template, you can use the Attribute Category column to capture the flexfield context and Attribute1 through Attribute30 columns to capture flexfield values.
- If you use the periodic lines to capture additional information using the descriptive flexfield attributes, then the values that you provide for all the periodic lines belonging to a summary plan line must be the same.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: File-Based Data Import for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide
Manage Project and Award Budget Lines Descriptive Flexfields Using File-Based Data Import
Capture additional information on project and award budget lines when you create or import project and award budgets using the Import Project Budgets file-based data import feature. You can use up to 30 alphanumeric descriptive flexfield attributes to capture this additional information.
Steps to Enable
Download and review the latest import template in the File-Based Data Import for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide. To prepare and import data using the template, follow the instructions in the Instructions and CSV Generation tab within the template.
Tips And Considerations
- In the Project Budget Interface Excel template, you can use the Attribute Category column to capture the flexfield context and Attribute1 through Attribute30 columns to capture flexfield values.
- If you use the periodic lines to capture additional information using the descriptive flexfield attributes, then the values that you provide for all the periodic lines belonging to a summary plan line must be the same.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: File-Based Data Import for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide
Automatically Update Tolerance Percentage and Date Rate Type on Control Budgets
You can update the budgetary control tolerance percentage and default rate type on project and award budgets. These modifications take effect on the respective control budgets after you set the budget versions to baseline. This feature provides you with a better management of your control budgets and allows you to change your control budget settings to reflect new business needs.
Update the tolerance percentage and default rate type in the Budgetary Control Settings tab of the Budget Creation Details section on the Edit Budget page.
Default Rate Type and Tolerance Percentage Options on the Edit Budget Page
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
You can set or update these options for budget versions that belong to financial plan types that are enabled for budgetary controls.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: Creating Control Budgets: Points to Consider in the Defining and Managing Financial Projects guide
Enhance Financial Plan Approval to Support Additional Integrations
You can configure the financial plan approval rules to support integration with other Oracle Cloud services. For example, you can add workflow rules to validate that the total budget amount does not exceed the amount of the strategic budget imported from the Enterprise Planning and Budgeting Cloud Service.
The payload for the ApprovePlanVersion BPM task now includes the details of the current baseline budget versions and current approved forecast versions of a project.

Payload Attributes for All Current Baselined Project Budget Versions

Payload Attributes for All Current Approved Project Forecast Versions
Steps to Enable
To integrate the approval process of project budget and forecast versions with other budget or forecast versions originating from third party or other Oracle applications, perform the following steps:
- Create an unapproved financial plan type for each external source.
- Load the external budget or forecast versions into Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud using the Import Project Budgets and Import Project Forecasts file-based data loaders or web services.
- Associate the appropriate financial plan types created in the first step with budget and forecast versions.
- Add additional rules in the 'ApprovePlanVersion' BPM task, if necessary. For example, if the requirement is to ensure that the project budget version amount does not exceed that of the enterprise or corporate budget amount, then add a rule to validate the amounts of the enterprise budget and the submitted project budget version.
Tips And Considerations
- Ensure to save and commit the changes made to the ApprovePlanVersion BPM task.
- Create an Unapproved Financial Plan Type for each external source from where you intend to import budget or forecast versions into Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud.
Key Resources
Related Help Topics:
- Budgets and Forecasts: How They Are Copied from Project Templates or Projects in the Defining and Managing Financial Projects guide
- Manage Project Budgets and Forecasts in the Defining and Managing Financial Projects guide
- FAQs for Manage Project Budgets and Forecasts in the Defining and Managing Financial Projects guide
Access Requirements
Project Costing
Capture the Cost of the Goods Shipped on a Project Sales Order
Capture project attributes on sales orders so that you can track the cost of the shipment of goods from a common inventory against a project. Review the costs of services provided and goods shipped for a project to have visibility of the total cost of the project, perform budget versus actual analysis, and invoice your customer based on the percentage of completion or milestones achieved.
Create a sales order under Order Management work area, add project details to the sales order line. This information will be available as part of the transaction imported into Project Portfolio Management (PPM).
