This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:
Date | Feature | Notes |
03 SEP 2021 | Resource Management: Capture Rejection Reason for Proposed Resources | Updated document. Revised opt in expiry information. |
03 SEP 2021 | Project Billing: Unrelease Invoices Using a REST Service | Updated document. Revised feature information. |
17 FEB 2020 | Project Billing: Predict Loss on Fixed Price Contracts Using Billing Events | Updated document. Revised feature information. |
17 FEB 2020 |
Project Billing: Record Cost Accrual Using Billing Events |
Updated document. Revised feature information. |
28 JAN 2019 | Project Billing: Conditionally Override Expenditure Item Date for Matched Supplier Invoices |
Updated document. Revised feature information. |
09 AUG 2019 | Removal of Feature: Removal of Project Spaces and Document Library in Update 20A |
Updated document. Added notice of removal in Update 20A. |
09 AUG 2019 | Project Control: Check Project Transaction Dates in Feeder Systems While Changing Project Task Dates |
Updated document. Revised feature information. |
21 JUN 2019 | Created initial document. |
This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in this update, and describes any tasks you might need to perform for the update. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.
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Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)
Oracle Cloud Applications delivers new updates every quarter. This means every three months you'll receive new functionality to help you efficiently and effectively manage your business. Some features are delivered Enabled meaning they are immediately available to end users. Other features are delivered Disabled meaning you have to take action to make available. Features delivered Disabled can be activated for end users in a couple of ways:
Access the Opt In page from the New Features Work Area
- Click the Navigator, and then click New Features (under the My Enterprise heading)
- On the New Features page, select the offering that includes new features you’d like to review
- Click Go to Opt In for any feature you want to opt in
- On the Edit Features page, select the Enable option for the feature, and then click Done
or... Access the Opt In page from the Setup and Maintenance Work Area
- Click the Navigator, and then click Setup and Maintenance
- On the Setup page, select your offering, and then click Change Feature Opt In
- On the Opt In page, click the Edit Features icon for any area that includes features you want to opt in
- On the Edit Features page, select the Enable option for any feature you want to opt in to. If the Enable column includes an Edit icon instead of a check box, then click the icon, select your feature options, and click Save and Close.
- Click Done.
Opt In Expiration
Occasionally, features delivered Disabled via Opt In may auto enable in a future update. This is known as an Opt In Expiration. If your cloud service has any Opt In Expirations you will see a related tab in this document. Click on that tab to see when the feature was originally delivered Disabled, and when the Opt In will expire, potentially auto enabling the feature. You can also click here to see features with Opt In Expirations across all Oracle Cloud Applications.
Column Definitions:
Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.
UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.
UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.
Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.
Common Technology and User Experience
REST APIs for Oracle PPM Cloud
Unrelease Invoices Using a REST Service
Change the status of released or transfer rejected invoices back to approved using a REST Service. Once invoices are complete and approved, they are then released as final. In some cases issues can occur or mistakes, such as releasing an invoice with the wrong date, can happen. Released invoices can also be rejected and set to transfer rejected status. In these circumstances you now have the ability to unrelease invoices to edit or delete the invoice to make corrections or edits.
Steps to Enable
Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides, available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API. If you are new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.
Key Resources
- REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
To use this feature, you need these roles:
- Job Role Name and Code:
Manage Project Costs Using a REST Service
View and update project costs using the Project Costs REST service. Additionally, you can update values for the project costs descriptive flexfields and bill rate override attributes such as external and intercompany bill rate and bill rate currency.
- The following project cost attributes are supported for PATCH:
- External Bill Rate
- External Bill Rate Currency
- External Bill Rate Source Name
- External Bill Rate Source Reference
- Intercompany Bill Rate
- Intercompany Bill Rate Currency
- Intercompany Bill Rate Source Name
- Intercompany Bill Rate Source Reference
- Attributes 1 through 10 of character data type belonging to the ProjectCostsDFF resource are supported for PATCH. This corresponds to the Project Expenditure Item descriptive flexfield.
Steps to Enable
Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides, available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API. If you're new to Oracle's REST services, you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.
Key Resources
- Related Help: REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
To use this feature, you need these roles:
- Abstract Duty Role Name and Code:
- Job Role Name and Code:
Create Burden Schedule Override for Award Project Using a REST Service
Create and retrieve the override burden schedule for the award project using the Awards REST service.
You can review payload examples for the service in the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Steps to Enable
Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides to leverage (available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API). If you are new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.
Key Resources
- Related Help: REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
To use this feature, you need these privileges or roles:
- The REST service endpoint is protected by the following privileges for the different operations. Add these to your custom roles to gain access.
- Seeded role with these privileges:
Update Project Forecasts Using a REST Service
Update project forecasts using the Project Forecasts REST service. This feature allows you to update forecast versions, planning resources that are assigned to tasks, and summary and periodic planning amounts for the forecast versions. Further, you can also approve and lock or unlock forecast versions using this feature. Thus, you have greater control while managing your project forecasts using the REST service.
Steps to Enable
Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides to leverage (available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API) . If you are new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.
Review the changes to the Project Forecasts service, and update your REST client.
Tips And Considerations
- Update the value of the attribute Plan Version Status to Approved to set your forecast version to approved status.
- Update the value of the attribute Locked to true to lock a forecast version and false to unlock it.
Key Resources
- Related Help: REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
To use this feature, you need these roles:
- Job Role Name and Code:
Manage Task Descriptive Flexfields and Additional Task Attributes Using a REST Service
View, create, and update descriptive flexfields for project tasks as per your business needs to capture and display additional information using the existing Tasks REST service. This provides more flexibility to your project tasks by enabling you to accommodate additional information that you want to track for financial and execution tasks. Additionally, the Tasks REST service now supports more key attributes such as service type, work type, and so on for all the standard operations.
You can now view and update the following attributes for project tasks using the Tasks REST service.
- Capitalizable
- Receive Intercompany and Interproject Invoices
- Service Type
- Service Type Code
- Work Type
- Work Type ID
You can also use the following attributes using TasksDFF to view, capture and update additional information for project tasks:
- ATTRIBUTE1 through ATTRIBUTE50 for character data type
- ATTRIBUTE1_NUMBER through ATTRIBUTE15_NUMBER for number data type
- ATTRIBUTE1_DATE through ATTRIBUTE15_DATE for date data type
Steps to Enable
Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides to leverage (available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API) . If you are new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.
Review the changes to the Tasks service, and update your REST client.
Key Resources
- Related Help: REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
To use this feature, you need these privileges or roles:
- Privilege Name and Code:
- Duty Role Name and Code:
- Job Role Name and Code:
Delete Project Forecasts Using a REST Service
Delete existing project forecast versions using the Project Forecasts REST service. You can also delete planning resources that are assigned to tasks, and summary and periodic planning amounts for the forecast versions using this REST service.
Steps to Enable
Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides to leverage (available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API) . If you are new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.
Review the changes to the Project Forecasts service, and update your REST client.
Tips And Considerations
You can delete working or current working project forecast versions.
Key Resources
- Related Help: REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
To use this feature, you need these roles:
- Job Role Name and Code:
Manage Resource Nominations and Fulfill Project Resource Requests Using a REST Service
Nominate resources on a project resource request using the Project Resource Request REST service. Resource managers and projects managers can take the nominated resource through it's life cycle of creation, approval, or rejection using the REST services.
