This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:
Date | Module | Feature | Notes |
13 JAN 2023 | Billing and Revenue Management |
Invoice Attachments Included in Invoice Approval Notification | Updated document. Revised opt in expiration. |
13 JUN 2022 | Planning, Scheduling, and Forecasting | Quantity-Based Forecasting and Reporting for Supply Chain Transactions with Multiple Cost Distributions | Updated document. Revised opt in expiration. |
13 APR 2022 | Billing and Revenue Management |
Invoice Attachments Included in Invoice Approval Notification | Updated document. Revised opt in expiration. |
07 JAN 2022 |
Billing and Revenue Management |
Invoice Attachments Included in Invoice Approval Notification |
Updated document. Revised opt in expiration. |
23 DEC 2021 |
Created initial document. |
We’re here and we’re listening. If you have a suggestion on how to make our cloud services even better then go ahead and tell us. There are several ways to submit your ideas, for example, through the Ideas Lab on Oracle Customer Connect. Wherever you see this icon after the feature name it means we delivered one of your ideas.
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The information contained in this document may include statements about Oracle’s product development plans. Many factors can materially affect Oracle’s product development plans and the nature and timing of future product releases. Accordingly, this Information is provided to you solely for information only, is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.
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Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)
Oracle Cloud Applications delivers new updates every quarter. This means every three months you'll receive new functionality to help you efficiently and effectively manage your business. Some features are delivered Enabled meaning they are immediately available to end users. Other features are delivered Disabled meaning you have to take action to make available. Features delivered Disabled can be activated for end users by stepping through the following instructions using the following privileges:
- Configure Oracle Fusion Applications Offering (ASM_CONFIGURE_OFFERING_PRIV)
Here’s how you opt in to new features:
- Click Navigator > My Enterprise > New Features.
- On the Features Overview page, select your offering to review new features specific to it. Or, you can leave the default selection All Enabled Offerings to review new features for all offerings.
- On the New Features tab, review the new features and check the opt-in status of the feature in the Enabled column. If a feature has already been enabled, you will see a check mark. Otherwise, you will see an icon to enable the feature.
- Click the icon in the Enabled column and complete the steps to enable the feature.
In some cases, you might want to opt in to a feature that's not listed in the New Features work area. Here's how to opt in:
- Click Navigator > My Enterprise > Offerings.
- On the Offerings page, select your offering, and then click Opt In Features.
- On the Opt In page, click the Edit Features (pencil) icon for the offering, or for the functional area that includes your feature.
- On the Edit Features page, complete the steps to enable the feature.
For more information and detailed instructions on opting in to new features for your offering, see Offering Configuration.
Opt In Expiration
Occasionally, features delivered Disabled via Opt In may be enabled automatically in a future update. This is known as an Opt In Expiration. If your cloud service has any Opt In Expirations you will see a related tab in this document. Click on that tab to see when the feature was originally delivered Disabled, and when the Opt In will expire, potentially automatically enabling the feature. You can also click here to see features with Opt In Expirations across all Oracle Cloud Applications.
Column Definitions:
Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.
UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.
UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.
Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.
Service Excellence Continuing Investments
In this update, improvements are available in the following areas:
- Documentation Content: Workflows in Project Management.
- Better Billing Exception Summary Reporting: Remove duplicated counts and amounts of unrecognized cost transactions from the Summary by Contract and the Summary by Exception Type regions on the Revenue Overview page. Duplication in counts and amounts happened when a cost transaction mapped to multiple contract lines.
- Additional Accounting Sources for Creating Project Accounting: Additional sources are available for project costs and revenue to allow greater flexibility when creating account rules, mapping sets, and description rules related to labor transactions. Additional sources are:
- Assignment Category
- Person Assignment Legal Employer
- Enhanced Cost Transaction Exception Messages to Expedite Period Close: Added tokens and updated text and details for cost transaction error messages:
- 7 messages revised related to: Expenditure organization classification and derivation, expenditure item date and task transaction date validation, task chargeability, and person type derivation.
- 3 messages added related to: Expenditure organization not present in organization hierarchy, Maintain Projects Organizations process prerequisite to capture costs, and summary task ineligible for charges.
- Payroll Cost Import for Multiple Business Units: The import payroll costs process, for the Labor Distribution feature, allows for costs spanning multiple business units to be in a batch. The process no longer rejects costs in a batch from a separate business unit.
- Manage Project Costs Detail Page and Dialog Titles: Updated from “Expenditure Item” to “Project Cost Transaction” for a consistent approach with the business object name.
- Award Project and Award Funding Auditing: Audit award project and award funding using audit policies to record and monitor funding modifications. This audit helps ensure compliance and ensures data retention for contractual documents. The objects audited are:
- Award Personnel
- Award Funding Sources
- Award Project
- Award Project Personnel
- Award Funding
- Project Funding Allocation
- Custom Default Layout in Edit Budget Page: Save a personalized view of columns and override the default view in the Manage Budget page for all the users of an organization. This enables organizations to establish a common default column view optimized for how they budget for projects.
- Update Project Plan Data Scheduled Process Modifications: Initiate the Update Project Plan Data scheduled process separately from the schedule window to re-pull actuals into the financial project plan.
- Asset Category Combinations by Asset Book: You can now only select valid asset category combinations that have been mapped to the asset book that you selected.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Billing and Revenue Management
Invoice Attachments Included in Invoice Approval Notification
Enable project contract invoice approvers to view invoice attachments from the invoice approval email notification. Project Billing Specialists can optionally include attachments for the invoice to the approval workflow email notification, while submitting an invoice for approval. The first 10 attachments to the invoice with a category of Project Billing are included in the invoice approval workflow email notification. Attachments with any other category value are excluded.
Edit Invoice Attachments
Approvers can view the attachments in the email tool itself or in the Approval History section of the Project Contract Invoice Approval Notification report within the invoice approval workflow email.
