- Revision History
- Overview
- Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)
- Feature Summary
- Cross-Product Procurement Enhancements
- Purchasing
- Create Purchase Order Lines in the Same Sequence as Sales Order Lines
- Update Account and Budget Date on Budgetary-Controlled Open Purchase Orders
- Capture Supplier Discounts on Purchase Order Lines
- Review and Recover Purchasing Document Approval Exceptions Using the New Transaction Administration Console
- Route Purchase Orders for Approval to Project Task Managers
- Search and View Purchase Order Information as Line of Business Users
- Self Service Procurement
- Display Product Packaging String
- Review and Recover Requisition Approval Exceptions Using the New Transaction Administration Console
- Route Approvals for Purchase Requisitions to Project Task Managers
- Display More Punchout Catalogs, Smart Forms, and Information Catalogs on the Shopping Search Results Page
- Sourcing
- Supplier Model
This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:
Date | Feature | Notes |
18 DEC 2019 | Review and Recover Purchasing Document Approval Exceptions Using the New Transaction Administration Console | Updated document. Revised role details. |
18 DEC 2019 | Review and Recover Requisition Approval Exceptions Using the New Transaction Administration Console | Updated document. Revised role details. |
25 OCT 2019 | Integrate and Extend Procurement Using REST Services | Updated document. Revised feature information to include enhancements delivered in the November Maintenance Pack for 19D. |
20 SEP 2019 | Created initial document. |
This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in this update, and describes any tasks you might need to perform for the update. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.
Security and New Features
The Role section of each feature identifies the security privilege and job role required to use the feature. If feature setup is required, then the Application Implementation Consultant job role is required to perform the setup, unless otherwise indicated. (If a feature doesn't include a Role section, then no security changes are required to use the feature.)
If you have created job roles, then you can use this information to add new privileges to those roles as needed.
Give Us Feedback
We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at oracle_fusion_applications_help_ww_grp@oracle.com.
Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)
Oracle Cloud Applications delivers new updates every quarter. This means every three months you'll receive new functionality to help you efficiently and effectively manage your business. Some features are delivered Enabled meaning they are immediately available to end users. Other features are delivered Disabled meaning you have to take action to make available. Features delivered Disabled can be activated for end users in a couple of ways:
Access the Opt In page from the New Features Work Area
- Click the Navigator, and then click New Features (under the My Enterprise heading)
- On the New Features page, select the offering that includes new features you’d like to review
- Click Go to Opt In for any feature you want to opt in
- On the Edit Features page, select the Enable option for the feature, and then click Done
or... Access the Opt In page from the Setup and Maintenance Work Area
- Click the Navigator, and then click Setup and Maintenance
- On the Setup page, select your offering, and then click Change Feature Opt In
- On the Opt In page, click the Edit Features icon for any area that includes features you want to opt in
- On the Edit Features page, select the Enable option for any feature you want to opt in to. If the Enable column includes an Edit icon instead of a check box, then click the icon, select your feature options, and click Save and Close.
- Click Done.
Opt In Expiration
Occasionally, features delivered Disabled via Opt In may be enabled automatically in a future update. This is known as an Opt In Expiration. If your cloud service has any Opt In Expirations you will see a related tab in this document. Click on that tab to see when the feature was originally delivered Disabled, and when the Opt In will expire, potentially automatically enabling the feature. You can also click here to see features with Opt In Expirations across all Oracle Cloud Applications.
Column Definitions:
Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.
UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.
UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.
Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.
Ready for Use by End Users Reports plus Small Scale UI or Process-Based new features will have minimal user impact after an update. Therefore, customer acceptance testing should focus on the Larger Scale UI or Process-Based* new features. |
Customer Must Take Action before Use by End Users Not disruptive as action is required to make these features ready to use. As you selectively choose to leverage, you set your test and roll out timing. |
Feature |
Report |
UI or |
UI or |
Create Purchase Order Lines in the Same Sequence as Sales Order Lines |
Update Account and Budget Date on Budgetary-Controlled Open Purchase Orders |
Search and View Purchase Order Information as Line of Business Users |
Review and Recover Requisition Approval Exceptions Using the New Transaction Administration Console |
Route Approvals for Purchase Requisitions to Project Task Managers |
Cross-Product Procurement Enhancements
Integrate and Extend Procurement Using REST Services
In this update, Oracle Procurement Cloud delivers modified REST APIs to enable and simplify integration with external systems.
