- Revision History
- Overview
- Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt-In)
- Feature Summary
- Cross-Product Procurement Enhancements
- Purchasing
- View Order and Schedule Life Cycle in Bar Graphs
- Consolidate Online Requisitions into Fewer Purchase Orders
- Use File-Based Data Import for Touchless Catalog Content Management
- Automatically Determine Requested Delivery Date Using Agreed Lead Time
- Support Agreement Quantity and Allow Description Update Fields Using the Purchase Agreement File-Based Data Upload Template
- Receive Purchase Order Acknowledgements from Suppliers
- Exchange Procure-to-Pay Messages Using cXML Protocol
- Export and Import Procurement Agents, Buyer Assignment Rules, and Procurement Document Numbering
- Self Service Procurement
- Supplier Model
- Sourcing
- Control Team Member Participation with Scoring Only Access
- Configure In-App Supplier Invitation Notification with Business Intelligence Publisher
- Create Reports on Draft Negotiations
- Configure Award Decision Notification with Business Intelligence Publisher
- Notify Suppliers When Negotiation Close Date Is Changed to an Earlier Date
- Supplier Qualification Management
- Compare New Response Attachments with Prior Response Attachments
- Generate One Qualification per Automatically Created Initiative
- Map Questions to Multiple Choice Supplier Descriptive Flexfields
- Register Suppliers with Improved Questionnaire Response User Experience
- Monitor Automated Qualification Activity Using an Infolet
This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:
Date | Feature | Notes |
31 MAY 2019 | Export and Import Procurement Agents, Buyer Assignment Rules, and Procurement Document Numbering |
Updated document. Delivered feature in update 19A. |
27 MAR 2019 | Exchange Procure-to-Pay Messages Using cXML Protocol | Updated document. Included feature from the Supply Chain Collaboration and Visibility solution. |
27 MAR 2019 | Receive Purchase Order Acknowledgements from Suppliers | Updated document. Included feature from the Supply Chain Collaboration and Visibility solution. |
21 DEC 2018 | Created initial document. |
This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in this update.
Security and New Features
The Role section of each feature identifies the security privilege and job role required to use the feature. If feature setup is required, then the Application Implementation Consultant job role is required to perform the setup, unless otherwise indicated. (If a feature doesn't include a Role section, then no security changes are required to use the feature.)
If you have created job roles, then you can use this information to add new privileges to those roles as needed.
Give Us Feedback
We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at oracle_fusion_applications_help_ww_grp@oracle.com.
Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt-In)
We continue to add many new features to the Oracle Cloud Applications, and for some features, you can take advantage of new functionality at a pace that suits you by “opting in” to the feature when you’re ready. You can opt-in to a feature in two ways: by using the New Features work area, or by using the Setup and Maintenance work area.
To opt-in using the New Features work area:
- Click the Navigator, and then click New Features (under the My Enterprise heading).
- On the New Features page, select the offering that includes new features you’d like to review.
- Click Opt-In for any feature that you want to opt-in to.
- On the Edit Features page, select the Enable option for the feature, and then click Done.
To opt-in using the Setup and Maintenance work area:
- Click the Navigator, and then click Setup and Maintenance.
- On the Setup page, select your offering, and then click Change Feature Opt-In.
- On the Opt-In page, click the Edit Features icon.
- On the Edit Features page, select the Enable option for any feature you want to opt-in to. If the Enable column includes an Edit icon instead of a check box, then click the icon, select your feature options, and click Save and Close.
- Click Done.
Column Definitions:
Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.
UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.
UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.
Customer Action Required = You MUST take action before these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.
Cross-Product Procurement Enhancements
Integrate and Extend Procurement Using REST Services
In this update, Oracle Procurement Cloud delivers a modified REST API to enable and simplify integration with external systems.
The following REST resource was enhanced:
- Purchase Requisitions: You can now use the POST and DELETE standard actions on requisitions with goods-based lines.
Steps to Enable
If you're using REST services with your Oracle Cloud implementation for the first time, then follow the instructions in the Quick Start section of the REST API for Oracle Procurement Cloud guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Key Resources
- Refer to the REST API for Oracle Procurement Cloud documentation, available on the Oracle Help Center.