Using the Project Resource Request REST service, resource managers and project integration specialists can:
- Create resource request for any project
- Create one or more nominated resources on a resource request
- Withdraw nominated resources from the request
- Approve or reject nominated resources that a project manager selects
- Change the status of the nominated resource to any user defined status for resource managers in the Resource Staffing Status Lookup setup page
Using the Project Plan Resource Request REST service, project managers can:
- Create project resource requests for projects on which they are project managers
- Accept or reject a resource that a resource manager nominated
- Change the status of nominated resource to any user defined status for project manager in the Resource Staffing Status Lookup setup page
The resource manager has the final approval on the nominated resource. Once the resource managers approves one of the nominated resources selected by the project manager, the request status will be changed to fulfilled and a project resource assignment will be created for the approved nominated resource.
The caller of the services must have required permission over the resource or the project to perform the actions on resources nominated to the project
Project integration specialist or project application administrators have access to all projects and all resources and can nominate resource or change status of nominated resources for any resource on any project. Resource managers can nominate resources and update status on nominated resources for any project. The resources they can nominate is based on the security setting in the Manage Project Resource Management Implementation Options setup page.
Manage Project Resource Management Options Setup Page
- If the checkbox is enabled, resource managers can nominate only those resources who belong to the resource pools on which they are assigned as resource pool manager.
- If the checkbox is disabled, resource managers can nominate any project enterprise resource to the project
- Project managers cannot create nominated resources. They can update status of already nominated resources on projects on which they are assigned as project managers.
You can review payload examples for these REST services in the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Steps to Enable
Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides to leverage (available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API). If you are new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.
Tips And Considerations
The resource must be a valid project enterprise resource with the Manage Resource Availability and Staffing checked to be eligible for nomination.
The service also checks for resource's overbooking with existing project resource assignments and will error out based on settings for Billable Assignments selected in Manage Project Resource Management Implementation Options page.
Key Resources
- Related Help: REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
To use this feature, you need these privileges or roles:
- Project Resource Request REST service endpoint is protected by the following roles:
- Project Plan Request REST service endpoint is protected by the project manager role
Initiate Workflow Notifications from Request and Assignment REST Services
Initiate workflow notifications for project resource requests and project resource assignments actions using the existing Project Resource Request and Project Resource Assignment REST services. The REST services initiate FYI and approval notifications as applicable. For example, when a project manager requests for a resource via the REST service, the request staffing owner receives an FYI notification. When a resource manager directly assigns a resource on the project, the project manager receives an FYI notification. Similarly, approval notifications are also sent where applicable. For example, when a project manager adjusts an assignment, the resource manager receives an approval notification.
Workflows are initiated in the life cycle of following flows:
- Project resource request creation
- Resource nomination on the project resource request
- Project resource assignment creation
- Project resource assignment adjustment
The tables below gives the listing of the REST services and the workflows initiated from each of them.
We are using the following abbreviations in the tables given below:
"RM" for Resource Manager
"PM" for Project Manager
Project Resource Request Creation Workflow
Rest Service Name | Action | Notification to PM | Notification to RM | Notification to Resource |
projectPlanResourceRequests |
PM creates an open request |
N/A | FYI Notification |
N/A |
Resource Nominations Workflows
REST Service Name |
Action |
Notification to PM |
Notification to RM |
Notification to Resource |
projectResourceRequests |
RM nominates one or more resources on the request |
FYI notification |
N/A |
No |
projectPlanResourceRequests |
PM requests a nominated resource |
N/A |
Approval notification |
No |
projectResourceRequests |
RM approves a nominated resource |
FYI notification |
N/A |
FYI notification |
projectResourceRequests |
RM rejects a nominated resource |
FYI notification |
N/A |
No |
Project Resource Assignment Creation Workflows
Rest Service Name | Action | Notification to PM | Notification to RM | Notification to Resource |
projectResourceAssignments |
PM creates a project resource assignment |
N/A | N/A | FYI Notification |
projectResourceAssignments |
RM creates a project resource assignment |
FYI Notification |
N/A |
FYI Notification |
Project Resource Assignment Adjustment Workflows
REST Service Name | Action | Notification to PM | Notification to RM | Notification to Resource |
projectResourceAssignments |
RM submits assignment schedule change |
Approval Notification |
N/A |
No |
projectResourceAssignments |
RM submits and approves assignment schedule change. |
FYI Notification |
N/A |
FYI Notification |
projectResourceAssignments |
PM submits assignment schedule change. |
N/A | Approval Notification |
No |
projectResourceAssignments |
RM submits assignment cancellation |
Approval Notification |
N/A |
No |
projectResourceAssignments |
RM submits and approves assignment cancellation. |
FYI notification |
N/A |
FYI Notification |
projectResourceAssignments |
PM submits and approves assignment cancellation. |
N/A |
FYI notification |
FYI notification |
projectPlanResourceRequests |
PM approves assignment adjustment |
N/A | FYI notification |
FYI notification |
projectPlanResourceRequests |
PM rejects assignment adjustment |
N/A | FYI notification |
No |
projectResourceRequests |
RM approves assignment adjustment |
FYI notification |
N/A |
FYI notification |
projectResourceRequests |
RM rejects assignment adjustment |
FYI notification |
N/A |
No |
Steps to Enable
Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides to leverage (available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API). If you are new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.
Tips And Considerations
Workflows will be initiated based on the setup for workflows in Project Resource Management Implementation Options setup page.
Role Information
No new security is required to initiate the workflows. Users with access to the REST services will get the workflows as part of the REST operations.
Approve and Reject Resource Assignment Adjustments Using a REST Service
Project managers, resource managers, and project integration specialists can approve or reject a request for assignment schedule change or assignment cancelation using REST services.
Using the Project Resource Request REST service, resource managers and project integration specialists can:
- Approve or reject an assignment adjustment request for assignment schedule change that a project manager initiated
- Approve or reject an assignment adjustment request for assignment cancellation that a project manager initiated
Using the Project Plan Resource Request REST service, project managers can:
- Approve or reject an assignment adjustment request for assignment schedule change that a resource manager initiated
- Approve or reject an assignment adjustment request for assignment cancellation that a resource manager initiated
The caller of the services must have required permission over the resource or the project to approve or reject the adjustment:
- Project integration specialist or project application administrators have access to all projects and all resources. They can approve or reject adjustments for any resource on any project.
Resource managers can approve or reject adjustments for resources based on the security setting in Manage Project Resource Management Implementation Options setup page.
- If the checkbox is enabled, resource managers can approve or reject adjustments for only those resources who belong to the resource pools on which they are assigned as resource pool managers.
- If the checkbox is disabled, resource managers can approve or reject adjustments for any resource.
Manage Project Resource Management Implementation Options Page
- Project managers can approve or reject adjustments on projects on which they are assigned as project managers.
You can review payload examples for these REST services in the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Steps to Enable
Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides to leverage (available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API) . If you are new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.
Tips And Considerations
Ensure you are calling the correct service based on the context. If you want to approve or reject the adjustment as a resource manager or project integration specialist, call the Project Resource Request service. If you want to approve or reject an adjustment as a project manager, call the Project Plan Resource Request REST service.