The following REST APIs were enhanced:
- Draft Purchase Orders
- POST is supported for description-based expense items and services.
- The SUBMIT custom action can be used to submit draft documents for approval.
- Purchase Requisitions
- POST is supported for description-based expense items and services.
- The SUBMIT action now supports tax computation on purchase requisitions using external tax partner services.
- A new action, Calculate Tax and Accounting, is available to calculate the recoverable and nonrecoverable tax amount and to derive the charge account for a draft requisition.
- You can provide New Supplier information during POST/ PATCH of a requisition line.
Steps to Enable
Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides, available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API. If you're new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.
Key Resources
- Refer to the REST API for Oracle Procurement Cloud documentation, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Create Purchase Order Lines in the Same Sequence as Sales Order Lines
Create purchase order lines for a drop ship purchase order in the same sequence as the lines on the associated sales order. As a buyer, you can now ensure that the sequence of lines on the fulfillment purchase order is the same as that on the associated sales order.
This screenshot illustrates the feature.
Purchase Order Lines in the Same Sequence as Sales Order Lines
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Procurement
Update Account and Budget Date on Budgetary-Controlled Open Purchase Orders
Change account and budget date on open purchase orders, even if subject to budgetary control. You can make the changes if there are no project references on the purchase order distributions. The necessary funds checks and adjustments to funds reservations and encumbrance accounting when applicable are handled based on the updated information. This is done by automatically liquidating funds reserved against the old account and budget date, and reserving funds to the new account and budget date.
This screen capture illustrates the feature. The first line corresponds to the liquidation of funds from the old account and budget date. The second line corresponds to the funds reservation for the new account and budget date.
Display of Funds Check on a Change Order When Budget Date and Charge Account Are Modified
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Procurement No Longer Optional From: Update 20B
Tips And Considerations
The feature is applicable only for change orders created online.
Updates to charge accounts and budget date are only allowed if there were no receiving or invoicing activities.
Capture Supplier Discounts on Purchase Order Lines
Capture discounts from the base price of goods and services. You can specify discounts either in percentage or in amount, and you can specify a reason for the discount.
This screen capture illustrates the feature.
Discount on Purchase Order Line
Discounts on purchase order lines are supported when you do these tasks:
- Create purchase orders online.
- Amend purchase orders online, whether the change order was initiated by the buyer, supplier, or requester.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Procurement
Tips And Considerations
- After enabling this feature, you can enter discounts for both new and existing purchase orders.
- Discounts can't be entered or modified through FBDI or the Purchase Order Web Service.
- You can't use the Purchase Order Web Service to update the price of a purchase order line that already has a discount specified.
- Discounts can't be applied to model items or configuration components.
- When you duplicate a purchase order that has discounts, only the discounted price is copied over to the new purchase order as the base price. Details such as the discount amount or discount percentage, and reason aren't copied.
- All discount related fields are available in the BI Publisher purchase order data model. However, if you want to include them on the purchase order communicated to suppliers using PDF or electronic method, you need to modify the corresponding layout and mapping.
- If you're using a your own data model for supplier communication, you need to add new fields to your data model.
- Discount attributes aren't currently available for OTBI subject area analysis. However, you should be able to build reports using BI Publisher for discount reporting.
- Discounts aren't retrieved when you use REST services to query purchase order information.
Review and Recover Purchasing Document Approval Exceptions Using the New Transaction Administration Console
Monitor and review purchasing document approval transactions that are in pending approval status. Using the new Transaction Administration Console, you can recover transactions that have failed after reviewing the fault details. As an application administrator, you can now respond faster whenever a fault occurs, without needing to involve Oracle Support.