Sales Order
Once the item is shipped and the transaction is accounted by Cost Management, you can import Sales Order Issue transactions into PPM using the Import Costs process available in Project Costing. This is the integration point between Project Costing and Cost Management.
After the transaction is imported into PPM, you can perform budget versus actual costs analysis, including the cost of goods shipped against a project sales order. View the transaction detail by using the Manage Project Costs page that is available in the Costs and the Project Management work areas. Use the view menu to add Sales Order Number and Shipment Number details to identify the transaction source.
Manage Project Costs
Sales Order references can also be viewed in the Manage Unprocessed Costs page, and you can search by Sales Order Number or Shipment Number on the Manage Cost Distributions page.
Open the Expenditure Item to have a complete overview of the transaction, including the Source Document Details. You can also create an analysis in OTBI using the Sales Order Issue Details available in Project Costing - Actual Costs Real Time subject area.
Expenditure Item Detail
The Accounting Period Close Exceptions Report processes also give visibility to the Sales Order Issue transactions that are pending to be imported into PPM. You can either view the Sales Order Issue details in the Accounting Period Close Exceptions output report or through an analysis in OTBI using Projects - Period Close Exceptions subject area.
Project Exceptions
Invoice your customer using project contract invoicing based on the percentage of completion or milestones achieved on the project. You can follow the billing process that is currently available in Project Billing.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Order Management No Longer Optional From: Update 19C
Use the Opt-In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Order Management No Longer Optional From:
Tips And Considerations
- The Expenditure Item Date of the Sales Order Issue transaction is the Shipment Date.
- PPM receives the cost of the item as defined in Manufacturing Costing.
- PPM does not support billing by material item and service item, such as coverages and subscriptions.
- Drop shipment, Back to Back processing for project sales order lines are not supported.
Key Resources
Related Help Topics:
- Defining an Additional Segment in the Cost Collection Flexfield in the Applications Help
- Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud Using Order Management Guide
Access Requirements
- Project Costing Transaction Analysis Duty (FBI_PROJECT_COSTING_TRANSACTION_ANALYSIS_DUTY)
Project Billing
Create Project Cost Analysis Based on the Project Contract Association
Create an analysis using the Project Costing - Actual Costs Real Time subject area based on the association of projects to the contract lines. For costs with a direct relationship of one project to one contract line, this enhancement can improve report processing and generate better reports on expenditure item costs for contracts and contract lines.
The following dimensions have been added to the Project Costing - Actual Costs Real Time subject area:
- Associated Project Contract Header Details
- Associated Project Contract Line Details
Steps to Enable
Add attributes from the associated project contract header and detail dimensions in BI analytics where you want to view the expenditure item detail based on the contract lines associated to the project and task on the expenditure item.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports for PPM guide
Use Additional Bill Plan Attributes with Real-Time Analysis
View and report on bill plan descriptive flexfield attributes and additional bill plan attributes using real-time analytics. For example, if you have set up any descriptive flexfields for bill plans, you can also include those values in your analysis.
The following screenshot shows how you can add the descriptive flexfields in the Additional Information area of a Bill Plan to an analysis:
Bill Plan with Additional Information Descriptive Flexfields
Descriptive Flexfields in the Projects - Cross Subject Area Analysis - Real Time
Steps to Enable
- Select the BI Enabled check box in setup on the Edit Segment page to enable bill plan descriptive flexfields for reporting.
- Run the Import Oracle Fusion Data Extensions for Transactional Business Intelligence process.
- Add the descriptive flexfield to your existing reports or create new reports.
Key Resources
Related Help Topics:
- Define Transactional Business Intelligence Configuration: Overview in the Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports for PPM guide
- Importing Changes to Flexfields Automatically: Procedure in the Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports for PPM guide
- Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports for PPM guide
Validate Invoice Approval from the Worklist, Notifications, and Email
When approving invoices, additional validations have been added to confirm invoice status consistently across the application. Invoices can be approved in multiple places and, as a result, the worklist, notification, or email could be out of sync with the current status of an invoice. Validations have been added along with appropriate messaging to confirm the status and notify the user.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Recalculate Released Invoices During Generate Invoice
You can recalculate an invoice, invoice line, or transaction on a released or higher status invoice already marked for adjustment or already credited, prior to running the Generate Invoice process. This is because you only mark the transactions for adjustment when you perform the recalculate action. The actual adjustment processing happens the next time you run the Generate Invoice process.