View Order and Schedule Life Cycle in Bar Graphs
View and analyze the fulfillment and billing statuses in bar graphs instead of pie charts on the Order and Schedule Life Cycle pages. The bar graphs make it easier to represent scenarios where there is over-receipt or over-invoicing. Also the order life cycle graph now shows the shipped amount.
The following screenshots illustrate this feature:
Steps to Enable
You must opt in to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Consolidate Online Requisitions into Fewer Purchase Orders
Consolidate online requisitions into fewer purchase orders to reduce your vendors' costs. With this feature enabled, orders from online requisitions won't be created until the Generate Orders job runs. When the job runs, requisitions that have the Group Requisitions option enabled on their source agreement will be combined into the same purchase order.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt-In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Procurement
Tips And Considerations
To consolidate requisitions when running Generate Orders, you must enable the Group Requisitions option on the backing agreement.
Use File-Based Data Import for Touchless Catalog Content Management
Eliminate manual maintenance overhead by leveraging file-based data integration from external catalog content sources. The new template now includes support for rich catalog content data, including images, manufacturer availability and lead time information. This allows you to include extended item attributes in one consolidated FBDI upload to Purchase Agreement lines. Uploading catalog-related extended item attributes using the Catalog Loader process continues to be supported.
In the FBDI template for a blanket purchase agreement, you can load extended item attributes using the new PO_ATTR_VALUES_INTERFACE sheet and extended item attribute translations using the PO_ATTR_VALUES_TLP_INTERFACE sheet. After the blanket purchase agreement is successfully imported, the extended item attributes and/or translation attributes will be displayed in the Cloud Purchasing Agreements UI and in the Cloud Self Service Procurement Purchase Requisitions work area for the blanket purchase agreement in context.
The list of extended item attributes that can be imported using FBDI is as follows:
- Thumbnail Image
- Image URL
- Manufacturer Part Number
- Rounding Factor
- Availability
- Lead Time
- Attachment URL
- Supplier URL
- Manufacturer URL
- All Descriptive Flexfields
Similarly, the list of extended item attribute translations that can be imported is as follows:
- Description
- Manufacturer
- Alias
- Comments
- Long Description
- Language
The following screen capture illustrates this feature:
Columns to Populate Extended Item Attributes in PO_ATTR_VALUES_INTERFACE Sheet
Columns to Populate Extended Item Attribute Translations in PO_ATTR_VALUES_TLP_INTERFACE Sheet
Steps to Enable
Download and review the latest import template available from the Oracle Help Center.
Tips And Considerations
- Before loading translations for items, the line must first exist in the created language of the Blanket Purchase Agreement. If this condition does not hold true, an error is returned.
- The upload of catalog-related extended item attributes performed previously through a separate Catalog Loader process continues to be supported.
- Translations added to the product master data after the blanket purchase agreement has been defined will not automatically show up in the catalog. To display these translations in the catalog, you will need to upload them using the import file.
Key Resources
- For details about how the existing Catalog Loader process works, refer to the Manage Procurement Catalog chapter of the Using Procurement guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Automatically Determine Requested Delivery Date Using Agreed Lead Time
Automatically determine the requested delivery date on purchase orders to reduce manual order adjustments and speed up the order creation process. The application calculates the requested delivery date on purchase orders created from requisitions using the lead time defined on the source blanket purchase agreement.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt-In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Procurement
Tips And Considerations
After enabling the feature, you must set up the lead time on the blanket agreement line. When requisitions are converted to orders, the requested delivery date on the requisition line is compared to the current date plus the lead time on the agreement line, and the later date is used for the requested delivery date on the order.
Support Agreement Quantity and Allow Description Update Fields Using the Purchase Agreement File-Based Data Upload Template
The Purchase Agreement File-Based Data Import (FBDI) Template has been enhanced to include the Agreement Quantity and Allow Description Update fields. You can import and update these fields using the Purchase Agreement File-Based Data Upload Template.
In the FBDI template for a blanket purchase agreement, you can load or update Agreement Quantity and Allow Description Update attributes using the existing PO_LINES_INTERFACE sheet. After the blanket purchase agreement is successfully imported, these two attributes will be displayed in the Cloud Purchasing Agreements UI for the blanket purchase agreement in context.
The following screen capture illustrates this feature:
Columns to Populate Agreement Quantity and Allow Description Update in PO_LINES_INTERFACE Sheet
Steps to Enable
Download and review the latest import template available from the Oracle Help Center.