The Transaction Administration Console provides enhanced diagnostic information and superior search capabilities that enable you to:
- See the status of all of the approval tasks in the system.
- Monitor tasks and take appropriate actions such as withdraw or reassign.
- Monitor tasks that have failed and take appropriate actions such as recover or terminate the approval process.
- Search approval tasks based on user defined criteria.
- Save search criteria.
- Export the queried results to a spreadsheet.
In addition, the initiator of the document receives an alert describing the issue description and resolution whenever an approval task fails.
These screenshots illustrate the feature.
- Select Tools>Transaction Console to navigate to the Transaction Manager page.
- Select the transaction that you want to review in detail.
- Select Actions > Recover to resubmit the document.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
To refresh the status of a transaction in the console at regular intervals, an administrator must manually schedule to run the Refresh Transaction Administrator Console Transaction Status process. It’s recommended to schedule the process to run every hour.
Key Resources
- For more information about this feature, see Using the Transaction Console.
Role Information
You have a couple options for giving people access to the Transaction Console work area, depending on whether you're assigning them predefined job roles or your own configured job roles.
- Predefined Job Role Name and Code:
- Procurement Application Administrator (PO_PROCUREMENT_APPLICATION_ADMIN_JOB)
- Duty Role Name and Code for Configured Job Roles:
- Review Procurement Approval Transactions as Administrator (ORA_PO_REVIEW_PRC_APPROVAL_TRANSACTIONS)
Route Purchase Orders for Approval to Project Task Managers
You can now configure approval rules to route purchase orders and purchase change orders to project task managers. These attributes are available:
- Task Manager
- Task Manager Username
Steps to Enable
You must configure your approval rules to use the task manager and task manager username attributes if you want to take advantage of this feature. You can configure attributes for approval rules in a variety of ways. For details, see: Setting Up Document Approvals in Oracle Procurement Cloud.
Tips And Considerations
If you set up an approval rule to route to the task manager and the task manager is not defined for the task, the application will route to the task manager of the first parent task in the work breakdown structure that has a defined task manager.
Search and View Purchase Order Information as Line of Business Users
As a line of business user, you can now use deep links embedded in business intelligence reports to drill down to purchase orders. You no longer need to be set up as a procurement agent to view purchase orders.
Steps to Enable
For more details about how to set up this feature, see Navigate to Purchasing Transactions from Reports.
Display Product Packaging String
Display product packaging string with UOM conversion information to users while they are shopping. The feature lets users know the exact quantity of items they are purchasing, especially when the UOM displayed on the search results page is different from the user's consumption UOM. It also tells users about any other UOMs that the item can be purchased in.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Procurement
Tips And Considerations
- Once the product packaging string is enabled, it is available to all Self Service Procurement (SSP) users. You cannot prevent an SSP user from having access to it once the feature is enabled.
- Product packaging string is only supported for description-based items on a Blanket Purchase Agreement.
- To view product packaging string for description-based items in the Procurement Catalog, you must enter the product packaging string in the Blanket Purchase Agreement.
- To enter product packaging string, edit the agreement line and enter the product packaging string in the Item Attributes section.
Review and Recover Requisition Approval Exceptions Using the New Transaction Administration Console
Monitor and review requisition approval transactions that are in pending approval status. Using the new Transaction Administration Console, you can recover transactions that have failed after reviewing the fault details. As an application administrator, you can now respond faster whenever a fault occurs, without needing to involve Oracle Support.
The Transaction Administration Console provides enhanced diagnostic information and superior search capabilities that enable you to:
- See the status of all of the approval tasks in the system.
- Monitor tasks and take appropriate actions such as withdraw or reassign.
- Monitor tasks that have failed and take appropriate actions such as recover or terminate the approval process.
- Search approval tasks based on user defined criteria.
- Save search criteria.