Project Contract Invoice Approval Notification Email Header
Project Contract Invoice Approval Notification Email - Upper Half
Project Contract Invoice Approval Notification Email - Lower Half
Alternatively, you can view the attachments in the same Approval History section of the Project Contract Invoice Approval Notification report, from either the Bell Notifications or the Worklist Notifications.
This feature provides the benefit of sharing documents with invoice workflow approvers that provide backup for the charges on the invoice, making approvals easier and quicker.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Project Financial Management No Longer Optional From: Update 23D
Ensure the following attachment categories are defined, using the Manage Attachment Categories task in Setup and Maintenance:
- Project Billing. Attachments with this value are included in the invoice approval workflow email notification.
- Any other value. Attachments with any other value are excluded from the invoice approval workflow email notification.
Manage Attachment Categories
When creating attachments to an invoice, ensure the category specified will have the desired impact.
Tips And Considerations
- Attach text, files, or URLs to an invoice from the Attachments link in the Invoice Header section of the Edit Invoice page.
- You can add, delete, or update the invoice attachments at any time, even though they are included in the invoice approval workflow email notifications that are pending with approvers.
- Maximum number of attachments included in invoice approval workflow email notifications is ten, the first of which is always the invoice preview template.
- Maximum size of attachments included in invoice approval workflow email notifications is 15MB.
- Maximum number and size of attachments included in invoice approval worklist notifications is more, but still within a reasonable limit.
Role And Privileges
To use this feature, you need these privileges and roles.
- Job Role Name and Code:
Project Progress Updates for All Contract Lines
Enable Contract Administrators to perform the Update Progress action for all contract lines, regardless of the invoice or revenue method assigned. The action updates percent complete at the contract line or associated project level.
Track Completion
The benefit of this feature is the saving of many hours manually entering physical percent complete from Project Progress into the percent complete attribute on contract lines or associated projects and tasks for contract lines. Billing Specialists and Project Accountants can then use the percent complete source, as part of a custom formula in the project process configurator, for invoicing or revenue recognition.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Role And Privileges
To use this feature, the following privileges or roles are required:
- Job Role Name and Code:
Search by Item When Managing Events
Search for revenue and billing events using the item associated with the event. Billing Specialists and Project Accountants can more easily search for item-based billing events. In the Manage Events page, search fields item and item description are added to the advanced pane as illustrated below.
The main benefit of this feature is the gain in efficiency for Project Accountants and Project Billing Specialists when searching, reviewing, and updating item-based billing events.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Role And Privileges
To use this feature, you need these roles:
- Job Role Name and Code:
Ship-To Account and Site Editable on Invoice Line
Enable Billing Specialists to view and override ship-to information on a project contract invoice line.The billing specialist can add ship-to columns to the project contract invoice line as illustrated below.
Details of these ship-to fields are mentioned below, Ship-to Account Number and Ship-to Site fields are editable only for a draft standard project contract invoice not having exceptions.
- Ship-to Account Number lists the active customer accounts.
- Ship-to Account Description is a read only field which displays the description of the account selected.
- Ship-to Customer is a read only field which displays the customer name based on the account selected.
- Ship-to Site lists the active ship-to sites based on the account selected.
- Ship-to Address is a read only field which displays the address of the site selected.
The business benefit of this feature is an improvement in efficiency. The contract administrator no longer needs to create separate contract lines for each possible ship-to account or continually amend contract lines to change the ship-to account. The Project Billing Specialist can simply override the ship-to information on the invoice line.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- Once any of these new ship-to fields have been explicitly selected for display by a user using the View > Columns menu item, they will continue to be displayed until the user deselects them.
- Ship-to Account Number and Ship-to Site fields can be made read only or be displayed as required via page customization.
Role And Privileges
To use this feature, you need the role:
- Job Role Name and Code:
Additional Options and Reporting for Cross-Project Rates Refresh
Refresh rates across a range of projects for financial project planning, budgeting, and forecasting using additional options and reports. Use additional parameters to filter impacted projects, an option to refresh resource rates due to organization changes and job-based promotions, additional output report details, and notifications to project administrators and project managers.
The detailed report identifies the prior and modified amounts for plans successfully refreshed. The report also shows warnings and errors for versions with the reason for any exceptions and identifies those versions excluded from processing.
Rates changes are highlighted directly in the financial project plan, budgeting, and forecasting pages.
Refresh Plan Amounts Scheduled Process
This enhancement provides project managers and project administrators greater visibility by highlighting rate changes in the planning, budgeting, and forecasting pages.
It also gives more awareness of any changes required in rate setup and usage, and offers more control over which projects will be impacted.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- Use the From Date parameter to choose the period from which the rates must be refreshed. The corresponding periods are used based on the calendar used in the financial project plan, budget versions, and forecast versions.
- Use the Project Type parameter to narrow down the set of projects to be processed for refresh of financial project plans, working budget versions, or working forecast versions using a specific project type.
- Use the Project Manager parameter to narrow down the set of projects to be processed for refresh of financial project plans, working budget versions, or working forecast versions for a specific project manager.
- Optionally, set the Detailed Report parameter to Yes to generate a detailed report to review the list of versions excluded by the scheduled process and the reason for exclusion.
Key Resources
- Process Output Reports in the Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports for PPM guide.
Role And Privileges
To use this feature, you need these roles:
Parallel Participant Support for Project Cost Adjustment Approval Workflow
Create parallel participants for the Project Cost Adjustment Approval workflow to meet business requirements. Using this feature, configure approval rules for the project cost adjustment approval workflow to route the workflow to multiple approvers in parallel.
This feature doesn't just add parallel participant support, it provides full flexibility for you to add or remove stages and participants (sequential and parallel) to the project cost adjustment approval workflow. For parallel approvals, you can optionally also determine an outcome based on the voting percentage of parallel participants (within a stage or across stages).
To modify the project cost adjustment approval workflow, follow these steps:-
- Access the task Manage Task Configurations for Project Financial Management from Setup and Maintenance.
- Search for the task ApproveAdjustment and edit it (Pencil icon).