Key Resources
- Related Help: REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
To use this feature, you need these privileges or roles:
- Project Resource Request REST service endpoint is protected by the following roles:
- Project Plan Request REST service endpoint is protected by the project manager role:
Manage Project Plan Baselines and Amounts Using a REST Service
Create, read, update, and delete project plan baselines using the Project Plans REST service. You can also manage labor and expense amounts and read project calendars using this service.
Project Calendars, along with their Calendar Exceptions, and Baselines are new child resources of Project Plans.
Payload examples for this REST service are available in the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Steps to Enable
Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides, available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API. If you're new to Oracle's REST services, you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.
Tips And Considerations
One of the items of child Baselines of Project Plans REST service will always be flagged as the primary baseline.
Key Resources
- REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
To use this REST Service, you need these roles and privileges:
- Role Name and Code
- Project Manager (ORA_PJF_PROJECT_MANAGER_JOB) or a custom project manager job role
- Privilege Name and Code
- Data Privilege Name and Code on specific projects
- Manage Project Work Plan Data (PJT_MANAGE_PROJECT_WORK_PLAN_DATA
To create, read, update and delete project plan baselines, you also need the following privilege:
- Privilege Name and Code
- Manage Project Work Plan Baselines privilege (PJT_MANAGE_PROJECT_WORK_PLAN_BASELINES_PRIV)
Create, Read, and Update Work Plan Templates Using a REST Service
Create, read, and update work plan templates using the Work Plan Templates REST service. A work plan template is a standard set of project tasks, resource assignments, and deliverables available for use across projects. You can use them to create a new project plan or to add tasks to an existing project plan.
You can view work plan templates that you created and the public ones that are available for reuse. To search for and view work plan templates, use attributes such as Name, PublicFlag, OwnerID, and ScheduleType.
Payload examples for this REST service are available in the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Steps to Enable
Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides, available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API. If you're new to Oracle's REST services, you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.
Tips And Considerations
- You can only update the work plan templates that you have created.
- When creating a work plan template, you must provide the ProjectID of the project on which the work plan template must be based on.
- When you create a work plan template, all the tasks, milestones, resources and deliverables from the project are copied into the work plan template without any planned dates.
Key Resources
- REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
To read work plan templates, you need these privileges or roles:
- Job Role Name and Code
- Privilege Name and Code
You need additional privileges to perform other operations:
- To create or update work plan templates, you also need the following privilege:
- Privilege Name and Code
- Privilege Name and Code
- To create or update public work plan templates, you also need the following privileges:
- Privilege Name and Code
- Mark Work Plan Template as Public (PJT_MARK_WORK_PLAN_TEMPLATE_AS_PUBLIC_PRIV)
- Privilege Name and Code
Set Voting Percentage and Outcomes on Parallel Approval
Set voting outcomes and related approval percentages on parallel approval workflows to define how many responses are required before an invoice is approved or rejected. The settings enable you to configure approval workflows to meet your specific business requirements.
Prior to this enhancement, approval groups required a 50% approval of the group to approve with no ability to edit. As a result, if a group included 5 individuals, three users (surpassing 50% of all users in the group) would need to approve the invoice before the invoice is approved by the group. However, in many cases you may want a different rule for group approval such as:
- First to approve. Assign the invoice to a group of users and approve or reject the invoice based on the action of the first user in the group.
- Require most users in the group to take action. For example, if the group includes 10 users, the percent can be set to require 9 users to approve or reject before the outcome is achieved.
- Require all users in the group to take action. In this scenario, you may want to require every user to approve or reject the invoice before the outcome is completed.
You can take advantage of these additional options by navigating to the Voting tab of a parallel approval Assignee as shown in the screenshot.
Vote Outcome Settings for Parallel Approval Groups
Steps to Enable
The additional options are now available on the Voting tab of parallel approval groups for InvoiceApprovalHumanTask.
Role Information
To use this feature, you need this role:
- Job Role Name and Code:
Enable Associated Task Reporting in Project Billing
Include associated tasks in addition to the transactional tasks on reports using the Project Billing Real Time Analysis subject area. You can now create analysis using the task that is defined on the contract line and not just the task selected on the billing event. The new associated task dimensions are shown in the image below.
Project Billing - Invoices Real Time Now with Associated Task Dimensions
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Role Information
To use this feature, you need these privileges or roles:
- Privilege Name and Code:
Display All Existing Invoice Format Attributes When Grouping Option is All
Select the All invoice grouping method to view all existing labor, nonlabor, or event attributes for an invoice format. You can select these attributes to group transactions into invoice lines and into the invoice line description.
With the All grouping option, you can define any combination of existing grouping fields, for the selected format type, in the details region of the invoice format. The Generate Invoice process groups expenditure items or billing events with the same values for these fields onto a single invoice line. The process also creates the invoice line description to contain the initial portions of those values you have specified in the start and end positions.
The following image shows the definition details of a new invoice format containing attributes that couldn’t previously be combined together.
Manage Invoice Formats
Steps to Enable
- Create new invoice formats with a Format Type of Labor, Nonlabor, and/or Event with the Grouping Option set to All.
- Add the desired fields into the details region of the new invoice formats.
- Amend the applicable contract bill plans to utilize the new invoice formats.
Role Information
To use this feature, you need this role:
- Job Role Name and Code:
Edit Receivables Number on Transfer Rejected Invoices
Edit the receivables invoice number for rejected invoices after you have transferred them to Oracle Receivables Cloud. This ability enables you to resolve duplicate invoice number issues. Once enabled, transfer rejected invoices will now have the option to edit or regenerate the receivables number as shown below.
Edit Transfer Rejected Invoice Receivables Number if Invoice Numbering Method is Manual
Edit Transfer Rejected Invoice Receivables Number if Invoice Numbering Method is Automatic
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Project Financial Management
Role Information
To use this feature, you need these privileges or roles:
- Privilege Name and Code:
- Job Role Name and Code:
Set Delete Invoices Default for the Generate Invoices Process
Specify the default setting of the parameter Delete Approved and Approval Rejected Invoices to No when generating invoices. Setting the default option to No enables you to avoid accidentally running the process and deleting approved and rejected invoices.
Default Value Set to No on the Generate Invoices Page
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Project Financial Management
Role Information
To use this feature, you need these privileges or roles:
- Job Role Name and Code:
Predict Loss on Fixed Price Contracts Using Billing Events
Define business-specific calculations to create billing events to accrue predicted losses on fixed price contracts using the project process configurator.
Accounting standards require you to accrue the full estimated loss on fixed price contracts in the current accounting period that the estimated loss is calculated. To achieve the automatic loss accrual, you can configure multiple sets of rules to create revenue-applicable billing events that can be accounted as loss accruals. These sets of rules are called project process configurators. When you assign these project process configurators to a revenue method, select the revenue method on a revenue plan, assign the revenue plan to a contract line, and run the Generate Revenue process, the application automatically creates revenue-applicable billing events. When you run the Create Accounting process for the applicable contract business unit, the revenue-applicable billing events create and post accounting entries in your general ledger that accrue the estimated losses on fixed price contracts to an expense account on your income statement. This feature lets you accurately report corporate level profitability, while ensuring you don’t overstate project contract revenue in project subledger.