- Export the queried results to a spreadsheet.
The following screenshots illustrate the feature.
- Select Tools>Transaction Console to navigate to the Transaction Manager page.
Transaction Summary
- Select the transaction that you want to review in detail.
Transaction Details
Select Actions > Recover to resubmit the document. Note that the transaction status is changed to Completed.
Completed Transaction
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
To refresh the status of a transaction in the console at regular intervals, an administrator must manually schedule to run the Refresh Transaction Administrator Console Transaction Status process. It’s recommended to schedule the process to run every hour.
Key Resources
- For more information about this feature, see Using the Transaction Console.
Role Information
You have a couple options for giving people access to the Transaction Console work area, depending on whether you're assigning them predefined job roles or your own configured job roles.
- Predefined Job Role Name and Code:
- Procurement Application Administrator (PO_PROCUREMENT_APPLICATION_ADMIN_JOB)
- Duty Role Name and Code for Configured Job Roles:
- Review Procurement Approval Transactions as Administrator (ORA_PO_REVIEW_PRC_APPROVAL_TRANSACTIONS)
Route Approvals for Purchase Requisitions to Project Task Managers
You can now configure approval rules to route purchase requisitions to project task managers. These attributes are available:
- Task Manager
- Task Manager User Name
If you set up an approval rule to route to the task manager and the task manager is not defined for the task, the application will route to the task manager of the first parent task in the work breakdown structure that has a task manager defined.
Steps to Enable
You must configure your approval rules to use the project task manager attributes if you want to take advantage of this feature. You can configure attributes for approval rules in a variety of ways. For details, see: Setting Up Document Approvals in Oracle Fusion Procurement.
Display More Punchout Catalogs, Smart Forms, and Information Catalogs on the Shopping Search Results Page
The cards view of the Shopping Search Results page now displays more punchout catalogs, smart forms, and information catalogs. With this change, procurement requesters can view up to 60 results, 20 for each catalog type.
This screen capture illustrates the feature.
Cards View of the Shopping Search Results Page
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Create Supplier Contracts from Negotiation Award
Buying organizations create contracts with supplier companies and define the terms and clauses for purchasing products, or engaging services. Contractual terms are negotiated along with pricing and requirements with awarded suppliers. In Oracle Sourcing Cloud, category managers can already add contract terms and deliverables in a negotiation, which are passed to the purchasing document on award. However, you cannot create an enterprise contract document that can be reviewed, redlined and maintained in a central contracts repository. Also, if your Sourcing flow creates purchasing documents in a legacy purchasing application for execution it’s difficult to manage contractual terms in disparate transactions. This feature provides options to address these challenges.
You can now seamlessly create an enterprise contract for each supplier from Sourcing. This allows you to negotiate terms upfront, and pass the terms, line items, pricing, and quantities finalized during negotiation award to the contract document in the Contracts application.
Enterprise Contract Management supports full contract life-cycle, and has robust features, like a Microsoft add-in to negotiate the contract terms with suppliers, download and upload contract terms, compare red-lined terms with original terms, and so on. You can leverage this contract functionality in Sourcing and easily update the contract terms for each supplier during the negotiation process. You can also drill down from an awarded response to see the corresponding contract that was created.
The following describes the process to execute contracts from a negotiation:
- Create a base contract to negotiate terms with all suppliers. Contract terms can be structured or attached as a document
- Suppliers review the negotiation contract terms as part of the response process. They can optionally download the contract terms and attach a red-lined contract document to their response.
- After the negotiation is closed, create a contract for each supplier you want to award based on responses. (The base contract is copied along with other information from the supplier's response to create the supplier contract.)
- Add the awarded lines to the supplier's contract.
The screens illustrate this feature:
Create a Base Contract for the Negotiation
Add Structured Contract Terms
Create a Supplier Contract During Award and Add Awarded Lines
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Procurement
Tips And Considerations
Feature is best suited for opting in for the following use cases::
- You have only Sourcing and Contracts in cloud, which coexists with a legacy Purchasing application.