- On the Assignees tab you can now add or delete stages; add, delete or convert participants; and define voting outcomes. The following screenshots show how stages, participants, and voting outcomes can be modified, respectively.
Click the Pad-and-Pencil icon in the top-right corner of a stage to add additional stages or delete a stage.
Click the Pad-and-Pencil icon in the top-right corner of a participant to add or delete participants, or to convert an existing participant (for example, from serial to parallel).
When you create parallel participants or stages, click the pencil icon that joins their outputs to set vote outcomes (if required).
You can now create highly complex project cost adjustment approval flows, to satisfy even the most demanding approval requirements.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- When adding multiple stages or participants to the workflow, always consider what impact this might have with respect to the overall business process. For example, if multiple parallel participants are added and the outcome trigger policy is set to wait for all participants to respond, this may hold up cost adjustment processing. As a consequence this may then impact downstream processes, such as capitalization, billing, or period closure.
- The following bullets are included for reference; these components are unchanged by this feature. Please refer to the Key Resources section below for more details.
- Project cost adjustment approval workflows are only initiated if the user performing the adjustment does not hold adjustment approval privileges. See the Key Resources section below for more details.
- Project cost adjustment approval workflows are not currently supported for some adjustment types, such as intercompany adjustments.
Key Resources
- For more information about Project Cost Adjustments, please refer to the Project Cost Adjustments section of the Using Project Costing guide.
Role And Privileges
To configure approval tasks, you need either of the following roles:
- Role Name and Code:
Planning Currency Modifications for Planned Resources
Modify the planning currency of a planned resource in a budget or forecast line without having to delete and recreate the plan line.
Planning currency in a budget or forecast line is editable, modifying the currency will recalculate the amounts.
Edit Budget - Planning Currency Update
Edit Forecast - Planning Currency Update
Increases efficiency by cutting down the steps required to modify the currency of planning resources in your budgets and forecasts.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- To modify the currency of a resource assignment with project costs on the financial project plan, you must delete the resource assignment which will create an unplanned resource. Select the desired currency while converting the unplanned resource to a planned resource.
- Planning currency can be modified only if the version enabled for planning in multiple currencies.
Key Resources
- Can I change the planning currency of planned resources in a budget line or forecast line in the Defining and Managing Financial Projects guide
Role And Privileges
To use this feature, you need one of these roles:
- Job Role Name and Code
Redwood Theme for Labor Distribution Schedules and Costs
Labor Distribution pages have a modernized Redwood theme and user experience. The Manage Labor Schedules and Manage Labor Costs pages provide revamped search and display experiences, improving the efficiency of labor distribution data administration.
Managing labor schedules has been updated to include:
- Simplified and efficient labor schedule creation flows for both assignments (including assignment element) and elements
Create a Labor Schedule
- Search that spans all labor schedule types; Assignment (including assignment element) and Element
Search Across Labor Schedule Types
- Modernized view of all the layers and attributes of individual labor schedules
View of Labor Schedule
Managing labor costs has been updated to include:
- Intuitive search attributes
Simple Search Bar
- Additional search attribute of Original Transaction Reference
Original Transaction Reference
Watch a demo
The Redwood theme and user experience applied to the labor distribution pages, provides simplified access to and creation of data through the use of intuitive panels and interactive search criteria and visual contrast improvements that increase the clarity of the data presented. This provides more efficient access to and maintenance of the high volume of objects and attributes associated to labor distribution administration.
Watch a Demo.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- Prior to the 22A release, the Manage Labor Schedules search was for specific people and their assignments. The search now is for existing labor schedules across both elements and assignments.
Key Resources
- Related Help:
- Labor Distribution chapter in the Using Project Costing
Role And Privileges
This feature is applicable to the following roles:
- Labor Distribution Administrator (ORA_PJF_LABOR_DISTRIBUTION_ADMINISTRATOR_DISCRETIONARY) security profile assigned to the role and requisite setup
- Labor Distribution Accountant (ORA_PJF_LABOR_DISTRIBUTION_ACCOUNTANT_DISCRETIONARY) security profile assigned to the role and requisite setup
Separate Line Burden Transaction Reconciliation When Grouping by Transaction Number
Reconcile burden transactions to source transactions when creating burden transactions as a separate transaction and grouping by transaction number. Use the Burden Cost Grouping Process Configurator to configure this option.
To recap, release 20D delivered the Burden Cost Grouping Process Configurator feature. The configurator enables you to add the Transaction Number of a project cost as an additional grouping criterion for summarized burden costs. If an active Burden Cost Grouping configurator has been defined with Transaction Number selected as a grouping source, a summarized burden transaction can only relate to a single project cost transaction. In summary, with such a configurator in place, there will always be a one-to-one relationship (or one-to-many, if the burden structure has multiple burden cost codes) between a source project cost transaction and its resulting summarized burden transactions.
In this release, if an active Burden Cost Grouping configurator has been defined with Transaction Number selected as a grouping source, the source transaction number is recorded against the resulting summarized burden transaction(s). With this definition, the Source Transaction Number is populated during the Generate Burden Costs process. The source transaction number is available in both the Manage Project Costs page and the OTBI subject area, Project Costing - Actual Costs Real Time.
Manage Project Costs
The Source Transaction Number field is also shown on the Project Cost Transaction details page for summarized burden transactions.
Project Cost Transaction Details
The Source Transaction Number field shown in an OTBI analysis created using the Project Costing - Actual Costs Real Time subject area.
Project Costing - Actual Costs Real Time Subject Area
- Building on the Burden Cost Grouping Process Configurator feature in release 20D, you can now easily identify the raw cost transactions with which summarized burden transactions are associated. This helps project accountants easily report on and reconcile summarized burden costs, for example:
- To ensure raw costs and associated burden costs are include in the same project contract invoice.
- To demonstrate the origin of summarized burden transactions to project managers or auditors.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- Population of the source transaction number does not apply retrospectively. The Burden Cost Grouping process configurator needs to be defined (as above) and active before submitting the Generate Burden Costs process.
- Whilst additional grouping sources may be added to the Burden Cost Grouping process configurator in the future, this feature only applies when you include transaction number in the selected grouping sources.
- When enabling the transaction number as a grouping source for the Burden Cost Grouping process configurator, be mindful of the volume of summarized burden transactions that will be generated.
Key Resources
- Refer to the What's New guide for Release 20D for details on the Project Burden Cost Grouping Configuration feature.
- The implicit Grouping Sources for the Generate Burden Costs process (which cannot be altered, through the process configurator or otherwise) are:
- Project
- Task
- Organization
- Project Accounting Period
- Transaction Currency
- Provider Ledger Currency
- Burden Cost Code
- Expenditure Type Class
- Person Type
- Billable
- Capitalizable
- PO Line
- Data Set (for budgetary control integration)
- Contract
- Funding Source
Role And Privileges
To create or modify a Process Configurator for Burden Cost Grouping, you need the following privileges and roles:
- Privilege Name and Code:
- Duty Role Name and Code:
- Job Role Name and Code:
Privileges and roles for accessing OTBI or Manage Project Cost are unchanged by this feature.
Upfront Validation of Project Cost Adjustments Before Initiating Approval Workflow
View validation messages in real time when you perform an adjustment on a single project cost, instead of having to navigate to the Adjustment History tab to see why an adjustment failed. Project accountants and grants accountants must now take corrective actions prior to submitting an adjustment for approval.
Consider the following scenario: A user performs a project cost adjustment to transfer a single transaction to another task in the same project. The user is not privileged to make this change without approval, so an approval workflow will be initiated (this is indicated to the user by a popup requesting a justification for the adjustment). The user provides a justification and, upon proceeding, is presented with an error message resulting from an upfront validation. In this case, the error informs the user that the transaction date is not within the transaction dates of the destination task. With the validation upfront, the user must take corrective action before submitting the adjustment for approval. An appropriate action in this instance might be to transfer the cost to an alternative task, or perhaps request that the project administrator alters the transaction dates of the destination task.
Submit Transfer Adjustment
User enters a justification for the adjustment and clicks OK.
Adjustment Justification
An example of an upfront validation. The user is informed that the project cost transaction date is not within the transaction dates of the destination task.
Transfer Project Cost Validation
With the majority of validations now performed upfront, this leads to:
- Streamlined adjustment processing, as approvals only need to be performed once.
- Quicker period closure. Prior to this feature, errors resulting from adjustments may have been deferred until period end.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
Upfront validation is performed on adjustments of single project cost transactions only. Errors pertaining to adjustments of multiple project cost transactions will continue to be shown in the Adjustment History tab of the project cost transaction details page.
The majority of validations for workflow-enabled adjustment types have been moved upfront (that is, prior to the approval workflow). However, some validations are excluded as they rely on derivations that are performed later in the adjustment process (for example, budgetary control). Errors for excluded validations will continue to be shown in the Adjustment History tab of the project cost transaction details page.
- The following bullets are included for reference; these components are unchanged by this feature. Please refer to the Key Resources section below for more details.
- Project cost adjustment approval workflows are only initiated if the user performing the adjustment does not hold adjustment approval privileges.
- Project cost adjustment approval workflows are not currently supported for some adjustment types, such as intercompany adjustments.
Key Resources
- For more information about project cost adjustments, see the Project Cost Adjustments section of the Using Project Costing guide.
Role And Privileges
To use this feature, you must have the privilege to perform project cost adjustments:-
- Duty Role Name and Code:
- Job Role Name and Code:
In order to initiate project cost adjustment approval workflows, and therefore invoke upfront validations, you must not have project cost adjustment approval privileges:-
- Duty Role Name and Code:
NOTE: Both the seeded Project Accountant and Grants Accountant job roles have this duty assigned. If you require users to be able to perform project cost adjustments but have those adjustments submitted for workflow approval, you can copy either of these job roles and remove this duty role as required.
Workflow Transaction Console for Project Cost Adjustment and Project Expenditure Batch Approval
Using a single console, administrators can proactively monitor workflow tasks and resolve any exceptions for the Project Cost Adjustment Approval and Project Expenditure Batch Approval workflows. Project application administrators can review workflow exceptions and either resubmit the task(s) after making a correction to the underlying rules, or withdraw the task(s) in progress. The Transaction Console also provides details for the Project Cost Adjustment Approval and Project Expenditure Batch Approval workflows, such as approval history and comments, as well as diagnostic logs to assist with debugging.
Below shows a failed instance of the Project Cost Adjustment Approval workflow displayed on Transaction Console.
Project Cost Adjustment Approval Status
Issue description and suggested resolution is displayed on Transaction Console, along with a link to the Diagnostic Log.
Issue Details and Resolution
Diagnostic Log displays the workflow rule details and payload for debugging.
Diagnostic Log
This feature provides the following business benefits:
- Enables project application administrators to quickly and easily identify problematic workflows, diagnose the root cause, and take corrective actions.
- Enables project application administrators to quickly and easily reassign workflows to another approver, for example if the designated approver is unavailable, or withdraw the workflow altogether.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- Search for workflows in the Transaction Console by entering the following process names in the faceted search:
- Project Cost Adjustment Approval
- Project Expenditure Batch Approval
- Use the Approval Rules page on the Transaction Console to quickly launch BPM Worklist to modify rules.
- When a workflow encounters an error, the status of the workflow on the Transaction Console appears as 'In Progress' status until you click the workflow entry to view the details.
Key Resources
- Related Help:
- See the Workflow Transaction Console section in the Implementing Common Features for Financials and Project Portfolio Management guide.
- See the Monitor and Troubleshoot Transactions section in the Using Common Features guide.
Role And Privileges
To use this feature, you need one of these privileges or roles:
- Privilege Name and Code:
- BPM Workflow System Admin Role (BPMWorkflowAdmin)
- Duty Role Name and Code:
- Project Transaction Approval Reviewing (ORA_PRJ_REVIEW_APPROVAL_TRANSACTIONS_DUTY_HCM)
- Job Role Name and Code:
Award Budget Period Date Updates Using a REST API
Update award budget period dates using a REST API. Advance or postpone the start date or the end date of the award or specific dates of the award budget period to comply with federal regulations when you receive modifications from the sponsor. Update the control budget and contract with the new dates to ensure effective cost control.