Steps to Enable
Let’s walk through the steps for a fixed price contract line that uses percent complete as the basis for revenue recognition:
- Using the Manage Project Process Configurator task in Setup and Maintenance, create the following new project process configurators:
- Revenue Configurator, which calculates the amount of revenue to recognize in the current period.
- Cost of Goods Sold Configurator, which calculates the amount of cost to move from the Project Work-in-Process to the Project Cost of Goods Sold account.
- Contra Cost of Goods Sold Configurator, which calculates a negative amount of cost to reverse the effect of the Cost of Goods Sold Configurator, ensuring you don't overstate revenue in the project subledger.
- Loss Accrual Configurator, which calculates the amount of cost to accrue in the current period for the estimated loss.
- Contra Loss Accrual Configurator, which calculates a negative amount of cost to reverse the effect of the Loss Accrual Configurator, ensuring you don't overstate revenue in the project subledger.
- Using the Manage Billing Methods task in Setup and Maintenance, create a new revenue method, assigning the newly created project process configurators.
- Using the Manage Account Rules task in Setup and Maintenance, modify existing account rules, specified on the Event Revenue and Event Revenue Adjustment Journal Line Rules, to add conditions to ensure the billing events created by the Cost of Goods Sold, Contra Cost of Goods Sold, Loss Accrual, and Contra Loss Accrual project process configurators create the expected journal entries. For example, when accounting for an event with an event type associated to the Loss Accrual configurator, debit the Project Estimated Losses on Fixed Price Contracts expense account and credit the Project Loss Accrual liability account. When accounting for an event with an event type associated to the Contra Loss Accrual configurator, debit and credit a clearing account.
- Using the Edit Contract page in the Contracts work area, amend an existing fixed price contract and create a new revenue plan, selecting the new revenue method and assigning the new revenue plan to an existing contract line.
See the What’s New content for the Record Cost Accrual Using Billing Events feature for details on the Revenue Configurator, Cost of Goods Sold Configurator, and Contra Cost of Goods Sold Configurator.
The following image illustrates a project process configurator to calculate the amount of cost to accrue as an estimated loss on fixed price contracts for the period, using the following sources:
- Associated Project Funding Amount in Contract Currency
- Calculation Level Percent Complete
- Calculation Level Labor Burdened Cost in Project Functional Currency - ITD
- Calculation Level Labor Burdened Cost in Project Functional Currency - Run
- Calculation Level Nonlabor Burdened Cost in Project Functional Currency - ITD
- Calculation Level Nonlabor Burdened Cost in Project Functional Currency - Run
- Calculation Level Planned Burdened Cost in Project Functional Currency. Include a Plan Type Filter for this source that is the Plan Type containing the At Completion cost amount.
- Calculation Level Event Amount in Contract Currency - ITD. Ensure you apply an Event Type Filter to this source that is the Transaction Type assigned to this configurator on the applicable revenue method.
Loss Accrual Configurator
The following image illustrates a project process configurator to reverse the impact on project contract revenue of the Loss Accrual Configurator, using the following sources:
- Associated Project Funding Amount in Contract Currency
- Calculation Level Percent Complete
- Calculation Level Labor Burdened Cost in Project Functional Currency - ITD
- Calculation Level Labor Burdened Cost in Project Functional Currency - Run
- Calculation Level Nonlabor Burdened Cost in Project Functional Currency - ITD
- Calculation Level Nonlabor Burdened Cost in Project Functional Currency - Run
- Calculation Level Planned Burdened Cost in Project Functional Currency. Include a Plan Type Filter for this source that is the Plan Type containing the At Completion cost amount.
- Calculation Level Event Amount in Contract Currency - ITD. Ensure you apply an Event Type Filter to this source that is the Transaction Type assigned to the Loss Accrual Configurator.
NOTE: This configurator should be identical to the Loss Accrual Configurator with one exception – the calculated amount should be multiplied by -1.
Contra Loss Accrual Configurator
The following image illustrates the creation of a new revenue method with project process configurators assigned to recognize revenue, transfer cost, and accrue losses:
Loss Accrual Revenue Method
Tips And Considerations
- The inception to date and period to date sources don't include the revenue amounts for transactions being recognized in the current process.
- The amounts values used in the configurator formulas can be further refined by using the filters for a source.
- The event type to use for events created by a configurator are assigned on the revenue method.
- Use conditions in the Account Rules associated to the Event Revenue and Event Revenue Adjustment Journal Line Rules to ensure that the resulting accounting entries are based on the event type.
The table below illustrates a simple example of the revenue and predicted loss amounts calculated as the estimate at completion and percent complete change over time.
Period | Estimate at Complete |
ITD Actual Cost |
Estimate to Complete | Funded Amount | Percent Complete | ITD Actual Revenue |
January | 80 | 0 | 80 | 100 | 0 | 0 |
February | 80 | 20 | 60 | 100 | 25 | 25 |
March | 105 | 52 | 53 | 100 | 50 | 50 |
April | 110 | 83 | 27 | 100 | 75 | 75 |
May | 110 | 110 | 0 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
Estimate to Complete = Estimate at Completion – ITD Actual Cost
ITD Actual Revenue = Funded Amount * (Percent Complete/100)
Period |
Remaning Revenue | ITD Profit (Loss) | ITD Loss Accrual | Total Profit (Loss) | Period Loss Accrual | Contra Period Loss Accrual |
January | 100 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
February | 75 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
March | 50 | -2 | -3 | -5 | -3 | 3 |
April | 25 | -8 | -2 | -10 | 1 | -1 |
May | 0 | -10 | 0 | -10 | 2 | -2 |
Remaning Revenue = Funded Amount - ITD Actual Revenue
ITD Profit (Loss) = ITD Actual Revenue – ITD Actual Cost
ITD Loss Accrual = Remaning Revenue – Estimate to Complete
Total Profit (Loss) = ITD Profit (Loss) + ITD Loss Accrual
Period Loss Accural = ITD Loss Accrual – ITD Loss Accrual (from prior period)
Contra Period Loss Accural = –1*Period Loss Accural
Role Information
To use this feature, you need these roles:
- Job Role Name and Code:
View and Resolve File-Based Data Import Errors for Billing Events Using the Excel Template
View and resolve errors encountered while importing billing events using the file-based data import in the same XLSM template used for upload. The output file includes all error transactions and corresponding error details in the format as needed by the import process.
The following image illustrates the feature.
Import Project Billing Events Rejections Excel
Excel Output with Error Messages
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- Follow the instructions mentioned in the Instructions and CSV Generation sheet of the Excel template to prepare and load the billing events into the application.
Key Resources
- Related Help: File-Based Data Import for PPM guide available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
To use this feature, you need these roles:
- Job Role Name and Code:
Record Cost Accrual Using Billing Events
Define business-specific calculations that create billing events to record cost of goods sold using the project process configurator.
To automatically transfer cost from work-in-process to cost of goods sold, you can configure multiple sets of rules to create revenue-applicable billing events that can be accounted as cost transfers. These sets of rules are called project process configurators. When you assign these project process configurators to a revenue method, select the revenue method on a revenue plan, assign the revenue plan to a contract line, and run the Generate Revenue process, the application automatically creates revenue-applicable billing events. When you run the Create Accounting process for the applicable contract business unit, the revenue-applicable billing events create and post accounting entries in your general ledger that transfer cost from the Project Work-in-Process to the Project Cost of Goods Sold account. This feature lets you accurately report corporate level profitability, while ensuring you don’t overstate project contract revenue in project subledger.