- You have all three cloud applications, and purchasing documents are created as a result of Contract fulfillment (not as a negotiation outcome from Sourcing).
- You have all three cloud applications and you want to create a contract, but there is no need to directly link them to the corresponding purchasing documents created from the negotiation award. This may happen if you are creating a contract to serve as a frame agreement, and not for holding terms to execute the purchasing document.
Feature is not a fit if the following use case applies:
- You have all three cloud applications implemented for source to pay process, and intend to create purchasing documents directly from award with embedded contract terms. These are terms for executing the purchasing document for procuring the specific line items. In this implementation, consider using the preexisting capability, without opting in.
Key Resources
- Oracle Engagement Cloud: Using Customer Contracts guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
- Refer to readiness training for this feature on Oracle Cloud Readiness site.
Role Information
- A new Sourcing duty role, Negotiation Contract Management Duty is created, which has these contract privileges:
- Create Contract
- Edit Contract
- Manage Contract Work Area
- View Contract Terms
- Enable Buy Intent
- Author Standard Contract Terms and Conditions
- This duty role, Negotiation Contract Management Duty is by default assigned to Category Manager job role.
- In addition, this data security policy is assigned to the Category Manager job role to access contracts data:
- Policy Name - Grant on Contract
- Policy Description: Category manager can manage contract for the business units for which they are authorized
- Data Resource: Contract Header for Table OKC_K_HEADERS_ALL_B
- Privilege: Read; Update; Delete; Manage Contract;
- Condition: Access the contract for table OKC_K_HEADERS_ALL_B for the business units for which they are authorized
- Policy Name - Grant on Contract
- In addition, this data security policy is assigned to the Supplier Bidder job role to access contracts data:
- Policy Name - Grant on Contract
- Policy Description: Supplier bidder can view contract for the business units for which they are authorized
- Data Resource: Contract Header for Table OKC_K_HEADERS_ALL_B
- Privilege: Read; View Contract;
- Condition: Access the contract for table OKC_K_HEADERS_ALL_B for the business units for which they are authorized
- Policy Name - Grant on Contract
Apply Internal Cost Factors to Supplier Response
When negotiating, category managers need visibility to the total cost of procuring goods and services, in addition to line amounts derived from price and quantity. To capture additional costs, certain cost factors are applied to the supplier's response. Already, in Sourcing, any external or supplier driven costs can be added as external cost factors to each negotiation line, allowing suppliers to respond to them. However, it is not possible to capture any internal costs known to buying organizations, and not disclosed to suppliers. Suppliers may be qualified for the business but still have hidden costs or operational drawbacks. Deficiencies such as past performance issues, logistics cost due to supplier's location, and additional project management needs, can be quantified and added to the supplier bids as internal costs.
Now you can apply internal cost factors to the supplier’s response to analyze the total cost of doing business with the supplier, and make informed award decisions.
You can evaluate bids based on the transformed amount which is calculated by aggregating internal and external cost factors, and have the option to show it to suppliers. A bid with the lower transformed amount is ranked higher. When suppliers see the transformed amount, it can promote competitive bidding, and the supplier with the top overall rank can emerge as the real winner when analyzing based on the total cost. You will gain insight into total cost and be able to adjust cost factor values after bids are submitted, during monitoring, bid analysis, and award.
Apply Internal Cost Factors When Creating a Negotiation
View Transformed Amount and Overall Rank When Monitoring Negotiation
Compare Internal Cost Factors Side-by-Side During Award
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Procurement
To use this feature after opting in, follow additional steps in the Setup and Maintenance:
- Define internal cost factors using set up task 'Manage Cost Factors'.
- If you have common sets of cost factors, you may create a cost factor list using set up task 'Manage Cost Factor List'.
- Enable internal cost factors on negotiation styles using set up task 'Manage Negotiation Styles'.