This REST API delivers business value to seamlessly integrate with a preaward management system to manage the date updates.
Steps to Enable
Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides, available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API. If you're new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.
Tips And Considerations
- You can either use AwardId, AwardNumber, or AwardName attributes to identify the award. If all are provided, AwardId is used and the other two attributes are ignored.
- There are specific headers to use for the single and batch operation. Review the REST API guide to see examples.
- The Update Award Dates in Control Budget and Contract process is submitted when the contract and control budget dates need to be updated. If not, the REST does the updates directly.
- The existing AwardBudgetPeriod REST resource does not support date updates on contract and control budget.
- Retrieve the identifier of the Update Award Dates in Control Budget and Contract process using the GET operation, attribute DateChangeRequestId.
- Retrieve the errors, if any, using the GET on child resource AwardError.
Key Resources
- Related Help:
- REST API for Oracle Project Management Cloud guide available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role And Privileges
To use this feature, you need this privilege and one of these roles:
- Privilege
- Job Role Name and Code
Award Budget Version Additional Actions Using a REST API
Refresh resource and conversion rates for an award budget version using the Award Budgets REST API. Specify a percentage to adjust planning amounts.
Use the Award Budgets REST API to refresh resource rates and conversion rates over time to improve planning efforts as required. Optionally, refresh only the conversion rates to derive the most up-to-date conversion rates before you set an award budget as baseline.
Perform adjustments on the award budget version to review a change in estimate.
Generate accurate award budget versions with the latest rates using the Award Budgets REST API.
Steps to Enable
Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides, available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API. If you're new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.
Tips And Considerations
To refresh only the conversion rates, set the refreshOnlyConversionRates attribute to Y in the payload.
Key Resources
- REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role And Privileges
To use this feature, you need these roles:
Planning, Scheduling, and Forecasting
Attributes for Identifying Projects Imported from Enterprise Performance Management
Identify the projects that are imported from Oracle Fusion Cloud Enterprise Performance Management (EPM Planning) using the Integration Application Code and Integration Project Reference attributes on the Manage Financial Project Settings page.
Project Integrated with EPM Planning
Project administrators and project managers can easily identify projects integrated with Oracle Fusion Cloud Enterprise Performance Management (EPM Planning):
- If the Source Application contains ORA_EPM, the project originated in EPM Planning.
- If the Integration Application Code contains ORA_EPM, the project is integrated with EPM Planning regardless of its origin.
- The Integration Project Reference is the project identification in EPM Planning
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
- Related Help:
- White Paper:
- EPM Planning Resources:
- Integrating EPM Planning Projects and Project Management in the Administering Planning Modules guide.
- Updating Projects Artifacts in the Administering Planning Modules guide.
- Process Description for Integrating EPM Planning Projects and Project Management in the Administering Data Integration for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud guide.
- Integrating EPM Planning Projects With Project Management in the Working with Planning Modules guide.
- Project Management Resources:
- How Enterprise Performance Management Works with Project Management in the Implementing Project Financial Management and Grants Management guide.
- How do I know if a project is integrated with Enterprise Performance Management in the Defining and Managing Financial Projects guide.
Role And Privileges
To use this feature, you need these privileges and roles:
- Job Role Name and Code:
Expanded View Project Plan Access for Non-Team Members
Control view-only project plan access in My Work work area using view project security configuration. Application administrators can define the data security policies to configure view-only project access based on business needs. For example, provide view-only project plan access to certain critical projects for non-team members. Previously, project managers could provide access either to all users or only the project team.
To configure the view projects list, you need to perform the following steps:
- Enable the setting Manage Access with User Roles under the View-Only Project Plan Access section from Manage Project Management Implementation Options page. Once this setting is enabled, the view projects list access will be controlled by security role configuration. Security roles should have data security access to View Project Work Plan Data privilege. The seeded Team Collaborator role already has this data privilege.
- To give view-only access to project plans for non-team members,
Steps to Configure View Project Plan Access to Non-Team Members
- Create a custom role by copying the seeded Team Collaborator role. Select the option to copy from Top Role when copying the role.
- Associate the custom role with a new data security policy with the View Project Work Plan Data privilege and the required condition.
- Assign a user the new security job role from the Security Console UI. The user can now log in and access My Work work area and have view-only access to project plans based on the data security setup.
With this feature, view-only project plan access from the My Work work area can be controlled using view project security configuration. For example, set up view-only project plan access for non-team members.
Steps to Enable
The steps to enable this feature and required setup to control access to view project plans is covered in the feature description above.
Tips And Considerations
- The seeded roles have all the required setup and you need not modify them to get access to view the project plans. If you have setup custom roles, review them and make necessary changes to it after enabling this feature.
- When adding new data security policies to custom roles, ensure the policies are directly associated to the role. Data security policies are not associated from inherited roles.
Key Resources
- Related Help: Security Reference for Oracle Project Management Cloud reference guide
Role And Privileges
To setup the custom security roles and to make changes to existing roles, you need the following role:
- Role Name and Code:
Project Business Object Audit Support
Track the changes made to projects by leveraging an audit mechanism that provides details about what, when, and by who a project was updated. Auditors can keep a close tab on projects by viewing audit reports that list the nature, time, and the user who effected the change.
To view audit reports for Project object, perform the following steps:
- Navigate to Tools > Audit Reports.
- On the Audit Reports page, enter a date and select product as Project Foundation.
- Select Business Object Type as Project and click Search.
- Enable the option Show Attribute Details and select all or specific attributes as required to view old and new values for the selected attributes in the audit report.
Audit Report Showing Project Insert
This feature helps to comply with audit requirements by letting you:
- Compare the old and new values for Project business object attributes.