This makes the recalculate action consistent, whether you perform it from the Manage Project Cost, Manage Invoices, or Edit Invoice page. It also makes the adjustment processing consistent, since the Generate Invoice process is performing the recalculation in its entirety.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
Previously when you recalculated an invoice, invoice line, or transaction on a released or higher status invoice already adjusted, the results were not always accurate, depending on the exact keystrokes you made.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: Editing Invoice Transactions: Points to Consider in the Using Project Revenue and Billing guide
Access Requirements
Allow Updates to Associated Projects with Billing Transactions
You can inactivate the association of projects and tasks with a contract line that has billing transactions. You can also associate a task at a different level within the same branch of task hierarchy for the same contract line or a different contract line.
When you amend a contract and inactivate an association of projects and tasks with a contract line, you inactivate the association for both the new under amendment version as well as the previously active version of the contract. This prevents you from inadvertently generating invoice or revenue adjustments against the now inactive project and task association.
Inactive associations doesn't prevent the creation of new associations at a different level within the same branch of task hierarchy for the same contract line or a different contract line.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Project Financial Management
Tips And Considerations
- Inactivating the association of projects and tasks with a contract line updates the projects and tasks associations for a previously active version to inactive. This prevents revenue and invoice generation of the transactions that were created for the associated projects or tasks whose association is now inactive.
- Deletion of project associations without billing transactions is not allowed for award contracts. Also, updates to project associations, such as changing the association level are not allowed for award contracts, with or without billing transactions.
Amend Internal Billing for an Interproject Contract Line
You can update the internal billing attributes for an interproject contract line when you amend an interproject contract.
The following screenshot shows the internal billing attributes as editable.
Amend Internal Billing Attributes
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Project Financial Management
Tips And Considerations
When you amend internal billing attributes on an interproject contract line, you don't affect the billing amount of previously generated internal invoices. Therefore, no transactions with transaction dates on or after the contract amendment effective date are marked for adjustment processing.
To adjust previously generated interproject invoices:
- Mass adjust the applicable expenditure items to put them on invoice hold.
- Run the Generate Invoice process to create credit memos to reverse the original interproject invoices.
- Process the credit memos to released status.
- Mass adjust the same expenditure items to remove the invoice hold.
- Run the Generate Invoice process to create new interproject invoices, using the newly amended internal billing attribute values.
Access Requirements
Improved Usability for Contract Revenue Overview Page
You can navigate more quickly to the Contract Revenue Overview page. On the Springboard, click Contract Management and then click Revenue to open the overview page.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Project Financial Management No Longer Optional From: Update 19C
Tips And Considerations
As part of the enhancement to improve the Contract Revenue Overview page response time, the fields in the Totals section in the Exceptions region have been removed.
Access Requirements
This enhancement is available to all roles and users given access to the Revenue Overview work area.
Task Management
Set User Preferences on PPM Mobile
Project team members can set preferences for including actuals when they copy their time card from a previous period and when project and task time entries are automatically added to the time card. You can also configure your PPM mobile application to show project number and task number on the time card detail page.
PPM Mobile Preferences
Steps to Enable
- Search for Oracle PPM Cloud Mobile in the Google Play or Apple App Store to find the application.
- Ensure that user has Projects Time Entry Profile for their time card.
Tips And Considerations
This feature is enabled by giving users the Project Time Entry Mobile Duty. This duty has all the privileges needed to access PPM and HCM rest services. The duty is rolled-up to the employee and contingent worker abstract roles out of the box.