Steps to Enable
Let’s walk through the steps for a fixed price contract line that uses percent complete as the basis for revenue recognition:
- Using the Manage Project Process Configurator task in Setup and Maintenance, create the following new project process configurators:
- Revenue Configurator, which calculates the amount of revenue to recognize in the current period.
- Cost of Goods Sold Configurator, which calculates the amount of cost to move from the Project Work-in-Process to the Project Cost of Goods Sold account.
- Contra Cost of Goods Sold Configurator, which calculates a negative amount of cost to reverse the effect of the Cost of Goods Sold Configurator, ensuring you don't overstate revenue in the project subledger.
- Using the Manage Billing Methods task in Setup and Maintenance, create a new revenue method, assigning the newly created project process configurators.
- Using the Manage Account Rules task in Setup and Maintenance, modify existing account rules, specified on the Event Revenue and Event Revenue Adjustment Journal Line Rules, to add conditions to ensure the billing events created by the Cost of Goods Sold and Contra Cost of Goods Sold project process configurators create the expected journal entries. For example, when accounting for an event with an event type associated to the Cost of Goods Sold configurator, debit the Project Cost of Goods Sold account and credit the Project Work-in-Process account. When accounting for an event with an event type associated to the Contra Cost of Goods Sold configurator, debit and credit a clearing account.
- Using the Edit Contract page in the Contracts work area, amend an existing fixed price contract and create a new revenue plan, selecting the new revenue method and assigning the new revenue plan to an existing contract line.
The following image illustrates a project process configurator to calculate the amount of revenue to recognize for the period, using the following sources:
- Associated Project Funding Amount in Contract Currency.
- Calculation Level Percent Complete.
- Calculation Level Event Amount in Contract Currency – ITD.Ensure you apply an Event Type Filter to this source that is the Transaction Type assigned to this configurator on the applicable revenue method.
Revenue Configurator
The following image illustrates a project process configurator to calculate the amount of cost to transfer from the Project Work-in-Process account to the Project Cost of Goods Sold account, using the following sources:
- Calculation Level Planned Burdened Cost in Project Functional Currency. Include a Plan Type Filter for this source that is the Plan Type containing the At Completion cost amount.
- Calculation Level Percent Complete.
- Calculation Level Event Amount in Contract Currency – ITD. Ensure you apply an Event Type Filter to this source that is the Transaction Type assigned to this configurator on the applicable revenue method.
Cost of Goods Sold Configurator
The following image illustrates a project process configurator to reverse the impact on project contract revenue of the Cost of Goods Sold Configurator, using the following sources:
- Calculation Level Planned Burdened Cost in Project Functional Currency. Include a Plan Type Filter for this source that is the Plan Type containing the At Completion cost amount.
- Calculation Level Percent Complete.
- Calculation Level Event Amount in Contract Currency – ITD. Ensure you apply an Event Type Filter to this source that is the Transaction Type assigned to Cost of Goods Sold Configurator.
NOTE: This configurator should be identical to the Cost of Goods Sold Configurator with one exception – the calculated amount should be multiplied by -1.
Contra Cost of Goods Sold Configurator
The following image illustrates the creation of a new revenue method with project process configurators assigned to recognize revenue and transfer costs:
New Revenue Method
Tips And Considerations
- The inception to date and period to date sources don't include the revenue amounts for transactions being recognized in the current process.
- The amount values used in the configurator formulas can be further refined by using the filters for a source.
- The event type to use for events created by a configurator is assigned on the revenue method.
- Use conditions in the Account Rules associated to the Event Revenue and Event Revenue Adjustment Journal Line Rules to ensure that the resulting accounting entries are based on the event type.
The table below illustrates a simple example of the revenue and cost accrual amounts calculated as percent complete changes over time.
Period | Funded Amount | Budgeted Cost | Percent Complete | ITD Revenue | Period Revenue | ITD Cost Accrual | Period Cost Accrual | Contra Cost Accrual |
January | 100 | 80 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
February | 100 | 80 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 20 | 20 | -20 |
March | 100 | 80 | 50 | 50 | 25 | 40 | 20 | -20 |
April | 100 | 80 | 75 | 75 | 25 | 60 | 20 | -20 |
May | 100 | 90 | 100 | 100 | 25 | 90 | 30 | -30 |
ITD Revenue = Funded Amount * (Percent Complete/100)
Period Revenue = (Funded Amount * (Percent Complete/100)) - ITD Revenue (from prior period)
ITD Cost Accrual = Budgeted Cost * (Percent Complete/100)
Period Cost Accrual = (Budgeted Cost * (Percent Complete/100)) – ITD Cost Accrual (from prior period)
Contra Cost Accrual = -1* ((Budgeted Cost * (Percent Complete/100)) - ITD Cost Accrual (from prior period))
Recognize Advanced Fixed Price Revenue Using Billing Events
Define business-specific calculations to create billing events to recognize revenue for fixed price contracts using the project process configurator.
Enter a value for processing order to determine the order of execution of the process configurators assigned to a revenue method. A lower value denotes a higher priority of execution. For example, a configurator with processing order 10 is executed before a configurator with processing order 20. The event amount created by a configurator with a lower processing order can be utilised to calculate the event amount of a configurator with a higher processing order using the source Calculation Level Event Amount in Contract Currency - Run with an Event Type filter.
The following image illustrates the usage of processing order in a revenue method:
The following new sources are available for cost amounts:
- Calculation Level Labor Raw Cost in Project Functional Currency - ITD
- Calculation Level Labor Raw Cost in Project Functional Currency - PTD
- Calculation Level Labor Raw Cost in Project Functional Currency - Run
- Calculation Level Nonlabor Raw Cost in Project Functional Currency - ITD
- Calculation Level Nonlabor Raw Cost in Project Functional Currency - PTD
- Calculation Level Nonlabor Raw Cost in Project Functional Currency - Run
- Calculation Level Labor Burdened Cost in Project Functional Currency - ITD
- Calculation Level Labor Burdened Cost in Project Functional Currency - PTD
- Calculation Level Labor Burdened Cost in Project Functional Currency - Run
- Calculation Level Nonlabor Burdened Cost in Project Functional Currency - ITD
- Calculation Level Nonlabor Burdened Cost in Project Functional Currency - PTD
- Calculation Level Nonlabor Burdened Cost in Project Functional Currency - Run
- Calculation Level Labor Quantity - ITD
- Calculation Level Labor Quantity - PTD
- Calculation Level Labor Quantity - Run
The following new sources are available for plan amounts:
- Calculation Level Planned Revenue in Project Functional Currency
- Calculation Level Planned Quantity
- Calculation Level Planned Raw Cost in Project Functional Currency
- Calculation Level Planned Burdened Cost in Project Functional Currency
The Number Descriptive Flexfields of the below objects are available as sources:
- Contract Header
- Contract Line
- Associated Project
- Associated Task
Steps to Enable
You can create a new project process configurator using the Setup and Maintenance work area:
- Ensure that the Define Advanced Revenue Methods feature has been opted in.
- Select the Navigator, and then select Setup and Maintenance.
- Select the Tasks panel tab, and then select Search.
- In the Search page, search for the Manage Project Process Configurator task.