- View when and by who existing projects are modified and take appropriate action if required.
Steps to Enable
To enable audit for Project object, perform the following steps.
- Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area and search for the Manage Audit Policies set up task.
- On the Manage Audit Policies page, confirm that Audit Level is set to Auditing and click Configure Business Object Attributes in the Oracle Fusion Applications section.
- On the Configure Business Object Attributes page, select the product Project Foundation.
- In the Objects table, enable audit for Project object. The attributes that are enabled for audit by default appear in the Audited Attributes section.
- Click Create to display the Select and Add Audit Attributes window and enable or disable audit for attributes as required.
- Click OK to close the window.
- Click Save and Close.
Enabling Audit for Project Object on the Manage Audit Policies Page
Key Resources
- Related Help:
- Audit Policies in the Implementing Common Features for Financials and Project Portfolio Management guide
- Audit for Project Management Objects in the Implementing Project Financial Management and Grants Management guide
Role And Privileges
To configure audit policies for your business objects, you need the following privileges or roles:
- Privilege Name and Code:
- Job Role Name and Code:
To view audit reports for your business objects, you need the following privileges or roles:
- Privilege Name and Code:
- Job Role Name and Code:
Quantity-Based Forecasting and Reporting for Supply Chain Transactions with Multiple Cost Distributions
Track actual quantities on project-related item-cost or resource-cost transactions that have multiple cost distributions in Supply Chain Management. Forecast and report on project tasks and resources using transaction quantity, in addition to cost amounts, for project-based supply chain activities. Easily filter and review supply chain costs using additional details, such as supply chain transaction type, source transaction quantity, and source distribution layer reference.
Import and Review Project Cost Transactions
Supply chain costs having multiple cost distributions will now be considered as a group based on the distribution layer identifier from Fusion Cost Management, when imported into Projects. Only one of the transactions in the group having material or resource costs will have the quantity value populated, as captured in the Fusion Cost Management application. All other transactions in the group will have the quantity value marked as zero. A new attribute, Source Transaction Quantity, will continue to capture the quantity information for all the transactions in the group. Use source transaction type and source distribution layer reference attributes in the review of the imported project cost transactions.
Cost Distribution in Supply Chain Management
Cost Transactions in Manage Project Costs
Supply chain cost transactions from Cost Management Source with a single-cost distribution will continue to have the quantity information populated as before.
Manage Cost Distributions
The new columns-Source Transaction Type, Source Transaction Quantity and Source Distribution Layer Reference-will be available to select and add in the Manage Unprocessed Costs, Manage Cost Distributions and Manage Project Costs pages, both in the Costs and Project Management work areas.
Quantity-based adjustments such as 'Split', 'Split and Transfer' and 'Transfer' of supply chain related project cost transaction having multiple cost distributions and grouped by a common source distribution layer identifier will impact all transactions in a group. Details of the group/related project cost transactions that will be impacted are made available for easy reference in the relevant adjustments page. Non-quantity-based adjustments such as adjusting the 'Billable', 'Capitalizable', and applying and releasing holds to invoices and revenues, are allowed at the individual transaction level.
Any quantity-based adjustment (such as 'Split' and 'Split and Transfer') to a project cost transaction having multiple cost transactions that are grouped by a common source distribution identifier will result in an update to the source transaction quantity and quantity value. In order to reconcile the quantity balances with the source application, consider the quantity information across all the adjustments made, if any.
Zero and non-zero quantity transactions that meet the invoicing eligibility criteria will get included for invoicing. Based on their status (billable or non-billable), these transactions will be included in the appropriate invoice lines. Rate-based billing will not be applicable on zero-quantity transactions.
Planning and Forecasting
Review planned vs. actual or forecast based on quantity for supply chain inventory items that are planned on the project. Quantities across multiple project cost transactions are rationalized to reflect actual quantity that were transacted in supply chain process.
The following OTBI subject areas of Project Costing have new attributes added for Source Transaction Quantity, Source Transaction Type and Source Distribution Layer Identifier.
- Actual Cost Real Time
- Expenditure Items Performance Real Time
- Unprocessed Transactions Real Time
- Projects Cross Subject Area Analysis - Cross Transaction Measures
The Project Costs and Unprocessed Project Costs REST APIs also have new attributes for Source Transaction Quantity, Source Transaction Type, and Source Distribution Layer Identifier.
- You can now use transaction quantity--in addition to cost amounts--to forecast and report on project tasks and resources that are used in project-based supply chain activities.
- Use a project's 'plan vs. actual' quantities to drive demand quantities in Supply Chain Management.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Project Financial Management No Longer Optional From: Update 23A
Tips And Considerations
- Defining the profile PJC_ZERO_QTY_NONBILL will result in supply chain based project cost transaction (supply chain cost transactions with multiple cost distributions) with zero quantity being marked as non-billable during import and adjustments. Any updates to the billable nature of the applicable project cost transactions can be done only at the transaction level manually.
- When adjusting the expenditure type for a supply chain based project cost with related project cost transactions using the Adjust operation and Transfer adjustment type of the Project Costs REST API, always transfer between expenditure types of the same nature, i.e. from rate-based expenditure type to rate-based expenditure type or non-rate-based to non-rate-based expenditure type.
- Adjustments such as 'Split' and 'Split and Transfer' are not supported for supply chain based project costs that involve acquisition cost adjustments such as invoice price variances.
- Equal quantity adjustments for supply chain based project costs having multiple cost distributions and grouped by a common source distribution identifier are supported only for an adjustment type of split and transfer. For example: If you would like to split an applicable transaction with a quantity of 100 at 50% and later transfer this to a different project and task, it is recommended to use the 'Split and Transfer' adjustment type instead of performing a 'Split' or 'Transfer' individually.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topics:
- Related Help: Project-Driven Supply Chain chapter in the Using Project Costing guide.
- Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud: Using Supply Chain Cost Management Guide
Role And Privileges
To use this feature, you need the following job roles:
- Project Costing Transaction Analysis Duty (FBI_PROJECT_COSTING_TRANSACTION_ANALYSIS_DUTY)
Rates for Persons Without Active Assignments
Define rates for resources without active job assignments in person rate schedules. Project application administrators can define rates for persons that don't have an assignment or for persons with assignments that occurred in the past. This allows a more accurate rate to be used for labor resources based on business needs, especially if person assignments change frequently or aren't essential to rate determination.
This feature delivers several changes to the behavior of the Person Rates table on the Manage Rate Schedules page:
- By default, the From Date and To Date columns have been moved to occupy the first two positions in the table. The rationale for this change is that subsequent columns are now dependent on the From Date (see Person below). Note that this change applies to all rate schedule types.
- The list of values for the Person Name column is no longer constrained by a person's assignment. People are returned by the list of values if the effective start date of the person record in HR is on or after the from date of the rate schedule line. The person may or may not have assignments (past, present, or future), and those assignments can be in any status.
- As a consequence of the above change, the Search and Select window for the Person Name column has also been simplified. For example:
- The Include people with terminated assignments option and Include people with future-dated effective start dates option are removed.
- Assignment-related attributes are removed from the search criteria, for example, Job.
- After a person is selected in the Person Name column, the list of values for the optional Person Assignment Job column will now consider all assignments the person has ever had, currently has or will have in the future. The assignments are not bound by any effective date (of the rate schedule line or otherwise), and are simply derived from the selected person.
- If a Person Assignment Job is selected, the optional Person Assignment Organization column will default to the organization (department) associated with the same assignment as the Person Assignment Job. This can optionally be cleared, depending on requirements.
Manage Rate Schedules
The business benefits are:
- Simpler management of person-based rate schedules, shifting the focus to be person-centric rather than assignment-centric.
- Easily add rates for future-dated workers, avoiding the need to wait until the first day of their assignment.
- Avoid missing cost rate errors during the Import Costs process, which can delay project reporting and impact period end.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
To streamline the Person Rates table the Person Number column has been removed by default. However, the column can be added back into the table from the View menu if required.
Key Resources
- Related Help: Rate Schedules Types in the Implementing Project Financial Management and Grants Management guide.
Role And Privileges
To manage rate schedules you need the following privileges and roles:-
- Privilege Name and Code:
- Duty Role Name and Code:
- Job Role Name and Code:
NOTE: There are no changes to existing privileges or roles for this feature.
Enhanced Edit Work Plan Template Capabilities for the New Project Planning User Experience
Edit work plan template capabilities are expanded to match the scheduling capabilities available when using the new planning user experience. These enhancements include partial-day scheduling, summary task dependencies, multiple resource assignments on summary tasks and milestones, and additional dependency types for milestones and gates. Opt in to the feature, Expedite Your Project Planning with a New User Experience, to take advantage of these new capabilities.
In addition, when assigning resources to tasks in the work plan template, view the additional resource information such as role and cost rate and specify the resource allocation directly at individual resource level.
Enhanced Capabilities in the Edit Work Plan Template Page
This feature delivers business value to project managers by increasing efficiency and accuracy when managing plans in work plan templates.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Role And Privileges
To use this feature, you need this role:
Mass Transfer of Resource Pool Memberships
Allow application administrators to transfer multiple resources out of one pool into another pool. This transfer capability provides smooth pool membership management when the resource pool structure is reorganized. For example, a pool structure is based on geographic location. One geographic region needs to be split into two or more regional pools and the original pool needs to be removed from the hierarchy. Application administrators can transfer the resources' pool memberships out of the original resource pool and into one of the new pools. When all resources are transferred, optionally remove the original pool from the hierarchy.
Selected Resources Pool Memberships are Transferred to Another Resource Pool
As an organization changes over time, the resource pool structure may need to change. The ability to transfer resources' pool history and utilization between pools allows for greater flexibility in managing large and small pool structure changes.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Project Execution Management No Longer Optional From: Update 22B
Tips And Considerations
- Transferring a resource from one pool to another transfers the resource's pool membership dates and utilization history from the original pool to the target pool.
- All resources with existing memberships in a pool can be transferred.
- Transferring a resource's membership will place the resource in the target pool with the from and to dates the resource had in the original pool.
- Resource pool membership transfer can be done through the Project Resource Pools REST service
- Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides, available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API. If you're new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.
Key Resources
- Related Help:
- Can I transfer multiple resources from one pool to another? topic in Implementing Execution Management guide
Non-Project Events Update and Deletion Using a REST API
Update and delete non-Project events for resources using the Resource Events REST API. Manage events that are associated with a specific resource. For example, update dates for off-site training meetings or delete a canceled leave for a team member.
The business benefits are:
- As a project or resource manager, update partial or all-day non-project events such as training for your resources.
- As a team member, update your calendar events such as a day off or partial day personal appointments.
Updating the resource events using Resource Events REST API provides an easier and faster way to modify multiple calendar events.
Steps to Enable
Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides, available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API. If you're new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.
Tips And Considerations
Event category and duration hours:
- Update resulting in duplicate events, such as all-day events of the same category on the same day, is not allowed.
- Partial day events of the same type on the same day are allowed.
- An all-day, partial day, or partial day plus all-day event of different categories on the same day is allowed.
- Duration hours are ignored for all-day events.
The below table shows who can update the events:
Resource Managers |
Project Managers |
Team Members |
Key Resources
- Related Help:
- REST API for Oracle Project Management Cloud guide available on the Oracle Help Center.
- What's new for Update 21D: Non-Project Event Creation Using a REST API
Role And Privileges
- Job Role Name and Code:
- Privilege Name and Code:
Notification to Project Manager of Resource Request Cancellation
Inform the project manager using a workflow notification when the resource manager cancels a project resource request. Provide the cancellation reason to the project manager. This improves the information flow between project manager and resource manager during busy staffing activities. For example, a project manager requests a specific resource for the project. The resource manager reviews the request and determines that the resource is not a good fit or is not available. When the resource manager cancels the request for that specific resource, the application sends a notification to the project manager. The project manager can request a different resource or send a general request to the resource manager to fill the role with an alternative resource.