Tips And Considerations
- If the item definition does not allow description updates, then the Allow Description Update field in the template must be N. Otherwise, it will result in error during import.
Receive Purchase Order Acknowledgements from Suppliers
Collaboration Messaging Framework can now asynchronously receive purchase order acknowledgements from suppliers in response to purchase orders that were sent to them.
A supplier can acknowledge receipt of a purchase order and can indicate acceptance or rejection of the purchase order as a whole, or of specific lines on the purchase order.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Exchange Procure-to-Pay Messages Using cXML Protocol
Collaboration Messaging Framework now supports the ability to natively exchange cXML messages with partners without relying on Oracle Supplier Network to map between OAGIS 7.2.1 and cXML message types. The following messages from the Procure-to-Pay business process are supported:
- Customer to Supplier - Order Request (new order and change order)
- Supplier to Customer - ShipNoticeRequest, InvoiceDetailRequest
Many suppliers use cXML for indirect procurement B2B messaging. Before this enhancement was delivered, Oracle Supplier Network was required for cXML message exchange with trading partners, and configuring user-defined messages was not possible. With this feature, you can configure user-defined cXML messages.
Steps to Enable
Select one of the following cXML collaboration message definitions when you set up outbound or inbound partner messages:
- cXML_1.2.007_CHANGE_PO_OUT
- cXML_1.2.007_CANCEL_PO_OUT
Tips And Considerations
- You can exchange cXML messages with trading partners directly using the B2B adapter.
To exchange cXML messages natively through Oracle Supplier Network, you must set up a user-defined service provider.
Exchanging user-defined cXML messages with trading partners using the Oracle Supplier Network requires an update in Oracle Supplier Network.
Export and Import Procurement Agents, Buyer Assignment Rules, and Procurement Document Numbering
You can now export and import procurement agents, buyer assignment rules, and procurement document numbering, which simplifies your setup data migration between environments.
Use the Setup and Maintenance work area to migrate these business objects as part of an offering, functional area, or implementation project export and import process. You can also use CSV file package export and import to create and update procurement agents, buyer assignment rules, and procurement document numbering data in bulk.
Access this feature in the Setup and Maintenance work area, Procurement offering, Procurement Foundation functional area:
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Key Resources
For details about the process to export and import setup data, refer to the Exporting and Importing Setup Data and Managing Setup Using CSV File Packages chapters of the Using Functional Setup Manager guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Allow Direct Purchases of Work Order Goods and Services
Shop and create requisitions for good or services needed for a work order. Use the integrated flow to navigate from the work order to the shopping home page, or navigate directly to Self Service Procurement to make needed purchases, by referencing the work order from the requisition.
Seamless process automation between the Maintenance and Self Service Procurement applications ensures cost-efficient and timely procurement of maintenance parts and services.
- As part of this feature, a new destination type called ‘Work Order’ is introduced in Self Service Procurement.
- In Purchasing, the existing destination type ‘manufacturing’ has been renamed to ‘Work Order’, which also covers Outside Processing.
The following screen illustrates this feature on the Edit Requisition page. The same fields are available on Requisition Details page:
Work Order Details on the Edit Requisition Page
- A new field called 'Work Order' is added to the Advanced Search section of the Manage Requisitions page.
Work Order in the Advanced Search Region of the Manage Requisitions Page
- A new Approval attribute called ‘Work Order’ is introduced to define approval rules.
- When a purchase order is automatically created from a requisition with a destination type of Work Order, the work order details are carried over and are available on the PO Schedule details.
Work Order Details on the Purchase Order Edit Schedule Page
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt-In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Procurement
Tips And Considerations
Enable 'Allow direct purchases for work orders' in the Manage Plant Parameter FSM task for the respective organization for the ‘Work Order’ destination to be available in the Destination Type list when creating requisitions.
Key Resources
- Review the Self Service Procurement R13 Support Self Service Procurement for Work Orders Training for more details on how to use the feature.
Role Information
- The Requester user must have the 'Manage Requisition of Items with Work Order Destination Type’ privilege to create requisitions with the Work Order destination type.