- Select the Manage Project Process Configurator task in the search result to create a new project process configurator.
Tips And Considerations
- The inception to date and period to date sources don't include the revenue amounts for transactions being recognized in the current process.
- The amount values used in the configurator formulas can be further refined by using the filters for a source.
- The event type to use for events created by a configurator are assigned on the revenue method.
- Use conditions in the Account Rules associated to the External Revenue and External Revenue Clearing Journal Line Rules to ensure that the resulting accounting entries are based on the event type.
Role Information
To use this feature, you need these roles:
- Job Role Name and Code:
Conditionally Override Expenditure Item Date for Matched Supplier Invoices
For matched supplier invoices, override the expenditure item date on invoice distributions when the expenditure item date is not within the project, task, or award duration. The override for the invoice distribution is the earliest date among the project finish date, task transaction finish date, and award end date.
You can enable this feature if you want to have more flexibility during the validation process of project-related matched Invoices. On the Functional Setup Task: Specify Default Expenditure Item Date for Supplier Cost Transactions, define one of the following profile values for expenditure item date derivation:
- Transaction accounting date
- Transaction creation date
- Transaction date
- Source document expenditure item date
When this feature is enabled and your invoice expenditure item date derived from the profile value set is outside of the project finish date, task transaction finish date or award end date, the expenditure item date in the invoice line will be overridden to the earliest end date among the project finish date, task transaction finish date, or award end date.
The table below shows an example of the derivation when the profile value is set to Transaction creation date:
Feature Enabled | Project Finish Date | Task Transaction Finish Date | Award End Date | Invoice Creation Date | Result |
Yes | 06.30.19 | 06.25.19 | 06.30.19 | 07.01.19 | Invoice expenditure item date will be the same as the task transaction finish date 06.25.19. |
Yes | 06.30.19 |
06.25.19 |
06.30.19 |
06.20.19 | Invoice expenditure item date will be the invoice creation date 06.20.19. |
No | 06.30.19 |
06.25.19 |
06.30.19 |
07.01.19 |
Invoice is on hold as the task isn't active as of the expenditure item date. |
You can expect the same result if the profile value is set to Transaction accounting date, Transaction date, or Source document expenditure item date.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Project Financial Management
Role Information
To use this feature, you need these privileges or roles:
- Job Role Name and Code:
Set Current Period by Default When Generating Project Allocations
The period parameter is no longer required when generating project allocations. When the Period parameter is not specified, the process will use the period in which the current date falls when generating allocations.
You can schedule the allocation job to run without manually updating the Period for each time the customer needs to run it.
Generate Allocations
Steps to Enable
Perform the following steps within Project Financial Management:
- Navigate to the Projects Costs work area.
- Click on the Tasks icon.
- Within Allocate, select Manage Allocations.
- Select Generate Allocations.
- Select Business Unit, Allocation Rule Name and Expenditure Item Date.
- Select your desired Period.
- Specify desired period.
- Leave Period blank which will default to the current period.
- Click Submit.
Role Information
To use this feature, you need these roles:
- Job Role Name and Code:
Update Unprocessed Project Costs for Which Funds Are Reserved Against a Control Budget Using a REST Service
Update unprocessed project costs for which funds are already reserved against a control budget using the Unprocessed Project Costs REST service.
Steps to Enable
Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides to leverage (available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API) . If you are new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.
Review the changes to the Unprocessed Project Costs service, and update your REST client.
Tips And Considerations
You can update unprocessed project costs that belong to third-party transaction sources.
Key Resources
- Related Help: REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
To use this feature, you need these roles:
- Job Role Name and Code:
Provide Project Numbers as Optional Parameters for the Generate and Transfer Capital Assets Process
Specify values for the From and To Project Number parameters optionally for the Generate and Transfer Capital Assets process. If you leave this parameter blank, then the process considers all projects.
The Generate Asset Lines and Transfer Assets to Oracle Fusion Assets processes will no longer require you to first determine, then populate the first and last sequential Project Number in order to process all projects.
Generate Asset Lines
Transfer Assets to Oracle Fusion Assets
Steps to Enable
Perform the following steps within Project Financial Management:
- Navigate to the Project Assets work area.
- Click on the Tasks icon.
- Within the Capitalize Assets, select Generate Asset Lines.
- Select Business Unit, Placed in Service Through Date, Include Common Tasks, Capital Event Name and Project Accounting Through Date.
- Select the desired Project Number Range.
- Populate From and To Project Number range of Projects.
- Leave From and To Project Number blank to process all Projects.
- Click Submit.
- Navigate to the Project Assets work area.
- Click on the Tasks icon.
- Within the Capitalize Assets, select Transfer Assets to Oracle Fusion Assets.
- Select Business Unit and Placed in Service Through Date.
- Select the desired Project Number Range.
- Populate From and To Project Number range of Projects.
- Leave From and To Project Number blank to process all Projects.
- Click Submit.
Role Information
To use this feature, you need this role:
- Job Role Name and Code:
Change Project Status Directly from Project Basic Information Region
Change the project status while reviewing the overall project information. Project Administrators can save time and update the status directly from the Project Basic Information region of the Manage Financial Project Settings page, rather than navigating to detailed pages to make the update.
Update Project Status Directly from Basic Information Region
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Project Financial Management No Longer Optional From: Update 20A
Tips And Considerations
- The users who can update project basic information will have access to update the project status using the new action button placed in the project basic information region.
Key Resources
- Related Help: Manage Project Statuses in the Implementing Project Financial Management and Grants Management guide available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
To use this feature, you need these roles:
- Job Role Name and Code:
Flexibly Set Up Automatic Numbering for Projects
Configure project numbering based on your business requirements. You can set up the project numbering by one of the following dimensions; project unit, business unit or project type. You can also prefix the project numbers as needed.
With additional flexibility to configure project numbering differently for each business unit, project unit, or project type, fully abide by the reporting and audit requirements of your business. If you don't need complex setup for project numbering, you can choose to go with a default manual or automatic project numbering model for all your projects.
Set Up Default and Override Project Numbering for Different Project Units, Business Units or Project Types
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Project Financial Management
Tips And Considerations
- At any point of time, you can set up project numbering by one of the three dimensions - project unit, business unit, or project type - and not by a combination of those dimensions.
- When you create a new project unit, it will be enabled for manual project numbering by default. You can update it to follow automatic numbering scheme based on your business requirements.
- For upgrading customers, the old project numbering setup will be migrated to the new setup without any disruption to business or action item for the setup user.
Key Resources
- Related Help: Considerations for Setting Up Project Numbering in the Implementing Project Financial Management and Grants Management guide available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
To use this feature, you need this role:
- Job Role Name and Code:
Maintain a Single Source of Truth for Project Team Members and Labor Resources
Manage all your labor resources for planning, controlling access to a project and project plan assignment using a single user interface, allowing for better collaboration between the project manager and project administrator. Allow project administrators to manage the named as well as placeholder resources for the projects. With a single source of truth for project labor resources, the same information will be available to project managers and project administrators to execute project work including tracking time, and viewing the resource assignment status. You can now route your approval workflow notifications to the primary project manager for projects including those having multiple active project managers.
Maintain Project Resources Using the Manage Project Resources Page
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Project Financial Management
Tips And Considerations
If you use PPM Cloud for financial management of your projects as well as for project scheduling and planning, note the following:
- Project Administrators transition from using the Team Members section of the Manage Financial Project Settings page to viewing and managing resources in detail using the Manage Project Resources page.
- Project Administrators will not have access to resource management actions such as raising resource requests and confirming the resources. You can create custom roles with the Manage Project Workplan Data and Manage Project Work Plan Resource Assignments Data security privileges to extend this access. Along with the resource management actions, users with the custom role will also be able to view and update all the information that Project Managers can view and update.
Your workflow notifications that used to be routed to the active Project Manager will now be routed to the active Primary Project Manager. This will enable you to meet your workflow requirement of routing to the user having single point of authority on the project, while offering you flexibility to assign multiple project managers to manage a big project.
- If you assign multiple Project Managers on a project, all of them will have the same security access to project financial functions such as managing project budgets and project costs.
- You will see the Primary Project Manager everywhere in the application, wherever you used to see the active Project Manager before.
Project Administrators Will Now Manage Project Resources Using the Manage Project Resources Page
- When you enable the feature, the application will automatically synchronize team member and project resource data in existing projects to ensure consistency. To help you understand the nature of the data transformation that may end up taking place, following are a few examples:
- Example 1
- Example 2
- If you use Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI) reports based on the Project Team Members dimension, continue to use the reports as before. Note that the additional project managers, the ones not marked as Primary, will not be available in the reports.
- The predefined or user configured Oracle Time and Labor value sets that show projects filtered by project team membership will continue to work for primary Project Manager and project resources with other project roles. If you want to leverage additional information available in the Manage Project Resources page or extend it to work for non-primary Project Managers as well, then you will have to configure new value sets to filter projects by project resource membership and using specific filters.
- For example, if you want to show a filtered set of projects on which the user has Confirmed assignment status, then you can create a new value set.
Before the opt in, you use the Team Members page in the Project Financial Management work area to maintain team members. Note that Anna Folks is the active project manager for the project. Before the opt in, you use the Manage Project Resources page to manage the planning and scheduling of resources. After the opt in, both work areas use the Manage Project Resources page. Note that Anna Folks who was the active project manager before is now the primary project manager.
Example 1 - Project Team Member Data Before Opting Into This Feature
Example 1 - Project Resource Data Before Opting Into This Feature
Example 1 - Project Resource Data After Opting Into This Feature
Before the opt in, you use the Team Members page in the Project Financial Management work area to maintain team members. Note that Donald Gray is the active project manager for the project. Before the opt in, you use the Manage Project Resources page to manage the planning and scheduling of resources. After the opt in, both work areas use the Manage Project Resources page. Note that Donald Gray who was the active project manager before is the primary project manager. Also, Camille Artois who was a confirmed resource is retained with both From and To dates after opt in. Also, Raymond Davis is retained as the team member.
Example 2 - Project Team Member Data Before Opting Into This Feature
Example 2 - Project Resource Data Before Opting Into This Feature
Example 2 - Project Resource Data After Opting Into This Feature
- The Missing Time Cards infolet in the Project Management infolet dashboard will now refer to project resources data, in which the 'Track Time' option will determine the project resources for which time tracking is enabled.
- When you enable the project for financial management, all the project resources will be retained for better efficiency.
If you use PPM Cloud only for financial management of your projects, note the following:
- The Project Administrators and Project Managers will now transition from using the Team Members section of the Manage Financial Project Settings page to viewing and managing resources in detail using the Manage Project Resources page.
Maintain Project Resources Using the Manage Project Resources Page
Tabular View of the Project Resources in the Manage Project Resources Page
- Easily add project resources (team members) in the Manage Project Resources page.
Add a Project Resource
- Your workflow notifications that used to be routed to the active Project Manager will now be routed to the active Primary Project Manager. This will enable you to meet your workflow requirement of routing to the user having single point of authority on the project, while offering you flexibility to assign multiple project managers to manage a big project.
- If you assign multiple Project Managers on a project, all of them will have the same security access to project financial functions such as managing project budgets and project costs.
- You will see the Primary Project Manager everywhere in the application, wherever you used to see the active Project Manager before.
- When you enable this feature, the project team member data will start showing up on the Manage Project Resources page.
Project Team Member Data Before Opting Into This Feature
Project Resource Data After Opting Into This Feature
- If you use Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI) reports based on the Project Team Members dimension, continue to use the reports as before. Note that the additional project managers, the ones not marked as Primary, will not be available in the reports.
- The predefined or user configured Oracle Time and Labor value sets that show projects filtered by project team membership will continue to work for primary Project Manager and project resources with other project roles. If you want to leverage additional information available in the Manage Project Resources page or extend it to work for non-primary Project Managers as well, then you will have to configure new value sets to filter projects by project resource membership and using specific filters.
- For example, if you want to show a filtered set of projects on which the user has Confirmed assignment status, then you can create a new value set.
- The Missing Time Cards infolet in the Project Management infolet dashboard will now refer to project resources data, in which the 'Track Time' option will determine the project resources for which time tracking is enabled.
- You will see future-dated and terminated resources on the Manage Project Resources page.
- The Project Application Administrators will also manage project resources on project templates using the Manage Project Resources page.
- The Project Templates REST service will now contain a few additional attributes that may be used to populate project resource information such as Effort and Allocation.
If you use PPM Cloud only for project scheduling and planning, note the following:
- You can now add project resources that start in the future or are terminated in the past using the Manage Project Resources page.
- You can now add HCM persons with missing or duplicate emails as project resources.
- The "Track Time" option is available to select. When you later enable the project for financial management, the option is set for reporting missing time cards on the Project Management dashboard.
You can't disable the feature after you enable it. Therefore, please go through all the points carefully to understand the new capabilities being offered as part of this feature, and how best to leverage them.
Key Resources
- Related Help: Manage Project Resources in the Defining and Managing Financial Projects guide available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
To use this feature, you need these roles:
- Job Role Name and Code:
Handle Large Project Budget, Forecast, and Financial Project Plan Import Volumes by Leveraging File-Based Data Import
Leverage the Import Project Budgets, Import Project Forecasts, and Import Financial Project Plans using file-based data import features to efficiently import large volumes of project budgets, forecasts, and financial project plans from third-party applications. This feature automatically divides large volumes of data into manageable batches that are processed in parallel.
Based on the volume of the data that you import, you could see multiple instances of the following scheduled processes being automatically spawned by the application to process your data:
- Import Project Budgets
- Import Project Forecasts
- Import Financial Project Plans
Steps to Enable
Download and review the latest import templates in the File-Based Data Import for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide. To prepare and import data using the templates, follow the instructions in the Instructions and CSV Generation tab within the template.
Key Resources
- Related Help: Import Project Budgets, Import Project Forecasts, and Import Financial Project Plans in the File-Based Data Import for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
To use this feature, you need these roles:
- Job Role Name and Code:
Check Project Transaction Dates in Feeder Systems While Changing Project Task Dates
When you modify the task dates, the new dates are compared with the dates of transactions in not just the Project Financial Management application but also those in other feeder systems such as Procurement, thereby ensuring that none of the transaction dates get invalidated for the new task dates. So, the integrity of your project financial plan isn't disrupted when you change the project task dates.