The below shows the workflow notification sent to project manager when resource manager cancels request.
Workflow Notification
When a resource manager cancels a project resource request for any reason, it is important that the project manager is notified; this helps the project manager adjust their planning. They can revisit their planning and requirements based on the information the resource manager provides as to why the request was canceled.
Steps to Enable
In Setup Manager, Manage Project Resource Management Implementation Options task, enable "Notify workflow participants when a project resource request is canceled by staffing owner" to enable the workflow notifications.
Tips And Considerations
The workflow is triggered when the resource manager cancels the request from the project resources workarea either from the Manage Project Resource Requests or from Edit Project Resource Request pages.
- The workflow rules are configurable and can be sent to other participants as desired.
- If the request originated from the Manage Project Resources page in Project Management, the resource associated to the request is updated to Planned status.
Key Resources
- Related Help:
- Configurable Workflow Notifications topic in Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports for PPM guide
- Project Resource Management Implementation Options topic in Implementing Project Execution Management guide
Role And Privileges
To use this feature, the following privileges or roles are required:
Reserved Resource Confirmation Using a REST API
Confirm reserved resource assignments using the Project Resource Assignments REST API. Resource managers can change the status of the assignments from reserved to confirmed.
The business benefit of the Project Resource Assignments REST API is to help the resource manager confirm a potentially considered resource for an assignment. You may have found a suitable resource for a project role, but you may not yet have a contract for the project, or the background check for the resource is still pending. In such situations, you can first reserve the resource for the role as reserved assignment and later use the Project Resource Assignments REST service to confirm such reserved resource assignment. Additionally, use this feature in integration solutions for converting soft bookings to confirmed assignments.
Project Resource Assignments REST API details to confirm a reserved assignment:
Resource Name | Resource Description | Supported Operations |
/fscmRestApi/resources/ /projectResourceAssignments/{AssignmentId} |
Confirm a reserved project resource assignment. | Custom Operation |
The below screenshot shows this existing functionality from user interface available on the Edit Project Resource Assignment page.
Steps to Enable
Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides, available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API. If you're new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.
Tips And Considerations
- When the assignment status changes from reserved to confirmed using this REST API, the confirmed assignment no longer retains the reservation reason captured earlier while reserving the resource.
- If the overbooking of billable assignments is not allowed on Manage Project Resource Management Implementation Options, then reserved assignments are not confirmed if the resource is overbooked.
- Assignments only in reserved status get confirmed using this REST API.
Key Resources
- Related Help:
- REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide available on the Oracle Help Center.
Project Resource Assignment Statuses topic in the Using Project Execution Management guide
Role And Privileges
To use this feature, the following privileges or roles are required:
Utilization Details for Resources Using a REST API
View projected and target utilization of one or more resources using the Project Enterprise Labor Resources REST API. Project utilization is the percentage of hours that a resource is confirmed or reserved to work on project assignments compared to the available hours.
The Project Enterprise Labor Resources REST API provides a way to view the assigned hours, total hours, projected utilization, and target utilization to manage enterprise resource utilization for a specific period. The business value of this feature is to help the resource manager in managing the resources efficiently. You can use these additional REST API methods for integration solutions to view overall resource usage, whether the resources are under or over-utilized compared to the defined target for a specific period.
The custom actions available under Project Enterprise Labor Resources REST API are:
Action | Path | Input Parameters |
Projected Utilization |
/fscmRestApi/resources/ /projectEnterpriseLaborResources/ action/getProjectedUtilization |
Target Utilization | /fscmRestApi/resources/ /projectEnterpriseLaborResources/ action/getTargetUtilization |
NOTE: Projected and Target Utilization methods are custom actions performed using POST operation. Media Type - application/
Steps to Enable
Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides, available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API. If you're new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.
Tips And Considerations
A. Projected Utilization
Use the Projected Utilization API to get the resource assigned hours, total hours, and projected utilization for the selected period. Projected utilization gets calculated for the period between the start date and end date. Based on the Project Resource Management Implementation options, the calculation either considers:
- All assignments or only billable assignments
- Total capacity or total capacity remaining after subtracting paid time offs and absences
Attribute | Values | Details |
Assignment Type |
Assigned hours will consider all assignments of the resource |
ALL (default Value) |
Assigned hours will consider only billable assignments of the resource | |
Subtract time off from capacity flag |
Y | Total hours will consider only the hours remaining after subtracting Paid Time Off (PTO) and absences |
N (default value) |
Total hours will consider hours based on the resource calendar |
B. Target Utilization
Use the Target Utilization API to get the target utilization of resources.
For a resource, if the current date is 23-July-XX and you are selecting a period from 26-July-XX to 30-July-XX, then assigned hours, total hours, and projected utilization will get calculated as shown below in the table:
Attribute/Date | 26th July | 27th July | 28th July | 29th July | 30th July | Total |
Resource calendar hours/Day | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 40 |
Billable assignment hours | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 10 |
Non-billable assignment hours | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 10 |
Resource events (PTO/ training/ others) hours | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 4 |
Calculations | ||||||
Assigned hours (Assignment type: All (default value)) |
4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 20 |
Assigned hours (Assignment type: Billable) |
2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 10 |
Total hours (Subtract time off from capacity flag: N (default value) ) |
8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 40 |
Total hours (Subtract time off from capacity flag: Y) |
8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 4 | 36 |
Projected utilization for the period | Assignment type : All | Assignment type : Billable |
Subtract time off from capacity flag: N | 20/40 = 50% | 10/40 = 25% |
Subtract time off from capacity flag: Y | 20/36 = 55.5% | 10/36= 27.78% |
NOTE: Assigned hours and total hours get returned in hours. Projected and target utilization and gets returned as a percentage.
Key Resources
- Related Help:
- REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role And Privileges
To use this feature, you need one of these privileges and roles:
- Job Role Name and Code:
- Privilege Name and Code