Allow Approvers to Update Budgetary-Controlled Requisitions
As an approver, you can now edit a budgetary-controlled requisition submitted by a preparer in order to change the chart of accounts, project details, quantity ordered and so on. When you submit a changed budgetary-controlled requisition, the application runs budget checks and handles the reservation on either submit or approval, depending on the budgetary controls configuration. If the budget check fails, you are notified with an appropriate error message, funds will not be reserved, and the requisition will not be submitted.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt-In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Procurement
Tips And Considerations
The Account Activities Report, one of the available Budgetary Control Analysis Reports, includes a row for each transaction account type and whether it caused a corresponding obligation or commitment of funds.
Approver edit of a BCEA-enabled requisition during the approval process results in the creation of the following Transaction Action entries:
Action by Approver | Transaction Action |
Approver clicks Edit button | Requisition Withdraw |
Approver clicks Funds Check button | Requisition Check |
Approver clicks Submit button | Requisition Submit |
Trigger Duplicate Prevention Check for New Supplier Request Before Submission
Self Service Procurement users requesting new suppliers need accurate information to make an informed request and processing time must be kept to a minimum. When a New Supplier Request is submitted for an existing supplier, the process slows as manual intervention is required which increases the risk of adding bad data to the supplier master. New Supplier Request in Self Service Procurement can be configured to require key supplier identification information (one of three attributes: Taxpayer ID, Taxpayer Registration Number, or D-U-N-S Number). This ensure users are alerted to existing duplicate suppliers and prevented from submitting unnecessary requests.
The following screen capture illustrates this feature:
Request New Supplier Page with New Instruction Text in Self Service Procurement
Steps to Enable
To enable this feature, perform the following steps:
- Login as an administrator and navigate to Setup and Maintenance.
- On the Setup page, select Procurement offering and then click Suppliers functional area.
- From the Show drop-down list, select All Tasks.
- Click the Configure Supplier Registration and Profile Change Request task.
- Under the Supplier Registration tab, select the Self Service Procurement check box in the Require Supplier Identifier section.
Tips And Considerations
- The instruction text indicating at least one supplier identifier is required will be displayed only when the feature is enabled.
- When submitting the new supplier request an error message will be displayed if the user does not provide at least one supplier identifier.
Improve Approval Rules for Supplier Spend Authorization
To ensure that only authorized suppliers are enabled to conduct business with your organization, a robust approval capability is required. When creating approval rules for supplier spend authorization, you can now use products and services categories, and supplier descriptive flexfields as rule condition attributes. Achieve more complete review and approval routing for prospective suppliers before authorizing for spend.
The following screen capture illustrates the feature:
Add Descriptive Flexfield as a Condition for Spend Authorization Approval Rule
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
Descriptive Flexfields:
- Only supplier profile level descriptive flexfields are supported.
- Identify the descriptive flexfield that the displayed attribute maps to and use it in the approval condition.
- Ensure you have deployed and enabled descriptive flexfields for supplier profile. When you create an approval condition for a descriptive flexfield that is not deployed and enabled for supplier profile, the approval condition will be evaluated considering its value as Null and the request will be routed accordingly.
Products and Services Categories:
- For approval routing based on products and services category, select the attribute Category Name and add its value for the approval condition.
- Category Name contains the list of values for both item categories and browsing categories. If you have an item category and a browsing category with the same name, ensure to select the right one by referring to their descriptions presented as additional information in the search results table.
- When using Category Name as an approval condition, ensure you have at least one other rule based on a required header level supplier attribute as well. It will help avoid issues in routing promotion requests for suppliers without any products and services category saved in their profile.
Key Resources
- For more details on spend authorization approval, refer to the following white paper on My Oracle Support: Setting up Document Approvals in Oracle Fusion Procurement Cloud
Control Team Member Participation with Scoring Only Access
Category managers who create and manage negotiations often include additional evaluators as collaboration team members, to evaluate supplier responses to negotiation requirements. Most of these evaluators’ sole contribution is to score responses to requirements. There may be other information in the negotiation that is confidential or required to be kept as 'need to know', to eliminate bias and ensure fair business practice. Thus there is a need to limit their access to only the information needed to complete their evaluation.
With this feature, you can restrict collaboration team members to view and score supplier responses to only those requirements that are assigned to them. Keep supplier responses confidential and secure to ensure suppliers are evaluated and rated without bias.
The feature provides the following capabilities:
- Add collaboration team members restricted to access and score only assigned requirements
- Add these members to one or more scoring teams, and assign requirements
- Restrict technical members from viewing commercial information in a two-stage RFQ by adding the members only to the technical scoring teams.