For example, if an unprocessed or processed project cost transaction, or a purchase order commitment associated to a project task exists, the application will now prevent you to update the task dates that would leave the project cost or commitment transaction date outside the task date range.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- The application will check for the presence of project cost or commitment transactions in the following update scenarios:
- Update project start or finish date
- Update task start or finish date
- Update start or finish date for multiple tasks
- Besides the Manage Financial Project Plan and Manage Financial Project Settings pages, the same validations will also be performed when using the following resources, whenever project or task dates are changed:
- Projects REST service
- Tasks REST service
- Project Version 2 SOAP service
- Project Task Version 2 SOAP service
Key Resources
- Related Help: Project Plan Tasks and Task Assignments in the Defining and Managing Financial Projects guide available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
To use this feature, you need these roles:
- Job Role Name and Code:
Retain Spread Across Periods from Source While Generating Forecast Versions from Existing Plan Versions
Retain the spread of planned amounts from the source in the periodic forecast lines when you generate a forecast version from an existing plan version. If you select to retain the spread from the source version across periods, then the spread curves defined at resource level for your forecast version are ignored and the amounts are spread in a proportion that is relative to your source amounts across the remaining periods.
You can enable the option to retain the spread of planned amounts from the source at the financial plan type or the forecast version level.
Option at the Financial Plan Type Level
Option at the Forecast Version Level
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Project Financial Management
Key Resources
- Related Help: Considerations When Creating Budgets and Forecasts in the Defining and Managing Financial Projects guide available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
To use this feature, you need these roles:
- Duty Role Name and Code:
- Job Role Name and Code:
Optimized Update of Project Performance Data to Handle Large Volumes
The Update Project Performance Data process is enhanced to automatically determine the optimum number of projects that must be processed by each helper process. This results in faster processing of data and also removes the need for you to manually enter or modify values for the various profile options related to the Update Project Performance Data process.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
The values that you enter for the following profile options are ignored by the application as a result of this feature:
- Number of projects summarized in one batch by each parallel worker (ORA_PJS_SUM_HELPER_BATCH_SIZE)
- Threshold value for maximum number of projects to enable batch processing (ORA_PJS_SUM_HELPER_THRESHOLD)
Role Information
To use this feature, you need these roles:
- Duty Role Name and Code:
- Job Role Name and Code:
View Resource Management Analytics in a Real-Time Analysis Dashboard
View and report on resource management analytics using a real-time analysis dashboard for resource managers. For example, review summary information for resource supply and demand and drill down to review report details. You can also modify a copy of the dashboard to fit your own business requirements.
The Resource Manager Dashboard can be accessed in Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence. Select Resource Management in the Dashboards menu.
The dashboard presents an overview of resource demand, capacity, and utilization. Key performance indicators (KPI) provide resource managers information about their resources for the next 12 weeks. Information includes projected utilization, billable assignment hours, number of underutilized resources, and the number of resources that are currently proposed to project resource requests. Each KPI provides the ability to drill down into the details behind the numbers.
Dashboard analytics give resource managers further insight into trends in future demand for roles and qualifications and the amount of time requested. In addition, projected utilization trends are presented. Other analytics compare resource capacity for a role and assignment hours for that role. These analytics can be viewed in graph or table form. Access to further details of each analytic is also available.
Resource Manager Analytic Dashboard - Key Performance Indicators
Resource Manager Analytic Dashboard - Graphs
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
When resource pool security is enabled, the dashboard provides analytics for those pools for which you are the pool owner or pool manager.
Key Resources
- Related Help: Resource Manager Dashboard in the Cloud Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports guide available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
To use this feature, you need this role:
- Job Role Name and Code:
Optimize Scheduled Processing in Resource Management
Frequently used Project Resource Management scheduled processes for resource utilization and actual hours are streamlined to optimize processing efficiency.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
Administrators will note that fewer subprocesses will be called. This will be based on the amount of data to be processed. The maximum number of subprocesses will not exceed 5.
Role Information
To use this feature, you need these privileges:
- Privilege name and code:
Capture Rejection Reason for Proposed Resources
As a project manager, you can reject the proposed resources when they are nominated, or proposed for a confirmed or reserved assignment. Resource Managers can also reject the nominated resources when they are returned to them for their final approval. This feature allows capturing the reason for rejection if the project manager or resource manager rejects a resource.
When the project manager rejects proposed resources, the reason for the rejection is valuable in determining project manager preferences, project requirements, and areas of growth for a resource. This information may not have been communicated on the project resource request and therefore having additional feedback improves the communication between resource managers and project managers. It also helps a resource manager work with the resource to improve their skills so that they are approved the next time they are proposed.
When a project manager requests final approval from the resource manager for a nominated resource, there may be reasons the resource manager rejects the request to assign the resource to the project. There could be many reasons for the rejection. For example, a long amount of time has passed from when the resource manager originally nominated that resource to the project and now the resource manager has other high priority projects considering the resource for assignment. The resource manager is able to use the rejection reason as a form of communication to the project manager.

Resource Manager Selecting Rejection Reason

Project Manager Selecting Rejection Reason for Multiple Resources
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Project Execution Management No Longer Optional From: Update 21C
The project application administrator can define rejection reasons that resource managers and project managers can use for proposed resources:
- Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.
- Search for the Manage Standard Lookups setup task.
- Edit or add lookup codes.
Tips And Considerations
- You are not required to select a rejection reason.
- You can set a default rejection reason in Manage Project Resource Management Implementation Options.
- You select rejection reason in Manage Resources for Request when reviewing proposed or requested resources.
- You can change the rejection reason at any time.
Role Information
To use this feature, you need these roles:
- Job Role Name and Code:
Expedite Time Capture and Task Management in PPM Mobile
Select your most commonly used expenditure type in PPM Mobile. Timecard users select an expenditure type from Preferences that is then defaulted when time entries are created. This reduces errors when creating mobile time entries.
PPM Mobile Preferences Page
Steps to Enable
- Install Oracle PPM Cloud Mobile in Google Play Store or Apple App Store.
- Ensure that user has Projects Time Entry Profile for their time card.
Tips And Considerations
- Expenditure type can be defaulted based on the Project Unit association, but for this new feature, the time card user can select their most commonly used expenditure type as a secondary default.
- PPM mobile only supports the following time card layout setup:
- Project Name or Number, Task Name or Number, and Expenditure type fields
- Ensure the logged in user can enter and submit time on the web application (Navigator > About Me > Time > Manage Time Cards > Create Time Card)
Key Resources
For Time Entry:
- Release Training for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Release 13: Oracle Project Costing Cloud Enhancements: Mobile Time Capture
For Task Management:
- Release Training for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Release 13: Task Management Enhancements: Mobile Task Management
Role Information
To use this feature, you need these roles:
- Job Role Name and Code:
- Contingent Worker (ORA_PER_ CONTINGENT_WORKER)
Removal of Project Spaces and Document Library in Update 20A
The ability to create project spaces as a document library for projects will no longer be available in future versions of Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud. This removal of functionality includes the ability to create and access project spaces from both the Project Financial Management and Project Management work areas. You need to move your existing documents out of project spaces so that you can continue to access them.
This removal is effective as of Release 13, Update 20A and reflects a change across all of Oracle Cloud Applications using Oracle WebCenter.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
Move your documents out of Project Spaces and into another location of your choosing in order to continue to access them.