Tips And Considerations
- When the internal cost factors are added in a negotiation, the overall rank is based on the transformed response amount. But the overall rank is not calculated for responses with partial lines or quantities.
- You have the option to adjust the internal cost factor values when the negotiation is active, once it is closed, or during analysis and award of supplier responses.
Key Resources
- Refer to readiness training for this feature on Oracle Cloud Readiness website.
Role Information
To use this feature, the following privileges or roles are required:
- Job Role Name and Code:
- Privilege and Code for allowing updates to internal cost factor values:
- Apply Internal Cost Factors (PON_APPLY_INTERNAL_COST_FACTORS)
Overall Supplier Response Rank
To help identify the lowest cost supplier bid you can now use overall response rank. When a supplier submits a bid, rank is already calculated for each line based on the response price. The line level rank is helpful to compare prices for each line and award each line to the best bidder to maximize savings. However, the category manager may prefer to award everything to just one supplier, and for this purpose, the overall rank is a quick visual indicator that marks the best supplier offer.
The overall rank is based on the total response amount. If internal cost factors are added, then the overall rank is based on the transformed amount. The lower the amount, then higher is the rank.
We recommend showing the overall rank to suppliers to promote competitive bidding, but you can control this by checking the response rule 'Display overall rank to suppliers'.
Response Rule to Show Overall Rank to Suppliers
View Overall Rank in Award Analysis
Steps to Enable
You can enable this feature in Setup and Maintenance by task Manage Negotiation Styles, and checking the control 'Overall response rank'.
Tips And Considerations
- Overall rank is not calculated for responses with partial lines or quantities
Role Information
To use this feature, the following roles are required:
- Job Role Name and Code:
Score Supplier Requirements Offline
Score Requirements Offline with Team Scoring Spreadsheet
You can create different scoring teams to evaluate and score supplier responses to requirements in a negotiation. When negotiations have a very large number of requirements, scoring online can become cumbersome. With this feature, team members can now score requirements offline by downloading the scoring spreadsheet. The spreadsheet is downloaded as an excel file (.xlsm format), which enables you to utilize the common spreadsheet functions such as filter, sort, hide/unhide columns and so on. Once done, you can directly upload or submit scores from the spreadsheet without visiting the application.
Download Scoring Spreadsheet
Scoring Spreadsheet
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Procurement
Tips And Considerations
You must install the ADF Desktop Integration plugin to download/upload the scoring spreadsheet. It enables desktop integration with Microsoft Excel for managing web application data via Excel. This plugin is available for Windows.
- Installation of ADF Desktop Integration plugin
- Sign in to the application
- Click on the Navigator and select Download Desktop Integration Installer under Tools
- Run the installer (adfdi-excel-addin-installer.exe)
- Enable the macro so spreadsheet will work offline.
Key Resources
- For more details on ADF Desktop Integration, please refer to Installing and Upgrading ADF Desktop Integration in Oracle Help Center
Role Information
To use this feature, the following role is required:
- Job Role Name and Code:
Update Scores on Behalf of a Team Member
Many companies in certain geographical regions often deal with intermittent network connectivity and training challenges when using online applications. In a negotiation, collaboration team members evaluate and score supplier responses to requirements online. With limited internet connectivity, some members may not be able to access the online application to complete their scoring assignment. Now, with the scoring spreadsheet (.xlsm), you can update scores on behalf of another team member by downloading their scoring spreadsheet and sending it to them to complete offline. Once they return the completed file you can upload their scores. The person who last updated scores for a team member is recorded for transparency.
Select a Team Member to Score Responses
Download Spreadsheet for the Member
Upload and Submit Scores for Another Member with Scoring Spreadsheet
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Procurement
Tips And Considerations
When you opt in to use this feature, you must opt in to the feature named Score Requirements Offline with Team Scoring Spreadsheet, which is part of the Procurement offering. Doing so enables the functionality of the Update Scores on Behalf of a Team Member feature.
You must Install the ADF Desktop Integration plugin for Excel to download and upload the scoring spreadsheet.