- Hide supplier information from these members to ensure unbiased scoring
The following screens illustrate this feature:
Add Members with Scoring Only Access to Different Scoring Teams
Only Assigned Requirement Sections Are Visible and Supplier Details Are Hidden
Steps to Enable
Negotiation must be enabled for team scoring to use this feature. Review Sourcing Release 13 (Update 17B) release training for team scoring for more details.
Tips And Considerations
You can also prevent collaboration team members from accessing pricing information in a response by deselecting the ‘Price Visibility’ checkbox.
Role Information
- Job Role Name and Code:
Configure In-App Supplier Invitation Notification with Business Intelligence Publisher
Configure the content, layout, and style of the in-application supplier invitation notification using an Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher template. You can tailor the notification content to meet your specific business requirements.
Update 18A introduced capability to configure supplier invitation email notifications using an Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher template. With this feature, now you can use the Negotiation Invitation Email Report to configure both email and in-application supplier invitation notifications.
In-App Supplier Invitation Notification
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt-In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Procurement No Longer Optional From:
You must opt in to enable this feature. Choose where to apply the change by selecting Email and in-app notifications or Email notifications only.
For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
After you enable the feature, follow these steps to configure the template for negotiation invitation notifications:
- In the Navigator, click Reports and Analytics.
- In the Sourcing Business Intelligence Catalog, locate the Negotiation Invitation Email Report, and then click Customize. This creates a copy of the template in your custom folder.
- Edit the template Negotiation Invitation Email Report template.
- Upload the template. (Select the appropriate locale for your instance.)
NOTE: This feature is enabled by default from Update 19C onwards.
Role Information
- Category Manager or BI Administrator can configure the negotiation invitation notification using Business Intelligence Publisher.
Create Reports on Draft Negotiations
You can now create reports and analyses on your draft negotiations using Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI). Such reports will help you to gain valuable insights about the negotiation workload in your department.
Sample OTBI Report Showing Count of Ongoing Negotiations by Status for a Given Procurement Business Unit
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
If you have existing reports that are not filtering draft negotiations, you may need to manually add a filter on status to exclude draft negotiations.
Role Information
- Category Manager or BI Administrator can create reports using the Sourcing Negotiation real Time subject area in BI application.
Configure Award Decision Notification with Business Intelligence Publisher
The ability to tailor supplier notifications as per business needs is essential for effective communication with suppliers and a successful negotiation process. This feature provides the capability to configure negotiation award decision notifications to suppliers based on a Business Intelligence Publisher template. The template makes it easy to modify the layout and content as required.
Negotiation Award Decision Notification
Watch a Demo
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt-In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Procurement
After you enable the feature, follow these steps to configure the template for negotiation award decision notifications:
- In the Navigator, click Reports and Analytics.
- In the Sourcing Business Intelligence Catalog, locate the Negotiation Award Decision Notification Report template, and then click Customize. This creates a copy of the template in your custom folder.
- Edit the template Negotiation Award Decision Notification Report.
- Upload the template (select the appropriate locale for your instance).
Tips And Considerations
- In the template, you have the ability to configure separate message content for awarded and rejected suppliers.
Key Resources
Watch Configure Award Decision Notification with Business Intelligence Publisher Readiness Training
Role Information
- Category Manager or BI Administrator can configure the negotiation award decision notification using Business Intelligence Publisher.
Notify Suppliers When Negotiation Close Date Is Changed to an Earlier Date
A new notification is now available if a negotiation close date is changed to an earlier date. Alerting suppliers to important updates is critical to achieving effective supplier communication during bidding activity.
The following screens illustrate this feature:
When a New Close Date is Specified, a Notification is Sent to Suppliers
Close Early Notification
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Role Information
- Category Manager
Supplier Qualification Management
Compare New Response Attachments with Prior Response Attachments
Compare attachments in an incoming question response with those in the existing active response to determine whether the response has changed. Previously, the attachments contained in the response were not included in the comparison. With this feature, the response is considered changed if it contains new or different attachments from the existing active response.
The attachment comparison is performed for responses received through qualification questionnaires, sourcing negotiations, as well as supplier profile updates.
Steps to Enable
You must opt in to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Tips And Considerations
During response acceptance the response temporarily enters a new "Acceptance in progress" status while the comparison runs, and becomes accepted once the comparison is complete. You can track the progress while monitoring the initiative.
Generate One Qualification per Automatically Created Initiative
You may have various business or functional owners who are responsible for managing and evaluating particular qualification areas within your organization. You can now specify that a qualification area should not be combined with other qualification areas on a single automated initiative and resulting questionnaire. Using this qualification area option, you have more granular control over the lifecycle of the questionnaire, acceptance, and evaluation process by ensuring that each qualification routes to the appropriate user and only contains responses pertinent to its evaluation.
The following screen capture illustrates this feature:
Set Automatic Initiative with Single Qualification In Qualification Area Setup
Steps to Enable
To enable this feature, perform the following steps in the Supplier Qualification work area:
- On the Overview page, open the Tasks pane and click Manage Qualification Areas.
- On the Manage Qualification Areas page, click Create.
- On the Create Qualification Area: Overview page, select the Automatic initiative with single qualification check box.
Tips And Considerations
The following trigger events are supported for automatic creation of initiatives with single qualification:
- Registration of a new supplier
- Approval of a supplier’s registration
- Promotion of a supplier from prospective to spend authorized
- Automatic requalification
If both Default qualification owner and Automatic initiative with single qualification check boxes are checked, then the initiative and the qualification will always have the same owner.
Key Resources
- For more details, review the Event-Based Initiative and Qualification Creation Release Training in Release 13 (update 17B).
Map Questions to Multiple Choice Supplier Descriptive Flexfields
After mapping a question to a multiple choice supplier descriptive flexfield, any responses you receive for that question will update the underlying flexfield value in the supplier master. Using this capability, you can create questionnaires to update supplier descriptive flexfields, giving you an easy way to gather supplemental information for the supplier profile. You can also use these mapped questions during supplier registration and sourcing negotiations and update the profile with the supplier responses.
The following screen capture illustrates this feature:
Question Setup to Use Multiple Choice Supplier Descriptive Flexfields
Steps to Enable
To map supplier descriptive flexfields to a question, an administrator needs to first perform the following steps to configure supplier profile descriptive flexfields:
- From the Navigator, click Setup and Maintenance.
- On the Setup page, select the Procurement offering, and then the Suppliers functional area.
- From the Show drop down, select All Tasks.
- Click Manage Supplier Descriptive Flexfields.
After the supplier descriptive flexfields are successfully deployed, they can be mapped to questions in the question setup.
Tips And Considerations
- This feature supports questions mapping to multiple choice descriptive flexfields at supplier level.
- The supplier descriptive flexfields can be updated from other sources using supplier web service, therefore the values can be evaluated as responses in the qualification process.
- Mapping questions to text type supplier descriptive flexfields is already supported since Release 13 (update 18B).
Key Resources
- For more details on how to map questions to text type supplier descriptive flexfields, review the Update Supplier Text Type Descriptive Flexfields from Questionnaire Responses release training in Release 13 (update 18B).
Register Suppliers with Improved Questionnaire Response User Experience
When suppliers use self-service registration, you may present questionnaires asking for supplemental qualification information. The supplier user now receives clear indications of progress when responding to a questionnaire during registration, including which sections have been visited, which are complete, and which still require attention. This streamlined experience should reduce supplier errors and omissions, minimize navigation difficulties, and improve accuracy.
Supplier Registration - Questionnaire
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
The following statuses inform the supplier user on their response progress for each questionnaire section:
- Not Started: User has not visited the section to provide any responses.
- In Progress: User has visited the section but has not responded to all the required questions.
- Completed: User has responded to all the required questions, including all the attachments and dependent questions that are required.
Monitor Automated Qualification Activity Using an Infolet
Monitor recent qualifications and initiatives that were generated automatically. When operating with fully automated settings, you may accumulate transactions over time that were processed without any manual intervention. This infolet provides a quick view of the automation results and the ability to drill down to see transaction details. You can review these results to follow recent activity and monitor qualification updates for your suppliers.
Automation Results Infolet
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
While the existing Automation Errors infolet only captures error transactions, the Automation Results infolet provides counts for successfully created transactions:
- The count for qualifications includes automatically created qualifications evaluated within the last 30 days.
- The count for initiatives includes initiatives automatically launched within the last 30 days.