This feature only supports the following setup:
- Project Name, Task Name, and Expenditure type fields when capturing time
Ensure the logged in user can enter and submit time on the web application (Navigator > About Me > Time > Manage Time Cards > Create Time Card)
Key Resources
- Release Training for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Release 13: Oracle Project Costing Cloud Enhancements: Mobile Time Capture
Access Requirements
- Contingent Worker (ORA_PER_ CONTINGENT_WORKER)
Grants Management
Allow Negative Funding Amount for Supplement Funding
Grants administrators and principal investigators can add a negative funding amount for the Supplement funding type on the Manage Awards Funding page. This allows users to keep an audit trail of the funding amount, when they decrease the funding amount according to the requirements of the sponsor or move the funding amount between award budget periods or funding sources.

Adding Funding
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Grants Management No Longer Optional From: Update 22A
Tips And Considerations
Use the Opt-In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Grants Management
- Select the BI Enabled check box in setup on the Edit Segment page to enable bill plan descriptive flexfields for reporting.
- Run the Import Oracle Fusion Data Extensions for Transactional Business Intelligence process.
- Add the descriptive flexfield to your existing reports or create new reports.
When you add a negative amount to an award, ensure that there is enough funding allocated to the award, projects, budget, and other award related entities. The application performs a check to ensure that the reduced amount is not lesser than the existing allocated amount, based on existing spending rules such as expanded authority.
For example, if there is a base funding amount of $50,000 allocated to an award for a budget period, one cannot decrease by more than $50,000, and likewise if $20,000 of the $50,000 is allocated to a project or budgeted, one cannot decrease the funding amount by more than $30,000.
Other considerations:
- When an Award is under Expanded authority, the total funding across budget periods needs to remain positive. Otherwise the funding amounts within each budget period must remain positive.
- Check the decrease against your budgeted amount, amount allocated to the project.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: Adding Funding to an Award: Procedure topic in the Using Grants Management guide
Access Requirements
Project Management
Generate Public Events on Project Milestone Completion
Create public business events for project milestone completion. For example, when a milestone is completed the public event can be used to initiate billing activities related to the milestone.
You can use the public business event to orchestrate your business processes based on milestone completion. For example:
- Create a notification to resources on successor tasks when a milestone is marked as Complete.
- Initiate billing activities using Oracle Integration Cloud to orchestrate obtaining information about the milestone and then creating a billing event.
Raise a Business Event on Milestone Completion
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Project Execution Management
Tips And Considerations
- This public event is raised whenever a milestone on the project plan is set to the status Complete (100% complete).
- This public event is NOT raised for financial tasks that are also flagged as a milestone on the Manage Project Financial Plan page.
- You can subscribe to the events using Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC) to initiate additional steps required to complete this business process.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: Project Milestone Event in the Using Project Execution Management guide
Access Requirements
Generate Public Events on Project Deliverable Status Changes
Create public business events for status changes to project deliverables. For example, when a deliverable is completed the event is used to initiate activity in another application.
You can use the public business event to orchestrate your business processes based on deliverable status or priority changes. For example you can create a notification to the owners of associated tasks when a deliverable is set to Complete status.

Raise a Business Event on Project Deliverable Status Changes
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Project Execution Management
Tips And Considerations
This public event is raised whenever the progress status for a deliverable changes. For example, when a deliverable goes from New to In Progress or from Completed back to In Progress.
The public business event is also raised when the priority of a deliverable changes. For example, when a deliverable goes from Medium to High priority.
The public event is NOT raised when a deliverable is created or deleted.
You can subscribe to the events using Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC) to initiate additional steps required to complete this business process.
Key Resources
Related Help Topics:
- Deliverable Status Event in the Using Project Execution Management guide
- The guide Administering Oracle Integration Cloud on Oracle Help Center
Access Requirements
Generate Public Events on Project Task Progress Status Changes
Create public business events for progress status changes to project tasks. For example, when a task moves from Not Started to In Progress, the public event initiates activity in another application.
You can use the public business event to orchestrate your business processes based on task progress status changes. For example:
- Create a notification to resources on successor tasks when a task moves to Complete status.
- Create a notification to the project manager anytime a task moves backwards in status, such as from Complete to In Progress.
- Initiate activities in a non-Oracle system when a task moves to In Progress status.

Raise a Business Event when the Progress Status of a Task Changes
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Project Execution Management
Tips And Considerations
- This public event is raised whenever the progress status for a lowest or summary task changes. For example, when a task goes from Not Started to In Progress or from In Progress back to Not Started.
The public event is NOT raised when a task is created or deleted.
You can subscribe to the events using Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC) to initiate additional steps required to complete this business process.
Key Resources
Related Help Topics:
- Task Progress Event in the Using Project Execution Management guide
- The Administering Oracle Integration Cloud guide on Oracle Help Center
Access Requirements
Track Task for Change Orders
You can associate a task to the change order. Allowing project managers the capability to track tasks for change orders helps in better reporting and detailed analysis of change orders. For example, you can report on new, approved, and rejected change orders by task in a project.
You can associate a task from the change order details page and view the task information on the Manage Change Orders page. This feature also allows you to search or sort the change orders by task.
Associate Task While Creating Change Order
Report and Analyze Change Orders by Task
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Project Execution Management No Longer Optional From: Update 19C
Tips And Considerations
- You cannot delete a task from a project that is associated with a change order.
- You can use auto-suggest or search on task name or task number to associate task to the change order.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: Change Orders: Explained in the Using Project Execution Management guide
Quickly Add Resources to a Project
Use the Save and Add Another button to quickly add multiple resources and save time while creating project resources for resource assignment. This reduces the time needed to create project resources during the resource assignment process.

Save and Add Another Button
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Project Execution Management
Tips And Considerations
The project manager navigates to the Manage Project Resources page to add a project resource and can add multiple resources continuously. The project manager does not need to leave the Add Project Resource dialog box as the resource is displayed in the foreground of the Manage Project Resources page.
Access Requirements
Define Project Roles with Limited Actions for Managing Resources on a Project
Create additional project roles that limit the actions available to manage resources on a project. For example, while the project manager has full access to create resource requests and manage project resource request details, a junior project manager does not have these capabilities.
You can create a set of project manager roles that provide differential access to the resources. The same user may have different access on different projects. For example, an individual can be the senior project manager on one project with complete access and be the assistant project manager on another project with limited or no ability to edit project resources on the Manage Project Resources page.
Assign Project Managers with Different Levels Access for Managing Resources on a Project
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Project Execution Management
Use the Opt-In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Project Execution Management
Add attributes from the associated project contract header and detail dimensions in BI analytics where you want to view the expenditure item detail based on the contract lines associated to the project and task on the expenditure item.
Tips And Considerations
The new data privilege Manage Project Work Plan Resource Assignments Data is automatically rolled up to the predefined Project Manager role and Project Execution abstract role. After the opt-in, users with custom roles will only see a view-only version of the Manage Project Resources page unless you update the role definitions for any custom project manager roles that you have created to include the appropriate functional and data security policies. In particular, you must add the Manage Project Work Plan Resource Assignments Data privilege to these roles where appropriate.
Security changes apply to both the card and list views on the Manage Project Resources page.
The ability for a project manager to directly confirm a resource or edit a confirmed resource is available only to users with a role that includes the Assign Project Resource to Project and Assign Project Resource to Project Data privileges. This set of privileges is not new and unchanged with this feature, but included here to provide a complete picture of the security options available for managing resources.
Use case examples:
Sample Role | Functional Privilege | Data Privilege | Business Functions for Manage Project Resource Page |
Junior Project Manager | Manage Project Resource Assignment |
View Project Team Members for Project data |
View Only |
Assistant Project Manager | Manage Project Resource Assignment |
Edit Project Team Members for Project |
Senior Project Manager | Manage Project Resource Assignment |
Manage Project Resource Assignment Data |
Key Resources
Related Help Topics:
- Project Roles in Project Execution Management Applications: Explained in the Implementing Project Execution Management guide
- See the guide Security Reference for Oracle PPM Cloud on Oracle Help Center
Access Requirements