Role Information
To use this feature, the following privileges or roles are required:
- Job Role Name and Code:
- Privilege and Code:
- Update Response Scores for Another Member (PON_UPDATE_OTHER_MEMBER_SCORES)
Defending against fraud and bad data within your supplier master is a high priority for every organization. You must be able to review changes made to selected supplier profile attributes so that unexpected changes can be flagged as part of audit compliance requirements. Supplier audit now supports the following additional attributes to be audited in supplier audit history. This enhances the tracking of supplier profile changes and improves the accuracy of audit controls and governance.
- Supplier: Registry ID
- Supplier Business Classifications: Notes, Confirmed On
- Supplier Addresses: Addressee
- Supplier Site Third-Party Payment Relationships: Default, Remit-to Supplier, Address Name, From Date, To Date, Description
The screen capture illustrates this feature:
Supplier Audit History
Steps to Enable
To enable this feature, perform the following steps:
- In the Setup and Maintenance work area, search for the Manage Audit Policies task.
- On the Manage Audit Policies page, set the Audit Level as Auditing and click Configure Business Object Attributes.
- On the Configure Business Object Attributes page, select Supplier Model as the product.
- Select the appropriate supplier object in the Objects tree table and enable the checkbox. Then select the underlying attributes you want to audit. For example, if you want to track changes to Supplier Site Third-Party Payment Relationships, you should select that object.
Supplier Audit Policies
- Click the Create icon under the Audited Attributes section on the right to view the list of attributes that can be audited for the selected object.
- Select the attributes to audit and click OK.
- Click Save and Close.
Tips And Considerations
- Ensure you select the business object to be audited using the Manage Audit Policies task before selecting its attributes.
- Ensure you enable all the attributes that need to be audited. Changes to an attribute will be tracked only if the attribute is enabled for audit.
Key Resources
For more details on what the Supplier Audit feature offers, refer to "Supplier Profile Audit History Setup and Reporting" in the Using Procurement guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
To set up this feature, this privilege or role is required:
- Privilege Name and Code:
- Job Role Name and Code:
To use this feature, this privilege or role is required:
- Privilege Name and Code:
- Job Role Name and Code:
Define User Category for Improved Supplier User Management
By defining a unique user category, supplier users can now have a user name policy and a new user account notification that are different from employees. This user category is automatically assigned to supplier users when their user accounts are created. This user category gives supplier users the type of user name preferred for external users, and user account notifications with specific information for more effective communication and the next steps the supplier user can do.
These screen captures illustrate the feature:
Define User Category for Supplier Users
Supplier User Assigned New User Category
Steps to Enable
Steps to create and manage the supplier user category:
To create the user category SUPPLIER_USER:
- In Navigator, click Security Console.
- Click User Categories, and in User Categories click Create and then click Edit.
- Enter the user category name exactly as SUPPLIER_USER.
- Select a value for the user name generation rule such as Email.
- Click Save and Close.
To make changes to the SUPPLIER_USER category based on business need, for example, to create a new account notification template tailored to supplier users:
- Click Notifications and then click Edit.
- Click Add Template.
- Enter the required information. Select the Enabled check box and from the Event drop-down list, select New user created.
- Click Save and Close.
- Click Save and then Done.
To disable the seeded new account template:
- In the SUPPLIER_USER User Category: Notifications page, click Edit and then click the template link.
- Deselect the Enabled check box.
- Click Save and Close.
- Click Save and then Done.
Tips And Considerations
- You must use SUPPLIER_USER as the user category name and this category will be automatically assigned to all new supplier user accounts.
- If you have existing supplier user accounts, you can assign the SUPPLIER_USER user category to them from the Security Console. But, certain user category features, such as username generation rule and new account notification template, are only applicable to new user accounts.
Key Resources
- For more information on managing user categories in the Security Console, see the User Categories section in the Oracle ERP Cloud: Securing ERP guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
To set up the feature, this role is required:
- Job Role Name and Code: